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Att öka attraktiviteten genomförnyelse av offentliga rum : -En fallstudie om Råslätt centrum, Jönköping / To increase attractiveness through renewal ofpublic spaces : -A case study of the centre of Råslätt, JönköpingSarii, Nora, Karlsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: Råslätt is a residential neighborhood that is part of the Swedish “million homeprogram” (1965-1975). The area consists almost entirely of rental apartments inprefabricated concrete buildings of 6-8 floors. Unemployment rates are high and thearea is also highly segregated. Because of this, Råslätt has a bad reputation.The goal of this study is to examine the parameters of the physical, public space thatcan contribute to a more attractive residential area and based on the findings design aproposal that will be presented by sketches and a picture. Method: The methods used are primarily document analysis and observations. Inaddition, an interview with a professional area manager has been implemented. Thefinal sketch has been made with 3D-modeling software. Findings: The area's center buildings have been analyzed using various theories andfrom these concluded a number of parameters that are important for this residential areato be attractive. Using these parameters, a proposal has been designed with 3Dmodelingsoftware and presented as overview maps and a picture of how the area couldlook like. Implications: Through a proposal of changes in the physical planning, theattractiveness of the area and the social mix could be improved. Improvements thatcould enhance the attractiveness have been developed and are as follows: more sittingpossibilities, better accessibility, more interesting architecture, larger focus onaesthetics, more planned green space in the center, attractive new housing in the citycenter, to better link the different ground levels and an increased number of focus pointsfor visual experiences.For further research in the area, it could be interesting to investigate what is alreadybeing done in new construction projects to avoid problems that “the million homeprogram” resulted in, and to come up with further proposals on how to improve thework at the new projects. It could also be interesting to examine the redevelopmentproposals based upon economic and ecological sustainability. Limitations: The focus has been at the center of the buildings due to our basic theorythat it is possible to improve the attractiveness of the area by only focusing on publicspace. This is also to avoid the negative effects of a rising social status in a residentialarea (gentrification) whenever possible. Economic aspects have also been disregardedin this report. / Syfte: Råslätt är ett bostadsområde som ingår i det svenska miljonprogrammet.Området består nästan uteslutande av hyresrätter i prefabricerade betonghus med 6-8våningar. Arbetslösheten är utbredd och det är mycket segregerat i området. Områdethar även dåligt rykte på grund av detta.Målet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka vilka parametrar i den fysiska,offentliga miljön som kan bidra till ett mer attraktivt bostadsområde och utefter dessautforma ett förslag som redovisas med skisser och en bild. Metod: De metoder som använts är i första hand dokumentanalys och observationer.Dessutom har en intervju med en yrkesverksam förvaltare och områdeschefgenomförts. Den avslutande skissen har sedan gjorts i ett 3D-modelleringsprogram. Resultat: Områdets centrumbebyggelse har analyserats med hjälp av olika teorier ochpå det sättet har man kommit fram till ett antal parametrar som är viktiga för attbostadsområdet ska vara attraktivt. Med hjälp av dessa parametrar har ett förslagutformats i ett 3D-modelleringsprogram och redovisats som översiktskartor och en bildpå hur området skulle kunna se ut. Konsekvenser: Genom ett förslag på förändringar i den fysiska planeringen kanområdets attraktivitet och den sociala blandningen förbättras. De konkreta förslagensom skulle kunna förbättra attraktiviteten har tagits fram är: Fler sittplatser, bättretillgänglighet, intressantare arkitektur, mer fokus på estetik, fler planerade grönytor icentrum, nya attraktiva bostäder i centrum, större koppling mellan olika marknivåer ochfler fokuspunkter för visuella upplevelser.För att forska vidare i ämnesområdet skulle det kunna vara intressant att utreda vad somredan görs vid nyproduktion för att undvika de problem som miljonprogrammetmedförde samt att komma med ytterligare förslag på hur man kan förbättra arbetet vidnybyggnation. Det skulle även kunna vara intressant att undersöka ettombyggnadsförslag utifrån ekonomiska och ekologiska hållbarhetsaspekter. Begränsningar: Fokus har legat på centrumbebyggelsen på grund av att vårgrundläggande tes är att det går att förbättra attraktiviteten i ett område genom att barafokusera på det offentliga rummet. Detta också för att undvika de negativa effekternaav den sociala statushöjningen av ett bostadsområde (gentrifiering) i största möjligamån. Ekonomiska aspekter har även bortsetts ifrån i den här rapporten.
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Utmaningar, problem och möjligheter : En studie om renoveringar i miljonprogram med fokus på social hållbarhet och dialogHylén, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to shed a light over the challenges, possibilities and problems regarding renovation and rehabilitation of the million program housing. Many million program housing is in acute need of restoration and the monetary cost is high since the housings represent one fourth of the Swedish housing. This will be from a social sustainability perspective and investigate how different parts of the property owners incorporate social sustainability during their changes and modifications in their projects. While visiting these strategies and looking into the social sustainability a issue is also due to see if there is any overall dialog between companies in order to share information and experiences. Qualitative methods were used to conduct this study, even more specific interviews with following thematic analysis. The results found that the strategies for public utility and private housing differs when it comes to renovation million program housings. They operate in different practical methods and has difference in the ambitions of social sustainability. Three actors from different branches in the million program housing is interview to contain different perspectives to widen the reach and deepen the analysis on how the problems and strategies should be perceived and what they struggle with and find promising for the future.
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Gender Renovation : A case study analysis of the feminist urban development project #UrbanGirlsMovement discussing gender-transformative urban planning techniques as a means for more equal citiesAnneroth, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is a case study analysis of the feminist urban development project #UrbanGirlsMovement discussing how gender-transformative urban planning techniques impact local girls in the Million Dwellings Program area Fittja south of Stockholm. The thesis draws on a theoretical framework of feminist geography, intersectionality, and territorial stigmatization to analyze narratives from eleven girls participating in #UrbanGirlsMovement. The girls’ narratives reveal that it has been an empowering experience to be part of an urban development process as it has enabled them to recognize their own abilities. By re-evaluating the role of the planner to take on a more facilitating role, the girls shouldered the role of experts. It legitimized the girls’ ideas and designs, enabling them both to recognize and to use their own agency. Additionally, the process of redesigning a familiar place enabled the girls to regenerate the meaning of the urban public space around Fittja to mirror their own subjective spatial identities. The thesis shows that intersectional planning tools that transform, rather than inform, power and spatial oppression are crucial when renewing the Million Dwellings Program of Swedish suburbs. #UrbanGirlsMovement shows that a planning process is more than physical designs, it is as much a tool for enhanced democracy, equality, and justice in cities.
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The contradictions of empowerment promotion through social engineering : Mozambique's peace and the '7 million' initiativeMaschietto, Roberta Holanda January 2015 (has links)
The concept of ‘empowerment’ has been widely used among development practitioners since the early 1990s. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on empowerment by developing an analytical framework that incorporates: (a) the dialectical nature of power, (b) multiple levels of analysis, and (c) the subjectivities of power that different actors have and that affect the way they respond to policies. The model is applied to the analysis of Mozambique’s transition to peace and the study of a national initiative called District Development Fund, known as the ‘7 Million’, which aims to promote empowerment by reducing poverty and promoting local participation in the rural districts. The analysis focuses, on the one hand, on the ‘7 million’ policy formulation, stressing the power struggles that shaped its final outcome and, on the other hand, the policy implementation in the district of Angoche, where I conducted extensive fieldwork. I argue that, even though the ‘7 million’ had some positive aspects – including providing a discourse that underlines the relevance of the districts and the local community in matters of governance – its effects in promoting local empowerment have been far below its potential. One of the reasons for this is to be found in the dynamics of power-to and power-over that take place at the local level and that partly reflect structural aspects linked to the Mozambique state formation and peacebuilding process. More generally, the case illustrates the limitations and contradictions of policies that aim promoting ‘bottom-up’ empowerment from the ‘top-down’.
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Å som i Ålidhem: Identifikation med ett miljonprogramsområde / It is Where I Belong: Identification With a 'Million Homes Programme'Hammarberg Mossberg, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this degree thesis is to, through memories, describe and analyze the identification with Ålidhem, a ‘Million Homes Programme’ in Umeå, Sweden, by adolescents living there mainly during the 1990’s. This by asking how young Ålidhem residents managed the definition coming from the surrounding society of how and what an Ålidhem’er is. How mutual we are in our fellowship and how the identity of a Ålidhem’er is constructed are also questions asked. I based my materials upon nine interviews, all of the informants former and one still present residents of Ålidhem. I grew up in Ålidhem and my identity as an ålidhem’er is very strong. It fascinates me how one can connect ones identity so strong to a community, something I know other ålidhem’ers do as well, not only I. This is a reason why I wrote about this in my degree thesis and also a reason for you as a reader to be aware of the fact that I am not only the writer but also an informant. Both the residents themselves and the society defined the area as a ghetto/hood and hand in hand with this came also the definition of the ålidhem’er as a gangster, someone to be afraid of. A definition which some took to oneself, someone tried to take in and that some took distance from, but yet a definition of the ålidhem’er, a definition that was never questioned. The identity is a process and not static. There are two ways to "test" an identity. The first is to play. All participants in the play know the identity is only something temporary. In the second way, through the game, the identity is tested against the community. If it is met with no questioning and being accepted, it is also an identity that can ‘become’ one's identity. To test different identities is nothing unusual but in the case of the ålidhem’er as "dangerous", the dangerousness is an ascribed feature that only works if both the society and I believe in it. The fellowship among the ones who define themselves as a ålidhem’er is something that defines the core of the community. Ålidhem is not homogenous regarding neither class nor origin, but instead of creating a divided society it creates a fellowship, a fellowship which might be something in common with other Million Homes Programmes.
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Stadsförnyelse och utomhusmiljö : En analys av fysiska faktorer och behov av förbättringar i Andersberg, Gävle kommunEnman, Mirron January 2015 (has links)
Efter andra världskriget ställdes Sverige inför en ekonomisk tillväxt och urbanisering vilket startade den tidsperiod som kallas rekordåren. En miljon bostäder byggdes på tio år och kritiserades tidigt för brister i miljön. Miljonprogrammet förde med sig en högre bostandard men kunde inte garantera en stimulerande utemiljö. Centrumanläggningen skulle istället förse invånarna med förnödenheter. Andersberg i Gävle är ett typiskt miljonprogramsområde som är under förnyelse. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om den pågående förnyelsen som bostadsbolaget Gavlegårdarna genomför är ett steg i rätt riktning mot en trivsam miljö eller om utemiljön är i behov av komplettering. Med hjälp av observationer och en inventering av miljön samt en enkätundersökning har det framkommit att grönytor, fler mötesplatser, upprustning och komfortabla detaljer som bänkar och grönska är vad som kan förbättras. Trots att miljonprogrammen förknippas med negativt rykte framkom det i studien att tryggheten är god i området samt att befolkningen generellt trivs. Studien visar även att de negativa egenskaper som miljonprogrammens miljö för med sig även är tillgångar. Det fortsatta arbetet i Andersberg bör succesivt förnyas med mindre komplement i utomhusmiljön, t.ex. med fler bänkar och en inbjudande gestaltning. Miljonprogrammen var en stor satsning, men det framtida arbetet måste ske succesivt med en involvering av invånarna. Inför framtida studier är ett arbete om hur invånare bättre kan involveras i planeringsprocessen ett viktigt komplement. / After the Second World War, Sweden was facing a strong economic growth and urbanization, which led to the time period of time called the record years. One million housing units were built in ten years. Shortcomings in the environments created were strongly criticized. The center facility was instead a facility that would provide residents with necessities. Today, central squares and common areas are in need of renovation to guarantee a stimulating environment. The Andersberg neighborhood in Sweden is typical for the so called Million homes programme and is currently undergoing renovation. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the ongoing renewal created by the housing company Gavlegårdarna is a step in the right direction and if the outdoor environment in this community needs further development. An observation study of common space, environment, and a survey of residents was performed to investigate the area. The results revealed that common meeting places, such as green space, playground and the local square needs supervision and improved design. Although many of the Million homes programme have bad reputations, the results of this study indicated that perceived safety of residents is good, and overall satisfaction with the environment. Also the study indicates that the negative qualities of these areas can be assets. The Million programs was a big investment, however future environment improvements in Andersberg should take small steps such as adding more benches and improved site design. A study of citizen participation in the planning process in Andersberg would be an important follow-up to this study.
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Individers upplevelse av att bo och leva i bostadsområdet KronoparkenLindström, Jonny January 2015 (has links)
This is a qualitative study made to find out individuals experience of life in the residential Kronoparken in Karlstad. The study is a part of a municipality supported project aiming to find points of improvement and work for the area's development. This study is a first step to hear in what way the residents themselves describe their neighborhood and their lives. A total of thirteen people participated in focus groups with semi-structured interviews as data collection and the study was based on an availability sample which in this case meant that citizens of the residential Kronoparken were asked to participate. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis and in the analysis three themes appeared that summed up what the participants talk about and emphasized most: a divided area, anticipation and valuation as well as a comfortable and healthy every day living. The participants describe the area as geographically and ethnically divided. No matter what part of the area the individuals lives in they experienced the people in other areas to have more fellowship. However, the results point out that it might not be any large individual matter in terms of wellbeing or building identity, there seem to be other parameters in life that are equally important or even more important than to feel attached to other parts of ones residential area. The results suggest that individuals base their identity on many different things, where comfort and sense of participation in the residential area is only one of several parameters. Moreover, the participants talk much about the area's reputation, which gives people the expectation of the area before they move there and also gives rise to different values of the area when they have moved and started a life there. The participants testify to the rumor mill which seems to have much do with the press and the results suggest that it might require a certain type of people to neglict bad rumors and invest in something that many other people automatically reject. The last theme is about the experience of a comfortable and healthy living in Kronoparken. The participants finds it easy to get around within the area by walking or cycling, which is considered positive and rhymes with earlier research on the link between fresh air, daily exercise and wellbeing.
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Renoveringsbehov hos bostadsrättsföreningar i Örebro - Med fokus på hus byggda under miljonprogrammet / Renovation needs of housing cooperatives in Örebro - With focus on houses built during the Millon homes programmeGårdh Rydberg, Micaela, Virta, Beatrice January 2015 (has links)
De bostäder som byggdes under åren 1950‐1975 hö till det såkallade miljonprogrammet. Under miljonprogrammet byggdes 100 000 läenhet per å under tio ås tid. Totalt byggdes 1,3 miljoner bostäer i flerbostadshus under dessa å. Flera av bostäerna som upprätades under miljonprogrammet har nåt sin tekniska livslägd och ä i stort behov av diverse renoveringar. Beroende påvad det ä fö äandeform påen byggnad såfödelas underhålsansvaret påolika sät. I hus äda av bostadsrätsföeningar ä ansvaret uppdelat. Föeningen stå fö det yttre underhålet dit äen renoveringar av stammar inkluderas, medan bostadsrätshavaren stå fö insidan av den egna läenheten. Syftet med rapporten ä att kartläga ROT‐behovet hos bostadsrätsföeningar i Öebro kommun. Examensarbetet har gjorts i samarbete med NCC Construction. Underlaget till rapporten grundar sig fräst påmaterial frå personliga intervjuer och intervjuer via mejl med olika bostadsrätsföeningar men äen påmaterial frå olika böker och relevanta webbsidor. Undersöningen visade påatt de tillfråade föeningarna i dagsläet inte har nåra störe renoveringsbehov. Flera föeningar har däemot framtida behov av bl.a. stambyten och takrenoveringar av olika slag. 58 % av bostadsrätsföeningarna var äen positiva till ett eventuellt framtida samarbete med NCC. Dåresultatet av renoveringsbehovet endast grundar sig påsvar frå 12 bostadsrätsföeningar medfö detta att det finns en stor grupp vars behov inte ä undersöta. Troligtvis ser behovet störe ut ä vad som framkommit i denna rapport dådet i Öebro kommun finns ett stort antal bostäer som ä byggda under just miljonprogramsåen. / The homes that were built during the years 1950‐1975 belong to the so‐called Million homes programme (Swedish: Miljonprogrammet). During the Million homes programme 100,000 apartments were built per year for a period of ten years. Totally 1.3 million housing units in apartment buildings were built in those years. Several of the homes that were established during the Million homes programme have reached its service life and are in great need of renovations. Depending on what kind of form of ownership a building has, the responsibility for maintenance will be distributed in different ways. For houses owned by housing associations is the responsibility divided. The association represents the outer maintained there even renovations of strains are included while the owner of the apartment stands for the inside of its own apartment. The report aims to identify the ROT‐needs of housing associations in the municipality of Öebro. The work has been done in collaboration with NCC Construction. The basis for the report is based mainly on material from personal interviews and interviews via email with various housing associations, but also on material from various books and relevant Web pages. The survey found that respondents unions in the current situation do not have any major renovation needs. Several compounds have, however future needs for, inter alia, pipe replacement, and roof renovations of various types. 58% of housing cooperatives was also positive about a potential partnership with NCC. Because the result of the renovation need only is based on responses from 12 housing associations, this means that there is a large group whose needs are not examined. Most likely the need is greater than what has emerged in this report because Öebro municipality has a large number of homes that are built in the Million homes programme years.
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Från Håstahöjden till Kattvikskajen : Finns barnperspektivet i miljonprogramsområdet Håstahöjden/Håstaskogens och Kattvikskajens bostadsområde? / From Håstahöjden to Kattvikskajen : Has a child perspective been cosidered in the planning of these two urban areas?Ödegård, Britt-Marie January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine two different housing areas in Hudiksvall. Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen is one of the areas from the ”miljonprogrammet” and was built during the last years of the 60’s. The other housing area is Kattvikskajen, located by the sea and is intended to be a new part of the city. The focus is on whether and how a child perspective has been considered in the planning of these two urban areas and how they have been publicly received by the press over time. The study is based on textual analysis, using discourse analysis on public documents, newspaper articles and dialogues with tenants in the Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen area. The conclusion of this study shows that when Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen was built there was a clear focus on developing the housing to safeguard a child’s perspective. This is clearly shown in the design of the buildings. There was a room especially for the children, for their activities and games in each house. The outdoor design included several seats for social life, playgrounds, and areas close to nature with opportunities for the children to take part in physical activities. The narrative in examined newspaper articles during the first ten years mostly concerned criminal activities. Next to them were reports on children and how they spent their spare time. From the discourse point of view there is a stigmatizing that can be experienced differently depending on the outside or the inside perspective. Kattvikskajen’s area in the harbour is much smaller, it is supposed to be a close link to the centre of the city and lacks the close nature. The advantage is the nearness to the city, the transport system and the sea. The future tenants are believed to be new people with new ideas capable of bringing new ideas into the industry and economy and who appreciate the possibilities of commuting. Quality programmes show the intentions of taking the child’s perspective in designing activity parks for different ages and a park with opportunities of playing. The close location of the housing area to the sea and the railway make it doubtful whether it is suitable for small children or even designed for small children. Older children and especially the young people will most certainly find the area attractive. Owing to the location, the architectonic expression that implies a partly private area turns the whole building area into an area that is excluding for small children.
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Upgrading of the “million programme” – A case study / Upprustning av miljonprogrammet – en fallstudieFurubom, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Det som idag sammanfattas som miljonprogrammet har sitt ursprung under en tioårsperiod (cirka 1965-1975), då riksdagen beslutade att man med uppbyggnad av en miljon nya bostäder skulle bota den bostadsbrist som var. Beslutet fick ett positivt bemötande och man började bygga bostäder, främst i ytterområdena. Detta beslut skulle senare bli hårt debatterat då kritikerna antog att det skulle leda till en ökad segregation och sedermera nya, mer omfattande samhällsproblem. I dagens samhälle har miljonprogramsfastigheterna ofta ett dåligt rykte då skötseln av fastigheterna tillsammans med dess ålder föranlett eftersatta fastigheter. Eftersattheten i fastigheterna har nu lett till att många fastighetsägare står inför omfattande renoveringar för att kunna erbjuda sina hyresgäster beboeliga lägenheter. HSB Stockholm har arbetat och arbetar fortfarande med upprustning av miljonprogramsfastigheter i Rinkeby. Projekten innefattar en totalrenovering av hela fastigheten. Efter att ha genomfört renoveringen i några av fastigheterna upplever man inte att lönsamheten blivit så bra som man önskat. Det är i den sistnämnda meningen den här uppsatsen tar sin början, varför når man inte sitt avkastningskrav? Arbetet gör en djupdykning i den rättsvetenskap som behandlar upprustning av hyresbostäder och hyreshöjningar. Vidare konfronteras HSBs upprustningsstrategier med jämförbara fastighetsbolags metoder för att finna en vägledning i hur man på ett ekonomiskt hållbart sätt bör utföra upprustningsarbeten. Efter att ha kopplat samman det teoretiska (juridiken) med det praktiska så har jag kommit fram till en slutsats. Slutsatsen är att när praxis i sina bedömningar inte lägger någon större vikt i förarbetenas utsagor så föranleder detta problem då det är svårt att få till en direkt jämförelse vid bruksvärdesprövningar. En direkt jämförelse var något som HSB ville få till då man såg det som ett led i att kunna höja hyran efter renoveringarna i Rinkeby. Ytterligare en slutsats som kommit ur den allmänna debatten och intervjun är att man i vissa områden måste lägga större vikt i den sociala vinsten och inte endast tänka på det ekonomiska utfallet. / What today summarized as million program originated during a ten year period (about 1965-1975), the parliament then decided that with the construction of one million new homes they could cure the housing shortage that was. The decision was accepted positively and they started to build, mainly in outlying areas. This decision would later be heavily debated as critics assumed that it would lead to increased segregation and later on to new wider social problems. In today´s society, the million properties often hade a bad reputation when the management of the properties along with its age led neglected properties. Neglected units in the buildings now have led to that many property owners now are faced with extensive renovations in order to offer their tenants livable apartments. HSB Stockholm has worked and is still working on the renovation of million properties in Rinkeby. The projects include a complete renovation of the entire property. After having completed the renovation of som of the properties they are now facing the fact that the profitability was not as good as they have assumed. It is in the last sentence this essay begins, why are not HSB reaching their required rate of return? The essay delves into the legal science that deals with the rehabilitation of rental housing and rent increases. Furthermore HSBs rehabilitation strategies will be confronted with other comparable property companies methods, so we can find a guide on how to in a economically sustainable way manner this upgrading work. After having connected the theoretical (the law) to the practical, i have come to a conclusion. The conclusion is that when the practice in their assessments don´t take the legislative history statements into account, we have a problem. Because it is difficult to directly compare the apartments. A direct comparison was something HSB wanted beacuse they saw a way to increase the rents after the renovation. Another conclusion that emerged from the public debate and the interview is that some areas need more attention in the social profit, and not only in the economic outcome.
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