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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attitydförändring vid penningtvättsskandal : En kvantitativ studie / Change in attitude in case of a money laundering scandal : A quantitative study

Holmensköld, Malou, Paktinat, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under flera år har några av Sveriges största banker kritiserats under den så kallade “penningtvätts-härvan”. Media har till stor del uppmärksammat skandalen utifrån ett företagsperspektiv men desto mindre ur ett kundperspektiv. Skandalernas relevans och aktualitet öppnar upp för att undersöka på vilket sätt bankkunder reagerar till följd av penningtvättsskandaler. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vilken effekt penningtvättsskandaler har på konsumenters befintliga attityder gentemot banker. Med anledning av de senaste årens uppmärksammade bankskandaler i Sverige görs undersökningen för att avgöra om attitydförändringen vidare har någon påverkan på konsumenters beteende i förhållande till bankerna. Tidsperspektivet gör denna studie relevant för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning konsumenter påverkas av denna typ av skandal vilket ger viktiga insikter för finansföretag. Metod: För att uppfylla vårt informationsbehov bestod vår empiri av kvantitativ data som samlades in genom enkäter. Vi var intresserade av att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan studenters attitydförändringar och beteende gentemot bankerna. Urvalet bestod av studenter som läser någon form av ekonomisk inriktning vid Högskolan i Borås. I enkäterna presenterades ett fiktivt fall där en penningtvättsskandal illustrerades samt information om hur studenterna skulle påverkas av skandalen. I det ena fallet drabbades studenterna ekonomiskt negativt av skandalen medan de inte drabbades i det andra fallet. Vi skickade således ut tvåenkäter, där hälften av urvalet fick den ena enkäten medan den andra hälften fick den andra. Resultat: Många av studenterna har relativt stabila relationer till sina banker innan skandalerna. Efter skandalerna värdesatte studenterna främst det egna intresset vilket medförde att de inte längre var lika lojala gentemot sina banker. Det skedde en tydlig attitydförändring blandstudenterna efter skandalerna oavsett ekonomisk påverkan. Slutsatser: Utifrån undersökningens modifierade modell kan vi dra slutsatserna att studenternas värderingar, egenintresse och lojalitet till banken tillsammans bidrar till en attitydförändring till följd av skandalerna. Det innebär att penningtvättsskandalen i de fiktiva fallen visade sig ha en effekt på studenternas befintliga attityder gentemot deras banker. Denna attitydförändring mynnar vidare ut i ett beteende orsakat av skandalerna. / Background: For several years, some of Sweden's largest banks have been criticized during the so-called “money laundering scandal”. The media has largely drawn attention to the scandal from a business perspective, nevertheless from a customer perspective. The scandal's relevance and timeliness opens up to investigate how bank customers react due to money laundering scandals. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of money laundering scandals on consumers' existing attitudes towards banks, based on the recent banking scandals in Sweden in recent years. This is to determine if the change in attitude further has any effect on consumerbehavior in relation to the banks. The time perspective makes this study relevant to examining the extent to which consumers are affected by this type of scandal, which provides important insights for financial companies. Methodology: To fulfill the purpose of the study, our empirical data consisted of quantitative data collected through surveys. We were interested in investigating whether there was a connection between students' attitude changes and behavior towards the banks. The sample consisted of students who study some form of financial orientation at the University of Borås. The survey presented a fictitious case in which a money laundering scandal was illustrated as well as information on how the students would be affected by the scandal. In one case, the students were financially negatively affected by the scandal while in the other case they were not affected financially. Half of the students received the survey were they were negatively affected and the other half, the one where they weren´t affected. Findings: Many of the students seemed to have relatively stable relationships with their banks before the scandals. Following the scandals the students seemed to value their self-interest which meant that they were no longer as loyal, as before, to their banks. There was a clear change in attitude among the students following the scandals regardless of financial impact. Conclusions: Based on the study’s modified model, we can conclude that the students' values, self-interest and loyalty to the bank contribute to a change in attitude towards the bank as a result of the scandals. This means that in the fictitious cases, the money laundering scandal had an effect on the students' existing attitudes towards their banks. The change in attitude further leads to a behavior caused by the scandals.

Bryt tystnaden : En studie om revisorers låga rapporteringsgrad och åtgärder för att öka medvetenheten och förebygga penningtvätt / Break the Silence : A Study on Auditors' Low Reporting Rates and Actions to Raise Awareness and Prevent Money Laundering

Amanj Ibrahim, Lara, Tahir Baker, Lania, Razooki, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den låga graden av misstanke-rapporteringar vad gäller penningtvätt bland revisorer och identifiera de bakomliggande faktorerna till detta, samt undersöka vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att öka revisorns medvetenhet. Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. I studiens slutsats presenteras olika faktorer som bidrar till den låga graden av misstanke-rapportering av penningtvätt bland revisorer och vilka åtgärder som bör vidtas i framtiden för att förebygga denna problematik. Studiens slutsats framhäver flertalet faktorer som bland annat omfattas av den starka lojaliteten gentemot kunder och riskerna, samt svårigheterna i att anmäla och upptäcka penningtvätt. Åtgärder som diskuterats är bland annat att erbjuda fler utbildningsmöjligheter som omfattar penningtvätt och att öka kommunikationen med olika myndigheter. Studiens slutsats betonar dessutom att åtgärder kan erbjudas i olika utsträckningar och beror bland annat på revisionsbyråns storlek och omfattning. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the low degree of suspicion reporting regarding money laundering among auditors and identify the underlying factors for this, as well as investigate what measures can be taken to increase the auditor's awareness. The study has been based on a qualitative method with semi-structured Interviews. In the studies conclusion, various factors are presented that contribute to the low degree of suspicion-reporting of money laundering among accountants and what measures should be taken in the future to prevent this problem. The studies conclusion highlights a number of factors that include, among other things, the strong loyalty towards customers and the risks, as well as the difficulties in reporting and detecting money laundering. Measures discussed include offering more educational opportunities covering money laundering and increasing communication with various authorities. The study's conclusion also emphasizes that measures can be offered to different extents and depends, among other things, on the audit firm's size and scope.

Bankens interna processer: Att följa Finansinspektionens krav och samtidigt upprätthålla en god kundrelation : En kvalitativ studie om bankernas interna processer för att följa Finansinspektionens krav gällande penningtvätt och samtidigt upprätthålla en god kundrelation.

Stenberg, Ellen, Gunnarsson, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Problemformulering: Hur arbetar bankerna med interna processer för attförhålla sig till Finansinspektionens krav kring penningtvätt och samtidigtupprätthålla en god kundrelation? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur bankerna arbetar medinterna processer för att följa Finansinspektionens krav gällande penningtvättoch samtidigt upprätthålla en god kundrelation, att kunderna kännerförtroende och lojalitet till banken. Detta för att skapa en bredare och djupareförståelse för hur bankerna arbetar med interna processer för att behållarelationen till både Finansinspektionen och till bankens kunder. Trotts dethuvudsakliga motsatsförhållandet mellan Finansinspektionens krav ochbankens affärer med kunderna. Metod: Studien har genomförts via en kvalitativ studie på tre olika bankervarav tre respondenter på varje bank. Studien har totalt genomfört niointervjuer. Uppsatsen har genomförts med en abduktiv forskningsansats föratt klargöra resultatet. Slutsats: Författarna till studien har funnit att bankernas interna processerutifrån Finansinspektionens krav och samtidigt upprätthålla en godkundrelation arbetas fram genom att ha en kommunikation mellanavdelningarna och ut mot kund. Studien har även funnit en ny empiriskobservation utifrån agentteorin, att avdelningarna på banken både kan varaprincipal och agent samt att dem ska kommunicera med varandra för attminska det huvudsakliga motsatsförhållandet. Detta bidrar till att bankernaföljer Finansinspektionens krav och samtidigt upprätthåller en godkundrelation. Banken har vissa interna processer som kan påverkas och vissainterna processer som inte kan påverkas. Det orsakar att det är svårt förbanken att sätta exakta interna processer då penningtvättsregelverket ärföränderligt och banken arbetar med människor / Problem formulation: How do banks work with internal processes to complywith the requirements of the Financial Supervisory Authority regardingmoney laundering and at the same time maintain a good customerrelationship? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how banks create internalprocesses to comply with Finansinspektionen's requirements regardingmoney laundering and at the same time maintain a good customerrelationship, so that customers feel trust and loyalty to the bank. This is tocreate a broader and deeper understanding of how banks work with internalprocesses to maintain the relationship with both Finansinspektionen and thebank's customers. Despite the main contradiction between the requirementsof the Finansinspektionen's requirement and the bank's business with theircustomers. Method: The study was conducted via a qualitative study at three differentbanks with three respondents at each bank. The study has conducted a totalof nine interviews. The paper has been conducted using an abductive researchapproach to clarify the findings. Conclusion: The authors of the study have found that banks' internalprocesses based on the requirements of the Financial Supervisory Authorityand at the same time maintaining a good customer relationship are workedout by having a communication between the departments and out towards the customer. The study has also found a new empirical observation based on theagent theory, that the departments of the bank can be both principal and agentand they should communicate with each other to reduce the principal-agentrelationship. This helps banks to comply with the requirements of theFinancial Supervisory Authority while maintaining a good customerrelationship. The bank has some internal processes that can be influenced andsome internal processes that cannot be influenced. This causes it to bedifficult for the bank to set precise internal processes as the anti-moneylaundering regulatory framework is changing and the bank works withpeople.

Compliance Elliance Journal

DeStefano, Michele, Papathanasiou, Konstantina, Schneider, Hendrik 21 November 2023 (has links)
The issue is based on two main focuses. It records the conference reports from the “4th Liechtenstein Talks on Economic Criminal Law”, which deal in depth with various topics relating to business and compliance. This meeting was organized by the editor Konstantina Papathanasiou and can be seen as setting the pace for the current discourse on white-collar criminal law. But also other articles also found their way into the edition. An overarching focus is the discussion of artificial intelligence in whistleblowing and copyright law. This is how Markus Endres writes about whistleblowing tools such as AI-Supported Data Analysis. Clemens Danda delves deeper into AI and EU copyright law. Another article is dedicated to the topic of anti-money laundering compliance compliance in context with the trade of Art NFTs. This article complements the edition thematically with the area of criminal art law. To sum up, the issue contains a colorful bouquet of many current and future-oriented compliance aspects, takes a close look at them and provides solutions and answers

Editorial: Compliance in Dialogue and Digitalization

DeStefano, Michele, Papathanasiou, Konstantina, Schneider, Hendrik 28 November 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Från regelvverk till realitet: Bankernas kamp mot penningtvätt. : Upplevelser och roller i kampen mot penningtvätt från anställdas perspektiv. / From regulations to reality: The banks' fight against money laundering

Hagmansson, Wilma, Lybert, Filip January 2024 (has links)
As financial crime increases, banks face greater challenges in preventing money laundering.Since it is the employees of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML)-departments who play acrucial role in combating money laundering, this study will examine their attitudes andprofessional role. The study uses a qualitative method, where semi-structured interviewswere used for data collection. To continuously revise and further develop, an inductiveexploratory approach has been used. The study's theoretical framework is based oninstitutional theory, profession theory and theory of legitimacy, which together helped tocreate an analysis of the collected data. The results of the study indicate that the AMLdepartment is not only a recipient of external regulations but also plays an active role in thebank's ethical obligations. It also appears that employees' motivation is not primarily drivenby compliance with laws and regulations. Instead, the motivation lies in contributingpositively to society. The contribution to society strengthens the professional identity ofthe professional role. In their day-to-day work, AML-staff face significant challenges relatedto bank secrecy, which limit the possibilities for information exchange between banks andthus make it difficult to effectively combat money laundering.

Advance fee fraud

Tanfa, Denis Yomi 31 March 2006 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on Advance Fee Fraud (419 scams) on how it is executed and more importantly, on how it can be prevented. The research addresses the origins of AFF, the nature and extent of this crime and how the perpetrators are able to defraud their victims. The research described, examined and analysed the crimes, the perpetrators, the victims, adjudication and the prevention strategies of this fraud. Information was gathered through literature and empirical research. A qualitative research method was used to gather information from AFF offenders who were incarcerated in South African prisons in 2005. The results of the empirical research were carefully examined, analyzed and integrated into the various chapters of this thesis. A theoretical framework was also developed in an attempt to explain this complex phenomenon. The findings and recommendations in terms of the crimes, the criminals, the victims, adjudication and prevention were also made and some suggestions for further research thereof were also cited. / Criminology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Advance fee fraud

Tanfa, Denis Yomi 31 March 2006 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on Advance Fee Fraud (419 scams) on how it is executed and more importantly, on how it can be prevented. The research addresses the origins of AFF, the nature and extent of this crime and how the perpetrators are able to defraud their victims. The research described, examined and analysed the crimes, the perpetrators, the victims, adjudication and the prevention strategies of this fraud. Information was gathered through literature and empirical research. A qualitative research method was used to gather information from AFF offenders who were incarcerated in South African prisons in 2005. The results of the empirical research were carefully examined, analyzed and integrated into the various chapters of this thesis. A theoretical framework was also developed in an attempt to explain this complex phenomenon. The findings and recommendations in terms of the crimes, the criminals, the victims, adjudication and prevention were also made and some suggestions for further research thereof were also cited. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Le rôle de la banque dans la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent : étude comparative entre le droit Libanais et le droit Canadien

Tayrouz, Rita 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An evaluation of money laundering investigation at the Financial and Asset Forfeiture Investigation Unit of the South African Police Service in Pretoria

Baloyi, Rhulani Portia 02 1900 (has links)
This study evaluated money laundering investigation conducted at the Financial and Asset Forfeiture Investigation (FAFI) Unit of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) in Pretoria. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with financial and asset forfeiture investigators attached to the DPCI who are responsible for investigating money laundering. From the results of this study, it became apparent that participants experience a number of challenges in the investigation of money laundering. This study makes recommendations that could empower investigators at the FAFI of the DPCI with enhanced skills and knowledge to effectively investigate cases of money laundering. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice--Forensic Investigation)

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