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CARS untersuchung von energietransferprozessen am Na-H2- systemCunha, Silvio Luiz Souza January 1986 (has links)
Der Energietransfer von elektronischer Energie in Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie ist einer der elementarsten nichtadiabatischen Prozesse. Obwohl diese Prozesse seit langen untersucht werden, sind sie nicht im Detail verstanden. Das StoBsystem Na+H2 hat dabei Modellcharakter. Natrium ist ein Wasserstoffãhnliches Atom mit einem s-Elektron auf der auBersten Schale, und H2 ist das einfachste Molekül überhaupt. Ab initio Potentialflachen- Berechnungen sind deshalb mit guter Genauigkeit moglich und auch durchgef iihrt worden. Die elektronische Energie des Na-Atoms von 2,1eV wird dabei durch einen nichtadiabatischen Stoi3 in Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie des H2-Moleküls iibertragen; ein Vorgang der auch als "Quenchen" bekannt ist. Von essentieller Bedeutung ist es, welche Schwingungs- und Rotationszustãnde besetzt werden. Es gab bisher keine experimentelle Untersuchung, bei der die interne Energieverteilung des H2-Moleküls direkt untersucht wurde. Der Grund dafür ist der, daB konventionelle Techniken zum Nachweis von H2 nicht geeignet sind. Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, erstmals CARS (Kohirente Antistokes-Raman-Streuung) für die oben genannten StoBprozesse einzusetzen und nachzuprüfen, wie gut sich diese Technik anwenden IãBt. CARS ist seit vielen Jahren bekannt, hat jedoch erst in der letzten Zeit durch die Entwicklung von intensiven gepulsten Laser mit geringer Bandbreite sehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Insbesonders CARS an Wasserstoff wurde intensiv untersucht, nicht jedoch mit Beimischung von Natrium. Im vorliegenden Gasgemisch aus Natrium und H2 erzeugt Natrium durch seine energetisch sehr niedrigen elektronischen Zustãnde einen nichtresonanten Untergrund, der die Nachweis-Wahrscheinlichkeit so stark reduzieren kann, daí3 eine sinnvolle Anwendung nicht mehr mõglich sein konnte. Es ist gelungen zu zeigen, dali trotz eines enormen nichtresonanten Untergrundes eine sehr hohe Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit mit CARS erzielt werden kann. Sie betrãgt für H2 mit Na im Grundzustand 1012 Teilchen pro cm3 und Quantenzustand und in Gegenwart von angeregtem Natrium 1013 Teilchen pro cm 3 und Quantenzustand. Mit der neu gebauten CARS-Apparatur wurde eine Reihe von neuen Experimenten durchgef a) Es konnte erstmals direkt die Schwingungsverteilung von H2 nach dem Quenchprozel3 bestimmt werden. Es konnte die absolute Besetzung der Schwingungszustãnde v=3,2 und 1 bestimmt werden. Eine Besetzung bei v=4 wurde nicht beobachtet. b) Mit einer zeitabhãngigen CARS-Messung konnte erstmalig die Schwingungsrelaxation der genannten Schwingungszustãnde gemessen und mit einem Ratengleichungsmodell die Ratenkonstanten mit sehr guter Obereinstimmung bestimmt werden. c) Aus der Besetzung der Schwingungszustãnde laBt sich ein absoluter Querschnitt für den Quenchprozei bestimmen. In Vergleich zu den klassischen Fluoreszenzmethoden wird dabei nicht die Abnahme der Fluoreszenz durch den StoBgasdruck bestimmt, sondern die direkte Besetzung des Quenchers nachgewiesen. Diese Methode wird erstmalig vorgestellt. Sie ist viel weniger empfindlich auf Verunreinigungen. Der erhaltene Wert für den Quenchquerschnitt betragt aq=12A2. d) Es laBt sich auch eine Aussage Uber die Rotationsbesetzung nach dem QuenchprozeB machen. Sie konnte bestimmt werden und ist nahezu thermisch, d.h. sie hat dieselbe Temperatur wie die Zelle. Dieses Ergebnis ist in übereinstimmung mit theoretische Modellen und bestãtigt die Vorstellung, dali das p-Orbital des angeregten Natriums sich bei Annãherung an das H2-Molekül ausrichtet und der QuenchprozeB vorwiegend in C2v -Symmetrie ablauft. Es ist gelungen zu zeigen, daB CARS sich erfolgreich für Untersuchungen an nichtadiabatischen StoBprozessen einsetzen laBt. Dadurch wurde erstmals erzielt. / Nonadiabatic collisions between atoms and molecules have drawn a large amount of attention in theoretical and experimental studies. In particular, the transfer of electronic energy of an atom to the vibrational, rotational and translational energy of a diatomic molecule (also called electronic quenching) can be considered an important fundamental process of this type and is thus extensively investigated. We study the Na + 112 as a model collision system for experimental and theoretical reasons since ab initio potential surfaces are currently available, enabling comparison of experimental results with theoretical calculations. We apply a new experimental technique in the field of nonadiabatic processes to obtain a more detailed understanding of these energy transfer processes. We use Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) to measure directly the internai energy distribution of H2 molecules produced by quenching of Na in the first excited state (3 2P112). Although CARS has been used to detect 112 among other species, it has never been applied to gaseous mixtures with H2 and atomic or molecular sodium. Sodium with its low lying electronic states produces a strong nonresonant background that strongly reduces the sensitivity of CARS. With a new constructed apparatus a sensitivity for H2 of 1012 particles per cm3 and quantum state in the presence of ground state sodium was achieved and 1013 particles per cm3 and quantum state with excited sodium. The following results were obtained: 1. The absolute population of vibrational leveis up to v=3 has been obtained and was found to be extremly nonthermal. The state distribution is, however, in good agreement with the available theoretical predictions. 2. With a time resolved CARS experiment we monitored the vibrational relaxation of these states. For this experiment we use excited sodium as an effective way to produce vibrationally hot hydrogen. With a simple model, we determined for the first time the vibrational relaxation time for v=3, 2 and 1 to be 2.4ps, 3.4ps and 31ps respectively. 3. From the measured absolute populations of the vibrational states of hydrogen the absolute cross section for the quenching process can be determined. This novel technique is not sensitive to impurities that also quench the electronic states of sodium very effectively. Our method involves only processes that produce vibrationally excited hydrogen. Due to the large vibrational spacing only H2 molecules that have undergone a quenching process are vibrationally excited. The cross section we determinei! is 12 cA'2, and is smaller than literature values due to the effect described. 4. We also measured the rotational distribution for different vibrational leveis. At the sensitivity limit of our apparatus the rotational distribution was estimated to be nearly thermal. This fact is also in good agreement with theoretical models for the collision process. It has heen shown that CARS is a very usefull spectroscopic technique with sufficient sensitivity to be applied to the study of nonadiabatic collision processes. CARS was used for the first time to investigate these processes and gave the new interesting results shown above.
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CARS untersuchung von energietransferprozessen am Na-H2- systemCunha, Silvio Luiz Souza January 1986 (has links)
Der Energietransfer von elektronischer Energie in Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie ist einer der elementarsten nichtadiabatischen Prozesse. Obwohl diese Prozesse seit langen untersucht werden, sind sie nicht im Detail verstanden. Das StoBsystem Na+H2 hat dabei Modellcharakter. Natrium ist ein Wasserstoffãhnliches Atom mit einem s-Elektron auf der auBersten Schale, und H2 ist das einfachste Molekül überhaupt. Ab initio Potentialflachen- Berechnungen sind deshalb mit guter Genauigkeit moglich und auch durchgef iihrt worden. Die elektronische Energie des Na-Atoms von 2,1eV wird dabei durch einen nichtadiabatischen Stoi3 in Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie des H2-Moleküls iibertragen; ein Vorgang der auch als "Quenchen" bekannt ist. Von essentieller Bedeutung ist es, welche Schwingungs- und Rotationszustãnde besetzt werden. Es gab bisher keine experimentelle Untersuchung, bei der die interne Energieverteilung des H2-Moleküls direkt untersucht wurde. Der Grund dafür ist der, daB konventionelle Techniken zum Nachweis von H2 nicht geeignet sind. Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, erstmals CARS (Kohirente Antistokes-Raman-Streuung) für die oben genannten StoBprozesse einzusetzen und nachzuprüfen, wie gut sich diese Technik anwenden IãBt. CARS ist seit vielen Jahren bekannt, hat jedoch erst in der letzten Zeit durch die Entwicklung von intensiven gepulsten Laser mit geringer Bandbreite sehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Insbesonders CARS an Wasserstoff wurde intensiv untersucht, nicht jedoch mit Beimischung von Natrium. Im vorliegenden Gasgemisch aus Natrium und H2 erzeugt Natrium durch seine energetisch sehr niedrigen elektronischen Zustãnde einen nichtresonanten Untergrund, der die Nachweis-Wahrscheinlichkeit so stark reduzieren kann, daí3 eine sinnvolle Anwendung nicht mehr mõglich sein konnte. Es ist gelungen zu zeigen, dali trotz eines enormen nichtresonanten Untergrundes eine sehr hohe Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit mit CARS erzielt werden kann. Sie betrãgt für H2 mit Na im Grundzustand 1012 Teilchen pro cm3 und Quantenzustand und in Gegenwart von angeregtem Natrium 1013 Teilchen pro cm 3 und Quantenzustand. Mit der neu gebauten CARS-Apparatur wurde eine Reihe von neuen Experimenten durchgef a) Es konnte erstmals direkt die Schwingungsverteilung von H2 nach dem Quenchprozel3 bestimmt werden. Es konnte die absolute Besetzung der Schwingungszustãnde v=3,2 und 1 bestimmt werden. Eine Besetzung bei v=4 wurde nicht beobachtet. b) Mit einer zeitabhãngigen CARS-Messung konnte erstmalig die Schwingungsrelaxation der genannten Schwingungszustãnde gemessen und mit einem Ratengleichungsmodell die Ratenkonstanten mit sehr guter Obereinstimmung bestimmt werden. c) Aus der Besetzung der Schwingungszustãnde laBt sich ein absoluter Querschnitt für den Quenchprozei bestimmen. In Vergleich zu den klassischen Fluoreszenzmethoden wird dabei nicht die Abnahme der Fluoreszenz durch den StoBgasdruck bestimmt, sondern die direkte Besetzung des Quenchers nachgewiesen. Diese Methode wird erstmalig vorgestellt. Sie ist viel weniger empfindlich auf Verunreinigungen. Der erhaltene Wert für den Quenchquerschnitt betragt aq=12A2. d) Es laBt sich auch eine Aussage Uber die Rotationsbesetzung nach dem QuenchprozeB machen. Sie konnte bestimmt werden und ist nahezu thermisch, d.h. sie hat dieselbe Temperatur wie die Zelle. Dieses Ergebnis ist in übereinstimmung mit theoretische Modellen und bestãtigt die Vorstellung, dali das p-Orbital des angeregten Natriums sich bei Annãherung an das H2-Molekül ausrichtet und der QuenchprozeB vorwiegend in C2v -Symmetrie ablauft. Es ist gelungen zu zeigen, daB CARS sich erfolgreich für Untersuchungen an nichtadiabatischen StoBprozessen einsetzen laBt. Dadurch wurde erstmals erzielt. / Nonadiabatic collisions between atoms and molecules have drawn a large amount of attention in theoretical and experimental studies. In particular, the transfer of electronic energy of an atom to the vibrational, rotational and translational energy of a diatomic molecule (also called electronic quenching) can be considered an important fundamental process of this type and is thus extensively investigated. We study the Na + 112 as a model collision system for experimental and theoretical reasons since ab initio potential surfaces are currently available, enabling comparison of experimental results with theoretical calculations. We apply a new experimental technique in the field of nonadiabatic processes to obtain a more detailed understanding of these energy transfer processes. We use Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) to measure directly the internai energy distribution of H2 molecules produced by quenching of Na in the first excited state (3 2P112). Although CARS has been used to detect 112 among other species, it has never been applied to gaseous mixtures with H2 and atomic or molecular sodium. Sodium with its low lying electronic states produces a strong nonresonant background that strongly reduces the sensitivity of CARS. With a new constructed apparatus a sensitivity for H2 of 1012 particles per cm3 and quantum state in the presence of ground state sodium was achieved and 1013 particles per cm3 and quantum state with excited sodium. The following results were obtained: 1. The absolute population of vibrational leveis up to v=3 has been obtained and was found to be extremly nonthermal. The state distribution is, however, in good agreement with the available theoretical predictions. 2. With a time resolved CARS experiment we monitored the vibrational relaxation of these states. For this experiment we use excited sodium as an effective way to produce vibrationally hot hydrogen. With a simple model, we determined for the first time the vibrational relaxation time for v=3, 2 and 1 to be 2.4ps, 3.4ps and 31ps respectively. 3. From the measured absolute populations of the vibrational states of hydrogen the absolute cross section for the quenching process can be determined. This novel technique is not sensitive to impurities that also quench the electronic states of sodium very effectively. Our method involves only processes that produce vibrationally excited hydrogen. Due to the large vibrational spacing only H2 molecules that have undergone a quenching process are vibrationally excited. The cross section we determinei! is 12 cA'2, and is smaller than literature values due to the effect described. 4. We also measured the rotational distribution for different vibrational leveis. At the sensitivity limit of our apparatus the rotational distribution was estimated to be nearly thermal. This fact is also in good agreement with theoretical models for the collision process. It has heen shown that CARS is a very usefull spectroscopic technique with sufficient sensitivity to be applied to the study of nonadiabatic collision processes. CARS was used for the first time to investigate these processes and gave the new interesting results shown above.
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"Sistemas fracamente ligados de três corpos: moléculas e núcleos exóticos leves"Marcelo Takeshi Yamashita 10 December 2004 (has links)
Um potencial de dois corpos do tipo delta-Dirac foi utilizado para descrever sistemas fracamente ligados de três corpos. A trajetória completa dos estados Efimov em função da energia ligação de dois corpos foi calculada para o caso de três bosons idênticos: se o subsistema de dois corpos é ligado, conforme a razão entre a energia de ligação de dois e três corpos aumenta, o estado excitado desaparece e um estado virtual correspondente aparece quando a energia do estado fundamental atinge o limiar dado por 6.9hbar^2/(ma^2) (a - comprimento de espalhamento, m - massa do bóson). Quando o subsistema de dois corpos é virtual, o aumento da razão entre as energias faz com que o estado excitado se transforme em uma ressonância quando a energia do estado fundamental é 1.1hbar^2/(ma^2). Neste último caso as condições para a formação de moléculas triatômicas no interior de condensados é favorecida, pois a competição com dímeros fracamente ligados está ausente. A energia de ligação de trímeros com momento angular total nulo em condensados atômicos foi estimada através da correlação desta com o coeficiente de recombinação e com a energia do dímero, ambos conhecidos experimentalmente em alguns casos. Os tamanhos de moléculas fracamente ligadas (^4He_2$-X; Xequiv^4He, ^6Li, ^7Li e ^{23}Na) e de núcleos exóticos leves (^6He, ^{11}Li, ^{14}Be e ^{20}C) também foram calculados juntamente com um estudo sistemático do comportamento dos raios quadráticos médios conforme a interação dos subsistemas de dois corpos é variada. Neste último caso a classificação de um sistema de três corpos (tipo AAB) foi completada denominando de Samba a configuração formada por dois subsistemas de dois corpos ligados e um virtual. As equações subtraídas para os estados ligados de quatro bosons também foram deduzidas.
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Cristalografia estrutural aplicada a complexos organometálicos / Structural crystallography applied to organometallic complexesMarcos Roberto Bonfadini 17 April 1998 (has links)
No Capítulo 1, os fundamentos da cristalografia de raios X estão sucintamente descritos. No Capítulo 2, seis estruturas de pequenas moléculas contendo átomos pesados em sua constituição foram determinadas. As quais são resumidas a seguir: 1)[Ru2Cl5(CO)(PPh3)3], Mr = 1194,21, cristaliza-se no sistema monoclínico, grupo espacial P21/c com a =14,618(4)Å, b=18,043(7)Å, c=20,31(3)Å β=99,81(5)° V=5277(8)޵ Z=4; Dcalç =1,503g/cm-3; λ(MoKα) = 0,71073Å μ = 0,954 mm-1; F(000) = 2404; R=0,538 para 9281 reflexões independentes e 487 parâmetros refinados. Os átomos de Ru estão ligados em ponte através de três ânions Cl. Um átomo de Ru é coordenado a dois outros átomos de Cl e a um ligante PPh3, o outro átomo de Ru está coordenado a dois ligantes PPh3 e a uma molécula de CO. 2)[RuCl3(dppb)H2O], Mr = 651,88, cristaliza-se no sistema ortorrômbico, grupo espacial Pbca; com a=14,932(1) Å, b=18,133 (3)Å, c=20,59(3)Å V=5576,0(1)޵ Z=8; Dcalc =1,553g/cm-3; λ(MoKα) = 0,71073Å μ = 0,985 mm-1; F(000)=2648; R=0,0461 para 4892 reflexões independentes e 316 parâmetros refinados. O complexo é hexacoordenado. Os átomos P encontram-se em posição cis, um em relação ao outro, formando um complexo próximo de uma estrutura octaédrica. Esta estrutura apresentou interação intermolecular Cl...H. A distância entre o H de uma molécula e o Cl é de 2,48(2)Å. 3) FeC19H1919N19S19], Mr=377,28, cristaliza-se no sistema monoclínico, grupo espacial P21/n; com a=11,715(2)Å, b=7,830(2)Å, c=18,728(3)Å β=91,570(1)° V=1717,1(6)޵ Z=4; Dcalc =1,459g/cm-3; λ(MoKα) = 0,71073Å μ = 1,004 mm-1; F(000)=784; R=0,0453 para 3018 reflexões independentes e 218 parâmetros refinados. O complexo é formado por um átomo de ferro decacoordenado em uma extremidade e na outra existe um anel aromático, indicando que os radicais genéricos mostrados na Seção (2.5) são R\'=C\'H IND. 3\', X=S1 e R\"=fenil. 4)[pyH][RuCl4(dmso)(py)].(CH2Cl2)1/2, Mr=562,11 cristaliza-se no sistema triclínico, grupo espacial P1; com a= 7,7608(1)Å, b=85451(1)Å, c=15,095(5)Å α=88,27(2)º β=79,33(2)º γ,=88,77(1)º V=983,2(4)޵ Z=2; Dcalc=1,899gcm-3; λ(CuKα)=1,54184 Å μ=15,001 mm-1; F(000)=556; R=0,0886 para 2909 reflexões independentes e 204 parâmetros refinados. O Ru está octaedricamente coordenado a quatro átomos Cl coplanares, a um N do anel de uma piridina e ao dmso, em posição trans entre si. Um outro grupo piridina protonado, que forma o cátion da estrutura, completa a estrutura. 5)[RuCl2(CO)2(AsPh3)2, Mr =840,43, cristaliza-se no sistema monoclínico, grupo espacial P21/n; com a=710,520(4)Å, b=25,823(5)Å, c=12,780(2)Å β=100,7401(1)° V=3411,0(1)޵ Z=4; Dcalc =1,637gcm-3; λ(CuKα)=1,54184 Å μ=7,576 mm-1; F(000)=1672; R=0,0739 para 4284 reflexões independentes e 406 parâmetros refinados. O átomo de Ru está ligado a dois átomos de Cl e a duas moléculas CO, que formam aproximadamente um plano entre si. Os CO\'s estão em posição trans em relação aos Cl\'s. O átomo de Ru também apresenta coordenação com duas PPh3. 6)[Ru2ClBr4(CO)(AsPh3).CH2Cl2)<, Mr=154,88 cristaliza-se no sistema monoclínico, grupo espacial P21/c; com a=14,766(2)Å, b=18,519(2)Å, c=20,730(4)Å β=100,085(1)° V=5581,2(1)޵ Dcalc =1,839gcm-3; λ(CuKα)=1,54184 Å μ=10,947mm-1; F (000)=3004; R=0,0955 para 5738 reflexões independentes e 493 parâmetros refinados. O complexo é formado por dois átomos de Ru em ponte através de três ânions Br. Um átomo de Ru é também coordenado a um átomo Br, a um Cl e a um ligante trifenilfosfina. O outro átomo de Ru está ligado a duas trifenilarsinas e a uma molécula de monóxido de carbono. No capítulo 3, apresentam-se as conclusões e planos futuros / In Chapter 1, the basic principles of X-ray crystallography that have been used in this work are briefly described. In Chapter 2, six small molecule structures with heavy atoms are presented. They are summarized as follows: 1)[Ru2Cl5(CO)(PPh3)3], Mr = 1194,21, crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c com a =14,618(4)Å, b=18,043(7)Å, c=20,31(3)Å β=99,81(5)° V=5277(8)޵ Z=4; Dcalc =1,503g/cm-3; λ(MoKα) = 0,71073Å μ = 0,954 mm-1; F(000) = 2404; R=0,538 for 9281 independent reflections and 487 refined parameters. This triply chloro-bridged binuclear complex is formed by two Ru atoms bridged through three chloride anions. One Ru atom is further coordinated to two non-bridging Cl atoms and a triphenylphosphine ligand, whereas the other is bonded to two PPh3 ligands and to a carbon monoxide molecule. 2) 3(dppb)H2O], Mr = 651,88, crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pbca; a=14,932(1) Å, b=18,133 (3)Å, c=20,59(3)Å V=5576,0(1)޵ Z=8; Dcalc =1,553g/cm-3; λ(MoKα) = 0,71073Å μ = 0,985 mm-1; F(000)=2648; R=0,0461 for 4892 independent reflections and 316 refined parameters. The complex is hexacoordinated. The P atoms are in cis position to each other, forming a octhaedrical structure. This structure shows an intermolecular interaction between one Cl atom from one complex and a water hydrogen of a neighboring complex in the lattice, with Cl...H distance of 2,48(2)A. 3)[FeC19H1919N19S19], Mr=377,28, crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/n; a=11,715(2)Å, b=7,830(2)Å, c=18,728(3)Å β=91,570(1)° V=1717,1(6)޵ Z=4; Dcalc =1,459g/cm-3; λ(MoKα) = 0,71073Å μ = 1,004 mm-1; F(000)=784; R=0,0453 for 3018 indepen dent reflections and 218 refined parameters. This complex shows a decacoordinated Fe atom in one end of the molecule and an aromatic ring in the other, showing that the gereric radicals in Section (2.5) are R\'= CH3, X=Sl and R\" =phenyl. 4)[pyH][RuCl4(dmso)(py)].(CH2Cl2)1/2, Mr=562,11, crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P1; a= 7,7608(1)Å, b=85451(1)Å, c=15,095(5)Å α=88,27(2)º β=79,33(2)º γ,=88,77(1)º V=983,2(4)޵ Z=2; Dcalç=1,899gcm-3; λ(CuKα)=1,54184 Å μ=15,001 mm-1; F(000)=556; R=0,0886 for 2909 independent reflections and 204 refined parameters. The Ru ion is octahedrally coordinated to four co-planar chloride atoms and to the nitrogen of the pyridine ring, which are trans to each other. Another protonated pyridine group, which forms the counter-cation complete the crystal struet ure. 5)[RuCl2(CO)2(AsPh3)2, Mr =840,43, crystalizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/n; a=710,520(4)Å, b=25,823(5)Å, c=12,780(2)Å β=100,7401(1)° V=3411,0(1)޵ Z=4; Dcalc =1,637gcm-3; λ(CuKα)=1,54184 Å μ=7,576 mm-1; F(000)=1672; R=0,0739 for 4284 independent reflections and 406 refined parameters. This complex shows a Ru atom bonded to two Cl atoms and to two CO molecules, which aproximatelly form a plane between then. The CO\'s are trans to the chlorides and the Ru further presents a coordination to two PPh3. 6) [Ru2ClBr4(CO)(AsPh3).CH2Cl2)<, Mr=154,88, crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c; com a=14,766(2)Å, b=18,519(2)Å, c=20,730(4)Å β=100,085(1)° V=5581,2(1)޵ Dcalc =1,839gcm-3; λ(CuKα)=1,54184 Å μ=10,947mm-1; F (000)=3004; R=0,0955 for 5738 independent reflections and 493 refined parameters. This complex is formed by two Ru atoms bridged by three Br anions. One Ru atom is further coordenated to a Br atom, to a CI atom and to a triphenylphosphine ligand, whereas the other is bonded to two AsPh3 and to a carbon monoxide molecule. In chapter 3, conclusions and future plans are given.
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Fotoassociação de curto alcance em átomos de rubídio / Short-range photoassociation in rubidium atomsHenry Fernandes Passagem 18 February 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a fotoassociação de átomos de rubídio no regime de curto alcance. Realizamos espectroscopia por perda de átomos em uma armadilha magneto-óptica de 85Rb usando um laser de fibra de alta potência, o qual possuia largura de linha da ordem de 1MHz e 50W de potência no intervalo de 1060nm a 1070nm. Dois níveis vibracionais do potencial excitado 0u+ foram observados (v=137 e v=138). Além disso, medimos o tempo de vida de uma armadilha óptica de dipolo cruzada. Como esperado, o tempo de vida é menor quando o laser está sintonizado na ressonância. Um modelo teórico prevê a distribuição dessas moléculas nos níveis vibracionais do estado eletrônico fundamental após o processo de fotoassociação. Os resultados, nos sugerem perspectivas para a produção de moléculas de Rb2 no estado vibracional fundamental. / In this work, we studied short-range photoassociation of rubidium atoms. We realize trap-loss spectroscopy in a magneto-optical trap of 85Rb using high power fiber laser, which had around 1MHz linewidth and 50W power at 1060nm to 1070nm interval. Two vibrational levels of the 0u+ excited potential were observed (v=137 e v=138). Besides that, we measured the lifetime of a crossed optical dipole trapped. As expected, the lifetime is shorter when the laser is tuned on resonance. A theoretical model predicts the molecular distribution in the vibrational levels of electronic ground state. The results suggest us perspectives to produce Rb2 molecules in the ground vibrational state.
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Linfomas osseos primarios : estudo comparativo com linfomas nodais e linfomas osseos metastaticos quanto a imunoexpressão de proteinas relacionadas a apoptose, regulação do ciclo celular e adesão celular / Primary bone lymphomas : comparison of the immunoexpression of apoptosis related proteins and adhesion molecules with nodal lymphomas and lymphomas metastatic to boneLima, Francisco Pignataro 02 November 2008 (has links)
Orientadores: Eliane Maria Ingrid Amstalden, Jose Vasallo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T14:26:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lima_FranciscoPignataro_D.pdf: 4114475 bytes, checksum: 852f416deccb941fe4dc3e63c2553510 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Cerca de 20% a 40% dos linfomas não-Hodgkin (LNH) B são extranodais e caracterizam-se por comportamento biológico distinto, de acordo com o seu sítio de origem e variante histológica. Linfoma ósseo primário (LOP), uma forma extranodal rara, apresenta-se na maior parte dos casos como LNH B de alto grau e evolui com bom prognóstico. Os estudos sobre o LOP são escassos e suas características imunofenotípicas e citogenéticas ainda não estão bem definidas. Neste trabalho, foram analisados três grupos de linfomas difusos de grandes células B (LDGCB): a) ósseos primários, B) nodais e c) metastáticos (com envolvimento ósseo secundário). Foram investigados, nesses grupos, dados clínicos e de sobrevida, aspectos morfológicos, imunofenotípicos e citogenéticos. Na análise imunoistoquímica, foi verificado o estudo das moléculas envolvidas na apoptose e regulação do ciclo celular (Bcl-2, Bax, p53, Bcl-6, p21, pRB) moléculas envolvidas na adesão celular (CD29, CD62L, CD44, CD51) índice de proliferação celular (Ki-67) e expressão das subpopulações de células infiltrantes do sistema imune (CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD57, CD68, Foxp3) com objetivo de melhor caracterizar o LOP. Foram selecionados no total 138 casos de LDGCB, provenientes dos departamentos de Anatomia Patológica FCM-UNICAMP, Hospital AC.-Camargo - Fundação Antônio Prudente, Instituto de Traumatologia e Ortopedia da USP e Centre Hospitalier Universitarie (CHU Purpan). Do total de 138, 76 casos eram linfomas ósseos primários, 46 casos linfomas nodais e 16 casos linfomas com envolvimento ósseo secundário. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o LOP possui características evolutivas que diferem dos demais LDGCB extranodais. Observamos que a maioria dos LDGCB ósseos primários (66%) pertenceram ao imunofenótipo centro germinativo (CG) e não exibiram diferenciação plasmacítica. Os três grupos de LDGCB analisados exibiram forte imunoexpressão das proteínas relacionadas à apoptose e ao ciclo celular enquanto que a imunoexpressão de moléculas de adesão foi fraca ou ausente, na maioria dos casos. O estudo da sobrevida, envolvendo a ausência da imunoexpressão das moléculas de adesão CD29, CD62L e CD51, nos três grupos, revelou-se significativamente associada com melhor sobrevida. O significado biológico deste achado ainda está para ser esclarecido. O CD44 foi o mais fortemente expresso nas células tumorais. As moléculas envolvidas na apoptose Bax e p53 foram relacionadas à pior evolução e o pRB à evolução favorável nos LOP. As proteínas Bcl-2 e Bcl-6 foram expressas nos três grupos de linfomas. Com a análise em 32 casos de LOP das principais translocações em LNH (MYC, BCL2/IGH, BCL6, ALK, IGH/CCND1 e PAX5), conseguimos caracterizar melhor esta entidade. Rearranjos, envolvendo o BCL2 e MYC foram encontrados, entretanto não ocorreram rearranjos do BCL6. Os demais genes não demonstraram translocações. Estes achados indicam que o LOP deve ser considerado uma categoria distinta de LDGCB extranodal, com aspectos genéticos e moleculares mais próximos dos nodais / Abstract: The incidence of extranodal lymphomas is increasing in the last decades. Around 20 to 40% of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) arise outside the lymph nodes and may present distinct biological behavior, as compared to the corresponding nodal counterpart of similar histological grade. The heterogeneity of large B-cell lymphomas (LBCL) has been matter of various studies, although morphology alone may be insufficient to separate groups of clinical relevance, immunophenotyping and molecular techniques have demonstrated that different variants of LBCL may present diverse clinical and prognostic features. Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) is rare form of extra nodal NHL, which generally presents a more favorable prognosis than the nodal counterpart. The reason for this is unclear. We selected a large series (n=138) of nodal NHL (N=46), primary (n=76) and metastatic (n=16) bone diffuse large cell lymphomas collected in tissue micro-arrays from several centers in France and Brazil. We investigated to be comparing clinical, morphological and immunophenotypic features. Immunohistochemical detection of proliferation markers, apoptosis related proteins and adhesion molecules was be marked. Our results demonstrated that primary bone LDGCB possesses peculiar clinical characteristics that you differ of the other extranodal LDGCB as the longest evolution and smaller recurrence tax. The three groups of LDGCB exhibited strong immunoexpression of the related proteins the apoptosis and cellular cycle while the immunoexpression of adhesion molecules was weak or absentee in most of the cases. These cases were classified according to the expression of antigens with germinal center (GC) (n=37/62) or non germinal center (non-GC) (n=26/62) stages of B-cell differentiation. The study of the survival involving the absence of the imunoexpressão of the adhesion molecules CD29, CD62L and CD51 in the three groups was revealed significantly associated with better outcome. The biological meaning of this discovery is still to be explained. CD44 was it more strongly expressed in the tumor cells and it demonstrated relationship away with inferior survival without statistical significance. The molecules involved in the apoptosis Bax and p53 were related the worst evolution and the pRB the favorable evolution in PBL. The proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 were expressed in the three lymphomas groups and associated the worst evolution, however without significance. By fluorescence in situ hybridization, we found a substantial number of cases with a rearrangement of BCL2 (n=9/32) and MYC (n= 3/32) whereas PAX5, BCL6, BCL-1/Cyclin D1 and ALK genes were in germ line configuration. Interestingly, one case, with GC phenotype, showed a dual BCL2 and MYC rearrangement. We observed that the majority of the cases with rearrangements were of GC phenotype. These results, associated with the lack of BCL6 rearrangement, suggest that bone DLBCL represents a specific group within extranodal B-cell lymphomas. Keywords: diffuse large cell lymphoma, adhesion molecules, apoptosis, fluorescent in situ hybridization / Doutorado / Anatomia Patologica / Doutor em Ciências Médicas
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CARS untersuchung von energietransferprozessen am Na-H2- systemCunha, Silvio Luiz Souza January 1986 (has links)
Der Energietransfer von elektronischer Energie in Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie ist einer der elementarsten nichtadiabatischen Prozesse. Obwohl diese Prozesse seit langen untersucht werden, sind sie nicht im Detail verstanden. Das StoBsystem Na+H2 hat dabei Modellcharakter. Natrium ist ein Wasserstoffãhnliches Atom mit einem s-Elektron auf der auBersten Schale, und H2 ist das einfachste Molekül überhaupt. Ab initio Potentialflachen- Berechnungen sind deshalb mit guter Genauigkeit moglich und auch durchgef iihrt worden. Die elektronische Energie des Na-Atoms von 2,1eV wird dabei durch einen nichtadiabatischen Stoi3 in Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie des H2-Moleküls iibertragen; ein Vorgang der auch als "Quenchen" bekannt ist. Von essentieller Bedeutung ist es, welche Schwingungs- und Rotationszustãnde besetzt werden. Es gab bisher keine experimentelle Untersuchung, bei der die interne Energieverteilung des H2-Moleküls direkt untersucht wurde. Der Grund dafür ist der, daB konventionelle Techniken zum Nachweis von H2 nicht geeignet sind. Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, erstmals CARS (Kohirente Antistokes-Raman-Streuung) für die oben genannten StoBprozesse einzusetzen und nachzuprüfen, wie gut sich diese Technik anwenden IãBt. CARS ist seit vielen Jahren bekannt, hat jedoch erst in der letzten Zeit durch die Entwicklung von intensiven gepulsten Laser mit geringer Bandbreite sehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Insbesonders CARS an Wasserstoff wurde intensiv untersucht, nicht jedoch mit Beimischung von Natrium. Im vorliegenden Gasgemisch aus Natrium und H2 erzeugt Natrium durch seine energetisch sehr niedrigen elektronischen Zustãnde einen nichtresonanten Untergrund, der die Nachweis-Wahrscheinlichkeit so stark reduzieren kann, daí3 eine sinnvolle Anwendung nicht mehr mõglich sein konnte. Es ist gelungen zu zeigen, dali trotz eines enormen nichtresonanten Untergrundes eine sehr hohe Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit mit CARS erzielt werden kann. Sie betrãgt für H2 mit Na im Grundzustand 1012 Teilchen pro cm3 und Quantenzustand und in Gegenwart von angeregtem Natrium 1013 Teilchen pro cm 3 und Quantenzustand. Mit der neu gebauten CARS-Apparatur wurde eine Reihe von neuen Experimenten durchgef a) Es konnte erstmals direkt die Schwingungsverteilung von H2 nach dem Quenchprozel3 bestimmt werden. Es konnte die absolute Besetzung der Schwingungszustãnde v=3,2 und 1 bestimmt werden. Eine Besetzung bei v=4 wurde nicht beobachtet. b) Mit einer zeitabhãngigen CARS-Messung konnte erstmalig die Schwingungsrelaxation der genannten Schwingungszustãnde gemessen und mit einem Ratengleichungsmodell die Ratenkonstanten mit sehr guter Obereinstimmung bestimmt werden. c) Aus der Besetzung der Schwingungszustãnde laBt sich ein absoluter Querschnitt für den Quenchprozei bestimmen. In Vergleich zu den klassischen Fluoreszenzmethoden wird dabei nicht die Abnahme der Fluoreszenz durch den StoBgasdruck bestimmt, sondern die direkte Besetzung des Quenchers nachgewiesen. Diese Methode wird erstmalig vorgestellt. Sie ist viel weniger empfindlich auf Verunreinigungen. Der erhaltene Wert für den Quenchquerschnitt betragt aq=12A2. d) Es laBt sich auch eine Aussage Uber die Rotationsbesetzung nach dem QuenchprozeB machen. Sie konnte bestimmt werden und ist nahezu thermisch, d.h. sie hat dieselbe Temperatur wie die Zelle. Dieses Ergebnis ist in übereinstimmung mit theoretische Modellen und bestãtigt die Vorstellung, dali das p-Orbital des angeregten Natriums sich bei Annãherung an das H2-Molekül ausrichtet und der QuenchprozeB vorwiegend in C2v -Symmetrie ablauft. Es ist gelungen zu zeigen, daB CARS sich erfolgreich für Untersuchungen an nichtadiabatischen StoBprozessen einsetzen laBt. Dadurch wurde erstmals erzielt. / Nonadiabatic collisions between atoms and molecules have drawn a large amount of attention in theoretical and experimental studies. In particular, the transfer of electronic energy of an atom to the vibrational, rotational and translational energy of a diatomic molecule (also called electronic quenching) can be considered an important fundamental process of this type and is thus extensively investigated. We study the Na + 112 as a model collision system for experimental and theoretical reasons since ab initio potential surfaces are currently available, enabling comparison of experimental results with theoretical calculations. We apply a new experimental technique in the field of nonadiabatic processes to obtain a more detailed understanding of these energy transfer processes. We use Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) to measure directly the internai energy distribution of H2 molecules produced by quenching of Na in the first excited state (3 2P112). Although CARS has been used to detect 112 among other species, it has never been applied to gaseous mixtures with H2 and atomic or molecular sodium. Sodium with its low lying electronic states produces a strong nonresonant background that strongly reduces the sensitivity of CARS. With a new constructed apparatus a sensitivity for H2 of 1012 particles per cm3 and quantum state in the presence of ground state sodium was achieved and 1013 particles per cm3 and quantum state with excited sodium. The following results were obtained: 1. The absolute population of vibrational leveis up to v=3 has been obtained and was found to be extremly nonthermal. The state distribution is, however, in good agreement with the available theoretical predictions. 2. With a time resolved CARS experiment we monitored the vibrational relaxation of these states. For this experiment we use excited sodium as an effective way to produce vibrationally hot hydrogen. With a simple model, we determined for the first time the vibrational relaxation time for v=3, 2 and 1 to be 2.4ps, 3.4ps and 31ps respectively. 3. From the measured absolute populations of the vibrational states of hydrogen the absolute cross section for the quenching process can be determined. This novel technique is not sensitive to impurities that also quench the electronic states of sodium very effectively. Our method involves only processes that produce vibrationally excited hydrogen. Due to the large vibrational spacing only H2 molecules that have undergone a quenching process are vibrationally excited. The cross section we determinei! is 12 cA'2, and is smaller than literature values due to the effect described. 4. We also measured the rotational distribution for different vibrational leveis. At the sensitivity limit of our apparatus the rotational distribution was estimated to be nearly thermal. This fact is also in good agreement with theoretical models for the collision process. It has heen shown that CARS is a very usefull spectroscopic technique with sufficient sensitivity to be applied to the study of nonadiabatic collision processes. CARS was used for the first time to investigate these processes and gave the new interesting results shown above.
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Excitações eletrônicas por impacto de pósitrons via Método Schwinger multicanal / Electronic excitations by positron impact in Schwinger multichannel methodArretche, Felipe 22 September 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Marco Aurelio Pinheiro Lima / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T11:03:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Arretche_Felipe_D.pdf: 1126375 bytes, checksum: 09c67543e39406702bd45e2373d9c616 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Nesta tese investigamos a modelagem teórica de colisões pósitron-molécula no regime de baixas energias utilizando o método Schwinger multicanal.
Nosso objetivo inicial foi sofisticar o procedimento de cálculo do parâmetro de aniquilação¸ Zeff . Esta quantidade é diretamente proporcional a taxa de aniquilação de pósitrons com elétrons da nuvem molecular. Infelizmente o método subestima Zeff com relação aos dados experimentais. Uma investigação mais detalhada sugere que esta deficiência está ligada a uma descrição pobre do cúspide elétron-pósitron na função de onda de espalhamento.
Para tanto, inserimos um potencial complexo tipo delta de Dirac na Hamiltoniana de espalhamento com o objetivo de melhorar o cálculo de aniquilação direta e possivelmente adaptá-lo para descrever o canal de formação do positrônio real. Aplicação a sistemas modelo como átomo de He e molécula de H2 mostraram que esta técnica alternativa produz resultados similares ao cálculo perturbativo usual. Neste sentido a discrepância entre o parâmetro de aniquilação teórico obtido via método Schwinger multicanal e os dados experimentais continua em aberto.
Recentemente o grupo da Universidade de San Diego, na Califórnia, desenvolveu um aparato experimental para medir seções de choque de excitação eletrônica de átomos e moléculas por impacto de pósitrons. O método Schwinger multicanal é o único que tem atacado sistematicamente este problema para moléculas na literatura. Neste trabalho, damos continuidade a este programa de pesquisa calculando seções de choque de excitação eletrônica para as moléculas de H2 e CO com variados níveis de aproximação.
Nossos resultados indicam que as seções de choque integrais são insensíveis ao nível de acoplamento multicanal utilizado na modelagem da colisão e que efeitos de polarização podem ser particularmente importantes para energias imediatamente acima dos limiares de excitação eletrônica.
Finalmente, e este sem dúvida é o maior resultado desta tese, aprendemos a tratar as bases variacionais usadas no cálculo de espalhamento. A evidência de que tal nível de maturidade foi atingido é a convergência das seções de choque com relação aos métodos de cálculo dos elementos de matriz da função de Green, anteriormente obtida somente por ajuste (popularmente conhecido como "chute") do conjunto de primitivas Gaussianas utilizado no cálculo de espalhamento / Abstract: In this thesis we investigate the theoretical modelling of positron-molecule collisions in low energy regime using the Schwinger multichannel method.
Our initial objective was to sophisticate the procedure of calculation of the annihilation parameter Zeff. This quantity is directly proportional to the annihilation rate of positrons with molecular cloud electrons. Unhapilly the method underestimates Zeff compared to the experimental data. A more detailed investigation suggests that this deficiency is connected with a poor description of the electronpositron cusp of the scattering wave function.
To this end, we inserted a complex potential of Dirac delta type in the scattering Hamiltonian with the major objective of improving the direct annihilation calculation and possibly to adaptate it to describe the real positronium formation channel.
Aplication to model systems like He atom and H2 molecule showed that this alternative technique produce similar results compared to the usual perturbative calculation. In this sense, the discrepancy between the theoretical annihilation parameter generated by Schwinger multichannel method and the experimental data remains as an open problem.
Recently the research group of San Diego University, in California, developed an experimental apparatus to measure electronic excitation cross sections for atoms and molecules by positron impact. The Schwinger multichannel method is the only that has sistematicaly attacked the problem for molecules in the literature. In this work, we continue this research program calculating electronic excitation cross sections for H2 and CO molecules with varied degrees of approximation.
Our results indicate that integral cross sections are insensible to the level of multichannel coupling used in the collision model and that polarization effects can be particularly relevant for energies immediately above electronic excitation thresholds.
Finally, and this doubtless is the greater result of this thesis, we learnt to treat the variational basis used in the scattering calculation. The evidence that such level of maturity was reached is the convergence of the cross sections by the methods of computation of the Green¿s function matrix elements, obtained before only by "guessing" of the set of primitive Gaussians employed in the scattering calculation / Doutorado / Física Atômica e Molecular / Doutor em Ciências
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Propriedades ópticas não lineares de compostos orgânicos : chalconas e corantes de oxazóisAbegão, Luis Miguel Gomes 27 July 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The most recent developments in the field of nonlinear optics (NLO) show that organic molecules
with electron donating or accepting substituents at either ends of a long -conjugation could
be promising candidates for integration into photonic devices or applications such 3D microfabrication,
optical-limiting, photodynamic therapy, biological probes, etc. Linear and nonlinear
optical measurements were carried out for two classes of organic molecules: chalcones and oxazoles.
Second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties, namely the first molecular hyperpolarizability
( HRS) and the cross-section of two-photon absorption ( A2F ), respectively, were measured
for eight chalcones and for six oxazoles dyes. The experimental values of HRS and A2F
were achieved by using hyper-Rayleigh Scattering and Z-Scan techniques, respectively. HRS
maximum values of 42 10-30 (esu) and 412 10-30 (esu), for chalcones and oxazoles compounds,
respectively, have been obtained. The A2F maximum values of 42 GM and 85 GM for
chalcones and oxazoles compounds, respectively, have been obtained. This study has identified the
lower performance of chalcones compared to the oxazoles compounds for both NLO effects studied,
probably due to the length difference in the -conjugation together with the different electron
donor groups present in both compounds. Whenever possible, and in order to better understand the
experimental results, quantum chemical calculations were performed employing density-functional
theory using the Dalton and Gaussian software. / Os últimos avanços na área da óptica não linear (ONL) mostram que compostos orgânicos que possuem
estruturas conjugadas e grupos doadores/aceitadores de elétrons, poderão ser meios materiais
promissores na integração de dispositivos ou aplicações fotônicas, tais como: micro-fabricação
tridimensional, limitação óptica, marcadores biológicos, fototerapia dinâmica, entre outras. Nesta
tese foi realizada a caracterização óptica linear e não linear de duas classes de moléculas orgânicas:
chalconas e corantes de oxazóis. Foram estudados os efeitos ópticos não lineares de segunda e
terceira ordem, nomeadamente a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade molecular ( HRS) e a seção de choque
da absorção de dois fótons ( A2F ), respectivamente, para oito compostos do tipo chalconas e
seis compostos do tipo corantes de oxazóis. Os valores experimentais de HRS e A2F foram determinados
experimentalmente através do espalhamento de hyper-Rayleigh e da técnica de varredura-
Z, respectivamente. Os valores máximos encontrados para HRS foram de 42 10-30 (esu) e
412 10-30 (esu) para os compostos do tipo chalconas e oxazóis, respectivamente. Os valores
máximos obtidos para A2F foram de 42 GM e 86 GM para os compostos do tipo chalconas e
oxazóis, respectivamente. Estes resultados mostram um menor desempenho dos compostos do tipo
chalconas em relação aos oxazóis em ambos os efeitos de ONL estudados, provavelmente devido
às diferentes assimetrias de distribuição de carga entre as estruturas, bem como da diferente extensão
das estruturas conjugadas. Sempre que foi possível, e com o intuito de interpretar melhor
os resultados experimentais, foram realizados cálculos químico-quânticos empregando a teoria do
funcional de densidade, através dos programas de simulação computacional Dalton e Gaussian 09.
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Simulação do espalhamento de raios X por macromoléculas em solução através da construção de modelos tridimensionais de baixa resoluçãoOliveira, Cristiano Luis Pinto de 16 March 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Iris Concepcion Linares de Torriani / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica "Gleb Wataghin" / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-28T06:50:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Oliveira_CristianoLuisPintode_M.pdf: 4272275 bytes, checksum: 878df8c1104bf4abd311278e4baf3a49 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2001 / Resumo: Neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo sobre a potencialidade do método de espalhamento a baixos ângulos para a reconstrução da estrutura tridimensional de partículas em solução. Neste sentido muitas simulações foram realizadas para testar e avaliar os métodos utilizados. Inicialmente apresento a teoria geral de espalhamento a baixos ângulos por partículas. Posteriormente enfatizo a construção de modelos o que permite relacionarmos a forma da partícula a seu espalhamento e a sua curva de distribuição de distâncias (P(r)). Ao final utilizo estes modelos para avaliar métodos ab initio de reconstrução tridimensional de partículas. Com base nesta avaliação pudemos analisar os resultados de sistemas reais compostos por proteínas em solução. Como veremos pelos resultados, a técnica de SAXS é capaz de fornecer informações conclusivas sobre a forma, anisotropia, simetria e mudanças conformacionais das partículas espalhadoras. Dos métodos utilizados, a otimização por simulated annealing somada a utilização de vínculos adequados no algoritmo, forneceu resultados melhores na aproximação da forma das partículas estudadas do que os obtidos por otimização com algoritmo genético. / Abstract: In this work we present a careful study about the potentiality of the small angle scattering technique and the inverse scattering problem ie., the reconstruction of the particle shape directly from the scattering profile. In this way, we made many simulations to test and analyzed various methods. First I show the general scattering theory, emphasizing the scattering from particles. Next I present a model building computing routine that shows the relationship between the scattering profile and the particle shape. Finally, I apply the three-dimensional reconstruction methods to several models in order to evaluate the power of these methods. This calculation served as a basis to analyze real problems like proteins in solution. As we show in the results, the SAXS technique furnishes interesting results like shape, anisotropy, symmetry and conformational changes of the scattering particles. From the ab initio reconstruction methods used, optimization by simulated annealing plus the introduction of adequate constraints gave the best shape approximation when compared to genetic algorithm results. / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física
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