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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High-bandwidth microrheology of cytoskeletal networks / Mikrorheologie mit hoher Bandbreite in Zytoskelett-Netzwerken

Bremerich, Marcel 18 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Quantitation Strategies in Optically Sectioning Fluorescence Microscopy / Quantifizierungsstrategien in der optisch schnittbildenden Fluoreszenzmikroskopie

Weigel, Arwed 15 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Extremvärdesanalys (SEV) av högkvalitativt verktygsstål : Uppskattning av maximal inneslutningsstorlek i pulverstål / Extreme values analysis (SEV) of high performance tool steel : Prediction of maximum inclusion size in powder steel

Pernefur, Emil January 2017 (has links)
This work were requested by Uddeholms AB. Uddeholm is the worldś leading manufacturer of high performance tool steel for industrial tools. The company exists worldwide and is present in over 100 countries. One of the company’s main production processes is manufacturing powder steels with extremely high quality. In this work, one of these steels has been analyzed to evaluate the presence and distribution of non-metallic inclusions. Higher demands on quality and more global competition worldwide means that you always have to strive towards perfection in the manufacturing processes. Non-metallic inclusions have severe effects on the mechanical properties of steels. That's why it's of utmost importance to investigate their presence in the tool steel and especially their size. The reason for this is because it's the largest inclusions that's the most dangerous for the material. To obtain a statistically number of certainty of the largest of inclusions, very vast areas of steel have to be examined. Therefore a theoretical method of extrapolation is often used instead to approximate the distribution of the largest inclusions. The precision of this method is still very uncertain. Different methods of this kind of analysis do exist. The method applied in this work of degree is extreme values analysis by statistics of extreme values (SEV). To ensure the pre-conditions of the extreme values analysis, a large quantity of powder steel was analyzed. This was done by light-optic microscopy (LOM) and exclusively performed by Uddeholms AB at their R&D-facility (Research and development-facility) in Hagfors. At Karlstad Universityś test-facility specimens were subjected to ultrasonic fatigue testing at 20 kHz. The specimens derived from the same material as the ones examined in LOM. The result from the ultrasonic fatigue testing were that the largest inclusions in the material were found. This was done by applying very high cycle fatigue (VHCF). To calculate the maximum theoretical inclusion size, SEV was used. The extreme values analysis was performed on gathered data from both LOM and VHCF. All fracture surfaces from the ultrasonic fatigue testing were then examined in scanning electron microscope (SEM) at Karlstad University. In SEM, the largest inclusion in every fractured surface was identified and measured. The maximum real inclusion size from the fractured surfaces was then compared to the maximum theoretically calculated inclusion size from the extreme values analysis. As it turned out the real inclusion size proved to be slightly larger than the theoretical. The difference between them was found to be 3,25 µm. Conclusions drawn were that Uddeholms powder steel exhibits very high purity and that extreme values analysis as an analytical method is recommended. However, the analysis should be repeated to underline the chosen solution methodology.

Biokompatibilnost i marginalna adaptacija mineral-trioksid agregata, trikalcijum-silikatnog cementa i amalgama kao materijala za retrogradno zatvaranje kanala korena zuba / Biocompatibility and marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide aggregate, tricalcium silicate cement and dental amalgam as a root end filling materials

Jovanović Lena 25 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Već izvesno vreme u stručnoj literaturi vodi se rasprava o biokompatibilnosti materijala koji se koriste u periapikalnoj hirurgiji. Pored biokompatibilnosti, od materijala za retrogradnu opturaciju kanala korena zuba se očekuje da spreči prodor bakterija iz kanalnog sistema u okolna tkiva. Kvalitetno rubno zaptivanje, odnosno adekvatna marginalna adaptacija su među najznačajnijim faktorima za dugoročan uspeh tretmana. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati biokompatibilnost i utvrditi da li postoji razlika u biokompatibilnosti između mineral-trioksid agregata, trikalcijum-silikatnog cementa i amalgama na osnovu tri standadna testa citotoksičnosti, kao i utvrditi marginalnu adaptaciju ispitivanih materijala za retrogradno zatvaranje kanala korena zuba. Materijali i metode: Eksperimentalni deo istraživanja je podeljen na dva dela. U prvom delu istraživanja je vr&scaron;eno ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti materijala, dok je u drugom delu vr&scaron;eno ispitivanje marginalne adaptacije na osnovu mikrofotografija dobijenih skening elektronskim mikroskopom. Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti je izvr&scaron;eno na dve ćelijske linije, liniji mi&scaron;jih fibroblasta (L929) i liniji humanih fibroblasta (MRC-5). U eksperimentima su kori&scaron;ćene samo žive (vijabilne) ćelije. Broj ćelija i njihova vijabilnost je određena testom odbacivanja boje sa 0,1% tripan plavim. Vijabilnost ćelija kori&scaron;ćenih u eksperimentu je bila veća od 90%. Biokompatibilnost sve tri vrste materijala je ispitana na osnovu standardnih testova biokompatibilnosti: DET test, MTT test, Agar difuzioni test. Ispitivanje marginalne adaptacije je sprovedeno na 90 ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba interkaninog sektora gornje vilice sa intaktnom pulpom, zavr&scaron;enim rastom korena, bez frakture i resorpcije korena zuba. Izvr&scaron;ena je endodontska obrada svih zuba i nakon toga su zubi ostavljeni u vlažnoj sredini na 48h, da bi se sprečile frakture prilikom sečenja. Nakon mehaničko medikamentozne obrade i opturacije kanala korena zuba je vr&scaron;ena resekcija vrha korena zuba 3mm, a nakon toga su svi zubi preparisani do dubine od 3 mm unutar kanala, ultrazvučnim nastavcima (EMS, miniMaster Piezon scaler). Zubi su naizmenično podeljeni u 3 grupe (30 zuba po grupi). Prvu grupu čine zubi kojima je apikalni kavitet biti ispunjen amalgamom, u drugoj grupi, apikalni kavitet je ispunjen MTA, a u trećoj trikalcijum-silikatnim cementom. Nakon retrogradne opturacije, zubi su ostavljeni u vlažnoj sredini 48h, do potpunog vezivanja ispitivanih materijala. Nakon vezivanja ispitivanih materijala, zubi su sečeni longitudinalno, finom dijamantskom &scaron;ajbnom. Marginalna adaptacija ispitivanih materijala je procenjena skening elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Pripremljeni uzorci su posmatrani pod uvećanjima 30x, 40x, 80x i 100x. Uvećanje 30x je rađeno radi prikaza celokoupnog retrogradnog punjenja na jednom snimku, tj. spoja materijal-zub. Nakon toga je napravljeno vi&scaron;e uzastopnih snimaka sauvećanjem 80x do pune dužine materijala. Na taj način je utvrđeno postojanje i izvr&scaron;eno merenje marginalne pukotine u mikrometrima. Merenja ukupne dužine marginalne pukotine u mikrometrima u 5 tačaka sa obe strane preparata su vr&scaron;ena u softverskoj aplikaciji Image J software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA). Tačke su izabrane tako da tačka 1a i tačka 5a predstavljaju gornju i donju ivicu preparata. Tačka 3a predstavlja sredinu rastojanja između tačke 1a i tačke 5a. Tačka 2a i tačka 4a predstavljaju sredinu razmaka između tačke 1a i 3a, odnosno 3a i a5. Tačke 1b-5b su naspramne tačke. Rezultati biokompatibilnosti ukazuju na visok stepen ćelijske kompatibilnosti svih ispitivanih materijala. Međutim, DET testomnije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u citotoksičnosti između istovetnih ispitivanih materijala u obe ćelijske linije, niti između sva tri ispitivana materijala u obe ćelijske kulture.Poređenjem rezultata MTT testa nakon 24h i 48h, kao i nakon 48h i 72h uočava se da su dobijene srednje vrednosti indeksa citotoksičnosti kod sva tri ispitivana materijala i na obe ćelijske linije manje nakon 48h, odnosno nakon 72h, &scaron;to ukazuje na oporavak ćelijskog metabolizma. Poređenjem rezultata nakon 24h i nakon 72h, uočava se znatno veći pad vrednosti indeksa citotoksičnosti nakon 72h kod sva tri ispitivana materijala i na obe ćelijske linije. U kulturi ćelija MRC5, kod sva tri ispitivana materijala postoji statistički značajna razlika između indeksa citotoksičnosti izmerenog nakon 24h i nakon 72h, kao i u kulturi ćelija L929. Agar difuzionim testom nije uočena dekolorizacija, niti liza ćelija ispod ispitivanih materijala. Ćelijski odgovor je 0/0 &scaron;to ukazuje da ovim testom nije utvrđeno postojanje citotoksičnog efekta ispitivanih materijala na ćelijske linije L929 i MRC-5. Ispitivanje marginalne adaptacije materijala je vr&scaron;eno na osnovu mikrofotografija dobijenih skening elektronskim mikroskopom.. Najpre su testirane razlike na prvoj tački merenja. Rezultati ovog testa pokazuju da postoje značajne razlike između materijala i da amalgam ima značajno vi&scaron;e vrednosti izmerenih pukotina u odnosu na preostala dva materijala, dok se vrednosti za MTA i biodentin međusobno značajno ne razlikuju. Kao jo&scaron; jedna referentna tačka uzeta je tačka merenja 5. I u odnosu na vrednosti u ovoj tački merenja zabeležene su značajne razlike između materijala. Post hoc Mann-Whitney test pokazuje da se amalgam značajno razlikuje od preostala dva materijala, dok nema značajnih razlika između MTA i biodentina. Na osnovu medijane može se videti da amalgam ima niže vrednosi u ovoj tački merenja u odnosu na preostala dva materijala. U tačkama 2-4, kao i u tačkama 1-5 (ukupno), ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u marginalnoj adaptaciji ispitivanih materijala. Rezultati biokompatibilnosti ukazuju na visok stepen ćelijske kompatibilnosti svih ispitivanih materijala. Rezultati sva tri testa pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u citotoksičnosti između ispitivanih materijala. MTT test pokazuje da u obe ćelijske kulture, kod istovetnih ispitivanih materijala postoji statistički značajna razlika između indeksa citotoksičnosti izmerenog nakon 24h i nakon 72h. Rezultati ispitivanja marginalne adaptacije pokazuju da u tački 1 najgore zaptiva amalgam, dok izmedju MTA i biodentina nema razlike. U tački 5 najbolje zaptiva amalgam.</p> / <p>Biocompatibility of materials, deployed in periapical surgery, has been a subject of debate in referential literature for some time now. Apart from biocompabillity, root end filling materials are expected to prevent bacteria from entering the surrounding tissue from canal system. The most important factors for successful long term treatment include marginal seal, i.e. adequate marginal adaptation. The aim of this research was to examine biocompatibility and establish the potential difference in biocompatibility between mineral trioxide aggregate, tricalcium silicate cement and dental amalgam according to three cytotoxicity tests, but also to corroborate marginal adaptation of the materials in question for retrograde seal of a root canal. Materials and methods: The experimental part of the research is divided in two parts. In the first part of the research biocompatibility of the materials was examined, while the examination of the marginal adaptation based on the micro images from scanning electron microscope was conducted in the second part. The examination of biocompatibility was executed on two cell lines, mouse fibroblast cell line (L929) and human cell line (MRC-5).Biocompatibility of all three types of material was examined based on three standard biocompatibility tests: DET test, MTT test, Agar diffusion test.The examination of marginal adaptation was carried out on 90 single-rooted tooth extractied human teeth of the intercanine sector of maxilla with intact pulp, mature apices, without root fractures or resorption. All teeth were endodontically treated. After the extirpation, irrigation and opturation, the resection of 3mm of root apex and retrograde preparation with ultrasonic instruments up to 3 mm depth inside the canal was done. Teeth were divided in three groups alternately. The First group include teeth which apical cavitation was filled with amalgam, in the Second group apical cavitation was filled with MTA, and in the Third group with tricalcium silicate cement. After the complete setting of the materials, teeth were cut in longitudinal manner, with fine, diamond tool. Marginal adaptation of the materials was assessed through scanning electron microscope (SEM). Software application Image J software was deployed to measure the total length of marginal fissure in micrometers in 5 pointson both sides of the preparation . The results of biocompatibility indicate high degree of cell compatibility of all tested materials. DET test did not assert any statistically significant difference in cytotoxicity between the same tested materials in both cell lines, nor between all three tested materials in both cell cultures. Comparing the results of MTT test after 24h and 48h, and 48h and 72h, it is noted that middle value of cytotoxicity index with all three tested materials and on both cell lines is lower after 48h, and after 72h, indicating the recovery of cell metabolism. In both cell cultures, with all three tested materials there is statistically significant difference between measured cytotoxicity indices after 24h and after 72h. Agar diffusion test did not show decolorization, nor cell lysis underneath the tested materials, which means that cytotoxic effect was not asserted on cell lines L929 i MRC-5. The examination of marginal adaptation was conducted according to micro images gained by scanning electron microscope. The results in the measure point 1 indicate there are significant differences between materials, and amalgam has significantly higher values of the measured fissures in relation to remaining two materials, whereas values for MTA and biodentine do not differ significantly. In measure point 5 significant differences were noted. Post hoc Mann-Whitney test shows that amalgam has lower values of the tested fissures in this measure point in relation to two other materials, while there were no significant differences between MTA i biodentine. In points 2-4, as well as points 1-5 (in total), there were no statistically significant differences in marginal adaptation of the examined materials. The results of all three tests show that there is no statistically significant difference in cytotoxicity between examined materials. MTT test shows that there is, in both cell cultures, with the same examined materials , statistically significant difference between cytotoxicity indices measured after 24h and after 72h. The results of the examination of marginal adaptation show that in point 1 amalgam has the worst seal, whereas between MTA and biodentine there is no difference. In point 5 amalgam has the best seal.</p>

Specifika nastavení řešiče v systému Ansys Fluent pro nízké tlaky v EREM / Specifications of the Ansys Fluent Solution Solver for low pressures in EREM

Šimík, Marcel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on electron microscopy which issue is discussed at the beginning of work. The main attention is dedicated to the Environmental electron microscope, especially the differentially pumped chamber, which the thesis deals with. There is a production of an experimental chamber for analysis of shock waves on going therefore main goal of this thesis was to analyze the flow pattern in this chamber. Using the Ansys Fluent program, simulations of the characteristic flow that arises from the pumping of the vacuum chambers namely the ultrasonic flow at low pressures on which the most suitable turbulent module was applied as well as the degree of discretization was performed. The final analysis of this flow pattern is primarily focused on the localization of the shock wave which experimental evidence is to be lodged by shadow optical method as a part of the new concept of the chamber. The basis for the simulation of the chamber was taken over by Dr. Danilatos, with which the results were compared.

Využití kovové sondy pro ovládání optických procesů a zobrazování v blízkém poli / Applications of metallic probe for the control of optical processes and near-field imaging

Gallina, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Hlavním předmětem této diplomové práce jsou elektromagnetické simulace pomocí metody konečných prvků (FEM) k vyšetření vlivu grafenu na hrotem zesílenou Ramanovu spektroskopii (TERS) a povrchem zesílenou infračervenou absorpční spektroskopii (SEIRA) a k prozkoumání citlivosti sondy skenovacího optického mikroskopu blízkého pole (SNOM) ke složkám elektromagnetického pole v závislosti na parametrech sondy (průměru apertury v pokovení). Nejprve je proveden výpočet TERS systému složeného ze stříbrného hrotu nacházejícího se nad zlatým substrátem s tenkou vrstvou molekul, jehož účelem je porozumění principů TERS. Poté je na molekuly přidána grafenová vrstva, aby se prozkoumal její vliv ve viditelné (TERS) a infračervené (SEIRA) oblasti spektra. Druhá část práce se zabývá výpočty energiového toku SNOM hrotem složeným z pokoveného skleněného vlákna interagujícím s blízkým polem povrchových plasmonových polaritonů. Zde uvažujeme zlatou vrstvu se čtyřmi štěrbinami uspořádanými do čtverce na skleněném substrátu sloužícími jako zdroj stojatého vlnění povrchových plasmonů s prostorově oddělenými maximy složek elektrického pole orientovanými rovnoběžně či kolmo na vzorek. Ve výpočtech hrotem zesílené spektroskopie zjišťujeme, že grafen přispívá pouze malým dílem k zesílení pole ve viditelné oblasti spektra, ovšem v infračervené oblasti má grafen vliv pro záření s energií menší než dvojnásobek Fermiho energie grafenu, pro kterou je hodnota zesílení pole větší než v případě výpočtu bez grafenu. Avšak pro velmi vysoké vlnové délky zesílení pole v přítomnosti grafenu klesá pod (konstantní) hodnotu pro případ bez grafenu. Při studiu citlivosti SNOM hrotu k jednotlivým složkám pole shledáváme, že pro hrot se zlatým pokovením je energiový tok skleněným jádrem hrotu kombinací příspěvků energie prošlé aperturou a periodické výměny energie mezi povrchovým plasmonem šířícím se po vnějším okraji pokovení a mody propagujícími se v jádře. Dále zjišťujeme, že hroty s malou aperturou (či bez apertury) jsou více citlivé na složku elektrického pole orientovanou kolmo ke vzorku (rovnoběžně s osou hrotu), zatímco hroty s velkou aperturou sbírají spíše signál ze složky rovnoběžné s povrchem vzorku. V případě hrotu s hliníkovým pokovením jsou hroty citlivější ke složce pole rovnoběžné s povrchem, což je způsobeno slabším průnikem pole skrze pokovení.

Analýza bateriových hmot metodami EDS / Analysis of active material for batteries by EDS

Vídeňský, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with analysis of battery mass using x-ray spectral microanalysis. For the measurement two scanning electron microscopes equipped with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopes were used. Appropriate examples were prepaired by standard method. Then elemental analysis was performed with changing conditions of measurement. Two programs were used for spectrums evaluation and in the end the size of errors was observed for every conditions.

Vývoj biofyzikální interpretace dat kvantitativního fázového zobrazování / Development of Biophysical Interpretation of Quantitative Phase Image Data

Křížová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with biophysical interpretation of quantitative phase imaging (QPI) gained with coherence-controlled holographic microscope (CCHM). In the first part methods evaluating information from QPI such as analysis of shape and dynamical characteristics of segmented objects as well as evaluation of the phase information itself are described. In addition, a method of dynamic phase differences (DPD) is designed to allow more detailed monitoring of cell mass translocations. All of these methods are used in biological applications. In an extensive study of various types of cell death, QPI information is compared with flow cytometry data, and preferably a combination of QPI and fluorescence microscopy is used. The DPD method is used to study mass translocations inside the cell during osmotic events. The simplified DPD method is applied to investigate the mechanism of tumor cell movement in collagen gels.

Výzkum nových elektrokeramických struktur pro nové aplikace senzorů / An investigation of novel electroceramic structures for new sensor applications

Nan, Bo Unknown Date (has links)
Piezoelektrické keramické materiály jsou široce používány v mnoha aplikacích a průmyslových odvětvích, nicméně tradiční materiály obvykle obsahují olovo, které je toxické vůči životnímu prostředí. Většina zemí proto zavedla zákony a omezení, které postupně minimalizují spotřebu olova a podporují výzkum v oblasti bezolovnatých kompozic, které by nahradily olověné protějšky. Bezolovnatá piezoelektrická keramika se tak stala žhavým tématem v posledních letech. Nicméně výzkumy na praktické využití bezolovnatých piezoelektrických materiálů jsou jen zřídka publikovány. V této diplomové práci byl vybrán jeden z nadějných kandidátů na piezoelektrickou bezolovnatou keramiku (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 za účelem zkoumání metody snížení jeho vysoké teploty slinování pomocí dotování uhličitanem lithným, kde syntéza prášku byla připravená pomocí techniky sol-gel. Výsledky byly srovnány s konvenčním práškem syntetizovaným v pevné fázi. Vzorky vyrobené ze sol-gel prášku dopovaného 0.5% hmotn. uhličitanem lithným a slinované při 1300 °C po dobu 2 hodin vykazovaly d33 = 447 ± 9 pC N–1, teplotu Curie 98.7 °C a velikost zrn 7.0 ± 0.3 m. Další důležitou otázkou pro aplikace bezolovnatého piezoelektrického keramického materiálu je jeho výroba v různých konfiguracích. Použitím techniky odlévání pásky a aditivních výrobních postupů byla piezoelektrická keramika zpracována do tří různých konfigurací (2-2, 3-3 a 1-3), aby se překlenula mezera mezi materiálovými vědami a materiálovým inženýrstvím. Pro dolévání pásky byly použity suspenze na bázi oleje a vody. Pro přípravu neslinutých keramických fólií bez trhlin, byly pro odlévání na bázi oleje vyvinuty uhlíkové suspenze s obsahem pevných látek 25% hmotn. a BCZT suspenze s obsahem pevných látek 65% hmotn. Problém práškové hydrolýzy ve vodných suspenzích byl vyřešen povrchovou úpravou prášku Al(H2PO4)3, což umožnilo, aby byly tlusté vrstvy bez trhlin odlety v jednom kroku. Tlusté vrstvy slinované při 1500 °C vykazovaly relativní dielektrickou konstantu 1207, dielektrickou ztrátu 0.018 při 1 kHz, remanentní polarizaci 7.54 µC/cm2 a koercitivní síla intenzity pole (Ec) 0.23 kV/mm při 3 kV/mm. Pro tvarování BCZT v konfiguraci 3-3 a 1-3 byla použita přímá metoda tisknutí inkoustu. Pro správnou úpravu tiskového procesu byla použita inkoustová náplň s viskoelastickým chováním obsahující 41.6% obj. pevných látek BCZT a se zpracovatelskými přísadami (HPMC ~ 2.4% a PEI ~ 0.03%). Vzorky v konfiguraci 3-3, slinované při 1500 °C, vykazovaly nejvyšší dielektrické a piezoelektrické vlastnosti, kde Curieho teplota = 86 °C, tan = 0.021, remanentní polarizace = 4.56 µC/cm2 a d33 = 100 ± 4 pC/N. Vzorky v konfiguraci 1-3 slinované při 1500 °C, které byly smíchány s epoxidem, vykazovaly dielektrickou konstantu 144 a dielektrickou ztrátu 0.035 při 1 kHz. Tato práce popisuje tvarování bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky s vynikajícími vlastnostmi v pokročilých strukturách jako krok k návrhu pro moderní senzorické a energy harvesting aplikace.

Vyhodnocení vlivu tlaku v komoře vzorku a velikosti clonek na výsledný tlak u scintilátoru detektoru pomocí systému Cosmos FloWorks / Using Cosmos FloWorks for analyse the detector.

Bordovský, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This work deal with the analysis of influence of pressure‘s sizes in vacuum chamber of specimen Evironmental Scanning Electron Microscope and the influence of sizes of aperture diaphragm by scintillation detector. The analysis proceeds in detector of secondary electrons. The detector is modelled by system 3D CAD SolidWorks with the help of system CAE Cosmos FloWorks.

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