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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da percepção à performance: um estudo do emprego do aplicativo móvel Duolingo no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de alemão como língua estrangeira em contexto universitário / From the perception to performance: a study of use of mobile application Duolingo in the process of teaching and learning German as a foreign language in a university context

Melo, Telma de Macedo 27 February 2019 (has links)
O presente estudo se propõe a investigar a utilização do aplicativo móvel Duolingo no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de alemão como língua estrangeira em contexto de ensino presencial universitário. A pesquisa objetiva mapear os hábitos de uso de Apps, a satisfação dos usuários após o uso orientado da ferramenta, bem como o desempenho e a persistência dos aprendizes na realização de tarefas ao longo de um semestre. Com esses dados criamos um panorama que busca esclarecer em que medida o App Duolingo é apropriado para uso nas fases iniciais do processo de aprendizagem de alemão no contexto investigado. Para tanto, utilizamos três instrumentos de coleta de dados. No primeiro momento, aplicamos uma sondagem prévia para identificar os hábitos e as crenças dos informantes em relação ao aprendizado por meio de Apps. Em seguida, realizamos uma intervenção didática em uma turma de aprendizes de alemão e, com o auxílio da Plataforma Duolingo para Escolas, montamos um grupo de controle, delegando tarefas para testar a ferramenta. Dessa forma, coletamos dados mediante os relatórios automáticos de atividade, os quais permitiram verificar o desempenho, a persistência e a autonomia dos aprendizes nas atividades realizadas por meio do App. Na última fase de coleta, utilizamos um roteiro de avaliação da usabilidade pedagógica, com o qual verificamos a satisfação e a motivação dos usuários na utilização do App. Por fim, concluímos que o App Duolingo é uma ferramenta que pode ser empregada para complementar o ensino presencial de alemão, auxiliando no processo de aquisição de vocabulário. A pesquisa contribui para esclarecer as questões que se colocam acerca da utilização dos aplicativos móveis no ensino de língua estrangeira, dado que apresenta instrumentos para o desenvolvimento de avaliações da usabilidade pedagógica dos Apps destinados à aprendizagem, aponta para a importância dos Apps como ferramentas de apoio ao processo de aprendizagem de alemão, coloca à mostra a adesão massiva dos aprendizes ao uso de Apps, além de assinalar algumas relações entre as crenças, a motivação e a autonomia e os recursos digitais dos Apps. / This study aims to investigate the use of mobile application Duolingo in the process of teaching and learning German as a foreign language (FL) in the context of classroom learning at university. At first, the use of a learning App was mapped, as well as learners satisfaction after guided use of the App, their performance and persistence while doing the App tasks along one semester. With such data, an overview was established in order to verify to what extent the Duolingo App is appropriate for German basic level learning. Therefore, the data were collected in three steps. Firstly, a probe was applied to identify users habits and beliefs in learning a FL with mobile Apps. After that, a didactic intervention was made in one German class, and by using Duolingo App for Schools a control group was established to test the App tools. Thus, data were collected through automatic activities reports, which allow for the analysis of learners performance, persistence and autonomy while using the App. Lastly, an evaluation script was applied in order to check the pedagogical usability, which evidenced learners satisfaction and motivation while using the App. It was concluded that Duolingo App is a possible tool to complement the activities in a German classroom, as it helps the vocabulary learning process. This research contributes to elucidating the questions about the usability of mobile Apps such as Duolingo in FL learning, for it presents tools for developing pedagogical usability evaluation. What is more, this research shows the importance of mobile Apps in the German learning process, evidences learners massive interest in using Apps, and points out some relationships between the Apps digital resources and learners beliefs, motivations, and autonomy.

Mainstream ethical consumption : The motivations and level of morality of everyday consumers

Näslund, Oskar, Öhrnstedt Björnbom, Nicklas January 2019 (has links)
Growing issues such as climate crises, social injustice and neglection of basic human rights have created a new type of consumption, namely ethical consumption. Ethical consumption was initially mainly concerned for environmental issues but has in later years starting to include a variety of pressing issues. Ethical consumption was also initially mainly connected to groups of extremists, but with the increasing availability of ethical products in mainstream outlets, ethical consumption has shifted to be a mainstream consumer game. Mainstream ethical consumption has largely been neglected in previous research where the field is lacking knowledge in form of qualitative behavioral data. Departing from the gap, this study will mainly focus on exploring the motives for ethical consumption in the mainstream consumer segment. We will examine several driving forces in form of altruistic-based motives, egoistic-based motives, and non-value-based motives. However, in order to give this an additional dimension we also want to examine the level of morality of ethical consumption by using five ethical theories. This approach has been overlooked in previous ethical consumption research and it will question the basic assumption that ethical consumption is the morally correct thing to do. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the motivational factors for ethical consumption and through the lens of ethical theories examine the level of morality of this behavior. In order to fulfill this purpose we have conducted a qualitative study within the context of organic groceries in the Swedish market. Organic groceries is a branch of ethical consumption that few studies has examined before, and that applies especially to the Swedish market. 14 mainstream consumers have been interviewed were all of these were frequent buyers of organic groceries. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured fashion which was then analyzed by the use of thematic analysis. Furthermore, the study was guided by an exploratory inductive approach where subjectivity played a significant part. The results show that ethical consumption is driven by altruistic-based motives in form of social justice, where consumer want their consumption to benefit other. However, it is far from the only motive because ethical consumers are equally driven by egoistic motives. The result show that consumers are driven strongly by the sense of self- satisfaction created by the force of social norms, health and wellbeing, and product quality. This duality of motives creates a paradoxical tension in form of a win-win situation where the consumers strive for both the benefit of self as well as the benefit of others. Furthermore, ethical consumption is driven by habitual behavior where the consumers rely much on mental shortcuts in their purchases. Consumers are also not well- informed about ethical products and labels and therefore rely heavily on mythical benefits. In addition, when examining the level of morality of ethical consumption we can conclude that it is on level between mediocre to high. From a consequentialist and a non- consequentialist perspective the level of morality is fairly high, but from a character-based perspective the morality stumbles.

Attitudes, habits, norms and policies regarding co-authorship among forest scientists in Brazil

Senna da Costa, Mariano 06 July 2018 (has links)
Um Kernfragen zur Mehrautorenschaft in einer bestimmten Zielgruppe zu klären, konzentriert sich diese Arbeit auf Aspekte von technologischer Kompetenz, menschlicher Interaktion und institutioneller Leitlinien. Zuerst werden interdisziplinäre Argumente in Bezug zu Mehrautorenschaft aus den Sozialwissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik und Geisteswissenschaften präsentiert. Die Literaturübersicht enthält Statistiken zu Informationsnutzung, Beschreibung von Strategien des Wissensmanagements, Erforschung von Verhaltensmustern und Trends in der Kommunikationstechnologie, sowie Diskussionen einiger historischer, politischer und inhaltlicher Aspekte, welche die Anwendung des Internet als kollaboratives Werkzeug im akademischen Kontext beeinflussen können. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich auch mit einigen Kontroversen zur Konzeption von Wissenschaft und wissenschaftlicher Praktiken, welche indirekt mit der Problematik von wissenschaftlicher Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit, sowie Wissensproduktion in Zusammenhang stehen, insofern sie die Produktion Texten mit mehreren Autoren betreffen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit befasst sich mir dem zur Zeit vorherrschenden System zur Evaluation akademischer Publikationen (Bibliometrie oder Scientometrie; QUALIS und SCIELO Systeme). Das vorhandene System für die Evaluation von Autoren ist in der Regel unfair /voreingenommen. Das liegt daran, das Statistiken leicht manipuliert werden können um einer bürokratischen und unternehmerischen Agenda zu folgen oder individuelle Interessen darzustellen, anstatt die wirklichen Verdienste eines Autors widerzuspiegeln. Die Untersuchung wurde anhand von semi-strukturierten Interviews durchgeführt, in Kombination mit einer quantitativen Erhebung, welche drei miteinander verbundene Aspekte (technologische, institutionelle und kulturelle), die bei der in Mehrautorenschaft eine Rolle spielen, innerhalb des Graduiertenprogramms in 'Forest Engineering' an der Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brasilien) hervorheben sollte. / In order to verify core issues for co-authorship in a specific audience, the current work focus on technological literacy, human interaction, and institutional policy. It first presents an interdisciplinary collection of arguments from social sciences, natural sciences, computer sciences, and humanities about scientific collaboration, especially regarding co-authorship activities. This literature review includes statistics on information usage, description of knowledge management strategies, exploration of behavioral patterns, communication technology trends, and discussions of some historical, political and contextual elements that may be influencing the application of the Internet as a collaborative tool within academic contexts. It also draws back few controversies about the concept of science and its practices, which are indirectly related to the problematic of scholarly communication, scientific collaboration, and knowledge production. The investigation targets these activities in what they concern the production of co-authored texts. A special focus of this work targets the current mainstream system of academic publishing ranking and evaluation (Bibliometrics or Scientometrics; QUALIS and SCIELO systems). The existing measurement system for the ranking of authors is generally an unfair/biased system, as statistics can easily be manipulated by a bureaucratic and corporate agenda, or by individual interests, rather than representing the real merit of an author. The inquiry applies a semi-structured in-depth interview combined with a quantitative survey intending to reveal three interrelated aspects (Technological, Institutional, and Cultural) involved in co-authorship activities within the Graduate Program in Forest Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná/Brazil.

Roots of History, Seeds of Change: Women Organic Farmers & Environmental Health in Jamaica

Harris, Laila Zahra 11 September 2012 (has links)
This research seeks to address the gap in the literature on women, health, and environments by exploring the factors that motivate Jamaican women farmers to practice organic agriculture and how these might relate to their understandings of environment and health. The experiences and decisions of women farmers are also positioned within wider historical contexts of colonialism and agricultural change. Integrating a variety of theoretical frameworks, including public issues anthropology, ethnoecology, rural sociology, and feminist political ecology, my own scholarly analysis is merged with the perspectives of the women farmers interviewed in this qualitative study. This research found that women organic farmers in Jamaica were motivated by various factors related to environment and health and impacted by the island’s legacy of slavery and industrialization. The findings of this thesis can be used to encourage the practice of organic agriculture and to improve human health and environmental wellbeing in Jamaica and beyond. / Richard and Sophia Hungerford Travel Scholarship, Yeandle Family Graduate Scholarship, Richard and Sophia Hungerford Graduate Scholarship, Registrar’s Research Grant for Graduate Students, Registrar’s Research Travel Grant

大學生修習商用英語聽力訓練之學習需求及聽力策略探討—以國立政治大學商學院為例 / Needs Analysis and Listening Strategies Training of English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes in Colleges -- A Case Study in College of Commerce, NCCU

陳佳琦, Chen, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文目的在於調查大學生修習「商用英語聽力訓練」之動機及需求,並對教師的教學活動及學習者之策略習得進行深入探討。該課程係以專業英語(English for Specific Purposes)之理論為依據,設計為應用於商業場合之課程。本研究以國立政治大學商學院學生為受試者進行個案研究,藉以探討「商用英語聽力訓練」課程現況及可供改進之方向。 受試者修習「商用英語聽力訓練」之動機與需求係由期初、期末兩次問卷填答得知,並經由英語程度不同之學習者反映出其不同之學習需求,可提供授課教師作為規畫課程及選擇教材時之參考重點,藉以提高學習者之學習興趣,達到有效學習的目標。 本論文的另一重點在於「商用英語聽力訓練」中聽力策略之訓練與習得,聽力策略的分類乃依Oxford(1990)提出之理論為根據,探討有助於該課程之聽力策略及技巧為何。本研究藉由二十八小時之課堂觀察,進而分析授課教師如何進行策略訓練;另外,經由問卷、測驗兩方法測知受試者對於該課程中策略訓練的反應及策略習得之實際情況。由此結果歸納出可提高學生學習效果的聽力策略。 由以上的研究結果,本論文針對於學習需求及策略訓練方法歸納出改進「商用英語聽力訓練」課程之具體建議,以期日後對相關課程之學習者及授課教師都能有所助益。 / This thesis aims to explore the current situation of an “English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes” in college and to provide suggestions for further improvement. This study focuses on two aspects:one is the motivations and needs analysis of the students who take this course; the other is the training and acquiring of listening strategies in this course. This course is based on the theory of “English for Specific Purposes” and is designed for Business majors. All the subjects of this research are sophomores and seniors of the College of Commerce at NCCU. The subjects’motivations and needs are investigated through a questionnaire survey at the beginning and the end of the semester. This research reveals the different motivations and needs for efficient and less-efficient learners. The results may provide some helpful perspectives to assist teachers in selecting effective teaching materials and designing appropriate courses. The other emphasis of this study is on the training and acquiring of listening strategies in this course. The definitions and categories of listening strategies are based on Oxford’s theory (1990). The author sits in on the classes for 28 hours to observe and record the actual teaching and learning situations. In addition, both questionnaires and tests (pre-test & post-test) are utilized to examine the actual strategies the subjects employ. With reference to the results of the observation, questionnaires and tests, the author presents the most effective listening strategies of this course. Based on the conclusions of this thesis, some possible applications are proposed for an “English Lab Course for Occupational Purposes”. The author hopes these suggestions can enhance the development of relevant courses in the future.

Choisir le « bon moment » pour partir à la retraite : analyse des décisions de fin de carrière des générations 1945-1950 / Choosing the ‘right moment’ to retire : an analysis of end of career decisions for the 1945-1950 birth cohort

Aouici, Sabrina 07 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’expliquer le faible taux d’emploi enregistré en France après 55 ans par les risques de fragilité économique, professionnelle, sociale et familiale que révèle le passage à la retraite. Elle repose sur le postulat de la liberté de choix dans la décision de retraite.En 2005, une étude quantitative sur les intentions de départ à la retraite a été menée auprès de 1004 individus en emploi, âgés de 54 à 59 ans. Les trajectoires personnelles comportant leur part d’incertitude et de changements, 31 entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès de membres de l’échantillon initial, cinq ans plus tard, afin de permettre un suivi longitudinal. L’articulation des représentations de la retraite, du parcours professionnel et de la trajectoire familiale vise à cerner les écarts entre les projets et les choix adoptés et à déterminer les facteurs-clés impliqués dans la décision.Cette thèse souligne tout d’abord que la majorité des projets initiaux ne sont pas concrétisés. Le déterminisme du contexte professionnel sur la décision de retraite explique en partie ces réajustements : dégradation des conditions de travail, déclassement en fin de carrière, stigmatisation sont autant d’arguments susceptibles d’inciter les individus à partir à la retraite plus tôt que prévu. Mais les itinéraires familiaux pèsent également sur ces choix : « pivots générationnels » entre des parents âgés et des descendants à soutenir, les jeunes retraités doivent faire face à des charges familiales qui influent sur leur décision. Enfin, cette recherche met en évidence la manière dont les jeunes retraités issus du baby-boom, très attachés à leur liberté individuelle tout au long de leur parcours, défendent la préservation d’espaces personnels (individualisation des pratiques), adoptant ainsi des modèles familiaux et une manière de vivre la retraite inédits. / This thesis seeks to explain the low employment rate in France for people aged 55 years and above in terms of the increasing risk of economic, professional, social and family fragility observed in the transition to retirement. The research is based on the postulate of “free choice” in retirement decisions.In 2005, a quantitative study on the intentions of retirement was conducted among 1,004 employed individuals aged 54-59 years. As personal life courses are marked by change and uncertainties, a longitudinal analysis comprising 31 semi-structured interviews was conducted five years later with participants of the initial sample. The combined study of representations of retirement, end of career and family context allows differences to be identified between plans and the final adopted choices, and the key factors involved in the final decision to be determined.First of all, this thesis demonstrates that most of the initial plans are not realised. The determinism of the professional context on the retirement decision partly explains the observed adjustments: a degradation of working conditions, the assignation of under-qualified tasks at the end of a career, and stigmatisation are all factors that encourage people to retire earlier than expected. But the family environment also influences choices: as "generational pivots" between elderly parents and children to support, young retired people have to face family responsibilities that affect their decisions. Finally, this research highlights how young retirees from the baby boom, for whom individual freedom played a central role in their past life course, adopt new family models and a new way of living (the preservation of “individual spaces” and individualised behaviours) during retirement.

Humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect: questions of abuse and proportionality

Osei-Abankwah, Charles 28 April 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to discuss the concepts of humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect (R2P), and; to investigate how best to apply the concepts in the face of humanitarian crises, in order to address concerns about their implementation. The failure of the Security Council to react to grave human rights abuses committed in the humanitarian crises of the 1990s, including Iraq (1991), Somalia (1992), Rwanda (1994), Bosnia (1993-1995) Haiti (1994-1997), and Kosovo (1999),triggered international debatesabout: how the international community should react when the fundamental human rights of populations are grossly and systematically violated within the boundaries of sovereign states, and; the need for a reappraisal of armed humanitarian intervention. Central to the debate was whether the international community should continue to adhere unconditionally to the principle of non-intervention enshrined in Article 2(7) of the UN Charter, or take a different course in the interest of human rights. The debate culminated in the establishment of the Canadian International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) in 2000, with the mandate to find a balance between respect for sovereignty and intervention, for purposes of protecting human rights. Much of the scholarly literature on military intervention for human protection purposes deals with the legality and legitimacy of the military dimension of the concepts. The significance of the thesis is that: it focusesthe investigation on the potential abuse of the use of force for human protection purposes, when moral arguments are used to justify an intervention that is primarily motivated by the interests of the intervener, and; the propensity to use disproportionate force in the attainment of the stated objective of human protection, by powerful intervening states. The central argument of the thesis is that there are double standards, selectivity, abuses, andindiscriminate and disproportionate use of force in the implementation of R2P by powerful countries, and; that, whether a military intervention is unilateral, or sanctioned by the UN Security Council, there is the potential for abuse, and in addition, disproportionate force may be used.The thesis makes recommendations to address these concerns, in order to ensure the survival of the concept. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL.D.

Evaluating the impact of philanthropic activities in public high schools in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe : an educational management perspective

Madziyire, Godfrey Tapfumaneyi 03 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of philanthropic interventions in public high schools in Mutasa district of Zimbabwe. Three research questions guided the study. The investigation focused on finding out the types of philanthropic interventions in the public high school and to evaluate their impact on the schools and students involved from an educational management perspective. The investigation was a mixed methods research using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data was collected by questionnaire, interview and documentary sources. Principals of twenty nine high schools responded to a questionnaire. Interview data was gathered from two representatives of non-governmental organisations. One NGO also provided documents for more data. Two individual philanthropists from the district were also interviewed. The results of the study indicate that philanthropic interventions have made significant improvements to the physical infrastructure of some schools. During the 2014 study there were about 700 students from poor backgrounds on various school fees assistance programmes. School enrolment and completion rates have increased. School drop-outs have decreased. Over 6 500 former beneficiaries of fees from one donor organisation have formed an alumni association to assist other children in disadvantaged circumstances. It is strongly recommended that schools in the district and elsewhere use online social network platforms to organise alumni associations from a wider catchment area beyond national borders. Alumni associations are a potentially rich source of philanthropic revenue hardly tapped in the district. Schools should create their own websites to be exposed to a global audience of donors for possible funding of their projects. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Anxiety and lack of motivation as factors affecting success rates in bridging mathematics

Sofowora, Samson Oluwaseun 11 1900 (has links)
The aversion to the study of mathematics and the resultant poor performance by students generally cannot be overemphasized and this still poses a great threat to the needed skills in the science, technology and commerce sector in South Africa. This study therefore tends to explore the importance of Mathematics to students and the economy globally by focusing on which contributive psychological factors are responsible for low performance in mathematics among Pre degree students as a case study. In addition also, the teaching and learning strategies used in the classroom that will help curb mathematics anxiety among students will be looked into. Furthermore a test to ascertain if poor teaching methods or pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics’ teachers influence anxiety thereby leading to poor performance in mathematics will be carried out. By utilizing a mixed method approach, an integration of the qualitative and quantitative approaches, the study attempted to provide an insight into the poor performances in Mathematics by Pre-degree students in a Private Institution of higher learning by exploring the following affective domains: 1) Anxiety 2) Motivation (lack of either the Internal & External type) and also considering the teaching strategies adopted on the other hand. The theoretical framework applied to this study was three fold in nature, namely, to investigate the nature of the relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement on one side, secondly, to investigate the nature of the relationship between motivational orientation and mathematics achievement on the other side. Finally, it will investigate the relationship between teaching methods and mathematics achievement. The major findings that emanated from this study were as follows: there is a strong impact of the affective factors (anxiety, beliefs, emotions and motivation) on mathematics learning and success rates among Pre-degree students in South Africa. This study shows the importance of affective factors (such as anxiety, negative attitude, lack of motivation) in determining the success and or failure of mathematics learning, with the intention of promoting and encouraging positive traits, attitudes and beliefs in the students. The issue of teaching strategies was however not of a strong impact on success rates in bridging mathematics among the students as their lecturers were commended to be on top of their subject, but only that strategies to teaching mathematics must be dynamic, effective and varied as much as possible to meeting the students diverse learning styles . / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

夜市利害關係人與消費者之科技使用行為分析與動機研究 / Analysis of technology use behaviors and their motivations for night market stakeholders and consumers

黃駿傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對象為夜市利害關係人與消費者,欲探討夜市科技導入之使用者需求,以找出夜市科技需求為目的。本研究的研究方法,第一階段透過學理基礎分析為基礎,將夜市各領域文獻與產業現況進行整合,且實地走訪夜市,進行環境掃描,並透過質化的深度訪談,探討夜市利害關係人的需求,嘗試以不同使用者角度與參與治理觀點角度切入,找出目前產業現象所知的使用者需求之外,再找出其他潛在的使用者需求。 第二階段以質化深度訪談結果建立量化的網路問卷,以統計數據分析消費者心理,在相關分析中顯示影響夜市的科技應用與使用科技的知覺價值互為顯著正相關;而在多元迴歸分析中顯示影響夜市的科技應用對影響夜市消費者使用科技的行為態度、使用科技的知覺價值對影響夜市消費者使用科技的行為態度、夜市消費者使用科技的行為態度對夜市消費者使用科技的意願等三個路徑結果中皆有變數為顯著正相關,透過分析結果驗證消費者對於科技使用需求的心理特質,以提供符合夜市供需雙方之使用者需求設計。 第三階段彙整出夜市科技使用者動機與需求結果,提出對夜市具參考性的科技使用需求機制與功能規劃,並進行數位內容應用建置與規劃,設計夜市APP數位內容,呈現系統架構、流程規劃與介面建置,改善夜市遭遇之問題,供未來其他研究者參考或應用於數位內容應用開發與實務上。 總結,本研究成果為:(1)彙整出夜市產業對於數位科技應用的需求與想像。(2)依據使用者需求規劃出夜市科技的系統架構與流程,並設計出夜市數位內容應用介面。(3)最終,解決夜市產業面臨的困境,增加整體對於夜市發展的參與度,提昇夜市競爭能力,供未來研究者與開發設計者能參考。 / The subjects of this study are night market stakeholders and consumers; the study aims to explore user demand for the introduction of technology to night markets, and to determine the demand for night market technology. The research methods employed by this study are as follows: the first part of this study is based upon theoretical foundation analysis, and combines literature related to a variety of fields related to night markets with the current state of the industry. Furthermore, on-site interviews were conducted at night markets, and surveys of the night market environment were conducted; in addition, qualitative in-depth interviews were used to determine the demands of night-market stakeholders. These methods also attempt to determine known user demands according to current industry conditions, in addition to determining other potential user demands from different user and administrative perspectives. In the second part, the results of in-depth qualitative interviews are used to establish a quantitative online questionnaire; statistical data analysis of consumer psychology and correlation analysis reveal that there is a significant and positive correlation between night-market-influencing technology applications and the perceived value of technology use; furthermore, multivariate regression analysis shows the following: according to three pathway results, variables with positive and significant correlations exist for the effect of night-market-influencing technology applications on the behavioral attitudes of night market consumers to using technology, the effect of the perceived value of technology use on behavioral attitudes that influence technology use by night market consumers, and the effect of behavioral attitudes of night market consumers towards technology use on the willingness of night market consumers to use technology. An analysis of these results was used to verify the psychological characteristics of demand for consumer technology use, and to provide a user demand design that is compatible with supply and demand conditions of night markets. The third section of this paper summarizes results related to the motivations and demands of night market technology users, and proposes technology user demand mechanisms and functional plans with referential value for night markets. Furthermore, this section describes the establishment and planning of a digital content application, design of digital content for the night market app, the system framework, and conduction of process planning and interface set-up. In addition, it addresses how the issues encountered by night markets can be resolved, and provides reference for future researchers, which can be applied to digital content application development and practice. The results of this study are as follows: it summarizes the demands and vision of the night market industry with regard to digital technology applications. According to the demands of users, it plans a system framework and process for night market technology, and designs a digital content application interface for night markets. Finally, it resolves difficulties encountered by the night market industry, and improves the overall level of participation in night market development, in addition to improving the competitiveness of night markets. Furthermore, it provides a reference for future researchers.

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