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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zhodnocení vlivu stanovištních podmínek na obsah organických živin v pastevních porostech

Chovanová, Ivana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the issue of the nutritional value of pasture growth with an emphasis on the content of energy and organic nutrients that grows in the Mohelenská Serpentine Steppe National Nature Reserve. It deals with factors that influece the nutritional value of pasture growth, especially in relation to the habitat conditions, botanical composition and optimal phase of their use. Increased space is devoted to how nutrition factors, with emphasis on the content of energy and organic nutrients in growth can influence the behaviour of sheep in the pasture. In Mohelenská Serpentine Steppe National Nature Reserve an ethological observation of the herd of sheep was carried out. Plant samples had been taken from the pasture areas to determine the yield and their nutritional value. The height of the growth was measured also. Results were precessed into etograms, tables, charts and maps.

Právní aspekty podmínek cestovního ruchu a sportu v Krkonošském národním parku / Legal aspects of tourism and sport in the Krkonoše Mountains National Park

Kučerová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Legal aspects of tourism and sport in Krkonoše mountains national park Abstract This presented thesis analyse law regulation concerning protection of National Parks in against negative Influence of tourism and sport. Assessing impact of tourism on essential pillars (principles) of sustainable development I tried to find out if the preservation and protection of national Parks in The Czech Republic within Czech legislation is adequate. Content of the thesis of eight chapters is definition of terminology used in this thesis, listing of sources of legal regulation and means of protection of nature at National Parks and comparison of specific legal regulation of KRNAP and KPN. At the end of thesis the essential findings of the analyses are summarised. The aim of this thesis is to find a compromise between effective legal regulation and over-regulation of tourist and sport activities in National Parks. Key words: national park, tourism, legal protection, environment

Místo paměti: Irské národní muzeum a komemorace velikonočního povstání ve výstavě Proclaiming a Republic / The Site of Memory: National Museum of Ireland and Commemoration of Easter Rising in the Proclaiming a Republic Exhibition

Špína, Vladimír January 2021 (has links)
The Proclaiming a Republic: The 1916 Rising (2016-2020) exhibition was opened by the National Museum of Ireland as a part of the Decade of Centenaries project to commemorate the Easter Rising. This thesis understands the exhibition as a place of memory, which on the occasion of the centenary represents the official memory of the rising, and it aims to analyze this memory. The exhibition is perceived through the SANE framework as a mnemonic formation and the emphasis is put on narrative of the exhibition. Analysis of which is based on presumptions of the new museology, according to which modern museums utilize either hegemonic (celebratory, status quo-maintaining) or counter-hegemonic (minority, status quo-denying) narratives. The content of the exhibition (texts, exhibits, photographs), which was documented by the author of this thesis during repeated visits in 2017 and 2018, is subjected to thematic analysis. By applying the thematic network method, nine so-called global themes - macro-themes depicting who / what, how and by what is the exhibition commemorating - are identified within the narrative of the exhibition. The thesis determines that the exhibition, despite expectations of the new museology, reinforces traditional myths of the Easter Rising and employs predominantly dominant narratives....

Literární a mytologické osudy postavy praotce Čecha / Literary and mythological trajectories of "Forefather Bohemus"

Deči, Vojtěch January 2022 (has links)
In his work, the graduate reflects the literary and mythological aspect of the founding figure of the "Forefather Bohemus" in the Czech literary environment. In the theoretical part of the work, he will think about the processes of mythology of history that take place around this character, and based on a comparison of key works he will present his own approach. The practical part will consist of interpretive probes into selected canonical texts: the chronicles of canon Kosmas, the so-called Dalimil and Václav Hájek of Libočany on the one side, and modern fictional works by Žofie Podlipská and Rudolf R. Hofmeister on the other. Keywords Forefather Bohemus; folklore; myth; national epic; chronicle.

Muslimové, a ne mohamedáni! Ke kořenům bosňáckého národního hnutí v letech 1878-1918 / Muslims, not Muhammadans! The Roots of the Bosniak National Movement in 1878-1918

Mujanović, Mihad January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores the transformations of the Muslim community (current Bosniaks) of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian occupation between 1878 and 1918. It examines the political, social and demographic changes in Muslim society - including the development of community life and religious, cultural and educational institutions - in the context of the formation of modern Central and South East European nations. Habsburg rule in the northernmost Ottoman province, in hindsight, stood at the beginning of a long, insecure and ambiguous but ultimately successful process of national self-awareness of the Slavic Muslim community of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Sanjak. The various chapters of this thesis broadly follow the standard framework of analysis of national movements in Europe. This work is theoretically grounded in the modernist paradigm connecting the national idea to changes in social, economic and political circumstances, the onset of modernity, based on both constructivist and instrumentalist theories. The thesis is largely relied on secondary sources when discussing these subjects as well as newspaper articles, memoirs, biographical essays, declarations and political proclamations. Keywords Muslims; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bosniaks; National Movement; 1878-1918

Slovinské národní divadlo v Lublani / Slovene National Theatre in Ljubljana

Šimečková, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the project is to conceive a new theatre house in the Ljubljana city centre. The proposed location is Južni trg (Southern Square) next to Congress Square. The designed building is situated in the carré. The outside contour of the carré is determinated by the important public space coordinates: Slovenska Street, Congress Square, Knafelj passage, Vegova Street, Čopova Street, Wolfova Street. On the southern side the carré borders with Zvezda Park which creates nature cultural and recreational space and supports new public spaces arising from the new theatre building. The shape of the building consists of three skewed forms which are spatially and functionally connected. The roof surface forms a system of ramps which are opened for the public. It is possible to climb from the parterre of the theatre to the highest platform of the structure. From the roof there is a nice view of the city and The castle of Ljubljana.

Osvobození Mělnicka / Liberation of Melnik region

Dvořák, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis reviews the history of the Melnik region in the end of the Second World War and the resistence of the people. The aim of first body of the thesis is to describe the activity of Mělník natives in Royal Air Force. The materials for this part I got from archives. There are short profiles of fighter pilots, who left the Protectorate of Bohemia and Bohemia. The second part is about the resistance in Melnik region. In this region formed local resistance groups, but at the end of the war was there a cooperation with guerilla forces called "Narodni mstitel." In this thesis are described the soviet air-raids and some air-raids before May 1945. In the last part is described rising of the people in Melnik region, disarming of the enemy and entrance into the new era

Františka Zeminová / Františka Zeminová

Borská, Eva January 2013 (has links)
1. ABSTRAKT Tato práce pojednává o životě Františky Zeminové (1882 - 1962), která působila jako redaktorka, národně-socialistická politička a aktivní členka ženského hnutí. Významná část práce mapuje její činnost v ženském hnutí a v různých ženských organizacích, zejména pak její činnost ve Výboru pro volební právo žen, který roku 1905 spoluzakládala. Byla velkou obdivovatelkou Masaryka a Beneše a byla to právě ona, kdo již při prvomájových slavnostech roku 1918 provolával slávu T. G. Masarykovi, za což byla na čas vypovězena z Prahy. Již od 14. listopadu 1918 se stala členkou Národního shromáždění, kde setrvala s výjimkou válečných let až do roku 1948. V průběhu své politické kariéry bojovala za plné zrovnoprávnění žen, za lepší pracovní podmínky, za zlepšení sociální situace vdov a sirotků a rázně zápolila s korupcí, prostitucí a alkoholismem. Věnovala se také hospodářským otázkám. Roku 1938 byla nucena stáhnout se z politického života a po celé trvání války působila v odboji. Ke konci války spoluzaložila Revoluční výkonný výbor národně-socialistické strany, který pomohl s obnovou strany v osvobozeném Československu. Po celý život a zejména pak v letech 1945-1948 se vyhrazovala proti politice Komunistické strany a po únoru 1948 odešla z politického a veřejného života. Roku 1949 byla zatčena a souzena v...

Práva národnostních menšin v ČSR a jejich uplatňování / Rights of minorities nations in Czechoslovakia and their application

Neumann, Miloš January 2013 (has links)
IN ENGLISH This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the rights of national minorities and their application in the inter-war Czechoslovakia. The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze this question in one particular region. For this purpose I chose a linguistic island surrounded by majority of other languae. Yet I tried to provide a view of as much as possible points of view. This linguistic island should therefore contain a people of surrounding majority who create linguistic minority in observed region. The candidate for the appropriate object exploration is some german linguistic enclave in the middle of czech settlements. Or a region of significant czech minority amid german speaking milieu. As the best option I finally chose so called Wischauer Sprachinsel with a German settlement surrounded by Czech-speaking majority. Since the 19th century, the region began to increase the share of Czech-speaking population, which resulted in matryoshka doll consisting of a minority in a minority, the phenomenon typical for Lands of the Bohemian Crown at this time. However, in order to better explain the issue, I chose to compare the situation in the Wischauer Sprachinsel with another sore point for the Czech ethnographic map. The ideal candidate was Litvínov region in the Sudetenland, which was a mirror...

Searching for Styles of National Architecture in Habsburg Central Europe1890-1920. Art Nouveau and Turn-of-the-Century Architecture as Nation-Building

Veress, Dániel January 2013 (has links)
1 English Abstract Searching for Styles of National Architecture in Habsburg Central Europe 1890-1920 Art Nouveau and Turn-of-the-Century Architecture as Nation-Building This thesis examines aspirations of Central European nations to create architectural style, which would be particular to the given nation and would convey national spirit and character through architectural form. Inspired by social and cultural history, historians of architecture have recently begun to study conscious efforts of national elites to use architecture for nationalistic ends. Considerable attention has been paid to the interplay between national movements emerging in Europe before the World War I, and the concurrent developments in the field of architecture as signified by introduction of the Art Nouveau. However, most of these works focus on individual national building movement. Building on the existing set of studies developed in different national contexts, this thesis takes a step further and approaches the issue from the transnational perspective Applying the comparative history methodology to the three cases studies - Hungarian, Czech and Polish, all non-German ethnic groups in the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy - enables close examination of the intertwined development of modern nations and architecture. By the turn of the...

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