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Remember the Future / Kom ihåg framtidenSandström, Nils, Wiklander, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Remember the Future is a typological addition to the renowned Stockholm suburb of Fittja, an area built during the Million Programme in the early 70’s, and the project tries to weave itself into this unfashionable urban fabric. Fittja’s different building types share a strong common language, they remind us of a family, a group of siblings, all of the same generation. Our project enacts the return of a lost sibling, raised under very different circumstances, but unmistakably of the same blood, and its return changes the family dynamic forever. / Remember the Future är ett typologiskt tillägg till den ontalade Stockholmsförorten Fittja, byggd under Miljonprogrammet på tidigt 70-tal, och projektet försöker tråckla sig in i denna otidsenliga stadsväv. Fittjas olika byggnadstyper delar ett utpräglat gemensamt språk, de påminner om en familj, en syskonskara, alla från samma generation. Projektet iscensätter återkomsten av ett förlorat syskon, uppväxt under helt andra förutsättningar men tveklöst av samma blod, och dess återkomst förändrar familjedynamiken för alltid.
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Building Envelope Upgrading on a 70´s Building in Stockholm SuburbsTudó, Marc January 2011 (has links)
This is a study about how to improve the building envelope from a group of housing belonging to The Million Programme, a housing programme implanted in the Sweden around 70’s. Massive buildings made of concrete, which were constructed really fast because of the pressing time Schedule and were not developed as they should. This renovation study is explained with examples and drawings and it basically shows how to add thermal insulation on the most conflictive points of the building envelope. It is done in order to improve climatic conditions inside housing, trying to make thermal bridges disappear and reducing energy loss.
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Skogspromenaden - Masmo MountainAndersson Martvall, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
My thesis project zooms in on Masmo to the southwest of Stockholm. Specifically a subway exit, built on Masmo Mountain during the 1960s, but never finished. The site features a very unique location on the border between the quite urban Million Programme era architecture of central Masmo, and the completely untouched forest in the nature reserve right next to it, Gömmaren. For 60 years, the Masmo Mountain has been discussed in Huddinge municipality as a potential site for future construction, yet nothing has ever been constructed. I think this might be because of the challenges the location poses regarding how to merge an urban site with one that is completely undeveloped. These topics are examples of what this thesis project seeks to explore: What qualities are there that are worthy of preserving when dealing with architecture in precious environments? Is it possible to improve certain qualities of a natural site that are neglected in its current state, such as accessibility, or do all additions aggravate the essence of nature and make the site less exquisite? What sacrifices are necessary to make in order to provide high quality environments for the inhabitants, and do they conflict with the interests of visitors, or could they possibly coincide?
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Towards sustainable renovation of façades : A case study of additional double glass façade on lamella house from energy saving perspectiveShi, Yang January 2019 (has links)
The pace of development in modern society since the Industrial Revolution has beenunprecedented and it keeps proceeding in a more aggressive and accelerated phase. However, thisdevelopment is a highly energy demanded action which is resulting an increased exploitation ofnatural resources, and subsequently, an expanded pressure on our environment, which sometimesconflicts between proprietors. On the other hand, it also creates great opportunities fortechnological developments as well as new research fields. As one of the biggest energy consumers,it is a crucial task that building and real estate sector follow this development trend by inventingand practicing new methods and technologies in order to limit energy usage and increase energyefficiency for a contribution to sustainable development in the society.When considering improvement of energy efficiency of the buildings from the million homeprogramme, it is worth to carry out energy analysis before renovation works begins in order toobtain a holistic overview of the energy issues those buildings are struggling with. For dwellingsfrom almost 50 years ago, one of the biggest issues is the large energy usage for heating due to theheat loss to the ambience through the building’s envelope. More precisely, the heat losses throughroof, walls, windows, doors, ventilations and infiltrations. This thesis will focus on technologicalsolutions that can control the heat losses caused by convection and conduction through the externalwalls, windows and doors, which approximately stands for nearly 55% of the total heat loss for ahouse from the million home programme. Furthermore, with help of passive heating and coolingstrategies, improvement of both energy performance and indoor thermal comfort on the studiedlamellar house from the million home programme will be achieved.According to the simulation results, the installation of double glass façade on the outside of theexternal walls can reduce energy consumption, as well as keep indoor thermal comfort in desirableboundaries. In the simulated executive model, the delivered energy has been reduced to 95.3𝐾𝑊ℎ/𝑚2𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 from the basic model with 121.8 𝐾𝑊ℎ/𝑚2𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟. However,In the exclusive model the delivered energy has successfully declined to 71.1 𝐾𝑊ℎ/𝑚2𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 , which is under the maximum permitted value (85.0 𝐾𝑊ℎ/viii𝑚2𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟) in the Swedish building code. Both of models has maintained the occupancysatisfaction in adequate boundaries.
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Skogspromenaden - Masmo MountainAndersson Martvall, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
My thesis project zooms in on Masmo to the southwest of Stockholm. Specifically a subway exit, built on Masmo Mountain during the 1960s, but never finished. The site features a very unique location on the border between the quite urban Million Programme era architecture of central Masmo, and the completely untouched forest in the nature reserve right next to it, Gömmaren. For 60 years, the Masmo Mountain has been discussed in Huddinge municipality as a potential site for future construction, yet nothing has ever been constructed. I think this might be because of the challenges the location poses regarding how to merge an urban site with one that is completely undeveloped. These topics are examples of what this thesis project seeks to explore: What qualities are there that are worthy of preserving when dealing with architecture in precious environments? Is it possible to improve certain qualities of a natural site that are neglected in its current state, such as accessibility, or do all additions aggravate the essence of nature and make the site less exquisite? What sacrifices are necessary to make in order to provide high quality environments for the inhabitants, and do they conflict with the interests of visitors, or could they possibly coincide?
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Completing the Circuit : Connecting and Transforming Hovsjö and Måsnaren / Att Sluta Cirkeln : Anknytning och omvandling för Hovsjö och MåsnarenWu, Peng January 2018 (has links)
My project will focus on the neighborhood of Hovsjö in the city of Södertälje, located in the south of Stockholm county. Through this project I will examine aspects of this neighborhood’s isolation from the rest of the city. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches, I explore the nature of this isolation and question how much of this segregation is a result of its spatial orientation, as well as various cultural and social factors. As Hovsjö is an area with a high concentration of members of the Assyrian/Syriac immigrant community, it has natural affinities to surrounding immigrant neighborhoods, but its spatial arrangement inhibits this affinity. Furthermore, Hovsjö is also isolated from its surrounding environs; I will explain how it is cut off from its immediate neighbor to its south and west, Lake Måsnaren, a nature area with many recreational amenities. I show in my research that the lake is not well used by the residents of Hovsjö, despite their proximity to it. Investigating the physical structure and the layout of the area between Hovsjö and Måsnaren, I will show that this separation is due to physical factors as well as an inappropriate programming of the green spaces. Using this research, I will to suggest a series of interventions with will break down both types of isolation and thereby fully integrate Lake Måsnaren into Hovsjö, and Hovsjö into the rest of Södertälje. This integration will lead to the creation new cultural landmarks for both the city of Södertälje as a whole as well as its Assyrian/Syriac immigrant community in particular, and the results will link Hovsjö more deeply into Södertälje’s urban fabric and end its isolation.
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Renovering & underhåll av miljonprogrammets småhus : Med handlingsplan och teknisk underhållsplanHeinke, Erik, Janesson, Kevin January 2022 (has links)
Mellan 1961–1974 byggdes det knappt en halv miljon småhus i Sverige. Småhusen står idag inför omfattande renoveringar på grund av ålder och rådande byggteknik.Småhusägarna saknar ofta en teknisk underhållsplan vilket förkortar byggnadsdelars livslängder och ger ökade förvaltningskostnader.Rapporten består av en litteraturstudie som sammanställer problem och tillhörande åtgärder för småhus från denna period. Intervjuer och enkätundersökningar ligger till grund för framtagandet av handlingsplan för renovering och en teknisk underhållsplan.Med ökad kunskap kan lämpliga renoveringar utföras och samordnas vilket leder till lägre renoveringskostnader. En underhållsplan åskådliggör kostnader och visar när och hur underhåll bör utföras. Detta resulterar i lägre förvaltningskostnader samt förlängda tekniska livslängder på byggnadsdelar.Resultatet består av en sammanfattning av problem och lämpliga åtgärder. En handlingsplan som visar vilka renoveringar som bör utföras och hur de kan samordnas. En allmängiltig och lättöverskådlig teknisk underhållsplan. Sammantaget kan detta leda till ett mer hållbart bostadsbestånd ur ett ekonomiskt och ekologiskt perspektiv. / Between 1961-1974, almost half a million detached houses were built in Sweden. These detached houses will be undergoing extensive renovations due to their age and prevailing construction technology. Small house owners often lack a technical maintenance plan, which shortens the life of building components and increases management costs.The report consists of a literature study that compiles problems and related measures for detached houses from this period. Interviews and surveys form the basis for the development of an action plan for renovation and a technical maintenance plan.With increased knowledge, suitable renovations can be carried out and coordinated, which leads to lower renovation costs. A maintenance plan illustrates costs and shows when and how maintenance should be performed. This results in lower management costs and extends technical life of building components.The result consists of a summary of problems and appropriate measures. An action plan that shows which renovations should be carried out and how they can be coordinated. A universal and easy-to-understand technical maintenance plan. All in all, this can lead to a more sustainable housing stock from an economic and ecological perspective.
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The contradictions of empowerment promotion through social engineering. Mozambique’s Peace and the ‘7 million’ InitiativeMaschietto, Roberta Holanda January 2015 (has links)
The concept of ‘empowerment’ has been widely used among development practitioners since the early 1990s. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on empowerment by developing an analytical framework that incorporates: (a) the dialectical nature of power, (b) multiple levels of analysis, and (c) the subjectivities of power that different actors have and that affect the way they respond to policies. The model is applied to the analysis of Mozambique’s transition to peace and the study of a national initiative called District Development Fund, known as the ‘7 Million’, which aims to promote empowerment by reducing poverty and promoting local participation in the rural districts.
The analysis focuses, on the one hand, on the ‘7 million’ policy formulation, stressing the power struggles that shaped its final outcome and, on the other hand, the policy implementation in the district of Angoche, where I conducted extensive fieldwork. I argue that, even though the ‘7 million’ had some positive aspects – including providing a discourse that underlines the relevance of the districts and the local community in matters of governance – its effects in promoting local empowerment have been far below its potential. One of the reasons for this is to be found in the dynamics of power-to and power-over that take place at the local level and that partly reflect structural aspects linked to the Mozambique state formation and peacebuilding process. More generally, the case illustrates the limitations and contradictions of policies that aim promoting ‘bottom-up’ empowerment from the ‘top-down’.
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Energisimulering av effektiviseringsåtgärder vid punkthusen i Östra Sätra : Validering av byggnadsmodell samt analys av förändrade lastkurvorMorales, Leonel, Sandfors, Mats January 2016 (has links)
Det globala energibehovet ökar ständigt och i takt med detta ökar även faran för global uppvärmning bortom en hanterbar nivå och därför stramas kraven åt gällande minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. EU har som följd av detta enats om en uppsättning klimatmål som benämns 20/20/20-målen som syftar till att minska växthusgasutsläppen med 20 procent, jämfört med 1990 års nivåer, sänka energianvändningen med 20 procent, höja andelen förnybar energi samt höja andelen biobränsle i transportsektorn med 10 procent. Sektorn bostäder och service står enligt energimyndigheten för nära 40 procent av Sveriges totala energianvändning och blir därför ett område som är mycket intressant när det gäller att implementera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Det kommunala företaget AB Gavlegårdarna ska under perioden 2016-2018 renovera ett tiotal punkthus i stadsdelen Östra Sätra i Gävle. Husen är typiska miljonprogramshus och beroende på val av effektiviseringsåtgärder kommer behovet av köpt värme samt el att förändras, dvs deras lastprofiler på det energisystemet. Dessa förändringar kommer i föreliggande arbete att simuleras och studeras i simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE (IDA Indoor Climate and Energy) version 4.6.2, där resultaten jämförs och valideras med befintlig statistik. Husen som berörs av upprustningen är av typen punkthus som definieras som friliggande hus med trapphus i mitten med lägenheter runt om. Punkthusen var vanliga på 1940 talet och byggdes då oftast med 4-5 våningar. Även om huskropparna står fritt är de oftast placerade i grupp för att skapa en områdeskänsla. De aktuella byggnaderna är i stort lika varandra där avsaknad av källarplan hos vissa av husen är den tydligaste skillnaden, i övrigt består konstruktionen av markplan plus 4 våningsplan och ett vindsutrymme. Hus med källarplan rymmer totalt 29 lägenheter medan de övriga rymmer 27. Energisystemmodellen validerades samt modifierades att passa de renoverade husen. Resultatet har sedan använts för att beräkna områdets lastprofil gällande fjärrvärme vilket kan ses i nedanstående figur. Diagrammet visar lastkurvan både före och efter de energieffektiviserande åtgärderna implementerats. Med hjälp utav de erhållna effektkurvorna kan områdets totala energianvändning jämföras före och efter implementering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Resultatet visar att värmebehovet sjunker med 1,39 GWh. Appliceras detta på kraftvärmeproduktionen resulterar minskningen i 0,55 GWh lägre elproduktion som måste importeras till systemet. Importeras elen från kolkondens kan detta ge upphov till ökade koldioxidutsläpp med 512 ton koldioxidekvivalenter per år jämfört med 2,13 ton CO2 ekvivalenter om elen tas från svensk elmix.
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77 Million Paintings: fronteiras entre mundos em Brian Eno / 77 Million Paintings: Frontiers between worlds in Brian EnoCavalcanti, Juliana Garzillo 23 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-07-27T12:24:46Z
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Juliana Garzillo Cavalcanti.pdf: 2275954 bytes, checksum: d3e546f0144d916c226dd77d5290b8da (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-06-23 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This study analyses the borderline zone that 77 Million Paintings, from Brian Eno (United Kingdom, 1948), is in. The art work presents itself in different platforms: software, DVD, audiovisual installation and urban art. The research focuses on reading the work’s poetics that are addressed in spaces in between different languages, senses and technologies. The art work is built with a recombinant language system which makes images and sound montages in different platforms. 77 Million Paintings is presented in various countries between the years 2006 and 2016. The study analyses the poetics and communication process and the sensual stimulus as well. A reflection is made about the choices and path made by Brian Eno in the creation of this art work. Been present in the experimental and popular worlds, the artist’s involvement with music contaminates his creation in another fields. It is possible to recognize music traces in the image language from 77 Million Paintings, and the opposite can be observed too, when the image contaminates sound as well. The analysis is constructed through the extremities way method, from Christine Mello (2016). The identification of the poetics procedures of deconstruction and contamination forms the study of the blurred borderlines between the worlds of Brian Eno and 77 Million Paintings. About the contamination between different senses, Sérgio Basbaum (2002) ideas are used in the reading of the synesthesia’s work. To the analysis about the emergent system of the art work, Bill Seaman (2010) gives basis to the reflection about 77 Million Paintings software and it’s aesthetic results / O presente estudo analisa a zona fronteiriça em que 77 Million Paintings, de Brian Eno (Reino Unido, 1948), está inserida. Este trabalho artístico se apresenta em diferentes plataformas: software, DVD, instalação audiovisual e intervenção urbana. A pesquisa tem como foco a leitura das poéticas da obra, que se insere em espaços intersticiais de diferentes linguagens, estesias e tecnologias. A proposta artística se forma através de um sistema de linguagem recombinatória que realiza montagens de imagens e sons em diferentes plataformas. 77 Million Paintings foi apresentada em diversos países entre 2006 e 2016. Analisam-se as poéticas e os processos comunicacionais nos estímulos sensoriais proporcionados pelo software, bem como é realizada uma reflexão a respeito das escolhas e caminhos poéticos feitos por Brian Eno na criação dessa obra. Com presença no mundo experimental e popular, o forte envolvimento do artista com a música contamina sua criação em outros campos. É possível reconhecer traços do campo musical na linguagem imagética de 77 Million Paintings, assim como o contrário, quando o campo da imagem contamina a linguagem sonora. A análise é construída através do caminho de leitura das extremidades, proposta por Christine Mello (2016). A identificação dos procedimentos poéticos de desconstrução e contaminação embasam o estudo das relações de fronteiras borradas dos mundos de Brian Eno e 77 Million Paintings. No desenvolvimento a respeito das contaminações entre os sentidos, as ideias de Sérgio Basbaum (2002) respaldam a leitura das sinestesias presentes no trabalho artístico. Para a leitura sobre o sistema de comportamento emergente da proposição artística, Bill Seaman (2010) dá embasamento à reflexão sobre o software 77 Million Paintings e seus desdobramentos estéticos
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