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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systematika a charakteristika věcných práv - komparace Česká republika, Francie / Classification and characterization of real rights - comparison Czech republic, France

Milotová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare legal regulations of real rights in Czech and French legal order. With respect to current situation, when starting the 1th january of 2014, the new civil code becomes effective, this thesis deals as well with the novelties in real rights' regulation established by the law nř89/2013 of Collection of Laws, civil code. This thesis consists of seven chapters. In the first chapter, I mention the aim of the thesis, its brief content and elaboration process. In the second to sixth chapter, the thesis deals in concrete with the real rights and its institutes. In each of these chapters, the Czech legal regulation according to the current civil code is mentioned first. Then, a discourse about French regulation follows. If both regulations are same, similar or slightly or absolutely different. Finally, a comparison with the new civil code is attached to practically all chapters. If it holds the current regulation or if it establishes new notions, institutes or conception or regime of the current institutes. And provided it brings novelties if it tends by them towards the French regulation or if it choses absolutely new solutions. The second chapter deals with real rights in general terms. With their conception and systematics. The thesis deals with the question how the...

Les sûretés mobilières sur les biens incorporels : propositions pour une rénovation du système des sûretés mobilières en France et au Québec

Ben Adiba, Aurore 05 1900 (has links)
Le contrat de gage s’est imposé comme un modèle de sûreté mobilière d’une part, pour des raisons historiques liées à l’interdiction coutumière de constituer une hypothèque sur les biens meubles et d’autre part, pour des raisons techniques liées à une conception élargie et fictive de la notion de dépossession. Le gage n’est cependant pas adapté aux biens incorporels. En effet, l’étude des différentes réformes survenues en France et au Québec montre que la dépossession, conçue à l’origine de manière matérielle, a été envisagée comme une condition essentielle de validité et de publicité du gage. Les législateurs français et québécois ont évolué vers une fiction en adoptant des législations d’exception ou des régimes spéciaux lesquels n’ont pas permis de respecter la finalité de la dépossession; à savoir sa fonction de publicité à l’égard des tiers. Cette dépossession « singulière » a produit de nombreuses incohérences et incertitudes juridiques engendrant autant d’effets contestables sur l’entier régime des droits des sûretés mobilières français et québécois. Il est donc proposé d’étendre l’hypothèque mobilière sans dépossession qui suppose néanmoins que le droit sur la valeur soit consacré. La notion de bien devra être comprise comme l’appropriation d’une chose ayant une valeur économique sans nécessairement faire référence à l’enveloppe corporelle ou incorporelle de la chose, sujet de droit. Quant à la notion de sûreté mobilière, elle pourrait être perçue comme un mécanisme unique qui pourrait prendre la forme d’une hypothèque mobilière pour laquelle une fonction et une finalité précise lui seraient attribuées. Sa fonction consisterait à utiliser la valeur d’un bien meuble ou d’un ensemble de biens meubles pour parvenir à une finalité précise, à savoir le paiement à titre préférentiel ou exclusif du créancier. Cette finalité peut être comprise sous l’angle du principe de l’essence de l’opération. Toute opération juridique pourrait désormais être qualifiée de sûreté mobilière si sa finalité essentielle - en dépit de la terminologie retenue par les parties au contrat - est de garantir une obligation. Une définition commune pour toutes les formes de sûretés mobilières corporelle ou incorporelle et un seul régime de validité et d’opposabilité seraient donc mis en place pour assurer la cohérence et l’efficacité du droit des sûretés mobilières français et québécois et permettrait d’englober notamment les propriétés-sûretés, les techniques fiduciaires et d’autres mécanismes de garantie comme le droit de rétention. / Pledge has emerged as a model for creating a security in movable property for two reasons: for historical reasons on the one hand, because of the traditional prohibition against hypothecating movable property, and for technical reasons on the other hand, given the progressive enlargement of the notion of delivery, often involving a legal fiction. Pawning, however, is not well adapted to incorporeal property. Indeed, an analysis of various attempts at legislative reform in France and in Québec shows that delivery, once conceived of as physical delivery, has always been envisaged as an essential condition for the validity and publicity of pawning. Legislation in France and in Québec evolved towards a fictitious conception of delivery by admitting of exceptions or special regimes in which delivery did not fulfill its essential purpose: ensuring that third parties have sufficient notice of the existence of the pledge. Such peculiar forms of delivery have introduced inconsistencies and generated uncertainty in the law, with negative consequences for the entire legal regime of secured transactions. Therefore, it is proposed that the movable hypothec without delivery be extended in such a way as to include a security in incorporeal property; however, this requires that the notion of a value claim be recognised. The concept of property should be redefined as the appropriation of a thing with economic value, a thing that need not possess a physical or incorporeal envelope. As for the concept of a movable security, it might be given a unitary definition as a mechanism with a specific function and a specific purpose. Its function would consist in using the value of an item of movable property or a universality of such items for a specific purpose, namely the preferential or exclusive payment of a given creditor. Such purpose may be understood from the perspective of the essence of the operation. Every legal operation (transaction) might henceforth be characterised as a movable security if its essential purpose – without regard to the language used by the parties – is to secure payment of an obligation. A common definition for all forms of corporeal or incorporeal movable security and a single set of rules for their validity and opposability would insure the coherence and efficiency of French and Québec movable security law. It would encompass ownership-based forms of security, trust-based forms of security and other forms of movable security such as the right of retention. / Cotutelle entre l’Université de Montréal et l’Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

Aspects of succession law in ancient Egypt with specific reference to testamentary dispositions

Van Blerk, Nicolaas Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study indicates the strong link between the belief in the afterlife and the inception of testamentary dispositions in ancient Egypt. To understand law, and specifically succession law, the importance of religion must be understood. Religion was embedded in society. One of the most important principles of religion was maat, which formed the basis for law. The living and dead formed part of the same community. The belief in the afterlife implied an immortality, an eternal continuation of life. There was a moral relationship between the dead and living and the deceased was dependent on sustenance after death. There was an obligation for the family to sustain the deceased, but this piety diminished and a need arose to make arrangements for sustenance prior to death. This led to the inception of the testamentary disposition document. The purpose of succession law is to maintain and strengthen the socio-economic structure in society and it therefore fulfils a social function. At the heart is the nuclear family. In ancient Egypt two systems of succession law developed: customary intestate succession and testate succession (by way of testamentary disposition). Different types of documents were used in ancient Egypt to serve the purpose of a testamentary disposition, such as the pious foundation and the imyt-pr. Important concepts and elements of succession law from the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms are identified and discussed. These include fideicommissum, trusts, usufruct, habitatio, legacies, the importance to indicate ownership of property, etc. The testamentary disposition documents of ancient Egypt must be one of the earliest examples of testate succession law. The Egyptian testamentary disposition, with its concepts and elements of succession law, was established centuries before Rome and Roman law were established. The resemblance to our modern-day wills and testaments through our Roman testate succession law heritage is remarkable. / Classics and World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)

A comparison of Kenyan and South African law on security by means of movables

Koli, Natasha Mwende 16 October 2015 (has links)
This study compares the legal principles applicable in both South Africa and Kenya in the creation of security by means of movables. It identifies the forms of security that can be created in the two jurisdictions. The main focus will be on the creation, publicity, priority of security interest and enforcement of the said interests. The research will in addition establish the challenges (if any) that are encountered when creating security by means of movables in Kenya and identify practical solutions that can be adopted in order to improve the creation of security by means of movables in Kenya. / Private Law / LL. M. (Property Law)

Sûretés et bien circulant : contribution à la réception d'une sûreté réelle globale / Securities and circulating property : contribution to the receipt of a real global security

Blandin, Yannick 06 November 2014 (has links)
Les sûretés sur les biens du professionnel constituent un instrument central d'accès au crédit. Malgré de nombreuses initiatives, le dispositif permettant l'affectation en garantie des biens voués à circuler, ainsi notamment des stocks, reste inadapté. L'édifice légal, complexe et contraire aux objectifs poursuivis, s'oppose à l'utilisation de ces biens circulants comme assiette de sûreté. La présente thèse identifie les améliorations nécessaires à la modernisation du droit des sûretés réelles et, ce faisant, esquisse les contours d'une institution nouvelle de garantie de nature à faciliter les concours aux entreprises, la sûreté globale. / Securities on the professional's properties form a significant way of accessing to credit. Despite many initiatives, means that enable to hold estates as security, such as stocks of goods, are not fully satisfying. The legal edifice, complex and opposed to the aim expected, prevents from using circulating assets as the basis of guarantee.This thesis identifies how to make required improvements to modernize the real security law, and so as to outline a new guarantee tool that makes the access to credit easier for companies, the global security.

Réflexion critique sur l’efficacité des sûretés réelles en droit OHADA : proposition en vue d’une reforme du droit OHADA des sûretés réelles. / critical thought about reals securities interests efficacy in OHADA LAW, Proposal for a reform of OHADA reals securities interests Law. : proposal for a reform of OHADA reals securities interests Law.

Bohoussou, Kouakou Stéphane 18 September 2015 (has links)
Le droit des sûretés réelles a fait l’objet de profondes mutations à la suite de plusieurs réformes successives qui viennent de l’affecter. Si la matière s’est indubitablement modernisée, il reste qu’elle souffre d’un manque de cohérence globale qui tient tout à la fois à la trop grande offre de sûretés et à l’insuffisance de règles fédératrices venant régir l’ensemble. La question se pose alors de savoir s’il est possible et envisageable de dégager un socle de règles communes plus élaboré, voire même un droit commun, et selon quelles modalités. Il en ressort l’interrogation sur l’efficacité du droit ohada des sûretés réelles au regard de l’inadéquation entre les objectifs du législateur africain et les moyens qu’il a mis en oeuvre pour les atteindre. Au regard des expériences internationales, la réponse à ces questionnements réside à notre sens dans une réforme plus ambitieuse du droit ohada des sûretés réelles qui se traduirait par l’adoption d’une approche fonctionnelle telle qu’il nous a été donné de voir dans des pays appartenant à la même tradition juridique que la nôtre. Plus concrètement, il s’agira de redonner, à travers cette conception fonctionnelle des sûretés, de la cohérence, de la simplicité et de l’accessibilité, en somme de l’efficacité au droit ohada des sûretés réelles de manière à le rapprocher des populations et des réalités socio-économiques des États de l’ohada tout en n’occultant pas les enjeux économiques internationaux. / The real security interests law/secured transactions has gone through crucial changes following a series of several reforms which has affected it. If the subject matter has undoubtedly been modernized, it is obvious that the real security interests law/secured transactions is still lacking of general consistency which is linked simultaneously to the large numbers of proposal on security interests and to the insufficiency of federative rules which come to govern the whole. Actually, the problem poses the question to know if it is possible and conceivable to put forward a base of more sophisticated general rules, or even a general law, and according to what methods? The interrogation underlines the efficacy of ohada real securities law in regard to the inadequacy between the objectives of the African legislator and the means used by him to achieve them. In other words, it is admitted to question on the way of a reinforcement of the actual real securities law in sight of a greatest efficacy. In regard to the international experiences, the answer of these questioning is found, in our opinion, in a reform more ambitious of the ohada real securities law which is going to lead to the adoption of a functional approach as it was observed in States with the same juridical culture of ours. In concrete terms, it is important to give back, through this functional conception of securities interest, coherence, and simplicity, in sum, efficacy to ohada real securities law likewise to bring it closer to the population and to the socio-economic realities of ohada member States while revealing the international economic stakes.

Design of Inductive Power Transmission System for Low Power Application with Movable Receiver and Large Air Gap

Kallel, Bilel 09 April 2019 (has links)
Inductive power transmission is very useful, not only for systems where energy transfer should take place in hazardous, humid and wet areas, but also for mobile and very small systems. It finds today a widespread use in several fields, such as industry, automotive, medicine and smart buildings. For a good efficiency and a high-power transmission, the sending and the receiving coils should be perfectly aligned and close to each other. A misalignment between the sender and the receiver becomes unavoidable especially for systems with movable parts. This thesis aims to improve the transmitted power, the mutual inductance, the power at the load, and consequently the power transmission efficiency in case of lateral misalignment between the sending and receiving coils and at large coil-to-coil distance. For this purpose, we adopt a multi input single output (MISO) coil system able to orientate the issued magnetic field to the receiving coil by powering the neighbouring sending coils of the active ones with a weak current in the opposite direction. Furthermore, an analytical model of the used coils and an accurate three-dimensional model of the system have been developed to calculate the induced voltage, the induced current, and the equivalent mutual inductance. Both simulation and experimental results prove that the proposed multi-coil inductive system having an hexagonal arrangement and the sending coils, which have the half diameter of the receiving coil, is able to improve significantly the transmitted power in case of lateral misalignment and big air gap. The novel MISO system reaches better efficiency beginning with an air gap of 50% of the sending coil diameter, and a misalignment of 28% of the sending coil diameter. It reaches the double of the transmitted power of the conventional two-coil inductive system at 50 mm air gap (corresponding to 166% of the sending coil diameter) and at 10 mm lateral misalignment (corresponding to 33% of the sending coil diameter). In order to improve the equivalent mutual inductance between the primary and secondary sides and to avoid energy losses, we propose a receiver detection method using the sending coils themselves as detectors. Thereby, only the sending coils, under the receiver, are activated and the others remain switched off. For that, the peak of the AC current of the sending coils, is measured and then compared to a detection threshold. The excitation strategy of the active sending coils is optimized corresponding to the receiving coil position. The novel excitation strategy increases the mutual inductance by 85% and the induced voltage by 13% at perfect alignment and by 30% and 10% respectively at 10 mm lateral misalignment, in comparison to the MISO system without a receiver detector and coil-excitation strategy. In order to increase the transmitted power by resonance, different system topologies have been investigated, such as series-series SS, series-parallel SP, parallel-series PS, and parallel-parallel PP topologies for different levels of load impedance. The results show that a multi-coil inductive system with parallel-parallel PP topology realizes a higher transmitted power than the other topologies for both high and low load impedance values. The proposed multi-coil inductive system is suitable for low-power systems, such as wireless sensors and biomedical implants, but can be also applied to higher range of power at a flexible position of the receiver. / Die induktive Energieübertragung ist interessant, nicht nur für Systeme, bei denen die Energieübertragung in rauen, feuchten und nassen Bereichen erfolgen soll, sondern auch für mobile und sehr kleine Systeme. Diese Art von Energieübertragung findet heute eine breite Anwendung in verschiedenen Bereichen, wie z.B. Industrie, Automobil, Medizin und intelligente Gebäude. Um eine gute Effizienz und eine hohe Energieübertragungsleistung zu realisieren, sollten die Sende- und Empfangsspulen perfekt ausgerichtet und nahe beieinander sein. Insbesondere bei Systemen mit beweglichen Teilen ist jedoch eine Fehlausrichtung zwischen Sender und Empfänger unvermeidlich. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, die übertragene Leistung, die gegenseitige Induktivität, die Leistung an der Last und damit den Wirkungsgrad der Leistungsübertragung im Falle einer seitlichen Fehlausrichtung zwischen Sende- und Empfangsspule und bei großem Abstand von Spule zu Spule zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Multi-Input Single-Output (MISO)-Spulensystem vorgeschlagen, das in der Lage ist, das ausgegebene Magnetfeld auf die Empfangsspule auszurichten, indem die benachbarten Spulen der aktiven Sendespulen mit einem schwachen Strom in der entgegengesetzten Richtung versorgt wird. Darüber hinaus wurde ein analytisches Modell für die verwendeten Spulen und ein genaues dreidimensionales Modell für das System entwickelt, um die induzierte Spannung, den induzierten Strom und die äquivalente gegenseitige Induktivität zu berechnen. Sowohl die Simulation als auch die experimentellen Ergebnisse belegen, dass das vorgeschlagene induktive Mehrfachspulensystem mit hexagonaler Anordnung und die Sendespulen, die den halben Durchmesser der Empfangsspule haben, in der Lage sind, die Sendeleistung bei lateraler Fehlausrichtung und großem Luftspalt deutlich zu verbessern. Das neuartige MISO-System erreicht einen besseren Wirkungsgrad, beginnend mit einem Luftspalt von 50% des Sendespulendurchmessers und einer Fehlausrichtung von 28% des Sendespulendurchmessers. Sie erreicht bei 50 mm Luftspalt (entspricht 166% des Sendespulendurchmessers) und bei 10 mm seitlichem Versatz (entspricht 33% des Sendespulendurchmessers) das Doppelte der Sendeleistung des herkömmlichen Zwei-Spulen-Induktivsystems. Um die äquivalente gegenseitige Induktivität zwischen Primär- und Sekundärseite zu verbessern und Energieverluste zu vermeiden, schlagen wir ein Verfahren zur Detektion des Empfängers vor, bei dem die Sendespulen selbst als Detektoren verwendet werden. Dabei werden nur die Sendespulen unter dem Empfänger aktiviert und die anderen bleiben ausgeschaltet. Dazu wird der Scheitelwert des Wechselstroms der Sendespulen gemessen und mit einem vorgegebenem Schwellenwert verglichen. Die Anregungsstrategie der aktiven Spulen wird entsprechend der Position der Empfangsspule optimiert. Die neuartige Anregungsstrategie erhöht die gegenseitige Induktivität um 85% und die induzierte Spannung um 13% bei perfekter Ausrichtung und um 30% bzw. 10% bei 10 mm seitlichem Versatz, im Vergleich zum MISO-System ohne Empfängerdetektor und Spulenanregungsstrategie. Um die übertragene Leistung durch Resonanz zu erhöhen, wurden verschiedene Systemtopologien untersucht, wie z.B. Serien-SS, Serien-Parallel-SP, Parallel-Series-PS und Parallel-Parallel-PP-Topologien für verschiedene Stufen der Lastimpedanz. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein MISO System mit parallel-paralleler PP-Topologie eine höhere Sendeleistung realisiert als die anderen Topologien für hohe und niedrige Last-Impedanzen. Das vorgeschlagene induktive Mehrspulensystem eignet sich für Systeme mit geringer Leistung, wie drahtlose Sensoren und biomedizinische Implantate, kann aber auch flexibler Position des Empfängers in einen höheren Leistungsbereich angewendet werden.

Bevarande av förändring : En studie av 1960-70-talens anpassbara lägenheter och dilemmat kring dess bevarande / Conservation of Change : A study of the adaptable apartments of the 1960-70s and the dilemma concerning their conservation

Regner, Hugo, Tolsén, Jeanna January 2023 (has links)
Som del av Miljonprogrammet uppfördes under 1960–70-taleten del bostadsområden med anpassbara bostäder byggda med byggsystemet Skarne66. Detta innebar att flyttbara väggelement möjliggjorde förändring av bostädernas planlösningar. Denna inbyggda möjlighet till förändring skapar idag ett dilemma för kulturvårdens bevarandepraktiker som traditionellt sätt ägnat sig åt att bevara ett originalskick. Studiens syfte är därav att undersöka vilka tankar som låg till grund för uppförandet av 1960–70-talets anpassbara bostäder. Och arbetet ämnar besvara frågeställningen om dagens bevarandepraktiker står i motsättning till 1960–70- talens arkitekturteorier? Metoderna som tillämpas för att ta reda på detta är litteraturstudier, intervjuer samt en fallstudie av bostadsområdet Västra Orminge i Nacka. Resultaten visar att tongivande tankar vid uppförandet var rationalisering, funktionalitet och boendeinflytande. Anpassbarheten visade sig utnyttjas främst vid förändring i familjekonstellationer, och funktionen att montera ner väggelement finns kvar och brukas i viss utsträckning än idag. Utifrån tankarna bakom uppförandet diskuteras hur ett bevarande av de anpassbara bostäderna bör utföras. För att utröna detta analyseras hur Dean Sullys förklaringsmodell gällande materialfokuserat, värdefokuserat respektive människofokuserat förhållningssätt står i relation till bevarande av anpassbara bostäder. Slutsatser som dras är att ett traditionellt materialfokuserat förhållningssätt till bevarande inte är kompatibelt med 1960–70-talets anpassbara bostäder. Ett förslag som grundas i det undersökta materialet är att ett ”funktionalistiskt förhållningssätt” skulle vara ett alternativ för denna typ av bostäder. / As a part of the Swedish Million Programme during the 1960-70s some residential areas were constructed with movable inner walls using a construction system called Skarne 66. In other words, they built flexible housing. The built-in function of change brings a dilemma to the conservation/cultural heritage field who ́s priorities for a long time has been to conserve objects in their original state. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine which thoughts laid the foundation to the 1960-70s flexible housing. The study aims to answer the question if today’s conservation practices stand in opposition to the 1960-70s architectural theories. The methods used to answer this question is literature study, interviews and a case study of the residential area called Västra Orminge in Nacka. The results show that influential theories during the time period was rationalization, functionality and residential influence. The flexibility was shown to mainly be used when family constellations changed. The function to dismantle the movable walls is still functional and used to some extent to this day. Then there is a discussion about how flexible housing should be conserved, with the influential theories from the 1960-70s as a backdrop. To find out how it should be done Dean Sully ́s explanatory model about materials-based, values-based, and peoples-based approach to conservation stands in relation to conservation of flexible housing. Conclusions drawn from this is that the more traditional approach to conservation, material-based, is not compatible with the flexible housing of the 1960-70s. A suggestion based on the examined literature is that a “functionalistic approach” could be an option when dealing with flexible housing.

Les biens immatériels saisis par le droit des sûretés réelles mobilières conventionnelles / Intangible assets seized by the conventional law of guarantees

Pinto Hania, Vanessa 07 December 2011 (has links)
Traditionnellement, les biens immatériels sont qualifiés, tantôt de biens incorporels, tantôt de propriétés incorporelles ou intellectuelles, tantôt encore de biens d'exploitation, la plupart de ces qualifications étant insatisfaisantes. En réalité, cette catégorie de biens souffre d'une absence de définition. Pourtant, d'aucuns affirment qu'ils représentent une richesse économique, une source de crédit fantastique pour les débiteurs, et un gage de sécurité pour les créanciers. Or, la législation française semble avoir superbement ignoré les biens immatériels.En témoigne le droit des biens tout d'abord. En effet, à la lecture de l'article 516 du Code civil, selon lequel « tous les biens sont meubles ou immeubles », force est de constater que les biens immatériels ne peuvent être valablement rattachés à la catégorie des meubles ou à celle des immeubles. Les biens immatériels s'opposent aux biens matériels (biens de la nature, matières premières, biens intellectuels tombés dans le domaine public ou dénués de protection au titre du droit de la propriété intellectuelle). Ils désignent les biens qui disposent d'une chose incorporelle et d'un corpus. Nous avons recensé deux natures de biens immatériels : les biens immatériels financiers regroupant les monnaies, les parts et actions sociales, les instruments financiers, les créances et les biens immatériels industriels regroupant les fonds de commerce et les propriétés intellectuelles.En témoigne le droit des sûretés réelles conventionnelles ensuite. Le projet de réforme du droit des sûretés qui a été confié à la Commission Grimaldi fondait de nombreux espoirs. Ayant fait l'objet de très rares modifications depuis l'origine du Code civil, l'édifice s'ébranlait et nécessitait une rénovation. Il s'ébranlait principalement pour trois raisons : la lisibilité notamment parce que le droit des sûretés réelles conventionnelles sur biens immatériels s'est développé en marge du Code civil, l'efficacité et la capacité des régimes envisagés quant à la préservation des intérêts du débiteur et du créancier. Depuis longtemps la pratique et la doctrine dénonçaient une telle complexification et appelaient de leurs vœux aux changements. Malheureusement, l'ordonnance n° 2006-346 du 23 mars 2006 portant réforme du droit des sûretés n'a pas su rassurer. En créant le nantissement comme la sûreté réelle conventionnelle sur biens mobiliers incorporels, sans l'accompagner d'un régime uniforme, elle n'a fait qu'accentuer les inquiétudes et les critiques patentes.Pourtant, nous sommes convaincus de ce que le droit français dispose des remèdes indispensables au sauvetage de la matière. En effet, le nouveau régime du gage, tel que modifié par l'ordonnance n° 2006-346 du 23 mars 2006, comporte désormais un régime adapté aux biens immatériels industriels. Quant à la fiducie-sûreté, consacrée par la loi n° 2007-211 du 19 février 2007, elle a révélé, à travers les expériences observées hors de nos frontières, sa pleine efficacité lorsqu'elle a pour assiette des biens immatériels financiers. / Immaterial assets are traditionally described either as intangible assets or as intangible or intellectual property, or else as operating assets, but most of those terms are not satisfactory. This class of assets actually suffers from a lack of definition. However, some people state that they represent a form of economic wealth, a fantastic source of credit for the debtors, and a guarantee of safety for the creditors. And yet, French legislation seems to have ignored immaterial assets.This is first and foremost demonstrated by property law. Indeed, according to article 516 of the Code civil, which states that « property is either movable or immovable », one has to admit that immaterial assets cannot validly be linked to movable or immovable property. Immaterial assets are opposed to material assets (property of nature, commodities, intellectual property of the public domain or without protection under intellectual property law). They refer to property that has an object and a corpus. Two types of immaterial assets have been identified: financial immaterial assets, bringing together currencies, units and shares in a company, financial instruments, liabilities and industrial immaterial assets, bringing together business and intellectual property.This is also demonstrated by conventional real-property surety law. The surety law reform project which was awarded to the Grimaldi Commission was the source of significant hope. It had only been rarely amended since the inception of the Code civil and the structure was weakening and needed updating. This weakening had three main grounds : readability first, in particular since conventional real-property surety law on immaterial assets had developed outside of the Code civil, efficiency and capability of the contemplated systems regarding the preservation of the interests of the debtor and the creditor. Practice and doctrine had been denouncing such complexity for long and were calling for amendments. Unfortunately, order n°2006-346 of March 23rd 2006 reforming surety law didn't restore confidence. By creating the lien as the conventional real-property surety on immaterial movable assets without creating a consistent system, it has only emphasized the obvious concerns and critics.However, we are convinced that French law has the means that are essential to save this subject. Indeed, the new system of pledge, as amended by order n° 2006-346 of March 23rd 2006, now has a system that is suitable for industrial immaterial assets. As for the “fiducie-sûreté”, established by Act n° 2007-211 of February 19th 2007, it has revealed that, through the experiences observed abroad, it is fully efficient when it deals with financial immaterial assets.

Tvorba písma OpenType volně dostupnými softwarovými prostředky / Making OpenType fonts with free software

Bednár, Peter January 2011 (has links)
In thesis themes of typography and computer font of OpenType format is described in details. At the beginning attention is paid to historical development of typeface, where stress is laid mainly on development of Roman and white letter with their characteristics. Having presented basis of typography work is concentrated on topic of digital font with emphasis on possibilities of OpenType format. Further its characteristics and advantages were listed compared to another formats and it was evaluated as format appropriate also for creating font in education process. Letterspacing and kerning were mentioned between basic graphical modifications in creating fonts. In theoretical part of the thesis they were examined in available programs designed for creating font in OpenType format. Except free available means into summary were included also commercial types due to absence of more advanced instruments and functions with free available applications. In evaluation was found that the most convenient for education is Fontlab Fontographer commercial program, free Type lite and Fontforge indicated for Open-source platform. Practical part of the thesis is focused on two chosen programs for creating main font characteristics. The goal was to detect if it is possible to reach identical results when using both programs. Fontographer program enabled to use wide tool palette dedicated to vector graphic processing by means of Adobe Illustrator similar instrument. In the case of Type lite program there were rather less instruments, what is sufficient for elementary work and familiarization with creating of digital typeface. Freeware shortage is basic absence of kerning, spacing or hinting functions. Comparing program possibilities, it falls that freeware programs based on OS Windows with their functionality are sufficient only for entry level users. The best option within free available programs is Fontforge for OS Linux which supports mentioned typographic functions. Fontographer was recommended for teaching of basic characteristics of OpenType font format. Another goal of the thesis was creating of recommended work procedure for creating basic characteristics of OpenType font for students, that is enclosed at the end of the thesis.

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