Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neighbourhood""
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Household’s energy consumption and productionforecasting: A Multi-step ahead forecast strategiescomparison.Martín-Roldán Villanueva, Gonzalo January 2017 (has links)
In a changing global energy market where the decarbonization of the economy and the demand growth are pushing to look for new models away from the existing centralized non-renewable based grid. To do so, households have to take a ‘prosumer’ role; to help them take optimal actions is needed a multi-step ahead forecast of their expected energy production and consumption. In multi-step ahead forecasting there are different strategies to perform the forecast. The single-output: Recursive, Direct, DirRec, and the multi-output: MIMO and DIRMO. This thesis performs a comparison between the performance of the differents strategies in a ‘prosumer’ household; using Artificial Neural Networks, Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbours Regression to forecast both solar energy production and grid input. The results of this thesis indicates that the methodology proposed performs better than state of the art models in a more detailed household energy consumption dataset. They also indicate that the strategy and model of choice is problem dependent and a strategy selection step should be added to the forecasting methodology. Additionally, the performance of the Recursive strategy is always far from the best while the DIRMO strategy performs similarly. This makes the latter a suitable option for exploratory analysis.
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Turecko jako regionální velmoc / Turkey as a regional powerSellner, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Foreign policy of Turkey has undergone many changes in the past ten years, during the reign of the political party called Party of justice and development. Original orientation to European Union while neglecting relations with the countries of the Near East has changed. Nowadays, Turkey is an ambitious state which wants to play an important role not only in its immediate surroundings. Foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu aims his foreign policy to keep contact with partners from the NATO but he also tries to stay independent in decisions in order to expand into other markets. Trade policy and cultural exchange are the key means of the development of Turkey with a goal of becoming regional power. At present it is not possible to fulfil zero problems policy with neighbours with regard to the situation in Syria or disagreements in settlement of Iranian nuclear program. We can observe progress in relation with Russia and China up to the level of strategic partnership. Considering wide range of Turkish foreign policy, the goal of this work was to evaluate whether Turkey, in relation to other states, is a regional power these days. The means of evaluation were creating characteristics of a regional power and analysis of current Turkish foreign policy.
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Efekt souseda a jeho vliv na volební chování v českých parlamentních volbách / The Friends and Neighbours Effect and Its Relevance to Voting Behaviour in Czech Parliamentary ElectionsPileček, Radek January 2020 (has links)
Voter decision-making about which political party to support in the elections is a very complex process. One of the key factors influencing our voting behaviour is the effect of particular candidates in terms of their local activities. Many Czech and also foreign studies show that candidates gain significantly higher preferences in the municipality of their residence and its surroundings. Within the analyzed parliamentary elections, this is reflected not only by the territorial concentration of preferential votes, but also by higher local electoral support of the political parties or movements represented by these candidates. This diploma thesis examines, among other things, differences in the strength of the described effect (technically called the friends and neighbours effect) between candidates from different political parties and in different regions of Czechia. Quantitative research has shown greater local strength and spatial extent of friends and neighbours effect for leading candidates from non-metropolitan areas who have experiences from local or regional politics, such as mayors or regional councilors. In the 2017 parliamentary elections, the friends and neighbours effect mostly influenced the spatial patterns of electoral support of the KDU-ČSL and the STAN movement and on the other...
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Грађанскоправна одговорност за имисије / Građanskopravna odgovornost za imisije / Civil liability for immissionsGajinov Tamara 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су детаљно размотрена битна обележја, правни значај и правци развоја грађанскоправне одговорности за имисије. Целокупна тематика је анализирана у ширем историјском контексту и кроз поређење системских решења која постоје у домаћем и упоредном праву.<br />Правно уређење имисија сагледано је у контексту међународног права, наднационалног права Европске уније и кроз решења која постоје у појединим националним правним системима. Посебна пажња посвећена је теоријским поставкама, нормативним решењима и правној пракси у Републици Србији.<br />У правним системима европско континенталног типа институт имисија је, по правилу, део стварноправне материје и спада у домен суседских права. Међутим, у неким земљама постоје другачија нормативна решења. Имисије не представљају засебан правни институт, али је материја на коју се оне односе обухваћена правилима о службеностима и сл. Сметања изазвана имисијама у земљама англоамеричког правног система представљају део деликтног права.<br />Традиционално поимање имисија, наслеђено из римског права, знатно је проширено, а сам правни институт у значајној мери трансформисан.<br />У раду је посебна пажња посвећена новим видовима имисионог деловања, насталим услед технолошког развоја, индустријализације и урбанизације.<br />Предмет упоредноправне анализе су била и основна мерила за утврђивање нивоа прекомерности имисија, јер у вези са тим у правној пракси постоје многобројни проблеми.<br />У Републици Србији прекорачења граница имисионог деловања подразумева, најпре, одговорност за опасност од штете, којом се широко афирмише принцип превенције, као и одговорност за проузроковану штету, у случају да је услед имисија дошло до оштећења или уништења заштићених добара. И поред низа специфичности у односу на традиционалне штете, све штетне последице настале услед имисија се отклањају класичним средствима одштетног права.<br />Посебно поглавље посвећено је осигурању од одговорности за штете проузроковане имисијама.<br />У раду су анализиране могућности за реализацију вансудске, као и судске имисионе заштите којa се остварујe путем државинске, негаторне, тзв. популарне и класичне облигационоправне тужбе. Уз то, указано је на потребу реформисања постојеће регулативе, када су у питању колективни механизми заштите интереса у овој области и увођења посебних правила која би се односила на имисионе парнице.<br />У закључним разматрањима је констатовано да институт имисија данас превазилази оквире суседског права у које се традиционално сврстава и представља важно ограничење права својине у општем интересу којим се обезбеђује и заштита животне средине. Одговорност за имисије се самим тим више не може везивати искључиво за недопуштене утицаје на суседну непокретност, него мора нужно проширити и на оне случајеве у којима неко емитује нешто штетно у околину, што угрожава ширу друштвену заједницу. Поред тога указано је и на потребу увођења мобилијарних имисија као посебне категорије. Уз то, у овој области долази и до све већег функционалног повезивања имисионе заштите са појединим гранама јавног права. Поред тога, грађанско право се постепено прилагођава савременим еколошким изазовима, уз све већи државни интервеционизам у домену својинских односа. Све ово указује на правце у којима ће већ трансформисано имисионо право наставити да се развија, пружајући значајан допринос, како заштити својинских овлашћења власника непокретности, тако и заштити животне средине.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su detaljno razmotrena bitna obeležja, pravni značaj i pravci razvoja građanskopravne odgovornosti za imisije. Celokupna tematika je analizirana u širem istorijskom kontekstu i kroz poređenje sistemskih rešenja koja postoje u domaćem i uporednom pravu.<br />Pravno uređenje imisija sagledano je u kontekstu međunarodnog prava, nadnacionalnog prava Evropske unije i kroz rešenja koja postoje u pojedinim nacionalnim pravnim sistemima. Posebna pažnja posvećena je teorijskim postavkama, normativnim rešenjima i pravnoj praksi u Republici Srbiji.<br />U pravnim sistemima evropsko kontinentalnog tipa institut imisija je, po pravilu, deo stvarnopravne materije i spada u domen susedskih prava. Međutim, u nekim zemljama postoje drugačija normativna rešenja. Imisije ne predstavljaju zaseban pravni institut, ali je materija na koju se one odnose obuhvaćena pravilima o službenostima i sl. Smetanja izazvana imisijama u zemljama angloameričkog pravnog sistema predstavljaju deo deliktnog prava.<br />Tradicionalno poimanje imisija, nasleđeno iz rimskog prava, znatno je prošireno, a sam pravni institut u značajnoj meri transformisan.<br />U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena novim vidovima imisionog delovanja, nastalim usled tehnološkog razvoja, industrijalizacije i urbanizacije.<br />Predmet uporednopravne analize su bila i osnovna merila za utvrđivanje nivoa prekomernosti imisija, jer u vezi sa tim u pravnoj praksi postoje mnogobrojni problemi.<br />U Republici Srbiji prekoračenja granica imisionog delovanja podrazumeva, najpre, odgovornost za opasnost od štete, kojom se široko afirmiše princip prevencije, kao i odgovornost za prouzrokovanu štetu, u slučaju da je usled imisija došlo do oštećenja ili uništenja zaštićenih dobara. I pored niza specifičnosti u odnosu na tradicionalne štete, sve štetne posledice nastale usled imisija se otklanjaju klasičnim sredstvima odštetnog prava.<br />Posebno poglavlje posvećeno je osiguranju od odgovornosti za štete prouzrokovane imisijama.<br />U radu su analizirane mogućnosti za realizaciju vansudske, kao i sudske imisione zaštite koja se ostvaruje putem državinske, negatorne, tzv. popularne i klasične obligacionopravne tužbe. Uz to, ukazano je na potrebu reformisanja postojeće regulative, kada su u pitanju kolektivni mehanizmi zaštite interesa u ovoj oblasti i uvođenja posebnih pravila koja bi se odnosila na imisione parnice.<br />U zaključnim razmatranjima je konstatovano da institut imisija danas prevazilazi okvire susedskog prava u koje se tradicionalno svrstava i predstavlja važno ograničenje prava svojine u opštem interesu kojim se obezbeđuje i zaštita životne sredine. Odgovornost za imisije se samim tim više ne može vezivati isključivo za nedopuštene uticaje na susednu nepokretnost, nego mora nužno proširiti i na one slučajeve u kojima neko emituje nešto štetno u okolinu, što ugrožava širu društvenu zajednicu. Pored toga ukazano je i na potrebu uvođenja mobilijarnih imisija kao posebne kategorije. Uz to, u ovoj oblasti dolazi i do sve većeg funkcionalnog povezivanja imisione zaštite sa pojedinim granama javnog prava. Pored toga, građansko pravo se postepeno prilagođava savremenim ekološkim izazovima, uz sve veći državni intervecionizam u domenu svojinskih odnosa. Sve ovo ukazuje na pravce u kojima će već transformisano imisiono pravo nastaviti da se razvija, pružajući značajan doprinos, kako zaštiti svojinskih ovlašćenja vlasnika nepokretnosti, tako i zaštiti životne sredine.</p> / <p>The dissertation provides a thorough review of significant features, legal importance and ways of development of the civil liability for immissions. The whole matter is analyzed in the wider historical context and through the comparison of international and national law sources.<br />The legal regulation of the institution of immission was scrutinized with the help of international, law sources of European Union, and national legal solutions. The special focus is on the theoretical approach, law sources and legal practice in Republic of Serbia.<br />In the continental European legal systems, the institution of immission is usually the part of property law and represents a kind of neighboring rights. However, there are some countries in which there are no special rules for the immissions, and thus they are treated as specific rules of servitutes. In the Anglo-Saxon legal systems, the institution of immission falls under the tort law.<br />The traditional determination of immission inherited from the Roman law has been considerably extended, and the legal institution itself has been significantly transformed.<br />The dissertation is also devoted to modern forms of immissions which are the consequence of technological development, industrialization and urban development.<br />Another subject of comparative analysis is the basic criteria for measuring the exceeding of the set immission limits. Many problems concerning these issues are encountered in legal practice.<br />In Republic of Serbia the exceeding of the set immission limits is primarily related to the responsibility for hazards that might lead to damage. This generally underlines the principle of prevention. If the immission causes harm or a total damage of someone’s goods, this will also give the right to redress the damage. Compared to traditional damages, the damages caused by immissions have many specifics. However, the compensation is based on general tort law.<br />The special chapter of dissertation is devoted to the liability insurance against damages caused by immissions.<br />There is also the analysis of the protection from immissions, that can be achived out of as well as in the court, by means of the lawsuit for disturbance of possession, possessory action (action negatoria), the so-called popular action, as well as by means of the classical obligation lawsuit. Moreover, the author provides some particular suggestions for the reform of the current legislation in the field of collective lawsuits, as well as for introducing special rules for the immission litigation.<br />In the conclusion, the author points out that nowadays the institution of immission exceeds the framework of neighboring rights, where it has traditionally belonged to, and represents an important limitation to the right to property in public interest that also provides for the environmental protection. Thus, the liability for immissions cannot exclusively refer to an illegal impact on the neighboring property rights any more, but has to be extended to include those cases in which someone emits something harmful into the environment, which affects the common society. Moreover, the author points out to the need of introducing mobiliar immissions as a special category. There is also more and more functional interconnection between immission protection and other public law disciplines in this field. Civil law is adapting to meet the contemporary environmental challenges and there is a considerable and recognizable state interventionism in the proprietary rights field. All these circumstances point to the ways in which the transformed immission law is going to develop and contribute to the protection of proprietary rights of the property owners, as well as to environmental protection.</p>
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Estudo espectroscópico de Cristais Eu3+:TR2O2S (TR=Y, La, Gd, Lu) através de modelos de campo cristalinoSilva, Janaelson Abilio da 29 July 2016 (has links)
In this paper we present a study of the energy position and splitting of the 7F1 and 5D1 mutiplets of the Eu3+ ion in the TR2O2S (TR = La, Gd, Y and Lu) compounds. Three models were used, namely, the point charge electrostatic model, the simple overlap model and the method of equivalent nearest neighbours. Using the coordinates of the luminescent- site, predictions of the crystal field parameters and the crystal field strength parameter and position and splitting of energy levels were performed. The electrostatic model presented good predictions only from a qualitative point of view, as expected. The same behaviour was observed when using the simple overlay model, if the charge factors entered are equal to the valence of the nearest neighbours. Using the method and a phenomenological fitting of the charge factors, in addition to satisfactorily reproduction of the data in the literature, it was observed that the dependency charge factor versus distance follows the model of Malta et al 2000, and shows increase or decrease according to the signal of the BB02parameter. / Os elementos terras raras vêm ganhando notoriedade nas mais diversas áreas de interesse tecnológico e cientifico, principalmente em função das suas características luminescentes. Nesse trabalho foi realizado um estudo do desdobramento dos mutiplitos de energia 7F1 e 5D1 dos compostos Eu:TR2O2S (TR = La, Gd, Y e Lu). Foram utilizados três modelos: o eletrostático de cargas pontuais (PCEM), de recobrimento simples (SOM) e o método dos vizinhos equivalentes (MENN). Utilizando os dados das coordenadas da estrutura do sítio luminescente. Foram realizadas previsões utilizando os modelos citados, dos parâmetros de força e campo cristalino, fatores de carga e recobrimento, intensidades dos níveis de energia e desdobramento para ambos os multipletos. O PCEM apresentou para todas estruturas resultados discrepantes em relação aos valores desejados, o mesmo comportamento observamos quando utilizado o SOM. O MENN, usando dados fenomenológico, para todos os compostos, foi o modelo que reproduziu satisfatoriamente os valores encontrados na literatura.
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Contribuição ao estudo dos níveis de energia em sistemas contendo íons Ln3+Oliveira, Yuri Álisson Rodrigues de 28 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A new approach to describe the crystal field interaction in compounds that contains trivalent lanthanide
ions is presented. It is considered the electrostatic balance of the optically active site, the
effective charge of the central ion and the sign of crystal field parameters (CCP) as determinant
factors in the crystal field interaction. The method of the first equivalent neighbours (MENN) was
reformulated, and improvements in predicting the CCP and energy levels 7FJ of Eu3+ could be
realized. Moreover, it was possible to predict the lanthanide-nearest neighbour interaction of load
factors (Ln-NN), the maximum coverage of the wave functions of the interacting ions and energy
levels levels structure of the 7FJ of Eu3+. The physically acceptable limits are designed to load
factors and the maximum overlap of the wave functions of the interacting ions. The compounds
studied have high symmetry and exhibit a first neighbourhood consisting of oxygen ions, fluorine
or chlorine. The use of secular determinants solutions of the energy matrices served as an excellent
theoretical framework for the development of the method, which is applied based on the simple
overlap model (SOM). This allowed the description of the interaction of the crystalline field by
a nonparametric method and simple application. In addition, it was predicted the wave functions
overlap factor of the interacting ions, the total effective bonding charge of Eu3+, and the relationships
and trends of the crystal field interaction with the chemical species of the NN and the type
of Ln that makes up the main host matrix. Finally, it was possible to remodulate the MENN at a
more theoretical method by using theoretical data. The results served to confirm the efficiency and
accuracy of MENN in describing the interaction of the crystal field on systems containing trivalent
lanthanide ions. / Uma nova abordagem na descrição da interação do campo cristalino em compostos contendo íons
lantanídeos trivalentes é apresentada. São considerados o equilíbrio eletrostático do sítio opticamente
ativo, a carga efetiva do íon central e o sinal dos parâmetros de campo cristalino (PCC) como
fatores determinantes na descrição da interação de campo cristalino. O método dos primeiros vizinhos
equivalentes (MENN) foi reformulado, e assim melhorias na previsão dos PCC e dos níveis
de energia 7FJ do Eu3+ puderam ser realizadas. Além disso, foi possível prever fatores de carga
de interação lantanídeo-primeiro vizinho (Ln-PV), o recobrimento máximo das funções de onda
dos íons interagentes e estrutura dos níveis níveis de energia 7FJ do Eu3+. Foram estabelecidos
limites fisicamente aceitáveis para os fatores de carga e para o recobrimento máximo das funções
de onda dos íons interagentes. Os compostos estudados possuem alta simetria e apresentam uma
primeira vizinhança composta por íons de oxigênio, flúor ou cloro. A utilização das soluções dos
determinantes seculares das matrizes energéticas serviram como um excelente aporte teórico para
o desenvolvimento do método, o qual é aplicado tendo por base o modelo de recobrimento simples
(SOM). Isto permitiu a descrição da interação do campo cristalino por um método não paramétrico
e de simples aplicação. Além disso, foi realizada a previsão do fator de recobrimento das funções
de onda dos íons interagentes, carga efetiva total de ligação do Eu3+, e as relações e tendências da
interação do campo cristalino com a espécie química dos PV, e o tipo de Ln que compõe a matriz
hospedeira principal. Por fim, foi possível tornar o MENN um método mais teórico através da
utilização de dados teóricos. Os resultados obtidos serviram para confirmar a eficiência e precisão
do MENN na descrição da interação do campo cristalino em sistemas contendo íons lantanídeos
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Analýza experimentálních EKG záznamů / Analysis of experimental ECGMaršánová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of experimental electrograms (EG) recorded from isolated rabbit hearts. The theoretical part is focused on the basic principles of electrocardiography, pathological events in ECGs, automatic classification of ECG and experimental cardiological research. The practical part deals with manual classification of individual pathological events – these results will be presented in the database of EG records, which is under developing at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at BUT nowadays. Manual scoring of data was discussed with experts. After that, the presence of pathological events within particular experimental periods was described and influence of ischemia on heart electrical activity was reviewed. In the last part, morphological parameters calculated from EG beats were statistically analised with Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey-Kramer tests and also principal component analysis (PCA) and used as classification features to classify automatically four types of the beats. Classification was realized with four approaches such as discriminant function analysis, k-Nearest Neighbours, support vector machines, and naive Bayes classifier.
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Automatická klasifikace spánkových fází z polysomnografických dat / Automatic sleep scoring using polysomnographic dataVávrová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analysis of polysomnographic signals based on extraction of chosen parameters in time, frequency and time-frequency domain. The parameters are acquired from 30 seconds long segments of EEG, EMG and EOG signals recorded during different sleep stages. The parameters used for automatic classification of sleep stages are selected according to statistical analysis. The classification is realized by artificial neural networks, k-NN classifier and linear discriminant analysis. The program with a graphical user interface was created using Matlab.
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Jane Wegewitz/Tom Pürschel: Broder, Cerf & Löbl – Nachbarn auf Zeit. Neighbours for Some TimeBalz, Eva 18 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A Comparative Study of Machine Learning AlgorithmsLe Fort, Eric January 2018 (has links)
The selection of machine learning algorithm used to solve a problem is an important choice. This paper outlines research measuring three performance metrics for eight different algorithms on a prediction task involving under- graduate admissions data. The algorithms that were tested are k-nearest neighbours, decision trees, random forests, gradient tree boosting, logistic regression, naive bayes, support vector machines, and artificial neural net- works. These algorithms were compared in terms of accuracy, training time, and execution time. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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