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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vittimizzazione e percorsi di vita: una sfida per le istituzioni.

Sicurella, Sandra <1979> 13 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Drugstore Bologna. Una lettura del rapporto tra la città e la droga

Piselli, Andrea <1972> 13 July 2009 (has links)
The main task of this research is to investigate the situation of drugs in the city of Bologna. A first discussion pertains the method to adopt studying an ethical question as drug actually is. In fact it is widely known that drugs problem involves many political and religious considerations which are misleading in a scientific point of view. After a methodological chapter supposed to show the purpose of this research, it is discussed a logical definition of drugs. There it is examined an aristotelian definition of drugs with semantic instruments from philosophy of the language to fulfil meaning of terms. The following chapter discusses personal stories of different people involved in drug in the city, who actually represent the main characters of drug subculture. Afterwards the official statistics concerning drug enforcement is discussed and compared with a specific police action which allows to criticize that data, and to make some hypothesis about drug quantities circulating in town. Next step is investigating drugs addicted in town, with a validation technique of data base queries. The result is a statistics of users in which there is evidence of main presence of foreigners and not resident Italians who use to practice drugs in this city. Demographic analysis of identified people shows that drug addiction is widely diffused among all range of age and mainly pertains males, with an increasing trend. Then is examined the geographic distribution of users residence and use places, showing that drugs abuse is spread among all classes of population, while drugs squares are located in some points of town which realise a kind of drug area with a concentration of dealers not organised together. With some detailed queries in police reports statistics is studied some specific subject on nowadays drug abuse, the phenomenon of multi-use, the relation between drug and crime, the relation between drug and mental disease, recording some evidence in such topics. Finally a survey on city media along last two years shows the interest about this topic and gives an idea of public opinion’s information about drugs. The study refers to the city of Bologna only, and pertains data recorded along last ten years by the local metropolitan police corp.

Le investigazioni difensive e le attività di Polizia Scientifica: correlazioni e divergenze normative e metodologiche ed analisi degli ambiti di applicazione

Cennamo, Alice <1977> 05 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

L’istituto della riabilitazione tra cancellazione del reato e riparazione alla vittima: la sua applicazione nelle realtà europee italiana e belga / The penal rehabilitation between the cancellation of the crime and the reparation toward the victims: its application in Italy and Belgium

Bianchini, Elena <1981> 13 June 2012 (has links)
La realizzazione di questa ricerca ha come obiettivo principe lo studio approfondito dell’istituto della riabilitazione penale all’interno del panorama legislativo italiano, con riferimento al contesto bolognese, e nella legislazione belga; inoltre si pone come scopo l’analisi dell’interazione autore-vittima del reato, con una particolare attenzione al risarcimento elargito alla persona offesa dal reato e alla figura della vittima prima nel sistema penale, poi nel procedimento specifico che porta alla riabilitazione del condannato. Il punto di partenza del lavoro di ricerca intrapreso è costituito da un’accurata ricerca bibliografica inerente agli argomenti trattati, al fine di poter approfondire una buona parte della letteratura italiana e belga esistente in materia. La fase successiva della ricerca è stata quella di reperire informazioni riguardanti l’ambito di studio da approfondire, cioè la riabilitazione, secondo una direttrice empirica. Pertanto, per quanto concerne la realtà italiana, sono stati analizzati, tramite una griglia di rilevazione costruita ad hoc, i fascicoli processuali relativi alla riabilitazione presenti negli archivi del Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Bologna (2004-2009); la situazione belga è invece stata studiata reperendo dati, riferiti alla réhabilitation pénal, rintracciati presso il “Service Public Fédéral Justice - Bureau Permanent Statistiques et Mesure de la charge de travail (BPSM)” (2008-2009), sia livello nazionale che delle cinque Corti di appello. Inoltre, al fine di ottenere un ulteriore punto di vista empirico riguardante l’istituto della riabilitazione penale, sono state effettuate delle interviste semi-strutturate al Presidente del Tribunale di Sorveglianza Dott. Francesco Maisto e al Sostituto Procuratore Generale di Liège Mr. Nicolas Banneux. Infatti l’esperienza lavorativa e il particolare ruolo ricoperto da questi “osservatori privilegiati”, competenti di riabilitazione e particolarmente sensibili alle tematiche criminologiche e vittimologiche, li pone direttamente in contatto con l’istituto e la procedura della riabilitazione, determinando in loro una profonda padronanza dell’oggetto di ricerca. / The purpose of this study is the analysis of the penal rehabilitation from a legal and empirical point of view within the Italian and Belgian criminal proceeding and inside the rehabilitation's process. Moreover, the analysis is also focused on how the subjects involved in the criminal event (the perpetrator and the victim) have interacted and how the perpetrator of the crime acts reparatory or compensating behaviours towards the victim. Referring this first part, the purpose of this study is to analyse how (and if) the Italian and the Belgian legal procedures could “rehabilitate” and “give satisfaction” to the victim by giving hem or her a possibility to feel recognised, involved and/or to participate in a certain way. In order to have an empirical point of view, dossiers of penal rehabilitation from the Surveillance Court of Bologna were studied; also federal and regional data concerning the réhabilitation pénal, find in the “Service Public Fédéral Justice - Bureau Permanent Statistiques et Mesure de la charge de travail (BPSM)” (2008-2009), were analysed. Another empirical perspective is done thanks to two interviews submitted to the President of the Sourvelliance Court of Bologna Mr. Francesco Maisto and the Substitute of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Liège Mr. Banneux. They are key persons that could help people to better understand the process and the meaning of penal rehabilitation because of their job and the particular attention that they have ever paid to criminology and victimology.

Pedofilia e pedopornografia online: una ricerca socio-criminologica nella realtà italiana e francese / Pedophilia and online child pornography: a socio-criminological research in Italian and French context

Macilotti, Giorgia <1983> 19 June 2012 (has links)
Una delle realtà criminali che ha maggiormente fruito delle innovazioni introdotte dalla “società dell’Informazione” è, senza dubbio, quella dell’abuso sessuale sui minori. Tra le differenti forme di abuso sessuale sui minori, si è scelto di affrontare il fenomeno della pedopornografia online in ragione del preoccupante diffondersi di questa forma di criminalità che, grazie all’implementazione delle tecnologie dell’informazione, ha assunto caratteri nuovi, per alcuni versi difformi dai “tradizionali” profili della pedofilia, che sollevano interrogativi e nuove sfide sia sul versante della repressione di queste condotte illecite, sia sul piano della prevenzione. Nell'ambito di questo contributo, saranno esaminate in particolare le politiche penali elaborate in due diverse realtà nazionali, l'Italia e la Francia, a partire da differenti punti di vista e ponendo particolare attenzione agli strumenti, normativi ed operativi, introdotti per reprimere lo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori legato alla dimensione virtuale. / Child sexual exploitation is, without doubt, one of the most increased crime since the advent of the “information society”. Among this context, it has been chosen to focus on child pornography by reason of its dangerous growth. In fact this crime gradually assumed new characters, due in particularly to the information technologies development. These new features are in some ways detached by the canons of “traditional” pedophilia, giving back furthermore questions and challenges both in terms of prevention and repression of these crimes. Within this contribution, specific criminal policies developed in two different national contexts, Italy and France, will be examined, starting from different points of view and focusing on both the operative and normative instruments, as already introduced in order to punish child sexual exploitation related to the virtual dimension. / Une des réalités criminelles qui a le plus bénéficié des innovations introduites par la “société de l'Information” est, sans aucun doute, celle de l'abus sexuel sur les mineurs. Celui-ci prend différentes formes, parmi lesquelles figure la pédopornographie en ligne, que nous avons choisi d’aborder plus particulièrement en raison de l’inquiétante diffusion de cette forme de criminalité. En effet, grâce à la mise en œuvre des technologies de l’information, elle revêt de nouvelles caractéristiques – à certains égards non-conformes aux profils « traditionnels » de la pédophilie – qui soulèvent des questions et de nouveaux défis tant dans le domaine de la lutte contre ces conduites illicites que sur le plan de la prévention. Cette intervention propose d’examiner les politiques pénales élaborées dans le cadre de deux réalités nationales différentes – celles de l'Italie et de la France – à partir de plusieurs points de vue et en prêtant attention aux instruments, normatifs et opérationnels introduits pour réprimer l’exploitation sexuelle des mineurs liée à la dimension virtuelle.

La tratta di donne a fini di sfruttamento sessuale: strumenti di contrasto e possibilità di intervento. / Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation: contrasting strategies and means of intervention.

Stefani, Giorgia <1984> 31 May 2013 (has links)
L’obiettivo della ricerca è, da un lato, quello di definire un quadro conoscitivo di sfondo rispetto al fenomeno della tratta e dello sfruttamento sessuale di donne che approdano nel contesto italiano, dall’altro quello di esaminare gli interventi politici e legislativi posti in essere per contrastare il fenomeno e per tutelarne le vittime. Dopo uno sguardo alle caratteristiche strutturali della tratta, alla normativa italiana, europea e internazionale connessa al suo contrasto e alla protezione delle vittime e ai modelli di intervento sociale nel settore posti in essere nel nostro Paese, l’analisi si è concretizzata prendendo in considerazione i risultati emersi dall’attività di ricerca. L’analisi delle storie di vita delle vittime, di nazionalità nigeriana, albanese e serba ha permesso, da un lato, di evidenziare la complessità dei loro percorsi di vita e dall’altro di tracciare un quadro delle modalità organizzative e di sfruttamento utilizzate dal racket nigeriano e da quello albanese. Sul versante legislativo, invece, le interviste ai ricercatori svedesi sono state volte a comprendere se la normativa che punisce l’acquisto di prestazioni sessuali potesse avere un potere deterrente e, quindi, se potesse rappresentare una risposta efficace per arginare il fenomeno della prostituzione schiavizzata. In ultimo, dal punto di vista processuale, l’analisi delle sentenze giudiziarie penali emesse dal Tribunale di Rimini è stata utile per individuare le principali dinamiche che caratterizzano il rapporto tra l’autore e la vittima di reato e, non di meno, per sottolineare l’importanza del ruolo della vittima nel processo penale. / In my thesis, I engage in two main research strands. On the one hand, I outline a reference frame in which I map the features of women trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in Italy. On the other hand, I investigate the political and legislative interventions that have been undertaken in order to contrast this phenomenon and to protect its victims. At first, my analysis encompasses various aspects such as the structural features of trafficking, the Italian, European and international legislations adopted to contrast trafficking and to protect its victims, and an analysis of the models of intervention adopted in Italy. Thereafter, I focus on the evaluation of the results that I have obtained thanks to my research activity. Through the biographical approach to several victims of trafficking from Nigeria, Albania and Serbia, I highlight common features characterising the lives of the victims and depict the organisational structure that lies behind the Nigerian and Albanian racket. From the legislative point of view, I report about the interviews that I have conducted with Swedish scholars, which aimed at verifying if a legislation that disciplines the purchasing of sexual services can have an actual deterrent effect and thus can represent an incisive measure to restrain sexual slavery. Finally, I offer a representation of the main dynamics characterising the relationship that occurs between the author and the victim of the crime through the study of the sentences of the Court of Rimini about prostitution. This also gives me the possibility to portray the role of the victim within the trial.

Tutela dei minori e recupero della genitorialità: il caso dell'accoglienza in comunità / Residential care: child protection and parenting enforcement

Allodi, Matteo Davide <1980> 11 May 2012 (has links)
La tesi di Matteo Allodi intende analizzare alcune pratiche socio-assistenziali rivolte a minori e famiglie in difficoltà relative a progetti di accoglienza presso alcune strutture residenziali. In particolare, Matteo Allodi si sofferma su progetti di accoglienza elaborati presso alcune Comunità familiari la cui metodologia d’intervento si caratterizza per un orientamento verso un modello di lavoro sociale di tipo sussidiario nell’ottica del recupero dei legami e delle competenze genitoriali. La tesi affronta nella prima parte la dimensione teorica relativa a un approccio progettuale di intervento sociale che, mettendo al centro le relazioni dei soggetti in gioco, possa promuovere la loro attivazione in funzione della realizzazione dell’obiettivo del recupero della genitorialità. Allodi si concentra dal punto di vista teorico sulle modalità di realizzazione di un servizio alla persona guidato dal principio di sussidiarietà, ovvero orientato alla valorizzazione delle capacità riflessive degli attori. Nella seconda, parte Allodi presenta l’indagine condotta in alcune Comunità di tipo familiare di Parma. La strategia iniziale d’indagine è quella del case study. Allodi sceglie di indagare il fenomeno partendo da un’osservazione partecipata di orientamento etnometodologico integrata con interviste agli attori privilegiati. In questa fase si è proceduto a una prima ricerca qualitativa, attraverso la metodologia dello studio di caso, che ha permesso di entrare in contatto con alcune tipologie di strutture residenziali per minori al fine di completare il quadro generale del fenomeno delle Comunità familiari e impostare una prima mappatura esplorativa. La ricerca prosegue con uno studio longitudinale prospettico volto a monitorare e valutare il lavoro di rete della comunità e dei servizi, osservando principalmente la mobilitazione verso l’autonomia e l’empowerment dei soggetti (minori) e delle reti ancorate al soggetto (single case study). Si è voluto comprendere quali modalità relazionali gli attori della rete di coping mettono in gioco in funzione del “cambiamento sociale”. / The thesis of Matteo Allodi analyze some practical social programs for children and theirs families, relating to projects of residential care. Matteo Allodi focuses on projects developed in some “family-based center” whose method of social action is characterized by an orientation towards a model of work oriented by a subsidiarity perspective. The research is divided into three parts. In the first part, he investigates the quality of “parenting” of the families in “care”. In the second part, Allodi studies the methods of social work of the family-based centers. In the last, part Allodi leads a longitudinal study on children “looked after” and their families, highlighting the individual and social network movement toward the well-being.

The Social Organisation of the Illicit Trafficking in Antiquities: The Cases of Bulgaria and Italy

Sciandra, Elena 18 October 2019 (has links)
Illicit trafficking in antiquities is a transnational market that shows high level of complexity due to the diversification in the actors involved, the objects smuggled and the vast geographical areas targeted. The networked organised crime type has been utilised to describe the transnational nature of the illicit antiquities trafficking, however it eludes the precise characterisation of the mechanisms of interaction between the actors. The thesis aims at examining the dynamics of the organisation of the actors involved in the illicit trafficking at issue in Bulgaria and Italy. To achieve this goal, a model of script analysis was developed to classify the activities that shape this market, their criminal or lawful nature, their interaction, their weight and significance within the whole illicit antiquities trafficking, and the complexity, sophistication and professionalisation of the persons and groups active in this illicit trafficking. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews with law enforcement officials, archaeologists and prosecutors, and open data research. The thesis is divided in five parts. While part one introduces the topic, part two applies the social organisation of deviants’ framework to the illicit antiquities trafficking. Part three presents the research design and develops the script used to analyse the case studies described in part four: Bulgaria and Italy. They are sources of antiquities and serve as a bridge to several illegal goods that are smuggled into western European markets, including illicit antiquities. Part five concludes with a comparative discussion of the findings. This study highlights the possibilities of script analysis as research method to investigate understudied transnational crimes. It grounds what is currently known about the transnational illicit antiquities trafficking to the reality, by providing an accurate description of the ways people interact and shape the structure of the crossborder movement of antiquities in Bulgaria and Italy.

Transit crimes in the Internet age: How new online criminal opportunities affect the organization of offline transit crimes

Lavorgna, Anita January 2014 (has links)
There is a general consensus that the Internet has expanded possibilities for so-called transit crimes—i.e., traditional trafficking activities. However, the extent to which the Internet is exploited by offenders to carry out transit crimes and the way in which it has changed those offenders’ behaviors and the criminal processes remains under- investigated. The aim of this thesis is to understand what kind of criminal opportunities the Internet offers for conducting transit crimes and how these opportunities affect the organization of transit crimes, as concerns both the carrying out of the criminal activity and the patterns of relations in and among criminal networks. In order to achieve this goal, a model of script analysis—a way to highlight the sequence of actions that are carried out for a determinate criminal activity to occur— was developed in order to classify the criminal opportunities that the Internet supplies for selected transit crimes (wildlife trafficking, trafficking in counterfeit medicines, sex trafficking, and trafficking in recreational drugs), to identify cyber-hotspots, and to allow a richer and deeper understanding of the dynamics of Internet-mediated transit crimes. The data were collected by means of case study research and semi-structured interviews to law enforcement officers and acknowledged experts. For each criminal activity considered, through the script framework it has been possible to identify different types of criminal opportunities provided by the Internet. The empirical evidence presented demonstrates that the criminal markets considered have become—even if to a different extent—hybrid markets which combine the traditional social and economic opportunity structures with the new one provided by the Internet. Among other findings, this research indicates that not only has the Internet opened the way for new criminal actors, but it also has reconfigured relations among suppliers, intermediaries, and buyers. Furthermore, results were compared across transit crimes to illustrate whether and to what extent Internet usage impacts them differently. The differences seem to depend primarily on the social perception of the seriousness of the criminal activity, on the place it fills in the law enforcement agenda, and on the characteristics of the actors involved. This study, albeit with limitations, provides an accurate description of the Internet as crime facilitator for transit crimes. It concludes by highlighting the possibilities of environmental criminology as a theoretical framework to investigate Internet-mediated transit crimes, offering some final observations on how relevant actors behave online, and suggesting new directions for research.

Uno studio etnografico sui clienti della prostituzione trafficata in Italia / An Ethnographic Study on the Clients of Trafficked Prostitution in Italy

CAUDURO, ANDREA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Utilizzando tecniche qualitative ed etnografiche la tesi esplora, per la prima volta in Italia, il mondo dei clienti di prostituzione trafficata. Chi sono? e (soprattutto) quali sono i motivi che li spingono a scegliere questo segmento del mercato del sesso? Per rispondere a tale domanda l'elaborato ha adottato un duplice approccio d'indagine. Da un lato l'osservazione partecipata di forum web frequentati da clienti di prostitute a cui si è aggiunta la somministrazione di un questionario anonimo in internet; dall'altro alcune interviste semi-strutturate e finalizzate a raccogliere ulteriori dettagli direttamente dai clienti. I risultati hanno permesso di tracciare un primo profilo dei clienti di prostituzione trafficata, sia per quanto riguarda le loro caratteristiche (età, scolarizzazione, ecc.) sia per le motivazioni individuali, relazionali ed ambientali che li spinge alla ricerca di prostitute vittima di tratta. / Through ethnographic and qualitative techniques the thesis explores, for the first time in Italy, the world of the clients of trafficked prostitution. Who are they? and (above all) what are the motives that push them to choose this segment of the sex market? In order to understand this question, the work has adopted two approaches. On the one side, participant observation of web forums frequented by clients, together with the administration of an anonymous internet questionnaire; on the other, some semi-structured interviews designed to collect further details directly from clients. The results allowed the drafting of a first profile of punters of trafficked prostitution, as regards both their features (age, education, etc.) and the individual, network and environmental motivations that push them to look for prostitutes victims of trafficking.

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