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Tetti verdi: Analisi sperimentale e Modellazione numerica / Green roofs: Experimental analysis and Numerical modellingCipolla, Sara Simona <1983> 21 May 2015 (has links)
I tetti verdi rappresentano, sempre più frequentemente, una tecnologia idonea alla mitigazione alle problematiche connesse all’ urbanizzazione, tuttavia la conoscenza delle prestazioni dei GR estensivi in clima sub-Mediterraneo è ancora limitata. La presente ricerca è supportata da 15 mesi di analisi sperimentali su due GR situati presso la Scuola di Ingegneria di Bologna. Inizialmente vengono comparate, tra loro e rispetto a una superficie di riferimento (RR), le prestazioni idrologiche ed energetiche dei due GR, caratterizzati da vegetazione a Sedum (SR) e a erbe native perenni (NR). Entrambi riducono i volumi defluiti e le temperature superficiali. Il NR si dimostra migliore del SR sia in campo idrologico che termico, la fisiologia della vegetazione del NR determina l'apertura diurna degli stomi e conseguentemente una maggiore evapotraspirazione (ET). Successivamente si sono studiate la variazioni giornaliere di umidità nel substrato del SR riscontrando che la loro ampiezza è influenzata dalla temperatura, dall’umidità iniziale e dalla fase vegetativa. Queste sono state simulate mediante un modello idrologico basato sull'equazione di bilancio idrico e su due modelli convenzionali per la stima della ET potenziale combinati con una funzione di estrazione dell’ umidità dal suolo. Sono stati proposti dei coefficienti di correzione, ottenuti per calibrazione, per considerare le differenze tra la coltura di riferimento e le colture nei GR durante le fasi di crescita. Infine, con l’ausilio di un modello implementato in SWMM 5.1. 007 utilizzando il modulo Low Impact Development (LID) durante simulazioni in continuo (12 mesi) si sono valutate le prestazioni in termini di ritenzione dei plot SR e RR. Il modello, calibrato e validato, mostra di essere in grado di riprodurre in modo soddisfacente i volumi defluiti dai due plot. Il modello, a seguito di una dettagliata calibrazione, potrebbe supportare Ingegneri e Amministrazioni nella valutazioni dei vantaggi derivanti dall'utilizzo dei GR. / Green roofs (GRs) are an increasingly popular method for mitigating the negative environmental impacts of urbanization, however literature still shows a limited knowledge on the behavior of extensive GR under sub-Mediterranean climate. This experimental study is supported by 15 months of field monitoring activity within two large GRs located on the engineering laboratories of the University of Bologna, Italy. Firstly native perennial herbs mix (NR) and succulent Sedum mix (SR) plots were compared to each other and with a bare-bituminous membrane control plot (RR) to evaluate their hydrological behaviour and diurnal cooling effects. Both the GRs are able to reduce the runoff and the surface temperature, moreover the native mix seems to achieve a better cooling service and a higher retention capacity due to his transpiration physiology which determines greater daily evapotranspiration (ET) losses. Secondly the study investigates how the moisture content in the Sedum green roof varies during dry periods due to ET. Daily moisture loss rates were influenced by temperature, initial moisture content and vegetation growth stages. Subsequently it is demonstrated that the observed moisture content data can be accurately simulated using an hydrologic model based on water balance and two conventional Potential ET models (Hargreaves and Penman-Monteith) combined with a soil moisture function. Specific monthly correction factors have been proposed to account for differences between GR and standard reference crops during the growth stages. Finally, the retention performances of SR and RR plots were simulated continuously (12 months) using the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) with Low Impact Development (LID) controls module (version 5.1.007). The model, calibrated and validated with the experimental data, shows satisfactory results in terms of annual simulated runoff volume. It can be, after a proper calibration, a valid tool to support engineers and administrators to evaluate the benefits deriving from the use of GRs.
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Tecniche innovative a base geostatistica per la stima dei deflussi idrici superficiali in bacini non strumentati / Innovative geostatistical methods for the prediction of river streamflows in ungauged basinsPugliese, Alessio <1986> 27 May 2016 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca presentato si concentra sullo sviluppo e l’applicazione a casi reali di una tecnica innovativa a base geostatistica per la stima della curva di durata delle portate in bacini non strumentati. Prendendo spunto dalle tecniche di regionalizzazione classiche basate sul metodo del deflusso indice, la metodologia proposta stima le curve di durata adimensionali nel sito non strumentato di interesse utilizzando uno schema di ponderazione kriging di curve empiriche costruite per sezioni idrometriche localizzate nelle vicinanze del sito stesso. Nel primo caso di studio, che ha riguardato una porzione limitata di territorio appenninico marchigiano comprendente 18 bacini idrografici strumentati, si è visto che la metodologia proposta presenta prestazioni confrontabili o nettamente migliori rispetto a tecniche di regionalizzazione statistica che rappresentano lo stato dell’arte dei metodi regionali per la stima delle curve di durata. Nel secondo la metodologia proposta è stata applicata negli Stati Uniti sud-orientali e confrontata con una tecnica regionale di regressione lineare dei quantili, che è quella di riferimento proposta dal USGS. L’obiettivo è la valutazione delle prestazioni delle metodologia per un'area molto vasta che comprende 182 stazioni idrometriche nel Sud-Est degli Stati Uniti. Nella terza applicazione la metodologia proposta è utilizzata come strumento di correzione di serie idrometriche in un'area di studio del Tirolo (Austria/Italia), prodotte da modelli-afflussi capaci di simulare serie continue di portata media giornaliera. In questo contesto la metodologia è stata accoppiata ad una tecnica innovativa che stima una curva di durata dei residui, ossia la curva risultante dalla differenza tra la curva empirica e stimata con il metodo proposto, nel sito di interesse e ricostruisce una serie modificata di deflussi partendo dalla serie simulata dal modello. / The research work focuses on the design and development of a novel geostatistical approach for the prediction of flow duration curves in ungauged basins. Inspired by classical regionalization techniques based on the “index- low” method, the proposed approach is capable of predicting unbiased dimensionless flow-duration curves in ungauged sites by using a traditional kriging linear-weighting scheme of empirical curves that can be constructed at gauged sistes located in the neighborhood of the target site. The geostatistical weights are obtained by implementing an interpolation procedure of a point index that describes shape and main features of the curve. The procedure has been tested on three different case studies through three applications. The first case study, which covered a limited portion within the Marche Region, includes 18 gauged river basins and focused on the general applicability of the proposed approach. The main outcome is that the proposed method performs as well as or better than the statistical regionalization techniques representing the state of the art for the prediction of flow-duration curves. The second application focuses on a comparison with a multivariate regional technique based on linear regression analysis, which is the reference approach implemented by the USGS. The final aim of this experiment is to evaluate the performances of the methodology for a vast area that includes 182 streamgauges in the South-East of United States. In the third application, the prediction of flow-duration curves in ungauged sites is used as a correction tool for daily streamflow series obtained through continuous rainfall-runoff simulation. In this context, the methodology has been blended with an innovative technique that estimates a “residual-duration curve” for the target site and reconstructs a modified runoff series from the simulated one.
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Un modello spazialmente distribuito per la modellazione fisicamente basata del contributo locale al trasporto solido in sospensione in alvei fluvialiBigi, Alessandro <1977> 09 July 2007 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato si propone lo sviluppo di un modello spazialmente distribuito per produrre una stima dell'erosione superficiale in bacini appenninici. Il modello è stato progettato per simulare in maniera fisicamente basata il distacco di suolo e di sedimento depositato ad opera delle precipitazioni e del deflusso superficiale, e si propone come utile strumento per lo studio della vulnerabilità del territorio collinare e montano. Si è scelto un bacino collinare dell'Appennino bolognese per testare le capacità del modello e verificarne la robustezza. Dopo una breve introduzione per esporre il contesto in cui si opera, nel primo capitolo sono presentate le principali forme di erosione e una loro descrizione fisico-matematica, nel secondo capitolo verranno introdotti i principali prodotti della modellistica di erosione del suolo, spiegando quale interpretazione dei fenomeni fisici è stata data. Nel terzo capitolo verrà descritto il modello oggetto della tesi di dottorando, con una prima breve descrizione della componente afflussi-deflussi ed una seconda descrizione della componente di erosione del suolo. Nel quarto capitolo verrà descritto il bacino di applicazione del modello, i risultati della calibrazione ed un'analisi di sensitività. Infine si presenteranno le conclusioni sullo studio.
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Analisi degli aspetti di qualità nella gestione dei sistemi di drenaggio urbano attraverso modellazione numerica e indagini di campoCasadio, Andrea <1977> 20 May 2008 (has links)
In order to protect river water quality, highly affected in urban areas by continuos as
intermittent immissions, it is necessary to adopt measures to intercept and treat these
polluted flows.
In particular during rain events, river water quality is affected by CSOs activation. Built
in order to protect the sewer system and the WWTP by increased flows due to heavy
rains, CSOs divert excess flows to the receiving water body.
On the basis of several scientific papers, and of direct evidences as well, that
demonstrate the detrimental effect of CSOs discharges, also the legislative framework
moved towards a stream standard point of view.
The WFD (EU/69/2000) sets new goals for receiving water quality, and groundwater as
well, through an integrated immission/emissions phylosophy, in which emission limits
are associated with effluent standards, based on the receiving water characteristics and
their specific use.
For surface waters the objective is that of a “good” ecological and chemical quality
status. A surface water is defined as of good ecological quality if there is only slight
departure from the biological community that would be expected in conditions of
minimal anthropogenic impact. Each Member State authority is responsible for
preparing and implementing a River Basin Management Plan to achieve the good
ecological quality, and comply with WFD requirements.
In order to cope with WFD targets, and thus to improve urban receiving water quality, a
CSOs control strategy need to be implemented. Temporarily storing the overflow (or at
least part of it) into tanks and treating it in the WWTP, after the end of the storm,
showed good results in reducing total pollutant mass spilled into the receiving river.
Italian State Authority, in order to comply with WFD statements, sets general
framework, and each Region has to adopt a Water Remediation Plan (PTA, Piano
Tutela Acque), setting goals, methods, and terms, to improve river water quality. Emilia
Romagna PTA sets 25% reduction up to 2008, and 50% reduction up to 2015 fo total
pollutants masses delivered by CSOs spills.
In order to plan remediation actions, a deep insight into spills dynamics is thus of great
The present thesis tries to understand spills dynamics through a numerical and an
experimental approach. A four months monitoring and sampling campaign was set on
the Bologna sewer network, and on the Navile Channel, that is the WWTP receiving
water , and that receives flows from up to 28 CSOs during rain events. On the other
hand, the full model of the sewer network, was build with the commercial software
InfoWorks CS.
The model was either calibrated with the data from the monitoring and sampling
campaign. Through further model simulations interdependencies among masses spilled,
rain characteristics and basin characteristics are looked for.
The thesis can be seen as a basis for further insighs and for planning remediation
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Ottimizzazione delle reti di distribuzione idrica tramite algoritmi genetici multi-obiettivoMarchi, Angela <1980> 19 May 2009 (has links)
Water distribution networks optimization is a challenging problem due to the dimension and the complexity of these systems. Since the last half of the twentieth century this field has been investigated by many authors. Recently, to overcome discrete nature of variables and non linearity of equations, the research has been focused on the development of heuristic algorithms. This algorithms do not require continuity and linearity of the problem functions because they are linked to an external hydraulic simulator that solve equations of mass continuity and of energy conservation of the network.
In this work, a NSGA-II (Non-dominating Sorting Genetic Algorithm) has been used. This is a heuristic multi-objective genetic algorithm based on the analogy of evolution in nature. Starting from an initial random set of solutions, called population, it evolves them towards a front of solutions that minimize, separately and contemporaneously, all the objectives. This can be very useful in practical problems where multiple and discordant goals are common.
Usually, one of the main drawback of these algorithms is related to time consuming: being a stochastic research, a lot of solutions must be analized before good ones are found. Results of this thesis about the classical optimal design problem shows that is possible to improve results modifying the mathematical definition of objective functions and the survival criterion, inserting good solutions created by a Cellular Automata and using rules created by classifier algorithm (C4.5). This part has been tested using the version of NSGA-II supplied by Centre for Water Systems (University of Exeter, UK) in MATLAB® environment. Even if orientating the research can constrain the algorithm with the risk of not finding the optimal set of solutions, it can greatly improve the results.
Subsequently, thanks to CINECA help, a version of NSGA-II has been implemented in C language and parallelized: results about the global parallelization show the speed up, while results about the island parallelization show that communication among islands can improve the optimization.
Finally, some tests about the optimization of pump scheduling have been carried out. In this case, good results are found for a small network, while the solutions of a big problem are affected by the lack of constraints on the number of pump switches. Possible future research is about the insertion of further constraints and the evolution guide.
In the end, the optimization of water distribution systems is still far from a definitive solution, but the improvement in this field can be very useful in reducing the solutions cost of practical problems, where the high number of variables makes their management very difficult from human point of view.
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Dimensionamento di invasi per il controllo dei deflussi nei bacini urbanizzati / Design of stormwater detention facilities for the flow control in urbanized areasGottardi, Gianluca <1967> 19 May 2009 (has links)
Urbanization is a continuing phenomenon in all the world. Grasslands, forests, etc. are being continually changed to residential, commercial and industrial complexes, roads and streets, and so on.
One of the side effects of urbanization with which engineers and planners must deal with, is the increase of peak flows and volumes of runoff from rainfall events. As a result, the urban drainage and flood control systems must be designed to accommodate the peak flows from a variety of storms that may occur.
Usually the peak flow, after development, is required not to exceed what would have occurred from the same storm under conditions existing prior to development. In order to do this it is necessary to design detention storage to hold back runoff and to release it downstream at controlled rates.
In the first part of the work have been developed various simplified formulations that can be adopted for the design of stormwater detention facilities. In order to obtain a simplified hydrograph were adopted two approaches: the kinematic routing technique and the linear reservoir schematization. For the two approaches have been also obtained other two formulations depending if the IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve is described with two or three parameters. Other formulations have been developed taking into account if the outlet have a constant discharge or it depends on the water level in the pond. All these formulations can be easily applied when are known the characteristics of the drainage system and maximum discharge that these is in the outlet and has been defined a Return Period which characterize the IDF curve. In this way the volume of the detention pond can be calculated.
In the second part of the work have been analyzed the design of detention ponds adopting continuous simulation models. The drainage systems adopted for the simulations, performed with SWMM5, are fictitious systems characterized by different sizes, and different shapes of the catchments and with a rainfall historical time series of 16 years recorded in Bologna.
This approach suffers from the fact that continuous record of rainfall is often not available and when it is, the cost of such modelling can be very expensive, and that the majority of design practitioners are not prepared to use continuous long term modelling in the design of stormwater detention facilities.
In the third part of the work have been analyzed statistical and stochastic methodologies in order to define the volume of the detention pond. In particular have been adopted the results of the long term simulation, performed with SWMM, to obtain the data to apply statistic and stochastic formulation.
All these methodologies have been compared and correction coefficient have been proposed on the basis of the statistic and stochastic form. In this way engineers which have to design a detention pond can apply a simplified procedure appropriately corrected with the proposed coefficient.
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Efficienza energetica dei sistemi acquedottistici: ruolo delle perdite idricheLenzi, Chiara <1974> 19 May 2010 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca esplora il panorama dell’efficienza energetica dei sistemi acquedottistici, soffermandosi a considerare possibili indicatori che possano valutarla in maniera corretta e completa, in particolare nei confronti della presenza di perdite in rete. Si prendono in considerazione con maggiore attenzione, tra tutte le strategie per aumentare l’efficienza energetica, quelle che contemporaneamente producono anche risparmi idrici, come la riduzione della pressione e la ricerca attiva delle perdite .
Dopo un inquadramento internazionale, sono stati analizzati mediante mappe tematiche di intensità energetica, i consumi energetici specifici sui sistemi acquedottistici della regione Emilia Romagna per gli anni 2006 e 2007, si è passati ad una analisi critica degli indicatori attualmente in uso.
Inoltre per casi di studio sintetici e tutti i casi di studio proposti, si sono valutate curve di relazione tra percentuale di perdita idrica e aumento del consumo energetico, in grado di dare indicazioni su come ciascun sistema reagisce, in termini di aumento dell’energia consumata, all’aumentare del livello di perdita. Questa relazione appare fortemente influenzata da fattori come la modalità di pompaggio, la posizione delle rotture sulla rete e la scabrezza delle condotte.
E’ emersa la necessità solo poter analizzare separatamentel’influenza sull’efficienza energeticadei sistemi di pompaggio e della rete, mostrando il ruolo importante con cui questa contribuisce all’efficienza globale del sistema.
Viene proposto uno sviluppo ulteriore dell’indicatore GEE Global Energy Efficiency (Abadia, 2008), che consente di distinguere l’impatto sull’efficienza energetica dovuto alle perdite idriche e alla struttura intrinseca della rete, in termini di collocazione reciproca tra risorsa idrica e domanda e schema impiantistico.Questa metodologia di analisi dell’efficienza energetica è stata applicata ai casi di studio, sia sintetici che reali, il distretto di Marzaglia (MO) e quello di Mirabello (FE), entrambi alimentati da pompe a giri variabili..
La ricerca ha consentito di mostrare inoltre il ruolo della modellazione numerica in particolare nell’analisi dell’effetto prodotto sull’efficienza energetica dalla presenza di perdite idriche.
Nell’ultimo capitolo si completa la panoramica dei benefici ottenibili attraverso la riduzione della pressione, che nei casi citati viene conseguita tramite pompe asservite ad inverter, con il caso di studio del distretto Bolognina all’interno del sistema di distribuzione di Bologna, che vede l’utilizzo di valvole riduttrici di pressione. Oltre a stimare il risparmio energetico derivante dalla riduzione delle perdite ottenuta tramite le PRV, sono stati valutati su modello i benefici energetici conseguenti all’introduzione nel distretto di turbine per la produzione di energia
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Modelli per la stima delle risorse idriche superficiali in bacini idrografici non strumentatiCastiglioni, Simone <1981> January 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Calibrazione di modelli idrologici con algoritmi multiobiettivoLombardi, Laura <1975> 06 May 2011 (has links)
Traditional procedures for rainfall-runoff model calibration are generally based on the fit of the individual values of simulated and observed hydrographs. It is used here an alternative option that is carried out by matching, in the optimisation process, a set of statistics of the river flow. Such approach has the additional, significant advantage to allow also a straightforward regional calibration of the model parameters, based on the regionalisation of the selected statistics. The minimisation of the set of objective functions is carried out by using the AMALGAM algorithm, leading to the identification of behavioural parameter sets. The procedure is applied to a set of river basins located in central Italy: the basins are treated alternatively as gauged and ungauged and, as a term of comparison, the results obtained with a traditional time-domain calibration is also presented. The results show that a suitable choice of the statistics to be optimised leads to interesting results in real world case studies as far as the reproduction of the different flow regimes is concerned.
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Experimental and numerical analyses about the efficiency of flow through devices for the sediment controll in urban runoffCiccarello, Annalisa <1982> 17 June 2011 (has links)
As land is developed, the impervious surfaces that are created increase the amount of runoff during rainfall events, disrupting the natural hydrologic cycle, with an increment in volume of runoff and in pollutant loadings. Pollutants deposited or derived from an activity on the land surface will likely end up in stormwater runoff in some concentration, such as nutrients, sediment, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, gasoline additives, pathogens, deicers, herbicides and pesticides. Several of these pollutants are particulate-bound, so it appears clear that sediment removal can provide significant water-quality improvements and it appears to be important the knowledge of the ability of stromwater treatment devices to retain particulate matter. For this reason three different units which remove sediments have been tested through laboratory. In particular a roadside gully pot has been tested under steady hydraulic conditions, varying the characteristics of the influent solids (diameter, particle size distribution and specific gravity). The efficiency in terms of particles retained has been evaluated as a function of influent flow rate and particles characteristics; results have been compared to efficiency evaluated applying an overflow rate model. Furthermore the role of particles settling velocity in efficiency determination has been investigated. After the experimental runs on the gully pot, a standard full-scale model of an hydrodynamic separator (HS) has been tested under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results presented in this study illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by operating flow rate, which strongly affects the particles and hydraulic residence time of the system. The efficiency data have been compared to results obtained from a modified overflow rate model; moreover the residence time distribution has been experimentally determined through tracer analyses for several steady flow rates. Finally three testing experiments have been performed for two different configurations of a full-scale model of a clarifier (linear and crenulated) under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by the configuration of the unit itself. Turbidity measures have been used to compare turbidity with the suspended sediments concentration, in order to find a correlation between these two values, which can allow to have a measure of the sediments concentration simply installing a turbidity probe.
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