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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of coherence between limbic structures in a rodent model of Parkinson's Disease

Zachrisson, Love January 2021 (has links)
Parkinson’s Disease affects 10 million people worldwide, with 40% of patients developing an associated psychosis which has been identified by studies as the number one source of caretaker distress and is related to increased mortality. This is further complicated by the fact that typical antipsychotic drugs worsen many of the motor symptoms implicated in Parkinson’s Disease, with only one commercially available drug able to ameliorate both symptoms. This problem ushers the development of novel drugs to treat these symptoms, as first tested on research animals. Complicating matters, drug effectiveness on the degree of psychosis is hard to obtain in animals without a reliable biomarker. However, a hallmark of psychotic states is thought to be the reduced coordination between brain structures, through neuronal synchronization, as demonstrated by steady-state responses and is suggested to be a potential biomarker of psychosis. By building a MATLAB software we were able to analyze the degree of neural synchronization between structures, during an auditory steady-state response, in rats that had been unilaterally lesioned by the 6-Hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson’s Disease, before and after administration of the psychotomimetic drug MK801. These rats had been chronically implanted with 128-channel multi electrode array, enabling us to measure the strength of coherence between several limbic structures, associated with auditory processing, from the sampled local field potential, identifying the degree of synchronization in the animal brain. As our data demonstrate that coherence levels dropped in the psychotic drug state, for structures in both the healthy and the Parkinsonian hemisphere, we are able to further demonstrate the validity of coherence measures as a biomarker for psychosis. These results demonstrate that our software can be used as a tool to assess the therapeutic response of drugs developed, aimed at treating Parkinson’s associated psychosis. / Parkinsons sjukdom drabbar 10 miljoner världen över, där 40% av patienterna utvecklar en associerad psykos vilket har visats vara en av de största stressfaktorerna för deras vårdgivare och är även förknippat med en högre dödlighetsgrad. Denna situation förvärras av det faktum att de vanliga antipsykotiska drogerna kan förvärra många av de motoriska symptom som utgörs av Parkinsons sjukdom och det finns i dagsläget enbart en enda kommersiell drog som kan dämpa bägge symptom samtidigt. Detta problem frammanar vidare utveckling av nya läkemedel som kan behandla dessa symptom, som innebär att de först måste testas på försöksdjur. En komplikation som uppstår i relation till detta är svårigheten att utvärdera om läkemedel har någon terapeutisk effekt på de psykotiska tillstånden, enbart genom att observera försöksdjurens beteenden, och en pålitlig biomarkör krävs istället. En lösning kan dock finnas i det faktum att psykotiska tillstånd karaktäriseras av en reducerad förmåga för olika hjärnområden att koordinera genom neural synkronisering vilket demonstreras av ‘steady- state’ responser. Detta föreslår att ett mått på graden av koordineringsförmåga kan agera som en möjlig biomarkör för psykotiska tillstånd. Genom att konstruera ett MATLAB-program kunde vi analysera graden av synkronicitet mellan hjärnstrukturer, under den auditiva steady- state responsen i råttor som hade blivit ensidigt lesionerade genom 6-Hydroxiddopamin modellen av Parkinsons sjukdom, före och efter administration av den psykotomimetiska drogen MK801. Dessa råttor hade blivit kroniskt implanterade med 128 elektroder vilket möjliggjorde att vi kunde mäta styrkan i koherens i den lokala fält potentialen mellan limbiska strukturer, som är associerade med auditiv processering, vilket möjliggjorde identifiering av3dessa strukturers synkronicitet. Vår data demonstrerar att koherensen minskade under det psykotiska drogtillståndet för limbiska strukturer både i den intakta och den lesionerade hjärnhalvan. Detta är en vidare demonstration av att koherensnivåer kan agera som en biomarkör för det psykotiska tillståndet, liksom att vår mjukvara kan nyttjas som ett verktyg för att utvärdera nya läkemedels behandlingsförmåga på Parkinsons psykos.

Establishing a biopsychosocial model for conspiracy theory ideation

Hallner, Linus January 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to provide the grounds for a biopsychosocial understanding of the underpinnings of conspiracy theorist ideation by studying research articles from different scientific disciplines. Cross-disciplinary concurring results are presented and discussed, as well as some examples of how conspiracy theories have been used during the 20th century. Also discussed is how this is used in political discourse in the populist climate of today, with the rise of radical right-wing movements, the justification of “alternative facts” from higher governmental ranks, and religious fundamentalism, making it a societal issue of possible big magnitude. Neurological similarities was found between religiousness and proneness to conspiracy theory ideation, and the articles concerning neural correlates therefore stem from research on religious individuals due to the lack of neuro-biopsychological research on actual conspiracy theorists. Since conspiracy theory ideation has shown the ability to cause negative consequences it is also advised that governmental agencies and society as a whole revise its stance on populism and the spread of flawed information, in order to maintain an open society. Also presented are a few ideas on how to begin countering the rise of populism.

Molecular Mechanisms of Reward and Aversion

Klawonn, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Various molecular pathways in the brain shape our understanding of good and bad, as well as our motivation to seek and avoid such stimuli. This work evolves around how systemic inflammation causes aversion; and why general unpleasant states such as sickness, stress, pain and nausea are encoded by our brain as undesirable; and contrary to these questions, how drugs of abuse can subjugate the motivational neurocircuitry of the brain. A common feature of these various disease states is involvement of the motivational neurocircuitry - from mesolimbic to striatonigral pathways. Having an intact motivational system is what helps us evade negative outcomes and approach natural positive reinforcers, which is essential for our survival. During disease-states the motivational neurocircuitry may be overthrown by the molecular mechanisms that originally were meant to aid us. In study I, to investigate how inflammation is perceived as aversive, we used a behavioral test based on Pavlovian place conditioning with the aversive inflammatory stimulus E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Using a combination of cell-type specific gene deletions, pharmacology, and chemogenetics, we uncovered that systemic inflammation triggered aversion by MyD88-dependent activation of the brain endothelium followed by COX1-mediated cerebral prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis. Moreover, we showed that inflammation-induced PGE2 targeted EP1 receptors on striatal dopamine D1 receptor–expressing neurons and that this signaling sequence induced aversion through GABA-mediated inhibition of dopaminergic cells. Finally, inflammation-induced aversion was not an indirect consequence of fever or anorexia but constituted an independent inflammatory symptom triggered by a unique molecular mechanism. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that PGE2-mediated modulation of the dopaminergic circuitry is a key mechanism underlying inflammation-induced aversion. In study II, we investigate the role of peripheral IFN-γ in LPS induced conditioned place aversion by employing a strategy based on global and cell-type specific gene deletions, combined with measures of gene-expression. LPS induced IFN-ɣ expression in the blood, and deletion of IFN-ɣ or its receptor prevented conditioned place aversion (CPA) to LPS. LPS increased the expression of chemokine Cxcl10 in the striatum of normal mice. This induction was absent in mice lacking IFN-ɣ receptors or Myd88 in blood brain barrier endothelial cells. Furthermore, inflammation-induced aversion was blocked in mice lacking Cxcl10 or its receptor Cxcr3. Finally, mice with a selective deletion of the IFN-ɣ receptor in brain endothelial cells did not develop inflammation-induced aversion. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that circulating IFN-ɣ binding to receptors on brain endothelial cells which induces Cxcl10, is a central link in the signaling chain eliciting inflammation-induced aversion. In study III, we explored the role of melanocortin 4 receptors (MC4Rs) in aversive processing using genetically modified mice in CPA to various stimuli. In normal mice, robust aversions were induced by systemic inflammation, nausea, pain and kappa opioid receptor-induced dysphoria. In sharp contrast, mice lacking MC4Rs displayed preference towards most of the aversive stimuli, but were indifferent to pain. The unusual flip from aversion to reward in mice lacking MC4Rs was dopamine-dependent and associated with a change from decreased to increased activity of the dopamine system. The responses to aversive stimuli were normalized when MC4Rs were re-expressed on dopamine D1 receptor-expressing cells or in the striatum of mice otherwise lacking MC4Rs. Furthermore, activation of arcuate nucleus proopiomelanocortin neurons projecting to the ventral striatum increased the activity of striatal neurons in a MC4R-dependent manner and elicited aversion. Our findings demonstrate that melanocortin signaling through striatal MC4Rs is critical for assigning negative motivational valence to harmful stimuli. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine has been implied in reward learning and drug addiction. However, the role of cholinergic receptor subtypes in such processes remains elusive. In study IV we investigated the function of muscarinic M4Rs on dopamine D1R expressing neurons and acetylcholinergic neurons, using transgenic mice in various reward-enforced behaviors and in a “waiting”-impulsivity test. Mice lacking M4-receptors from D1-receptor expressing neurons exhibited an escalated reward seeking phenotype towards cocaine and natural reward, in Pavlovian conditioning and an operant self-administration task, respectively. In addition, the M4-D1RCre mice showed impaired waiting impulsivity in the 5-choice-serial-reaction-time-task. On the contrary, mice without M4Rs in acetylcholinergic neurons were unable to learn positive reinforcement to natural reward and cocaine, in an operant runway paradigm and in Pavlovian conditioning.  Immediate early gene expression mirrored the behavioral findings arising from M4R-D1R knockout, as cocaine induced cFos and FosB was significantly increased in the forebrain of M4-D1RCre mice, whereas it remained normal in the M4R-ChatCre mice. Our study illustrates that muscarinic M4Rs on specific neural populations, either cholinergic or D1R-expressing, are pivotal for learning processes related to both natural reward and drugs of abuse, with opposing functionality.

Association between Parental Engagement and Learning Materials towards the Cognitive and Social-Emotional Development of Children 3 to 4 years of age in Zimbabwe – a Cross Sectional Study

Matziaraki, Lydia January 2021 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this work was to broaden the understating of the role of parental engagement and learning materials at home, in promoting high cognitive and social emotional development. The study assessed the connection between maternal and paternal engagement, having 3 or more books and 2 or more types of playthings, towards the cognitive and social-emotional development of children. Methods: Data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) was used, involving 2517 children in Zimbabwe. Unadjusted logistic regression was conducted to assess the possible confounders. Logistic regression was performed between parental engagement, children having 3 or more books and 2 or more types of playthings, towards the outcome of interest. Results: The results indicate that 91% of the children acquired high cognitive development and 63.4% social emotional. There has not been a significant association between maternal engagement and children’s cognitive or social-emotional development. Similarly, no correlation was found between paternal engagement and children’s development. Nevertheless, households having 3 or more books, reported increased odds of children having high cognitive development and lower odds of social-emotional development. Similarly, children with 2 or more types of playthings, depicted a positive association for social-emotional growth, whereas cognitive development decreased further. Conclusion: The association between having 3 or more books and 2 or more types of playthings remained significant, although parental engagement was insignificant. Future research on parenting practices in different cultural contexts is suggested, concerning the developmental status of children. In addition, more developmental, age-related assessment items are needed.

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