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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Byggregler för flerbostadshus : en studie av konsekvenser och möjligheter att skapa kvalitativa bostäder genom riktad problemlösning i byggprocessen

Bergqvist, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning have been conducting housing needs assessments since 1995 (Boverket 2015). The latest assessment was conducted in 2015 and showed that 71,000 homes will need to be built annually by 2020. To be able to contribute to building more homes, Willhem AB is carrying out a project called ”Så bygger vi för alla”. As part of the work, this thesis will examine the building rules and how they can contribute to innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which rules, laws and norms we have to keep to in Sweden regarding housing construction. The aim of the work is to investigate whether the regulatory framework can create creativity amongst the players in the market. This thesis is limited to examining which laws, government policies and eventual municipal requirements that exist in Sweden. Therefore, industry rules, such as the AMA, and contracting regulations, such as AB and ABT, will not be taken into consideration. The survey is also limited to newly built multifamily houses only. Finally, the reference objects that are studied in the thesis will be in Sweden and be limited to being either construction-technical or plan-based innovative and have been recently executed. This thesis is based on the existing regulations and theories from previous studies. The data collected for this survey will be studied from a qualitative point of view. The survey aims to investigate a number of reference objects more thoroughly and conduct interviews with key people involved in the project, which means a qualitative approach is best suited. In 1987, Sweden received a new building legislation according to Örnhall (2017), which has resulted in a transition from specification requirements to functional requirements in order to increase the liberty in housing production. However, according to Örnhall (2017 the new legislation has contributed to a wider picture of the regulatory framework. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning is the authority that has the overall responsibility for community planning, urban development, construction and housing (Nordstrand 2008). The most important laws and government policies that the social planning sector primarily have to obey are the Planning and Building Act (PBL), the Planning and Building Regulation (PBF) as well as and the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (BBR) (Örnhall, Swedish Construction Service 2017a). The Planning and Building Act (SFS 2010:900), PBL, regulates the planning for land and water whilst the responsibility for maintaining the regulations lies with the municipalities. The purpose of PBL is to promote social development for long-term, equal, social and environmental sustainable development for today’s society and future generations (SFS 2010: 900). When creating new homes, special consideration should be given to long term use of the home (Boverket 2016). At the interview stage, six areas emerged that were considered to be particularly problematic or interesting for the development of innovative and cheap housing. These areas were; accessibility, municipal requirements, rules, advice and interpretations, energy, innovation and development, and the ability to build for everyone. I perceived the accessibility aspect as very complex. Several interviewees argue that the accessibility requirements entail an increased cost for new builds, in one case it was even expressed that today’s availability requirements means the housing becomes less accessible to a larger group. The rules for creating an inclusive society also emerged at the interview stage while another recurring opinion is the renewal of the legislation. Several interviewees stated that they consider the regulations to be outdated and need to be updated according to today’s society. Based on this, I found The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning requirements contradictory whilst providing support for innovation, many requirements inhibits the development of housing. Therefore, extensive research should be carried out on how people in Sweden want to live today; thereafter the regulations can be updated according to today’s needs. In one way or another, all reference objects have been at the forefront when it comes to housing development. A common factor for the various reference objects is that a major problem was identified in all projects, which led to a product or solution being developed. They show that there is not one solution to the problem, but that different solutions can be found to achieve the same goal: better housing for more people.

Second hand- och vintagekläder Vs. Nyproducerade kläder : En studie kring huruvida köp av andrahandskläder leder till lägre konsumtion av nyproducerade plagg. / Second hand and vintage clothing Vs. New produced clothes : A study about whether the purchase of second hand clothing leads to lower consumption of newly constructed garments

Bernestål, Sofia Margareta, Börjesson, Johanna, Janitzek, Malin January 2012 (has links)
I dagens Sverige konsumeras årligen stora mängder kläder. Nyproduktion av textil har en betydande miljöpåverkan med bland annat stor åtgång av vatten samt mängder av kemikalier. Ett alternativ till allt nyproducerat skulle kunna vara andrahandsmarknaden för kläder.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om de kvinnliga kunderna hos butikerna Myrorna och Beyond Retro konsumerar färre nyproducerade plagg för att de konsumerar second hand- och vintagekläder.Vi har använt oss utav en kvantitativ undersökning där vi intervjuat totalt hundra stycken respondenter i anslutning till Myrorna och Beyond Retros butiker. Vidare har vi genomfört fem stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med vana konsumenter hos ovannämnda butiker, för att fånga deras resonemang bakom svaren.De kvantitativa intervjuerna visar på att en liten majoritet anser sig konsumera färre nyproducerade plagg för att de konsumerar second hand- och vintagekläder. Samt att det överhängande motivet bakom köpen var att second hand- och vintagekläder är unikt och trendigt. I de kvalitativa intervjuerna var resultatet på vår huvudfråga omvänd, och ett djupare resonemang fördes kring deras agerande. Dessa respondenter visade sig i vissa fall ha överskattat sitt konsumerande av second hand- och vintagekläder i förhållande till nyproducerade plagg.In Sweden today we are consuming large quantities of clothes. Production of textiles have significant environmental effects, including high consumption of water and chemicals. An alternative to all the new produced clothes could be the second hand- clothes market.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the female clients of the stores Myrorna and Beyond Retro consume fewer newly garments because they consume second hand- and vintageclothes.We have used a quantitative study where we interviewed a total of one hundred respondents in connection with Myrorna and Beyond Retro stores. Furthermore, we have conducted five qualitative interviews with consumers of the above stores to capture respondents' reasoning behind the answers.The quantitative interviews show that a small majority consider themselves to consume fewer newly constructed garments when they consume second hand- and vintageclothes. The largest motive behind the purchase was that the second hand- and vintageclothes is unique and trendy. In the qualitative interviews were the result to our main question in reverse, and a deeper reasoning on their actions were disused. These respondents appeared in some cases have overestimated their consuming of second hand- and vintageclothes in relation to the newly constructed garments. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Kampen om erkännande : En kvalitativ studie om hur elever från en förberedelseklass på gymnasiet presenterar sina identiteter i sina berättelser om sin skolsituation

Sehovic, Armin January 2018 (has links)
Ett ovanförperspektiv avseende kartläggningen av nyanlända elevers behov präglar det svenska samhället och skolsystem. Detta leder således till en indelning av elever i språkintroducerande förberedelseklasser som separeras från elever från ordinarie klasser vilket försvårar integrering. Syftet med denna studie är att fånga aktörens perspektiv genom en så kallad narrativ identitetsanalys som ämnar att undersöka hur 7 elever som läser Språkintroduktion på en gymnasieskola i Stockholm presenterar sina identiteter i deras berättelser om sin skolsituation. Detta har genomförts med hjälp av livshistorieintervjuer om elevernas erfarenheter och tolkningar av händelser på skolan. Berättelser rörande bytet av skolsystem, möte med klassen samt framtidsförhoppningar har presenterats på olika sätt av eleverna. De mest framträdande berättelserna utgörs av ontologiska berättelser som bygger på individens subjektiva upplevelser och självbild, offentliga berättelser om integration samt konceptuella berättelser om rasism. Eleverna skildrar en likställd bild av lärarnas och elevernas roller på skolan, en samhörighet med sina klasskamrater, kamp om erkännande från de andra eleverna och makthavarna på skolan, samt ett lyckligt avslut i sina berättelser om framtiden vilka beror på deras uppfattningar av sig själva. Det lyckliga slutet skildrar således en ovisshet om framtiden där en osäkerhet avseende den genomgående kampen om erkännande framgår. / An overarching perspective regarding the mapping of newly arrived pupils's needs characterizes the Swedish society and school system. This leads to a breakdown of pupils in so-called “Language Introductory Preparation Classes” which separates newly arrived pupils from pupils in ordinary classes and complicates integration. The purpose of this study is to capture the pupils`s perspective through a so-called narrative identity analysis aimed to investigate how 7 pupils from a Language Introduction- class at a high school in Stockholm, Sweden present their identities through their stories about their school situation. This has been implemented using interviews about the pupils' experiences and interpretations of events that has taken place at their school and class. Stories regarding the change of school system, the meeting with the class and future hopes have been presented in different ways by the students. The most prominent stories consist of ontological narratives based on the individual's subjective experiences and self-image, public stories about integration, and conceptual stories about racism. The students portray a similar picture of the roles of teachers and students at the school, a community with their fellow classmates, a struggle for recognition from the other students and the rulers of the school, as well as a hope for a happy ending and a resolution of the fight for recognition. The happy end also depicts an uncertainty about the future where an uncertainty regarding the ongoing struggle for recognition appears.

“Vi måste se till helheten” : Distriktssköterskans upplevelse av arbetet med nyanlända flyktingar med fokus på jämlik hälsa

Lagerkvist, Karin, Landin, Henrietta January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en ojämlikhet i hälsan hos utsatta grupper i samhället, där nyanlända flyktingar är en växande patientgrupp. Syftet är att beskriva distriktssköterskans upplevelse av arbetet med nyanlända flyktingar inom primärvården med fokus på jämlik hälsa. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats där nio intervjuer genomförts på vårdcentraler i Västra Götaland och Halland. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys har gjorts enligt Elo och Kyngäs. Resultatet presenteras i kategorierna Det viktiga mötet, Den helhetstänkande distriktssköterskan och Den komplicerade organisationen. Det framkommer att distriktssköterskan har en viktig roll i att möta den nyanlända flyktingen och det är viktigt att se helheten kring patienten, att i mötet uppmärksamma hela situationen patienten befinner sig. Där är psykisk ohälsa och den sociala situationen värdefull att uppmärksamma. Lyhördhet, en god kommunikation med hög kvalité på tolk är nödvändigt, vilket även är viktiga delar för en jämlik vård. Det behövs även organisatoriska förutsättningar som tillräckligt med tid avsatt och att samverkan med andra kring patienten fungerar, där finns det ett behov av förbättringsarbete. Det finns hinder för nyanlända flyktingar med att komma i kontakt med hälso-och sjukvården och distriktssköterskan fyller en viktig funktion att informera, vägleda och lotsa rätt. Distriktssköterskorna upplever att det finns ett stort behov av hälsofrämjande åtgärder.

"De två nyaste blev sjukskrivna" : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares arbetsmiljö och utmaningar under de första yrkesverksamma åren. / ”The two employees who were hired last went on sickleave” : A qualitative study on social workers ́work environment and challenges during the first working years.

Christensson, Julia, Ekman Jörkander, Natali January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie har gjorts i syfte att undersöka nyexaminerade socialarbetares arbetssituation samt för att skapa förståelse för vilka utmaningar de möter i arbetet och hur de hanterar dessa. Med anledning av att resultatet speglas av höga arbetskrav och olika strategier användes krav-kontroll- stödmodellen samt coping för att analysera empirin. I studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts och intervjuer har gjorts med fem nyexaminerade socialarbetare. Vidare har tidigare forskning inom området som socialarbetares första tid i yrkesrollen, kollegialt stöd, socialarbetares kravfyllda arbetsmiljö, verktyg för att hantera arbetsmiljön samt konsekvenser av den analyserats och använts i arbetet. Resultatet visade att det finns en koppling mellan en bra introduktion och upplevelsen av en god arbetsmiljö. Respondenterna vars upplevelser av en bristfällig introduktion, gav uttryck för en känsla av hög arbetsbelastning och stress. Stressupplevelser varierar samtidigt som respondenterna visar på olika metoder för att hantera sin arbetssituation. Beskrivningar har getts av arbetsplatsens förebyggande arbete för att skapa god arbetsmiljö samt respondenternas upplevelser av det kollegiala stödet. Vidare framgick deras känsla av otillräcklighet inför klienterna. / This study has been conducted with the aim of examining the work situation of newly graduated social workers. This to create an understanding of the challenges they face at work and how they handle them. The requirements-control-support model and coping were used to analyze the empirical data, reflecting the high workload and different strategies of the social workers. Furthermore, has previous research in the field as a social worker ́s demanded work environment, tools for managing the work environment and consequences of it been analyzed and used in the study. The result showed that there is a link between a good introduction and the experience of a good working environment. The respondents, whose experiences of a poor introduction, expressed a feeling of high workload and stress. At the same time stress experiences vary as respondents show different methods for managing their work situation. Descriptions have been given of the workplaces preventive work to create a good working environment and respondent ́s experiences of the collegial support. Furthermore, their sense of inadequacy was apparent to clients.

L’élaboration de la Politique européenne de voisinage et la gestion du problème des frontières : le rôle des nouveaux États membres (notamment celui de la Pologne) / Elaborating European Neighbourhood Policy and dealing with border problems : the part of new Member States - and Poland's in particular.

Zareba, Wioletta 29 June 2011 (has links)
La politique européenne de voisinage (PEV) est née de la volonté de développer un espace de prospérité et de stabilité aux frontières de l’Union élargie. Elle vise à renforcer la coopération politique, sécuritaire, économique et culturelle entre l’UE et ses nouveaux voisins immédiats ou proches, tout en atténuant le caractère séparatif des frontières européennes en engageant les pays voisins dans une coopération mutuellement avantageuse avec l’UE. La thèse étudie le volet oriental de la PEV qui couvre des Etats de l’Est (Ukraine, Biélorussie, Russie). Ces pays occupent aujourd’hui une place croissante dans la stratégie internationale de l’UE. L’adhésion des nouveaux pays membres de l’Europe centrale en 2004 a apporté une nouvelle fragilité, tout en créant un fort groupe de pression qui demandait un engagement direct de l’Union européenne dans les affaires concernant don voisinage immédiat. Disposant d’une parfaite connaissance de la situation économique de cette région et d’une grande expérience de coopération avec la Biélorussie, la Russie et l’Ukraine, ces pays cherchaient à orienter la politique étrangère de la Communauté vers de nouvelles voies d’actions. L’objectif de recherche concerne l’évaluation globale du rôle et de la contribution des nouveaux pays membres, et plus particulièrement de la Pologne, dans l’élaboration commune de la politique orientale de l’Union européenne dans les années 2004-2007. / The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was developed in order to insure a zone of stability and prosperity on the borders of the European Union (EU). It aims at strengthening political, economic, cultural, and security cooperation between the EU and its neighbours. Its objective is to engage neighbouring States into a mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU. The present doctorate thesis focuses on the Eastern dimension of the ENP which includes Eastern States like Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. These countries have an important role to play in the EU international straetegy. New Eastern European countries adhering in 2004 brought in a new frailty yet creating a strong pressure group asking for a strong commitment of the EU in matters related to immediate neighbourhood. Those countries are thoroughly aware of the economic situation of the region and have a wide experience cooperating with Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; they sought to have an influence on the Community's foreign affairs policy by means of new paths of action. The aim of this research concerns the global evaluation of the new Members States' - and Poland's in particular - part in and the contribution to jointly elaborating the Eastern European Union's eastern policy for the years 2004-2007.

Nyanlända elevers upplevelser av de hinder och möjligheter som uppstår när de arbetar med Ung Företagsamhets koncept / Newly arrived students experience of the obstacle and opportunities that arise while working with Junior Achievement Program

Johansson, Alicia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av Bourdieus kapitalbegrepp synliggöra hur nyanlända elever upplever de hinder och möjligheter som uppstår när eleverna arbetar med det koncept som Ung Företagsamhet har utformat samtidigt som de studerar på Språkintroduktionen. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har elevernas berättelser tolkats med hjälp av Bourdieus begrepp med fokus på kulturellt kapital, utbildningskapital, språkligt kapital och habitus. Studien har visat att nyanlända elever arbetar hårt med att finna sin nya identitet (habitus) eftersom de upplever att de har mycket att lära sig i sitt nya land oavsett om det handlar om det kulturella kapitalet, utbildningskapitalet eller språkliga kapitalet. Eleverna beskriver arbetet med Ung Företagsamhet med positiva termer då eleverna upplever att deras tidigare tillgångar blir användbara men också att de får en bättre inblick i det svenska samhället. / The aim of this study is, by using Bourdieu's capitalconcept, visible how newly arrived students experiencing the obstacle and opportunities that arise when the students work with the concept that Junior Achievment Program has designed while they study at the program languageintroduction. Through semi-structured interviews the students stories have been interpreted by using Bourdieu's concept with focus on cultural capital, educational capital, linguistic capital and habitus. The study has shown that newly arrived students are working hard to find their new identity (habitus) because they feel like they have a lot to learn in their new country whether it is about culture capital, educational capital or linguistic capital. Students describe their work with Junior Achievment Program only in positive terms because they feel like their previous skills become useful but also that they learn more about the Swedish country.

”De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan” : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

Bergström, Johanna, Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with ata coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory. In summary, the results showed that young newly graduated social workers experienced expectations both coming from them selves and their surroundings. Finding meaning in their work helped the respondents to handle stress. The relation to their clients and colleagues and the expectations all together participated in the development of their professional role.</p>

”De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan” : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

Bergström, Johanna, Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with data coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory. In summary, the results showed that young newly graduated social workers experienced expectations both coming from them selves and their surroundings. Finding meaning in their work helped the respondents to handle stress. The relation to their clients and colleagues and the expectations all together participated in the development of their professional role.</p>

Hur sjuksköterskor upplevde sin första tid i yrket : en intervjustudie

Lennström, Carin, Wallin, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde sin första tid i yrket utifrån känslor, tankar, stöd och bemötande. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra informanter som arbetat på Gävle sjukhus mellan 6-18 månader. Resultatet redovisades utifrån studiens frågeställningar och visade att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde många olika känslor och tankar inför sin nya yrkesroll. Känslor såsom rädsla, nervositet och förväntan var några exempel. Stödet och bemötandet från andra sjuksköterskor och närmaste chef var övervägande bra, medan bemötandet från under-sköterskor och läkare upplevdes som mindre bra. Faktorer som ödmjukhet, trygghet och erfarenhet var något som sjuksköterskorna utvecklade med tiden och det underlättades av att de gavs utrymme för att vara nya och osäkra. En bra introduktion på arbetsplatsen var också underlättande. Slutsatsen som dras är att merparten av nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor går igenom en liknande känslomässig process under den första tiden i yrket. Det som kan påverka den processen positivt eller negativt är de yttre faktorerna; utbildning, introduktion samt teamwork och det är dessa som det behövs bättre planering kring.</p> / <p>The aim of the study was to describe how newly graduated nurses experienced their first period of time in the profession on the basis of emotions, thoughts, support and treatment. The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study with four participants who had worked at Gävle Hospital between 6-18 months. The results were reported from the question formulations in the study and showed that newly graduated nurses experienced many different emotions and thoughts with their new professional role. Feelings such as fear, nervousness and anticipation were a few examples. The support and the interaction between other nurses and the manager of the ward were considered good, while the interaction with the assistant nurses and doctors worked less well. Factors such as humility, experience and gaining security in their new profession was something that the nurses developed over time and it was facilitated by the fact that they were given the space to be new and insecure. A good introduction to the ward was also facilitation.<strong> </strong>The conclusion reached is that the majority of newly graduated nurses goes through a similar emotional process in their first period of time in the profession. What can affect the process positively or negatively is the external factors; education, introduction and teamwork, and it is those factors that needs better planning.</p>

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