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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise eletromiográfica e de força de mordida de pacientes acometidos por desordens temporomandibulares submetidos ao tratamento com placa oclusal / Electromyographic and bite force analysis of patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders undergoing treatment with occlusal splints

Gentil, Flávio Henrique Umeda 17 January 2012 (has links)
O diagnóstico das desordens temporomandibulares toma como base as informações colhidas sobre a sintomatologia durante a anamnese, o exame clínico da oclusão e os exames radiológicos das articulações temporomandibulares. Na busca de melhor compreensão da fisiopatologia que afeta a musculatura do sistema estomatognático, a análise eletromiográfica tem sido incluída em muitos estudos, pois permite a identificação de quando e como um músculo é ativado e, ainda, a determinação de como se estabelece a coordenação dos músculos envolvidos no movimento. Outros estudos têm demonstrado ainda a utilidade de se mensurar a força de mordida de sujeitos com desordens temporomandibulares, como um método adicional para se compreender a função dos músculos mastigatórios dos mesmos. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi analisar e comparar a atividade de pares de músculos por meio de eletromiografia, durante provas de apertamento dental e de mastigação, além de analisar o desempenho dos músculos mastigatórios pela mensuração da força de mordida, antes e após o tratamento com placa oclusal, realizando ainda para ambos uma análise de confiabilidade dos testes (repetibilidade). A amostra foi composta por 15 sujeitos com desordem temporomandibular e 20 sujeitos controle, sem sinais ou sintomas de desordens temporomandibulares, segundo a classificação proposta pelo protocolo do Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. Os exames eletromiográficos e de força de mordida foram realizados no Laboratório de Pesquisa em Eletromiografia do Sistema Estomatognático. Foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas no índice POCmm, entre os grupos DTMi e DTMf, para o teste estático; no índices ciclo e frequência, ambos do lado esquerdo, entre os grupos DTMi e DTMf, para o teste dinâmico; e entre os grupos Controle e DTMi para os testes de força de mordida. Além disso, foi encontrada uma concordância estatisticamente significativa entre os dados de força de mordida, POC Médio e tors. Obteve-se com este estudo a melhor compreensão do diagnóstico das DTMs por meio da análise instrumental, conferindo um sentido biológico à eletromiografia de superfície e à avaliação da força de mordida, nos casos de desordens temporomandibulares. / The diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders is based on the information collected about symptoms during clinical examination of the occlusion and radiological examinations of the temporomandibular joints. In the search for better understanding of the pathophysiology that affects the muscles of the stomatognathic system, electromyographic analysis has been included in many studies because allows the identification of when and how a muscle is activated and also the determination of how the coordination of muscles is involved in movement. Other studies have also demonstrated the usefulness of measuring bite force of subjects with temporomandibular disorders, as an additional method for understanding the function of the masticatory muscles of the same. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the activity of pairs of muscles by electromyography during clenching and chewing tests, and analyze the performance of masticatory muscles by measuring the bite force before and after treatment with occlusal splints, and still performing, for both, a reliability analysis of the tests (repeatability). The sample consisted of 15 subjects with temporomandibular disorder and 20 control subjects without signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorders according to the classification proposed by the protocol of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. The electromyographic examinations and bite force were performed at the Laboratory of Research in Electromyography of the Stomatognathic System. Significant differences were found in the index POCmm among the groups DTMi and DTMf, for the static test; for the index cycle and frequency, both on the left side, among groups DTMi and DTMf for the dynamic test; and among the control and DTMi groups for the bite force test. In addition, we found a statistically significant correlation between the bite force data, POC Médio and tors. In the end, this study provided a better understand of the diagnosis of TMD by instrumental analysis, providing a biological sense to the surface electromyography and to the evaluation of bite force in cases of temporomandibular disorders.

Eficiência mastigatória em crianças respiradoras bucais com e sem alterações na oclusão / Masticatory efficiency in mouth breathing children with and without alterations in occlusion

Correia, Francine Fernandes 18 December 2015 (has links)
A respiração é uma das funções vitais do organismo e deve ser realizada pelo nariz. Em indivíduos respiradores bucais, a postura e o equilíbrio normal das estruturas bucais estão alterados, com consequentes efeitos deletérios ao crescimento craniofacial. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a relação entre padrão respiratório, alterações oclusais e eficiência mastigatória em crianças de seis a onze anos. Participaram do estudo 52 crianças de ambos os gêneros com dentição mista, divididas em Grupo Controle e Grupo Bucal. Foram realizadas avaliação miofuncional orofacial, análise do padrão mastigatório com alimentos de texturas diferentes e da eficiência mastigatória. Nesta última, foram utilizados dois métodos: o colorimétrico (cápsulas com grânulos de fucsina) e a mistura de cores após a mastigação de chiclete bicolor. Foi realizado cruzamento dos grupos controle e bucal com as variáveis gênero, oclusão e padrão mastigatório, por meio do teste de X2 ou teste exato do X2 . No cruzamento da variável oclusão e dos grupos controle e bucal com as demais variáveis aplico-se o teste nãoparamétrico de Mann-Whitney. Adotou-se como nível de significância p<=0,05. Não houve associação entre o padrão respiratório e a oclusão e nem entre o padrão respiratório e o padrão mastigatório. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na eficiência mastigatória entre os grupos, em nenhuma das provas realizadas (p>0,05). Entretanto, foram observadas diferenças na mobilidade de lábios, língua e bochechas entre os grupos controle e bucal, com melhores resultados para o grupo controle (p<0,05). A respiração bucal crônica causa prejuízo ao sistema estomatognático e ao crescimento craniofacial. Porém, no presente estudo não foi observado prejuízo na eficiência mastigatória de crianças respiradoras bucais, quando comparadas às respiradoras nasais / Breathing is one of the vital functions of the body and should be carried out through the nose. In mouth breathers posture and the normal balance of oral structures are altered, with consequent deleterious effects on the craniofacial growth. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between breathing pattern, occlusal change and masticatory efficiency in children aged 6 to 11 years using two different methods. The study included 52 children of both genders with mixed dentition, divided into Control Group and Mouth Group. Was carried out orofacial myofunctional evaluation, chewing pattern analysis with different textures food and analysis of masticatory efficiency with the use of colorimetric method (capsules with fuchsin granules) and by analyzing the color mixing after bicolor gum chewing. Oral and control groups were crosses of with the variables gender, occlusion and masticatory standard, with the X2 test or X2 exact test. At the intersection of variable occlusion and control and mouth groups with the other variables we applied the non- parametric Mann -Whitney test. We adopted p <= 0.05 significance level in all the work. There was no association between breathing pattern and occlusion or with the chewing pattern. No significant differences were observed in the masticatory efficiency between the groups in any of the tests performed (p>0.05). However, differences were observed in the mobility of lips, tongue and cheeks between groups Control and Oral, with better results for the control group (p<0.05). Chronic mouth breathing damages the stomatognathic system and craniofacial growth, however in this study was not observed impairment in masticatory efficiency of mouth breathing children compared to children with nasal breathing

Impacto do exercício aeróbico intenso (corrida) na musculatura do sistema estomatognático - análise eletromiográfica, espessura muscular, força de mordida e eficiência mastigatória / Impact of intense exercise aerobic (running) in muscle stomatognathic system - electromyographic evaluation, muscle thickness, bite force and masticatory efficiency

Amoras, Dinah Ribeiro 09 May 2014 (has links)
A corrida de rua é descrita como uma atividade aeróbica intensa que atualmente envolve milhões de adeptos. A prática regular desta modalidade esportiva promove alterações nos músculos estriados esqueléticos fato que despertou o interesse em analisar, por meio da eletromiográfica (EMG - Myosystem), seu efeito sobre a atividade dos músculos do sistema estomatognático masseter e temporal em diferentes posições posturais da mandíbula, além de sua espessura por meio da ultrassonografia (Ultrassom portátil SonoSite Titan Nacionalizado), como também, a força de mordida máxima utilizando o dinamômetro digital modelo IDDK- Kratos posicionado na região dos primeiros molares. Foram avaliados 40 indivíduos adultos com idades entre 18 a 65 anos, de ambos os gêneros sem alterações clínicas do sistema estomatognático divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I Corredores e Grupo II Controle, pareados sujeito a sujeito. As médias eletromiográficas foram tabuladas e submetidas à análise estatística utilizando Teste t (SPSS 19.0). Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças significantes (p<0,05) para atividades eletromiográficas no grupo formado por indivíduos praticantes da corrida de rua ocorrendo um maior equilíbrio muscular funcional nas posturas clínicas analisadas. Nas condições em que este estudo foi desenvolvido os resultados indicam que a corrida de rua promoveu alterações significativas no sistema mastigatório. / Running is described as an intense aerobic activity which currently involves millions of fans. Regular practice of this sport promotes changes in skeletal muscles striated fact which aroused interest in analyzing through the electromyographic ( EMG - Myosystem ) , its effect on the activity of the muscles of the stomatognathic system masseter and temporalis muscles in different positions mandible posture , plus its thickness by ultrasonography (SonoSite Titan portable Ultrasound Nationalized ) , as well as the maximum bite force using a digital dynamometer model IDDK Kratos - positioned in the region of the first molars . We evaluated 40 adults aged 18-65 years, of both genders without clinical alterations of the stomatognathic system divided into two groups: Group I Runners and Group II Control matched each subject. The average EMG were tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis using t Test (SPSS 19.0). The results showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in EMG activity for group of individuals practicing the street race occurring more functional muscle balance postures analyzed clinical. In the conditions in which this study was conducted the results indicate that the road race promoted significant changes in the masticatory system.

Efeito do &#x3B2;-hidroxi-&#x3B2;-metilbutirato sobre os músculos da mastigação e desenvolvimento e crescimento craniofacial de ratos

Daré, Letícia Rossi 14 February 2013 (has links)
Atualmente está aumentando o número de pessoas que usam suplementos nutricionais com a finalidade de obter melhores resultados nas suas atividades esportivas, perda de gordura, ganhos de massa muscular, ou na plasticidade do corpo. Tal fato merece atenção porque muito pouco é conhecido sobre a segurança ou eficácia destes produtos, e apenas 14% dos usuários buscam orientações com profissional da saúde sobre o uso destas substâncias. Dos mais de 200 suplementos que prometem estes efeitos apenas as suplementações de creatina HMB produzem os resultados prometidos, e o Comitê Olímpico qualifica o uso do HMB como legal. Embora a literatura atual mostre os benefícios no uso da suplementação com HMB, são poucas as informações sobre o seu efeito na morfofisiologia das fibras musculares como, por exemplo, o perfil histoenzimológico e a área dos diferentes tipos de fibras musculares. Baseado nestas informações pensou-se na realização desde trabalho para verificar se o uso de HMB provoca alterações morfológicas e histoenzimológicas nas fibras musculares dos músculos da mastigação; se estes efeitos alterariam o desenvolvimento e crescimento do esqueleto craniofacial; e se os efeitos sobre os componentes do sistema estomatognático seriam semelhantes nos indivíduos ambos os gêneros. Para realização deste estudo foram utilizados 58 ratos com idade de 60 dias, 29 animais de cada gênero, distribuídos nos seguintes grupos: Grupo Controle Inicial (GCI) que foram sacrificados no inicio do experimento; Grupo Controle Placebo (GCP) que receberam o mesmo volume do veículo do grupo experimental, e alimentação ad libitum; Grupo Experimental (GE) que receberam diariamente 0,3g/kg de HMB, por meio de gavagem e mesma quantidade de alimentos que GCP consumiu no dia anterior; Grupo Experimental Ad libitum (GEA) que receberam a mesma dose da droga, porém tiveram alimentação ad libitum. Após o tratamento, foram retiradas amostras dos músculos digástrico (ventre anterior) e masseter (porção superficial), para análise histoenzimologica (m-ATPAse com pré-incubações ácida e alcalina) e retirada do esqueleto cefálico para tomadas das medidas craniométricas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a tratamento estatístico. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: o uso diário de 0,3g/kg de HMB, por quatro semanas: a) não provocou alterações morfológicas e histoenzimológicas nas fibras muscular dos músculos da mastigação; b) os resultados foram semelhantes entre os músculos elevadores e abaixadores da mandíbula; c) não provoca alterações no desenvolvimento e crescimento do esqueleto craniofacial; d) a falta de resultados positivos de alterações nos músculos da mastigação e crescimento craniofacial, sugere existiram um relação entre eles; e) os resultados sobre os componentes do sistema estomatognático foram semelhantes nos indivíduos ambos os gêneros. / Nowadays is increasing the number of people who use nutritional supplements in order to achieve better results in their sports, fat loss, muscle gains, or the plasticity of the body. This deserves attention because very little is known about the safety or efficacy of such products, and only 14% of users seeking guidance with a health professional regarding the use of these substances. Of the more than 200 supplements that promise these effects only the HMB and creatine supplementation produce the promised effects, and the Olympic Committee qualifies the use of HMB as legal. While the literature shows benefits in the use of HMB supplementation, there is little information on its effect on muscle fibers morphophysiology as, for example, the profile and the area histoenzimológico of different types of muscle fibers. Based on this information, it was thought in performing this work to check whether the use of HMB causes morphological and histoenzimológicas changes in muscle fibers of the muscles of mastication, these effects alter the growth and development of craniofacial skeleton, and if the effects on the components of stomatognathic system would be similar in both genders individuals. For this study we used 58 rats aged 60 days, 29 animals of each gender, divided into four groups: Control Group Home (GCI) which were sacrificed at the beginning of the experiment; Placebo Control Group (GCP) that received the same volume Vehicle experimental group, and fed ad libitum; Experimental Group (EG) which received daily 0.3 g / kg of HMB, by gavage and the same amount of food they consumed on the previous day GCP; experimental group ad libitum (GEA) who received the same dose of the drug, but were fed ad libitum. After treatment, samples were taken of the digastric (anterior belly) and masseter (superficial part) for analysis histoenzimologic (m-ATPase with pre-incubations acid and alkaline) and removal of the head skeleton to taken the craniometric measures. The results showed that: the daily use of 0.3 g / kg of HMB for four weeks: a) caused no morphological changes and histoenzimológicas muscle fibers in the muscles of mastication; b) the results were similar between muscles elevators and depressors of the jaw; c) does not cause changes in the development and growth of the craniofacial skeleton; d) the lack of positive changes in the masticatory muscles and craniofacial growth, suggests a relationship existed between them, e) results the components of the stomatognathic system were similar in subjects both genders.

On the mechanical behaviour of human tooth structures : an application of the finite element method of stress analysis

Wright, K. W. J. January 1975 (has links)
The Finite Element Method of stress analysis is employed in axisymmetric, two and three-dimensional forms, to investigate the mechanical behaviour of dental structures under simulated oral loading conditions. Stress distributions which are examined, include those occuring in the crowns of normal teeth due to masticatory loading and in restored teeth as a consequence of the restoration's setting and thermal expansions. The force distributions occuring on roots of individual teeth and on teeth used as abutments for various bridge constructions are also investigated for both axial and non-axial loading and various alveolar bone support conditions. The instantaneous centres of rotation of teeth when subjected to orthodontic loading are also determined. The Finite Element Method is employed to examine various published hypotheses which attempt to correlate the mechanical behaviour of bone structures with that tissue's biological response characteristics. The cases examined include the remodelling of the alveolar process subsequent to orthodontic treatment and the remodelling or so-called straightening of the malaligned long bone. Utilising published experimental data, the Finite Element Method is also employed in a reverse mode to enable some hitherto unknown mechanical properties of the periodontal membrane and cortical bone tissues to be determined. Indeed, due to the flexibility of the method, it was possible to represent these tissues as orthotropic materials. The work is presented in two volumes. While the first volume contains all the results of the analyses, the second contains an outline of the relevant finite element theory. Nevertheless, where the theory has been extended, in particular in the area of non-isotropic material analysis, it is developed in greater depth. The second volume also contains both a thorough description and a listing of all the computer programs developed.

Clinical Test of Masticatory Efficacy in Patients with Maxillary/Mandibular Defects Due to Tumors

Reitemeier, Bernd, Unger, Michael, Richter, Gert, Ender, Barbara, Range, Ursula, Markwardt, Jutta 24 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The goal of the study was to evaluate the masticatory efficacy in patients who had been provided with resection prostheses after tumor removal in the maxillary/ mandibular region. These patients complained of impairment of masticatory function. Patients and Methods: 3 groups of patients were compared under clinical-experimental conditions. A uniform chewing material was masticated by the participants under standardized conditions. A sieving procedure was used to evaluate the masticatory efficacy. Analysis of the particle sizes and particle masses obtained was performed with the aid of computers. Results: The results showed that the masticatory efficacy of the patients with resection prostheses was the lowest of the 3 groups compared. The number of existing supporting zones and the location of the defect were found to be important influencing factors. Recording of the dietary habits of all patients was performed using a standardized dietary questionnaire. These data were analyzed using the corresponding software of the German Nutrition Society. With regard to the patients with resection prostheses, it was revealed that they often switched to food that did not require mastication. Conclusions: A nutritional guideline for patients with resection prostheses was developed, which is available for downloading free of charge on the Internet. / Hintergrund: Ziel der Untersuchung war die Prüfung der Kaueffektivität bei Patienten, die mit Resektionsprothesen nach Tumorentfernung im Kieferbereich versorgt worden waren. Diese Patienten klagten über eine Einschränkung der mastikatorischen Funktion. Patienten und Methoden: Unter klinisch xperimentellen Bedingungen erfolgte der Vergleich von 3 Patientengruppen. Unter standardisierten Bedingungen zerkleinerten die Patienten einheitliches Kaugut. Zur Bewertung der Kaueffektivität wurde ein Siebverfahren eingesetzt. Die Auswertung der ermittelten Partikelgrößen und Partikelmassen erfolgte computergestützt. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im Vergleich der 3 Gruppen die Kaueffektivität der Patienten mit Resektionsprothesen am geringsten war. Die Zahl der vorhandenen Stützzonen des Restgebisses und die Defektlokalisation wurden als bedeutsame Einflussfaktoren ermittelt. Die Erfassung der Ernährungsgewohnheiten aller Patienten erfolgte mittels eines standardisierten Ernährungsfragebogens. Diese Daten wurden mit der zugehörigen Software der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung ausgewertet. Bei den Patienten mit Resektionsprothesen zeigte sich, dass diese auf Nahrungsmittel ausweichen, die kein Kauen erfordern. Schlussfolgerungen: Es wurde eine Ernährungsrichtlinie für Patienten mit Resektionsprothesen abgeleitet, die zum kostenfreien Herunterladen im Internet zur Verfügung steht. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Asynchrony of the masticatory muscles in patients with temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... in restorative dentistry, occlusion ... /

Farkhondehpay, Kianoush. January 1976 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1976.

Computer-analysis of the cross-correlation of the bilateral jaw elevator activity during controlled submaximal clenching a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... restorative dentistry, occlusion /

Mutirangura, Wantanee. January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1988.

Asynchrony of the masticatory muscles in patients with temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... in restorative dentistry, occlusion ... /

Farkhondehpay, Kianoush. January 1976 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1976.

Computer-analysis of the cross-correlation of the bilateral jaw elevator activity during controlled submaximal clenching a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... restorative dentistry, occlusion /

Mutirangura, Wantanee. January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1988.

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