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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möten i psykodynamisk barnpsykoterapi : Förväntningar, samspel och förändring / Expectations, Interaction and Therapeutic Change in Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy

Odhammar, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase the knowledge of courses and processes of change prior to and during psychodynamic child psychotherapy with parallel parent contact. The dissertation examines parents’ and psychotherapists’ stated goals and expectations prior to the child’s psychotherapy, processes of change focusing on the psychotherapeutic encounter between child and psychotherapist, and outcome gauged by standardized measures compared to experienced change regarding the child’s problems. This dissertation also wants to examine different instruments for describing the psychotherapeutic process. Data was collected from systematic case studies, at different times during the course of psychotherapy, with material from different sources, such as child psychiatric assessment before and after conducted psychotherapy, questionnaires, and video taping of therapy sessions. By examining the therapeutic encounter from the perspectives of child, parent and psychotherapist, an image of psychotherapy, which illustrates the complexity of the psychotherapeutic process, was created. The thesis is based on three articles: Study I examines parents’ and psychotherapists’ goals and expectations prior to psychotherapy. Study II is a close study of a video-taped individual therapy, in which the interaction between child and therapist is examined with the rating instrument Child Psychotherapy Q-set (CPQ), the psychotherapist’s description of the psychotherapy’s process, and the self-rating instrument Feeling Word Checklist (FWC-24). Study III examines change in global functioning ability after child psychotherapy. By examining several psychotherapies in order to construct qualitative understanding of low and high change, respectively, in rated global functioning, limitations in the rating instrument Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) are analyzed. The results point to: 1. The need for a culture of cooperation between family and the one conducting the treatment, where goals are formulated together and in accordance with the family’s frame of reference and life experiences, which can increase the possibility of creating positive expectations, and of adapting treatment to the family in question. 2. Different methods of examining psychotherapy reflect and complete the image of the psychotherapy process. 3. The psychotherapy process’s complexity and the difficulty in describing the effect of therapy with simple measurements or remaining psychiatric symptoms. Positive change in several areas, such as the child experiencing increased independence, gets access to more positive affections, has improved self-esteem and a more optimistic idea of the future, could be described as psychological phenomena and can be difficult to encompass with narrow psychiatric terminology. 4. The intersubjectivity between child and psychotherapist appears essential. The therapist’s attitude and interventions are characterized by creating a steady therapeutic framework for exploring the child’s problems. 5.  The importance of the therapist’s meta-competence, i.e., overarching competencies that psychotherapists need to use to guide any intervention, what interventions to use, and when they are suitable. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted.</p>

Experiences of loneliness from childhood to young adulthood:study of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986

Rönkä, A. R. (Anna Reetta) 20 June 2017 (has links)
Abstract Loneliness is a negative, involuntary, subjective, relational and sociocultural experience. Due to the multidimensional nature of the experience, this topic calls for research that explores loneliness on multiple levels. Drawing from different disciplines of the human sciences and utilizing a mixed methods approach, this study aims at contributing new knowledge of young peoples’ loneliness and exploring its meaning over time. Data for the study was drawn from the population-based Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (NFBC1986) (N = 9,432). In three articles of the four included in this study, logistic regression analysis was used with samples of adolescents (aged 15–16; n = 5,817–7,014) who reported loneliness in the 2001–2002 adolescents’ questionnaire in order to explore what kind of associations loneliness has with different socioemotional, health, wellbeing and contextual factors. Girls reported loneliness more often than boys. Loneliness was associated with several adverse factors among adolescents, including deliberate self-harm, being bullied, dissatisfaction with life and feelings of unhappiness, sadness, and depression. School dislike was associated with loneliness only among girls. The findings from these quantitative articles and earlier loneliness theories informed the semi-structured interview guide utilized in data production for the fourth article. Qualitative data consisted of 35 interviews, conducted in 2013, selected from a sample of the same participants who reported being very lonely in the adolescents’ questionnaire. The study explored in what ways young adults (aged 27–28) described the experience of loneliness, how loneliness felt and what was the meaning of the experience over time. Based on qualitative, theory-guided content analysis, the experience of loneliness was described with five dimensions; Personal, Relational, Physical context, Life event and Sociocultural. The duration and intensity of loneliness fluctuated over the course of life and six loneliness trajectories were constructed from the data. (Hetero)gender(ed) norms and normativity had a central influence on the experience of loneliness. In this synopsis, the different types of findings were compared to explore their convergence or divergence. The findings mainly converged, providing a more comprehensive understanding of loneliness that would have not been possible had only one type of research approach been used. / Tiivistelmä Yksinäisyys on negatiivinen, ei-valittu, subjektiivinen, relationaalinen ja sosiokulttuurinen kokemus. Moniulotteista yksinäisyyttä onkin tärkeä tarkastella tieteenalojen rajoja ylittäen ja useita tutkimuksellisia lähestymistapoja yhdistäen. Tässä tutkimuksessa yksinäisyyttä lähestytään erilaisista ihmistieteellisistä lähtökohdista hyödyntämällä monimenetelmällistä lähestymistapaa Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986-aineistoon (N = 9 432) (NFBC1986). Tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta tietoa nuorten ihmisten yksinäisyydestä ja sen merkityksestä heidän elämässään. Tutkimukseen sisältyvästä neljästä artikkelista kolmessa olivat mukana ne 15–16-vuotiaat nuoret (n = 5 817–7 014), jotka vastasivat yksinäisyyttä mittaavaan kysymykseen nuorten kyselylomakkeessa vuonna 2001–2002. Artikkeleissa tutkittiin yksinäisyyden yhteyttä erilaisiin sosioemotionaalisiin, kontekstuaalisiin sekä terveys- ja hyvinvointimuuttujiin logistisella regressioanalyysillä. Tytöt kokivat yksinäisyyttä poikia useammin. Nuorten yksinäisyys oli yhteydessä useisiin negatiivisiin tekijöihin, kuten onnettomuuden, surun ja masentuneisuuden tunteisiin, kiusatuksi tulemiseen, elämään tyytymättömyyteen, itsensä tahalliseen vahingoittamiseen ja tyttöjen osalta myös koulusta ei-pitämiseen. Neljännen artikkelin aineistontuotannossa käytetty haastattelurunko muodostettiin edellä mainittujen artikkeleiden tulosten ja aiemman teoreettisen ymmärryksen pohjalta. Aineisto koostuu vuonna 2013 tehdyistä teemahaastatteluista, joihin osallistui 35 nuorta aikuista (27–28-vuotiaita), jotka ilmoittivat nuorten kyselylomakkeessa vuonna 2001–2002 olevansa erittäin yksinäisiä. Tässä artikkelissa tarkasteltiin, miten haastateltavat kuvasivat yksinäisyyden kokemustaan, miltä yksinäisyys tuntui ja mikä oli yksinäisyyden merkitys heidän elämänkulussaan. Laadullisen teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin perusteella nimettiin viisi keskeistä yksinäisyyden ulottuvuutta sekä kuusi yksinäisyyden muotoutumista ja muuttumista kuvaavaa kehityskaarta. (Hetero)sukupuolittuneiden normien ja normatiivisuuden vaikutus oli keskeinen yksinäisyyden kokemisessa. Tässä yhteenveto-osiossa määrällisiä ja laadullisia tuloksia tarkasteltiin rinnakkain ja vertailtiin tulosten yhteneväisyyksiä ja eroja. Tulokset olivat pääosin yhteneväisiä. Monimenetelmällinen tutkimus tuotti monitasoista tietoa nuorten yksinäisyydestä, mitä ei olisi saatu vain yhtä lähestymistapaa hyödyntäen.

Exploring Kanban in software engineering

Ahmad, M. O. (Muhammad Ovais) 15 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract To gain competitive advantage and thrive in the market, companies have introduced Kanban in software development. Kanban has been used in the manufacturing industry for over six decades. In the software engineering domain, Kanban was introduced in 2004 to increase flexibility in coping with dynamic requirements, bring visibility to workflow and related tasks, improve communication, and promote the pull system. However, the existing scientific literature lacks empirical evidence of the use of Kanban in software companies. This doctoral thesis aims to improve the understanding of the use of Kanban in software engineering. The research was performed in two phases: 1) analysis of scientific literature on Kanban in software engineering and industrial engineering and 2) investigation of Kanban implementation trends in software companies. The data was collected through systematic literature reviews, survey and semi-structured interviews. The results were synthesized to draw conclusions and outline implications for research and practice. The results indicate growing interest in the use of Kanban in software companies. The findings suggest that Kanban is applicable to software development, software maintenance, and portfolio management in software companies. Kanban brings visibility to task and offering status, limits work in progress at any given time gives people greater control over their work and limit task switching. Although Kanban offers several benefits, as reported in this dissertation, the findings show that software companies find it challenging to implement Kanban incrementally. / Tiivistelmä Ohjelmistoteollisuudessa Kanbanin käyttö on yleistynyt vuodesta 2004 alkaen. Sillä pyritään tuomaan joustavuutta muuttuvien vaatimusten hallintaan, tuomaan näkyvyyttä työnkulkuun ja toisiinsa liittyviin tehtäviin, parantamaan kommunikaatiota sekä edistämään imuohjauksen hyödyntämistä. Kanbania on käytetty valmistavassa teollisuudessa jo yli kuuden vuosikymmenen ajan. Olemassa olevassa tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa on kuitenkin esitetty hyvin vähän empiirisiä tutkimustuloksia Kanbanin käytöstä ohjelmistoyrityksissä. Väitöskirjan tavoitteena on parantaa ymmärrystä Kanbanin käytöstä ohjelmistotuotannossa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa vaiheessa: 1) Kirjallisuusanalyysi Kanbanin käytöstä ohjelmistotuotannossa ja tuotantotekniikassa ja 2) Empiirinen tutkimus Kanbanin käyttöönoton trendeistä ohjelmistoyrityksissä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin systemaattisten kirjallisuuskatsausten, kyselytutkimuksen ja puolistrukturoitujen teemahaastattelujen kautta. Tutkimustulosten synteesin pohjalta tehtiin johtopäätöksiä Kanbanin käytöstä ohjelmistotuotannossa sekä niiden merkityksestä alan tutkimukselle ja Kanbanin käytölle yrityksissä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat kasvavaa kiinnostusta Kanbanin käyttöä kohtaan ohjelmistoyrityksissä. Tulosten perusteella Kanban soveltuu käytettäväksi ohjelmistokehityksessä, ohjelmistojen ylläpidossa sekä tuoteportfolion hallinnassa. Kanban tuo näkyvyyttä ohjelmistokehitykseen, niin meneillään olevien tehtävien kuin portfoliotarjoaman osalta. Se myös auttaa rajoittamaan työtehtävien ruuhkautumista ja antaa kehittäjille paremman tavan hallita työtään rajoittamalla työtehtävien vaihtoa. Vaikka Kanbanin käytöllä on mahdollista saavuttaa väitöskirjatutkimuksessa esitettyjä hyötyjä, tulokset osoittavat, että ohjelmistoyrityksillä on haasteita Kanbanin inkrementaalisessa käyttöönotossa.

Person, process, context, time : a bioecological perspective on teacher stress and resilience

Gabi, Controllah January 2015 (has links)
This study focused on stress and resilience among teachers in 15 urban secondary schools serving areas of multiple and complex disadvantage in the Greater Manchester and Merseyside regions of England (UK). It utilised the mixed-methods approach to gather and analyse the data. This consisted of a questionnaire survey of 150 teachers and interviews of 20 teachers. It examined person characteristics of teachers in these schools; key stress risks in the schools; coping strategies employed by these teachers and their protective factors. The main quantitative analysis methodologies used in the study were descriptive analysis; factor analysis and regression analysis. Qualitative findings were analysed using thematic analysis and teacher pen portrait and school case study presentations. Integrative analysis of quantitative and qualitative findings was then conducted in the discussion of main findings. This study found that the teachers’ major force characteristics were self-efficacy; persistence; personal attitudes towards one’s job; personality and temperament and commitment to the job. Their main resource characteristic was experience while their major demand characteristic was their professional role. These teachers were also exposed to person, proximal processes, context and time risks. There were risks associated with force and demand person characteristics. The main process risks were within their interactions with pupils, parents, colleagues and senior management. There were also context risks in their microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem. There were also time risks across the microtime, mesotime and macrotime. To cope, teachers in this sample utilised both direct-action and palliative coping strategies. Results also indicated that these teachers’ protective factors were in their resource and force characteristics; proximal processes; context and time.

A comparative study of distance and conventional education programmes assessed in terms of access, delivery and output at the University of Pretoria

Aluko, Folake Ruth 01 October 2007 (has links)
This study is about the comparison of distance and conventional education programs at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. It is assessed in terms of access, delivery modes and output. The purpose is to investigate and to compare the impact of distance and conventional education on the performances of learners in a postgraduate degree program (B.Ed. (Hons) with specialization in Education Management, assessed in terms of access, delivery and output. It explored documents that were both at the macro (Government Policy documents) and macro (University’s / Faculty documents) with the aim of answering the main research question, with other identified sub-research questions that have been raised.: What is the comparison between the impact of distance and conventional education on the performances of learners in a postgraduate BEd (Hons) degree program with specialization in Education Management, when assessed in terms of access, delivery mode and output? A review of relevant literature exposed and compared the essence of both modes of delivery. Data were collected from identified key role players on the program, which included administrators, module coordinators, course presenters, and tutors, some of the students on the program, and some of those that had discontinued their studies with the university. These were done using one-on-one semi-structured and focus group interviews, telephone interviews and questionnaires in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative data. A sample of 127 distance education students, 45 conventional students, 6 module coordinators, 10 course presenters, 4 tutors, 4 administrators, 1 instructional designer and 10 students that had discontinued their studies participated in the investigation. The data collected were analysed through the use descriptive and inferential statistics, and tabulation for the quantitative data, while the computer assisted qualitative data analysis software [CAQDAS] (Atlas.ti) was employed for the analysis of the transcribed interviews. From the data obtained, it was confirmed that there is a myriad of possible factors that may be responsible for the divergences in the performances, throughput and output rates of enrolled students on the BEd (Hons) Education Management, Law and Policy at the University of Pretoria. It was further revealed that South Africa has identified distance education as a tool of redressing past inequalities in higher education, a process, which the university was involved in by starting relevant programs to this end. However, even though equal access is the focus of the country, but it appeared as if little is being said about financially supporting distance education as for instance, there was no financial assistance to distance education students on the program. Due to the incursion of the university into areas, where the impact of university education had not previously being felt, its choice of the mode of delivery was limited to the print, the first generation, which was expected to bring all students on the program at par since all would have access to it. However, despite the efforts made by the university, it was discovered that there existed some gaps between the qualities of the learning experiences, which students from both modes were exposed to. Examples of those identified were lack of designated counseling unit for distance education students, and inadequate number of administrative staff to meet the needs of the ever increasing number of distance education students. However, it appeared that there were no prominent discrepancies that could be found between the two modes, and one could assume that both modes were guided by a similar underpinning philosophy, which drove the ethos of the programs that impacted on the instructional design. It was also found that there were challenges faced by the academic staff involved in the program under investigation, who felt that there might be the need for the institution to demarcate between academe interested in distance education, and those that were not, and the need for the institution to review its stand on rewards and incentives systems for staff involved in distance education. It was believed by them that this would be the way out of the dearth of research presently facing the university on this delivery mode. The study suggests that quality issues especially in relation to an African setting should be looked into, since a large percentage of the students involved in the program were from the rural areas. Finally, the study identified various limitations, and made suggestions for further research, and recommendations for improvement and immediate action. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted


Campbell, Alyssa M. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the extent to which rape myth acceptance (RMA) varies according to four key contextual factors—race, the victim–perpetrator relationship, resistance strategies, and the decision to report—among those embedded within college and military cultures. Although sexual assault in a university context has been thoroughly investigated, it is typically in comparison to the general population that may not share the same high-risk elements that promote the environment for sexual assault. Therefore, comparisons of college, military, and a general population were sampled to better understand the attitudes that maintain RMA in these high risk environments. Consistent with previous research aimed at understanding attitudes associated with RMA (Carroll et al., 2016; McMahon, 2010), findings from this study indicated that although individuals hold relatively low RMA overall, individuals tend to endorse other rape myths that blame the victim and exonerate the perpetrator. Specifically, race, resistance strategies, and the decision to report all influenced how likely individuals were to attribute some blame to the victim in the vignette.

Vocabulary Learning through Use of the Picture-Word Inductive Model for Young English Learners in China: A Mixed Methods Examination Using Cognitive Load Theory

Jiang, Xuan 13 June 2014 (has links)
English has been taught as a core and compulsory subject in China for decades. Recently, the demand for English in China has increased dramatically. China now has the world’s largest English-learning population. The traditional English-teaching method cannot continue to be the only approach because it merely focuses on reading, grammar and translation, which cannot meet English learners and users’ needs (i.e., communicative competence and skills in speaking and writing). This study was conducted to investigate if the Picture-Word Inductive Model (PWIM), a new pedagogical method using pictures and inductive thinking, would benefit English learners in China in terms of potential higher output in speaking and writing. With the gauge of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), specifically, its redundancy effect, I investigated whether processing words and a picture concurrently would present a cognitive overload for English learners in China. I conducted a mixed methods research study. A quasi-experiment (pretest, intervention for seven weeks, and posttest) was conducted using 234 students in four groups in Lianyungang, China (58 fourth graders and 57 seventh graders as an experimental group with PWIM and 59 fourth graders and 60 seventh graders as a control group with the traditional method). No significant difference in the effects of PWIM was found on vocabulary acquisition based on grade levels. Observations, questionnaires with open-ended questions, and interviews were deployed to answer the three remaining research questions. A few students felt cognitively overloaded when they encountered too many writing samples, too many new words at one time, repeated words, mismatches between words and pictures, and so on. Many students listed and exemplified numerous strengths of PWIM, but a few mentioned weaknesses of PWIM. The students expressed the idea that PWIM had a positive effect on their English teaching. As integrated inferences, qualitative findings were used to explain the quantitative results that there were no significant differences of the effects of the PWIM between the experimental and control groups in both grade levels, from four contextual aspects: time constraints on PWIM implementation, teachers’ resistance, how to use PWIM and PWIM implemented in a classroom over 55 students.

Simulation to Build Empathy in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Video Modeling Study

Kajganich, Gillian January 2013 (has links)
Since a deficit in empathy is not only characteristic among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but categorically used in defining ASD, it is of utmost importance to explore educational avenues to build prosocial skills among this group. This study sought to explore the primary research question: What impact does the implementation of an empathy-focused video modeling intervention have on frequency of empathic behaviour among adolescents with ASD? The secondary research questions examined were: In what ways does employing a video modeling simulation intervention using the Model Me Kids Friendship program impact the ability of adolescents with ASD to demonstrate empathic behaviour? How do adolescents with ASD express or speak about their empathic behaviour following participation in a simulation intervention using Model Me Kids Friendship? How do the Educational Resource Facilitators (teaching assistants) perceive the same individuals’ empathic behaviour following participation in a simulation intervention using Model Me Kids Friendship (MMF)? This mixed methods study explores 1 particular video modeling simulation program as a focused approach to building empathic behaviour among adolescents with ASD. The theoretical framework presented blends theory of mind, simulation theory, and psychological theories of empathic behaviour including the inherent motor, cognitive, and emotional components. Individuals with ASD may not learn empathic behaviours solely through observation as typically developing children do, but findings suggest that through video simulation, practice may, in fact, lead to increased empathic behaviour. The quantitative findings were not significant but did show increase in motor empathy behaviour ratings among intervention group participants. Support for video modeling as a vehicle to teach empathic behaviour was provided by qualitative data collected over the course of 4 months contextualizing specific examples of empathic behaviour exhibited by participating teens with ASD. There is a link made between high levels of systematizing among teens on the spectrum (the drive to analyze and build a system) and video modeling as a means to foster empathic behaviour, thereby supporting an increased use of video simulation strategies to teach social skills among this group.

At Your Fingertips: A Case Study Exploring the Effects of Sharing Digital Video Teaching Tips within a Learning Community of Family Medicine Professionals

Weber, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Today’s medical faculty members are faced with different challenges than their predecessors in teaching tomorrow’s physicians. Medical faculty members are now expected not only to be medical content experts, but also expert educators. The majority of the professional development activities available to them, however, are still focused on biomedical knowledge or the improvement of clinical practices. This article explores a faculty development project at the University of Ottawa’s Department of Family Medicine (DFM) aimed at improving teaching skills through the online sharing of video teaching tips created by DFM faculty members. Guided by the W(e)Learn Framework, a validated theoretical framework for the design and evaluation of online learning resources, a mixed-methods case study was designed and executed to investigate the impact of this faculty development project on the medical educator learning community. Data from the survey (N=33) and interviews (N=10) were analysed and relevant themes were identified and discussed in the context of the literature. Survey participants responded positively towards the project, finding the tips to be useful, enjoyable, and to have the potential to stimulate knowledge sharing between colleagues and within a learning community. Interview participants corroborated the survey results and additionally reported positive aspects to their colleagues being tip presenters; to the videos being concise; and to the tip videos being accessible anywhere and at any time via the Internet. Issues and concerns with organizational integration and support, as well as with integration into a curriculum were also reported by interview participants. Recommendations were then provided for improving the project as well as suggestions to support the development of similar online professional development resources based on the study findings. Finally, future directions for related research were suggested and other areas of research interest were identified.

A Mixed Methods Study of the Factors that Enhance and Challenge Food Security, Fruit and Vegetable Access and Consumption, and the Uptake and Management of the Ottawa Good Food Box

Lecompte, Emily M. January 2016 (has links)
Individuals who are disadvantaged by low-income and/ or minority status face a number of barriers to experiencing optimal health and eating well. Twenty Aboriginal and 29 non-Aboriginal participants (N = 49) from Ottawa, Canada took part in a cross-sectional, mixed methods study and completed one questionnaire and single in-depth interview that verified: 1) food security status and household eating habits, 2) fruit and vegetable purchase and consumption, and 3) knowledge about or participation in the Good Food Box [GFB] Program. Ottawa GFB staff (n = 5), site coordinators (n = 6) and steering committee members (n = 3) took part in separate discussion groups to identify challenges and strengths related to program coordination, management and delivery. Within an ecological framework, qualitative data is discussed using a social phenomenological and thematic approach. Using χ2 analyses, results suggest a medium effect size and association between food security status and Aboriginal identity (χ2(1) = 8.04, p < 0.01; φ = 0.4) and satisfaction with how stores meet household food needs and gender (χ2(1) = 5.86, p < 0.05; φ = 0.36). A relationship between participation in the GFB Program and food security status (χ2(1) = 11.13, p < 0.01; φ = 0.48) is also shown where estimates suggest that GFB customers are 9.9 times more likely to be food secure compared to non-affiliates. ANOVA results and post-hoc tests demonstrate a significant mean difference in frequency of fruit consumption between GFB customers and non-program users (F(2, 46) = 11.29, p = 0.00) where 29.6% of the variance (ω2 = 0.296) is explained by program participation. Results-based and community-driven recommendations to improve access to healthy food, food security and the GFB Program are discussed as shared responsibilities between different levels of government across sectors and the community since these are public and social health issues, determinants of health and economic concerns. Implications of findings are also discussed.

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