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Conceito de densidade urbana aplicada no processo AQUA de certificação ambiental / Urban density concept applied to AQUA Process of environmental certificationMacedo, Elisa 22 April 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o conceito de densidade urbana adotado pelo processo de certificação AQUA (Alta Qualidade Ambiental) Bairros e Loteamentos emitido pela Fundação Vanzolini. Para analisar a aplicação prática dos critérios de desempenho exigidos foi realizado um estudo de caso do primeiro bairro brasileiro certificado pela fundação Vanzolini, o Jardim das Perdizes na cidade de São Paulo. Para análise crítica foram adotados conceitos de sustentabilidade urbana aplicada ao critério de densidade urbana como adensamento de cidade, compactação de edifícios e uso do solo. O estudo foi feito com base no \"Referencial Técnico de Certificação\" - Processo AQUA - (Bairros e Loteamentos/ Set 2011) Versão 0. Trata-se da primeira versão publicada pela Fundação Vanzolini. O referencial foi baseado numa adaptação da certificação original existente na França, o Démarche HQE(TM) Aménagement, da fundação francesa Certivéa. A escolha desse referencial deve-se ao fato do processo de certificação AQUA se propor a adequar-se a realidade brasileira, com base em normas do país e contexto local. A metodologia do trabalho consistiu em analisar os critérios apresentados pelo referencial de certificação servindo como indicador de metas a serem atingidas para obtenção de um planejamento urbano sustentável no que se refere ao tema de densidade urbana. A partir do conhecimento da ferramenta de certificação AQUA Bairros e loteamentos e com base em bibliografia referencial foram analisadas criticamente as metas propostas e sua compatibilidade com o meio urbano em estudo, o estudo de caso Jardim das Perdizes. / This study evaluated the concept of urban density adopted by AQUA (Alta Qualidade Ambiental - High Environmental Quality ) certification process Neighborhoods and Allotments issued by Vanzolini. To analyze the practice of applying performance criteria required has been analyzed a case study of Brazil\'s first certified neighborhood by foundation Vanzolini, the Jardim das Perdizes in Sao Paulo. For critical analysis of concepts of urban sustainability criteria applied to urban density and densification of the city, compaction of buildings and land use were adopted. The study was based on the technical reference AQUA Neighborhoods \"Referencial Técnico de Certificação\" - Processo AQUA ( Bairros e loteamentos / Sep 2011) Versão 0 . This is the first published version by Vanzolini. The framework was based on an original adaptation of existing certification in France , the HQE (TM) Démarche Aménagement , the French foundation Certivéa . The choice of this framework is due to the fact that AQUA certification process is proposed to adapt to the Brazilian reality, based on standards of the country and local context . The methodology of the study was to examine the criteria submitted by the benchmark certification serving as an indicator of targets to be met to achieve sustainable urban planning with regard to the topic of urban density. From the knowledge of the certification tool AQUA Neighborhoods and subdivisions and based on reference literature were critically analyzed the proposed goals and their compatibility with the urban environment under study, the case study of the Jardim das Perdizes.
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Des transmissions à l'épreuve des situations migratoires : les conditions d'une émancipation individuelle par le loisir sportif des descendantes de migrants maghrébins en quartier populaire / Transmissions in immigrant populations : conditions for individual emancipation through recreational sports in the female descendants of North African immigrants in a disadvantaged neighborhoodTatu-Colasseau, Anne 10 December 2013 (has links)
L’objet de notre recherche vise à identifier les chemins de l’émancipation individuelle desdescendantes sportives de migrants maghrébins habitantes de quartier populaire.Parler d’émancipation féminine dans un contexte d’héritage migratoire arabo-musulman suscite unrisque de lecture du processus au travers de catégories sociales ethnocentrées. Le premier travail a doncconsisté en une déconstruction des catégories sociales dominantes puis en une reconstruction de catégoriesd’intelligibilité du social afin de dépasser l’illusion de la relégation collective cumulée - sexuée, culturelle etsociale - des descendantes de migrants maghrébins et l’impasse pratique de l’injonction paradoxale de« fidélité versus rupture » vis-à-vis du système anthropologique arabo-musulman. Dès lors, notre lecturecompréhensive de l’engagement, minoritaire et innovant, des descendantes dans un loisir sportif, en tantqu’espace de tradition masculine impliquant particulièrement le corps, a permis d’appréhender les moteurs etmodalités d’une individualisation qui ne traduit pas une simple contestation pratique d’une tradition héritée.Cheminer vers la recherche des conditions de possibilité de leur expérience de loisir sportif et desimplications pratiques de cet engagement sur leur repositionnement dans divers rapports sociaux a exigé demobiliser une démarche de terrain enracinée. A l’issue d’une enquête quantitative basée sur un repéragepatronymique de la représentation des descendantes dans l’offre de loisir territorialisée d’un quartier bisontin,54 éclairages qualitatifs ont permis de recueillir la matière de cette recherche au fur et à mesure de 6 moisd’observation participante des loisirs sportifs sur le quartier.Nous avons constaté que les processus familiaux de transmissions mémorielles et culturelles –références sexuées et religieuses – sont les vecteurs d’une dynamique des générations source de changementsnégociés entre la génération des migrants et celle des descendants. Fonction des vécus pré et post-migratoires,ils conditionnent la définition de statuts féminins et masculins qui stimulent différentiellement tant la doubleinscription familiale et sociale que l’engagement dans des espaces et des pratiques renouvelés, dont le sport.Le statut du transmetteur, le genre de l’héritier, sa place dans la fratrie, la structuration de celle-ci définissentles conditions individualisées de transmission, mais aussi de réception, de ce fond commun familial. Dans unsystème d’échanges généralisés, les matrices de l’expérience, territoriale et scolaire, représentent alors uncontexte global de validation ou d’invalidation des stratégies éducatives parentales et définissent les conditionsde leur inflexion ou réorientation progressive. L’ensemble de ces transmissions et variables conduisent à desunivers des possibles sportifs fragmentés chez les descendantes de l’immigration maghrébine.Les implications de cet engagement en termes d’émancipation « en tant que descendantes del’immigration maghrébine dans un quartier populaire » ont alors été appréhendées du point de vue de leursexpériences, donc de ce qu’elles font et de ce qu’elles sont quand elles disent qu’elles sont émancipées. Lesbricolages situés ambivalents mis en place traduisent leur identification optionnelle fonction de la désignationincluse dans l’interaction, le moment et l’espace. Ils leur permettent de concilier leurs aspirations et référencescontradictoires, ainsi que les contraintes qui en découlent, et de re-prendre place simultanément dans lafiliation et la société au travers de processus pluriels d’autonomisation, d’individualisation, de distinction oud’autodétermination destinés à refuser les assignations. / The aim of our study was to identify the forms that individual emancipation takes for the women froma disadvantaged neighborhood in a French city who are involved in sports and are the descendants of NorthAfrican immigrants.We are well aware that a study of female emancipation within the context of Arab-Muslimimmigration could run the risk of being ethnocentrically biased. To avoid this, our first task involved adeconstruction of the dominant social categories, followed by a reconstruction of scientifically-based socialcategories in order to break out of both the current collective gender, cultural and social exclusion of thefemale descendants of North African immigrants and of the impasse presented by the dictate of "loyalty orrupture" which exists in the Arab-Muslim anthropological system. Our comprehensive study of thecommitments, which are few in number and innovative, of the female descendants who participate in arecreational sport that involves the body and which is usually reserved for males, provides the drivers andconditions of an individualization that is not simply rebellion against an inherited tradition.In order to research the conditions under which the women experienced recreational sports and thepractical implications that this commitment had on their repositioning in social relationships, we usedgrounded theory methodology. We used patronymic tracking in a quantitative survey to obtain the percentageof female descendants participating in recreational sport offered in a neighborhood of Besançon, France, andthen we carried out 54 qualitative interviews. The research material was collected over a 6-month period ofon-site observation of recreational sports activities.We found that family processes of memory and cultural transmissions (gender and religiousreferences) are drivers of a generational dynamic: sources of changes negotiated between the generation ofimmigrants and that of the descendants. Based on pre-and post-immigration experiences, these processesdetermine the definition of female and male status, which stimulates in different ways family and socialpositions, as well as a new type of involvement with space and the new practices that accompany participationin sport. The status of the transmitter, the gender of the inheritor, her place among siblings, and thestructuration of her place define not only the individualized conditions of transmission, but also the conditionsof their reception into the common family background. In a generalized system of exchange, the matrices ofexperience (neighborhood and school environs) are representative of the over-all context of validation orinvalidation of parental educational strategies and define the conditions either for their acceptance or for theirgradual reorientation. All these types of transmissions and variables produce sport experiences that are variedand different for female descendants of North African immigrants. .The implications of this commitment to emancipation by the female descendants of North Africanimmigrants in a disadvantaged neighborhood are demonstrated in our study in terms of their experiences, i.e.,in what they do and what they are when they say they are emancipated. The resulting assemblage of varyingopposing and similar elements reflects their optional identification based on interactions, a particular time, andspace. It enables these women to reconcile their conflicting aspirations and references, and the resultingconstraints, and at the same time to take a new place in filiation and society via the multi-leveled process ofself-determination, individualization, distinguishing themselves from other women, and self-empowerment.
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Método para processamento e análise computacinal de imagens histopatológicas visando apoiar o diagnóstico de câncer de colo de útero / A Method for Processing and Computational Analysis of histopathological images to support the diagnosis of Cervical CancerGisele Helena Barboni Miranda 24 November 2011 (has links)
A histopatologia é considerada um dos recursos diagnósticos mais importantes na prática médica e caracteriza-se pelo estudo das alterações estruturais e morfológicas das células e dos tecidos causadas por doenças. Atualmente, o principal método utilizado no diagnóstico histopatológico de imagens microscópicas, obtidas por meio de amostras em exames convencionais, é a avaliação visual do patologista, a qual se baseia na experiência do mesmo. O uso de técnicas de processamento computacional de imagens possibilita a identificação de elementos estruturais e a determinação de características inerentes, subsidiando o estudo da organização estrutural das células e de suas variações patológicas. A utilização de métodos computacionais no auxílio ao diagnóstico visa diminuir a subjetividade do processo de avaliação e classificação realizado pelo médico. Diferentes características dos tecidos podem ser mapeadas por meio de métricas específicas que poderão ser utilizadas em sistemas de reconhecimento de padrões. Dentro desta perspectiva, o objetivo geral deste trabalho inclui a proposta, a implementação e a avaliação de um método para a identificação e a análise de estruturas histológicas, a ser utilizado para a análise de lesões neoplásicas do colo do útero (NICs) a partir de amostras histopatológicas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em colaboração com uma equipe de patologistas, especialistas do domínio. As imagens microscópicas digitalizadas foram adquiridas a partir de lâminas previamente fixadas, contendo amostras de biópsias. Para segmentação dos núcleos celulares, foi implementado um pipeline de operadores morfológicos. Métodos de segmentação baseados em cor também foram testados e comparados à abordagem morfológica. Foi proposta e implementada uma abordagem baseada em camadas para representação do tecido, adotando-se a Triangulação de Delaunay (TD) como modelo de grafo de vizinhança. A TD apresenta algumas propriedades particulares que permitem a extração de métricas específicas. Foram utilizados algoritmos de agrupamento e morfologia de grafos, adotando-se critérios de semelhança e relações de adjacência entre os triângulos da rede, a fim de se obter a fronteira entre as camadas histológicas do tecido epitelial de forma automática. As seguintes métricas foram extraídas dos agrupamentos resultantes: grau médio, entropia e taxa de ocupação dos triângulos da rede. Finalmente, foi projetado um classificador estatístico levando-se em consideração os diferentes agrupamentos que poderiam ser obtidos a partir das imagens de treinamento. Valores de acurácia, sensitividade e especificidade foram utilizadas para avaliação dos resultados obtidos. Foi implementada validação cruzada em todos os experimentos realizados e foi utilizado um total de 116 imagens. Primeiro, foi avaliado a acurácia da metodologia proposta na determinação correta da presença de anomalia no tecido, para isto, todas as imagens que apresentavam NICs foram agrupadas em uma mesma classe. A maior taxa de acurácia obtida neste experimento foi de 88%. Em uma segunda etapa, foram realizadas avaliações entre as seguintes classes: Normal e NIC-I; NIC-I e NIC-II, e, NIC-II e NIC-III, obtendo-se taxas de acurácia máximas de 73%, 77% e 86%, respectivamente. Além disso, foi verificada também, a acurácia na discriminação entre os três tipos de NICs e regiões normais, obtendo-se acurácia de 64%. As taxas de ocupação relativas aos agrupamentos representativos das camadas basais e superficiais, foram os atributos que levaram às maiores taxas de acurácia. Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar a adequação do método proposto na representação e análise do processo de evolução das NICs no tecido epitelial do colo uterino. / Histopathology is considered one of the most important diagnostic tools in medical routine and is characterized by the study of structural and morphological changes of the cells in biological tissues caused by diseases. Currently, the visual assessment of the pathologist is the main method used in the histopathological diagnosis of microscopic images obtained from biopsy samples. This diagnosis is usually based on the experience of the pathologist. The use of computational techniques in the processing of these images allows the identification of structural elements and the determination of inherent characteristics, supporting the study of the structural organization of tissues and their pathological changes. Also, the use of computational methods to improve diagnosis aims to reduce the subjectivity of the evaluation made by the physician. Besides, different tissue characteristics can be mapped through specific metrics that can be used in pattern recognition systems. Within this perspective, the overall objective of this work includes the proposal, the implementation and the evaluation of a methodology for the identification and analysis of histological structures. This methodology includes the specification of a method for the analysis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CINs) from histopathological samples. This work was developed in collaboration with a team of pathologists. Microscopic images were acquired from blades previously stained, containing samples of biopsy examinations. For the segmentation of cell nuclei, a pipeline of morphological operators were implemented. Segmentation techniques based on color were also tested and compared to the morphological approach. For the representation of the tissue architecture an approach based on the tissue layers was proposed and implemented adopting the Delaunay Triangulation (DT) as neighborhood graph. The DT has some special properties that allow the extraction of specific metrics. Clustering algorithms and graph morphology were used in order to automatically obtain the boundary between the histological layers of the epithelial tissue. For this purpose, similarity criteria and adjacency relations between the triangles of the network were explored. The following metrics were extracted from the resulting clusters: mean degree, entropy and the occupation rate of the clusters. Finally, a statistical classifier was designed taking into account the different combinations of clusters that could be obtained from the training process. Values of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were used to evaluate the results. All the experiments were taken in a cross-validation process (5-fold) and a total of 116 images were used. First, it was evaluated the accuracy in determining the correct presence of abnormalities in the tissue. For this, all images presenting CINs were grouped in the same class. The highest accuracy rate obtained for this evaluation was 88%. In a second step, the discrimination between the following classes were analyzed: Normal/CIN 1; CIN 1/CIN 2, and, CIN 2/CIN 3, which represents the histological grading of the CINs. In a similar way, the highest accuracy rates obtained were 73%, 77% and 86%, respectively. In addition, it was also calculated the accuracy rate in discriminating between the four classes analyzed in this work: the three types of CINs and the normal region. In this last case, it was obtained a rate of 64%.The occupation rate for the basal and superficial layers were the attributes that led to the highest accuracy rates. The results obtained shows the adequacy of the proposed method in the representation and classification of the CINs evolution in the cervical epithelial tissue.
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Planos urbanos locais: definição concreta para a mobilidade e qualidade ambiental urbanas / Local urban plans: Setting concrete basis for urban mobility and enviromental qualityMaria Elizabet Paez Rodriguez 04 October 2013 (has links)
Na metrópole de São Paulo, o maior crescimento urbano se deu em direção ao Leste da cidade de forma irregular sob muitos aspectos. Atualmente vivem na Região Leste de São Paulo, quase quatro milhões de pessoas, com pouquíssima oferta de trabalho e de serviços públicos e privados de qualidade. A grande maioria dessa população é dependente do Centro Expandido para usufruir de bons serviços e da ocupação de postos de trabalho, mas com mobilidade urbana atualmente muito comprometida. O objetivo desta tese é demonstrar que o planejamento urbano no Brasil para suas grandes cidades, tomando como exemplo São Paulo, cidade que tem sido pioneira em muitos aspectos nesse campo como em outros, não tem chegado a níveis conclusivos que permitam lidar com a principal problemática urbana: a de oferecer espaços públicos de qualidade enquanto áreas de convivência social através de Planos de Bairro, alcançando o tão necessário desenvolvimento urbano da região do extremo leste e outras regiões carentes do município de São Paulo. Esta tese apresenta uma metodologia para a criação de Planos de Bairro sustentáveis e com qualidade urbana, através da conjunção do sistema de Transporte Público com a política de Uso e Ocupação do Solo, que possa oferecer ao habitante local trajetos curtos entre moradia e trabalho, escola e comércio e a possibilidade de caminhar e praticar atividades ao ar livre por seu bairro, em vias urbanas com qualidade ambiental. / In São Paulo Metropolis, the largest urban sprawl felt towards the East Side of the city in an irregular way under all of the aspects. Nowadays, a population of almost 4 million people lives in the East Region of São Paulo, with a low level of employability offering and public and private services quality, with dysfunctional urban mobility. The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate that urban planning in Brazil for this big cities, taking the example of São Paulo, city which has been a pioneer in many aspects in this field as in others, has not reached conclusive levels that allow to deal with its main urban problems: to offer quality public spaces as areas of social interaction by Neighborhood Urban Plans, reaching the much needed urban development of the extreme east and other needy areas of São Paulo City. This thesis presents a methodology for the creation of sustainable Neighborhood Urban Plans with urban quality, through the conjunction of the Public Transportation System with a policy of Land Use, which can offer to the local inhabitant short displacement between home and work, school and commerce and the ability to walk and practice outdoor activities in his neighborhood, on environment quality full streets.
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Contexto histórico, sob o enfoque urbanístico, da formulação e legalização do estudo de impacto de vizinhança / Historical context, under the urbanity view, of the formulation and legalization of the neighborhood impact studyPatricia Maroja Barata Chamié 20 May 2010 (has links)
O Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança (EIV) é um instrumento urbanístico instituído pela Lei Federal nº 10.257/2001, denominada Estatuto da Cidade, e se adéqua perfeitamente a algumas das diretrizes gerais fixadas por esta Lei, como por exemplo, a garantia do direito à cidades sustentáveis, a gestão democrática, o planejamento das cidades e o desenvolvimento das funções sociais da cidade e da propriedade, demonstrando que se faz necessário estabelecer um ponto de equilíbrio entre os interesses econômico e social, retratando, assim, o objetivo fundamental da política urbana. O EIV deve avaliar os efeitos positivos e negativos de um empreendimento ou atividade no meio ambiente urbano. Essa dissertação procura ampliar a possibilidade de aplicação deste Instrumento buscando a definição de critérios para identificação dos empreendimentos ou atividades que devam ser submetidos ao Estudo, a identificação e delimitação de sua área de influência e dos objetos de impacto, e a apresentação de uma metodologia adequada na definição e elaboração dos itens que devam ser abordados na aplicabilidade do instrumento. E a partir de consulta a material bibliográfico, sites, e análise da legislação pertinente ao assunto, em algumas cidades brasileiras, verifica-se que mesmo sendo o EIV um instrumento que surge com o objetivo de instrumentalizar o diálogo em torno das disputas de interesses, através do princípio das cidades sustentáveis, devendo envolver a preocupação com a garantia de direitos às presentes e futuras gerações, não vem sendo este, um instrumento cuja formulação e legalização estejam sendo feitas de modo completo e eficiente, ainda sendo um grande desconhecido da população e do meio técnico. Assemelha-se ao Estudo de Impacto ambiental (EIA) no que diz respeito à avaliação de impactos, mas diverge significativamente quanto aos objetivos, não devendo, portanto o EIA excluir a necessidade de elaboração do EIV. Conclui-se que, avaliar impactos passou a ser uma exigência contemporânea e acima de tudo uma necessidade diante da escassez de recursos naturais, do esgotamento dos grandes centros urbanos e da degradação das relações de vizinhança, devendo o EIV ser um instrumento de mobilização popular e um mecanismo de controle social sobre o desenvolvimento urbano, e que seja de tal forma eficiente, que supere a visão fragmentada da cidade, permitindo o controle dos impactos ao meio ambiente urbano, ao desenvolvimento econômico, e à coletividade. / The Neighborhood Impact Study (NIS) is an urban instrument created by Federal Law number 10.257/2001, named City Statute, and it fits perfectly to some general directress established by this law, such as, the guarantee of the right of sustainable cities, the democratic management, the city planning and the development of the social functions of the city and property, demonstrating that it is necessary to establish a balance between the social and economic interests, showing therefore the main goal of urban political. The NIS should evaluate the positive and negative effects of a building or activity in the urban environment. This dissertation tries to enlarge the possibility of applying this Instrument searching for definition of criteria for identification of the buildings or activities that should be submitted to the Study, the identification and delimitation of the range area and of the impact objects, and the presentation of the appropriate methodology for the definition and development of the items that have to be approached in the instrumental use. Through consulting bibliographic material, sites, and analysis of the legislation about the topic, it is noticed that in some Brazilian cities, even being an instrument that appears with the aim of implementing the dialogue over the interest disputes, by the principle of sustainable cities, the NIS, which should involve the concern about the guarantee of rights for the present and future generations, is not being in fact an instrument that has been used in a complete and efficient way, concerning its formulation and legalization, being still widely unknown by the population and by the technical area. It looks like the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) relating to the evaluation of impacts, but it differs significantly about the objectives, so the EIS should not exclude the need of the development of the NIS. As a conclusion, evaluating impacts is now a contemporary demand and above all, it is a need in the face of the scarcity of natural resources, the exhaustion of the huge urban centers and the deterioration of the neighborhood relations, so the NIS should be an instrument of popular mobilization and a mechanism of social control over the urban development, hoping it is so efficient that it overcomes the fragmented vision of the city, allowing the control of impacts on the urban environment, on the economic development, and on the collective.
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Conceito de densidade urbana aplicada no processo AQUA de certificação ambiental / Urban density concept applied to AQUA Process of environmental certificationElisa Macedo 22 April 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o conceito de densidade urbana adotado pelo processo de certificação AQUA (Alta Qualidade Ambiental) Bairros e Loteamentos emitido pela Fundação Vanzolini. Para analisar a aplicação prática dos critérios de desempenho exigidos foi realizado um estudo de caso do primeiro bairro brasileiro certificado pela fundação Vanzolini, o Jardim das Perdizes na cidade de São Paulo. Para análise crítica foram adotados conceitos de sustentabilidade urbana aplicada ao critério de densidade urbana como adensamento de cidade, compactação de edifícios e uso do solo. O estudo foi feito com base no \"Referencial Técnico de Certificação\" - Processo AQUA - (Bairros e Loteamentos/ Set 2011) Versão 0. Trata-se da primeira versão publicada pela Fundação Vanzolini. O referencial foi baseado numa adaptação da certificação original existente na França, o Démarche HQE(TM) Aménagement, da fundação francesa Certivéa. A escolha desse referencial deve-se ao fato do processo de certificação AQUA se propor a adequar-se a realidade brasileira, com base em normas do país e contexto local. A metodologia do trabalho consistiu em analisar os critérios apresentados pelo referencial de certificação servindo como indicador de metas a serem atingidas para obtenção de um planejamento urbano sustentável no que se refere ao tema de densidade urbana. A partir do conhecimento da ferramenta de certificação AQUA Bairros e loteamentos e com base em bibliografia referencial foram analisadas criticamente as metas propostas e sua compatibilidade com o meio urbano em estudo, o estudo de caso Jardim das Perdizes. / This study evaluated the concept of urban density adopted by AQUA (Alta Qualidade Ambiental - High Environmental Quality ) certification process Neighborhoods and Allotments issued by Vanzolini. To analyze the practice of applying performance criteria required has been analyzed a case study of Brazil\'s first certified neighborhood by foundation Vanzolini, the Jardim das Perdizes in Sao Paulo. For critical analysis of concepts of urban sustainability criteria applied to urban density and densification of the city, compaction of buildings and land use were adopted. The study was based on the technical reference AQUA Neighborhoods \"Referencial Técnico de Certificação\" - Processo AQUA ( Bairros e loteamentos / Sep 2011) Versão 0 . This is the first published version by Vanzolini. The framework was based on an original adaptation of existing certification in France , the HQE (TM) Démarche Aménagement , the French foundation Certivéa . The choice of this framework is due to the fact that AQUA certification process is proposed to adapt to the Brazilian reality, based on standards of the country and local context . The methodology of the study was to examine the criteria submitted by the benchmark certification serving as an indicator of targets to be met to achieve sustainable urban planning with regard to the topic of urban density. From the knowledge of the certification tool AQUA Neighborhoods and subdivisions and based on reference literature were critically analyzed the proposed goals and their compatibility with the urban environment under study, the case study of the Jardim das Perdizes.
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Construção de redes baseadas em vizinhança para o aprendizado semissupervisionado / Graph construction based on neighborhood for semisupervisedLilian Berton 25 January 2016 (has links)
Com o aumento da capacidade de armazenamento, as bases de dados são cada vez maiores e, em muitas situações, apenas um pequeno subconjunto de itens de dados pode ser rotulado. Isto acontece devido ao processo de rotulagem ser frequentemente caro, demorado e necessitar do envolvimento de especialistas humanos. Com isso, diversos algoritmos semissupervisionados foram propostos, mostrando que é possível obter bons resultados empregando conhecimento prévio, relativo à pequena fração de dados rotulados. Dentre esses algoritmos, os que têm ganhado bastante destaque na área têm sido aqueles baseados em redes. Tal interesse, justifica-se pelas vantagens oferecidas pela representação via redes, tais como, a possibilidade de capturar a estrutura topológica dos dados, representar estruturas hierárquicas, bem como modelar manifolds no espaço multi-dimensional. No entanto, existe uma grande quantidade de dados representados em tabelas atributo-valor, nos quais não se poderia aplicar os algoritmos baseados em redes sem antes construir uma rede a partir desses dados. Como a geração das redes, assim como sua relação com o desempenho dos algoritmos têm sido pouco estudadas, esta tese investigou esses aspectos e propôs novos métodos para construção de redes, considerando características ainda não exploradas na literatura. Foram propostos três métodos para construção de redes com diferentes topologias: 1) S-kNN (Sequential k Nearest Neighbors), que gera redes regulares; 2) GBILI (Graph Based on the Informativeness of Labeled Instances) e RGCLI (Robust Graph that Considers Labeled Instances), que exploram os rótulos disponíveis gerando redes com distribuição de grau lei de potência; 3) GBLP (Graph Based on Link Prediction), que se baseia em medidas de predição de links gerando redes com propriedades mundo-pequeno. As estratégias de construção de redes propostas foram analisadas por meio de medidas de teoria dos grafos e redes complexas e validadas por meio da classificação semissupervisionada. Os métodos foram aplicados em benchmarks da área e também na classificação de gêneros musicais e segmentação de imagens. Os resultados mostram que a topologia da rede influencia diretamente os algoritmos de classificação e as estratégias propostas alcançam boa acurácia. / With the increase capacity of storage, databases are getting larger and, in many situations, only a small subset of data items can be labeled. This happens because the labeling process is often expensive, time consuming and requires the involvement of human experts. Hence, several semi-supervised algorithms have been proposed, showing that it is possible to achieve good results by using prior knowledge. Among these algorithms, those based on graphs have gained prominence in the area. Such interest is justified by the benefits provided by the representation via graphs, such as the ability to capture the topological structure of the data, represent hierarchical structures, as well as model manifold in high dimensional spaces. Nevertheless, most of available data is represented by attribute-value tables, making necessary the study of graph construction techniques in order to convert these tabular data into graphs for applying such algorithms. As the generation of the weight matrix and the sparse graph, and their relation to the performance of the algorithms have been little studied, this thesis investigated these aspects and proposed new methods for graph construction with characteristics litle explored in the literature yet. We have proposed three methods for graph construction with different topologies: 1) S-kNN (Sequential k Nearest Neighbors) that generates regular graphs; 2) GBILI (Graph Based on the informativeness of Labeled Instances) and RGCLI (Robust Graph that Considers Labeled Instances), which exploit the labels available generating power-law graphs; 3) GBLP (Graph Based on Link Prediction), which are based on link prediction measures and generates small-world graphs. The strategies proposed were analyzed by graph theory and complex networks measures and validated in semi-supervised classification tasks. The methods were applied in benchmarks of the area and also in the music genre classification and image segmentation. The results show that the topology of the graph directly affects the classification algorithms and the proposed strategies achieve good accuracy.
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Desafios do fazer na gestão da culturaSoares, Sebastião José 11 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-11 / This doctoral thesis focuses on two experiences of cultural management, in which I
was directly involved. One of then happened from 1997 to 2004 at the Municipal
Culture in Itapecerica da Serra city and the other in the context of the Tide Setubal
Foundation that developed in Sao Miguel Paulista, neighborhood of East Region of
São Paulo capital. Although the culture managements happen in different universes,
both are characterized by the coexistence of managers with activities and
representations of who belonged to and participated in these experiments
approached in a comparative perspective, they show the importance of ways of
management of cultural policies, in addition to administrative aspects. In
implementation of projects and programs of culture, a counterpoint comes between
the "do to" and "do with" the target public, men and women, young and not so young.
Thus the important role assumed by the target public, since the cultural actions are
based on a careful view and a receptive listening to their experiences, knowledge
and practices related to everyday life that are neither always taken into account, nor
are they considered as specific demands / Esta tese de doutoramento focaliza duas experiências de gestão da cultura, nas
quais estive diretamente envolvido. Uma delas acontecem entre 1997 e 2004 na
Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Itapecerica da Serra e a outra no âmbito da
Fundação "Tide Setubal" se desenvolveu, em São Miguel Paulista, bairro da região
Leste da capital paulista. Embora aconteçam em universos distintos, ambas se
caracterizam pela convivência próxima dos gestores com as atividades e
representações de quem integrava e participava dessas experiências. Abordadas de
uma perspectiva comparativa, elas chamam atenção para a importância das formas
de gestão de políticas culturais, para além de seus aspectos administrativos
propriamente ditos. Na implementação de projetos e programas de cultura, surge um
contraponto entre o fazer para e o fazer com o seu público alvo, homens e
mulheres, jovens e não jovens. Assim, coloca-se o papel importante assumido pelo
público alvo, desde que as ações culturais estejam baseadas em um olhar atento e
uma escuta receptiva de suas experiências, saberes e fazeres ligados à vida
cotidiana que, nem sempre são levados em conta, nem são considerados como
demandas específicas
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Service recommendation for individual and process use / Recommandation de services pour un usage individuel et la conception de procédés métiersNguyen, Ngoc Chan 13 December 2012 (has links)
Les services Web proposent un paradigme intéressant pour la publication, la découverte et la consommation de services. Ce sont des applications faiblement couplées qui peuvent être exécutées seules ou être composées pour créer de nouveaux services à valeur ajoutée. Ils peuvent être consommés comme des services individuels qui fournissent une interface unique qui reçoit des inputs et retourne des outputs (cas 1), ou bien ils peuvent être consommés en tant que composants à intégrer dans des procédés métier (cas 2). Nous appelons le premier cas de consommation « utilisation individuelle » et le second cas de consommation « utilisation en procédé métier ». La nécessité d'avoir des outils dédiés pour aider les consommateurs dans les deux cas de consommation a impliqué de nombreux travaux de recherche dans les milieux académiques ou industriels. D'une part, beaucoup de portails et de moteurs de recherche de services ont été développés pour aider les utilisateurs à rechercher et invoquer les services Web pour une utilisation individuelle. Cependant, les approches actuelles prennent principalement en compte les connaissances explicites présentées par les descriptions de service. Ils font des recommandations sans tenir compte des données qui reflètent l'intérêt des utilisateurs et peuvent demander des informations supplémentaires aux utilisateurs. D'autre part, plusieurs techniques et mécanismes associées aux procédés métier ont été élaborés pour rechercher des modèles de procédé métiers similaires, ou utiliser des modèles de référence. Ces mécanismes sont utilisés pour assister les analystes métiers à la conception de procédés métiers. Cependant, ils sont lents, source d'erreurs, grands consommateurs de ressources humaines, et peuvent induire à l’erreur les analystes métier. Dans notre travail, nous cherchons à faciliter la consommation de services Web pour une utilisation individuelle ou en procédé métier en proposant des techniques de recommandation. Notre objectif est de recommander aux utilisateurs des services qui sont proches de leur intérêt et de recommander aux analystes métier des services qui sont pertinents pour un procédé métier en cours de conception. Pour recommander des services pour une utilisation individuelle, nous prenons en compte l’historique des données d'utilisation de l'utilisateur qui reflètent ses intérêts. Nous appliquons des techniques de filtrage collaboratif bien connues pour faire des recommandations. Nous avons proposé cinq algorithmes et développé une application Web qui permet aux utilisateurs d'utiliser des services recommandés. Pour recommander des services pour une utilisation en procédé métier, nous prenons en compte les relations entre les services du procédé métier. Nous proposons de recommander les services en fonction de leurs localisations dans le procédé métier. Nous avons définit le contexte de voisinage d'un service. Nous avons présenté des recommandations basées sur l'appariement de contexte de voisinage. Par ailleurs, nous avons développé un langage de requête pour permettre aux analystes métier d'exprimer formellement des contraintes de filtrage. Nous avons proposé également une approche pour extraire le contexte de voisinage à partir de traces d’exécution de procédés métier. Enfin, nous avons développé trois applications afin de valider notre approche. Nous avons effectué des expérimentations sur des données recueillies par nos applications et sur deux grands ensembles de données publiques. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que notre approche est faisable, précise et performante dans des cas d'utilisation réels / Web services have been developed as an attractive paradigm for publishing, discovering and consuming services. They are loosely-coupled applications that can be run alone or be composed to create new value-added services. They can be consumed as individual services which provide a unique interface to receive inputs and return outputs; or they can be consumed as components to be integrated into business processes. We call the first consumption case individual use and the second case business process use. The requirement of specific tools to assist consumers in the two service consumption cases involves many researches in both academics and industry. On the one hand, many service portals and service crawlers have been developed as specific tools to assist users to search and invoke Web services for individual use. However, current approaches take mainly into account explicit knowledge presented by service descriptions. They make recommendations without considering data that reflect user interest and may require additional information from users. On the other hand, some business process mechanisms to search for similar business process models or to use reference models have been developed. These mechanisms are used to assist process analysts to facilitate business process design. However, they are labor-intense, error-prone, time-consuming, and may make business analyst confused. In our work, we aim at facilitating the service consumption for individual use and business process use using recommendation techniques. We target to recommend users services that are close to their interest and to recommend business analysts services that are relevant to an ongoing designed business process. To recommend services for individual use, we take into account the user's usage data which reflect the user's interest. We apply well-known collaborative filtering techniques which are developed for making recommendations. We propose five algorithms and develop a web-based application that allows users to use services. To recommend services for business process use, we take into account the relations between services in business processes. We target to recommend relevant services to selected positions in a business process. We define the neighborhood context of a service. We make recommendations based on the neighborhood context matching. Besides, we develop a query language to allow business analysts to formally express constraints to filter services. We also propose an approach to extract the service's neighborhood context from business process logs. Finally, we develop three applications to validate our approach. We perform experiments on the data collected by our applications and on two large public datasets. Experimental results show that our approach is feasible, accurate and has good performance in real use-cases
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Ditt Nya Hageby : En governmentalitystudie i ett bostadsocialt projekt / Ditt Nya Hageby : A governmentality study in an urban community work projectPettersson, Mats January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis discuss the matter of non-profit-making associations as a self regulatory technique out of a theoretical concept of power. The object for the study is the non-profit-making association Ditt Nya Hageby, which work in the neigborhood of Hageby, a suburb to Norrköping. In the study the association is placed in a contemporary postmodern social context and analyzed through semi- structured qualitative interviews, accordingly to hermeneutical method, with five active members of the association as informants. The association consists of members who lives in the neighborhood. Together with a hired organizer they realizes their own ideas in to projects which unquestionably improves the social and physical enviroment in Hageby. The author of this thesis, however argues their activities also can be looked at in a normative way concerning social order in a non-compelling sence. Thus the author means that the association, in this particular sense, could be understood theoretically by implying Michel Foucaults govermentality concept. In order to reach the final conclusion the informants experience concerning sense of community and identity in relation to Ditt Nya Hageby is analyzed. Further theoretical framework is provided by Ferdinand Tönnies concepts of gemeinschaft/gesellschaft and Jürgen Habermas civil publicity. The paper also accounts for what the authorbelieves to be the ideological/methodological basis for Ditt Nya Hageby’s activities by presenting and discussing the"from the inside out"-perspective which is recomended by John P. Kretzman&John.L McKnight regarding the reconstruction, in a wider sense, of exposed neigborhoods.</p>
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