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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mauritz Stiller : ou "l'insolent génie" d'un cinéaste de Suède /

Garreau, Jacques, Berthomé, Jean-Pierre. January 2003 (has links)
Th. doct.--Etudes cinématographiques--Rennes 3, 1992. / Filmogr. p. 311-327. Bibliogr. p. 328-334.

The art of replicating /

Bengtsson, Marie, January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2008.

Hennes & Mauritz : En fallstudie av deras CSR arbete och samarbeten med NGO:s / Hennes & Mauritz : A case study of their CSR work and collaborations with NGOs

Senemgen, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract Essay in political science, C-level, by Jenny Senemgen, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Michele Micheletti. “Hennes & Mauritz – a case study of their CSR work and collaborations with NGOs.”</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to examine if and how the transnational corporation Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) collaborates with NGOs in it’s work with human rights for workers and increased corporate social responsibility. I have looked at H&Ms CSR report from 2006, the Swedish network Clean Clothes Campaigns report about Swedish corporations in the textile industry and if their CSR work during the past ten years have given any results and I have also done two interviews with two NGOs.</p><p>The examination is thereby a case study where I’m examining H&Ms CSR work and its collaborations with NGOs and the NGO’s opinions about H&Ms CSR work.</p><p>My delimitation lies in the fact that I only have examined one corporation and what two NGOs thinks about the corporation. Therefore it is difficult to generalize my results, but since that was not my purpose it has no effect on my findings. The material that I mainly use is reports, information from H&Ms and the two NGOs websites and the interviews, but I have also used some other literature to explain the situation around CSR issues and research in the CSR field.</p><p>My findings are that H&Ms CSR work is extensive and that they are working actively. They have transparency meaning that you can follow their reports on their websites, they let NGOs “investigate” them, they participate in surveys etc. H&M collaborates with NGOs in different ways and are open to collaboration. H&M have different projects and collaborations in ways like dialouges and seminares. NGOs have played a key roll in H&Ms CSR work in the way that they did get H&M to start taking responsibility in a new way. NGOs see H&M as the leading corporation in taking CSR in Sweden, but despite its extensive work with CSR issues H&M still has a lot to improve. The union issue is one issue that H&M is not working with in a preventive way and the Swedish Clean Clothes Campaign wants to see H&M in a global agreement with ITGLWF.</p>

Musik För Fyra - Examensarbete Mauritz Agnas

Agnas, Mauritz January 2018 (has links)
I wanted to challenge myself and write music for an unusual constellation of instruments. I wrote music that had inspiration from different genres like jazz, baroque, folk music and classical music. The instruments I wrote for were cello, recorder, harpsichord and double bass. The instrument basson participates in one of the pieces. In my work I will explore different forms when it comes to composition and ensemble play. I will investigate different approaches and methods with the ensemble. Methods that leave a lot of space for the musician's interpretation of the pieces. Together we shape the music into something that we think is interesting. During this project, I learned a lot about the instruments cello, recorder, harpsichord and double bass and how they work together. The project resulted in a concert at KMH.

Magdalena Rudenschölds medverkan i Armfeltskonspirationen 1792-1794 / The involvement of Magdalena Rudenschöld in the Armfelt conspiracy – the years of 1792-1794

Berntsson, Linnéa January 2011 (has links)
Magdalena Rudenschöld (born 1766, died 1823) was a woman in Swedish history, who lived a turbulent life. As a young woman she was employed at the Swedish court and got to know the king of that time, Gustaf III, and she became the mistress of one of his closest deputies, Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt. After the killing of Gustaf III, a temporary government was formed. This was a regency that was put there on behalf of Prince Gustaf Adolf, since he was not yet of age to run the country. The commission to conduct this temporary government was given to Duke Carl, who was the dead king’s brother. King Gustavus III’s former employees and Officers were after the king’s death, opposed by the temporary government, and they were moved to other assignations. Among these former employees and Officers a discontent arose and a few of them, among others Rudenschöld and her friend Armfelt, started to discuss and plan for a change in the governance of Sweden. The planning was mostly done through correspondence. Several of those who took part in this correspondence, was later sentenced for trying to overthrow the Swedish government. One of the sentenced people was Magdalena Rudenschöld. The purpose of this treatise, has been to examine the role and actions of Magdalena Rudenschöld in the Armfelt conspiracy and also to compare the court records to the sentence she received. Rudenschöld was convicted of treason against the king and kingdom. The results show that Rudenschöld’s conviction for being part of treason against king and kingdom was correct, and that she had made no attempt to stop the conspiracy plans. On her part she had mediated letters between people and she had offered to help, for instance by travelling to Russia to speak for their cause. Rudenschöld’s penalty was hard. She was imprisoned for about two years, after having been publicly pilloried. As she was released from prison, Duke Carl provided her a property on the Swedish island Gotland, and she was not permitted to leave it for still some time. The fact that two members of the temporary government was part of the court that sentenced her, probably contributed to the harsh punishment. However, it has to be born in mind that this was how the judicature was organised at the time being. The treatment of Rudenschöld upset the public at the time of the trials - a lady-in-waiting who were pilloried and ended up in prison was very unusual. The fact that the affair was given characteristics of romanticism as Rudenschöld’s intimacy with the married man Armfelt was made public, and that the affair is even more complicated since the conductor of the temporary government - Duke Carl - previously had been in love with Rudenschöld, makes this story linger for posterity.

När två berättelser blir en : om H&amp;Ms samarbete med Viktor &amp; Rolf

Sallander, Jacqueline January 2006 (has links)
Denna undersökning försöker skapa en förståelse för vad som egentligen händer när klädjätten H&amp;M samarbetar med kända modedesigners som Viktor &amp; Rolf, och den paradox som uppstår när det billiga och tillgängliga möter det dyra och exklusiva. Litteraturstudier ger en förståelse för vilka mekanismer som ligger bakom konstruktionen av ett varumärke och dess immateriella berättelse. Genom intervjuer med olika personer synas samarbetet utifrån olika perspektiv. Även konsumenternas berättelsekonstruktion granskas något, för vilka är egentligen dem vi sett springa in på H&amp;M när dörrarna öppnas och slåss över kläder? Vad är det de egentligen köper? Genom ett deltagande i kommershysterin när H&amp;M släpper de åtråvärda kläderna för försäljning, granskas fenomenet på nära håll. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att det är de immateriella berättelserna som är avgörande för den hysteri som kläderna ger upphov till. Kläderna i sig är sekundära. Utan vetskapen om de kända modedesignerna bakom, är de relativt ointressanta. Men även kunderna bidrar själva till att skapa hets genom uppladdning inför köp som bland annat sker på bloggar på internet. Kunderna kan, genom dessa kläder, ikläda sig berättelser och symboler för en händelse, och visa på sitt eget ställningstagande och deltagande i hysterin. Uppsatsen syftar även till att undersöka relevansen i att ta upp sådana här frågor med elever i skolan och kommer fram till att ungdomar, ibland på ett oreflekterat sätt, har ett stort intresse för och kunskap om identitet, livsstilar och kläder. Vem ska lära ungdomar att kritiskt granska marknadskrafter som använder sig av dessa mekanismer om inte lärare och andra vuxna? Gestaltningsarbetet bygger vidare på berättandet som det centrala för kommunikation av design, och låter 6 för omvärlden möjligtvis okända personer spegla sig själva i ett från början (av västerländskt tradition) neutralt plagg som den vita t tröjan, som alterneras efter varje individs önskemål utifrån ett givet material. På så sätt berättas 6 designhistorier.

Den svenska stumfilmens scenografi : Exemplen Vingarne och Dunungen

Thulin, Laura January 2022 (has links)
Institutionen för kultur och estetik, Konstvetenskap 106 91 Stockholms universitet 08-16 20 00 vx Handledare: Magdalena Holdar Titel och undertitel: Den svenska stumfilmens scenografi–exemplen Dunungen och Vingarne Författare: Laura Thulin Kontaktuppgifter till författaren: laura.thulin@gmail.com Uppsatsnivå: Kandidatnivå Ventileringstermin: Vt 2022 ABSTRACT: Denna uppsats avhandlar den svenska stumfilmens scenografi och studerar scenografin ifilmerna Vingarne (Mauritz Stiller, 1916) och Dunungen (Ivan Hedqvist, 1919). Syftet är att undersöka hur och vad scenografin berättar. Detta utförs utifrån narratologiska teorier och med metoder hämtade från konstvetenskapen, formal- och kontextanalys. Överlag kan man konstatera att naturens scenografi i båda filmer dels är mindre teatralisk och mer dynamisk än interiörerna, men också bidrar mer till filmernas narrativ, påverkar fabulan, förmedlar karaktärsdrag och understryker händelseförlopp. Naturen skildras i båda filmer med en betoning på dess skönhet och som en plats för njutning och rekreation. I Vingarne håller sig scenografin mycket i bakgrunden, det är framförallt en transparent realism, men med talande undantag som berättar mycket om huvudpersonernas karaktärer och styrker filmens tema om moral och omoral. I Dunungen driver scenografin på flera punkter framnarrativet, i synnerhet skildringen av gården Bohult. Filmens scenografiska helhet harmonierar med huvudrollen Anne-Marie och kan även sägas driva fram vad som kallats den svenska stumfilmens nationella prägel. I båda filmer finns exempel på rekvisita, som i samklang med karaktärerna, i mycket hög utsträckning driver narrativet. Ett förhållningssätttill de litterära förlagorna, att man använt sig av passager därifrån på ett sätt som kan liknasvid direkta scenografianvisningar, utmärker sig. Nyckelord: scenografi, stumfilm, filmscenografi, Axel Esbensen, Mauritz Stiller, Ivan Hedqvist, Dunungen (1919), Vingarne (1916)

Applying a model for lateral transshipments in fast-fashion retail / Tillämpning av en modell för laterala lagerflyttar inom snabbmodebranschen

GRENMARK, OSKAR, OHLSSON, DANIEL January 2018 (has links)
The highly variable demand of fast fashion causes retailers in the industry to face large uncertainties when allocating initial inventory batches across multiple locations. Further into the selling season, inventory imbalances might arise as an effect of deviations from expected demand. To mitigate these imbalances, retailers can make use of lateral transshipments of inventory from locations with excess stock to those facing the risk of a stockout. Such transshipments require models for determining what and how much to ship as well as when to ship it. This thesis investigates how such a model can be applied on replenishment warehouse level in a fast-fashion retail setting. The research was conducted through a quantitative case study at Hennes &amp; Mauritz (H&amp;M), one of the largest fast-fashion retailers in the world. An appropriate existing transshipment model based on the concept of service level was identified and adjusted to suit the characteristics of H&amp;M. In contrast to the vast majority of models in literature, empirical probability distributions were used for dynamically modelling short-term demand. The proposed model was evaluated and found to suggest transshipments yielding significant revenue increase driven by lowered price reductions. This thesis differs from existing literature by providing a unique case-study of how a transshipment model can be applied in practice and how it performs on empirical data from one of the largest fast-fashion retailers in the world. / Den kraftigt varierande efterfrågan på snabbt mode gör att aktörer i branschen står inför stora osäkerheter vid initiala lagerallokeringar. Längre in i försäljningscykeln kan lagerobalanser uppstå till följd av avvikelser från den förväntade efterfrågan. För att hantera obalanserna kan företag flytta lager från de regioner med lageröverskott till de som i närtid riskerar att få slut i lager. Sådana flyttar kräver modeller för att avgöra vad och hur mycket som ska flyttas samt när det ska flyttas. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur en sådan modell kan appliceras inom branschen för snabbt mode. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ fallstudie i samarbete med Hennes &amp; Mauritz (H&amp;M), en av världens största aktörer inom snabbmodebranschen. En lämplig existerande modell som baseras på konceptet om servicenivå identifierades och anpassades efter H&amp;M:s egenskaper. Till skillnad från majoriteten av modeller i literature användes empiriska sannolikhetsfördelningar för att dynamiskt modellera kortsiktig efterfrågan. Den föreslagna modellen utvärderades och visades föreslå flyttar som genererar signifikanta intäktsökningar drivet av lägre prisnedsättningar. Denna studie skiljer sig från existerande litteratur genom sitt bidrag med en unik fallstudie av hur en modell för lagerflyttar kan appliceras i praktiken samt hur den presterar på empirisk data från en av världens största snabbmodeaktörer.

Hennes &amp; Mauritz : En fallstudie av deras CSR arbete och samarbeten med NGO:s / Hennes &amp; Mauritz : A case study of their CSR work and collaborations with NGOs

Senemgen, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Essay in political science, C-level, by Jenny Senemgen, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Michele Micheletti. “Hennes &amp; Mauritz – a case study of their CSR work and collaborations with NGOs.” The purpose of this essay is to examine if and how the transnational corporation Hennes &amp; Mauritz (H&amp;M) collaborates with NGOs in it’s work with human rights for workers and increased corporate social responsibility. I have looked at H&amp;Ms CSR report from 2006, the Swedish network Clean Clothes Campaigns report about Swedish corporations in the textile industry and if their CSR work during the past ten years have given any results and I have also done two interviews with two NGOs. The examination is thereby a case study where I’m examining H&amp;Ms CSR work and its collaborations with NGOs and the NGO’s opinions about H&amp;Ms CSR work. My delimitation lies in the fact that I only have examined one corporation and what two NGOs thinks about the corporation. Therefore it is difficult to generalize my results, but since that was not my purpose it has no effect on my findings. The material that I mainly use is reports, information from H&amp;Ms and the two NGOs websites and the interviews, but I have also used some other literature to explain the situation around CSR issues and research in the CSR field. My findings are that H&amp;Ms CSR work is extensive and that they are working actively. They have transparency meaning that you can follow their reports on their websites, they let NGOs “investigate” them, they participate in surveys etc. H&amp;M collaborates with NGOs in different ways and are open to collaboration. H&amp;M have different projects and collaborations in ways like dialouges and seminares. NGOs have played a key roll in H&amp;Ms CSR work in the way that they did get H&amp;M to start taking responsibility in a new way. NGOs see H&amp;M as the leading corporation in taking CSR in Sweden, but despite its extensive work with CSR issues H&amp;M still has a lot to improve. The union issue is one issue that H&amp;M is not working with in a preventive way and the Swedish Clean Clothes Campaign wants to see H&amp;M in a global agreement with ITGLWF.

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