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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New models for implementation of genome-wide evaluation in black poplar breeding program / Nouveaux modèles pour la mise en oeuvre de l'évaluation pangénomique dans le programme d'amélioration du peuplier

Pegard, Marie 19 December 2018 (has links)
Les espèces forestières sont particulières à bien des égards par rapport aux autres espècesdomestiquées. Les arbres forestiers ont de longues phases juvéniles, entrainant de long et couteuxcycles de sélection et nécessitant une sélection en plusieurs étapes indépendantes. Bien que cetteméthode soit efficace du point de vue opérationnel, elle reste couteuse en temps et en ressources,entrainant une dilution de l’intensité et de la précision de sélection. Au vu de ces contraintes,les arbres sont de bons candidats pour la mise en oeuvre de l’évaluation génomique. La sélectiongénomique (SG) repose sur le classement et la sélection d’individus à partir de l’informationcontenu dans leur génome sans utilisé une étape d’évaluation phénotypique et ainsi accélérerle processus de sélection.Ce travail visait à identifier les situations, les critères et les facteursdans lesquelles la SG pourrait être une option réalisable pour le peuplier. Notre étude a montréque les avantages de l’évaluation génomique dépendent du contexte. C’est dans des situationsles moins avantageuse que l’évaluation génomique se montre la plus performante, elle profiteégalement de la densification de l’information génétique de faible à moyenne suite à une étaped’imputation de haute qualité. La sélection génomique pourrait être une option intéressante àstade précoce, où la précision de la sélection est généralement faible et la variabilité génétiqueabondante. Notre travail a également montré qu’il est important d’évaluer les performancesavec des critères alternatifs, comme ceux liés au classement, notamment lorsque ces critèresrépondent au contexte opérationnel du programme d’élevage étudié. / Forest species are unique in many ways compared to other domesticated species. Forest trees have long juvenile phases, leading to long and costly selection cycles and requiring selection in several independent stages. Even if this method is operationally effective, it remains costly in terms of time and resources, resulting in a diluted intensity and accuracy of selection.In view of these constraints, trees are good candidates for the implementation of genomic evaluation. Genomic selection (SG) is based on the classification and selection of individuals from the information contained in their genome without using a phenotypic evaluation step and thus accelerating the selection process, in order to identify the situations, criteria and factors in which SG could be a feasible option for poplar. Our study showed that the benefits of genomic evaluation are context-dependent. Genomic evaluation is most effective in theless-advantageous situations, it also benefits from low to medium density genetic information following a high-quality imputation step. Genomic selection could be an interesting option at an early stage, when the accuracy of selection is generally low and genetic variability is abundant.Our work has also shown that it is important to evaluate performance with alternative criteria,such as those related to ranking, especially when these criteria fit the operational context of the breeding programme under study.

Effect of post-harvest processing on quality of Sambuci fructus

Brňáková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Elderberry is very popular plant, that is due to its beneficial effects to human organism very reputable. The main content substances are flavonoids and anthocyanins. Fruits of this flower are available only seasonally (which is usual for most of flowers), so we have to search for alternative solution of getting them. One of these solutions is conservation. Nowadays there are lots of types of postharvest adjustment, so we have more opportunities to find an optimal concept for every one specific plant. The diploma thesis is focused on assessment of content of phenolic substances harvested in different parts of Hradec Králové. They were conservated at laboratory temperature, elevated (40řC, 60řC) and reduced (-18řC) temperature. Next part of thesis is focused on assessing of the content of anthocyanins in fruits, that had been conservated for 3 years in refrigerator. The theme was finding the best concept of postharvestal adjustment. Despite to the individual places of harvest, there were not mentionable differences found out in content of phenolic substances in fruits. Main differences in content of substances were caused by different temperature of conservating area. With the upper temperature the content of phenolic substances was lower. Storage in the fridge for 3 years did not have any influence...

Flavonoidy v květech vybraných kultivarů Sambucus nigra L. / Flavonoids in some cultivars of Sambucus nigra L. flowers.

Krulišová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work was to find out the content of flavonoids in the flowers of eleven cultivars of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) and determine if their contents differ according to the statistical significance. Preparing the list of effects and substances that are contained in the flowers was the goal as well. The drug Sambuci nigrae flos is mostly used for its content of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in the therapy of colds and diseases of the urinary and respiratory tract. Its benefits were confirmed also by studies testing antibacterial and antiviral activity, diabetes and obesity, effects on the immune system and also protection against UV radiance. The content of flavonoids was established by the spectrophotometric method that is listed in the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 in the article Sambuci nigrae flos as the method for the determination of content. The statistic evaluation of the differences in the flavonoids content between the cultivars was made by ANOVA and the Bonferroni test. The demand of Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 on the minimal content of flavonoids is 0,80%. This requirement was fulfilled in the flowers of these cultivars: Albida, Heidegg 13, Riese auß Voßloch, Sambu, Samdal, Sampo and Samyl. On the opposite side, flowers of the cultivars Allesö, Aurea, Dana and Juicy did...

Estudo farmacognóstico, fitoquímico e farmacológico das folhas de Morus nigra L. (amoreira-preta)

PADILHA, Marina de Mesquita 27 January 2009 (has links)
Plantas medicinais são utilizadas no tratamento e na cura de enfermidades desde a antiguidade. Pela sua riqueza química e farmacológica, têm sido alvo de crescentes estudos no intuito de comprovar atividades atribuídas pela crença popular ou mesmo obter novos compostos ativos. Morus nigra L. é uma espécie pertencente à família Moraceae, conhecida comumente como amoreira-preta. Na Medicina popular o chá é empregado nos casos de ondas de calor e até mesmo indicada como terapia de reposição hormonal. As folhas possuem atividade antioxidante, hipoglicemiante, antiinflamatória e antimicrobiana. Neste trabalho, a folha de Morus nigra foi estudada em relação à caracterização estrutural, de modo a contribuir na morfodiagnose para o controle de qualidade deste vegetal. O presente trabalho também verificou a possível ação antinociceptiva e antiinflamatória do extrato diclorometânico em modelos químicos e térmicos de nocicepção e inflamação em camundongos e ratos. O extrato, administrado por via oral, produziu atividade antinociceptiva significativa e dependente da dose contra os modelos de nocicepção, como nos testes de contorções, formalina, placa quente e imersão da cauda. O extrato também apresentou efeito antiinflamatório nos modelos de indução do tecido granulomatoso e edema de pata induzido por carragenina quando comparado às drogas padrões dexametasona e indometacina respectivamente. A partir do extrato diclorometânico das folhas de Morus nigra foi possível o isolamento de um triterpeno, conhecido como germanicol. / Medicinal plants have been used in the treatment and cure of illnesses for many, many years. Due to their chemical and pharmaceutical characteristics, an increasing number of studies have been conducted to prove their theoretical medicinal capabilities or to obtain new active components. Morus nigra L. is a specie belonging to the family of the Moraceae usually known as a black mulberry tree. In traditional medicine, tea of M. nigra is used in cases of heat waves and even suitable as a therapy of hormonal replacement. This specie has antioxidant, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. This work, the Morus nigra leaf was studied regarding to structural diagnosis in order to contribute to its quality control this vegetable. The present study also examined the possible antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory actions of the methylene chloride extract (MnE) in chemical and thermal behavioural models of pain and inflammation in mice and rats. The MnE given orally produced a marked and a dose-related antinociception against the chemical models of pain, such as writhing, formalin, hot-plate and tail-immersion tests. The extract also presented anti-inflammatory effect in models of granulomatous tissue formation and carrageenan-induced paw edema in comparison to the reference drugs dexamethasone and indomethacin respectively. Using the methylene chloride extract of Morus nigra leaves, it was possible to isolate one terpenoid known as germanicol. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES

Putative Biomarker neuropsychiatrischer Entwicklungskomorbiditäten beim Deletionssyndrom 22q11.2 / Potential biomarkers of neuropsychiatric comorbidities in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

Holweck, Julia January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Vom Deletionssyndrom 22q11.2 Betroffene sind einem überdurchschnittlich hohen Risiko ausgesetzt im Entwicklungsverlauf psychisch zu erkranken. Häufige Störungsbilder sind unter anderem ADHS, Angsterkrankungen, affektive Störungen, Erkrankungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis und Morbus Parkinson. Ziel der Studie war es, phänotypische Auffälligkeiten beim DS22q11 zu identifizieren, die dabei helfen könnten, Hochrisikogruppen innerhalb des Syndroms frühzeitig identifizieren zu können und in Form von Biomarkern messbar sind. Hierzu wurden die bereits in Forschung und teilweise auch in der Klinik etablierten Verfahren der transkraniellen Sonographie und der standardisierten Riechtestung eingesetzt. / Individuals affected with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS) are at an above average risk to develop neuropsychiatric disorders (such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders, affective disorders, schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease). The aim of this study is to identify phenotypical characteristics in 22q11.2DS to help point out high-risk groups within the syndrome and then be measured as biomarkers. To achieve this, we performed transcranial sonography and olfactory testing which are known to be established clinical and research methods.

Análisis y modelización del reclutamiento de Pinus nigra en zonas afectadas por grandes incendios

Ordóñez García, José Luis 24 May 2004 (has links)
El fuego constituye un elemento clave en la configuración del paisaje mediterráneo. Sin embargo, desde hace unos treinta años, se vienen registrando importantes incrementos en la frecuencia, intensidad y dimensiones máximas alcanzadas por los incendios en este ámbito bioclimático, por lo que la regeneración postincendio actual de muchas de sus masas boscosas resulta dificultosa. Para algunas especies llega a suponer, incluso, una reducción importante de su área de distribución. Este es el caso del Pinus nigra en Cataluña, cuya distribución se ha visto reducida recientemente en un 30% por los dos mayores incendios registrados hasta la fecha en esta comunidad (1994 y 1998). Pinus nigra es una especie germinadora, que dispersa durante el invierno y cuyas semillas perduran poco tiempo, por lo que su reclutamiento depende cada año de nueva producción. Sin embargo, en incendios muy grandes, todo el plantío joven es devastado y la supervivencia de árboles es generalmente muy baja.En esta tesis hemos tratado de recabar el máximo de información empírica posible sobre cada etapa del reclutamiento de los bosques de Pinus nigra afectados por estos dos incendios y, posteriormente, hemos elaborado con toda esa información un modelo mecanicista que nos permita simular la regeneración más probable a un plazo de tiempo dado.En el primer capítulo evaluamos la supervivencia y la capacidad para producir piñas de los árboles afectados en mayor o menor medida por el fuego durante los tres primeros años posteriores a él. La supervivencia resultó ser mayor en los árboles más grandes y en los menos afectados por fuego de copa. La producción de piñas fue mayor y más frecuente en los árboles grandes y en las "islas verdes" de árboles supervivientes, especialmente las pequeñas. Por ello, destacamos el interés de preservar los árboles mayores supervivientes y las "islas verdes" como probables focos de dispersión que mejoren las posibilidades de regeneración de la especie.En el segundo capítulo exploramos los patrones de variación espacio-temporal de la depredación post-dispersión del banco de semillas del suelo. Los resultados muestran que al inicio del periodo de dispersión, los roedores son los principales depredadores mientras que a partir de la primavera lo son las hormigas, resultando ambos grupos muy eficaces. Teniendo en cuenta la corta viabilidad de los piñones diseminados, esta elevada depredación hace que la probabilidad de que alguna semilla siga disponible para germinar en otoño sea prácticamente nula.El tercer capítulo estudia el establecimiento de las plántulas, mediante un experimento bajo condiciones controladas de luz y agua, y otro bajo diferentes condiciones naturales de campo. Los resultados sugieren que el establecimiento de plántulas tras el incendio es muy escaso en condiciones de campo y bajo un rango amplio de grados de cobertura. A pesar de ello, Pinus nigra se comporta como una especie más tolerante a la sombra que otros pinos, pero, dado que ésta es una condición muy poco frecuente en las áreas recientemente quemadas, su regeneración se ve muy condicionada por los incendios.En el capítulo cuarto, desarrollamos un modelo de simulación que integra toda la información recabada acerca de la biología de la regeneración de esta especie, procendente en parte de los capítulos anteriores. El estudio muestra que es posible calibrar un modelo mecanístico que simule el reclutamiento de una especie arbórea a partir de información empírica obtenida para los distintos procesos, incluso cuando las bases de datos disponibles carezcan de series temporales o espaciales amplias. Las posibilidades de este modelo como herramienta de trabajo son muy valiosas a la hora de tomar decisiones sobre la gestión de las áreas quemadas. / Fire constitutes a key factor in the configuration of Mediterranean landscapes. Nevertheless, from nearly thirty years ago, an important increment in the frequency, intensity and size of fires has been registered in this bioclimatic environment. For this reason, the postfire regeneration of many burned areas may be difficult, representing, for some species, an important reduction of their distribution areas. This is the case of Pinus nigra in Catalonia (NE Spain), whose distribution area has been reduced in 30% due to the two largest wildfires (1994 and 1998) occurred historically in this region. Pinus nigra is a seeder species, which disperses its seeds in winter, but they remain viable for a short period of time. Thus, the recruitment of this species depends on the year-to-year seed production. However, in very large fires, all seedlings and saplings are burned and tree survival is usually very low.In this Ph. D. Thesis, we have compiled the maximum empirical information concerning the different stages of the recruitment process of Pinus nigra in burned areas. Afterwards, we have elaborated a mechanistic model with all this information to simulate the potential regeneration at the mid-term.In the first chapter, we have evaluated tree survival and cone production of burned and unburned trees, during the tree years after fire. Tree survival was higher in the largest and less affected trees. Cone production was higher and more frequent in the large trees, and also in the "green islands" of vegetation, particularly in the small ones. For this reason, we enhance the interest to keep the largest trees and the "green islands" as possible seed dispersal sources, for improving the regeneration of this species. In the second chapter, we explore the spatial and temporal patterns of post dispersal seed predation. The results show that in winter, at the beginning of dispersal period, rodents are the main seed predators, while in spring ants become dominant as seed predators. The two groups are very efficient. Taking in account that seed viability is very short on the ground, this high predation rate makes that the probability of P. nigra seeds to germinate in autumn is almost nil.The third chapter studies the establishment of seedlings, by means of an experiment of controlled conditions of light and water, and another field experiment in natural conditions. The results suggest that seedling establishment after fire is very scarce in natural conditions and in a extensive range of cover degrees. In spite of it, Pinus nigra behaves as a more shade-tolerant species than other pines. However, as this situation is rare in recently burned areas, its regeneration is very conditioned by fires.In the fourth chapter, we develop a simulation model integrating all the information obtained about the regeneration stages of this species, in part obtained in the previous chapters. The study shows that it is possible calibrate a mechanistic model to simulate the recruitment of a tree species, using empirical information obtained for the different processes, even though when the databases available do not always have extensive temporal or spatial series. The possibilities of this model as an interesting tool may be very interesting for the management of burned areas.

Die Bedeutung der Substantia nigra pars reticulata für die Temporallappenepilepsie pharmakologische Manipulation und elektrophysiologische Messung

Töllner, Kathrin January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochsch., Diss., 2009


Chen, Yan 01 January 2005 (has links)
Stem/progenitor cells are present in the adult brain; they undergo constantproliferation and differentiate into mature neurons in certain brain areas, a phenomenoncalled neurogenesis. This study investigated the effects of GDNF, a potent trophic factorof dopaminergic neurons, on neurogenesis in the brain. Nestin and 5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) were used as stem/progenitor cells markers.First, we observed extensive bilateral increases of stem/progenitor cells in thedentate gyrus and substantia nigra after continuous infusion of GDNF into the normal ratbrain. However, none of the BrdU+ cells showed neuronal features in the substantia nigraas characterized by immunocytochemical procedures. Next, we identified themorphology of BrdU+ cells after infusing the marker into the brain. While the proceduresincreased the BrdU labeling, neurogenesis was not observed in the basal ganglia. Underelectron microscope, the BrdU+ cells either were undifferentiated or showedcharacteristics of astrocytes. This observation is consistent with suggestions thatastrocytes serve as multipotent progenitors. Later, we repeated GDNF intrastriatalinfusion one month after a severe 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion. The number ofBrdU+ cells was significantly higher in the GDNF recipients in the ipsilateral substantianigra and both sides of the dentate gyrus. However, no neurogenesis was observed. Inaddition, motor functions were not improved by GDNF treatment. Thus, we measured theeffects of GDNF administration directly into the substantia nigra six hours before apartial 6-OHDA lesion. HPLC measurements of dopamine and its metabolites showed asignificant increase of tissue level in the substantia nigra and striatum, respectively.Despite this, no newly generated dopaminergic neurons was detected in the basal ganglia.Taken together, our studies investigated the effects of GDNF on adultstem/progenitor cells in normal and lesioned rat brain. For the first time, we demonstratedthat GDNF promoted their proliferation in the dentate gyrus, suggesting it has a role inneurogenesis and the function of learning and memory. In each scenario, GDNFpromoted stem/progenitor cell proliferation, but failed to induce neurogenesis in thesubstantia nigra. We believed that the local microenvironment in the substantia nigra mayprevent the stem/progenitor cells to mature into functional neurons.

Synaptic Plasticity in Basal Ganglia Output Neurons in Parkinson's Disease Patients

Prescott, Ian 17 February 2010 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of dopamine in the basal ganglia and leads to paucity of movements, rigidity of the limbs, and rest tremor. Synaptic plasticity was characterized in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), a basal ganglia output structure, in 18 PD patients undergoing implantation of deep brain stimulating electrodes. Field evoked potentials (fEPs) in SNr were measured with one microelectrode using single pulses from a second microelectrode ~ 1 mm away. High frequency stimulation (HFS – 4 trains of 2s at 100Hz) in the SNr failed to induce a lasting change in test fEPs amplitudes in patients OFF medication. Following L-Dopa, HFS induced a potentiation of the fEPs that lasted more than 150s. Our findings suggest that extrastriatal dopamine modulates activity dependent synaptic plasticity at basal ganglia output neurons. Dopamine medication state clearly impacts fEP amplitude, and the lasting nature of the increase is reminiscent of LTP-like changes, indicating that aberrant synaptic plasticity may play a role in the pathophysiology of PD.

Synaptic Plasticity in Basal Ganglia Output Neurons in Parkinson's Disease Patients

Prescott, Ian 17 February 2010 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of dopamine in the basal ganglia and leads to paucity of movements, rigidity of the limbs, and rest tremor. Synaptic plasticity was characterized in the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), a basal ganglia output structure, in 18 PD patients undergoing implantation of deep brain stimulating electrodes. Field evoked potentials (fEPs) in SNr were measured with one microelectrode using single pulses from a second microelectrode ~ 1 mm away. High frequency stimulation (HFS – 4 trains of 2s at 100Hz) in the SNr failed to induce a lasting change in test fEPs amplitudes in patients OFF medication. Following L-Dopa, HFS induced a potentiation of the fEPs that lasted more than 150s. Our findings suggest that extrastriatal dopamine modulates activity dependent synaptic plasticity at basal ganglia output neurons. Dopamine medication state clearly impacts fEP amplitude, and the lasting nature of the increase is reminiscent of LTP-like changes, indicating that aberrant synaptic plasticity may play a role in the pathophysiology of PD.

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