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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detecção de dano em estruturas utilizando identificação modal estocástica e um algoritmo de otimização

Zeni, Gustavo January 2018 (has links)
Detecção de dano em estruturas de engenharia de grandes dimensões através da análise de suas características dinâmicas envolve diversos campos de estudo. O primeiro deles trata da identificação dos parâmetros modais da estrutura, uma vez que executar testes de vibração livre em tais estruturas não é uma tarefa simples, necessita-se de um método robusto que seja capaz de identificar os parâmetros modais dessa estrutura a ações ambientais, campo esse chamado de análise modal operacional. Este trabalho trata do problema de detecção de dano em estruturas que possam ser representadas através de modelos em pórticos planos e vigas e que estejam submetidos à ação de vibrações ambientais. A localização do dano é determinada através de um algoritmo de otimização conhecido como Backtracking Search Algorithm (BSA) fazendo uso de uma função objetivo que utiliza as frequências naturais e modos de vibração identificados da estrutura. Simulações e testes são feitos a fim de verificar a concordância da metodologia para ambos os casos. Para as simulações, são utilizados casos mais gerais de carregamentos dinâmicos, e dois níveis de ruído (3% e 5%) são adicionados ao sinal de respostas para que esses ensaios se assemelhem aos ensaios experimentais, onde o ruído é inerente do processo. Já nos ensaios experimentais, apenas testes de vibração livre são executados. Diversos cenários de dano são propostos para as estruturas analisadas a fim de se verificar a robustez da rotina de detecção de dano. Os resultados mostram que a etapa de identificação modal estocástica através do método de identificação estocástica de subespaço (SSI) teve ótimos resultados, possibilitando, assim, a localização da região danificada da estrutura em todos os casos analisados. / Damage detection in large dimensions engineering structures through the analysis of their dynamic characteristics involves several fields. The first one deals with the structure modal identification parameter, since running free vibration tests in such structures is not a simple task, robust methods are needed in order to identify the modal parameters of this structure under ambient vibrations, this field is known as operational modal analysis. This work deals with the problem of damage detection in structures under ambient vibrations that can be represented by FEM using frame and beam elements. The damage location is determined through an optimization algorithm know as Backtracking Search Algorithm (BSA). It uses as objective function the identified natural frequencies and modes of vibration of the structure. Numerical and experimental tests are performed to assess the agreement of the methodology for both cases. For the numerical tests, more general cases of dynamic loads are used, and two noise levels (3% and 5%) are added to the response signal to assessing the robustness of the methodology close to the field conditions, in which noise is inherent of the process. In the experimental tests, only free vibration tests are performed. Several damage scenarios are proposed for the analyzed structures to check the robustness of the damage detection routine. The results show that the stochastic modal identification using the stochastic subspace identification (SSI) method had excellent results, thus allowing the location of the damaged region of the structure in all analyzed cases.

Vibroacoustic coupling phenomena on heavy vehicles.Medium frequency experimental analysis and numerical applications for design specifications.

Tufano, Anna Rita 02 December 2016 (has links)
La prestation vibroacoustique est une question primordiale pour les constructeurs de véhicules, qui sont contraints par des lois ainsi que par des besoins commerciales: d'une part, un grand nombre de normes existe, visant à régler les niveaux vibratoires et acoustiques que les occupants d'un véhicule peuvent supporter, d'autre part le constructeur est intéressé à garantir un haut degré de confort pour que son produit soit compétitif. L'industrie du poids lourds comporte des spécificités par rapport à d'autres secteurs industriels, et surtout par rapport au marché des véhicules légers: non seulement l'architecture d'un véhicule industriel est unique, mais en plus ce qui caractérise les poids lourds par rapport à d'autres véhicules terrestres est la grande diversité des configurations disponibles. Une bonne connaissance des mécanismes de transmission des vibrations et du bruit, ainsi que du bilan de leurs sources, permette de fixer des règles de conception plus rigoureuses pour les composants. Par ailleurs, la connaissance des influences des paramètres architecturaux d'un camion sur les prestations vibroacoustiques donne une meilleure clé d'interprétation pour prédire les caractéristiques qu'un composant du véhicule doit avoir. Actuellement ces vérifications sont largement basées sur des essais, soit subjectifs (estimations par des techniciens experts) soit objectifs (acquisitions par microphones et accéléromètres). Cette pratique est très coûteuse car, pour prendre en compte la diversité des camions, il faut tester un grand nombre de véhicules. Pour franchir ces limitations, le prototypage virtuel - au lieu des essais physiques - doit être renforcé. Les méthodologies numériques sont déjà utilisées au sein du Groupe Volvo, mais les outils disponibles sont considérés en partie inappropriés pour les besoins de calcul des prestations NVH. Les activités de cette thèse ont été réalisées dans le cadre du service Noise and Driveline Vibration, qui est responsable de l'estimation du confort acoustique perçu par les occupants du camion, dans toutes ces conditions d'utilisation. Les travaux de thèse sont concentrés sur le comportement du châssis comme composant principale; le châssis est la principale voie de transfert des vibrations depuis le moteur vers la cabine. En outre, une attention particulière sera donnée à l'effet des accessoires sur le comportement dynamique du châssis, bien que peu d'intérêt sera porté sur la signature vibratoire des accessoires mêmes. / The vibroacoustic performance is a matter of primary concern for modern vehicle manufacturers, that are constrained by health and safety legislation as well as by commercial needs: on the one hand, a number of norms exists regulating the level of vibration and noise that vehicle occupants can tolerate, but on the other hand a manufacturer is also interested in guaranteeing a high level of comfort in order to keep products competitive. The commercial vehicle industry presents some peculiarity with respect to other vehicle manufacturing businesses, and especially to the more known car industry: not only the architecture of a commercial vehicle is a class of its own, but what differentiates the most trucks from other ground vehicles are the configuration diversity and customization. A deep knowledge of the vibration and noise transmission mechanisms in trucks as well as source breakdown allows defining more rigorous and strict component specifications. Furthermore, the comprehension of the sensitivity of truck architecture parameters on vibroacoustic features provides even deeper means to assess the needed properties for a component to be installed on a vehicle. At present the verification is largely based on tests, both subjective (assessment by experimented test engineers) and objective (microphone and accelerometer acquisitions). This practice is extremely expensive, since, in order to take into account the large diversity of trucks, a large number of vehicles has to be tested. To overcome this limit, virtual testing - as opposed to physical testing - should be strengthened. Numerical methods are already largely used in the Volvo Group, but the available tools are considered partly unfit to the NVH demands and inappropriate with respect to their specific needs. The activities of the current thesis have been developed in the framework of the Interior Noise and Driveline Vibration group, which is responsible for the estimation of the acoustic comfort perceived by driver and passengers in all driving conditions and vehicle uses. This thesis will focus on the behaviour of the chassis as a primary component. The chassis is the main transfer path for engine-induced vibrations transmitted to the cabin. Besides, a peculiar attention will be given to the effect the chassis equipment components have on the chassis dynamics, even though limited interest will be put on the investigation of the dynamic signature of the equipment itself.

Frekvenčně modální analýza lopatkového svazku parní turbíny / Frequency modal analysis of blade package of steam turbine

Přikryl, František January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with comparison the results of the frequency modal analysis of blade package of steam turbine with stiffening or damping bounding elements. Computational model was created through the finite element method, using cyclical symmetry. The results were compared with experimental analysis and analysis in VIPACK programme. Thesis also contains creating the solid blade model, using the reverse engineering.

Pětiválcový řadový vznětový motor s pryžovým tlumičem / Five-cylinder in-line diesel engine with rubber damper

Masnica, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is design of five-cylinder in-line diesel engine with rubber dumper, with given main parameters, powerstrain design, balancing inertia forces and its moments, modal analysis, calculation of torsion vibrations and design of rubber dumper.

Hnací ústrojí tříválcového řadového vznětového motoru / Cranktrain of three-cylinder in-line disel engine

Kovář, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes design and comparison of three variants of the crankshaft in-line diesel engine for commercial vehicles. The work focuses on working with programs for 3D modelling and analysis proposed models, to be able to work under difficult conditions. Part of this work is a computational modal and strength analysis.

Energetická bilance tvarů kmitání lopatky poslední řady parní turbíny / Energy balance the blade of the last stage steam turbine

Horák, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Created methodology for calculating the potential deformation energy parts is described in this thesis. Calculation method uses the outputs of modal analysis, which is performed using computational modelling. The potential deformation energy parts are calculated for three cases. Two benchmark problems and one case of blade model. Blade geometry is received by 3D scanning and reconstruction of given specimen. Results of the potential deformation energy parts calculations are analyzed and conclusions are formulated.

Aeroelastická analýza konstrukce letounu VUT 081 Kondor / VUT 081 Kondor aircraft aeroelastic analysis

Talanda, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with VUT~081~Kondor aircraft flutter analysis. This aircraft is being designed at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. The thesis contains detailed aircraft description, natural frequency and normal modes computation as well as aircraft structure flutter analysis and critical flutter velocity determination. Some structure improvement recommendations have been given in order to increase the critical flutter velocity and to fulfil the CS-VLA regulation requirements.

Porovnání modálních vlastností oběžných kol parní turbíny s různými délkami lopatek / Comparison of modal properties of steam turbine impeller with blades of different lengths

Havlásek, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The presented master's thesis deals with the safety assessment of several variants of the impeller with different blades length. The motivation for creating this thesis is to find the solution of the problem situation which is characterized by the breakdown of the steam turbine impeller with blades length of 30mm. As confirmed in this thesis, the impeller with blades length of 30mm is operated in the resonance. Likewise, according to the technical standard ČSN EN ISO 10437 its operation is not safe. As the correction action for the problem situation solving is proposed the prolongation of the impeller's blades. The safety is detected for six variants of impeller with dierent blades length. For each variant, there is executed a modal analysis and its results are drawn up into the Campbell diagram. On the basis of this diagram, the safety of individual components is evaluated. The last part of the masters thesis concerns with the examination of the influence of blades length on the modal properties of the impeller.

Numerische Umsetzung der Galbrun-Gleichung zur Modalanalyse strömender Medien in Außenraumproblemen unter Einsatz finiter und infiniter Elemente

Retka, Stefanie 15 June 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Programmcode zur numerischen Modalanalyse dreidimensionaler Fluide in komplexen akustischen Systemen, speziell in Resonatoren, entwickelt. Mit diesem Code ist es möglich, turbulente Strömungen im Rahmen der Modalanalyse zu berücksichtigen. Hierzu wird ein realistisches Strömungsprofil, ermittelt mithilfe eines 3D-Navier-Stokes-Lösers, verwendet. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Herleitung der für die Berechnung notwendigen Galbrun-Gleichung und deren Aufbereitung zur numerischen Analyse. Für die numerische Umsetzung kommt die Methode der finiten Elemente in Verbindung mit komplex konjugierten, infiniten Astley-Leis Elementen zur Anwendung. Die infiniten Elemente werden genutzt, um in den betrachteten Außenraumproblemen die Abstrahlung in das Fernfeld abzubilden. Nach der Anwendung des entwickelten Programmcodes auf einfachere Modelle erfolgen Untersuchungen zur Intonation einer Blockflöte. Hierzu wird das Fluid innerhalb und im Nahfeld des Instruments unter Berücksichtigung des turbulenten Strömungsprofils, welches sich beim Spielen der Blockflöte ausbildet, betrachtet. Im Ergebnis stehen die Eigenwerte des Instruments in Abhängigkeit von der gewählten Griffkombination. Zur Evaluierung der Ergebnisse und zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der Strömung auf den Klang erfolgt der Vergleich mit den exakten Eigenfrequenzen. Die Galbrun-Gleichung wurde bereits von anderen Autoren untersucht und auf akustische Problemstellungen angewendet. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgt jedoch erstmalig die Anwendung der Galbrun-Gleichung auf Eigenwertprobleme. Darüber hinaus sind der Autorin keine Arbeiten bekannt, die sich mit dreidimensionalen Modellen befassen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden somit erstmals komplexe dreidimensionale Modelle unter Anwendung der Galbrun-Gleichung untersucht.

Development and Analysis of Nordic32 Power System Model in PowerFactory

Peppas, Dimitris January 2008 (has links)
The present work deals with the implementation of the test system Nordic32 proposed by Cigre task force 38-02-08. This test system which consists of 32 buses is a representation of the Swedish transmission and is suitable for the simulation of transient stability and long term dynamics. This work provides a detailed description about the steps followed to create both the static part of the system for load flow calculations and the controllers that the generators are equipped with. Furthermore, the thesis closes with a basic study concerning the modal analysis and the voltage stability of the system revealing some weaknesses that need further examination.

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