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Prognostischer Wert der kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie bei Patienten mit ST-Hebungsinfarkt - Analyse der Parameter linksventrikuläre Ejektionsfraktion, Infarktgröße, mikrovaskuläre Obstruktion und myokardialer „Salvage“ in einer multizentrischen StudieSünkel, Henning 07 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) ermöglicht nach einem akuten Myokardinfarkt (AMI) die Visualisierung und Quantifizierung der Myokardschädigung anhand verschiedener Parameter wie Ejektionsfraktion (EF), Infarktgröße, Mikrovaskuläre Obstruktion (MO) und „Myocardial Salvage Index“ (MSI). Anhand dieser MRT-Marker kann das Risiko für kardiovaskuläre Komplikationen eingeschätzt werden, was für die Weiterversorgung des Patienten sowie für die kardiologische Forschung von großem Interesse ist.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die prognostische Relevanz der MRT-Parameter erstmals in einer großen, multizentrischen Studie untersucht. Zudem sollte unter den vier genannten MRT-Markern derjenige mit der größten prognostischen Aussagekraft ermittelt werden. Dazu wurden 795 Patienten aus der AIDA STEMI Studie einer MRT unterzogen und dann zwölf Monate lang im Hinblick auf den kombinierten Endpunkt „Major Adverse Cardiac Events“ (MACE; bestehend aus Tod, Reinfarkt und Klinikaufnahme wegen Herzinsuffizienz) nachbeobachtet.
Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die genannten MRT-Parameter prognostisch relevant sind und insbesondere die MO und die Infarktgröße einen Einfluss auf die Prognose ausüben, welcher über den Wert etablierter klinischer Risikomarker hinausgeht. Herausragende Bedeutung kommt dabei der MO zu, welche nach multivariater Analyse der potenteste MRT-Prädiktor für kardiovaskuläre Ereignisse ist.
Somit sollten die MRT-Parameter in kommenden kardiologischen Studien als Surrogatmarker für klinische Endpunkte berücksichtigt werden. Zudem könnten sie für den klinischen Alltag die Möglichkeit bieten, die Patientenversorgung enger an die individuelle Prognose anzupassen.
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Biomarkery v diagnostice a terapii pozdních komplikací diabetu. / Biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic complicationsŠoupal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of this study was research on biomarkers used in both diagnosis and therapy of diabetic complications. The main focus of our work came to be on one of these biomarkers - glycemic variability (GV). High GV is linked with more frequent occurance of hypoglycemia. There are even indications it might contribute to development of diabetic complications. With modern technology - continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), we are now able to reliably describe, calculate and reduce GV. So far it is unclear whether increased GV can contribute to the development of microvascular complications (MVC) in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Studies published so far have assessed GV primarily from routine self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) using glucometers. In the light of this uncertaity, the first part of this work compares GV calculated from CGM with the presence of MVC in T1D patients. GV calculated from CGM, but not from SMBG, proved to be significantly higher in T1D patients with MVC, even though there was no significant difference in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). This finding supports the hypothesis that higher GV is related to higher risk of MVC and that HbA1c does not describe diabetes control completely. Moreover, it was shown that GV calculated from SMBG is insufficient. There is still no fully...
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Rôle de l'altération de la perméabilité vasculaire endoneurale dans la genèse des douleurs neuropathiques périphériques post-traumatiques : Implications des voies de signalisation TLR4, Sonic Hedgehog et Wnt/ß-caténine / Disruption of endoneurial vascular permeability in the development of painful post-traumatic neuropathies : Implications of TLR4, Sonic Hedgehog and Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathwaysMoreau, Nathan 01 March 2017 (has links)
A la suite d'une lésion nerveuse périphérique, de multiples altérations cellulaires et moléculaires participent à la régénération physiologique du nerf, mais induisent dans certains cas le développement d'une cicatrisation dysfonctionnelle et l'apparition d'une douleur neuropathique chronique. La régulation de la perméabilité vasculaire endoneurale du nerf lésé joue un rôle essentiel dans ces phénomènes de cicatrisation nerveuse, via notamment l'infiltration locale d'immunocytes. L'objectif de ce travail était d'étudier le rôle spécifique de l'altération de la barrière hémato-nerveuse (BHN) au niveau du site lésé dans le développement des douleurs neuropathiques périphériques post-traumatiques. Nous avons montré à l'aide de modèles de constriction chronique du nerf sciatique et/ou infra-orbitaire que la disruption précoce de la BHN est un évènement clé de la neuropathie, favorisant l'infiltration locale de substances algogènes et d'immunocytes induisant une neuroinflammation, une sensibilisation périphérique et la neuropathie. L'altération des voies de signalisation Sonic Hedgehog, Wnt/?-caténine et TLR4 au niveau des cellules endothéliales endoneurales, favorise cette disruption en diminuant la synthèse des protéines de jonctions serrées, molécules clés de l'intégrité de la BHN. De plus, l'implication différentielle de ces voies dans des modèles de neurite et de neuropathie apporte un éclairage nouveau à la transition phénotypique entre neurite et neuropathie : alors que la neurite s'accompagne d'une perméabilité vasculaire endoneurale réversible, la neuropathie pourrait être considérée comme une pathologie de la perméabilité vasculaire chronique irréversible. / Following peripheral nerve injury, multiple cellular and molecular alterations occur within the nerve’s parenchyma, participating in physiological healing of the nerve, but can also lead to the development of dysfunctional nerve healing, translating as chronic neuropathic pain. The regulation of endoneurial microvascular permeability within the injured nerve plays a pivotal rôle in physiological and pathological nerve healing, notably via the local infiltration of pro-regenerative immunocytes. The main goal of this work was to study the specific role of local blood-nerve barrier disruption in the development of painful post-traumatic peripheral neuropathy. In sciatic nerve and/or infra-orbital nerve chronic constriction injury models, we showed that early disruption of the blood-nerve barrier is a key event in the development of neuropathy, allowing local infiltration of algogenic substances and immunocytes within the nerve’s parenchyma, responsible for local neuroinflammation, peripheral sensitization and peripheral neuropathic pain development. Among the homeostatic regulatory mecanisms of this barrier, the alteration of Sonic Hedgehog, Wnt/β-catenin and TLR4 signaling pathways in endoneurial endothelial cells, mediates the disruption of the blood-nerve barrier by downregulating key tight-junction proteins. Furthermore, the differential implication of these signaling pathways in models of neuritis and neuropathy shed light on the phenotypical transition between neuritis and neuropathy : As neuritis is associated with reversible endoneurial vascular permeability, neuropathy could be considered a disease of irreversible chronic vascular permeability.
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Analyse histologique des répercussions musculaires, structurales, énergétiques et microvasculaires chez des hommes et des femmes drépanocytaires / Histology analyses of structural, energetics and microvascular repercussions of skeletal muscle in men and women with sickle cell anemiaRavelojaona, Marion 11 July 2014 (has links)
La drépanocytose est une hémoglobinopathie essentiellement connue pour ses répercussions hématologiques, hémodynamiques et vasculaires chez les patients homozygotes (SCA). Bien que ces sujets présentent une intolérance à l'effort, la littérature est très pauvre concernant les répercussions musculaires de la maladie. Ce travail doctoral nous a permis de caractériser pour la première fois les répercussions structurales, énergétiques et microvasculaires du muscle d’hommes (étude 1) et de femmes (étude 2) drépanocytaires par rapport à des sujets SCT et contrôles (CON). Nos analyses histologiques et biochimiques ont mis en évidence chez les sujets SCA masculins une amyotrophie qui explique au moins en partie la diminution de l’IMC des SCA au dépend de la masse maigre. Nous avons également observé l’altération de plusieurs indices du métabolisme oxydatif (CS, β-HAD et COx) qui pourrait relever de la restriction d’approvisionnement et d’utilisation tissulaire en O2 et expliquer en partie l’intolérance à l’effort. Enfin, un remodelage microvasculaire caractérisé par une raréfaction, une moindre tortuosité et une fragilisation des microvaisseaux a également été démontré. Ce remodelage microvasculaire pourrait contribuer à limiter le risque d’enclavement des hématies falciformées et ainsi réduire les risques de vaso-occlusions. La recherche de ces différents stigmates dans le muscle de la population féminine homologue a rapporté un remodelage musculaire similaire à celui observé chez les hommes SCA, mais ce dernier semble atténué, suggérant un effet genre / Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a hemoglobinopathy particularly known for its hematologic, hemodynamics and vascular repercussions. Although SCA patients are exercise intolerant, no studies have looked at muscle repercussions. We assessed repercussions of sickle cell anemia on skeletal muscle and its microvasculature in men (study 1) and women (study 2) for the first time. Our results showed that men with SCA displayed an amyotrophy which can at least partly explain the decrease of BMI at the expense of lean muscle mass. We also pointed out a decrease in muscle oxidative capacities (CS, β-HAD and COx) which could result from O2 supply and utilization disorders and partly explain their exercise intolerance. Finally, a microvascular remodeling characterized by a rarefaction, a decrease in microvessel tortuosity and a microvessel weakening was also highlighted. This remodeling could contribute to maintain local blood flow and reduce risks of entrapment of sickle red blood cells in the microvasculature, hence reducing vaso-occlusive risks. Muscle repercussions on a similar female population testified of the same muscle remodeling as the one observed in men with SCA, but this latter seemed to happen at a lesser extent in women with SCA, suggesting a gender effect
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Den diagnostiska säkerheten i arbetsprov på kvinnor med angina pectoris : SlutversionAzadan, Niaz January 2020 (has links)
Angina pectoris är bröstsmärta orsakat av myokardischemi, till följd av kranskärlsjukdom med eller utan stenoser eller icke kranskärlsjukdom. Arbetsprov är den vanligaste undersökningen för angina pectoris. Diffusa symtom och angina pectoris varianter utan stenoser med låg sensitivitet för elektrokardiografi (EKG) sänker den diagnostiska säkerheten i arbetsprov på kvinnor. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att utreda om hemodynamiska parametrar och riskbedömning med Pre-test sannolikhet (PTP) samt Dukes Löpbands Index (DTS, Dukes Treadmill Score) kan öka den diagnostiska säkerheten i arbetsprov på kvinnor. Inklusionskriterierna var vetenskapligt granskade kliniska studier på engelska, med information om etiskt godkännande eller samtycke. Snowballing metoden, PUBMED, MEDLINE och CINAHL användes. Studier som inkluderades i resultatet granskades återigen och jämfördes med varandra. Hemodynamiska parametrar, PTP och DTS ökar den diagnostiska säkerheten i arbetsprov på kvinnor. Denna diagnostiska säkerhet beror dock också på PTP metod, PTP riskgrupp, etnicitet och angina pectoris variant. Vidare forskning behövs om etnicitetspecifika PTP metoder, mekanismen bakom blodtrycksreaktionen, DTS på icke kranskärlsjukdomar samt metoder som kan skilja mellan olika icke kranskärlsjukdomar. Utan studier om Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) och Diamond Forrester Score (DFS) samt deras påverkan på arbetsprov, kan inte resultatet i litteraturstudien generaliseras till arbetsprov i Sverige. / Angina pectoris is chest pain and myocardial ischemia due to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or Non-Coronary Artery Disease (non-CAD). Exercise stress test (EST) is the most common diagnostic procedure for angina pectoris. Non-CAD, low sensitivity for exercise electrocardiography (ex-ECG) and diffuse symptoms lower the diagnostic accuracy for females. This review’s aim was to study whether haemodynamic parameters and risk stratifications with Pre-test probability (PTP) or Duke Treadmill Score (DTS) improves the diagnostic accuracy of EST for females. Inclusion criterions were English peer reviewed, clinical studies with mentioned ethical approval or consent. Snowballing, PUBMED, MEDLINE and CINAHL were used. Articles that were included in the results, were reviewed once again, and compared to one another. Hemodynamic parameters, PTP and DTS increase the diagnostic accuracy of EST in women. This diagnostic accuracy depends on PTP method, risk group, ethnicity, and angina pectoris variant. Further research regarding ethnic specific PTP methods, mechanism behind the blood pressure reaction, DTS for diagnosis of non-CAD and methods for differentiation of subtypes of non-CAD, would be valuable. Without studies about the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE), Diamond Forrester Score (DFS), and their impact on ex-ECG, the result of this review cannot be generalized to ex-ECG in Sweden.
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Rejet aigu en transplantation pulmonaire : intérêts de l’histologie et de l’ immunomarquage C4d dans le diagnostic de rejet aigu humoral et de l’évaluation de la polarisation des macrophages alvéolaires / Acute rejection in lung transplantation : the interests of histopathologic findings and C4d staining in the diagnosis of acute humoral rejection and evaluation of alveolar macrophage polarizationHolifanjaniaina, Sonia 16 June 2016 (has links)
La transplantation pulmonaire est depuis une vingtaine d’années une option thérapeutique valide pour une grande variété de pathologies pulmonaires au stade terminal. Malgré les progrès réalisés ces dernières années en matière de traitement immunosuppresseur, les rejets restent une cause majeure de la perte du greffon. Plusieurs études ont souligné l'importance du rejet aigu comme un facteur contributif important à l’évolution de la dysfonction chronique du greffon (ou CLAD) et, in fine, à la perte du greffon. Par conséquent, des outils diagnostiques fiables de rejet aigu s’imposent pour mieux prévenir le CLAD. Dans notre première étude, nous avons évalué les marqueurs tissulaires de rejet aigu humoral (RAH) pulmonaire. Nous avons montré ainsi que les lésions histologiques dont l’inflammation microvasculaire ne sont pas spécifiques et le marquage C4d est un marqueur utile pour confirmer le diagnostic de RAH. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié en cytométrie de flux la polarisation des macrophages obtenus par lavage bronchiolo-alvéolaire (LBA) chez des patients transplantés avec et sans rejet. Nos résultats montrent les limites des marqueurs membranaires (HLA-DR et CD206) dans l’évaluation de l’état de polarisation des macrophages au cours des rejets. Ce travail montre l’intérêt des marqueurs tissulaires, en particulier le marquage C4d, dans le suivi des patients transplantés pulmonaires et souligne la nécessité d’identifier des marqueurs appropriés et utilisables en cytométrie de flux pour avancer sur l’état de polarisation des macrophages alvéolaires. / Lung transplantation is considered as a valid therapeutic option for patients with end-stage lung disease. Despite considerable progress in immunosuppressive therapy, allograft rejection remains a major cause of graft loss. Multiple studies have highlighted the importance of acute rejection as an important risk factor for the development of chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) leading to graft failure. Therefore, the improvement in the diagnosis of acute rejection represents a major challenge to prevent CLAD. In this study, we evaluated the tissue markers of acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) in lung transplantation. In our experience, the histopathologic findings including the microvascular inflammation in pulmonary AMR are not specific and C4d staining is a useful marker to confirm the diagnosis of AMR. Secondly, we investigated by flow cytometry the polarization of alveolar macrophage obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from lung transplant patients with and without acute rejection. Our results show the limits of surface markers (CD206 and HLA-DR) in the evaluation of alveolar macrophage polarization. This study shows the interest of tissue markers, especially the C4d staining, in monitoring of lung transplant patients and highlights the need to identify appropriate and available markers for future studies of alveolar macrophage polarization by flow cytometry.
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Vztah oxidačního stresu k parametrům kompenzace diabetu při rozvoji cévních komplikací. / Relationship of oxidative stress to parameters of diabetes control in development of vascular complications.Pelcl, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the clarification of the pathogenesis of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. The main goal of the research was glycaemic variability, its contribution to the activation of oxidative stress and its possible role in the process of advanced glycation, all beyond the scope of persistent hyperglycaemia itself. Another aim of the work is to contribute to the clarification of a possible relationship between glycaemic variability and vascular complications of diabetes. We were the first to describe the association between the concentrations of reactive aldehydes formed during lipid peroxidation and disorders of skin microvascular reactivity in patients with type 1 diabetes (DM1). Elevated markers of oxidative stress were found in this group, furthermore during the 3 years of follow-up higher plasma antioxidant activity was observed. These findings were not dependent of the method of glucose monitoring and glucose variability, which was lower in a subgroup of patients using real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM), compared to a subgroup using conventional glucometers. However, it is clear, that hyperglycaemia alone induces increased oxidative stress in patients with diabetes. Simultaneously we observed the opposite process of oxidative stress...
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Optimizing the Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidant Compounds from Peanut SkinsBallard, Tameshia Shaunt'a 29 July 2008 (has links)
Peanut skins are a low-value byproduct of peanut blanching operations. They have been shown to contain significant levels of phenolic compounds with demonstrated antioxidant properties. The effects of two types of extraction methods: solid-liquid extraction (SLE) and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) on the recovery of phenolic compounds from peanut skins were investigated. Response surface methodology was used to optimize extraction conditions based on total phenolic content (TPC), ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) activity and <i>trans</i>-resveratrol content. The protective effect of peanut skin extracts (PSE) against hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂)-induced oxidative stress in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) and the effect of PSE on lipid oxidation in commercial peanut butter were also evaluated.
In the SLE method, EtOH was found to be the most efficient extraction solvent followed by MeOH, water and EA. Despite EtOH extracts having a higher TPC, samples extracted with MeOH demonstrated slightly higher ORAC activity. Resveratrol was identified in MeOH extracts but was not found in EtOH, water or EA extracts.
In the MAE procedure, the maximum predicted TPC under the optimized conditions was 144 mg phenols/g skins compared to 118 mg/g with SLE. The maximum predicted ORAC activity was 2789 μmol TE/g as opposed to 2149 μmol TE/g with the SLE method. MAE was able to extract more phenolic compounds (with higher antioxidant activity) in a faster time than the SLE procedure. In addition, resveratrol was identified in PSE derived from MAE although at relatively low levels.
PSE were found to have some protective effects against oxidative stress in HBMEC. Higher doses of PSE appeared to have a slightly cytotoxic effect. However, the data were highly variable which made it difficult to arrive at any definitive conclusions regarding the potential benefits of PSE in preventing oxidative damage to cells.
In the PB experiment, hexanal levels over the storage period were not high enough for the samples to be considered oxidized. However, hexanal values of PB samples treated with PSE were lower than the control throughout storage, which suggests that PSE may provide some protection against oxidation of PB. / Ph. D.
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Mechanisms of Anti-Angiogenic Signaling by CD36Ramakrishnan, Devi Prasadh 13 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of melatonin in cardioprotection : an investigation into the mechanisms involved in glucose homeostasis, microvascular endothelial function and mitochondrial function in normal and insulin resistant statesNduhirabandi, Frederic 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction:
The cardioprotective actions of the hormone melatonin against myocardial ischaemiareperfusion
injury (IRI) are well-established. It has recently been shown to prevent the harmful
effects of hyperphagia-induced obesity on the susceptibility of the heart to IRI as well as many
of the harmful effects of obesity and insulin resistance. However, the exact mechanism
whereby it exerts its beneficial action is still unknown.
The aims of this study were to determine the effects of relatively short-term melatonin
treatment in a rat model of diet-induced obesity on: (i) biometric and metabolic parameters,
lipid peroxidation, myocardial IRI and intracellular signalling (ii) mitochondrial oxidative
phosphorylation function (iii) cardiomyocyte glucose uptake and intracellular signalling. In
addition, the effects of acute melatonin treatment of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells
(CMEC) were determined on cell viability, nitric oxide production (NO), TNF- -induced
dysfunction and intracellular signalling.
Material and Methods:
Male Wistar rats were randomly allocated to two groups for 20 weeks feeding with either
standard rat chow or a high calorie diet. Each group was subdivided into 3 groups receiving
either water throughout or melatonin (4mg/kg/day, in the drinking water) for the last 6 or 3
weeks of the experimental programme. Hearts, perfused in the working mode, were subjected
to ischaemia/reperfusion and infarct size determined. Mitochondria and cardiomyocytes were
isolated according to standard techniques and oxidative function and glucose uptake
respectively determined. CMEC NO production and cell viability were quantified by FACS
analysis of the fluorescent probes, DAF-2/DA and propidium iodide/Annexin V respectively.
Intracellular signalling was evaluated using Western blot and appropriate antibodies.
The high-calorie diet caused significant increases in body weight gain, visceral adiposity,
fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, triglycerides, HOMA-IR index and a concomitant reduction in serum adiponectin levels as well as larger myocardial infarct sizes after exposure
to IRI compared to the control, indicating increased susceptibility to damage. Three as well as
six weeks of melatonin administration to obese and insulin resistant rats reduced serum insulin
levels and the HOMA-IR index. Myocardial infarct size was reduced in both control and diet
groups. These effects were associated with increased activation of baseline myocardial STAT-
3 and the RISK pathway during reperfusion.
The diet had no effect on the oxidative phosphorylation capacity of mitochondria, isolated from
non-perfused hearts (baseline), but melatonin administration for 6 weeks induced a reduction
in state 3 respiration rate; mitochondria isolated from diet hearts subjected to global ischaemia,
exhibited an attenuated oxidative phosphorylation process which was improved by melatonin
Melatonin in vitro enhanced cardiomycyte insulin stimulated glucose uptake of normal young
rats but not of insulin resistant rats. In vivo melatonin treatment for 6 weeks increased basal
(in diet group) and insulin stimulated glucose uptake in both control and diet groups.
Melatonin (1nM) in vitro caused a significant reduction in necrosis and apoptosis of cultured
CMEC, associated with a decrease in nitric oxide availability and eNOS activation and a
concomitant increase in PKB/Akt, p38MAPK and AMPK activation. The harmful effects of TNF-
treatment on signalling in CMEC could be prevented by co-treatment with melatonin.
The results suggest that short-term melatonin treatment was able to significantly attenuate the
diet-induced increased myocardial susceptibility to ischaemia/reperfusion damage. It may also
improve cardiac glucose homeostasis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in an insulin
resistant state. Melatonin in vitro protects CMEC against apoptosis and necrosis and reduces
nitric oxide availability. These beneficial effects of melatonin may ultimately be due to its antioxidant
capacity or receptor-mediated actions, but this remains to be established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding:
Die vermoë van die hormoon, melatonien, om die hart teen iskemie/ herperfusiebesering (IHB)
te beskerm, is welbekend. Onlangs is ook getoon dat melatonien IHB en verskeie van die
nadelige effekte van vetsug en insulienweerstandigheid in hiperfagiegeïnduseerde vetsug kan
voorkom. Die meganisme(s) betrokke by hierdie voordelige prosesse is egter grootliks
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die gevolge van korttermyn melatonienbehandeling in ‘n
model van hiperfagiegeïnduseerde vetsug te ondersoek op (i) biometriese en metaboliese
parameters, lipiedperoksidasie, miokardiale IHB en intrasellulêre seintransduksie, (ii)
mitochondriale oksidatiewe fosforilasie, (iii) glukoseopname en intrasellulêre seintransduksie in
kardiomiosiete en aanvullend, (iv) die invloed van akute melatonienbehandeling van kardiale
mikrovaskulêre endoteelselle op sellulêre oorlewing, stikstofoksiedproduksie, TNF- -
geïnduseerde disfunksie en seintransduksie.
Manlike Wistarrotte is ewekansig in twee groep verdeel en vir 20 weke met standaard-rotkos of
‘n hoëkaloriedieet gevoer. Elke groep is in 3 subgroepe verdeel, wat deurgaans water of
melatonien (4mg/kg/dag in die drinkwater) vir 3 of 6 weke voor die beëindiging van die
eksperiment ontvang het. Harte is geperfuseer volgens die werkharttegniek, blootgestel aan
iskemie/herperfusie en die infarktgrootte bepaal. Mitochondria en kardiomiosiete is volgens
standaardtegnieke geïsoleer vir bepaling van oksidatiewe funksie en glukoseopname
respektiewelik. NO produksie en sellewensvatbaarheid was gekwantifiseer deur
vloeisitometriese analises (FACS) van die fluoresserende agense, DAF-2/DA en propidium
jodied/Annexin V onderskeidelik. Intrasellulêre seintransduksie is evalueer met behulp van die
Western kladtegniek en geskikte antiliggame. Resultate:
Die hoëkaloriedieet het ‘n beduidende toename in liggaamsgewig, visserale vet, vastende
bloedglukose, seruminsulienvlakke, trigliseriede, HOMA-IR-indeks en ‘n gepaardgaande
verlaging in serumadiponektienvlakke tot gevolg gehad, sowel as groter miokardiale infarkte
na iskemie/herperfusie. Laasgenoemde dui op ‘n groter vatbaarheid vir iskemiese beskadiging
in harte van vetsugtige diere.
Drie sowel as ses weke van melatonienbehandeling het die seruminsulienvlakke en HOMAindeks
in vetsugtige diere beduidend verlaag, vergeleke met die kontroles. Miokardiale
infarktgroottes was verminder in beide kontrole- en vetsuggroepe. Hierdie effekte het met ‘n
verhoogde aktivering van basislyn STAT-3 en PKB/Akt en ERKp44/p42 tydens herperfusie
gepaard gegaan.
Die dieet het geen invloed op die oksidatiewe fosforilasiekapasiteit van mitochondria, geïsoleer
uit harte van ongeperfuseerde harte, gehad nie (basislyn), maar melatonienbehandeling vir 6
weke het Staat 3 respirasie verlaag. Mitochondria, geïsoleer uit harte van vetsugtige rotte wat
aan globale iskemie onderwerp was, het ‘n onderdrukte oksidatiewe fosforilasieproses gehad,
wat egter deur melatonienbehandeling verbeter is.
Melatonien in vitro het insuliengestimuleerde glukoseopname deur kardiomiosiete van jong,
maar nie vetsugtige rotte nie, verhoog. In vivo melatonientoediening vir 6 weke het egter
basale (in die dieetgroep) en insuliengestimuleerde glukoseopname in beide kontrole- en
vetsuggroepe verhoog.
Toediening van melatonien in vitro aan mikrovaskulêre endoteelselkulture het ‘n beduidende
afname in nekrose, apoptose, stikstofoksied- beskikbaarheid en eNOS aktivering
teweeggebring, tesame met ‘n verhoogde aktivering van PKB/Akt, p38MAPK en AMPK. Die
nadelige effekte van TNF- toediening op seintransduksie in die mikrovaskulêre endoteelselle
is deur melatonien voorkom.
Die resultate toon dat melatonien ‘n merkwaardige beskermende effek op die toename in
vatbaarheid vir iskemiese beskadiging in vetsugtige rotte gehad het. Dit mag ook miokardiale glukose-homeostase en mitochondriale oksidatiewe funksie in insulienweerstandigheid
verbeter. Melatonien in vitro beskerm mikrovaskulêre endoteelselle teen nekrose asook
apoptose en verminder die beskikbaarheid van stikstofoksied. Hierdie voordelige effekte van
melatonien mag aan sy anti-oksidantvermoëns of stimulasie van die melatonienreseptor
toegeskryf word, maar bewyse daarvoor ontbreek nog. / Division of Medical Physiology (Stellenbosch University), / National Research Foundation / Harry Crossley Foundation
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