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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialiniai ir pedagoginiai sveikatos vadybos veiksniai bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Social and pedagogical factors of health management in the secondary comprehensive school

Skrodenienė, Ingrida 15 June 2006 (has links)
Objectives of the work: To evaluate the social and pedagogical factors, having influence on the pupils‘ health and propose the model of social educator practice for fortifying the health of pupils at Kaunas Julijanava and J.Dobkevičius secondary schools. Methods: The research was conducted in November – December in 2005 after prior consent of the headmasters of these schools had been received provided that the results of the research would be presented. The research consisted of two parts: the questionnaire survey of pupils and qualitative research. First, an experimental questionnaire which was tested with one class was created and the final version was copied and given for students. The questionnaire was anonymous. The survey was conducted during a class hour with the help of the class teacher. The second part of the survey included an individual conversation with social educators. The conversation was half-structured; the social educators of both schools were asked the same questions. Results: In the comprehensive schools, almost 50% of the pupils (55% boys and 37% girls) who participated in the research have smoked at least once in their lifetime. It shows that the smoking problem exists among young pupils. The questionnaire also showed that the pupils use alcohol; 3,3% pupils from J.Dobkevičius school use it every day and 3,5% pupils from Julijanava school use it every month. The pupils are acquainted with all kinds of drugs. 93,3% pupils from J... [to full text]

Teisės pasirinkti kariavimo būdus ir metodus apribojimai tarptautinėje teisėje / Limitations of right to choose means and methods of warfare in international law

Gofmanas, Mantas 24 November 2010 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tikslas yra išsamiai aptarti konkrečius kariavimo būdus ir metodus, kurių naudojimas dėl vienokių ar kitokių priežasčių yra ribojamas arba draudžiamas pagal tarptautinę teisę. Daugeliu atveju šių apribojimų ar draudimų priežastys taip pat analizuojamos. Pabrėžtina, jog apribojimai pasirinkti kariavimo būdus ir metodus aptariami tiek, kiek jie susiję su tarptautiniais ginkluotais konfliktais, taip pat analizuojami tik apribojimai, taikytini sausumos kariuomenėms. Be to, šio magistro darbo tikslas, be aukščiau paminėtų, taip pat yra atskleisti, kurie apribojimai yra tarptautinės paprotinės teisės dalis bei apžvelgti, kurių apribojimų nesilaikymas yra karo nusikaltimas pagal Romos Statutą. Pirmiausia šiame magistro darbe analizuojami problematiniai jo aspektai: (i) sąvokų „kariavimo metodai“, „kariavimo būdai“ ir „kariavimo priemonės“ atskyrimas, (ii) sunkumai, su kuriais susidurta, pasirenkant darbo struktūrą. Toliau pateikiama istorinė kariavimo būdų ir metodų reglamentavimo apžvalga, taip pat jiems taikytini tarptautinės humanitarinės teisės principai. Pagrindinę šio magistro darbo dalį užima konkrečių kariavimo būdų ir metodų pasirinkimo apribojimų analizė bei su tuo susiję probleminiai klausimai. Pagrindiniai šio magistro darbo šaltiniai yra mokslinė literatūra, knygos ir straipsniai, išleisti TRKK, bei susiję tarptautiniai dokumentai. Be to, darbe išsamiai analizuojami su jo objektu susiję teisminių ir kvazi-teisminių institucijų, tokių kaip Amerikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master thesis seeks to analyze concrete means and methods of warfare the usage of which under the provisions of the International Law is limited or prohibited for one or another reason. In most of the cases the reasons for these limitations or prohibitions are also taken into consideration. It should be noted that the limitations to choose means and methods of warfare are analyzed as far as the international armed conflicts are concerned, besides the objective of the work is also limited to the limitations which are applicable to land armies. Furthermore, the purpose of this master thesis along the above mentioned is also to disclose which limitations are part of Customary International Law, as well as to analyze the infringements of which limitations constitute a war crime according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. First of all, in this master thesis the problematic aspects of its object are analyzed: (i) the notions „means“ and „methods“ of warfare, as the Lithuanian I Protocol of the Geneva Conventions does not make clear distinction between these notions, (ii) difficulties of choosing the structure of this master thesis. Then the principles of International Humanitarian Law applicable to the means and methods of warfare as well as the issue how the view to weapons and to their usage changed historically are discussed. And in the main part of this master thesis concrete means and methods of warfare, which were forbidden or which usage was... [to full text]

Baltų vardyno tyrimo principai Huberto Gurnovičiaus tekstuose / Principles of Baltic proper names index studies in texts of Hubert Górnowicz

Rogoža, Irena 24 September 2008 (has links)
Baltų vardyno tyrimo principai Huberto Gurnovičiaus tekstuose Summary Hubert Górnowicz – profesorius, onomastinės mokyklos Gdanske įkūrėjas. Jo susidomėjimų ir darbo sritis plati. Tai ir dialektologija, ir toponimija, ir antroponimija. Kalbininko nuopelnai mokslui nemaži. Jis daug nusipelnė baltų vardyno tyrimui, ypač prūsų vardyno tyrimui. Darbo objektas – H. Gurnovičiaus mokslinė veikla. Šio magistro darbo tikslas – aptarti Gurnovičiaus mokslinę veiklą; pateikti principus bei metodus, kuriais jis vadovavosi; nurodyti jo tyrimų, metodų skirtumus nuo kitų kalbininkų; išanalizuoti jo veikalus bei straipsnius (išrinkti iš Gurnovičiaus veikalų prūsų tikrinius vardus, surasti jų darybos pagrindą, identifikuoti šaknines morfemas, susiejant jas su baltų kalbų (prūsų, lietuvių, latvių ir kai kuriais atvejais su lenkų) apeliatyvais, antroponimais, nustatyti darybines morfemas); panagrinėti, kaip Gurnovičius atstato autentiškas prūsiškų vardų lytis, palyginti jo interpretaciją su kitų prūsų vardyno tyrėjų interpretacijomis. Darbe vartojamos sąvokos bei terminai. Lietuvių kalbotyroje onomastikos specialistų vartojami tiek tarptautiniai terminai, tiek lietuviški jų atitikmenys. Dažniausiai darbe vartojamas terminas yra toponimas arba vietovardis. Juo įvardijamas bet kurios gamtinės ar dirbtinės žemės paviršiaus vietos ar kitokio geografinio objekto tikrinis vardas. Vietovardžių rūšys yra įvairūs gyvenamųjų ir negyvenamųjų vietų vardai, pavyzdžiui, šalių, miestų, kaimų, kalnų, lygumų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Hubert Górnowicz is the founder of the onomastic school in Gdansk. The field of his interests and work is wide. This is dialectology, toponymy as well as anthroponymy. He deserves a lot for his studies of the Baltic proper names index and especially for the Prussian proper names index. The subject of the thesis is the scientific activity of H. Górnowicz. The aim of this Master thesis is to discuss the scientific activity of Górnowicz; to present the principles and methods which he observed by studying the Baltic proper names index, to specify the differences of his research and methods by comparing them to other linguists; to analyze his treatises and articles (to pick out the Prussian proper names from the treatises of Górnowicz, to find the basis of their formation, to identify the root morphemes by relating them to the appellatives, anthroponyms of Eastern Baltic languages (Lithuanian, Latvian and in some cases Polish), to define word-building morphemes; to analyze how Górnowicz restores the authentic genders of Prussian names, to compare his interpretation with the interpretations of other Prussian proper names index researchers. Notions and terms used in the thesis. The specialists of onomastics use both international terms and their Lithuanian equivalents in Lithuanian linguistics. The term used most often in the thesis is a toponym or place-name. The proper name of any natural or artificial earth surface place or another geographical feature is defined by it. The types... [to full text]

Žmogaus kūrybiško vaizdavimo mokymo metodai dailės pamokose / The teaching methods of reflecting a man creatively in art lessons

Šakarnytė, Lena 24 September 2008 (has links)
Apie 10 -13 metus vaikai peržengia paauglystės slenkstį. Šiame amžiaus tarpsnyje žmogaus vaizdavimas dvimatėje plokštumoje yra sudėtinga ir įgūdžių reikalaujanti užduotis mokiniams. Žmogaus piešimas dvimatėje plokštumoje dažnai tampa problema. Paaugliams įžengusiems į realizmo (pseudorealizmo) stadiją svarbus tampa darbo rezultatas, atsiranda poreikis daiktus vaizduoti “teisingai“, tačiau tuo pačiu mokinys susiduria su plastinės išraiškos galimybių ribotumu. Ši problema mažina mokinių motyvaciją, kūrybinę raišką dailės pamokose. Tyrimo objektas - 10 – 13 metų mokinių motyvacijos skatinimas, kūrybiškumo ir saviraiškos ugdymo galimybės, taikant tikslingus žmogaus figūros piešimo metodus dailės pamokose. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti metodus skatinančius kūrybišką žmogaus figūros ir portreto vaizdavimą dailės pamokose. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) išanalizuoti specialiąją literatūrą ir išryškinti vaikų vaizdinės plastinės raiškos raidos aspektus; 2) apžvelgti realizmo (pseudorealizmo) stadijos įtaką 10 – 13 metų vaikų vizualiniai raiškai; 3) atskleisti veiksnius ir metodus skatinančius 10 -13 metų mokinių kūrybiškumą ir motyvaciją vaizduojant žmogaus figūrą ar portretą dailės pamokose; 4) pateikti žmogaus kūrybiško vaizdavimo metodus ir taikymo praktikoje galimybes. Hipotezė – tinkamai parinkti metodai ir aktualios temos, atlikimo priemonių įvairovė, technikos, skatina vaikų kūrybiškumą vaizduojant žmogaus figūrą ir portretą piešiniuose. Tyrime dalyvavo 5 – 6 klasių mokiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Children step over the threshold when they are 10 – 13 years old. The man painting task on the two – dimensional place is complicated and challenging student’s skills on this teen’s lifetime period. Drawing the man on the two dimensional place often is a problem. In result of the work becomes very important for teenager’s who are on the stage of realism (pseudo realism). They want to paint things “right”, but at the same time students run into limitation of the plastic expression. This problem lessens student’s motivation and creative expression in the lesions. Object of study: 10-13 years old students. 1. Stimulation their motivation. 2. Training pupils creative and self - expression through purposeful figure drawing methods in art lesions. Aim of study – to reveal methods which give an incentive to creative paintings of the man or portrait in the lesions. Tasks of study 1. To analyze special literature and expose students evolution aspects of the visual and plastical expressions. 2. To review the realism influence on the 10-13 teens visual expression. 3. To reveal factors and methods which stimulate 10-13 teens creation and motivation to paint the man or portrait in art lesions. 4. To present creative methods how to paint the man and to give recommendations how it could be aimed practically. Hypothesis – suitable methods and pressing themes, variety of supplies and techniques stimulate student’s creative skills when they draw portrait or paint the figure of the man in... [to full text]

Žmogaus judėjimo metodų kompiuterinėje animacijoje tyrimas / Research of human motion methods in computer animation

Juteikienė, Vilmantė 29 May 2006 (has links)
Character‘s animation is the most complicated, but at the same time the most important field of the computer animation. The main problem is related with realistic, flexible representation of human motion, when complex and large computations occur. Hybrid, human motion analyzing algorithm has been introduced theoretically. This algorithm is based on input of constraints, and one of the main constrains is mass distribution of human parts. Transitional motion representations are build, and their adjustment are computed while using aproxsimation of multiresolution B-splines. Advantage of this algorithm is that for calculation universal spline handling metric can be used, but disadvantage – there is no optimal algorithm.

Mokymo metodų taikymas heterogeninėse pradinio ugdymo klasėse / Application of the educational methods in the heterogenic grades of the primary school

Cijūnaitienė, Asta 14 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARRY In hodiernal primary class meet the schoolchild who have the different ability, different practice chance, the schoolchild who have different training requirements. The heterogeneous group is formed in that variety of individual differences and requirements and necessity of special training are showed up. In that group conceptualize situation, when teacher must satisfy different individual requirements during the short lesson time. Galkiene (2003, 2005), Juozaitytė (2003), Melienė, Ruškus, Elijošienė (2003), Dabrišienė, Narkevičienė (2002), Kaffemanienė, Lusver (2004) point up that successful study of child who have special training requirements in heterogeneous group asociate with necessity of new pedagogical technologies. Though the problem of training methods was researched generally enough, but in scientific aspect it is not enough answered what‘s the training technologies dominate in hodiernal class of heterogeneous primary training, what‘s the training methods are invoked in class, where child who have special training requirements are studing. The subject of research ��� training methods in heterogeneous primary training classes. Hypothesis – traditional information rendering and reproductive methods dominate in heterogeneous primary training classes; kink character of child who have special training requirements is not the criterion choicely the methods of study. Purpose of research – to identify the dominant training methods in heterogeneous primary... [to full text]

Frontalaus, grupinio ir individualaus mokymo santykis pradinėse klasėse integravimo sąlygomis / Frontal, cooperative and individual learning relation in integrated primary classes

Butkutė, Raminta 27 June 2006 (has links)
There are revealed frontal, cooperative and individual peculiarities of studying methods in this Master`s work. These methods are aimed in Lithuanian, Mathematics and World study lessons in integrated primary class, there is shown how teacher has to plan his/her work and to join frontal, cooperative and individual relations of work forms.Object of research: teaching methods are put into heterogenic primary classes.Problem of research: frontal, cooperative and individual methods of work applying under integrate training conditions.Purpose of research: to reveal how to optimize studying by various work forms in integrate training structure. Tasks of research: 1. After studying didactic sources, psychological literature and juridical documents to investigate frontal, cooperative and individual relation of studying methods in integrate educational system. 2. To establish frontal, cooperative and individual peculiarities of studying methods in Lithuanian, Mathematics and World study lessons. 3. To reveal abilities of studying optimize joing different forms of studying. 4. To prepare recommendations for teachers. Methods of research: 1. Analysis of didactics sources, psychological literature and juridical documents. 2. Qualitative research. Observation of pedagogical process. Observation was done in primary classes of Kaunas secondary regular and special schools where at least one pupil is studying according modify, adapt or special program. There were observed 79 Lithuanian... [to full text]

Vandens lygio Nemuno žemupio deltoje potvynių metu vertinimas / Water level at Nemunas River delta estimation during floods

Smirnova, Julija 04 June 2004 (has links)
Tne main purpose of this paper was to apply statistical methods for extreme events and to estimate probabilities of exceedance of the highest water level recorded and return period of a very large inundated area. Since Nemunas River water levels follow each other time-wise, they were examined in time series context.

Vieno kintamojo funkcijų minimizavimo metodų lyginamoji analizė / Comparysing analysis of methods of one variable function minimising

Orlakas, Evaldas 11 June 2004 (has links)
This paper investigates four methods of one variable function minimising that are used in the optimisation process („Golden cut”, „DSK”, „Pauel”, „Half distribution”), executes the comparison of their efficiency and generalises the results of this research.

Integruotas požiūris į vadybos modelius ekonominės transformacijos sąlygomis kultūrinių ir institucinių veiksnių aspektu / Integrated approach to management models in the context of economic transformation: cultural and institutional perspectives

Jucevičius, Giedrius 26 July 2005 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation – to formulate and ground the integrated approach to management models in the context of economic transformation encompassing the cultural and institutional factors so that the obtained methodological synergy enables to assess the emerging management models and their characteristics.

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