Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mitanni"" "subject:"capitani""
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Queremos nos amar como irmãos : uma análise historiográfica das Cartas de Amarna e das relações entre Egito e Mitani entre c. 1390 - 1336 AECScoville, Priscila January 2017 (has links)
Orientador : Prof. Dr. Renan Frighetto / Coorientadora : Profª Drª Liliane C. Coelho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/03/2017 / Inclui referências / Resumo: No Antigo Oriente Próximo, vimos nascer civilizações, línguas, culturas e manifestações que conectavam diferentes territórios. Da integração dos povos antigos desenvolveu-se a Idade do Bronze, por exemplo. As relações, porém, precisaram ser reguladas e moldadas para atender as necessidades que cada reino envolvido possuía. A normatização dos contatos, por sua vez, permitiu a troca de cartas por meio de um sistema diplomático, sobre o qual hoje temos as Cartas de Amarna como seu maior reflexo. Contudo, a prática e a teoria nem sempre andam juntas. Por isso, mais do que as leis, é preciso que os estudos levem em consideração as convenções e motivações intrínsecas ao sistema e aos envolvidos. Neste trabalho busco entender o caso entre Egito e Mitani, compreendendo os motivos que o rei mitânio, Tushratta, teria para manter uma aliança com os faraós egípcios, mesmo tendo tantas reclamações sobre eles. Para tanto, foi necessária uma análise interdisciplinar que nos auxiliasse a diferenciar os argumentos políticos, oficiais e retóricos que as correspondências nos apresentam. Com os estudos de variados campos, é possível perceber elementos como a reciprocidade e a economia de oferta, que juntas nos mostram uma visão de caráter individual dos reis. Enquanto oficialmente Grande Reis deveriam tratar-se por iguais, esses aspectos nos apresentam uma hierarquização sutil, ou, ao menos, uma tentativa se mostrar superioridade. Esta pesquisa, então, utiliza-se da linguagem e estilo de escrita usados por Tushratta para buscar respostas sobre suas intenções e anseios. Manter uma relação com o Egito era vantajoso em questões econômicas, primeiro por este ser fornecedor de ouro e, em segundo lugar, por ter domínio de grande parte do Levante e, consequentemente, suas rotas e materias. Tushratta possivelmente acreditava que manter uma aliança com o Egito traria benefícios econômicos e militares, o que auxiliaria nos confrontos com Hatti. Contudo, é preciso convencer os faraós de que tal amizade seria vantajosa também para eles e, por isso, a retórica é utilizada para enaltecer Mitani e as atitudes de Tushratta. Palavras-chave: Mitani; Antigo Egito; Diplomacia; Cartas de Amarna; Oriente Próximo. / Abstract: The Ancient Near East saw the rise of civilizations, languages, cultures, and manifestations that connected different territories. Through the integration of ancient peoples, the Bronze Age was developed, for example. Relationships, however, needed to be regulated and shaped to answer the needs that each kingdom had. The normalization of contacts, on the other hand, allowed letter exchange to occur through a diplomatic system, and, currently, the Amarna Letters are its greatest reflection. Nevertheless, practice and theory do not always walk together. Because of that, beyond laws, it is needed to consider conventions and motivations intrinsic to the system and the ones involved. With this dissertation, I aim to understand the case between Egypt and Mitanni, by comprehending the reasons that the Mitannian king, Tushratta, could have to maintain an alliance with the Egyptian Pharaohs, even after many complaints about them. To help us differentiating political, juridical and rhetorical arguments within the correspondence, an interdisciplinary analysis was needed. With researches from various areas, it is possible to notice elements like reciprocity and gift economy, that together show us the individual character of the kings. While officially Great Kings should be treated as equals, these aspects present a subtle hierarchy or, at least, an attempt to shown superiority. This research, thus, uses Tushratta's writing style and language to investigate his intentions and yearnings. To maintain a relation with Egypt was advantageous in terms of economy, firstly because it was a provider of gold, and secondly, because it controlled many parts of the Levant and, hence, its routes and materials. Tushratta possibly believed that by keeping an alliance with Egypt, economic and military benefits would be guaranteed, and that would help with Mitannian battles against Hatti. However, they needed to persuade the Pharaohs that such friendship would be beneficial for them also, and, to do that, rhetoric would praise Mitanni and Tushratta's acts. Key-words: Mitanni; Ancient Egypt; Diplomacy; Amarna Letters; Near East.
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Select psychosocial risk factors contributing to domestic violence against women in Tshwane, South AfricaDreyer, Cherie 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa has among the highest rates of physical and sexual violence against women in the world. Research indicates that understanding the causality of domestic violence is very complex and the measurement of risk factors are deemed challenging. Yet, it is important to understand and identify the risk factors associated with domestic violence to effectively prevent it. This phenomenological research study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of female domestic violence victims and sought to identify risk factors (e.g. alcohol and drug abuse, violence in the family of origin, personality factors, cultural differences, socio-economic factors, and the impact of pregnancy) that may have contributed to the occurrence of domestic violence in their intimate relationships .The participants were selected based on purposive and convenience sampling and also their willingness to participate. The sample consisted of six participants between the ages of 18 – 45 years old, residing in Tshwane, South Africa. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. A qualitative methodological design was used to collect and explore information about the participants’ personal experiences with domestic violence. Hycner’s explicitation process was employed to identify the four main themes, namely the participants’ experience of domestic violence; socio economic factors; cultural differences, and domestic violence during pregnancy. Each main theme was comprised of sub-themes.
The findings of this study differed slightly in comparison with the existing body of literature that highlight substance abuse as one of the highest risk factors for the occurrence of domestic violence in intimate relationships. In this study, other risk factors such as pregnancy and socio-economic factors played a much bigger role than substance abuse as the key risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence. / INingizimu Afrika ingenye yamazwe omhlaba anamazinga aphezulu odlame nokuhlukunyezwa kwabesimame ngokocansi. Ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi ukuqondisisa izimbangela zodlame lwasekhaya yinto eyisixakaxaka ukuyiqondisisa kanti futhi kuyinselele ukukala izinto ezinobungozi kwabesimame. Kodwa ngisho noma kunjalo, kubalulekile ukuqondisisa kanye nokwazi izinto ezinobungozi ezihambisana nodlame lwasekhaya ukuze lukwazi ukuvinjelwa. Lolu cwaningo oluhlaziya ngaphandle kokuthatha uhlangothi, lunenhloso yokuphenyisisa indlela abantu besimame abangamaxhoba odlame abalubona nolubaphatha ngayo udlame lwasekhaya kanye nokubheka izinto ezinobungozi (ezifana nokusetshenziswa kabi kotshwala nezidakamizwa, udlame emakhaya okuqala abahlukumezi, izinto eziqondene nomuntu siqu, umehluko kwezamasiko, eziphathelene nomnotho nabantu kanye nomphumela ekukhulelweni), okungaba yizinto ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya ebudlelwananeni basekhaya. Abantu ababambe iqhaza kucwaningo bakhethwe ngokulandela isampuli enenhloso yokukhetha abathile abazohlangabezana nenhloso yocwaningo kanye nokuzimisela kwabo ukubamba iqhaza kucwaningo. Isampuli ibinababambi-qhaza abayisithupha abaphakathi kweminyaka engu 18 ukuya kwengu 45 ubudala, okwamanje abahlala eTshwane. I-data itholakala ngokwenza ama-interview ahlelekile kodwa angenamkhawulo kakhulu. Kusetshenziswe idizayini yocwaningo esebenzisa i-qualitative method ukuqoqa nokuthola ulwazi maqondana nezipiliyino zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya. Kusetshenziswe inqubo ye-Hycner's explicitation ukuphawula izihloko ezine ezinkulu, ukuyizipiliyoni zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya, izinto eziphathelene nabantu nomnotho, umehluko kwezamasiko, udlame lwasekhaya ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa. Isihloko nesihloko esikhulu, besihlukaniswe ngezihlokwana ezincane. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo yehlukile kancane uma kuqhathaniswa neminye imibhalo ekhona egqamisa ukusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa njengenye yezinto ezinkulu eziyingozi nembangela yodlame lwasekhaya kanye nakubudlelwane babantu abasondelene kakhulu. Kulolu cwaningo, ezinye izinto eziyizingozi ezifana nokuhlukunyezwa ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa kanye nokuphathelene nabantu nomnotho kunendima enkulu kunokusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa notshwala njengezinto eziphezulu kakhulu ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya. / Afrika Tshipembe ḽi vhukati ha phimo ya nṱhesa ya khakhathi dza zwa vhudzekani na dza u huvhadza vhafumakadzi kha ḽifhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso i sumbedza uri u pfesesa vhakwameaho nga khakhathi dza mitani zwi a konḓa nga maanḓa na u elwa ha zwiitisi zwa khombo zwi vhonala zwi khaedu vhukuma. Fhedziha, ndi zwa ndeme u pfesesa na u wana zwiitisi zwa khombo zwine zwa tshimbilelana na khakhathi dza miṱani u itela uri dzi kone u thivhelwa. Iyi ndi ngudo ya ṱhoḓisiso nga tshenzhemo yo livhiswaho kha u ṱhoḓisisa tshenzhemo ye vhafumakadzi vho ṱanganaho na khakhathi dza mitani vha tshenzhema na u ṱoda u wanulusa zwithu zwi vhangaho khombo iyi. (zwine zwa nga vha tshumiso ya zwikambi na zwidzidzivhadzi, khakhathi dza murahu muṱani, vhuvha ha muthu, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano, phambano ya mvelele, u ḓihwala) zwine zwa nga vha zwo livhisa kha u bvelela ha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhafunani. Vhadzheneli vho tiwa zwo ḓitika nga ndivho nauri vha tsinisa na lutamo lwa u dzhenelela lwa avho vhathu. Sambula yo vhumbwa nga zwipiḓa zwa rathi zwa vhadzheneli vha miṅwaha ya vhukati ha 18 – 45, vhane zwa zwino vha dzula kha ḽa Tshwane. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha mbudziso dzi sa langiho kufhindulele. Nḓila ya u tandula ‘qualitative’ yo shumiswa u kuvhanganya na u ṱhaṱhuvha zwidodombedzwa nga ha tshenzhemo dza vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani. Kuitele kwa Hycner a songo ḓoweleaho kwo shumiswa u wana ṱhoho dza ndeme nṋa; dzine dza vha tshenzhemo ya vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano; phambano ya mvelele, na dzikhakhathi dza miṱani nga tshifhinga vho ḓihwala. Ṱhoho khulwane yo vhumbwa nga ṱhoho ṱhukhu.
Mawanwa a ngudo iyi a fhambana nyana na mbambedzo na tshivhumbeo tsha maṅwalo ane a vha hone ane a ombedzela tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi sa tshiṅwe tsha tshivhangi tshihulwane tsha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhushaka ha vhafunani. Kha ngudo iyi, dziṅwe khombo dzi fananho na u ḓihwala na zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano zwi vha zwivhangi zwihulwane u fhira tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi na zwiitisi zwa khombo zwa ndeme zwine zwa vhanga khakhathi dza miṱani. / Psychology / M.A.(Psychology)
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