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Ontologie a Semantický Web / Ontology and Semantic WebStuchlík, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of the master's thesis "Ontology and Semantic Web" is to give a description of general principles of ontologies, which are closely associated with so-called new generation of web: semantic web. The thesis is conceived as tutorial and it is focused on both theoretical basics and practical examples of the use of technologies developed recently. The aim of this tutorial is to present main ideas of semantic web, technologies and data formats, which should provide its implementation into standard practice.
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Visualizing bug-prone code via version control metadataGradin, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Software being developed today can have years worth of history and hundreds if notthousands of files involved in a single project. When trying to determine what parts ofthe code need maintenance or updating it can be difficult to determine what will beproblematic in the future. Hours spent on code that will not cause problems in thefuture could be better used in other areas. Before changes are made to a codebase, themost error-prone parts of the code should be identified. In this thesis a method forcomparing what factors contribute to future bugs is developed, as well as testing severalfactors extracted from version control metadata using this method. In addition, avisualization was made using tree maps to show the most problematic files in a readablemanner, effectively using the produced data in an application to predict future bugs. Itwas determined that Age of newest change, Changes with age reducing importance andPrevious bugfixes with age reducing importance were all the most impactful factors forpredicting future bugs but that different repositories worked best with differentcombinations of the mentioned factors.
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Creating a Customizable Component Based ETL Solution for the Consumer / Skapandet av en anpassningsbar komponentbaserad ETL-lösning för konsumentenRetelius, Philip, Bergström Persson, Eddie January 2021 (has links)
In today's society, an enormous amount of data is created that is stored in various databases. Since the data is in many cases stored in different databases, there is a demand from organizations with a lot of data to be able to merge separated data and get an extraction of this resource. Extract, Transform and Load System (ETL) is a solution that has made it possible to easily merge different databases. However, the ETL market has been owned by large actors such as Amazon and Microsoft and the solutions offered are completely owned by these actors. This leaves the consumer with little ownership of the solution. Therefore, this thesis proposes a framework to create a component based ETL which gives consumers an opportunity to own and develop their own ETL solution that they can customize to their own needs. The result of the thesis is a prototype ETL solution that is built with the idea of being able to configure and customize the prototype and it accomplishes this by being independent of inflexible external libraries and a level of modularity that makes adding and removing components easy. The results of this thesis are verified with a test that shows how two different files containing data can be combined. / I dagens samhälle skapas det en enorm mängd data som är lagrad i olika databaser. Eftersom data i många fall är lagrat i olika databaser, finns det en efterfrågan från organisationer med mycket data att kunna slå ihop separerad data och få en utvinning av denna resurs. Extract, Transform and Load System (ETL) är en lösning som gjort det möjligt att slå ihop olika databaser. Dock är problemet denna expansion av ETL teknologi. ETL marknaden blivit ägd av stora aktörer såsom Amazon och Microsoft och de lösningar som erbjuds är helt ägda av dem. Detta lämnar konsumenten med lite ägodel av lösningen. Därför föreslår detta examensarbete ett ramverk för att skapa ett komponentbaserat ETL verktyg som ger konsumenter en möjlighet att utveckla en egen ETL lösning som de kan skräddarsy efter deras egna förfogande. Resultatet av examensarbete är en prototyp ETL-lösning som är byggd för att kunna konfigurera och skräddarsy prototypen. Lösningen lyckas med detta genom att vara oberoende av oflexibla externa bibliotek och en nivå av modularitet som gör addering och borttagning av komponenter enkelt. Resultatet av detta examensarbete är verifierat av ett test som visar på hur två olika filer med innehållande data kan kombineras.
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[pt] A quantidade de vídeos gravados no mundo cresce muito, não somente devido aos interesses e hábitos humanos em relação a esse tipo de mídia, mas também pela diversidade de dispositivos utilizados para criação de vídeos. No entanto, faltam informações sobre conteúdos em vídeo porque a geração de
metadados é complexa e requer muito tempo para ser executado por humanos. Do ponto de vista da tecnologia, não é fácil superar os obstáculos relacionados à grande quantidade e diversidade de frames de vídeo. O trabalho propõe um sistema automatizado de reconhecimento facial para detectar personagens em vídeos. Ele foi desenvolvido para reconhecer personagens, a fim de aumentar os metadados de vídeo. Ele combina técnicas padrão de visão computacional para melhorar a precisão, processando os dados de saída dos modelos existentes de maneira complementar. O modelo teve um desempenho satisfatório usando um
conjunto de dados da vida real de uma grande empresa de mídia. / [en] The amount of recorded video in the world is increasing a lot due not only to the humans interests and habits regarding this kind of media, but also the diversity of devices used to create them. However, there is a lack of information about video content because generating video meta-data is complex. It demands too much time to be performed by humans, and from the technology perspective, it is not easy to overcome obstacles regarding the huge amount and diversity of video frames. In this work we propose an automated face recognition system to detect and recognize humans within videos. It was developed to recognize characters,in order to increase video meta-data. It combines standard computer vision techniques to improved accuracy by processing existing models output data in a complementary manner. We evaluated the performance of the system in a real data set from a large media company.
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Svenska ljudboksälskares passioner och frustrationer : en möjlighet för smalare kvalitetslitteratur i de digitala strömningstjänsterna?Johnsson, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
I den allmänna debatten framförs ofta åsikten att ljudbokens popularitet i kombination med de digitala strömningstjänsternas kommersiella genomslag leder till en förflackning av vår litteraturkonsumtion och hotar den smalare, kvalitativa, litteraturens position och existens. Deckare, feelgood och romance dominerar idag lyssningen i strömningstjänsterna, men beror skillnaden i konsumtionsmönster på ljudboken som modalt format eller finns det andra förklaringsmodeller? Är denna form av litteraturkonsumtion ett substitut för läsning av tryckta böcker, eller är den primärt inkrementell? Kan det i själva verket finnas ett positivt motnarrativ där ljudbokens materialitet öppnar upp möjligheter till nya litterära uttryck och sätt att konsumera litteratur som kan bidra till att både bredda och fördjupa det litterära fältet? I denna framställning diskuteras dessa frågar med hjälp av en tvärvetenskaplig ansats, där tidigare forskning och teoretiska perspektiv kombineras med empiriskt material: en enkätundersökning i Facebookgruppen ”Vi som älskar ljudböcker” som genomfördes i februari 2023 samt aktuella exempel från de ledande svenska strömningstjänsterna. Med utgångspunkt i enkätsvaren visas hur ljudboken i större utsträckning än idag kan fungera som en viktig pusselbit i det litterära framtidsnarrativet, både för smalare kvalitetslitteratur och olika former av populärlitteratur och hur det ekosystem som producerar och tillgängliggör ljudböcker, framför allt de digitala strömningstjänsterna, genom kreativ affärsutveckling och användning av ny teknik som artificiell intelligens, metadata och personalisering, kan bidra till denna utveckling.
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Hbtqia+-litteratur = homolitteratur? : En kvantitativ analys utifrån intersektionella motiv av svenska folkbiblioteks bestånd av litteratur med hbtqia+-tematik / LGBTQIA+ literature = gay literature? : A quantitative analysis based on intersectional motifs of Swedish public libraries collections of literature with LGBTQIA+ themesBeijbom, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
The LGBTQIA+ community includes a myriad of different perspectives and experiences. The common denominator is that they all in one or more ways challenge normative views of gender and sexuality, but hierarchies exist even within marginalized groups. It is therefore of importance to study which perspectives are made accessible in libraries collections to avoid LGBTQIA+ themes becoming synonymous with one experience. Thus, the aim of this master’s thesis was to examine patterns and identify which perspectives are visible and accessible in Swedish public libraries collections of literature with LGBTQIA+ themes. Due to more and more libraries choosing to become LGBTQI certified by RFSL, the thesis also aims to study how the certification process can influence the diversity of this collection. The LGBTQIA+ collections of 18 public library catalogs, nine being LGBTQI certified, were analyzed through collection profiling. Mathiesen’s conceptual framework of informational justice guided the analysis along with intersectional theory. Previous international studies have shown that LGBTQIA+ library materials are overwhelmingly representative of the gay, white, adult male experience. Findings indicate that the Swedish collections also heavily favor white gay perspectives, implying an unmet information need and a lack of informational justice for other groups within the LGBTQIA+ community. However, the adult male perspective was not as dominant as in previous studies. Further, no notable differences between LGBTQI certified and non-certified libraries could be found.
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Integration of relational database metadata and XML technology to develop an abstract framework to generate automatic and dynamic web entry forms.Elsheh, Mohammed M. January 2009 (has links)
Developing interactive web application systems requires a large amount of effort on designing database, system logic and user interface. These tasks are expensive and error-prone. Web application systems are accessed and used by many different sets of people with different backgrounds and numerous demands. Meeting these demands requires frequent updating for Web application systems which results in a very high cost process. Thus, many attempts have been made to automate, to some degree, the construction of Web user interfaces. Three main directions have been cited for this purpose. The first direction suggested of generating user interfaces from the application¿s data model. This path was able to generate the static layout of user interfaces with dynamic behaviour specified programmatically. The second tendency suggested deployment of the domain model to generate both, the layout of a user interface and its dynamic behaviour. Web applications built based on this approach are most useful for domain-specific interfaces with a relatively fixed user dialogue. The last direction adopted the notion of deploying database metadata to developing dynamic user interfaces. Although the notion was quite valuable, its deployment did not present a generic solution for generating a variety of types of dynamic Web user interface targeting several platforms and electronic devices.
This thesis has inherited the latter direction and presented significant improvements on the current deployment of this tendency. This thesis aims to contribute towards the development of an abstract framework to generate abstract and dynamic Web user interfaces not targeted to any particular domain or platform. To achieve this target, the thesis proposed and evaluates a general notion for implementing a prototype system that uses an internal model (i.e. database metadata) in conjunction with XML technology. Database metadata is richer than any external model and provides the information needed to build dynamic user interfaces. In addition, XML technology became the mainstream of presenting and storing data in an abstract structure. It is widely adopted in Web development society because of its ability to be transformed into many different formats with a little bit of effort. This thesis finds that only Java can provide us with a generalised database metadata based framework. Other programming languages apply some restrictions on accessing and extracting database metadata from numerous database management systems. Consequently, JavaServlets and relational database were used to implement the proposed framework. In addition, Java Data Base Connectivity was used to bridge the two mentioned technologies.
The implementation of our proposed approach shows that it is possible and very straightforward to produce different automatic and dynamic Web entry forms that not targeted at any platform. In addition, this approach can be applied to a particular domain without affecting the main notion or framework architecture. The implemented approach demonstrates a number of advantages over the other approaches based on external or internal models.
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Database Metadata Requirements for Automated Web Development. A case study using PHP.Mgheder, Mohamed A. January 2009 (has links)
The Web has come a long way. It started as a distributed document repository and quickly became the spring board for a new type of application. Propped on top of the original HTML+HTTP architecture, this new application platform shifted the way the architecture was used so that commands and functionality were embedded in the form data of Web requests rather than in the HTTP command conveying the request. This approach enabled Web requests to convey any type of data, not just document operations. This is occurring because the Web provides such a powerful platform on which to create applications. This is occurring because web development methods are still evolving toward the structure and stability required taking on this enormous new role.
As the needs of developers change, certain themes that arise more frequently than others become embedded into new environments to support those needs. Until recently, Web application programming has largely been done with a set of keywords and metaphors developed long before the Web became a popular place to program. APIs have been developed to support Web specific features, but they are no replacement for fundamental changes in the programming environment itself. The growth of Web applications requires a new type of programming designed specifically for the needs of the Web.
This thesis aims to contribute towards the development of an abstract framework to generate abstract and dynamic Web user interfaces that are not developed to a specific platform. To meet this aim, this thesis suggests a general implementation of a prototype system that uses the information in database metadata in conjunction with PHP. Database metadata is richer in providing the information needed to build dynamic user interfaces. This thesis uses PHP and the abstract library ADOdb to provide us with a generalised database metadata based prototype. PHP does not have any restrictions on accessing and extracting database metadata from numerous database management systems. As a result, PHP and relational database were used to build the proposed framework. Additionally, ADOdb was used to link the two mentioned technologies.
The implemented framework in this thesis demonstrates that it is possible to generate different automatic Web entry forms that are not specific at any platform.
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Dynamic web forms development using RuleML. Building a framework using metadata driven rules to control Web forms generation and appearance.Albhbah, Atia M. January 2013 (has links)
Web forms development for Web based applications is often expensive, laborious, error-prone, time consuming and requires a lot of effort. Web forms are used by many different people with different backgrounds and a lot of demands. There is a very high cost associated with the need to update the Web application systems to achieve these demands.
A wide range of techniques and ideas to automate the generation of Web forms exist. These techniques and ideas however, are not capable of generating the most dynamic behaviour of form elements, and make Insufficient use of database metadata to control Web forms¿ generation and appearance.
In this thesis different techniques are proposed that use RuleML and database metadata to build rulebases to improve the automatic and dynamic generation of Web forms.
First this thesis proposes the use of a RuleML format rulebase using Reaction RuleML that can be used to support the development of automated Web interfaces. Database metadata can be extracted from system catalogue tables in typical relational database systems, and used in conjunction with the rulebase to produce appropriate Web form elements. Results show that this mechanism successfully insulates application logic from code and suggests that
the method can be extended from generic metadata rules to more domain specific rules.
Second it proposes the use of common sense rules and domain specific rules rulebases using Reaction RuleML format in conjunction with database metadata rules to extend support for the development of automated Web forms.
Third it proposes the use of rules that involve code to implement more semantics for Web forms. Separation between content, logic and presentation of Web applications has become an important issue for faster development and easy maintenance. Just as CSS applied on the client side to control the overall presentation of Web applications, a set of rules can give a similar consistency to the appearance and operation of any set of forms that interact with the same database. We develop rules to order Web form elements and query forms using Reaction RuleML format in conjunction with database metadata rules. The results show the potential of RuleML formats for representing database structural and active semantics.
Fourth it proposes the use of a RuleML based approach to provide more support for greater semantics for example advanced domain support even when this is not a DBMS feature. The approach is to specify most of the semantics associated with data stored in RDBMS, to overcome some RDBMSs limitations. RuleML could be used to represent database metadata as an external format.
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