Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mikrostruktur."" "subject:"mikrostrukturen.""
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Teoretické problémy španělské lexikografie / Theoretical problems of Spanish lexicographyJohnová, Barbara January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis Theoretical Problems of Spanish Lexicography introduces issues associated with creating general monolingual dictionaries. The thesis has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to summarise the most frequent lexicographic issues and attempt to find their suitable solutions in practice through an analysis of significant research studies dealing with this subject. The issues have been divided into two groups depending on whether they regard the macrostructure (collection of dictionary entries) or microstructure (collection of headword information). As for the macrostructure, one of the main issues is posed by determining the criteria for the selection of dictionary entries. Modern descriptive lexicography considers lexical unit usage frequency to be the main criterion. The macrostructure of general monolingual dictionaries should generally not include proper nouns while productive affixes and affixoids, phraseological units with a high degree of idiomaticity, abbreviations and frequently used neologisms should be included. The thesis also explores the issue of distinguishing between cases of homonymy and polysemy and its impact on lexicographic practice. The chapter on microstructure focuses primarily on the issues of constructing lexicographic definitions with user...
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Vývoj orientace pórového prostoru a permeability hornin se změnou mikrostruktury a minerálního složení / Vývoj orientace pórového prostoru a permeability hornin se změnou mikrostruktury a minerálního složeníMachek, Matěj January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Evoluční strategie v biomineralizaci schránek zástupců kmene Mollusca: Mikromechanické vlastnosti schránek a jejich vztah k prostředí / Evolutionary strategy in biomineralization of mollusc shells: Micromechanical properties of shells and their relationship with the environmentHrabánková, Iva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the micromechanical properties (microhardness and elastic modulus) of selected molluscan shell microstructures and their relationship to crystallographic textures and environment. Results of the study suggest that extremely high hydrostatic pressure has a relatively weak influence on the mechanical properties of calcitic as well as aragonitic shell layers. No statistically significant difference was found in microhardness and elastic modulus of nacre between bivalvian species living in marine and freshwater environments. On the other hand, the study reveals a statistically significant positive correlation between the micromechanical properties and thickness of aragonitic platelets forming the nacre. Unexpected result is a negative correlation of the degree of ordering of aragonitic platelets with both elastic modulus as well as microhardness. Thus the degree of ordering explains about 80% of the variability of these micromechanical properties. Statistically significant but weaker correlation was also found between micromechanical properties and textural type of bivalvian nacre. The nacre with uniaxial texture is harder and more elastic than the nacre with quasimonocrystallic texture. The data suggests that higher hardness and elasticity corresponds to a primitive state of nacre and that during the subsequent evolution values of these micromechanical properties were decreasing. This trend contradicts with generally accepted hypothesis of increassing predation pressure in the marine ecosystem during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic.
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Studium nových slitin na bázi Mg s řízenou mikrostrukturou a texturou / Study of novel magnesium alloys with controlled microstructure and textureDrozdenko, Daria January 2016 (has links)
Title: Study of novel magnesium alloys with controlled microstructure and texture Author: Daria Drozdenko Department / Institute: Department of Physics of Materials, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Ing. Patrik Dobroň, Ph.D., Department of Physics of Materials. Abstract: The work elucidates the role of dislocation slip and twinning during plastic deformation in selected magnesium (Mg) alloys with controlled microstructure and texture. The acoustic emission (AE) technique was concurrently applied during deformation to determine the activity of particular deformation mechanisms. A detailed insight into microstructure was provided by electron microscopy. In order to obtain a comprehensive set of AE data for particular deformation mechanisms, Mg single crystals with various crystallographic orientations were channel-die and uniaxially compressed. The obtained results were applied on deformation mechanisms in polycrystalline textured Mg alloys. Particularly, the twinning - detwinning processes, in the sense of twin boundary mobility, during one cycle loading (pre-compression followed by tension) were described. Clear correlations between changes in the AE response and the inflection points on the deformation curve were found. An analysis of twin...
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Superplastická deformace ultrajemnozrnných hořčíkových slitin s obsahem vzácných zemin a zinku / Superplastic deformation of ultrafine-grained magnesium alloys containing rare earth metals and zincVávra, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Superplastic behavior of two ultrafine-grained (UFG) magnesium alloys was investigated in this thesis. Commercial Mg-4Y-3RE (wt.%) alloy was prepared by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and new experimental alloy Mg-23Zn-2Y (wt.%) was prepared by extrusion and ECAP. Eight passes of Mg-4Y-3RE through ECAP resulted in grain refinement down to ~340 nm and formation of a high volume fraction of fine secondary phase particles. UFG microstructure with an average grain size of 3.2 µm after extrusion and 1.6 µm after Ex-ECAP was achieved in Mg-23Zn-2Y alloy. The microstructure of Mg-23Zn- 2Y was observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thermal stability of both alloys was measured by microhardness tests. Superplastic behavior was investigated in the temperature range of 250-450 řC and strain rate range of 5x10-4 s-1 - 10-1 s-1 . The results revealed a high strain rate superplasticity in Mg-4Y-3RE alloy. Deformation to fracture exceeded 1000% for several deformation conditions, even at the strain rate of 10-1 s-1 . The highest elongation of 656 % in Mg-23Zn-2Y alloy was achieved in extruded state at the strain rate of 10-3 s-1 .
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Exchange Traded Funds a likvidita indexových portfoliíBodeček, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The thesis investigates if introduction of Exchange Traded Fund, which replicates given index, has impact on liquidity and risk of underlying component securities. This thesis specifically examines impact of introduction ETF called Lyxor ETF WIG20, which was introduced at Warsaw Stock Exchange. ETF holds stock of WIG 20 Index. The impact on liquidity is investigated by using univariate analysis and by using multivariate panel regression, where dummy variable is used. The impact on risk of component stock is analyzed by beta coefficient.
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Studium deplece cholesterolu v lidské kožní bariéře / Study of cholesterol depletion in human skin barrierAudrlická, Pavla January 2020 (has links)
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Pavla Audrlická Supervisor: prof. PharmDr. Kateřina Vávrová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of cholesterol depletion in human skin barrier Barrier function of human skin barrier dwells in intercellular lipid membranes of the uppermost skin layer, the stratum corneum (SC), composed of equimolar mixture of ceramides (Cer), free fatty acids (FFA) and cholesterol (Chol).1 Chol is required for proper lipid organization of SC, however, it stays unclear, why is it present in an amount so high that it separates from other lipids.2 Experiments using synthetic model membranes with decreased Chol content suggested that molar ratio of Cer:FFA:Chol 1:1:0,4 is sufficient for lipid barrier formation and its complex functionality.3 The aim of this work was to manipulate Chol content directly in human SC and to study the effects of decreased Chol content on the SC permeability and microstructure. Ex vivo SC obtained from healthy donors was extracted by methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MCD) to reduce natural Chol content. The extracted SC did not show significant changes in Cer or FFA whilst the amount of Chol was lowered to 78 %. SC barrier properties were evaluated by measurements of transepidermal water loss...
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<p>Promene komponenata i strukture mleka ispitane su tokom fermentacije korišćenjem inokuluma kombuhe kultivisane na crnom čaju zaslađenom saharozom<br />u koncentraciji 10%. Fermentacija mleka sa 2,2% mlečne masti izvršena je na dve različite temperature (37°C i 42°C) i uzorci su analizirani na sledećim pH vrednostima: 6,1; 5,8; 5,4; 5,1; 4,8 i 4,6. Urađena je determinacija i identifikacija produkata fermentacije laktoze kao što su: šećeri, organske kiseline i masne kiseline. Ispitane su teksturalne i reološke karakteristike i mikrostruktura uzoraka. Pored toga, utvrđene su sličnosti i razlike uticaja inokuluma kombuhe na proces fermentacije mleka u poređenju sa delovanjem jogurtne, odnosno probiotske starter kulture.<br />Tokom fermentacije mleka u različitim fazama procesa pri odabranim pH vrednostima na 42°C transformiše se 14,6% laktoze odnosno 18,2% na 37°C. Sadržaj galaktoze i glukoze koje nastaju fermentacijom i hidrolizom laktoze raste između prve i druge tačke fermentacije (pH=6,07 i pH=5,8). Dominantne organske kiseline tokom fermentacije su L–mlečna kiselina i sirćetna kiselina. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika u sadržaju masnih kiselina tokom fermentacije mleka kombuhom na 37°C i 42°C. Sadržaj palmitinske kiseline u mleku i uzorcima tokom fermentacije je najveći, zatim slede miristinska, stearinska i oleinska kiselina.<br />Praćenjem procesa fermentacije mleka uz primenu kombuhe na 37°C i 42°C od početne pH vrednosti 6,07 do završne 4,6, najznačajnije promene teksturalnih karakteristika (čvrstoće, konzistencije, kohezivnosti i indeksa viskoziteta) i reoloških svojstava zabeležene su između pH=5,4 i 5,1, što je u korelaciji sa mikrostrukturom. Promene viskoziteta u svim uzorcima pokazuju istu regresionu liniju, sa različitim koeficijentima i visokom vrednošću r2, osim uzorka proizvedenog primenom jogurtne kulture na pH 5,4. Uzorak dobijen korišćenjem inokuluma kombuhe imao je najveće vrednosti kompleksnog modula, što je rezultiralo boljim reološkim karakteristikama gotovog proizvoda.<br />Da bi se definisao empirijski model procesa fermentacije laktoze u mleku delovanjem kombuhe formulisana su prethodno dva matematička modela za kinetiku fermentacije saharoze u tradicionalnom kombuha napitku (na crnom čaju) – jedan koji opisuje promenu koncentracije saharoze tokom fermentacije, i drugi koji opisuje brzinu fermentacije. Promena koncentracije laktoze na ispitivanim temperaturama 37°C i 42°C sastoji se od dve lag faze između kojih je faza izraženog pada koncentracije. Krive zasićenja pokazuju sigmoidalnu kinetiku na nižim koncentracijama laktoze, ukazujući na kompleksni ne–Michaelis–Mentenov tip kinetike.<br />Generalno može se istaći da su primenom inokuluma kombuhe tokom fermentacije mleka u različitim fazama procesa ustanovljene specifične promene komponenata i strukture u poređenju sa efektima delovanja jogurtne odnosno probiotske starter kulture.</p><p> </p> / <p>Changes of milk components and structure were examined during fermentation by kombucha inoculum cultivated on black tea switened with saccharose in a concentration of 10%. The fermentation of milk with 2.2% of milk fat was carried out at two different temperatures (37°C i 42°C) and samples were analyzed at the following pH values: 6.1; 5.8; 5,4; 5.1; 4.8 and 4.6. Determination and identification of the lactose fermentation products, such as: sugars, organic acids and fatty acids were carried out. Textural and rheological characteristics and microstructure of the samples were investigated. Furthermore, the effect of kombucha on the milk fermentation process was compared with the effect of yoghurt and probiotic starter culture.<br />During milk fermentation at various stages of the process 14.6% of lactose content was transformed at 42°C and 18.2% at 37° C. The galactose and glucose content, which are formed by lactose hydrolyses and fermentation, increased between first and second pH point of fermentation (pH = 6.07 and pH = 5.8). Dominant organic acids during fermentation are L–lactic acid and acetic acid. There is no significant difference between samples in fatty acids content during fermentation on 37°C and 42°C. The level of palmitic acid in milk and samples was the highest of all fatty acids, followed by myristic, stearic, and oleic acid.<br />The most significant changes in textural properties (firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and viscosity index) and viscosity during milk fermentation by kombucha at 37ºC and 42°C, from the initial pH value 6.07 to a final 4.6, were recorded between pH=5.4 and 5.1, which is in correlation with microstructure.<br />Viscosity changes in all samples showed the same regression line with the different coefficients and a rather high r2 except for the sample produced with standard yoghurt culture at the pH 5.4. Samples produced with kombucha had the highest values of the complex modulus, which indicates better rheological characteristics of the final product.<br />In order to define an empirical model of lactose fermentation process in milk by kombucha, two mathematical models (one for the change of saccharose concentration, during its fermentation by kombucha, and the other for the rate of the mentioned fermentation) previously were formulated. Change of lactose concentrations at 37ºC and 42ºC consists of two retaining stages and very steep descend in-between. Saturation curves show a sigmoidal kinetics at low lactose concentrations, indicating a complex non–Michaelis–Menten type kinetics.<br />Generally it can be concluded that specific changes in the components and structure of milk by application of kombucha inoculum during fermentation at different stages of the process were established in comparison with the effects of yoghurt and probiotic starter culture.</p>
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Mikromorfologie sklovinového pláště tribosfenické stoličky / Enamel micromorphology of the tribosphenic molarHanousková, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The tribosphenic molar is an ancestral type of mammalian teeth and a phy- lotypic stage of the mammalian dental evolution. Yet, in contrast to derived teeth types, its enamel microarchitecture attracted only little attention and the information on that subject is often restricted to statements suggesting a simple homogenous arrangement of a primitive radial prismatic enamel. The present paper tests this prediction with aid of comparative study of eight model species representing the orders Chiroptera, Afrosoricida, Eulipotyphla (Erinaceomorpha) and Eulipotyphla (Soricomorpha). Spe- cial attention was paid to shrews (Soricidae), the group with most derived tribosphenic dentition among extant insectivores. The detailed electron microscopic (SEM) analysis of standardized cross sections over essential structural elements of tribosphenic molars (in shrews supplemented with sections of the lower incisor, the most derived tooth of the dentition) was a basic source of information. The results demonstrated common arrangements related to tribosphenic design (he- terotopy of enamel thickness, radial prismatic enamels as primary product of ameloge- netic activity), yet, an unexpectedly broad span of variation in state of further variables was discovered at the same time. The taxon-specific arrangements and...
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Informované obchodování na Brurze cenných papírů Praha / Informed Trading on the Prague Stock ExchangeDoležal, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Subject matter of this thesis is the problem of informed trading on the Prague Stock Exchange. This topic is developed in two directions. First one is empirical analysis of informed trading, which makes use of unique dataset which includes trading in XETRA and SPAD. This dataset enabled the author to compare change in measures of informed trading in respective trading systems. For this comparison models PIN and VPIN are used, the latter for the first time in Czech academic research. Model PIN brings the result that the probability of informed trading has significantly decreased following the transition to XETRA. On the contrary, results of VPIN metric suggest that measure of toxic liquidity has slightly increased. Second one is economic analysis of law. On the basis of economic insight two regulatory issues are identified - the problem of inside information and conflict of interest in case of market makers. Legal analysis has brought two key findings - problem of inside information is the result of incomplete implementation of european legislature and the conflict of interest is attributed to its improper treatment, based on the concept of fiduciary duties, which are hard to enforce in this particular case. Proposal how to fix these problems suggests "chinese wall" as the solution which would...
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