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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svoboda projevu a její meze / Freedom of speech and its limits

Smílek, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with freedom of speech and its limits. Freedom of speech as the fundamental right which is necessary to proper functioning of a democratic state where the law rules. In this regard the freedom of speech has to be protected properly. Protection in Czech legal order is entrusted with the legal regulation of the major legal force, part of constitutional order, "Charter of fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms". Freedom of speech as we know it today, was expressed after the Second World War as a prevention of similarly devastating conflict in the future. Certain desire for the free dissemination of ideas we can see in a deep histor when firs attemps of gaining freedom of speech was closely connected to religion. In the 19th century, when the freedom of denomination has found its stable place in the statutes of the most European countries, the freedom of speech has become to be undestood in connection to the freedom of the press, that was the only communicatory media. During the 20th century, when the humankind all over the world witnessed the appalling horror of wars the strict protection od human rights became necessary. For this purpose first international organizations were estabilished and in their scope was formulated first indexes of human rights. The formulation of fundamental...

Makroekologická analýza ekonomiky / Macroecological analysis of economy

Krupička, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Abstrakt​: Brown et al. (2011) navrhli fundamentální podobnost mezi organismy a ekonomikami národních států založenou na rozvodných sítích nutných k fungování metabolismu/ekonomiky a omezeních z nich vyplývajících podle Metabolické teorie ekologie. Tato práce má primárně za účel prozkoumat zda tyto omezení figurují i v rámci jednotlivých sektorů ekonomiky a jejich vztahu k některým dalším makroekonomickým a demografickým ukazatelům. Klíčová slova​: ekologie, makroekologie, metabolická teorie ekologie, ekonomie, energie

Makroekologická analýza ekonomiky / Macroecological analysis of economy

Krupička, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Abstract​: Brown et al. (2011) proposed a fundamental similarity between organisms and the economies of nation­states based on the distribution networks necessary for the functioning of the metabolism / economics and limitations arising from them according to the Metabolic theory of ecology. This work is primarily intended to investigate whether these limitations figure even within individual sectors of the economy and their relation to some other macroeconomic and demographic indicators. Key words​: ecology, macroecology, metabolic theory of ecology, economy, energy

Pojem a právní důsledky překročení mezí nutné obrany a krajní nouze / The term and legal consequences of exceeding the limits of extreme necessity and necessary defence

Bělohlávková, Eva January 2020 (has links)
The term and legal consequences of exceeding the limits of extreme necessity and necessary defence Abstract This thesis deals with the concept and legal consequences of exceeding the limits of extreme necessity and necessary defence, i.e. two conditions precluding the illegality of an act, which can be found in Chapter III of the current Criminal Code. Those conditions preclude the illegality of an act that would normally be illegal, because an act under those conditions is generally desirable in order to defend the interests protected by the Criminal Code. With the absence of illegality, acts under one of the conditions precluding illegality do not at all result in the commission of a criminal offence, which in case of extreme necessity and necessary defence, allow people to defend themselves at times when the state does not provide them protection against a certain danger or attack. However, if the statutory limits of these conditions precluding illegality are exceeded, the illegality will not be eliminated and a criminal offence will be committed. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the Czech legislation related to extreme necessity and necessary defence in terms of its limits. In particular, it aims to reveal the shortcomings of the legislation and offer solutions. The goals and structure of...

Pojem a právní důsledky překročení mezí nutné obrany a krajní nouze / The concept and legal consequence of the excessive use of self-defence and necessity

Lenc, David January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract THE CONCEPT AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LIMITS OF SELF-DEFENCE AND NECESSITY As the name suggests, this Master's thesis examines the concept and legal consequences of transgression of the limits of self-defence and necessity. Self-defence and necessity, together with other circumstances excluding illegality, belong to the fundamentals of criminal liability. If all their conditions are fulfilled by some action, which would otherwise give raise to criminal liability, then these legal institutions exclude not only criminal liability, but also illegality of such action (i.e. such action is considered lawful). The purpose of the paper is to provide complex and understandable analysis of these two crucial legal institutions. The analysis is mainly focused on conditions of these legal institutions, which form their limits; determination of conditions which, if not met, constitute the transgression of the limits of self-defence or necessity, and content and cases of fulfilment or failure to fulfil these conditions. (Thus, the cases of the transgression of the limits of self-defence and necessity are examined.) After the analysis of such excesses, the thesis addresses specific issues connected with their legal consequences. The thesis is based on Czech legal regulation, namely the...

Optimalizace a zátěžové testy / Optimization and stress tests

Fašungová, Diana January 2013 (has links)
Title: Optimization and stress tests Author: Diana Fašungová Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jitka Dupačová, DrSc., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Abstract: In the thesis we apply contamination technique on a portfolio optimiza- tion problem using minimization of risk measure CVaR. The problem is considered from a risk manager point of view. We stress correlation structure of data and of revenues using appropriately chosen data for this kind of problem and for ge- nerated stress scenarios. From behaviour of CVaR with regard to contamination bounds, we formulate recommendations for the risk manager optimizing his port- folio. The recommendations are interpreted for both types of stress scenarios. In the end, limitations of the model and possible ways of improvement are discussed. Keywords: contamination bounds, stress tests, portfolio optimization, risk mana- gement

Obhájce v trestním řízení / Counsel in the Criminal proceedings

Zaorálek, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
-1- Abstract Counsel in the Criminal Proceedings: The objective of our Diploma Thesis is to analyze the currently valid law governing the counsel's position in the criminal proceedings, to evaluate its sufficiency or insufficiency and to provide views and proposals in the sense of 'de lege lata' and 'de lege ferenda', focusing more in detail upon some partial aspects which are closely related to the counsel's position during the criminal proceedings. Good quality law system relating to the counsel's position in the criminal proceedings, his/her process rights and obligations is an assumption for meeting the criminal proceedings purpose and is reflected in the possibility to provide to the accused efficient legal counselling and thus meet the accused person's right of defence and fair trial (process) which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The counsel as an actor operating in the criminal proceedings plays a significant role in enforcing the rights and justified interests of the accused. The counsellor masters the legal argumentation, strategy and tactics of the defence, is able to better formulate ideas, to draw ideas from the experience gained in former law suits, whilst for the accused person his/her position is entirely new and unknown, many time it is the first experience in life. The competent counsel...

Nájem bytu v bytovém domě / Lease of apartment in apartment building

Doseděl, František January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with selected institutes of legislation related to tenancy under recent Civil code No. 89/2012 Sb. With respect to a limited extend, the thesis focuses only on selected issues, such as definition of basic principles and concepts or unclear provisions. The thesis consists of 4 connected chapters, leading reader from past to present to gain historical and practical view on the matter First chapter is focused on legal history of lease of immovable since antiquity to nineties of last century. Second chapter covers basic principles and concepts of tenancy such as object of a lease (suitability of a rented space is now determined by agreement not by some official decision), parties of agreement, determination of rent (if it is not agreed in contract). This chapter also contains an explanation, why legal entity can not lease a flat for living and why a subsequent sublet is not a sublet but regular lease. Third chapter describes provisions considered unclear by professionals or laymen. These provisions contains new conception of surety, limits of making business or working in a flat without of consent of the landlord, receiving new members to the household (and of course definition of household) and sublet. This chapter also contains rules for maintaining order in a building. Provisions...

Pokročilejší techniky agregace rizik / Advanced Techniques of Risk Aggregation

Dufek, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
In last few years Value-at-Risk (Var) is a very popular and frequently used risk measure. Risk measure VaR is used in most of the financial institutions. VaR is popular thanks to its simple interpretation and simple valuation. Valuation of VaR is a problem if we assume a few dependent risks. So VaR is estimated in a practice. In presented thesis we study theory of stochastic bounding. Using this theory we obtain bounds for VaR of sum a few dependent risks. In next part of presented thesis we show how we can generalize obtained bounds by theory of copulae. Then we show numerical algorithm, which we can use to evaluate bounds, when exact analytical evaluate isn't possible. In a final part of presented thesis we show our results on practical examples.

Nájem bytu v bytovém domě / Lease of apartment in apartment building

Doseděl, František January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with selected institutes of legislation related to tenancy under recent Civil code No. 89/2012 Sb. With respect to a limited extend, the thesis focuses only on selected issues, such as definition of basic principles and concepts or unclear provisions. The thesis consists of 4 connected chapters, leading reader from past to present to gain historical and practical view on the matter First chapter is focused on legal history of lease of immovable since antiquity to nineties of last century. Second chapter covers basic principles and concepts of tenancy such as object of a lease (suitability of a rented space is now determined by agreement not by some official decision), parties of agreement, determination of rent (if it is not agreed in contract). This chapter also contains an explanation, why legal entity can not lease a flat for living and why a subsequent sublet is not a sublet but regular lease. Third chapter describes provisions considered unclear by professionals or laymen. These provisions contains new conception of surety, limits of making business or working in a flat without of consent of the landlord, receiving new members to the household (and of course definition of household) and sublet. This chapter also contains rules for maintaining order in a building. Provisions...

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