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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Pension Strategies / Analys av pensionsstrategier

Skanke, Björn January 2014 (has links)
In a time where people tend to retire earlier and live longer in combination with an augmented personal responsibility of allocating or at least choosing adequately composed pension funds, the importance of a deeper understanding of long term investment strategies is inevitably accentuated. On the background of discrepancies in suggested pension fund strategies by influential fund providers, professional advisers and previous literature, this thesis aims at addressing foremost one particular research question: How should an investor optimally allocate between risky and risk-less assets in a pension fund depending on age? In order to answer the question the sum of Human wealth, defined as the present value of all expected future incomes, and ordinary Financial wealth is maximized by applying a mean-variance and a expected utility approach. The latter, and mathematically more sound method yields a strategy suggesting 100% of available capital to be invested in risky assets until the age of 47 whereafter the portion should be gradually reduced and reach the level of 32% at the last period before retirement. The strategy is clearly favorable to solely holding a risk-free asset and it just outperforms the commonly applied "100 minus age"-strategy.

The effect of mobile cellular network performance and contextual factors on smartphone users’ satisfaction : A study on QoE evaluation for YouTube video streaming via CrowdSourcing

Zhen, Zuguang January 2015 (has links)
Mobile data traffic will continue to show rapid growth in the coming years; however the data revenue is not rising fast enough to ensure the operators’ profitability. Therefore, mobile operators must seek new approaches to find out what service does the customers need and what quality makes the customers satisfied in order to keep their increasingly sophisticated customers satisfied at the same time minimizing their revenue gap. This paper investigate the effect of mobile cellular network performance and contextual factors on smartphone users’ satisfaction, this was done via crowdsourcing through an experiment where an Android Application and a user Survey were included, which is able to evaluate and analyze the perceived quality of experience (QoE) for YouTube service for Android Smartphone users. To achieve this goal, the App NPT performs measurements of objective quality of service (QoS) parameters, whereas the survey carriers out collecting subjective user opinion. The result show that network performance parameters do impact the MOS (Mean Opinion Score) exponentially, either in a positively or negatively way, however, multiple parameters need to be considered together in order to draw a more accurate correlation with QoE. In addition, QoE are heavily affected by many other contextual factors, such as age and gender as well as users location. QoE are also impacted by several subjective factors, such as user expectation. Not always the highest throughput will lead to the best QoE, and not always the best technology (LTE) deserves the best MOS. Even though user received very high downlink throughput, their MOS value may still be low due to they might think the video were not fun to watch and the quality has not meet their expectation.

A Heuristic Downside Risk Approach to Real Estate Portfolio Structuring : a Comparison Between Modern Portfolio Theory and Post Modern Portfolio Theory

Hamrin, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Portfolio diversification has been a subject frequently addressed since the publications of Markowitz in 1952 and 1959. However, the Modern Portfolio Theory and its mean variance framework have been criticized. The critiques refer to the assumptions that return distributions are normally distributed and the symmetric definition of risk. This paper elaborates on these short comings and applies a heuristic downside risk approach to avoid the pitfalls inherent in the mean variance framework. The result of the downside risk approach is compared and contrasted with the result of the mean variance framework. The return data refers to the real estate sector in Sweden and diversification is reached through property type and geographical location. The result reveals that diversification is reached differently between the two approaches. The downside risk measure applied here frequently diversifies successfully with use of fewer proxies. The efficient portfolios derived also reveals that the downside risk approach would have contributed to a historically higher average total return. This paper outlines a framework for portfolio diversification, the result is empirical and further research is needed in order to grasp the potential of the downside risk measures.

Uppvisar den svenska aktiemarknaden mean reversion? : En studie om Stockholmsbörsen, dess sektorer och olika marknadsförhållanden / Does the Swedish stock market exhibit mean reversion? : A study on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, its sectors and different market conditions

Fors Rosén, Oskar, Liderfelt, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and its different sectors is mean reverting during the period 2003–2019. In addition to the examination of the entire period, the study also examines the periods before, during and after the global financial crisis. Daily, weekly and monthly data is used in combination with three different statistical methods in the form of ADF-tests, KPSS-tests and GPH-tests. The previous research conducted within the area yield different results but the tendency to find support for mean reversion increases during periods of economic uncertainty. The main standpoint used in previous literature and also this study is based on Famas (1970) publication about the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).  The results from the entire period are in line with the EMH where no robust indications for mean reversion is found neither for the specific sectors or the index itself. However, when the different periods are examined, in the period following the global financial crisis the healthcare and real estate sector show signs of mean reversion. In summary, the results show more support for mean reversion when the sectors are examined in relation to the entire Stockholm Stock Exchange. The conclusion based on these results is that an investor, in contrast to the EMH, can use the serial correlation in returns for these sectors as an indicator for when to buy and sell assets during periods as the one following the global financial crisis.

Association of cost of the diet with dietary diversity and nutrient adequacy in children aged 12 to 24 months.

Mulabisano, Tshavhuyo Audry January 2021 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods after 6 months with continued breastfeeding to 2 years and beyond. A variety of foods in the diet is needed to ensure that the nutrient needs of breastfed and non-breastfed children are met. Price of food and affordability are the main barriers of accessing sufficient, safe and nutritious diets to meet dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Many low-income households cannot afford a healthy nutritionally adequate diet, because of the cost of nutrient-rich foods relative to income. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine whether cost of the diet is associated with dietary diversity, energy and nutrient density, and nutrient adequacy in breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding children aged 12 to 24 months. Objectives: For breastfed and non-breastfed children age 12 to 24 months, to determine: (i) dietary diversity, nutrient adequacy and cost of total dietary intake; (ii) dietary diversity, nutrient density, energy density and cost of the complementary diet; (iii) the association of cost of the diet with dietary diversity and nutrient adequacy; and (iv) the association of cost of the complementary diet with dietary diversity, nutrient density and energy density of the complementary Study design: The study is a descriptive study and used an existing dataset consisting of pooled previously collected 24-hour dietary recalls for children age 12 to 24 months from the two most recent independent studies (n=1064). The dataset included data on dietary energy and nutrients, mean adequacy ratio, nutrient adequacy ratios, micronutrient density per 100 kcal of the complementary diet and cost of food per 100g edible portion.

Small September semidiurnal tidal amplitudes over Collm in 2002

Jacobi, Christoph, Kürschner, Dierk 11 January 2017 (has links)
The mesopause region monthly mean winds and semidiurnal tidal amplitudes and phases over Central Europe in the height range between 85-105 km have been measured at Collm Observatory continuously since September 1982. The regular annual cycle of the semidiurnal tidal amplitudes show in all cases maximum values during late August and September. In contrast to that, in autumn 2002 no enhancement of the tidal amplitudes was measured, while the autumn tidal phase transition occurred unusually early. The unexpected behaviour of the semidiurnal tides seems to be connected with a very early autumn transition of the zonal prevailing winds. This suggests that in 2002 the zonal mean winds influence the tidal propagation in a different way than usual. / Die monatlich gemittelten Grundwinde und halbtägigen Gezeiten werden am Collm seit September 1982 im Höhenbereich zwischen 85-105 km gemessen. Der normale Jahresgang der halbtägigen Gezeiten zeigt maximale Amplituden im Winter und vor allem im Spätsommer/Herbst. Dieses Maximum ist im Jahre 2002 nicht zu verzeichnen. Dies ist begleitet von einer ungewöhnlich frühen Phasenänderung von der Sommer- zur Winterposition. Das Verhalten der Gezeiten scheint mit einer sehr frühen Änderung des zonalen Grundwindes vom Sommer- zum Winterregime verbunden zu sein, so dass die Anomalie der mittleren Zirkulation für die Gezeitenanomalie verantwortlich zu sein scheint.

Globalization and inequality in an agent-based wealth exchange model

Khouw, Timothy 24 February 2022 (has links)
Agent-based asset exchange models serve as an interesting and tractable means by which to study the emergence of an economy's wealth distribution. Although asset exchange models have reproduced certain features of real-world wealth distributions, previous research has largely neglected the effects of economic growth and network connectivity between agents. In this work, we study the effects of globalization on wealth inequality in the Growth, Exchange, and Distribution (GED) model [Liu et al, Klein et al] on a network or lattice that connects potential trading partners. We find that increasing the number of trading partners per agent results in higher levels of wealth inequality as measured by the Gini coefficient and the variance of the agent wealth distribution. However, if globalization is accompanied by a proportionate increase in the economic growth rate, the level of inequality can be held constant. We present a mean-field theory to describe the GED model based on the Fokker-Planck equation and derive the stationary wealth distributions of the network GED model. For large Ginzburg parameter for which mean-field theory is applicable, the wealth distributions for the fully connected model are found to be Gaussian; however, for sparse trade networks, a non-Gaussian "hyperequal" phase is found even for large Ginzburg parameter. It is shown that several networks (Erdos-Renyi, Barabsi-Albert, one-dimensional and two-dimensional lattices) display mean-field critical exponents when the Ginzburg parameter is large and held constant and the system parameters are scaled properly.


04 October 2011 (has links)
[pt] A geometria diferencial provê um conjunto de medidas invariantes sob a ação de um grupo de transformações, em particular rígidas, afins e projetivas. Os invariantes por transformações rígidas são usados em quase todas as aplicações de computação gráfica e modelagem geométrica. O caso afim, por ser mais geral, permite estender essas ferramentas. Neste trabalho, propriedades geométricas são apresentadas no caso de superfícies paramétricas ou implícitas, em particular, a métrica afim, os vetores co-normal e normal afins e as curvaturas Gaussiana e média afins. Alguns resultados usuais de geometria Euclidiana, como a fórmula de Minkowski, são estendidos para o caso afim. Esse estudo permite definir estimadores das estruturas afins no caso de isossuperfícies. Porém, um cálculo direto dessas estruturas resulta em um grande número de operações e instabilidade numérica. Uma redução geométrica é proposta, obtendo fórmulas mais simples e mais estáveis numericamente. As propriedades geométricas incorporadas no Marching Cubes são analisadas e discutidas. / [en] Differential Geometry provides a set of measures invariant under a set of transformations, in particular rigid, affine, and projective. The invariants by rigid motions are using almost all applications of computer graphics and geometric modeling. The affine case, since it is more general, allows to extend these tools. In this work, geometric properties are presented in the case of parametric or implicit surfaces, in particular the affine metric, the conormal and normal vectors, and the affine Gaussian and mean curvatures. Some usual results of Euclidean geometry, as the Minkowski formula, are extended for the affine case. This study allows to define estimators of affines structure in the case of isosurfaces. Although, the direct calculation of these structures greatly increases the number of operations and numerical instabilities. A geometrical reduction is proposed obtaining a much simpler and numerical stabler formulae. The geometrical properties are incorporated in the Marching Cubes algorithms, then they are analyzed and discussed.

Variational Discrete Action Theory

Cheng, Zhengqian January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on developing new approaches to solving the ground state properties of quantum many-body Hamiltonians, and the goal is to develop a systematic approach which properly balances efficiency and accuracy. Two new formalisms are proposed in this thesis: the Variational Discrete Action Theory (VDAT) and the Off-Shell Effective Energy Theory (OET). The VDAT exploits the advantages of both variational wavefunctions and many-body Green's functions for solving quantum Hamiltonians. VDAT consists of two central components: the Sequential Product Density matrix (SPD) and the Discrete Action associated with the SPD. The SPD is a variational ansatz inspired by the Trotter decomposition and characterized by an integer N, and N controls the balance of accuracy and cost; monotonically converging to the exact solution for N → ∞. The Discrete Action emerges by treating the each projector in the SPD as an effective discrete time evolution. We generalize the path integral to our discrete formalism, which converts a dynamic correlation function to a static correlation function in a compound space. We also generalize the usual many-body Green's function formalism, which results in analogous but distinct mathematical structures due to the non-abelian nature of the SPD, yielding discrete versions of the generating functional, Dyson equation, and Bethe-Salpeter equation. We apply VDAT to two canonical models of interacting electrons: the Anderson impurity model (AIM) and the Hubbard model. We prove that the SPD can be exactly evaluated in the AIM, and demonstrate that N=3 provides a robust description of the exact results with a relatively negligible cost. For the Hubbard model, we introduce the local self-consistent approximation (LSA), which is the analogue of the dynamical mean-field theory, and prove that LSA exactly evaluates VDAT for d=∞. Furthermore, VDAT within the LSA at N=2 exactly recovers the Gutzwiller approximation (GA), and therefore N>2 provides a new class of theories which balance efficiency and accuracy. For the d=∞ Hubbard model, we evaluate N=2-4 and show that N=3 provides a truly minimal yet precise description of Mott physics with a cost similar to the GA. VDAT provides a flexible scheme for studying quantum Hamiltonians, competing both with state-of-the-art methods and simple, efficient approaches all within a single framework. VDAT will have broad applications in condensed matter and materials physics. In the second part of the thesis, we propose a different formalism, off-shell effective energy theory (OET), which combines the variational principle and effective energy theory, providing a ground state description of a quantum many-body Hamiltonian. The OET is based on a partitioning of the Hamiltonian and a corresponding density matrix ansatz constructed from an off-shell extension of the equilibrium density matrix; and there are dual realizations based on a given partitioning. To approximate OET, we introduce the central point expansion (CPE), which is an expansion of the density matrix ansatz, and we renormalize the CPE using a standard expansion of the ground state energy. We showcase the OET for the one band Hubbard model in d=1, 2, and ∞, using a partitioning between kinetic and potential energy, yielding two realizations denoted as K and X. OET shows favorable agreement with exact or state-of-the-art results over all parameter space, and has a negligible computational cost. Physically, K describes the Fermi liquid, while X gives an analogous description of both the Luttinger liquid and the Mott insulator. Our approach should find broad applicability in lattice model Hamiltonians, in addition to real materials systems. The VDAT can immediately be applied to generic quantum models, and in some cases will rival the best existing theories, allowing the discovery of new physics in strongly correlated electron scenarios. Alternatively, the OET provides a practical formalism for encapsulating the complex physics of some model and allowing extrapolation over all phase space. Both of the formalisms should find broad applications in both model Hamiltonians and real materials.

Black Swan Investments : How to manage your investments when the market is in distress

Knutsson, William, Ekeroth, David January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how investors can take advantage of Black Swan events by applying an investment strategy that involves investing in stocks that have performed badly during Black Swan events. The stocks are chosen from and compared to the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index. The purpose is to find out if the investment strategy has had a higher return than the benchmark index DJIA. The results show that the investment strategy outperforms the DJIA by 111% between the years 2000 to 2020, however, the results show no statistical significance. Beta is used as risk measurement to explain the correlation between the portfolios and the benchmark index by calculating CAPM. Standard deviation is used to calculate the Sharpe ratio and thereby assess a risk-adjusted result.

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