Spelling suggestions: "subject:"meningitidis"" "subject:"meningitis""
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A novel gold nanoparticle-based approach for the rapid diagnosis of meningococcal infectionBasi Reddy, Sreenivasulu Reddy, s3046678@student.rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
The bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis is responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Given the limitations of existing diagnostic tests and the severity of the illness associated with the disease, there is a clear requirement for a rapid and specific diagnostic assay. This thesis describes the development of nanoparticle based tests for the detection of Neisseria meningitidis specific cell surface markers. As an initial target antigen, a recombinant form of highly conserved outer membrane protein, OMP85 was used. Within the OMP85 protein sequence, a predicted antigenic sequence between residues 720 and 745 was identified and found to be unique to this organism. This amino acid sequence was synthesised as peptide (SR1) with a gly-gly-cysteine spacer sequence at the N-terminus using t-boc chemistry. Also, the major virulence factor, capsular polysaccharide of N. meningitidis serogroup B bacteria was purified. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against purified OMP85 antigen in rabbits and against SR1 peptide and also against formalin inactivated N. meningitidis serogroup B whole cell bacteria in sheep. This panel of different antibodies including the commercial anti-capsular monoclonal antibodies were examined for cross reactivity against a range of closely related Gram negative bacteria. Based on these cross-reactivity studies, a highly specific anti-NM antibody was developed following purification of the anti-SR1 antiserum by immuno-affinity chromatography. Purified OMP85 antigen and anti-OMP85 antibody were successfully conjugated on 13, 30, 40, 50 and 60 nm gold nanoparticles by an electrostatic adsorption method. Coupling of the gold nanoparticles results in a shift of the respective surface plasmon peak toward longer wavelengths (in the range of 600-800 nm) resulting in a change of the colour of the colloidal suspension from red to purple to blue. An attempt was made to develop a rapid diagnostic assay based on gold nanoparticle induced colour shift assay for N. meningitidis by utilising the specific interaction of OMP85 and anti-OMP85 antibody conjugated to gold nanoparticles as a model system. However, this system was not reproducible and is likely to be due to problems with stability of gold nanoparticles during the conjugation process. As an alternative approach, a highly selective quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)-based immunosensor was designed using the same OMP85/anti-OMP85 antibody system. A method was developed using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) coated QCM crystals with protein A for the directional orientation of the antibodies. To further enhance the sensitivity of the test, OMP85-conjugated gold nanoparticles were used as signal amplification probes for the reproducible detection of the target down to 300 ng/mL, corresponding to a five fold increase in sensitivity compared to detection of OMP85 antigen alone. Also, this sensor has successfully been employed to detect whole cell bacteria at a concentration as low as 100 cfu/mL. Thus, in this study using the real-time QCM measurements, a novel strategy has been developed for the sensitive detection of both N. meningitidis bacteria and the protein antigen at very low concentrations, using gold nanoparticles as signal amplification probes.
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Avaliação do sistema complemento e produção de anticorpos de pacientes HIV negativos com neurocriptococose / Antibody response to Cryptococcus sp and complement system activation in HIV negative patients with neurocryptococcosisArruk, Viviana Galimberti 31 October 2011 (has links)
Cryptococcus sp é um fungo saprófita, cosmopolita, que causa micose sistêmica, geralmente, subaguda ou crônica, conhecida, sobretudo, por sua localização meníngea, após aquisição da infecção por via respiratória Embora seja ubíquo, a criptococose ocorre predominantemente em indivíduos imunodeficientes e podendo ocorrer, também, em indivíduos imunocompetentes. Os estudos experimentais e em humanos avaliando a ativação do sistema complemento e a produção de anticorpos específicos mostram que a resposta inata e de anticorpos são importantes para a delimitação do processo infeccioso por Cryptococcus sp, como também, a administração de anticorpos monoclonais podem induzir uma resposta eficaz na disseminação da doença. O sistema complemento contribui para a defesa do organismo contra o Cryptococcus sp de diferentes maneiras: secretando opsoninas e fatores quimiotáticos e colaborando com a ação dos anticorpos específicos, aumentando a interação entre a imunidade inata e adquirida. Os anticorpos antiglicuroxilomanana (GXM) possuem numerosas atividades biológicas: a) opsonização para fagocitose, b) ativação da via clássica do complemento resultando na deposição precoce de fragmentos de C3 no fungo, c) supressão do excesso de acúmulo de C3 pela via alternativa; d) facilitação do clareamento do GXM do soro in vivo, resultando no maior acúmulo de GXM nos tecidos ricos em células do sistema fagocítico mononuclear; e) proteção em modelos murinos da criptococose e f) facilitação de vários aspectos da imunidade celular ao Cryptococcus sp. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a resposta humoral ao GXM e às proteínas da parede celular (Ag S) avaliando a atividade do sistema complemento como também a produção de anticorpos específicos em amostras séricas de adultos com e sem neurocriptococose. Foram coletadas 106 amostras de soro e divididas em 3 grupos: grupo 1- 21 indivíduos com neurocriptococose e baixa exposição a levedura, grupo 2- foi composto por 23 indivíduos saudáveis com alta exposição ao fungo e HIV negativos, granjeiros da cidade de Jumirim localizada a 164 km de São Paulo, na região de Sorocaba e, o grupo 3- 60 indivíduos saudáveis, HIV negativos e com baixa exposição ao Cryptococcus sp. Dois pacientes foram excluídos do estudo por apresentarem tumores (timona e câncer de pulmão). O sistema complemento foi avaliado por ensaio hemolítico (CH 50 e AP 50) e, a dosagem da proteína ligadora de manose (MBL) foi feita por ELISA. Os valores de CH 50 estiveram dentro da normalidade em 17/21, 13/23, 59/60 indivíduos dos grupos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. A média dos valores de CH 50 foi diferente significativamente entre o três grupos (P < 0,0001). O grupo 2 mostrou níveis reduzidos significantes em comparação aos dois outros grupos. Os valores de AP 50 estiveram dentro da normalidade em 11/21; 21/23 e 60/60 indivíduos dos grupos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. Houve diferença nos valores de AP 50 (P = 0,0005) e apenas um paciente do grupo 1 apresentou valores indetectáveis desta via. Houve diferença significante na dosagem de MBL entre os três grupos (P = 0,0277). Anticorpos IgG anti-GXM foram quantificados por ELISA e expressos por densidade óptica (DO). IgG anti GXM foi detectado em todos os grupos com diferença significante entre eles (P= 0,0127). As médias de IgG anti- GXM (DO) foram: 1.191 (0,49 a 1.217) no grupo 1, 1.572 (0,815 a 2.479) no grupo 2 e 0,965 (0,321 a 1.295) no grupo 3. Dois indivíduos assintomáticos do grupo 2 tiveram títulos de GXM detectáveis (1/256 e 1/32). Quatro pacientes com neurocriptococose faleceram (19%) e seus resultados mostravam: CH 50 normal, 2/4 tinham valores de AP 50 baixo (12 UI/mL) e indetectável; 3/4 tinham altos níveis de MBL e apenas um tinha baixa DO de IgG anti-GXM. Baseado em nosso estudo, podemos concluir que a resposta humoral (sistema complemento e anticorpos) não é suficiente para explicar a susceptibilidade a neurocriptococose, porém a alta e constante exposição ao Cryptococcus sp pode prevenir o desenvolvimento de doença, ou seja, a constante e intensa exposição ao fungo induz a produção de anticorpos que previnem a doença clínica mas não a infecção. Por outro lado fatores genéticos que determinam as concentrações de MBL podem influenciar na susceptibilidade a neurocriptococose. Os anticorpos contribuem para o clearence de GXM, entretanto as concentrações séricas não se correlacionam com resistência à doença / Cryptococcus sp is a fungal pathogen with a worldwide distribution. Although it is ubiquitous in the environment, cryptococcal disease occurs predominantly in immunocompromised hosts and can also occur in apparently immunocompetent individuals. The innate immunity is of special relevance for the antifungal reaction, as it allows an immediate reaction and recognizes a broad variety of fungal pathogens. The host immune response is a major determinant of the outcome of cryptococcal infection; however, the antibodies response is poorly understood. In addition, most of the studies are experimental and there is restricted knowledge concerning the human immune response. Complement system has soluble factors, restrictive regulator proteins and cellular receptors involved in defense mechanism. Glucuroxylomannan (GXM) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have numerous biological activities: a) opsonization for phagocytosis, b) activation of the classical complement pathway leading to early deposition of C3 fragments on the yeast, c) suppression overall accumulation of C3 via the alternative pathway; d) clearance facilitation of GXM from serum in vivo, leading to increased accumulation of GXM in tissues rich in mononuclear phagocyte system; e) protection in murine models of cryptococcosis and f) facilitation of various aspects of cellular immunity to Cryptococcus sp. The goal of our study was to evaluate if the antibody response to GXM and cell wall proteins regarding specific antibodies as well as complement system in sera of immunocompetent adults with and without neurocryptococcosis. The aim of our research was to evaluate classical and alternative complement system pathway, to quantify mannose-binding lectin (MBL) as well antibody response to GXM and cell wall proteins (AgS) regarding specific antibodies in sera of immunocompetent adults with and without neurocryptococcosis. One hundred and six samples were collected and classified in 3 groups: group 1- 21 individuals with neurocryptococcosis and low exposure to the yeast; group 2- was composed by 23 healthy individuals, chicken farmings from Jurumirim, a town 164 km to São Paulo, and with high exposure to Cryptoccocus spp and HIV negative. The third group included 60 healthy HIV negative individuals with presumed low exposure to Cryptococcus. Two patients were excluded by report of previous malignancies (timoma and pulmonary cancer). The complement system was evaluated by hemolytic assay and ELISA to MBL. CH 50 and AP 50 values were within the normal range in 17/21; 13/23; 59/60 patients in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectivelly. Mean CH 50 values were significantly different among the three groups (P < 0,0001). Group 2 showed significantly reduced levels in comparison with groups 1 and 3. AP 50 values were within the normal range in 11/21; 21/23; 60/60 patients in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectivelly. There was difference in the AP 50 values (P=0,0005) and one no activation of this pathway in group 1. There was significant difference in MBL among the groups (P = 0,0277). GXM antibodies IgG was measured by ELISA and expressed as optical density (OD). GXM- IgG was detected in all the groups with significant difference among them (P = 0,0127). The means of IgG anti-GXM (OD) were: 1.191 (range 0,49 to 1.217) in group 1, 1.572 (range 0,815 to 2.479) in group 2 and 0,965 (range 0,321 to 1.295) in the group 3. Two of the group 2 individuals had low GXM titers (1/256 and 1/32) and no symptoms. Four patients (4/21; 19%) with neurocryptococcosis died and the results showed: normal classical pathway activation, 2/4 had low (12 UI/mL) or undetectable alternative pathway values ; 3/4 had high MBL concentrations and only one had low OD for IgG anti-GXM. In conclusion, our results suggest that constant and high exposure to Cryptococcus sp can prevent the development of cryptococcosis, i.e. constant and intensive fungal exposition induces protective antibodies to clinical disease but not to the infection. In the other side, genetic factors which determine MBL concentrations could influence the susceptibility to neurocryptococcosis. The antibodies contribute to GXM clearance, however, the concentrations did not correlate with the resistance to the disease
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Avaliação do sistema complemento e produção de anticorpos de pacientes HIV negativos com neurocriptococose / Antibody response to Cryptococcus sp and complement system activation in HIV negative patients with neurocryptococcosisViviana Galimberti Arruk 31 October 2011 (has links)
Cryptococcus sp é um fungo saprófita, cosmopolita, que causa micose sistêmica, geralmente, subaguda ou crônica, conhecida, sobretudo, por sua localização meníngea, após aquisição da infecção por via respiratória Embora seja ubíquo, a criptococose ocorre predominantemente em indivíduos imunodeficientes e podendo ocorrer, também, em indivíduos imunocompetentes. Os estudos experimentais e em humanos avaliando a ativação do sistema complemento e a produção de anticorpos específicos mostram que a resposta inata e de anticorpos são importantes para a delimitação do processo infeccioso por Cryptococcus sp, como também, a administração de anticorpos monoclonais podem induzir uma resposta eficaz na disseminação da doença. O sistema complemento contribui para a defesa do organismo contra o Cryptococcus sp de diferentes maneiras: secretando opsoninas e fatores quimiotáticos e colaborando com a ação dos anticorpos específicos, aumentando a interação entre a imunidade inata e adquirida. Os anticorpos antiglicuroxilomanana (GXM) possuem numerosas atividades biológicas: a) opsonização para fagocitose, b) ativação da via clássica do complemento resultando na deposição precoce de fragmentos de C3 no fungo, c) supressão do excesso de acúmulo de C3 pela via alternativa; d) facilitação do clareamento do GXM do soro in vivo, resultando no maior acúmulo de GXM nos tecidos ricos em células do sistema fagocítico mononuclear; e) proteção em modelos murinos da criptococose e f) facilitação de vários aspectos da imunidade celular ao Cryptococcus sp. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a resposta humoral ao GXM e às proteínas da parede celular (Ag S) avaliando a atividade do sistema complemento como também a produção de anticorpos específicos em amostras séricas de adultos com e sem neurocriptococose. Foram coletadas 106 amostras de soro e divididas em 3 grupos: grupo 1- 21 indivíduos com neurocriptococose e baixa exposição a levedura, grupo 2- foi composto por 23 indivíduos saudáveis com alta exposição ao fungo e HIV negativos, granjeiros da cidade de Jumirim localizada a 164 km de São Paulo, na região de Sorocaba e, o grupo 3- 60 indivíduos saudáveis, HIV negativos e com baixa exposição ao Cryptococcus sp. Dois pacientes foram excluídos do estudo por apresentarem tumores (timona e câncer de pulmão). O sistema complemento foi avaliado por ensaio hemolítico (CH 50 e AP 50) e, a dosagem da proteína ligadora de manose (MBL) foi feita por ELISA. Os valores de CH 50 estiveram dentro da normalidade em 17/21, 13/23, 59/60 indivíduos dos grupos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. A média dos valores de CH 50 foi diferente significativamente entre o três grupos (P < 0,0001). O grupo 2 mostrou níveis reduzidos significantes em comparação aos dois outros grupos. Os valores de AP 50 estiveram dentro da normalidade em 11/21; 21/23 e 60/60 indivíduos dos grupos 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente. Houve diferença nos valores de AP 50 (P = 0,0005) e apenas um paciente do grupo 1 apresentou valores indetectáveis desta via. Houve diferença significante na dosagem de MBL entre os três grupos (P = 0,0277). Anticorpos IgG anti-GXM foram quantificados por ELISA e expressos por densidade óptica (DO). IgG anti GXM foi detectado em todos os grupos com diferença significante entre eles (P= 0,0127). As médias de IgG anti- GXM (DO) foram: 1.191 (0,49 a 1.217) no grupo 1, 1.572 (0,815 a 2.479) no grupo 2 e 0,965 (0,321 a 1.295) no grupo 3. Dois indivíduos assintomáticos do grupo 2 tiveram títulos de GXM detectáveis (1/256 e 1/32). Quatro pacientes com neurocriptococose faleceram (19%) e seus resultados mostravam: CH 50 normal, 2/4 tinham valores de AP 50 baixo (12 UI/mL) e indetectável; 3/4 tinham altos níveis de MBL e apenas um tinha baixa DO de IgG anti-GXM. Baseado em nosso estudo, podemos concluir que a resposta humoral (sistema complemento e anticorpos) não é suficiente para explicar a susceptibilidade a neurocriptococose, porém a alta e constante exposição ao Cryptococcus sp pode prevenir o desenvolvimento de doença, ou seja, a constante e intensa exposição ao fungo induz a produção de anticorpos que previnem a doença clínica mas não a infecção. Por outro lado fatores genéticos que determinam as concentrações de MBL podem influenciar na susceptibilidade a neurocriptococose. Os anticorpos contribuem para o clearence de GXM, entretanto as concentrações séricas não se correlacionam com resistência à doença / Cryptococcus sp is a fungal pathogen with a worldwide distribution. Although it is ubiquitous in the environment, cryptococcal disease occurs predominantly in immunocompromised hosts and can also occur in apparently immunocompetent individuals. The innate immunity is of special relevance for the antifungal reaction, as it allows an immediate reaction and recognizes a broad variety of fungal pathogens. The host immune response is a major determinant of the outcome of cryptococcal infection; however, the antibodies response is poorly understood. In addition, most of the studies are experimental and there is restricted knowledge concerning the human immune response. Complement system has soluble factors, restrictive regulator proteins and cellular receptors involved in defense mechanism. Glucuroxylomannan (GXM) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have numerous biological activities: a) opsonization for phagocytosis, b) activation of the classical complement pathway leading to early deposition of C3 fragments on the yeast, c) suppression overall accumulation of C3 via the alternative pathway; d) clearance facilitation of GXM from serum in vivo, leading to increased accumulation of GXM in tissues rich in mononuclear phagocyte system; e) protection in murine models of cryptococcosis and f) facilitation of various aspects of cellular immunity to Cryptococcus sp. The goal of our study was to evaluate if the antibody response to GXM and cell wall proteins regarding specific antibodies as well as complement system in sera of immunocompetent adults with and without neurocryptococcosis. The aim of our research was to evaluate classical and alternative complement system pathway, to quantify mannose-binding lectin (MBL) as well antibody response to GXM and cell wall proteins (AgS) regarding specific antibodies in sera of immunocompetent adults with and without neurocryptococcosis. One hundred and six samples were collected and classified in 3 groups: group 1- 21 individuals with neurocryptococcosis and low exposure to the yeast; group 2- was composed by 23 healthy individuals, chicken farmings from Jurumirim, a town 164 km to São Paulo, and with high exposure to Cryptoccocus spp and HIV negative. The third group included 60 healthy HIV negative individuals with presumed low exposure to Cryptococcus. Two patients were excluded by report of previous malignancies (timoma and pulmonary cancer). The complement system was evaluated by hemolytic assay and ELISA to MBL. CH 50 and AP 50 values were within the normal range in 17/21; 13/23; 59/60 patients in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectivelly. Mean CH 50 values were significantly different among the three groups (P < 0,0001). Group 2 showed significantly reduced levels in comparison with groups 1 and 3. AP 50 values were within the normal range in 11/21; 21/23; 60/60 patients in groups 1, 2 and 3 respectivelly. There was difference in the AP 50 values (P=0,0005) and one no activation of this pathway in group 1. There was significant difference in MBL among the groups (P = 0,0277). GXM antibodies IgG was measured by ELISA and expressed as optical density (OD). GXM- IgG was detected in all the groups with significant difference among them (P = 0,0127). The means of IgG anti-GXM (OD) were: 1.191 (range 0,49 to 1.217) in group 1, 1.572 (range 0,815 to 2.479) in group 2 and 0,965 (range 0,321 to 1.295) in the group 3. Two of the group 2 individuals had low GXM titers (1/256 and 1/32) and no symptoms. Four patients (4/21; 19%) with neurocryptococcosis died and the results showed: normal classical pathway activation, 2/4 had low (12 UI/mL) or undetectable alternative pathway values ; 3/4 had high MBL concentrations and only one had low OD for IgG anti-GXM. In conclusion, our results suggest that constant and high exposure to Cryptococcus sp can prevent the development of cryptococcosis, i.e. constant and intensive fungal exposition induces protective antibodies to clinical disease but not to the infection. In the other side, genetic factors which determine MBL concentrations could influence the susceptibility to neurocryptococcosis. The antibodies contribute to GXM clearance, however, the concentrations did not correlate with the resistance to the disease
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