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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektiviserad materialhantering genom förbättrat flöde.

Hodzic, Senad, Nilsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
This examination paper is the final part of the three years long engineering education in industrial engineering and management, with focus on logistics and leadership, at the school of engineering in Jönköping. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the material flow method that is used at the time on an anonymous company and to study which opportunities and problems the company has while trying to become more efficient in its internal material flow process from the storage to the production area. The current material flow system that the company uses from the storage to the production area is usable and the production is working with this system. The company sees potential in developing and becoming more efficient in the time used for material handling.  The tied up capital in the storages and the use of the floor area that is used, do also have potential in becoming more efficient according to the company. The current material flow system from the storage to the production area was studied and mapped. Even the flow within the chosen production cell was studied. After these studies three possible vision opportunities were developed. The three vision opportunities were all focused on using batches in the production that were formed into the exact quantities needed to produce an order. How this kitting should be done was the difference between the vision opportunities.      A simulation of the production with material kitted into the exact quantities required in the production cell where made, to see what possible gains and which losses that could occur with this new way of material handling. The results from this simulation and the knowledge that was given were among others the identification of a bottleneck in the production and diverse problems that could complicate a kitting of material. Further positive and negative effects of kitting are also reflected over in the report. The simulation contributed, as said earlier, to the identification of a bottleneck in the production, but also to the discovery of how the order-batches from the customers have to be synchronized with the purchase-batches and the production-batches at the company. These results in relation to the theory part about kitting have lead forward to our suggestions of change and possible further work for the company and are seen under the final discussion part. These suggestions treat co-operation with suppliers’ synchronization of different batches and possible layout changes.

Identifikation av produktionsstörningar och obalanser vid tillverkning av golvskenor

Bardh, Nicklas, Abelsson, Rickard January 2006 (has links)
Our report procedure identification of instability and disturbance in an automatic manufacturing line of processing and assembling of chair sliding rails at Sapas manufacturing department in Vetlanda. To obtain a stabile ground we have mapped the material flow to receive a comprehensive view and to visualise connections. We have examined cycle times at different stations in purpose to identificate bottlenecks. The result of our examination showed that the bottleneck of the line was the brush station. This leads to that the expected bottlenecks identificated by Sapa gets a delay time and by that a longer cycle time. Interruptions has a clear negative influence at the line performance so we have also assemble data through the operators report list and compiled these in order to find out the interruptions effect on the line. The outcome during our assembled period was that the reported interruptions corresponded about 30 percent of the total available production time. This has a clear negative effect on the line productivity and efficiency as we have calculated in order to get the present status.

Identifikation av produktionsstörningar och obalanser vid tillverkning av golvskenor

Bardh, Nicklas, Abelsson, Rickard January 2006 (has links)
<p>Our report procedure identification of instability and disturbance in an automatic manufacturing line of processing and assembling of chair sliding rails at Sapas manufacturing department in Vetlanda.</p><p>To obtain a stabile ground we have mapped the material flow to receive a comprehensive view and to visualise connections.</p><p>We have examined cycle times at different stations in purpose to identificate bottlenecks. The result of our examination showed that the bottleneck of the line was the brush station. This leads to that the expected bottlenecks identificated by Sapa gets a delay time and by that a longer cycle time.</p><p>Interruptions has a clear negative influence at the line performance so we have also assemble data through the operators report list and compiled these in order to find out the interruptions effect on the line. The outcome during our assembled period was that the reported interruptions corresponded about 30 percent of the total available production time. This has a clear negative effect on the line productivity and efficiency as we have calculated in order to get the present status.</p>

Studie av internt materialflöde vid Volvo Pentas fabrik i Vara

Berthou, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Within today’s organizations there is continual development work to increase efficiency and the power to compete at the market. Production development with focus on continual improvements constitutes an important part of the daily work within a lot of organizations today.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to contribute to a part of the development process that Volvo Penta factory in Vara has in mind. A description of the current situation was compiled by mapping the internal runnings and material flow throughout the factory. A new suggestion for a layout and a comparison with the current situation will assist with creating a factual basis for the development of a new goods reception.</p><p>A study was made where the volumes and the quantity of the daily arrival goods were settled. Another study mapped the fork lift - and the moped traffic of the factory. The quantity and the volume of the material that was transported were also settled. The layout that was proposed was used during the comparison.</p><p>The compilation of the description of the current situation showed that the fork lift truck constitute 40 % of the total number of runnings. Empty box running and empty running constitute 15 % and 45% of the transportations respectively. The material-, empty box- and empty runnings of the moped are divided 40 %, 19 % and 41 %.</p><p>The result of the comparison of the existing with the planned goods reception showed that the new solution would decrease the use of fork lift truck transportations by as much as 16 %. The equivalent rate for the moped runnings would be 3 %.</p><p>The conclusion of the studies is that a new goods reception, placed close to the start point of the process, would make a contribution to a streamlining of the internal runnings in the factory. It was also established, by the layout flowchart, that the material- and the process flow would be more efficient.</p><p>The aim of the project was achieved through the extensive studies that were made. All of the transport stretches can now be studied in depth according to which factors are seen to be most important. The study contains separate information from each driver. A closer review by each driver is therefore suggested during the continued work. The development of new transport stretches where coordinated runnings may decrease and empty runnings may decrease is possible in order to reach even greater efficiency.</p>

Ökad effektivitet till lägre kostnad : En kostnadseffektivisering av materialflödet på ICA Sverige ABs distributionsenhet i Borlänge

Asplund, Sofie, Lindholm, Ida January 2007 (has links)
<p>Det här arbetet sammanfattar resultatet av ett examensarbete med syftet att öka effektiviteten samt minska totalkostnaden på ICA Svergie ABs distributionsenhet i Borlänge, även kallat DE Borlänge. DE Borlänge är en av fem distributionsenheter i Sverige och levererar varor till cirka 300 butiker. Under en viss vecka såväl som under en dag uppstår stora variationer i volymer vilket leder till att det är svårt att hitta en optimal drift. DE Borlänge misstänker att processerna skapar onödiga merkostnader vilket är grunden till att examensarbetet genomförs.</p><p>För att få en bild av hur distributionsenheten fungerar och var det finns möjligheter att förbättra driften gjordes en arbetsmodell. Den utgick från att först kartlägga flödet för att sedan identifiera och välja ut potentiella förbättringsområden. Ur det framkom att driftplaneringen var det området där förbättringar ansågs lämpliga att utföra. Arbetsmodellens nästa steg var att analysera de utvalda områdena vilket gjordes genom att bryta ner driftplaneringen i olika alternativ där målsättningen var att minska totalkostnaden och öka effektiviteten. Dessa alternativ var:</p><p>• Alternativ 1 - Utgångsläget</p><p>• Alternativ 2 – Flyttning av kvällsvolymer</p><p>• Alternativ 3 – Flyttning av lördagsvolymer</p><p>• Alternativ 4 – Förbättring av kapacitetsfaktorer</p><p>• Alternativ 5 – Ökning av (antalet) möjliga anställda</p><p>För att undersöka de olika alternativen på ett strukturerat sätt byggdes en modell upp, i arbetet kallad för Resursmodellen. Målet med modellen är att optimera kostnaden för personalbehovet på expedition och service utifrån de volymer som ska hanteras och de förutsättningar som sätts upp i form av kapacitetsfaktorer och raster. De olika alternativen som undersöktes resulterade i att DE Borlänges totalkostnad enligt modellen kan reduceras bland annat genom att ändra frisläppningstiderna på kvällar och lördagar. Arbete resulterade i att effektiviteten kan ökas i form av minskat antal använda timmar. Värt att nämna är att varje alternativ resulterade i reducerad totalkostnad.</p><p>Slutsatser som dragits av resultatet är följande:</p><p>• DE Borlänge bör utnyttja den överkapacitet som finns idag i form av ytor och personal.</p><p>• Genom att flytta frisläppningstider finns stora möjligheter för DE Borlänge att reducera totalkostnaden.</p><p>• DE Borlänge bör fokusera på att öka effektiviteten genom att möjliggöra fler anställda per halvtimma istället för att öka prestationen för varje arbetare.</p>

Förbättring av lagerflöde i en återvinningscentral

Desai, Sagar, Hasanaj, Mergim January 2015 (has links)
Fallstudiens syfte är att öka förståelsen kring lagerhantering och lagerflöde i en återvinningscentral till en utvecklad effektivisering och strukturering av ett lager. Målet med fallstudien är att rekommendationerna ska kunna användas som ett beslutsstöd vid en eventuell lageromstrukturering på fallföretaget. Relevant teori inom logistik och materialhantering jämförs med empiri för vidare analysering som framför bristande faktorer i flödet. Resultatet framför väsentlig information om flödet som grundar till rekommenderade flödesförbättringar. / Sweden's annual recoverable amount of cooling equipment are estimated to 650 000 units, the distribution takes place in certified recycling centers depending on the allowed amount. The modern lifestyle has led to increased recycling which must be addressed through profitable logistics and careful planning. Studies show that due to problems in inventory control is the determination of quantities and delivery points for incoming supplies. This case study aims to improve the understanding of material handling and warehouse flow in a recycling plant for possibilities of an improved state. In order to achieve the purpose rigorous qualitative observations of the material flow separated from production and sales has been done. To structure the case study an analytical model has been presented, the model increases the reader's understanding of the approach in the study and its contents. After careful analysis of the current state and theoretical relevance the primary cause of the inadequate storage structure and factors that are causing a negative impact on the stock has been determined. The root cause of the inadequate storage structure is inbound variety of cooling equipment and incoming quantity, this entails a high degree of warehouse filling and low safety. The variation in the different article classification is huge, cooling equipment differ in size and type. The cooling equipment variance depends mostly on the generalized categorization, for this reason, a new recommended categorization has been established where volume and frequency requirements are taken into account. The new classification creates opportunities for a recommended storage layout. To facilitate the recommendation, we have designed a Kanban board which is reflecting the warehouse space degree of filling together with a stock layout suggestion.

Coordination of the information and material flow of lego products - A case study at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB / Samordning av informations- och materialflödet för legomaterial - En fallstudie på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Falk, Matilda, Hedkrok, Sabina January 2015 (has links)
Studien betraktar informations- och materialflödet för legomaterial på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB i Finspång. Det studerade problemet gäller att det finns en dålig uppfattning bland de anställda om hur flödet och arbetet med lego ser ut, samt dålig kommunikation mellan de inblandade avdelningarna. Genom intervjuer med ansvariga för legomaterialsamt granskning av tidigare dokument har legoflödet kunnat beskrivas. Problematiken på företaget har studerats utifrån teori kring processer och flöden samt kommunikation, integration och koordinering Rapporten presenterar en samordnad bild över arbetet med legomaterial genom en kartläggning med tillhörande flödesschema över informations- och materialflödet för lego inom företaget. I studien har problem med koordination och samarbetet mellan de inblandade avdelningarna identifierats. Rapporten följs upp med förslag på åtgärder och vidare arbete för att lösa problemen.

Studie av internt materialflöde vid Volvo Pentas fabrik i Vara

Berthou, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Within today’s organizations there is continual development work to increase efficiency and the power to compete at the market. Production development with focus on continual improvements constitutes an important part of the daily work within a lot of organizations today. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a part of the development process that Volvo Penta factory in Vara has in mind. A description of the current situation was compiled by mapping the internal runnings and material flow throughout the factory. A new suggestion for a layout and a comparison with the current situation will assist with creating a factual basis for the development of a new goods reception. A study was made where the volumes and the quantity of the daily arrival goods were settled. Another study mapped the fork lift - and the moped traffic of the factory. The quantity and the volume of the material that was transported were also settled. The layout that was proposed was used during the comparison. The compilation of the description of the current situation showed that the fork lift truck constitute 40 % of the total number of runnings. Empty box running and empty running constitute 15 % and 45% of the transportations respectively. The material-, empty box- and empty runnings of the moped are divided 40 %, 19 % and 41 %. The result of the comparison of the existing with the planned goods reception showed that the new solution would decrease the use of fork lift truck transportations by as much as 16 %. The equivalent rate for the moped runnings would be 3 %. The conclusion of the studies is that a new goods reception, placed close to the start point of the process, would make a contribution to a streamlining of the internal runnings in the factory. It was also established, by the layout flowchart, that the material- and the process flow would be more efficient. The aim of the project was achieved through the extensive studies that were made. All of the transport stretches can now be studied in depth according to which factors are seen to be most important. The study contains separate information from each driver. A closer review by each driver is therefore suggested during the continued work. The development of new transport stretches where coordinated runnings may decrease and empty runnings may decrease is possible in order to reach even greater efficiency.

Logistics flow mapping of a new workshop layout at Saab in connection with the installation of a new machine / Kartläggning av logistikflöden i en ny verkstadslayout hos Saab i samband med installation av ny maskin

Brandt, Anton, Yngvesson, Christian January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet kartlägger en verkstadsavdelning på Saab i Linköping där det i framtiden ska komma att ske en del förändringar kring verkstadslayouten på grund av att en ny maskin ska installeras. Kartläggningen görs dels för att belysa material- och verktygsflöden i verkstaden och undersöka hur dessa påverkas den framtida layoutförändringen. Kartläggningen görs dessutom för att identifiera problem som finns i verksamheten idag och en undersökning utförs kring hur dessa problem påverkas av att en ny verkstadslayout ska införas. Examensarbetet presenterar förbättringsförslag för den nya verkstadslayouten som ska leda till att de identifierade problemen ska undvikas samt underlätta för det framtida material- och verktygsflödet. Rekommendationer ges även kring hur man i framtiden kan arbete med liknande problem.

Metod för identifiering av slöserier samt kostnadseffektiva förbättringsmöjligheter: en fallstudie

Kindmark, Patrik, Gross, David January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att utveckla och förbättra organisationer genom effektivare användning av de resurser man har till förfogandet har blivit allt mer betydelsefullt under de senaste decennierna. Genom fokusering kring de aktiviteter som tillför värde hos kunden i slutprodukten kan företag reducera och eliminera oönskade slöserier inom tillverkningsprocessen. Ett verktyg som utvecklats och används för att eliminera dessa oönskade aktiviteter så som lagerhållning är Value stream mapping (VSM).   Problemformulering: Hur kan man identifiera slöserier samt dess förbättringsmöjligheter för att möjliggöra en högre produktionskapacitet genom frigörandet av anläggningsyta?¨   Syfte: Genom användandet av VSM som modell, identifiera slöserier och kostnadseffektiva förbättringsmöjligheter.   Metod: Denna fallstudie har utförts på ett företag som arbetar inom metallindustrin. Större delen av datainsamlingen har tagits från företagets egna dokumenterande data samt intervjuer med anställda och observationer under de besök författarna genomförde.   Slutsatser: Genom att använda VSM som en modell har författarna lyckats identifiera fallföretagets största faktorer till slöserier samt ge förslag och underlag till framtida förbättrings implementationer av förbättringsstrategier. Författarna har bevisat utifrån den teoretiska data studien är grundad på gentemot den empiriska att flertal förbättringsmöjligheter utöver den som företaget tänkt sig finns till deras förfogande vid eventuell framtida implementering.   Nyckelord Value stream mapping, VSM, slöseri, materialflöde, materialhantering, tillverkningsindustri, förbättringsstrategi

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