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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrologie et hydrogéologie du bassin versant de la Guisane ( Hautes-Alpes) - Alpes françaises.

Carenco, Eric 05 May 1982 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude hydrogéologique recouvre le bassin versant de la Guisane entre le Col du lautaret et la ville de Briançon. Elle comporte l'étude de : - la topographie du bassin versant - la géologie du substratum et de ses structures - les formations quaternaires - la climatologie de 1979 à 1980 - l'hydrologie de la Guisane en déterminant son régime de type nivo-glaciaire et son bilan hydrogéologique L'étude hydrogéologique basée sur l'hydrologie et l'hydrochimie des torrents et des sources a mis en évidence les apports souterrains venant des bassins versants géographiques voisins vers celui de la Guisane. Des réserves souterraines ont été mises en évidence dans les vallons du Grand Tabuc et du Fontenil. Enfin l'étude des différents paramètres des sources thermominérales a permis de préciser leurs conditions d'alimentation.

Značaj crta ličnosti i strukture radne motivacije za nivo zadovoljstva karijerom / Importance of Personality Traits and Work Motivation Structure for Career Satisfaction

Vuković Dušan 13 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Nivo zadovoljstva karijerom predstavlja fenomen kojem se u poslednje vreme pri&scaron;lo sa ozbiljnijim interesovanjem. Utvrđivanje odnosa crta ličnosti, strukture radne motivacije za zadovoljstvo karijerom, uspe&scaron;nih ljudi predstavlja plodno tle za polje savetovanja u karijeri. Danas je fokus istraživača pomeren i zadržan na intrinzičkim kriterijumima uspeha u karijeri, gde se pored crta ličnost, strukture radne motivacije sa posebnom pažnjom ispituju i uticaji organizacije ali i ravnoteže između porodičnih i radnih uloga na ukupno zadovoljstvo karijerom. U cilju &scaron;to boljeg razumevanja strukture ličnosti u organizacijskim u konceptu zadovoljstva karijerom, pored osnovnih, aktuelno je prisutan i koncept &bdquo;dodatnih&ldquo; crta ličnosti. Pregled savremene literature ukazuje na nedovoljnu proučenost međusobnog odnosa navedenih fenomena, pogotovo primene teorije samodeterminacije u ovakvomm istraživačkom konceptu.<br />Da bismo detaljnije ispitali značaj crta ličnosti i strukture radne motivacije za zadovoljstvo karijerom, pristupili smo ispitivanju crta ličnosti, strukture radne motivacije u odnosu na nivo zadovoljstva karijerom i to kod uspe&scaron;nih ljudi. Zadovoljstvo karijerom je definisano kao evaluacija ličnog napretka u odnosu na lične ciljeve u karijeri. Povodom ovog rada, konstruisan je utpinik namenjen ispitivanju zadovoljstva karijerom, ZAK i koji je na pilot uzorku dao prihvatljive metrijske karakteristike. Uzorak ispitanika je sastavljen od ukupno 110 osoba sa vrlo uspe&scaron;nom karijerom u oblasti obrazovanja, bankarstva i biznisa u Republici Srbiji. Njihova karijera je ocenjena kao uspe&scaron;na na osnovu sledećih kriterija: akademskog postignuća &ndash; status profesora univerziteta; rukovodeće pozicije u bankama i internacionalnim kompanijama; kao i vlasni&scaron;tvo kompanija koje su imale iznad deset zaposlenih i pozitivan bilans u prethodnim godinama poslovanja. Četrnaest ispitanika je bilo srednjeg obrazovnog nivoa, 22 sa vi&scaron;om stručnom spremom, a sa visokom ukupno 74, od toga sa VII/1 stepenom 37 i VII/2 i VIII stepenom takođe 37 ispitanika. Najmlađi ispitanik je imao 26 godina, najstariji 68, dok je prosečna starost bila 47 godina. Najduži radni staž je bio 44 godine, a prosečan 21 godinu. Primenjeni su sledeći instrumenti: LEKSI 70, namenjen ispitivanju crta ličnosti baziranih na konceptu &bdquo;velikih pet&ldquo; plus dva; SRM-1, za ispitivanje strukture radne motivacije; kao i ZAK, upitnik koji ispituje nivo zadovoljstva karijerom.<br />Nakon primene serije analiza utvrđeno je da su prediktori zadovoljstva karijerom kod vrlo uspe&scaron;nih osoba osobina ličnosti pozitivna emocionalnost, stanje ispunjenosti karijerom, intrinzička motivacija i regulacija identifikacijom. Slično tome, pronađena je veza između crta savesnost i otvorenost sa regulacijom identifikacijom i intrinzičkom motivacijom i zadovoljstvom karijerom. Glavni prediktori zadovoljstva i ispunjeno&scaron;ću karijerom kod vrlo uspe&scaron;nih osoba su izražena crta ličnosti otvorenost i sniženje crte negativna emocionalnost Osoba sklona izbegavanju posla ima manje izraženu savesnost, povi&scaron;enu negativnu emocionalnost, pokazuje sklonost ka introjektovanoj regulaciji. Pored toga, osoba sa izraženom negativnom emocionalno&scaron;ću ima tendenciju ka promeni karijere. Dužina radnog staža sugeri&scaron;e zaključak da su osobe sa dužom uspe&scaron;nom karijerom manje neprijatne i vi&scaron;e savesne. Obrazovni nivo ispitanika je bio u vezi sa ispunjeno&scaron;ću karijerom, tako &scaron;to su najobrazovaniji ispitanici bili zadovoljniji od manje obrazovanih. Ispitivanje značaja oblasti karijere na relacije osobina i strukture motivacije na zadovoljstvo pokazuje da se grupe međusobno razlikuju po tome &scaron;to grupe menadžera i univerzitetskih profesora u odnosu na bankare pokazuju veći stepen zadovoljstva karijerom i imaju izraženije crte otvorenost i pozitivna valenca, dok im je ekstrinzička radna motivacija niža u odnosu na grupu bankara.&nbsp;Ustanovljeno je i da grupa bankara ima izraženiju introjektovanu regulaciju i intrinzičku motivaciju od grupe profesora i grupe menadžera</p> / <p>The level of the satisfaction with the career is a phenomenon that has been lately analysed seriously and with attention. To determine the relationship between personality traits and structures of work motivation for career satisfaction with successful people is a good basis for the field of advising. Up to now it was only discussed in the context of objective, external criterion of satisfaction. Since the industrial-organizational psychology has become interested in the concepts of personality again by creating socio-cognitive approaches to motivation, this relation has occupied an important place in studies of organizational behavior. Today, the focus of researchers is shifted and held on the intrinsic criteria of the success in career and in addition to personality traits, structures of work motivation are examined with special attention in terms of organization and in terms of the influence of family/work balance on the level of satisfaction. Contemporary literature review indicates the insufficient study of the concepts mentioned above, especially the application of the theory of self-determination in this concept of research.<br />In order to examine the importance of personality traits and structure of work motivation we started examining personality traits and structure of work motivation in relation to the level of career satisfaction of successful people. Career satisfaction is defined as the evaluation of personal progress in relation to personal goals. The research included 110 people with very successful careers in fields of education, bankings and business in the Republic of Serbia. Their career was evaluated as successful on the following criteria: academic achievements &ndash; the status of the university professor, managing or senior positions in banks and international companies; entrepreneurs and company owners that have more than ten employees and the positive balance in previous years. Fourteen examinees had secondary school education, 22 with Bachelor&rsquo;s degree, total of 74 with university degree of which 37 had Master&rsquo;s degree and 37 of them PhD.<br />The youngest examinee was 26, the oldest 68, while the average age was 47. The longest years of service was 44 years, and average 21 year. The following tests were applied: LEKSI 70, test designed for testing personal traits based on the &rsquo;&rsquo;Big Five&rsquo;&rsquo; plus two; SRM-1, for testing the structure of work motivation; and For the purpose of this paper, a questionnaire is made to investigate the level of career satisfaction, ZAK which as the pilot sample had given acceptable psychometric characteristics.. After the application of series of results, the following are the most important to mention: the connection between personality traits and positive emotionality, factors for career satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and regulation through identification with successful people. Similarly, the connection between career satisfaction and regulation through identification and intrinsic motivation has been found between openness and conscientiousness. In addition, the quality of openness showed negative correlation with external regulation and conscientiousness with the factor of avoiding work. Examinees who were more prone to regulation through identification showed more distinctive positive emotionality and conscientiousness, but at the same time&nbsp;the higher level of unpleasantness/aggression. Years of service suggest that people with long and successful careers are less unpleasant and more conscientious. The relation between negative valence factors, psychosomatic symptoms, avoiding work and external control stands out as an important highlight. Examined group of managers and university professors in relation to bankers show the higher level of satisfaction with their careers, have more distinctive quality of openness and positive valence while at the same time their extrinsic motivation is lower than in the group of bankers. In addition, people with negative emotions had tendencies for a career change. The educational level connected to the career satisfaction showed that more educated people were more satisfied from less educated. In addition to basic personality traits and in order to understand better the structure of personality in organizational behavior, the concept of &#39;additional&#39; personality traits is also important.</p>

Istraživanje uticaja promene vrste materijala na frekvencijski spektar muzičkih instrumenata / Research of material changing influence on frequency spectrum of musical instruments

Krstić Sonja 07 October 2009 (has links)
<p>Disertacija obuhvata opis osnovnih pojmova i metoda merenja iz oblasti muzičke akustike, detaljnije razrađeni teorijski model pona&scaron;anja zvučnog talasa u cevi frule i detaljnu analizu frekvencijskog spektra tonova odsviranih na jednodelnim i dvodelnim frulama, na glavi dvodelnih frula i tonova dobijenih upotrebom različitih vrsta prigu&scaron;ivača.</p> / <p>The dissertation presents a description of the Musical acoustics basic facts and<br />measuring methods , a profoundly developed theoretical model of behaviour of sound waves in sheperd&#39;s flute, and very detailed frequency spectrum analysis of musical tones played on simple Serbian flute, two-piece Serbian flute, tones played only on the had of the flute and musical tones played on the two-piece Serbian flute using different typesof mutes.</p>

Model za utvrđivanje uticaja izdvojenih nesignalisanih pešačkih prelaza na nivo usluge gradskih saobraćajnica / The influence of an unsignalized midblock crosswalk on the level of service of urban street segments estimating model

Garunović Nemanja 09 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Predmet ove doktorske disertacije su izdvojeni pešački prelazi odnosno njihov uticaj na uslove odvijanja motornog saobraćaja na gradskim saobraćajnicama. Ocenu uslova odvijanja motornog saobraćaja na gradskim saobraćajnicama između ostalog vrši se na osnovu brzine putovanja vozila prolaznog toka na odseku koja je u obrnuto proporcionalna sa vremenom putovanja vozila na odseku gradske saobraćajnice. Povećanje vremena putovanja zavisi od veličine ostvarenih vremenskih gubitaka koji nastaju na izdvojenom pešačkom prelazu. Ključna pretpostavka na kojoj je zasnovana ova doktorska disertacija je da vremenski gubici vozačkih tokova na izdvojenom pešačkom prelazu nastaju usled pojave pešaka (ili grupa pešaka) i kao takvi utiču na smanjenje prosečne brzine putovanja tj. povećanje vremena putovanja vozila na odseku. U skladu sa tim cilj rada je definisanje modela za utvrđivanje vremenskih gubitaka vozila na izdvojenim pešačkim prelazima uz mogućnost implementacije u postojećoj metodologiji za definisanje uslova odvijanja saobraćaja na odsecima gradskih saobraćajnica. U skladu sa definisanim ciljem izvršena je analiza prethodnih relevantnih istraživanja, a zatim i prikupljane podatka o uslovima odvijanja saobraćaja u realnom saobraćajnom toku. Sistematizacijom prikupljenih podataka i primenom odgovarajućih matematičkih i statističkih alata utvrđene su zakonitosti nastanaka vremenskih gubitaka vozačkih tokova koji nastaju na izdvojenom pešačkom prelazu i formiran model za njihov proračun.</p> / <p>The theme of this doctoral thesis is the analysis of the midblock pedestrian crossings influence on traffic conditions on urban street segments. The assessment of motor traffic conditions on urban street segments was carried out on the basis of travel speed of through vehicles. Travel speed of through vehicles for the segment represents the relation between the segment length and segment running time, which implies that running time increase directly affects travel speed decrease. Segment running time greatly depends on the value of the achieved delays which occur on a midblock pedestrian crossing. The key assumption, which this doctoral thesis is based on, is that delays of vehicular flows on midblock pedestrian crossings occur as a consequence of pedestrian (or a group of pedestrians) appearance and that they affect the travel speed of through vehicles decrease, that is, the increase of segment running time. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is defining the model for determination of vehicular delays on midblock pedestrian crossings, with the possibility of its implementation into the existing methodology for defining traffic conditions on the urban street segments. In accordance with the defined aim within the doctoral thesis, the analysis of previous relevant research studies was carried out, and then the research in a real traffic flow. The systematization of the collected data and the application of the appropriate mathematical and statistical tools enabled how to establish the rules of vehicular flows delays occurrence on midblock pedestrian crossing. On the basis of the established rules and correlation of traffic and geometric characteristics of midblock pedestrian crossings, a model for calculating the value of delays occurring in traffic flows was defined.</p>

Komparativna analiza nastave engleskog kao stranog jezika u osnovnim školama u Japanu i Srbiji / Comparative analysis of EFL teaching inelementary schools in Japan and Serbia

Maksimović Svetlana 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ciljevi nastave engleskog kao stranog jezika u Japanu prolaze kroz velike promene dolaskom globalizacije i informacionih tehnologija, a jedna takva promena jeste uvođenje engleskog jezika na osnovno&scaron;kolskom nivou. Engleski kao strani jezik postaje obavezan u japanskom obrazovnom sistemu. Prema japanskoj obrazovnoj politici učenici počinju da uče engleski jezik u 5. razredu. U Srbiji situacija je drugačija u tom smislu da je engleski jezik obavezan predmet od 1. razreda osnovne &scaron;kole.<br />U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji poku&scaron;aćemo da saznamo koje su to metode i tehnike u upotrebi u nastavi engleskog jezika u osnovnim &scaron;kolama u Japanu, kao i u Srbiji. Isto tako, poku&scaron;ačemo da utvrdimo njihovu adekvatnost u smislu postizanja zadatih ciljeva, a samim tim i zaključaka u vezi sa ispunjeno&scaron;ću ciljeva nastave stranih jezika &ndash; plana i programa propisanih od strane Ministrastva prosvete u obe države.<br />Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste definisanje aktivnosti koje se koriste na časovima, interakcije između učenika i nastavnika, upotreba maternjeg jezika na času, kao i komunikacije na osnovu savremenih metodolo&scaron;kih težnji u nastavi engleskog jezika Na osnovu teorijsko-metodolo&scaron;kog okvira, ova studija ima za poku&scaron;aj da defini&scaron;e i uporedi način na koji nastavnici uvode aktivnosti na časovima engleskog, a koje se u smislu komunikacije odnose na osnovno&scaron;kolske politike u Japanu i Srbiji. Relevantno istraživanju, kori&scaron;ćen je metod triangulacije, te su podaci sakupljani putem opservacije časova, intevjua i ankete za nastavnike u elektronskom obliku. Takođe, izvr&scaron;ena je i komparativna analiza udžbenika odobrenih od strane oba ministarstva, a koji su u upotrebi u obe države.</p><p>Opservacije časova engleskog jezika u osnovnim &scaron;kolama u Japanu, kao i anonimno anketiranje nastavnika i intervjui pokazali su kod učenika motivaciju za učenje na visokom nivou, ali metode i aktivnosti kori&scaron;ćene na časovima zajedno sa visokim procentom upotrebe maternjeg jezika (japanskog) dovode do nedostatka komunikacije na času, a samim tim i nedostatka prave komunikacije na engleskom jeziku. Istim istraživanjem u Srbiji do&scaron;lo se do zaključka da je motivacija učenika za učenje engleskog jezika na visokom nivou, kao i da nastavnici teže &scaron;to manjoj upotrebi maternjeg jezika na času, osim kada je to zaista neophodno, kao &scaron;to su obrade gramatičkih jedinica i njihova obja&scaron;njenja, te da se u &scaron;kolama u Srbiji na časovima engleskog jezika teži animaciji učenika, podizanjem motivacije na najvi&scaron;i nivo.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih podataka izneti su zaključci i sugestije kako bi se pomoglo nastavnicima engleskog jezika, kao i implikacije za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>The goals of EFL teaching in Japan have<br />recently undergone drastic change, with<br />globalization and information technology&rsquo;s<br />arrival, one such change being the introduction<br />of English at the elementary-school level.<br />English as a foreign language (EFL) in Japan is<br />becoming a mandatory subject in compulsory<br />educational system. According to Japanese<br />educational policy, students are required to start<br />learning the English language in the fifth grade.<br />In Serbia, the situation is different, meaning that<br />EFL has been introduced as a mandatory subject<br />from the first grade of elementary school.<br />In this doctoral thesis we are primarily<br />interested in discovering the methods and<br />techniques used in English language teaching in<br />elementary schools in Japan, as well as in<br />Serbia, and their adequacy in terms of achieving<br />the aims, and therefore fulfillment of the<br />curricula and syllabi regulated by Ministries of<br />education in both countries.<br />The aim of this study is to define the<br />activities used in the classes, interaction<br />between students and teachers, the use of the<br />mother tongue in class, as well as<br />communication on the basis of contemporary<br />methodological aspirations in EFL Teaching.<br />Based on the theoretical-methodological<br />framework, this study attempts to define and<br />compare the ways teachers introduce classroom<br />activities in English that are communicative in<br />their given policy contexts in elementary<br />schools in Japan and Serbia. Using a qualitative<br />descriptive &ndash; triangulation method, relevant to<br />this study, data were gathered by classroom observations, interviews and also a survey for</p><p>teachers in electronic form were conducted. In<br />addition, comparative analysis of textbooks<br />approved by the Ministries and in use in both<br />countries, was conducted.<br />Observations of English lessons in<br />primary schools in Japan, as well as an<br />anonymous survey of EFL teachers revealed the<br />students&rsquo; motivation to learn English is at high<br />level, but the methods and activities used in<br />classes with a high percentage of use of the<br />mother tongue (Japanese) lead to the lack of real<br />English communication in the classroom. Other<br />findings in Serbia revealed the students&rsquo; high<br />motivation for learning English and teachers<br />tending to reduce the use of the mother tongue<br />in class, except when necessary, for presenting<br />and explaining grammar, thereof, English<br />classes in Serbian schools tend to animate<br />students, raising their motivation to the highest<br />level.<br />According to the data obtained,<br />conclusions and suggestions were made in order<br />to help EFL teachers, and recommendations for<br />future research and practice in both countries<br />were also given.</p>

Nivo usluge na nesignalisanim pešačkim prelazima / Level of service at unsignalized pedestrian crossings

Mitrović Simić Jelena 14 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno u okviru disertacije poslužilo je za definisanje matematičkog modela koji se može primeniti u postupku određivanja nivoa usluge za nesignalisane pešačke prelaze. Formirani model za proračun stepena propuštanja pešaka u uslovima lokalnog odvijanja saobraćaja zavisi od protoka pešaka i vozila, strukture saobraćajnog toka (učešće autobusa i teretnih vozila) i smera kretanja vozila na lokaciji pešačkog prelaza. U okviru disertacije izvršena je analiza pešačkih intervala prilikom prelaska kolovoza. Uporednom analizom prihvatljivih i kritičnih intervala dobijen je model ponašanja pešaka u zavisnosti od karakteristika lokacije nesignalisanog pešačkog prelaza. Utvrđena je zavisnost između dužine prihvaćenih intervala pešaka prilikom prelaska kolovoza i uslova odvijanja saobraćaja, polnih karakteristika pešaka i broja pešaka koji prelaze kolovoz na nesignalisanom pešačkom prelazu.</p> / <p>The study, which was conducted within the thesis, has served to define a mathematical model that can be applied in the process of determining the level of service at unsignalized pedestrian crossings. The formed model for motorist yield rate, in terms of the local pedestrian traffic flow, depends on pedestrian and vehicular flow rate, traffic flow structure (the share of buses and freight vehicles), and vehicle moving at the location of a pedestrian crossing. The pedestrian gap acceptance behaviour has also been analysed. Comparative analysis of acceptable and critical pedestrian gap was conducted. Model of pedestrian behaviour, which depending on the site characteristics, was formed and it has been proven a correlation between the length of the accepted pedestrian gaps and the roadway and traffic conditions, gender characteristics and the number of pedestrians at unsignalized crossings.</p>

Model proračuna kapaciteta manevra levog skretanja sa prioritetnog prilaza nesignalisane raskrsnice / Model for capacity calculation of left turn manoeuvre from priority approach at unsignalized intersections

Deretić Nemanja 26 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Pre obavljanja levog manevra, sa prioritetnog prilaza TWSC nesignalisane raskrsnice, vozač procenjuje interval koji se javlja u konfliktnom toku i bira onaj interval koji mu je najviše prihvatljiv. Vreme koje je potrebno za procenu prihvatljivog intervala je predstavljeno u vidu vremena čekanja u opsluzi vozila na raskrsnici. Sa pojavom prihvatljivog intervala, vreme čekanja u opsluzi vozila se završava, i tada počinje vreme za izvođenje manevra levog skretanja. Odluka o momentu početka izvođenja manevra levog skretanja je subjektivna i zasniva se na proceni vozača. Ispravna subjektivna procena uvek rezerviše bezbednosno vreme. U ovoj disertaciji je predstavljen razvoj detaljnog matematičkog postupka za proračun bezbednosnog vremena. Merenja na nesignalisanim raskrsnicama su dokazala primenjivost predloženog modela, mogućnost proračuna subjektivnog bezbednosnog vremena i visoko učešće bezbednosnog vremena u kritičnom intervalu (oko jedne trećine). Dobijeni rezultati su visoko saglasni sa HCM.</p> / <p>Before the left turn manoeuvre, from priority approach at TWSC unsignalized intersection, the driver estimates the interval occurring in the conflict flow and chooses the one which is most acceptable for him. The time required for evaluation of acceptable interval is presented by the service waiting time of vehicles at an intersection. With the appearance of an acceptable interval, service waiting time for vehicle ends, and then starts a time for performance of left turn manoeuvre. A decision about the moment of starting left turn manoeuvre is subjective and based on a driver&rsquo;s estimate. Correct subjective evaluation always reserves the safety time. This dissertation presents development of a detailed mathematical procedure for calculation form of safety time. Measurements at unsignalized intersections are proven applicability of the proposed model, possibility of calculation subjective safety time and high participation of safety time in critical gap (about one-third). The obtained results are highly consistent with HCM.</p>

Kvalitet života odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom na teritoriji Vojvodine / Quality of life of adult persons with motoric disability in Vojvodina

Šušnjević Sonja 27 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Svetska&nbsp; zdravstvena&nbsp; organizacija&nbsp; defini&scaron;e kvalitet&nbsp; života kao&nbsp; percepciju&nbsp; pojedinca&nbsp; o sopstvenom&nbsp; položaju&nbsp; u&nbsp; životu&nbsp; u&nbsp; kontekstu kulture i sistema vrednosti u kojima živi kao i prema&nbsp;&nbsp; svojim&nbsp;&nbsp; ciljevima,&nbsp;&nbsp; očekivanjima, standardima&nbsp; i&nbsp; interesovanjima.<br />To&nbsp; je&nbsp; &scaron;irok koncept&nbsp; koga&nbsp; čine:&nbsp; fizičko&nbsp; zdravlje&nbsp; pojedinca, psiholo&scaron;ki&nbsp;&nbsp; status,&nbsp;&nbsp; materijalna&nbsp;&nbsp; nezavisnost, socijalni&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovi&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; prema značajnim karakteristikama spolja&scaron;nje sredine. Procenjuje&nbsp; se&nbsp; da&nbsp; preko&nbsp; bilion&nbsp; ljudi&nbsp; živi&nbsp; sa<br />nekim&nbsp; oblikom&nbsp; invaliditeta,&nbsp; &scaron;to čini oko 15% svetske&nbsp; populacije. Prisustvo bilo&nbsp; kakvog telesnog invaliditeta kod osobe može&nbsp; značajno da utiče na njen psihofizički i socijalni razvoj. Procenjivanje&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; fizičkog&nbsp; invaliditeta&nbsp; na svakodnevni&nbsp;&nbsp; život&nbsp;&nbsp; odslikava&nbsp;&nbsp; kakvo je funkcionisanje i blagostanje te osobe iz dana u dan i u različitim domenima života, &scaron;to&nbsp; zapravo predstavlja procenu kvaliteta života. Istraživanje&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; studiju&nbsp; preseka&nbsp; na uzorku&nbsp; od&nbsp; 227&nbsp; odraslih&nbsp; osoba&nbsp; sa&nbsp; motornim invaliditetom&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; članovi udruženja osoba sa invaliditetom. Kao instrument istraživanja kori&scaron;ćen je posebno kreiran&nbsp; upitnik&nbsp; za&nbsp; procenu&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; života osoba sa invaliditetom. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se proceni kvalitet života osoba sa invaliditetom u odnosu na fizičko, socijalno i emocionalno funkcionisanje kod odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom na teritoriji Vojvodine, kao i da se utvrdi postojanje&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; kvalitetu&nbsp; života u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja,&nbsp; zaposlenost&nbsp; i bračno stanje. Podaci prikupljeni tokom ankete su kontrolisani&nbsp; na validnost, kodirani&nbsp; i&nbsp; uno&scaron;eni&nbsp; u posebno&nbsp; kreiranu&nbsp; bazu&nbsp; podataka.&nbsp; Odabrana&nbsp; su pitanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; formirani&nbsp; domeni/skale&nbsp; (fizičkog, emocionalnog i&nbsp; socijalnog&nbsp; funkcionisanja&nbsp; i samoprocene&nbsp; zdravlja)&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu matrica korelacija,&nbsp; ICC&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrednosti Kronbah&nbsp; alfa. Aritmetička&nbsp; vrednost,&nbsp; mediana,&nbsp; standardna devijacija,&nbsp; minimalna&nbsp; i&nbsp; maksimalna&nbsp; vrednost&nbsp; i 95%&nbsp; interval poverenja&nbsp; su&nbsp; izračunate&nbsp; za&nbsp; svaki domen kvaliteta života. Dobijene vrednosti domena i sumarnih skala su komparirane u odnosu na pol i bračno stanje ispitanika,&nbsp; (t-test, Mann-Whitney&nbsp; test),&nbsp; a ANOVA&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; i&nbsp; Kruskal -Wallis&nbsp; testom&nbsp; je vr&scaron;ena komparacija srednjih vrednosti u odnosu na&nbsp; nivo&nbsp;&nbsp; obrazovanja&nbsp; i status zaposlenosti ispitanika. Za&nbsp; sve&nbsp; testove&nbsp; su&nbsp; navedeni&nbsp; nivoi statističke značajnosti (p vrednosti). Studija je uključila 227 osoba sa motornim invaliditetom&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini,&nbsp; 120&nbsp; mu&scaron;karaca (52,9%) i 107 žena (47,1%). Prosečna&nbsp; starost ispitanika je bila<br />47 godina. U najvećem broju slučajeva uzrok invaliditeta je povreda (33,0%),<br />zatim&nbsp; neurolo&scaron;ko &nbsp; oboljenje&nbsp; (26,0%), urođena bolest&nbsp; (20,7%), te&scaron;ko&nbsp; reumatsko&nbsp; oboljenje (13,7%),&nbsp; cerebrovaskularni&nbsp; inzult &nbsp; (2,6%) i ostala&nbsp; stanja &nbsp; (4%). U pogledu ortopedskih pomagala,&nbsp; invalidska&nbsp; kolica&nbsp; koristi 30,4% ispitanika, &scaron;tap 37, 0%, &scaron;etalicu 3,1%, aparat za podizanje&nbsp; stopala &nbsp; 3,5%,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; ostatak&nbsp; navodi ostalo (&scaron;take, antidekubitusni krevet...). Psihometrijska analiza je pokazala da je za definisanje domena fizičkog funkcionisanja bilo moguće uključiti 5 pitanja iz upitnika, za domen emocionalnog&nbsp; funkcionisanja 10 pitanja&nbsp; a&nbsp; za domen&nbsp; socijalnog&nbsp; funkcionisanja&nbsp; 3&nbsp; pitanja. Skala za svaki domen se kretala u intervalu od 0 do 100. Set od 5 pitanja uključenih u skalu fizičkog funkcionisanja&nbsp; definisali&nbsp; su&nbsp; kapacitet&nbsp; fizičkih sposobnosti. Prosečna vrednost domena fizičkog&nbsp; funkcionisanja&nbsp; za&nbsp; sve&nbsp; ispitanike&nbsp; je iznosila 85, 0&nbsp; (SD=18.9) sa 95%&nbsp; CI u&nbsp; rasponu od 82,6 do 87,5. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na zaposlenost (p=0.067) dok u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja&nbsp; i bračno stanje nema statistički značajne razlike. Set&nbsp; od 10 pitanja&nbsp;&nbsp; uključenih u skalu emocionalnog funkcionisanja definisali su emocionalni&nbsp;&nbsp; status ispitanika. Prosečna vrednost&nbsp; domena emocionalnog &nbsp; funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 62,5 (SD=20,0) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 59,9 do 65,1. Utvrđena je statistički&nbsp; značajna&nbsp; razlika&nbsp; za&nbsp; ovaj&nbsp; domen&nbsp; u odnosu&nbsp; na nivo&nbsp; obrazovanja (p=0.048) dok&nbsp; u odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; zaposlenost&nbsp; i&nbsp; bračno&nbsp; stanje nemastatistički značajne razlike. Set od 3&nbsp; pitanja&nbsp; uključenih u skalu socijalnog funkcionisanja definisali su kapacitet socijalnih aktivnosti. Prosečna vrednost domena socijalnog funkcionisanja&nbsp; za&nbsp; sve&nbsp; ispitanike&nbsp; je iznosila 72,0 &nbsp; (SD=27,6)&nbsp; sa&nbsp; 95% CI u&nbsp; rasponu od 68,4 do 75,6. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj&nbsp; domen&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu na nivo obrazovanja (p=0.067)&nbsp; dok u odnosu na zaposlenost i bračno stanje nema statistički značajne razlike.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; World&nbsp; Health&nbsp; Organization&nbsp; defines quality&nbsp; of&nbsp; life&nbsp; (QoL)&nbsp; as&nbsp; &ldquo;an&nbsp; individual&#39;s<br />perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems where they live and&nbsp; in&nbsp; relation&nbsp; to&nbsp; their&nbsp; goals,&nbsp; expectations,&nbsp;standards&nbsp; and concerns.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; broad&nbsp; concept affected in a complex way by a person&#39;s physical health, &nbsp;psychological&nbsp; state,&nbsp; personal&nbsp; beliefs, social&nbsp; relationships&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; to salient features of their environment.&rdquo;<br />Over&nbsp; a&nbsp; billion&nbsp; people&nbsp; are&nbsp; estimated&nbsp; to&nbsp; live with&nbsp; some&nbsp; form&nbsp; of&nbsp; disability.&nbsp; This&nbsp; corresponds to&nbsp; about&nbsp; 15%&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; world&#39;s&nbsp; population.&nbsp; The presence&nbsp; of&nbsp; any&nbsp; sort&nbsp; of&nbsp; physical&nbsp; disability&nbsp; in person can significantly influence their physical,<br />mental and social development. The assessment of&nbsp; the&nbsp; effects&nbsp; of&nbsp;a&nbsp; disability&nbsp; on&nbsp; every&nbsp; day,&nbsp; life reflects&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; functioning&nbsp; and&nbsp; wealth&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp;person on daily basis and in various segments of life,&nbsp; that&nbsp; actually&nbsp; represents&nbsp; the&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of their quality of life. The&nbsp; research&nbsp; represents&nbsp; a&nbsp; cross-sectional&nbsp;study of the sample of 227 adults with motoric disability&nbsp; in&nbsp; Vojvodina,&nbsp; who&nbsp; are&nbsp; registered&nbsp; in associations of people with disability. Especially created questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. The&nbsp; aim&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; study&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; investigate&nbsp; the&nbsp;relationship&nbsp; between&nbsp; physical&nbsp; (PF),&nbsp; emotional (EF) and social functioning&nbsp;(SF) domain of QoL and education level, employment and having life&nbsp;partner of disabled persons.<br />The&nbsp; data&nbsp; collected&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; survey&nbsp; were checked for validity, then coded and entered into a specially created database. Тhe questions were&nbsp;selected,&nbsp; four&nbsp; scales&nbsp; / domains&nbsp; (physical, emotional,&nbsp;&nbsp; social&nbsp;&nbsp; functioning&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; self assessment of health) were formed based on the correlation&nbsp; matrices,&nbsp; intercorrelation&nbsp; cofficient (ICC) and Crombach alpha values. Mean value,&nbsp;median,&nbsp; standard&nbsp; deviation,&nbsp; minimum&nbsp; and maximum values and 95% of confidence interval wаs calculated for all domain of QoL. The values obtained in the field of physical, emotional and social functioning were compared as&nbsp; per&nbsp; gender&nbsp; and&nbsp; marital&nbsp; status&nbsp; of&nbsp; the participants,&nbsp; using&nbsp; t-test,&nbsp; Mann-Whitney&nbsp; test, ANOVA&nbsp; method&nbsp; and&nbsp; Kruskal&nbsp; Wallis&nbsp; test&nbsp; were used&nbsp; to&nbsp; compare&nbsp; the&nbsp; mean&nbsp; values&nbsp; in&nbsp; respect&nbsp; to level of education and employment status of the respondents.&nbsp; For&nbsp; all&nbsp; the&nbsp; tests,&nbsp; the&nbsp; levels&nbsp; of statistical significance (p) were provided. The study involved 227 adults with motoric disability&nbsp; in&nbsp; Vojvodina,&nbsp; 120&nbsp; men&nbsp; (52.9%)&nbsp; and 107&nbsp; women&nbsp; (47.1%).&nbsp; Average&nbsp; age&nbsp; of&nbsp; the participants&nbsp; was&nbsp; 47&nbsp; years&nbsp; of&nbsp; age.&nbsp; The&nbsp; cause&nbsp; of disability&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; largest&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; the interviewees&nbsp; were&nbsp; the&nbsp; injury&nbsp; (33.0%),&nbsp; then neurological&nbsp;&nbsp; conditions&nbsp;&nbsp; (26.0%),&nbsp;&nbsp; inborn condition&nbsp; (20.7%),&nbsp; serious&nbsp; rheumatic&nbsp; disease (13.7%), cerebrovascular insult (2.6%) and other (4%).&nbsp; As&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; orthopedic&nbsp; tools,&nbsp; wheelchairs are&nbsp; used&nbsp; by&nbsp; 30.4%&nbsp; participants,&nbsp; stick&nbsp; 37.0%, walker&nbsp; is&nbsp; used&nbsp; by&nbsp; 3.1% &nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; orthoses&nbsp; for elevating&nbsp; feet&nbsp; 3.5%,&nbsp; whereas&nbsp; the&nbsp; rest&nbsp; of&nbsp; the interviewees&nbsp; state&nbsp; other&nbsp; (different&nbsp; orthopedic tools such as crutches, anti decubitus mattresses etc). Psychometric&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; in&nbsp; order to&nbsp; define&nbsp; the&nbsp; domain&nbsp; on&nbsp; physical&nbsp; functioning from the questionnaire applied it was possible to include&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; 5&nbsp;&nbsp; questions,&nbsp;&nbsp; for&nbsp;&nbsp; emotional functioning domain 10 questions and for domain on social functioning 3 questions. The sum of all selected questions&nbsp; for&nbsp; every&nbsp; domain&nbsp; forms&nbsp; the scale in the range from 0 to 100. The set of five questions stated for the scale of physical&nbsp;&nbsp; functioning&nbsp; indicate the capacity of physical&nbsp; functioning. The&nbsp; average&nbsp; value&nbsp; of PF domain&nbsp; for&nbsp; all&nbsp; the&nbsp; interviewees&nbsp; is 85.0 (SD=18.9) with 95% CI in the range of 82. 6 to 87.5. The&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in&nbsp; regard&nbsp; to employment status (p=0.067) is&nbsp; statistically&nbsp; significant&nbsp; but there&nbsp; is&nbsp; not&nbsp; satisticlly&nbsp; significant&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in regard level of education and marital status. The set of ten questions stated for the scale of emotional&nbsp; functioning. The average&nbsp; value of EF&nbsp; domain&nbsp; for&nbsp; all&nbsp; the&nbsp; interviewees&nbsp; is 62.5 (SD=20.0) with 95% CI in the range of 59.9 to 65.1.&nbsp; The&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in&nbsp; regard&nbsp; to level&nbsp; of education (p=0.048)&nbsp; is&nbsp; statistically&nbsp; significant but there&nbsp; is&nbsp; not satisticlly&nbsp; significant difference in&nbsp; regard&nbsp; to employment&nbsp; status and&nbsp; marital status. The set of three questions stated for the scale of&nbsp; social&nbsp; functioning&nbsp; indicate&nbsp; the&nbsp; capacity&nbsp; of social&nbsp; interaction.&nbsp; The&nbsp; average&nbsp; value&nbsp; of&nbsp; SF domain&nbsp; for&nbsp; all&nbsp; the&nbsp; interviewees&nbsp; is&nbsp; 72.0 (SD=27.6) with 95% CI in the range of 68.4 to 75.6. The&nbsp;&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in&nbsp; regard&nbsp; to the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of education&nbsp; is&nbsp; statistically&nbsp; significant&nbsp; (p&lt;&nbsp; 0.001) but there&nbsp; is&nbsp; not satisticlly&nbsp; significant difference in&nbsp; regard&nbsp; to&nbsp; employment&nbsp; status&nbsp; and marital status.</p>

Neke klase planarnih mreža i intervalno-vrednosni rasplinuti skupovi / Some classes of planar lattices and interval-valued fuzzy sets

Gorjanac Ranitović Marijana 08 April 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitan sledeći problem: <em>Pod kojim&nbsp;uslovima se može rekonstruisati&nbsp; (sintetisati)&nbsp;intervalno-vrednosni rasplinuti skup iz&nbsp; poznate&nbsp;familije nivo skupova.</em></p><p>U tu svrhu su proučena svojstva mreža&nbsp;intervala za svaki od četiri izabrana mrežna&nbsp;<br />uređenja: poredak po komponentama, neprecizni&nbsp;poredak (skupovna inkluzija), strogi &nbsp;i leksikografski&nbsp;poredak.&nbsp;</p><p>Definisane su i-između i ili-između ravne&nbsp;mreže&nbsp;&nbsp; i ispitana njihova svojstva potrebna za&nbsp;re&scaron;avanje postavljenog problema sinteze za&nbsp;intervalno-vrednosne rasplinute skupove. Za i-između ravne mreže je dokazano da su, u svom&nbsp;konačnom slučaju, slim mreže i dualno, da su ili-između ravne mreže dualno-slim mreže.</p><p>Data je karakterizacija kompletnih konačno&nbsp;prostornih i dualno konačno prostornih mreža.&nbsp;</p><p>Određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu&nbsp;injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n&nbsp;<br />kompletnih lanaca tako da su očuvani supremumi i&nbsp;dualno, određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu&nbsp;injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n lanaca&nbsp;tako da su očuvani infimumi.&nbsp;</p><p>U re&scaron;avanju problema sinteze posmatrana su&nbsp;dva tipa nivo skupova - gornji i donji nivo skupovi.&nbsp;Potreban i dovoljan uslov za sintezu intervalno-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa iz poznate familije&nbsp;nivo skupova određen je za mrežu intervala koja je&nbsp;uređena poretkom po komponentama, za oba tipa&nbsp;posmatranih nivo skupova.</p><p>Za mrežu intervala uređenu nepreciznim&nbsp;poretkom, problem je re&scaron;en za donje nivo skupove,&nbsp;dok su za gornje nivo skupove određeni dovoljni&nbsp;uslovi.</p><p>Za mrežu intervala koja je uređena&nbsp;leksikografskim poretkom, takođe su dati dovoljni<br />uslovi i to za oba tipa nivo skupova.&nbsp;</p><p>Za mrežu intervala uređenu strogim poretkom&nbsp;problem nije re&scaron;avan, jer izlazi izvan okvira ovog&nbsp;rada.</p><p><br />Dobijeni rezultati su primenjeni za re&scaron;avanje&nbsp;sličnog problema sinteze za intervalno-vrednosne&nbsp;intuicionističke rasplinute skupove&nbsp; za mrežu&nbsp;intervala uređenu poretkom po komponentama.&nbsp;</p><p>Rezultati ovog istraživanja su od teorijskog&nbsp;značaja u teoriji mreža i teoriji rasplinutih skupova,&nbsp;ali postoji mogućnost za primenu u matematičkoj&nbsp;morfologiji i obradi slika.</p> / <p>In this thesis&nbsp; the following problem was investigated: Under which conditions an interval-valued fuzzy set can be reconstructed from the given family of cut sets.</p><p>We consider interval-valued fuzzy sets as&nbsp; a special type of lattice-valued fuzzy sets and&nbsp; we studied properties of lattices of intervals using four different lattice&nbsp; order: componentwise ordering, imprecision ordering (inclusion of sets), strong and&nbsp;lexicographical ordering.</p><p>We proposed new definitions&nbsp; of meet-between planar and join - between planar lattices, we investigated their properties and used them for solving problem of synthesis&nbsp; in&nbsp; interval-valued fuzzy sets.</p><p>It has been proven that finite meet- between planar lattices and slim lattices are equivalent, and dually:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; finite join-&nbsp; between planar lattices and dually slim lattices are equivalent.</p><p>Complete finitely&nbsp; spatial lattices and complete dually finitely spatial lattices are fully&nbsp;characterized&nbsp; in this setting. Next, we characterized&nbsp; lattices which can be order<br />embedded into a Cartesian product of&nbsp; n&nbsp; complete chains such that all suprema are preserved under the embedding.</p><p>And dually, we characterized lattices which can be order embedded into a Cartesian product of n complete chains such that all infima are preserved under the embedding.</p><p>We considered two types of cut sets &ndash; upper cuts and lower cuts.</p><p>Solution of the&nbsp; problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets are given for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering for both types of cut sets. Solution of problem of synthesis of&nbsp; interval-valued fuzzy sets&nbsp; are&nbsp; given for lower cuts for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering.&nbsp; Sufficient conditions are given for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering and family of upper cuts.</p><p>Sufficient conditions are also given for lattices of intervals under lexicographical ordering.</p><p>The problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets for lattices of&nbsp; intervals under strong ordering is beyond the scope of this thesis.</p><p>A similar problem of synthesis of&nbsp; interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is solved for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering.</p><p>These results are&nbsp; mostly of theoretical importance in lattice theory and fuzzy sets theory, but also they could&nbsp; be applied in mathematical morphology and in&nbsp; image processing.</p>

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