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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Acceptans : En undersökning av attityd till digitala verktyg / Digital Acceptance : A survey of attitudes towards digital tools

Levin, Gustav, Elvemo, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Idag kommer fler och fler i kontakt med nya digitala tekniker både inom yrket men även privat. Det är därför viktigare än någonsin att de digitala verktygen når upp till slutanvändares förväntningar såväl som krav. Syftet med denna studien var att undersöka fenomenet digital acceptans. Därför valdes modeller och teorier för utvärdering ut för att jämföras mot individens upplevelser och acceptans av digitala verktyg. En teoretisk grund har lagts genom att samla in och analysera nio modeller för utvärdering av system och användaracceptans, där tre modeller valdes ut. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer där respondenter från olika yrkesbakgrunder har fått möjligheten att berätta om sina upplevelser kring digitaliseringen. Materialet från dessa intervjuer har därefter analyserats för att kategoriseras i olika teman med underkategorier, detta tillät undersökningen att jämföra resultatet från intervjuerna med aktuell forskning. Utifrån slutsatsen har studien tagit fram ett förslag på en konceptuell modell för hur acceptans av digitala verktyg skulle kunna se ut. / Today, more and more people come into contact with new digital technologies both in their profession but also privately. It is therefore more important than ever that digital tools meet the end-users’ expectations and requirements. The purpose of this research was to explore the phenomenon of digital acceptance. Therefore, models and theories for evaluation were selected to be compared against the individual's experience and acceptance of digital tools. A theoretical foundation was created by collecting and analyzing nine models for evaluation of systems and user acceptance, where three were selected. The research was conducted with the help of interviews where participants from different professional backgrounds were given the opportunity to talk about their experiences with digitalization. The material from these interviews was then analyzed and categorized into different themes with subcategories, this allowed the research to compare the results from the interviews with current research. Based on the conclusion, the research has produced a proposal with a conceptual model for what acceptance of digital tools could look like.

Digital Acceptans : En undersökning av attityd till digitala verktyg / Digital Acceptance : A survey of attitudes towards digital tools

Levin, Gustav, Elvemo, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Idag kommer fler och fler i kontakt med nya digitala tekniker både inom yrket men även privat. Det är därför viktigare än någonsin att de digitala verktygen når upp till slutanvändares förväntningar såväl som krav. Syftet med denna studien var att undersöka fenomenet digital acceptans. Därför valdes modeller och teorier för utvärdering ut för att jämföras mot individens upplevelser och acceptans av digitala verktyg. En teoretisk grund har lagts genom att samla in och analysera nio modeller för utvärdering av system och användaracceptans, där tre modeller valdes ut. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer där respondenter från olika yrkesbakgrunder har fått möjligheten att berätta om sina upplevelser kring digitaliseringen. Materialet från dessa intervjuer har därefter analyserats för att kategoriseras i olika teman med underkategorier, detta tillät undersökningen att jämföra resultatet från intervjuerna med aktuell forskning. Utifrån slutsatsen har studien tagit fram ett förslag på en konceptuell modell för hur acceptans av digitala verktyg skulle kunna se ut. / Today, more and more people come into contact with new digital technologies both in their profession but also privately. It is therefore more important than ever that digital tools meet the end-users’ expectations and requirements. The purpose of this research was to explore the phenomenon of digital acceptance. Therefore, models and theories for evaluation were selected to be compared against the individual's experience and acceptance of digital tools. A theoretical foundation was created by collecting and analyzing nine models for evaluation of systems and user acceptance, where three were selected. The research was conducted with the help of interviews where participants from different professional backgrounds were given the opportunity to talk about their experiences with digitalization. The material from these interviews was then analyzed and categorized into different themes with subcategories, this allowed the research to compare the results from the interviews with current research. Based on the conclusion, the research has produced a proposal with a conceptual model for what acceptance of digital tools could look like.

Faktorer för en förbättrad digitaliserad blankett : En studie baserad på the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) och användbarhetstester

Eile, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
We live in a society that is becoming more and more digital, where new technologies revolutionize several industries, and technological advances go faster every day. There may be an understanding that companies and organizations want to keep up with this digitization and not fall behind. But what happens if companies go too fast without involving the people who actually use their systems and services? The purpose of this study was to find possible problematic factors in digitizing a form in a PDF format. This form is used for the purpose of enrolling a principal administrator to further log in on a corporate service at Fora AB, with BankID or mobile BankID. An additional purpose for the study was to create a new design proposal by creating a prototype. An empirical data collection has been conducted through usability tests that included interview questions and observation of use. The theoretical framework underlying the study is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its view on user acceptance. The study has resulted in a number of factors that leads the user not accept the system, these factors have formulated into three improvement areas; simple navigation, digitizing all the way and minimizing technical requirements. / Vi lever i ett samhälle som blir mer och mer digitalt, där nya tekniker revolutionerar flera branscher och den teknologiska utvecklingen går snabbare för varje dag. Det kan finnas en förståelse för att företagen och organisationerna vill hänga med i denna digitalisering och inte hamna efter. Men vad händer om företagen går för snabbt fram utan att involvera de människor som faktiskt ska använda deras system och tjänster? Denna studie har haft som syfte att finna eventuella problematiska faktorer i en digitalisering utav en blankett i PDF-format. Denna blankett används i syfte av att anmäla en huvudadministratör för att vidare kunna logga in på en företagstjänst på Fora AB, med BankID eller mobilt BankID. Ett ytterligare syfte för studien var att skapa ett nytt designförslag i form av en prototyp. En empirisk datainsamling har utförts genom användbarhetstester som inkluderade intervjufrågor samt observation av användning. Det teoretiska ramverket som legat till grund för studien är the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) och dess syn på användaracceptans. Studien har resulterat i ett flertal faktorer som bidrar till att användaren inte accepterar systemet, dessa faktorer har formulerats till tre förbättringsområden; enkel navigation, digitalisera hela vägen samt minimera krav på teknisk kunskap.

När äldre vuxna möter ny teknik : En kvalitativ undersökning kring digitalisering och digitalatjänster bland äldre vuxna

Bergsten, Victor, Franzén, Gabriel January 2016 (has links)
The survey has been conducted about how older adults use digital services on the Internet, what their thoughts are about them and the problems that can arise during use. The purpose of the survey is to treat the qualitative data to see what factors affect older adults to use various digital services to operate in society. This purpose has arisen from the problem which older adults are the smallest but fastest growing user group to take advantage of digital opportunities, today's society more or less requires that you have some sort of digital knowledge to be able to benefit from its services. Based on the objective, we have formulated our research question "Older adults are the fastest growing group of digital users, but in total still the lowest represented user group. What contributes to the rapid rise and what can we learn from the users of today on how to develop digital services for this age group in the future?" We chose to write about this project because we think that the subject is relevant and interesting to explore. Since one can see the obvious problems regarding this in everyday life, we chose to more deeply explore the area to give us a broader view. We have used qualitative methods like observations and semistructured interviews, these have been applied from prior knowledge of how to perform these methods to enable a good data collection. We have also created our own modified model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) used to measure technology acceptance. The modified model is applied to the information we developed from them qualitative methods. The results from four informants indicate that there are critical factors that influence the use of digital services such as experience and needs, but these factors are individual and varies from person to person resulting in that there is not a single answer to the question but must be answered for each individual service.

A Cross-Sectional Technology Acceptance Study of an AI CAD System in a Breast Screening Unit

Kloub, Maha, Gerigoorian, Annika January 2021 (has links)
In January 2021, one of the first large-scale implementations of an artificial intelligent computer-aided detection system (AI CAD) for detecting breast cancer was implemented at Capio S:t Göran hospital in Stockholm. AI CAD for detecting breast cancer is promising, however, it can only be a successful implementation if it is accepted by the end-users. This study examines and evaluates factors critical to the acceptance of the AI CAD, prior to the radiology professionals using it by applying the third version of the Technology Acceptance Model, that is TAM3. A questionnaire was designed and distributed accordingly to 28 professionals at the hospital’s breast screening unit. The quantitative data collected were further analyzed using the statistical tool SPSS. The empirical findings concluded that the intention to use the AI CAD was influenced directly by the perceived usefulness and indirectly by image, job relevance, and perceived ease of use. In addition, the association between subjective norm and image was shown to be significant. This study further revealed two new associations, contrary to what TAM3 postulates, the first one being between image and behavioral intention and the second one being between job relevance and behavioral intention. Organizational support, system-related activities, and information and communication are interventions suggested based on the findings in this study, in which the breast screening unit at S:t Göran should tap into to enhance the acceptance of the AI CAD system. / I januari 2021, implementerades ett artificiellt intelligent datorstött detektionssystem som ska upptäcka bröstcancer på Capio S:t Görans sjukhus i Stockholm. Användning av AI CAD för att upptäcka bröstcancer är lovande, men det kan endast bli en framgångsrik implementering om det accepteras av de som använder systemet. Denna studie undersöker och utvärderar de initiala faktorer som är avgörande för användaracceptansen av AI CAD hos radiologipersonal genom att utgå från den senaste versionen av teknologiacceptansmodellen – Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3). Ett frågeformulär utformades i enlighet med modellen och distribuerades till 28 yrkesverksamma på S:t Görans mammografiavdelning. Den kvantitativa data som samlades in från enkäten analyserades med hjälp av det statistiska verktyget SPSS. De empiriska resultaten visade att radiologipersonalens avsikt att använda AI CAD påverkades direkt av den upplevda användbarheten av systemet och indirekt av personalens upplevda syn på hur enkelt systemet är att använda, att systemet är relevant för personalens jobb samt att systemet kan höja personalens image. Dessutom bekräftade studien att den subjektiva normen påverkar systemets image. Slutligen upptäcktes två nya associationer, i vilken TAM3 inte antar. Dessa påträffades mellan image och den beteendemässiga intentionen till att använda systemet samt mellan jobbrelevansen och den beteendemässiga intentionen till att använda systemet. Organisationsstöd, systemrelaterade aktiviteter samt information och kommunikation med personal är interventioner som föreslås baserat på resultaten i denna studie som mammografiavdelningen på S:t Görans sjukhus bör utnyttja för att öka acceptansen av AI CAD systemet.

“Nej, jag är inte skraj för ny teknik” : En kvalitativ studie om rekryterares känslomässiga upplevelse av AI inomrekrytering

Elf, Filippa, Bende, Elina January 2024 (has links)
The rapid development of artificial intelligence has initiated debates regarding its eventual threats and opportunities in the labor market. There is currently an ongoing discussion about which jobs, within the HR-business, that could potentially be replaced by AI, with the recruiting profession being suggested as replaceable by AI. The sociological relevance of the study´s subjects lies in the intersection of human and technology. The purpose of the study is to examine how professionals in the field of recruitment experience AI. By studying this, emotions arising in relation to technological development can be elucidated with the aim of understanding the intersection between humans and technology. Latest research has shown that development of new technology may raise apprehension among people. The theoretical framework of this study is based on Blumers (1986) ideas about sense-making within symbolic interactionism and Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989). Blumers ideas are used to understand how recruiters' sense-making process affects their feelings towards AI. Technology Acceptance Model are used in purpose to understand recruiters potential for acceptance of AI. In this study, qualitative interviews were conducted with recruiters working at recruitment and staffing agencies. The study's results indicate that recruiters have a positive attitude towards using AI in their work, despite having difficulty understanding what AI is. The findings suggest that recruiters do not perceive AI as a threat to their occupational roles, as AI lacks the human capabilities required by their job roles. / Den snabba utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) har väckt diskussioner om dess potentiella hot och möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden. Just nu pågår en diskussion om vilka jobb inom HR som skulle kunna ersättas av AI, i vilken rekryteringsyrket framförs som ersättbart av AI. Den sociologiska relevansen i studiens ämne är mötet mellan människa och teknik och syftet med studien är att undersöka hur yrkesprofessionella inom rekrytering upplever AI. Genom att studera detta kan känslor som uppkommer i relation till teknikens utveckling synliggöras i syfte att förstå mötet mellan människa och teknik. Tidigare forskning visar exempelvis att ny teknik kan skapa oro hos människor. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgår från Blumers (1986) teorier om meningsskapande inom symbolisk interaktionism och Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989). Blumers teorier används för att förstå hur rekryterares meningsskapande process påverkar deras känslor gentemot AI. Technology Acceptance Model används för att förstå rekryterares möjlighet till acceptans av AI. I denna studie har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med rekryterare som arbetar på rekryterings- och bemanningsföretag. Studiens resultat visar att rekryterarna har en positiv attityd till att använda AI i sitt arbete trots att de har svårt att greppa vad AI är. Studiens resultat visar att rekryterarna inte upplever AI som någonting som kan hota deras yrkesroll, på grund av att AI saknar den mänskliga förmågan som deras yrkesroll kräver.

Why Physicians Do Or Do not Use Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model

Sachidanandam, Sivanarulselvan 27 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Online shopping Behavior in Sweden and China : What is different about Chinese Consumers

Jansson, Victor January 2016 (has links)
The Chinese E-commerce market is the largest in the world and E-commerce takes up more of the retail market in China than in western countries. Why are Chinese consumers such big spenders online? This thesis examines the differences in consumer shopping behavior in China and Sweden in the aims to find some of the factors explaining the reasons. Based on a review of previous research on consumer behavior a theoretical framework was created which was the foundation for a survey. Survey responses were collected through two surveys, with the same questions, conducted in the native language of Sweden and China. While the generalizability of the survey have some limitations in regards to sampling, this thesis provide some key findings: Chinese consumers are more social shoppers, influenced by social media, family and friends. The social experience of shopping online enhance Chinese consumers experience and is a factor in increasing their expenditures online.  Chinese consumers shop more on international stores and shop more through their cell phones than Swedes.  Chinese consumers are also choosing online shopping out of convenience and usefulness.

Effect of color on the odor, flavor, and acceptance properties of foods and beverages

Mahony, Amy January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute -- Human Nutrition / Koushik Adhikari / A significant increase in the number of products carried in supermarkets has lead manufacturers to use food color as a way to differentiate their products from competitor’s products or as a form of communication. This report’s overall objective was to review the impact of color on sensory properties of foods and beverages and help product developers understand the multiple sensory properties within a food or beverage that may potentially change by manipulating color. The effect of color on flavor or odor identification, basic taste perception, flavor or odor intensity, quality and refreshment, and consumer acceptance has been extensively researched. Research to date has shown inconsistent findings, although key themes are consistent. Some colors are more appropriate for certain foods and beverages, and product color can be directly linked to palatability. Color cues can be used for flavor identification within a food or beverage, and the presence of certain colors evoke flavor associations within a product. Perceived intensities of basic taste or flavor attributes have increased or decreased merely with color addition. Consumers use color cues to determine quality, therefore color can ultimately affect product acceptance.

Freezing, pasteurizing, and drying effects on pomegranate juice flavor and acceptance

Anderson, Erika L. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Food Science / Kadri Koppel / Pomegranate fruits are seasonally produced and require processing to provide year round availability. Effects of processing on phenolic compounds, color, and other physical properties have been examined but few studies have examined the sensory effects. Juice prepared from fresh Wonderful pomegranates was used to prepare fresh frozen juice, batch pasteurized juice, and reconstituted juice from dried arils. These juices were evaluated using analytical and affective sensory methods to increase the understanding of processing effects on pomegranate juice properties. A modified consensus flavor profile showed that a large number of small differences existed. The accumulation of these changes demonstrates the distinction among processing methods. Time intensity multi-evaluation (TIME) profiling, a new method, was used to further understand how multiple attributes, including aromatics, feeling factors, and basic tastes, changed over the course of one sip. Fruity flavor was consistently the first to appear in the profile while bitterness and astringency lasted the longest. The attribute woody displayed longer peak times in the pasteurized and reconstituted samples than seen in fresh frozen juice. Semi-Continuous Consumption (SCC) profiling, another new method, explained product differences over 25 sips that mimicked consumption. Overall, astringent and bitter components increased while fruity and overall sweet attributes declined. These profile changes differed by sample with reconstituted juice showing the least increase in astringency over consumption. The juice samples were subjected to an acceptance test that showed four liking clusters, one that accepted all three juices and three clusters that disliked one of each juice type. The results from these studies are an initial step in describing how processing of pomegranate juice can effect flavor. Understanding the flavor differences is beneficial to processors for marketing products and for purchasers of these products for ingredient usage. Furthermore, the process of TIME and SCC profiling are described which are beneficial for understanding how multiple flavors change over single and multiple consumption events of a product respectively. These new methodologies are useful in explaining the experience of complex products such as teas and coffees or products exhibiting build-up such as nutrition aides.

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