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Užití elektronové difrakce k mapování elastického napětí / Correlation of electron backscatter diffraction for elastic stress mappingOndračka, Václav January 2021 (has links)
Electron backscatter diffraction is a method that is well described and commonly used for orientation image mapping, including grain size estimation. The use of this method for measuring elastic deformation and rotations caused by plastic deformations is not so well decribed. This diploma thesis first describes the typical EBSD system. The information regarding the standard coordinate systems, grain orientation notation and system calibration is then used to create an open-source software for mapping elastic deformations and rotations inside a single grain or a monocrystal. This software uses data acquired during standard EBSD mapping on a commercial system.
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Návrh tvorby štíhlého výrobního procesu ve výrobní hale / Design of Lean Manufacturing Process in the Production HallVrbacký, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to design a lean production process for a manufacturing plant owned by TOS KUŘIM - OS. a.s. The manufacturing process is analyzed using the value stream mapping method. The method is used to identify inefficient steps in the production process. Furthermore, the thesis offers solutions to the recognized problems, aiming to increase added value and minimize waste.
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Návrh na zvýšení produktivity podnikových procesů / Proposal to Improvement Productivity of Business ProcessesUngvári, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal to increase the productivity of business processes. For selected processes, it analyzes the current state using the Six Sigma method. Time measurement will be made for individual processes and it identifies bottlenecks. In addition, proposals will be presented in order to improve the current state.
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Návrh projektu na zefektivnění výrobního procesu / Project Proposal to Streamline a Production ProcessNeckařová, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis concerns a project to streamline the production process by designing an assembly line to produce glass doors. The aim of the project is to increase the productivity due to the increasing demand of customers for products. The production process is analysed by mapping the value stream and finding a suitable solution using industrial engineering and lean manufacturing methods. In order to ensure successful project implementation project management tools and methods are used. The project also includes economic evaluation of the investment.
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Bezpilotní průzkum prostředí v mobilní robotice / Aerial Environmental Mapping in Reconnaissance RoboticsGábrlík, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Letecká fotogrammetrie v oblasti bezpilotních systémů představuje rychle rozvíjející se obor nalézající uplatnění napříč nejen průmyslovými odvětvími. Široce rozšířená metoda nepřímého georeferencování založená na vlícovacích bodech sice dosahuje vysoké přesnosti a spolehlivosti, v některých speciálních aplikacích nicméně není použitelná. Tato disertační práce se zabývá vývojem senzorického systému pro přímé georeferencování aplikovatelného na malých bezpilotních prostředcích a dále také návrhem vhodných kalibračních metod a testováním přesnosti. Významná část práce je věnována novým oblastem, kde může navržený systém pomoci eliminovat bezpečnostní rizika spojená s daným prostředím. V tomto kontextu byl systém testován v reálných podmínkách při mapování sněhu v horských oblastech a při robotickém mapování radiace.
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Štíhlá výroba elektronických komponent / Lean production of electronicsHála, Antonín January 2009 (has links)
Aim of diploma thesis “Lean production of electronics” is to apply lean production on workplaces in concrete company. Object of thesis is to orientate in lean production and apply its individual methods on workplace. First part of thesis is dealing with theoretical preparation, understanding lean production and methods of lean production. Second part is dealing with analyzing production processes, application of methods of lean production and designing workplaces.
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Zavádění systému řízení kvality pro projekt Metro Londýn v OTIS a.s. / Implementation of the Quality Management System for Project Metro London in OTIS a.s.Bernát, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of quality management system in the project of Metro of London, implemented by Otis a.s. The theoretical part describes quality management tools. In the analytical part, there are mapped processes of project of Metro of London and identified problems and opportunities for improvement of processes of this project. Based on this analysis of outputs, there are designed corrective moves and their evaluation for defined problems.
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Mobilní mapování v architektuře / Using of Mobile Mapping in ArchitectureDeutsch, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the application and using of mobile mapping in architecture. After getting to know the mobile mapping system MOMAS, which was developed by Geodis Brno, spol. s.r.o., in this way some localities in Brno were measured. From that measuring was chosen the facade of Dům Milady Horákové, and by post-processing was the facade compiled and created into 3D model. In addition the control measuring was done by non-prism method, following the assessment of accuracy.
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Systém managementu kvality v malé organizaci / Quality management system for small organizationUrban, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a quality management system of a small construction company. The aim is to analyse the existing baseline system and propose specific measures leading to compliance with the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 standard specification. The first three chapters focus on general description and concepts of quality management systems. The next chapter identifies and maps the main processes in the studied construction company and proposes a new quality management system. The last chapter presents general guidelines for creation of management documentation.
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Analýza procesu vstřikování termoplastů / Termoplast injection process analysisStehlíček, Marian January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses the termoplast injection process. The goal is to map the manufacturing process of thermoplastic injection used products for the building industry. All this starting on the input material up to the shipment. The further task is to identify critical points of the manufacturing process and propose steps leading to its´ stabilization. This analysis was accomplished in the Nevoga corporation Znojmo.
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