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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An appraisal of homoeopathic proving methodology as a bridge between the indigenous and rationalist-scientific understandings of medicinal plants : the case of Strychnos henningsii

Ross, Ashley Hilton Adrian January 2011 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / Aim This study sought to appraise homoeopathic proving methodology as a bridge between the indigenous and rationalist-scientific understandings of medicinal plants through a detailed exploration of the relationships existing between data derived from respective paradigmatic explorations of a single African traditional medicinal plant, Strychnos henningsii [Red bitterberry]. Methods The data derived from the implementation of a triple-blind, placebo-controlled homoeopathic proving methodology, on 32 healthy human subjects (50 percent placebo), using the bark of Strychnos henningsii in the 30CH potency, were evaluated for internal consistency and coherence, and subsequently compared to data derived from a phytochemical analysis of the crude bark sample, and translated data derived from semi-structured mothertongue interviews of eight Zulu traditional healers. The proving data took the form of subjective journal data and the results of four objective blood measures of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), redand white blood cell indices, and liver functions. The subjective data were evaluated in terms of defined inclusion criteria and presented in standard materia medica and repertory formats, and tabulations of objective data were subjected to independent statistical analysis, using repeated-measures ANOVA and profile plots. The crude bark sample was analysed in terms of the presence of strychnine and other indole alkaloids, using highperformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and interview data related to the indigenous understanding and application of Strychnos henningsii within the traditional African medical paradigm, were audiovisually recorded, collaboratively translated, and independently verified. ABSTRACT iii Qualitative data processing and analysis was effected with the aid of NVivo® software, and a range of comparative analyses were effected with the aid of Radar® homoeopathic software, materia medica references and the Mappa Mundi elemental theory model. Results The proving yielded 581 subjective symptoms, covering a broad range of physical and mental disease manifestations, and nine statistically-significant treatment effects within the objective data set. These included elevation of ESR and changes in two red blood cell indices, four white blood cell indices and two liver function indices. The two proving data sets were demonstrated to show high levels of correlation, although these correlations were not demonstrable for all provers. The phytochemical analysis confirmed the presence of between two and five strychnine-related compounds (excluding strychnine itself), and the field interview data served to confirm all except two documented traditions of use, as well as identifying a number of novel indications and application of Strychnos henningsii bark. The comparative analyses demonstrated the integrity of homoeopathic proving methodology as a mode of scientific investigation, and significant and widespread overlaps of proving symptomatology with both the pharmacology and toxicology of strychnine, and the physical and metaphysical understanding and application within the traditional African medical paradigm. Conclusions Homoeopathic proving methodology was discussed in terms of the evident degree of overlap with the indigenous and rationalist-scientific paradigms, and the incomplete nature of the homoeopathic ‘totality’. A number of recommendations were made for future cross-paradigmatic research. / Durban University of Technology. Postgraduate Development and Support Directorate.

A double blind placebo controlled homoeopathic proving of Malus domestica 30CH, with a subsequent comparative analysis according to the doctrine of signatures

Ramnarayan, Sumir 12 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the Master’s Degree in Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology Durban, 2014. / The purpose of this research study was to determine any therapeutic significance of Malus domestica (domestic apple) in the potentised, homoeopathic form and to contribute this information to the body of the homoeopathic materia medica. It was further hypothesised that some proving symptoms experienced by the provers during the research study would show a resemblance to unique characteristics of the plant in terms of its natural appearance and cultural references. This involved a detailed doctrine of signatures analysis of Malus domestica based on an extensive literature review. Combining a proving research study with comparative analysis to the doctrine of signatures helped to clarify and verify the remedy’s potential therapeutic value. Methodology This homoeopathic proving was carried out in the form of a double blind placebo controlled study of Malus domestica 30CH with a total of 30 provers. The prover sample was randomly divided into two groups: 24 provers (80%) into the verum group and the remaining six provers (20%) into the placebo group. The provers were unaware of either the proving substance or the potency used. Participants were required to record their mental, emotional and physical status’ one week prior to administration of the proving powders as a form of control for comparison of symptoms post administration of the proving remedy. Thorough physical examinations and case histories of each prover were taken prior to and after the proving period. Provers ingested one powder three times a day for three days and recorded their symptoms daily in a journal. The duration of the proving period spanned five weeks. During this period researchers were in constant contact with all participants. Once the proving period was complete, all journals were gathered and the information therein translated into materia medica and repertory format so as to develop the remedy picture of Malus domestica 30CH. A comparison between the symptomatology produced in the provers and the doctrine of signatures was then performed. Results A wide range of symptoms were documented by the provers. The results revealed an affinity to the mental plane – the most striking being the theme of being disconnected and separated from others in the environment as well as within one’s self. Marked polarities were depicted as follows: Anger/irritability vs. calmness/tranquility; Depression/sadness vs. cheerfulness; Confusion vs. concentration/clarity of mind; Connection vs. disconnection. Physically, symptoms concerning the extremities were numerous, with provers describing symptoms of their limbs being disconnected/separated as well. Head symptoms were also numerous as provers described a wide range of headaches, as well as headaches that were associated with eye symptoms. Abdominal symptoms manifesting as cramping associated with diarrhoea and, in some cases, constipation were documented. Dizziness associated with the sensation of the head floating was common as well. Numerous themes arising from dreams were recorded by provers, with a clear affinity to family members as well as dreams of social gatherings and banquets. Provers dreamt of family members placed in precarious situations wherein the lives of their loved ones were at risk, whilst the emotion of guilt was expressed in certain dreams regarding parties and banquets. The comparison between the homoeopathic drug proving of Malus domestica 30CH and the doctrine of signatures brought many similarities to light, with most of these similarities relating to the mind, extremities and head. Conclusion As hypothesised Malus domestica 30CH produced clearly observable symptoms in healthy provers. On comparison, the proving remedy and the doctrine of signatures brought many parallels to light – the majority of which related to the mind, extremities and head. To gain a complete remedy picture of Malus domestica it is imperative that further research into the symptomatology of different homoeopathic potencies be conducted. / M

A comparison of the effectiveness of two homoeopathic dosage forms of Momordica charantia in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients on metformin

Govender, Saiesh 27 August 2012 (has links)
Mini-dissertation was submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / It was reported by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas, in 2003, that a prevalence figure of 3.4% exists for the 24 million South Africans between the ages of 20 and 79, with an expected increase to 3.9% by 2025. Considering that patients with diabetes are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, blindness, amputation and renal failure it is therefore not surprising that the costs associated with diabetes are estimated to increase worldwide. It is clear that according to the current trends in dietary and exercise practices, South Africa will be affected by the rise in obesity and subsequent diabetes mellitus. It is critical that a concerted effort involving all parties concerned be made to combat this rapidly increasing problem (Rheeder, 2006:20). AIM The purpose of this double-blind, randomized clinical trial was to compare the effectiveness of Momordica charantia homoeopathic mother tincture as compared to Momordica charantia 6CH, in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients on Metformin. METHODOLOGY Thirty patients were recruited and were selected for the study on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. These participants were then randomly and equally divided into two groups. Each participant attended a total of four consultations with the researcher, over a two month period, at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) Homoeopathic Day Clinic. At the commencement of the first consultation, each participant received the subject information letter (Appendix A) for perusal and the informed consent form (Appendix B) to sign. Following this, the researcher took a full, detailed iv case history (Appendix F) and performed a physical examination (Appendix G) of each patient. Participants were required to have a Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) test performed following the first and fourth consultations. Participants were also required to complete daily Log Sheets (comprising self administered fasting blood glucose readings using issued Bayer Ascensia Elite Glucometers) for the entire duration of the study (8 weeks). SPSS version 18 was used to analyse the data. A p value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. The time effect was assessed for intra-group comparison whereas the time x group treatment effect was assessed for inter-group comparison. Means were calculated for both fasting blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin for the two respective groups and tabulated in order to describe the data obtained (Descriptive statistics). RESULTS Both groups reflected a statistically non significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels with no significant differences between the two groups when comparing reduction in fasting blood glucose levels. Group 1 (Momordica charantia homoeopathic mother tincture) reflected a non significant increase in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) levels while Group 2 (Momordica charantia 6CH) reflected a statistically significant increase over time in HbA1C levels. There were no significant differences between the two groups when comparing reduction in HbA1C levels. / M

A homoeopathic drug proving of the plant Peucedanum galbanum, analysing symptomatology in relation to the doctrine of signatures

Wagner, Abbey January 2007 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2007. / The first objective of this study was to determine the symptomatology that the plant remedy Peucedanum galbanum 30CH, produced in healthy individuals, so that it could be prescribed according to the Law of Similars, as required by homoeopathy. The second objective was to analyse this symptomatology in relation to the doctrine of signatures. It was hypothesised that Peucedanum galbanum 30CH would produce symptomatology in healthy individuals which would correlate to the doctrine of signatures of the plant. / M

A homoeopathic drug proving of the plant Peucedanum galbanum with a subsequent comparison to those remedies yielding the highest numerical values and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptoms

Wayland, Lauren January 2007 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2007. / This research study was conducted to elucidate the total symptomatology that the plant Peucedanum galbanum in the thirtieth centesimal potency would produce on healthy individuals so that it may be prescribed according to the Law of Similiars. A further aim of the investigation was to compare this remedy to other remedies yielding the highest numerical values and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptoms. Wagner (2007), in a concurrent study, analysed the proving results of Peucedanum galbanum in relation to the doctrine of signatures. It was hypothesised that Peucedanum galbanum 30CH would produce recognizable signs and symptoms in healthy provers, and that the comparative study of this remedy would highlight the differences and similarities between remedy symptoms and thus confusion as to indication is eliminated, plus a fuller understanding of the remedy and its relationship to other remedies is gained. / M

A homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH with a subsequent comparison to its use in African medical tradition

Gobind, Anitha January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the Master’s Degree in Homoeopathy, Department of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Aim The aim of this homoeopathic proving study was to determine and document the arising symptomatology of Acacia xanthophloea (Fever tree) in the potentised homoeopathic form, 30CH, and to provide this data for inclusion to the homoeopathic materia medica. The results of this proving study and comparative analysis to African traditional medicinal uses of this substance confirms the potential therapeutic value of the remedy. Methodology The homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH was conducted in the form of a double blinded placebo controlled study. The investigation consisted of a total of 30 provers divided equally between two researchers ((A. Gobind and G. Zondi). The sample was randomly divided into two groups in which 24 provers(80%) were assigned into the verum group and the remaining six provers (20%) were allocated to the placebo group. All provers were requested to record their daily symptoms on the physical, mental and emotional planes in their journals for one week prior to administration of the proving substance. This formed as a mode of control for the comparison of symptomatology for the pre-proving and post proving period. A thorough case history was taken and physical examination performed on each prover before the commencement of the proving and after the duration of the proving period. Each prover received a total of nine powders. Starting on day 8 of the study the provers consumed one powder three times a day for three days and documented their daily symptoms in a journal. The duration of the proving term was six weeks in total. During this interval the researcher maintained consistent contact with the provers. Upon completion of the proving period all journals were collected and the information contained within these journals was translated into the materia medica and repertory format. This facilitated the establishment of the remedy portrait of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH. A subsequent comparison between the symptomatology that materialised in the provers and the African traditional medicinal uses was duly conducted. Results An extensive range of symptoms was reported by the provers. The outstanding themes that emanated from this proving on the mental plane include anger, anxiety, aversion to company, cheerful, depression, irritability, mood swings, restlessness, tranquillity and stress. A broad range of headaches were described with some headaches being associated with the eye. There were many eye symptoms displayed by the provers which include itching, redness, burning sensation and pain. The stomach symptoms revealed marked increased thirst, changeable appetite, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea with watery stools.The female genitalia / sex indicated several symptoms ranging from painful menstruation, bleeding and copious blood flow.The greatest number of symptoms in a system was associated with extremities, producing the greatest number of rubrics in the repertory section. Dream themes depicted by the provers were especially visionary, about family and friends in addition to other themes. The correlation process between the homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH and the African traditional medicinal use of the substance brought several resemblances to light.There were clear similarities with the eye symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms and headaches. Conclusion As hypothesised Acacia xanthophloea 30CH did produce distinctly observable signs and symptoms when administered to healthy provers. The symptoms that emerged during the proving provide evidence that an overlay exists between the remedy Acacia xanthphloea 30CH and the traditional use of the crude substance Acacia xanthophloea. The researcher proposes that further research should be conducted to determine the symptomatology of various homoeopathic potencies so that a complete image of the remedy Acacia xanthophloea 30CH can be established and the clinical applications can be broadened. / M

A homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH with a subsequent comparison to its use in African medical tradition

Gobind, Anitha January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the Master’s Degree in Homoeopathy, Department of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Aim The aim of this homoeopathic proving study was to determine and document the arising symptomatology of Acacia xanthophloea (Fever tree) in the potentised homoeopathic form, 30CH, and to provide this data for inclusion to the homoeopathic materia medica. The results of this proving study and comparative analysis to African traditional medicinal uses of this substance confirms the potential therapeutic value of the remedy. Methodology The homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH was conducted in the form of a double blinded placebo controlled study. The investigation consisted of a total of 30 provers divided equally between two researchers ((A. Gobind and G. Zondi). The sample was randomly divided into two groups in which 24 provers(80%) were assigned into the verum group and the remaining six provers (20%) were allocated to the placebo group. All provers were requested to record their daily symptoms on the physical, mental and emotional planes in their journals for one week prior to administration of the proving substance. This formed as a mode of control for the comparison of symptomatology for the pre-proving and post proving period. A thorough case history was taken and physical examination performed on each prover before the commencement of the proving and after the duration of the proving period. Each prover received a total of nine powders. Starting on day 8 of the study the provers consumed one powder three times a day for three days and documented their daily symptoms in a journal. The duration of the proving term was six weeks in total. During this interval the researcher maintained consistent contact with the provers. Upon completion of the proving period all journals were collected and the information contained within these journals was translated into the materia medica and repertory format. This facilitated the establishment of the remedy portrait of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH. A subsequent comparison between the symptomatology that materialised in the provers and the African traditional medicinal uses was duly conducted. Results An extensive range of symptoms was reported by the provers. The outstanding themes that emanated from this proving on the mental plane include anger, anxiety, aversion to company, cheerful, depression, irritability, mood swings, restlessness, tranquillity and stress. A broad range of headaches were described with some headaches being associated with the eye. There were many eye symptoms displayed by the provers which include itching, redness, burning sensation and pain. The stomach symptoms revealed marked increased thirst, changeable appetite, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea with watery stools.The female genitalia / sex indicated several symptoms ranging from painful menstruation, bleeding and copious blood flow.The greatest number of symptoms in a system was associated with extremities, producing the greatest number of rubrics in the repertory section. Dream themes depicted by the provers were especially visionary, about family and friends in addition to other themes. The correlation process between the homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH and the African traditional medicinal use of the substance brought several resemblances to light.There were clear similarities with the eye symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms and headaches. Conclusion As hypothesised Acacia xanthophloea 30CH did produce distinctly observable signs and symptoms when administered to healthy provers. The symptoms that emerged during the proving provide evidence that an overlay exists between the remedy Acacia xanthphloea 30CH and the traditional use of the crude substance Acacia xanthophloea. The researcher proposes that further research should be conducted to determine the symptomatology of various homoeopathic potencies so that a complete image of the remedy Acacia xanthophloea 30CH can be established and the clinical applications can be broadened. / M

Síntese e caracterização estrutural de filmes finos de ZnO dopados com Co preparados por Dip-Coating

VALÉRIO, Luis Renato 27 June 2016 (has links)
O interesse em desenvolver-se materiais semicondutores magnéticos para aplicações em dispositivos spintrônicos tem atraído a atenção de pesquisadores nos últimos anos. Ligas materiais de óxidos semicondutores, tais como o ZnO, TiO2 e o SnO2, e metais de transição, como o Co, Mn e Fe formam sistemas que potencialmente apresentam temperatura de Curie acima da ambiente, o que os fazem fortes candidatos para o uso na spintrônica. Esta subclasse de material é normalmente chamada de óxidos magnéticos diluídos. Entretanto, apesar do grande número de trabalhos experimentais e teóricos a respeito destes materiais, a natureza do ferromagnetismo usualmente observado é ainda uma questão controversa. Recentemente, resultados de estudos experimentais apontam que a origem ferromagnética destes materiais está relacionada com a presença de defeitos estruturais, tais como vacâncias e átomos em sítios intersticiais. Neste contexto, essa dissertação apresenta os estudos associados à preparação e à caracterização estrutural de filmes finos de ZnO dopados com Co (Zn1-xCoxO) nas concentrações de x 0; 0,01; 0,03 e 0,05, depositados pela técnica de dip-coating. A caracterização estrutural foi realizada pelas técnicas de difração de raios-X, espectroscopia de absorção de raios-X, pela técnica de fotoluminescência e pela espectroscopia de transmissão. Os resultados obtidos comprovam a incorporação do Co na estrutura do ZnO sem a formação de fases secundárias, tais como óxidos de Co ou Co metálicos. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura revela, por sua vez, que os filmes finos preparados são nanoestruturados. / The interest in developing magnetic semiconductor materials for application in the developing of spintronic devices has attracted attention of researchers in recent years. Alloys of semiconductor material oxides such as ZnO, TiO2 and SnO2, and transition metals such as Co, Mn and Fe forms systems that potentially present room temperature ferromagnetism, making them candidates for use in spintronics. This subclass of materials are usually called diluted magnetic oxides. However, in spite of the big number of the experimental and theoretical reports related to this subject, the nature of ferromagnetism usually observed is still a controversial issue. Recently, experimental results indicate that the origin of the ferromagnetic order in these materials is related to the presence of structural point defects, such as vacancies and atoms in interstitial sites. In this context, here we present the studies related to the preparation and structural characterization of Co-doped ZnO thin films (Zn1-xCoxO) in the concentrations of x 0; 0,01; 0,03 and 0,05 deposited by dip-coating technique. Structural characterization was performed by X-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, by photoluminescence and transmission spectroscopy. The obtained results confirm the incorporation of Co ions in ZnO wurtzite matrix structure without the formation of secondary phases, such as Co oxides or metallic Co. The scanning electron microscopy results reveal a nanostructured morphology for the prepared thin films.

Kaišiadorių apylinkėse tautinėje vaistininkystėje vartojamų (vartotų) augalų etnofarmacinis tyrimas / The ethnopharmaceutical survey of plants used as ethnomedicine in Kaišiadorys district

Ivaškevičienė, Miglė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas surinkti ir susisteminti tautinės vaistininkystės žinias Kaišiadorių apylinkėse. Rezultatai: Apklausų - interviu metu apklausti 23 respondentai. Užfiksuotos 155 natūralios vaistingosios medžiagos. Didžiausią jų dalį sudarė augalai, kurių įvairovė siekia 62 augalų šeimas, taip pat užfiksuoti 3 gyvūnai, vartojami kaip gydomoji priemonė. Išvados: 1. Anketavimo – asmeninio interviu metu gauta medžiaga susisteminta pagal vaistingųjų medžiagų kilmę. Vyrauja augalinės kilmės vaistingosios medžiagos 77,02%, gyvūninės kilmės vaistingosios medžiagos sudarė 9,94%, kitos – nei vienai ir minėtų grupių nepriskitos medžiagos – 13,04% bendro citavimų skaičiaus. 2. Dažniausiai tautinės vaistininkystės metodais gydomos viršutinių kvėpavimo takų ligos (peršalimas, gripas, kosulys) – 47,51%, virškinamojo trakto susirgimai (virškinimo sutrikimas, viduriavimas, vidurių užkietėjimas) – 29,86%, žaizdos, sumušimai, kurie sudarė 9,95%. 3. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai minimi augalai buvo plačialapis gyslotis Plantago major L. , vaistinė medetka Calendula officinalis L. ir vaistinė ramunė Matricaria recutita L. – 4,31%. Atitinkamai populiariausios augalų šeimos – astriniai Asteraceae 18,31%, notreliniai Lamiaceae 12,02%, gyslotiniai Plantaginaceae. 4. Populiariausias vaistinės žaliavos vartojimo ir paruošimo būdas yra arbata 53,91%. 5. Tyrimo metu paruošti darbe aprašomų augalų herbarai. / The aim: to collect ethnopharmaceutical knowledge in Kaišiadorys district. Results: There were intewieved 23 people. Fixed 155 natural origin materials. 62 plants from 62 family, 3 animals which were used in the treatment. Conclusions: 1. Collected ethnopharmaceutical knowledge were systemised according origin. the most common origin were vegetal (77,02%). 2. Most common diseases treated with materia medica are cold, caught (47,51%), gastrointestinal tract (29,86%) and skin injuries (9,95%). 3. The most popular plants were Plantago major L., Calendula officinalis L. and Matricaria recutita L. Asteraceae (18,31%) and Lamiaceae were the most popular plat family. 4. The most common preparation and use of vegetal origin material were tea. 5. During the survey collected herbarium.

Taḥqīq wa-dirāsat al-muʻājīn al-ṭibbīyah al-wāridah fī Kitāb "al-Taṣrīf li-man ʻajiza ʻan al-taʼlīf" li-muʼallif Abū al-Qāsim al-Zahrāwī al-Andalusī

Kharrāṭ, Muḥammad Yaḥyá. Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn ʻAbbās al-Zahrāwī, Bābā, Muḥammad Zuhayr. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Aleppo University, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references.

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