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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skirtingų kineziterapijos priemonių poveikis nėščiųjų savijautai / The influence of physiotherapy exercises on a pregnant women health

Juškevičiūtė, Jurgita 18 May 2005 (has links)
Nowadays, way of living of girls and women can be described by little physical activities. Most of them do not go in for sports or take exercises and therefore their abdominal muscles are weak and get overstrained during pregnancy which can be the reason of irregular position of the foetus, hyperlordosis, might cause pains in the abdominal area or bottom limbs. Inadequate physical activities can cause adherent placenta, arterial hypotension, primary and secondary obstetrical asthenia, asphyxia of the foetus in the uterus, hypotonic bleeding, etc. Water has a very positive effect during pregnancy and water procedures are very much recommended in kinesitherapy. The research enables to better understand the need for physical activities and their use for a pregnant woman, the impact of doing safe and effective exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth, to think of help a kinesitherapist can provide in medical institutions and finally give recommendations for satisfying the needs of pregnant women. The aim of this research is to define the influence of kinesitherapic exercises on a pregnant women and her baby overland, in water and mixed conditions. Also toto set and evaluate the impact of kinesitherapy in different conditions on anthropometric indexes and arterial blood pressure of pregnant women in the second and third pregnancy term and give assessment of pregnant women’s physical activities in different conditions on their babies health. The research data shows that... [to full text]

Besilaukiančių ir neseniai pagimdžiusių moterų nuomone apie nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymų kursų efektyvumą / The opinion of pregnant and recently given birth women about the effectiveness of Pregnancy Health Courses

Svolkeniūtė, Kristina 19 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - Įvertinti besilaukiančių ir neseniai pagimdžiusių moterų pasitenkinimą nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymų kursais. Darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymų kursų prieinamumą kūdikio besilaukiančioms moterims; nustatyti priežastis, skatinančias besilaukiančias moteris lankyti nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymus; įvertinti mokymuose dalyvavusių moterų nuomonę apie vykdomus mokymus. Tyrimo objektas: Nėščiosios ir neseniai pagimdžiusios moterys. Tyrimo metodika: Atlikta anoniminė momentinė anketinė apklausa trijose gydymo įstaigose 2013 m. vasario-kovo mėnesiais. Išdalinta 300 anketų (atsako dažnis - 60,7 proc.). Klausimyną sudarė 26 klausimai apie nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymus, jų lankymo priežastis, kursų privalumus bei trūkumus. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS software for Windows programą. Statistinių duomenų reikšmingumas vertintas 2 kriterijumi, skirtumas laikytas reikšmingu, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai. Daugiau nei pusė respondenčių (66,5 proc.) teigė, kad nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymų kursų nelankė, likusioji dalis (33,5 proc.) atsakė, kad tokiuose kursuose teko dalyvauti. Moterys, įgijusios auštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą, 7 kartus dažniau lankė kursus, skirtus nėščiosioms, negu turinčios žemesnį išsilavinimo lygį Didelė dalis neseniai pagimdžiusiųjų nežinojo apie galimybę lankyti nėščiųjų sveikatos mokymų kursus (19,2 proc.), o moterys, kurios gimdė ne pirmą kartą, teigė, kad nėra poreikio eiti į tokius kursus, kitos neturėjo tam laiko, jėgų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate satisfaction of health courses of the women that have recently given birth. Objectives of the study. To analyze the availability of health courses for pregnant women; to define reasons that force pregnant women to attend health courses for pregnant women; to evaluate opinions about the courses of the attendees. Object of the study. Women that have recently given birth Kaunas city. Methods. The survey of women that have recently given birth was carried out in February and March of 2013. There were 300 questionnaires distributed to the patients (response rate was percent.). The questionnaire included 26 questions about health courses for pregnant women, reasons that force pregnant women to attend health courses and also about advantages and disadvantages of those courses. SPSS statistical software package was used for statistical data analysis. Chi Square (2) test was applied for evaluation of statistical significance. The data was considered as statistically significant, when p< 0, 05. Results. More than half of the respondents (66.5%) stated that they did not attend training courses for pregnant women, the remainder (33.5%) responded that they did participate in such courses. According to the survey those women who had higher education degree (University degree) attended such courses 7 times more often, than those with lower education. Big part of recently given birth women did not know of the option to attend such courses (19.2%), on the other... [to full text]

Nėščiųjų teisės į sveikatos informaciją įgyvendinimo įvertinimas / The assessment of implementation of pregnant women rigth to the health information

Kaselienė, Snieguolė 08 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study – to assess the implementation of the right to health information of pregnant women and to analyze the differences of its practice between services of general practitioners and obstetricians - gynecologists. Methods. The anonymous survey of women within the third trimester of pregnancy performed since August to December 2004. A sample included 120 pregnant women who were consulted by the general practitioners in the Family Clinics of Kaunas University of Medicine and 124 pregnant women within the consultations with obstetricians - gynecologists in maternity clinic of Dainava health center. Respectively, the response rate was 80% (N=96) in Family Clinics and 82.3% (N=102) in Dainava health center. The right to health information of the pregnant women was evaluated accordingly to actual Lithuanian laws. Results. Less than half of respondents (48.5%) acknowledged the Law on Patients’ Rights and the Reimbursement of Harm. The half of respondents were familiar with ability to copy their medical documents, nearly half of respondents were in part familiar about available services and opportunities to use it. One of four respondents indicated as unsatisfied with medical information during the consultations, while feeling the lack of proper information provided by physicians and rare negotiations about health examination and procedures. One of three respondents stated that physician presented them only the most important aspects of their pregnancy and health status... [to full text]

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