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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Micro-injection moulded microneedles for drug delivery

Nair, Karthik Jayan January 2014 (has links)
The emergence of microneedle (MN) technologies offers a route for a pain free, straightforward and efficient way of transdermal drug delivery, but technological barriers still exist which pose significant challenges for manufacture of MN systems with high volume outputs at low cost. The main aim of this research was to develop new ways for MN manufacture primarily using micro-injection moulding processes with high performance engineering thermoplastics. During the moulding process these polymeric melts will be subjected to extreme stress and temperature gradients and detailed material characterisation combined with in-line monitoring is desirable to optimise the moulding parameters and will help in achieving sharp microneedles with acceptable quality. Hence high shear rheology of these selected materials was performed at wall shear rates carried out in excess of 107 s-1 over a range of temperatures to predict the flow behaviour of polymer melts at such high shear strain rates. This information was fed into injection moulding simulation software tools (Moldflow) to assist the MN production process design. The optimal design was then used to produce a full 3D solid model of the injection mould and mould insert. Furthermore various design of experiments were conducted considering input parameters such as injection pressure, injection speed, melt temperature, filling time and mould cavity temperature. Response variables including product quality and data acquired from the cavity pressure and temperature transducers were used to optimise the manufacturing process. The moulded MNs were geometrically assessed using a range of characterisation techniques such as atomic force microscopy, confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. An attempt to make hollow MNs was performed and encountered many challenges like partial cavity filling and part ejection during processing. Studies were carried out to understand the problem and identified the major problem was in tool design and improvements to the moulding tool design were recommended. Plasma treatment and mechanical abrasion were employed to increase the surface energy of the moulded polymer surfaces with the aim of enhancing protein adsorption. Sample surface structures before and after treatment were studied using AFM and surface energies have been obtained using contact angle measurement and calculated using Owens-Wendt theory. Adsorption performance of bovine serum albumin and release kinetics for each sample set was assessed using a Franz diffusion cell. Results indicate that plasma treatment significantly increases the surface energy and roughness resulting in better adsorption and release of BSA. To assist design-optimisation and to assess performance, a greater understanding of MN penetration behaviour is required. Contact stiffness, failure strength and creep behaviour were measured during compression tests of MN against a steel surface, and in-vitro penetration of MNs into porcine skin. The MN penetration process into porcine skin was imaged using optical coherence tomography. Finally, a finite element model of skin was established to understand the effect of tip geometry on penetration. The output of findings from this research will provide proof of concept level development and understanding of mechanisms of MN penetration and failure, facilitating design improvements for micro-injection moulded polymeric MNs.

Environmentally acceptable friction composites

Newby, William Robert January 2014 (has links)
Currently, the production of most non-asbestos organic (NAO) friction materials depends on a long and energy intensive manufacturing process and an unsustainable supply of synthetic resins and fibres; it is both expensive and bad for the environment. In this research, a new, more energy efficient, manufacturing process was developed which makes use of a naturally derived resin and natural plant fibres. The new process is known as 'cold moulding' and is fundamentally different from the conventional method. It was used to develop a new brake pad for use in low temperature (<400 °C) applications, such as rapid urban rail transit (RURT) trains. A commercially available resin based upon cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) was analysed and found to have properties suitable for cold moulding. In addition, hemp fibre was identified as a suitable composite reinforcement. This was processed to improve its morphology and blended with aramid to improve its thermal stability. Each stage of cold mould manufacture was thoroughly investigated and the critical process parameters were identified. The entire procedure was successfully scaled up to produce an industrially sized 250 kg batch of material and the resultant composites were found to have appropriate thermal and mechanical properties for use in a rail brake pad. The tribological performance of these composites was iteratively developed through a rigorous testing and evaluation procedure. This was performed on both sub- and full-scale dynamometers. By adding various abrasives, lubricants, and fillers to the formulation it was possible to produce a brake pad with similar friction characteristics to the current market material, but with a 60% lower wear rate. In addition, this brake pad caused 15% less wear to the brake disc. A detailed examination of both halves of the friction couple found that cold moulded composites exhibit a different wear mechanism from the current market material, which was suggested to be the reason for their superior properties. Cold moulding is 3.5x faster and uses 400% less energy than the conventional method.

Analýza zmetkovitosti ve výrobním procesu / Scrap Analysis in Manufacturing Process

Buriánková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the reduction of rejection rate in production of plastic bowls with the use of statistic methods. The theoretical part of this thesis describes among others Statistical Process Control, Process capability and types regulatory diagrams. The basis for the practical part is data collection over a certain period of production, from which the percentage of the rejection rate is evaluated. Experiments and corrective actions are designed to improve the process and thereby reduce scrap.

Výroba částí prototypových forem s využitím metod rapid prototyping / Production of prototype mold parts using rapid prototyping methods

Kaloda, Vít January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis pointed out the possibility of using rapid prototyping methods in the field of plastic injection, specifically to make shaped inserts into the injection mold. The universal frame of the injection mold was used and only the shaped inserts were changed. The main part of the work was the construction of an injection mold with the subsequent practical production of shaped inserts for a specified part. In the introductory part, a theoretical search was performed, about which production methods in combination with suitable materials could be theoretically used. Furthermore, the polyjet and DLP methods were chosen, which were used to produce components (core and cavity). The result of the diploma thesis was a summary of all parameters, comparison of materials and production methods. Polypropylene and polyamide 6 materials were injected into the injection mold, from which the first prototype products were made. Instructions for the production of shaped inserts with the recommended technology and material were created for the selected type, which could be used in practice.

Návrh křidélka z kompozitních materiálů / Design of Aileron of Composite Materials

Dvořák, Vlastimil January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis called „Aileron Design of Composite Materials” deals with the technologies of production used in aricraft industries. It shows appropriate conceptions of composite structures for the airplane aileron of Aero L-159A/B as well as a proposal of an accetable structure for RTM process.

Návrh technologie výroby tělesa světlometu motocyklu / Design of manufacturing technology for motorcycle headlamp body

Nosek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is a proposal technology of the main body of motorcycle polymer material from Bayer's APEC - high temperature polycarbonate 1703. Literary study summarizes findings from a thermoplastic injection molding technology and the possibilities of structural design of injection molds, plastic plating technology from a focus on the most important technology in the field of lighting technology vehicles. Given the anticipated production run of 50 thousand. pieces are assessed a total of 2 variants of the molding parts. The practical part was modeled and specified product designed mold. Construction was done by using SolidWorks 2007 software and normalities FCPK Bytów and HASCO. For the selected option is implemented technological calculations. For the proposed technology was chosen Allrounder injection molding machine 570 A the manufacturer Arburg designed and suitable technological process of production.

Konstrukční návrh 3-osého manipulátoru / Design of 3 axis manipulator

Štol, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of 3 axis manipulator which manipulate wit ball bearing and moulding of pulley. Moulding of pulley is product of injection press. Part of this work is also technical-economics valuation of manipulating possibilities with ball bearing and pulley and is determinate the most useful option. Next is work out a conception of conveyor for ball bearings and pulleys.

Simultaneous Moulding and Shape Fixation of Wood Veneer by Specific Material Modification

Herold, Nadine 12 March 2015 (has links)
Wood is a natural and renewable resource and, moreover, a most decorative and beautiful material. Most valuable logs are used for veneer production for optimum exploitation and utilization. Attractive wood veneers adorn any surface and is primarily used for furniture, yacht and automotive interior works. However, such application of wood veneer is limited to rather simply shaped carrier components due to the veneer’s mechanical restrictions. Previously, several approaches have been discussed to flexibilize wood allowing a greater deformation, but none approach has been entirely satisfactory. On that score, another veneer modification process has been suggested comprising a furfuryl alcohol impregnation to plasticize the wood veneer realizing enhanced veneer flexibility and mouldability (Pfriem and Buchelt 2011b). In the presence of a suitable initiator and promoted by elevated temperatures, furfuryl alcohol forms a very hard, insoluble polymer inside the wood cell walls. If polymerization is initiated as the impregnated veneer is moulded, the polymer is assumed to fix the gained shape. This thesis summarizes experimental work investigating the effect of furfuryl alcohol modification on maple veneer plasticization, shape fixation, and shape stability and the impact of various process parameters on material characteristics. Veneer samples impregnated with furfuryl alcohol exhibited an increased cell wall swelling, were notably softer than dry reference veneer, and showed an enhanced mouldability comparable to water impregnated veneer samples. Each characteristic is indicative for an increased plasticization. DSC studies were carried out to assess the influence of various initiator contents and ethanol dilutions of the impregnation liquid on the curing reactions and the retained polymer yield. Thereby, high initiator contents promoted a more rapid curing at lower temperatures with higher polymer yields, whereas higher dilution shifted the curing towards higher temperatures and possibly retard the curing resulting in lower polymer yields. The furfuryl alcohol polymer retaining inside the cell walls was proved to fix the achieved shape of veneer providing moreover enhanced shape stability at elevated temperatures and increasing moisture compared to unmodified reference veneer samples. According to these findings, furfuryl alcohol modification can be used for wood veneer plasticization and improved mouldability, shape fixation, and stabilization. However, material properties vary notably with changing process parameters. / Holz ist nicht nur eine natürlicher und nachwachsender Rohstoff, sondern vielmehr auch ein sehr dekoratives und schönes Material. Die wertvollsten Baumstämme werden daher häufig zur Furnierproduktion genutzt, um diese raren Stämme bestmöglich auszunutzen und zu verwerten. Besonders schöne Furniere schmücken jegliche Oberfläche und werden vorallem in der Möbelindustrie, sowie beim Yacht- und Autoinnenausbau verwendet. Jedoch ist die Anwendung aufgrund mechanischer Restriktionen auf eher einfach geformte Oberflächen und Trägerteile begrenzt. In der Vergangenheit wurden unterschiedliche Methoden entwickelt, um den Einsatzbereich von Furnieren durch eine erhöhte Flexibilität und Verformbarkeit auszuweiten, jedoch ist keiner dieser Prozesse in allen Aspekten zufriedenstellend. Aus diesem Grund wurde von Pfriem und Buchelt (2011b) eine neue Methode vorgeschlagen. Hierbei sollen Furniere mit Furfurylalkohol imprägniert werden, um einerseits die Furniere zu plastifizieren und eine erhöhte Flexibilität und Umformbarkeit zu ermöglichen. Andererseits härtet Furfurylalkohol in Gegenwart eines geeigneten Initiators und durch erhöhte Temperaturen begünstigt aus und bildet in den Zellwänden ein hartes, weitestgehend unlösliches Polymer aus. Hierbei wird angestrebt, die Polymerisation zu initiieren, wenn das imprägnierte Furnier bereits umgeformt ist, so dass das entstehende Polymer das Furnier im umgeformten Zustand fixiert. Die vorliegende Dissertation fasst die erzielten Ergebnisse von Experimenten zusammen, die durchgeführt wurden, um die plastifizierende Wirkung von Furfurylalkohol auf Ahornfurniere sowie die formfixierende und stabilisierende Eigenschaft des ausgehärteten Polymers zu untersuchen und den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Prozessparameter auf erzielte Materialeigenschaften zu bestimmen. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass durch die Imprägnierung mit Furfurylalkohol ein Quellen der Zellwände verursacht wird und dass die getränkten Proben deutlich weicher sind als die Referenzproben und eine erhöhte Umformung aufwiesen. Diese erzielten Änderungen weisen auf eine deutliche Plastifizierung der Holzsubstanz hin. DSC-Analysen von Furnieren, die mit unterschiedlich zusammengesetzten Imprägnierflüssigkeiten auf Basis von Furfurylalkohol imprägniert wurden, belegen den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Initiatoranteile und Verdünnungen mit Ethanol auf die Polymerisation. Während höhere Anteile an Initiator eine rasche Reaktion bei niedrigeren Temperaturen und einen hohen Beladungsgrad hervorrufen, bewirken starke Verdünnungen des Furfurylalkohols mit Ethanol eine Verzögerung der Polymerisation und eine Verschiebung dieser zu höheren Temperaturen bei gleichzeitigen vergleichsweise geringen Beladungsgraden. Mit weiteren Versuchen konnte bestätigt werden, dass das Polymer des Furfurylalkohols in den Zellwänden die erzielte Umformung der Furniere fixiert und auch bei höheren Temperaturen und Luftfeuchten eine erhöhte Formstabilität bewirkt. Die Versuche haben gezeigt, dass Furfurylalkohol zur Plastifizierung und verbesserten Umformbarkeit von Furnieren sowie zu deren Formfixierung und Formstabilisierung genutzt werden kann, allerdings variieren die Materialeigenschaften mit unterschiedlichen Prozessparametern insbesondere mit unterschiedlichen Initiatoranteilen in der Imprägnierflüssigkeit.

On the Compensation of Dynamic Reaction Forces in Stationary Machinery

Radermacher, Tobias, Lübbert, Jan, Weber, Jürgen January 2016 (has links)
This paper studies a method for active electrohydraulic force compensation in industrial scale high power applications. A valve controlled cylinder moves a mass using the force of inertia to compensate for the reaction forces of an industrial process. Two strategies for force compensation are developed and investigated in a 160 ton clamping unit of an injection moulding machine to significantly reduce the excitation. Results of the different strategies are shown and evaluated. Advantages and drawbacks of the developed electrohydraulic force compensation are discussed.

Prozessintegrierter Transfer von Nanopartikeln auf Polycarbonatoberflächen beim Spritzgießen

Kroschwald, Felix 01 December 2015 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die Nanopartikel mittels verschiedener Beschichtungsverfahren auf eine Zwischenoberfläche (Substrat) appliziert. Diese wird anschließend in die Kavität einer Spritzgießmaschine eingelegt, wobei es während des Spritzgießprozesses zur Übertragung der Nanopartikel auf das PC-Formteil kommt. Als Modellsystem werden dafür Goldnanopartikel (AuNP) verwendet, da diese charakteristische optische, chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Im weiteren Verlauf wurde die Übertragung von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (CNT) und Siliziumdioxidnanopartikeln (SiO2-NP) untersucht. Die Oberflächen der SiO2-NP wurden außerdem mithilfe funktioneller Alkoxysilane modifiziert, um den Einfluss der Nanopartikeloberfläche auf die Übertragung zu untersuchen.

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