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Skandalen blir bättre när tv-mysgubbar dras fram på allmänhetens giljotin : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Expressens gestaltning av misstänkta gärningsmän vid nyhetsrapporteringen i kölvattnet av #metooUndhagen, Cornelia, Magnusson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
In October 2017, the actor Alyssa Milano announced a wish that all women who, in some way, have been sexually abused would answer their tweets with the words "me too". Almost a day later, #metoo breaks into Swedish social media. There are testimonies of countless of sexual harassments and abuse both from known, unknown and anonymous women who testify to the breadth of the major problem that came to be resembled as a revolution within the next few days. During the news reporting in connection with the campaign we discovered how the Swedish media generally showed differences in how suspected offenders were portrayed in the media. Using formulated analysis tools dramaturgical narrative techniques and criteria for newsworthiness from theories of media logic and theories of news value, we aim to investigate how one of the largest newspapers in Sweden, Expressen, choose to figure suspected perpetrators into sexual offenses in the context of the #metoo campaign. Our main research question is; “How do suspected offenders appear in Expressen's reporting of #metoo in relation to certain dramaturgic narrative techniques?” and “How are some suspects perpetrated in Expressen's reporting of #metoo in relation to certain news value criteria?” With a qualitative content analysis we examined a total of 20 articles and identified results that indicate that the suspected perpetrators according to our interpretation are expressed in the Expressens news reporting in such a way that they are to be perceived as guilty to the crime they're accused for. By identifying our chosen news value criteria in the empirical material which our study is based on, our interpretation is that there's a high news value of reporting suspected offenders in context of the #metoo campaign. The result of our study aims at contributing knowledge about how suspicious perpetrators are portrayed in cases of crime in the media. During our literature review, we found that the research previously conducted on media and crime is primarily about how the victim is portrayed in the media. With our study we want to contribute to the knowledge of how suspected perpetrators are portrayed, which can raise the awareness of how the media through different dramatic storytelling techniques and news evaluation criteria can shape news in different ways.
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Medierna och #Metoo : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om rapportering kring sexualbrott och sexuella trakasserier före och efter #Metoo i två morgontidningar och två kvällstidningarAltemyr, Emmy, Forsberg, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
Den femte oktober 2017 gick flera kvinnor i USA ut med anklagelser om sexuella övergrepp och våldtäkter mot filmproducenten Harvey Weinstein. Kort därefter startade skådespelerskan Alyssa Milano hashtaggen #Metoo där hon uppmanade kvinnor att vittna om sexuella övergrepp. Kampanjen #Metoo tog över sociala medier och kvinnor i stora delar av världen började dela med sig av egna berättelser om sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp. Syftet med vår studie är därför att undersöka huruvida mediernas rapportering kring sexualbrott och sexuella trakasserier har förändrats efter #Metoo-kampanjens stora genomslag. Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 80 stycken publicerade artiklar om bland annat hur offer och förövare porträtterats, om namnpublicering har skett samt vilka som har fått komma till tals i artikeln, studerats. Resultatet av den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen visar att mediernas rapportering om sexualbrott och sexuella trakasserier skiljer sig inom vissa områden. Inom kategorierna juridisk process, former av sexualbrott och namnpublicering av offer och förövare kan fler skillnader ses än i övriga kategorier. En tydlig skillnad är att innan #Metoo-kampanjen hade den rapporterade händelsen följden av en juridisk process medan efter kampanjen kunde det räcka med en internutredning eller en anklagelse för att medierna skulle rapportera och namnpublicera personerna i artiklarna.
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Advancing Women’s Rights in the Age of Social Media: An Analysis of the #MeToo MovementDelgado Falcon, Gaudi January 2019 (has links)
In 2017, the Me Too campaign, founded ten years earlier to help women of color from low-income communities who were survivors of sexual violence, became a viral social media movement following allegations on Twitter by actress Alyssa Milano of sexual harassment and violence against the powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Using the hashtag #MeToo, Milano unwittingly mobilized millions of women to share their stories via social media, and the #Metoo movement subsequently helped to illuminate both the structural and individual aspects of sexual harassment and abuse by men against women within virtually all aspects of society. As the #MeToo movement swept the globe, millions of women shared stories of sexual harassment and abuse through social media platforms, and indictments of the “inappropriate behavior” against women gained center stage. To understand this movement today and how media made it possible, this study analyses the discussion about online media and social movements surrounding the 2019 World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland. In doing so, this research sheds light on the achievement and impact of the movement. Employing a mixed-method approach providing a feminist epistemological perspective on elements drawn from discourse analysis, comparative discourse analysis, content analysis, and critical discourse analysis, this thesis analyses a sample of ten online reports on how online mass media, and particularly social media, shapes movements for social change. It shows that online media is of great significance in constructing movements for social change because it facilitates the construction and dissemination of a social change discourse and influences how we determine which situations and actions constitute “sexual harassment.” This analysis further shows that feminist principles of gender equality, women’s sexual self-determination, and empowerment no longer define the politics of sexual harassment in the digital age.
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Wow… That Escalated Quickly : En studie i grunderna hos en oplanerad viral kampanj på sociala medierBarkman, Rebecca, Fält, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Det mest märkbara resultatet i studien är att det inte krävs en stor aktör med många följare för att påbörja en stor kampanj, men det är nödvändigt att få hjälp av dem för att nå en viral spridning. De två studerade kampanjerna hade helt olika sätt att kommunicera på, där MeToo hade en allvarsam ton och Ice Bucket Challenge ett humoristiskt och positivt laddat budskap - båda om smärtsamma ämnen. Eftersom de båda blev virala visar resultatet att det viktigaste är ett känslomässigt laddat budskap som påverkar folk, oavsett om det är glada, ilskna eller sorgsna känslor. Det krävs stark känslomässig påverkan för att personer ska känna sig motiverade att sprida vidare ett budskap. Samhällsklimatet och aktuella samhällsfrågor kan hjälpa en kampanj bli viral, men är inte nödvändig. Det finns ingen specifik riktlinje eller mall att följa för att bli viral, men det är viktigt att ha hög spridbarhet på sitt budskap och motivera mottagaren att dela vidare.
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EditorialDeStefano, Michele, Schneider, Hendrik 20 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Iran, Russia, ChinaHaellmigk, Philip 20 November 2020 (has links)
Since the Trump election, the subject of extra-territorial application of national law
– in particular U.S. law – has received considerable attention. This is so because the
U.S. administration increasingly uses this legal tool to enforce its foreign policy
interests. A legal area with a particularly strong reach of extra-territoriality is U.S.
export controls as this allows the U.S. to control foreign states’ business. A very
recent and vivid example is the Huawei trade ban by the U.S. The purpose of this
article is to show the (harsh) legal and economic effects, which the extra-territorial
application of U.S. export-related laws have on international trade.
The article will focus on the approach taken by the U.S. to impose its export controls
outside the U.S. It will analyze the legal framework of extra-territorial U.S. export
controls and explore to which extent the U.S. laws apply to foreign business, i.e.,
business outside the U.S. The article will define the cases in which foreign companies
are subject to U.S. export controls and therefore must comply with U.S. regulations.
It will show that the applicability of U.S. export controls to foreign companies and
their business is considerably broad. It rigorously controls the destiny of U.S. origin
products and components once they have been exported from U.S. territory and also
regulates the worldwide export of products that have been manufactured by using
U.S. technology. In addition, U.S. export controls impose economic sanctions on
countries (e.g., Iran) or companies (e.g., Huawei) and prohibit foreign companies
from doing business with these sanctioned parties.
Understanding U.S. export controls and its extra-territorial reach are a challenge for
foreign companies. It is a rather complex legal system that requires deeper
knowledge of the underlying concept. However, foreign companies are well advised
to comply with U.S. export controls, as the penalties for violations can be severe,
including millions of dollars in fines and even imprisonment. In addition, the U.S.
may blacklist foreign companies with the effect that business with the U.S. or
elsewhere is no longer possible. Therefore, understanding U.S. export controls and
its extra-territorial reach is vital to foreign companies.
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Compliance in times of DiscriminiationPikó, Rita, Uhl, Laurenz 20 November 2020 (has links)
Coming to terms with discrimination in the workspace (including sexual harassment
and racism) as an integral part of compliance in Germany and Switzerland in recent
years, profit-oriented companies and non-profit organizations have increasingly
had to deal with discrimination, especially sexual assault and racist behavior. This
article deals with how these risks can be addressed in compliance management
systems, which preventive measures are recommended and which special features
should be taken into account when investigating and dealing with such incidents
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Compliance risks of Blockchain technology, decentralized cryptocurrencies, and stablecoinsTeichmann, Fabian, Falker, Marie-Christin 20 November 2020 (has links)
With the rise of digitalization, myriad new technologies are currently revolutionizing
most, if not all, markets. One such technology that is receiving particular attention
from businesses, private market participants, the financial sector, and governments
alike is the blockchain. Despite its increasing popularity, most jurisdictions currently
fail to adequately regulate it, meaning that businesses cannot exploit the full
potential of blockchain technology and its various applications. This article explains
how blockchains function and delineates their associated compliance risks. Here,
particular attention will be paid to both decentralized cryptocurrencies and
stablecoins. How decentralized cryptocurrencies could potentially be abused for
money laundering, terrorism financing, and corruption purposes will be illustrated,
and different legislation and international approaches to dealing with blockchain
technology and cryptocurrencies will be highlighted. Lastly, the impact of blockchain technology and its implications for actors in the digitalized economy will
be discussed.
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From a hashtag to a movement : From MeToo to being rightless in 2020's SwedenFröberg, Klara January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the continuance of the MeToo movement in the Swedish context via the digitalplatform Instagram, collective action and feminist organizations that are engaged to end sexual violence.It illuminates how the sisterhood impacted by the practice of challenging the rape script a conceptused to describe the discourse on how sexual violence should be like, and how victim-survivors should behave, how the engagement is made among the activists that engage to challenge the rape script and lastly, how since the MeToo movement started a discourse of rightlessness have been exposed through the sharing of experiences that the MeToo movement initiated. The ethnographic study is based on participant observation of feminist actions in real life and on Instagram as well as interviews with 13 activists from feminist organizations and with background as organisers of collective actions. It is found that the MeToo movement in Sweden is commonly practiced through an engagement in Feminist organizations that serve to keep the movement alive through continuous work to keep sexual violence on the agenda by keeping it visible, and that the engagement is driven by an experience of anger towards the societal discourse that sets the discourse on rape which affects the possibility to be recognized by the legal system. The thesis will overall suggest that there is a sisterhood built on a collective identity, and that the shared identity and oppression between non-men with an aspiration to support one another in the experience of oppression as well as organize safety nets for those who are sentenced for defamation as a consequence of speaking out.
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Compliance Elliance Journal: Transnational Aspects of ComplianceDeStefano, Michele, Schneider, Hendrik 20 November 2020 (has links)
In this issue we focus on the transfer of
problems and ideas from the USA in connection with compliance, in particular from
a European perspective (German-speaking countries).
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