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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

STADENS BORTGLÖMDA PLATS : En studie om tekniska möjligheter och sociala och ekologiska fördelarmed bebyggelse av platser intill brofästen / The forgotten place of the city : A study of technical possibilities and social and ecological benefits with theconstruction of sites next to bridge abutment

Josephson, Anna, Lundström, Sara January 2017 (has links)
I städer finns det idag många bortglömda outnyttjade platser, så kallade ickeplatser,vars fulla potential inte tillvaratas. Stadens sociala hållbarhet missgynnas ofta av dessaplatser som i många fall ger upphov till otrygghet, obehag och utsatthet för förbipasserande,särskilt för kvinnor. Återkommande bortglömda platser i svenska städerär de så kallade brofästeplatserna, det vill säga platser under broar intill brofästen.Syftet med studien är att visa på potentialen hos outnyttjade brofästeplatser i urbanamiljöer och att belysa förutsättningar, problem och möjligheter samt sociala och ekologiskafördelar med en bebyggelse av dessa platser.Studien visar att bebyggelse av platserna kan skapa säkra och inkluderande områdenatt vistas i, samt öka den upplevda tryggheten på platsen framförallt för kvinnor.Bebyggelse som i någon form aktiverar platsen bidrar till att skapa sociala möten istaden. Bebyggelsen kan även fungera brottsförebyggande, bland annat till följd avett ökat flöde av människor på platsen. Ekologiska fördelar som erhålls är att urbangrönska, och därmed viktiga ekosystemtjänster, kan bevaras i större utsträckning dåde redan hårdgjorda eller grusbelagda ytorna används vid förtätning i urbana miljöeristället för grönområden. Grönska och ekosystemtjänster ger viktiga rekreativa ochsociala värden för stadens invånare och gynnar även förekomsten av biologisk mångfald.Brofästeplatser utnyttjas i andra länder både för bostäder och verksamheter, därföruppstår frågan om varför dess potential inte tillvaratas i Sverige. Platserna tycks haglömts bort eller tidigare inte behövt tas i beaktning vid förtätning av svenska städer,då det funnits annan mark att exploatera. Studien konstaterar att det inte finns någragenerella förbud eller reglemente som reglerar bebyggelse eller icke bebyggelse avbrofästeplatser. Samtliga lagar, krav och bestämmelser vilka gäller vid planering, projekteringoch uppförande av byggnader i Sverige, gäller för platserna. Varför platsernainte nyttjats kan även bero på förutfattade meningar hos aktörer i byggbranschen.Exempelvis förutsätts att krav inom andra områden än det egna inte uppnås. De förutfattademeningarna är ofta grundade i antaganden utanför respektive yrkesprofession,snarare än fakta, vetskap och erfarenhet. För att platserna ska kunna bebyggas krävsdärmed en förändring av inställning och attityd hos aktörer i branschen.Byggnadstypologierna verksamhetslokaler, bostäder och tillfälliga boenden, är allamöjliga att uppföra vid brofästeplatser, med undantag för bostäder vid de brofästeplatserdär ljudnivå och dagsljusinsläpp inte uppnår kraven. Bäst lämpade byggnadstypologiför många urbana brofästeplatser är verksamhetslokaler, där en blandningav funktioner som både kräver konsumtion och inte kräver konsumtion skulle gynnaden sociala hållbarheten i området bäst. Studien visar att bebyggelse av brofästeplatserär möjlig om parametrar som belysts i studien beaktas och tillgodoses. För attmöjliggöra ett sådant projekt krävs en ändrad inställning, attityd och ett gediget tvärprofessionelltsamarbetemellan olika professioner i branschen. Att myndigheter ochaktörer inom byggbranschenskapar ett bättre samarbete skulle inte enbart gynna eneventuell bebyggelse av dessa platser, utan samtliga byggprojekt i Sverige. / In today’s cities there are many forgotten places whose full potential is not being met.The social sustainability of the city is often disadvantaged by these places as theycause insecurity, discomfort and vulnerability to passers-by, especially women. Aforgotten place that is recurring in Swedish cities are so-called bridge abutment-sites,that is, places under bridges next to the abutment. The purpose of the study is todemonstrate the potential of these non-places at bridge abutments in urban environmentsand to highlight the conditions, problems and possibilities as well as the socialand ecological benefits of a development of these sites.The study shows that building these sites can create safe and inclusive areas to stayin, as well as increase the perceived security of the site, especially for women. Housingthat in some way activates the site helps to create social meetings in the city. Thebuilding can also act crime preventive, partly due to an increased flow of people onthe site. The ecological benefits obtained are that urban greenery, and thus importantecosystem services, can be preserved to a greater extent as already impermeable surfacesare used in densification in urban environments instead of green areas. Greeneryand ecosystem services provide important recreational and social values for the city’sinhabitants and also benefit the presence of biodiversity.All laws, requirements and regulations that apply to planning, design and constructionof buildings in Sweden, also applies to these locations. The study finds that there areno general prohibitions or regulations that regulate the construction or non-constructionof bridge abutments. Bridge abutment-sites seem to have been forgotten or previouslynot needed to be taken into account in the densification of Swedish cities, sincethere have been other land to exploit. Another reason why the sites have not been usedis due to preconceived opinions in the construction industry. The preconceptions areoften based on assumptions beyond professional knowledge, rather than facts andexperience. In order for the places to be built, a change of attitude in operators in theconstruction industry is required.The function-types of community center, housing and temporary accommodationare all possible to construct at these sites, with the exception of housing at the bridgeplaces where noise levels and daylight emissions do not meet the requirements. Thebest-suited function-type for many urban bridge abutment-sites is a communitycenter, where a mix of functions that require both consumption and non-consumptionwould best benefit social sustainability in the area.The study shows that construction of the bridge abutment-sites is possible if parameters,as mentioned in the study, are considered and met. In order to enable such aproject, a change in attitude and solid cooperation between several operators in theindustry are required. The cooperation between authorities and operators in the constructionindustry would not only benefit the possible development of these sites, butall construction projects in Sweden.

"Until the crows came to collection their souls": re-vissioning the fantacy hero in selected fiction by Steven Erikson

Kuck, Joha-Mari 11 1900 (has links)
In the course of this dissertation, I will interrogate traditional representations of the heroic figure within the fantasy genre. I will argue that the tropes established by some of the most renowned fantasy texts are undergoing a process of evolution and that Steven Erikson (who is the special focus of my discussion) seeks to revision the heroic mould through his construction of Coltaine of the Crow Clan in Deadhouse Gates (2001). Deadhouse Gates centres on Coltaine, who is tasked with escorting tens of thousands of refugees across four hundred leagues of hostile territory. This re-evaluation of fantasy modes has significant ramifications for the future development of the genre as a whole. In order to explore how Erikson interrogates heroic representation, I briefly establish some of the distinctive characteristics of fantasy. I then explore how some major fantasy texts represent heroism, before investigating Erikson’s particular response to these traditions. / English Studies / M. A. (English)

Déplacement, délocalisation et «dévoyage» dans quelques récits québécois contemporains

Crevier-Lalonde, Guillaume 09 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’écriture du voyage et du déplacement à travers l’exemple de cinq récits québécois contemporains. Nous étudions ici Voyage en Irlande avec un parapluie et Voyage au Portugal avec un Allemand de Louis Gauthier, Vers l’Ouest de Mahigan Lepage, Dix jours en cargo d’Isabelle Miron ainsi que Le sermon aux poissons de Patrice Lessard. Constatant que les voyages contemporains se sont délestés de l’expérience de l’exotisme et de la découverte, nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’écriture du déplacement se transforme. Nous analysons comment une expérience dysphorique du déplacement s’inscrit dans la description des lieux, la mise en récit et l’identité des narrateurs. À partir des travaux de Michel de Certeau (L’invention du quotidien) et de Marc Augé (Non-lieux : introduction à la surmodernité), nous nous intéressons, dans un premier chapitre, à la perception des lieux et à leur description. Notre parcours nous amène ensuite à examiner plus directement les modalités par lesquelles ces récits de la route produisent une continuité, métaphorique notamment. La troisième partie se concentre sur l’identité des narrateurs, qui tend à se construire ou à se déconstruire par rapport aux espaces qu’il parcourent. En nous servant des analyses d’images de Georges Didi-Huberman, nous examinons en conclusion comment ces différents aspects des textes produisent une « esthétique de la délocalisation », où les paysages et les lieux se constituent en écrans sur lesquels il est désormais possible de se projeter. / This thesis focuses on travel and displacement writing by exploring this theme into contemporary narrative in Quebec litterature. We study Voyage en Irlande avec un parapluie and Voyage au Portugal avec un Allemand (Louis Gauthier), Vers l’Ouest (Mahigan Lepage), Dix jours en cargo (Isabelle Miron) and Le sermon aux poissons (Patrice Lessard). By stating that travels don’t relay the experience of exotism and of discovery anymore, we make the assumption that the practice of narrating this new type of travels also changes. We analyse how this dysphoric experience of the travel reflects itself into the descriptions of the places, into the construction of a narrative, and into the construction of the identity. With the works of Michel de Certeau (The Practice of Everyday Life) and of Marc Augé (Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity), our analysis questions, in a first chapter, the perception of spaces and their descriptions. Then, we examine more directly how these road narratives produce continuity. The third part focus on the identity of the narrator, that tends to be constructed and deconstructed by the landscape seen on the road. By referring to the analysis of images by Georges Didi- Huberman, we examine in our conclusion how those different aspects of the texts construct a « relocation » aesthetics in which landscapes and places become screens on which it is henceforth possible for the characters to project themselves.

Les Lieux de Reverdy / Reverdy's places

Vayrette, Patrick 19 June 2012 (has links)
Le concept de lieu intéresse l’analyse littéraire non seulement dans une acception thématique mais aussi en ce qu’il traduit et symbolise la relation du sujet lyrique au monde et au langage, que l’œuvre de Reverdy reconstruit de manière originale. On se propose, dans une première partie, de décrire la structuration du monde imaginaire de Reverdy, ce paysage — au sens où le définit Michel Collot — que son œuvre instaure, construit, recompose. S’il est riche de lieux qui se distribuent de manière polysémique, il rend également compte d’une expérience originale de l’existence, en traduit les données les plus personnelles, celles d’un « je » poétique immergé dans un monde qu’il recompose par des lois imaginaires et dont il éprouve l’instabilité essentielle. Ce monde éminemment subjectif — nous sommes, rappelle Jean-Pierre Richard, « en poésie » — et par là-même lacunaire et mouvant, présuppose une place du sujet ancré au monde, et donc lieu exclu du monde tel un point aveugle. Une seconde partie étudie le travail de l’écriture poétique reverdyenne qui conteste et subvertit cette relation. Sous l’influence du cubisme, elle entre en lutte contre l’unité/unicité d’un sujet dont elle mine la vérité, détruit la cohésion, dont elle rêve la diffraction et la dispersion dans un paysage qu’elle investit de manière massive, jusqu’à l’y confondre. L’écriture poétique est donc un moyen privilégié de repenser le lieu, ce Dasein qui concrétise l’existence, et apparaît ainsi comme un lieu de nouage, de fusion, un carrefour où sujet et monde imaginaires se constituent en un lieu de l’œuvre, véritable figure du sujet lyrique, territoire au sens où l’entend Jean-Marie Gleize et dont une troisième partie expose l’essence. C’est là l’occasion de comprendre comment fonctionne l’écriture reverdyenne, quelles sont les grandes forces de l’imaginaire qui s’y met en œuvre, pour en tirer des conclusions sur sa spécificité. / The concept of place is of special interest for literary analysis not only thematically but also in so far as it translates and symbolizes the relation of the lyrical subject to the world and to language, which is reconstructed by Reverdy’s literary work in an original way. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the structuration of Reverdy’s imaginary world, this landscape — as defined by Michel Collot — elaborated, built and recombined. This landscape, made of polysemous places, also translates an original existential experiment, through most personal data, the data of a poetical « I » submerged in a reconstructed world based on imaginary laws and experienced by the author as essentially unstable. This extremely subjective world — we are, as Jean-Pierre Richard reminds us, « in poesy » — thus on a land of gap and constant change, is based on the principle of a subject rooted in the world and thus a place excluded from the world like a blind spot. The second part studies the work of the Reverdian poetic writing that rejects and subverts this relation. Under the spell of Cubism, it fights against the unity/uniqueness of a subject by distorting reality, destructing coherence and dreaming of its diffraction and blurring into a landscape it massively invests in, till melting. Poetic writing is thus a privileged way of rethinking the concept of place, this Dasein materializing existence, and is revealed as a place of binding, of fusion, a crossroad where the subject and the imaginary world are intertwined in a place of the work, true self of the lyrical subject, territory as defined by Jean-Marie Gleize and whose third part presents the essence. We have the opportunity to understand the way the Reverdian writing works, the great forces of the imagination at work in it, so as to be able to conclude on its specificity.

Green trail systems and tourism: improving the quality of life in Kansas City through the addition of green systems, connected districts and tourism opportunities

Wildhaber, Eric January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture, Regional and Community Planning / Jason Brody / The Mid America Regional Council, (MARC) is the official metropolitan planning organization for the Greater Kansas City region. MARC received a 4.25 million dollar grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2010 to advance the region’s vision of sustainability through vibrant, green, and connected centers and corridors. From which the CSP (Creating Sustainable Places) initiative was established. Responding to this initiative, eight grant funded Kansas State University students worked in a Rock Island Corridor group. This group showed and described ways of achieving MARC’s and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s goals through the development of Master’s Reports. Reports include design ideas and proposals which MARC and city planning departments might not have developed otherwise. Student collaboration between public and city planning departments informed the development of student ideas. Green trail systems and tourism specifically addresses how the quality of life in the Kansas City Metro Area could be enhanced with the implementation of a cultural trail network. This network would provide access to the Rock Island Corridor, create greenspaces, and establish mixed-use housing districts for potential home and business owners. The Greater Kansas City region population is increasing. Trails, parks, and mixed-use buildings for residents in KC could improve the quality of life for future residents. Adding greenspaces, pedestrian mobility, and entertainment districts in which to find region specific activities could help attract people to redeveloping areas. Green trail systems and tourism’s project area is located between the Sprint Center and the Truman Sports Complex. To resolve problems and dilemmas within this region of Kansas City, a routing plan of a cultural trail network is outlined. This cultural trail features new trail heads, cultural centers, and proposed zoning overlays for park developments and mixed-use housing districts. The trail network created connects the Sprint Center and Truman Sports Complex in Kansas City, Missouri as a tourism link. Tourism destinations and historic sites add to the economic success of KC. Sites are connected to in the routing plan for the cultural trail. This proposal shows one approach for creating sustainable centers in KC.

The planet, my city and I : How to design information in public places so that people understand how their individual choices can help creating a sustainable society.

Rydälv Kåreby, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
The greenhouse effect is the biggest environmental challenge of today, and in line with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we must drastically decrease our global production of carbon dioxide. A sustainable society needs knowledgeable citizens who can vote for competent decision makers, and as knowledge is power, the environmental issue becomes a question of democracy. This pinpoints the importance of the general public getting dependable and accurate environmental information from trustworthy sources. So, how and where to design information about sustainability in a meaningful way for the individual, connected to his or her everyday context? The literature review was concentrated to the areas of Social visualization, Placemaking and Interaction design. The empirics were directed at the general public near Malmö Central Station and concentrated around the area of travel and transport. It included a triangulation of contextual methods; observations, questionnaires and interviews. Data and key figures from the regional public transportation company were also used. The result of the empirics shows that people experience environmental information as diverse and complicated, especially numbers and statistics. They want concrete tips of what they can do in their everyday life, and they want to understand the effect of their sustainable choices. The majority of the respondents are positive to using public places as information carriers for environmental issues, preferably in places where they stay for a while, for example waiting halls or staircases. They want easy-to-grasp, concise information from trustworthy sources. With these insights, the theoretical and empirical findings were used as the basis for the storyboard in an iterative design process that resulted in a graphical animation. The concept can easily be transferred to other areas of sustainability. My research shows that in order to feel included in the work for a more sustainable society, the general public needs help to see the correlation between large-scale environmental activities and their own, individual everyday efforts.

Formação superior de professores indígenas de Matemática em Mato Grosso do Sul: acesso, permanência e desistência / Training of indigenous teachers in mathematics in Mato Grosso do Sul: access, permanence and abandonment.

Leme, Helena Alessandra Scavazza 25 March 2010 (has links)
O propósito deste trabalho foi o de investigar a formação superior de professores indígenas em matemática no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Especificamente três aspectos dentro dessa formação: por que os estudantes indígenas escolhem o curso de licenciatura em matemática, quais são suas maiores dificuldades na 1ª série do curso e por que acabam desistindo dele. Utilizei a abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, com a aplicação de questionários aos graduandos indígenas de diferentes instituições de ensino superior do estado; formei um grupo de estudos com graduandos da 1ª série do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul UEMS/Dourados e realizei entrevistas com alguns alunos desistentes desse curso. Essa Instituição oferece em seus vestibulares a possibilidade de acesso aos indígenas pelo regime de reserva de vagas cotas - nos vestibulares, mas não tem conseguido assegurar a conclusão desses cotistas no curso de matemática. Constatei, pelos questionários, que os estudantes indígenas escolhem a licenciatura em matemática porque é um curso que oferece possibilidade de trabalho nas escolas das aldeias e pela preocupação em, depois de formado, poder ensinar uma matemática mais contextualizada, dentre outros aspectos. No grupo de estudos foi possível verificar que os alunos têm muita dificuldade com o conteúdo específico, fato também aparente nas entrevistas com os desistentes. Alguns deles relataram que deixaram o curso por causa dessa dificuldade, aliada ao fato de o curso de matemática não ser a graduação que gostariam de fazer como primeira opção, mas por ser a mais oportuna, tendo em vista diversos fatores. Para a realização desta pesquisa procurei suporte teórico no Programa Etnomatemática que, no contexto da formação de professores, se coloca como possibilidade de interação, de respeito ao outro - etnicamente diferenciado - e como suporte intelectual para ações que possibilitem o diálogo intercultural. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the higher education of native Brazilian teachers in mathematics in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in particular three aspects of training: why these students choose to take degree in mathematics, what are the major difficulties in the 1st grade of the course and why do they end up leaving it. I used a qualitative approach, with questionnaires to indigenous students from different institutions of higher education in the state, formed a study group with students from the 1st grade of the Degree in Mathematics from Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS / Dourados and held interviews with some dropouts from this course. This institution offers in their SATs the possibility to gain access to the Indian people by a system of reserved places - quota - but has failed to ensure the completion of these quotistas in the course of mathematics. I found, in the questionnaires, the Indian students choose a degree in mathematics because it is a course that offers the possibility of working in the village schools and because of the concern of, after graduating, teaching a more contextualized mathematics, among other things. In the study group it was possible to verify that students have great difficulty with the specific content, which was also an apparent fact in the interviews with the dropouts. Some of them reported that they left the course because of this difficulty, attached with the fact that the math course wasnt what they would like to take as a first option, but they chose it for being the most convenient in many aspects. For this research I sought theoretical support in the Ethnomathematics Program which, in the context of teachers training, offers a chance to interact with respect one to another - ethnically different - and as intellectual support for For actions that enable intercultural dialogue

A selva europeia e o paraíso tupinambá: tópicas sobre mundos na História de uma viagem feita à terra do Brasil, de Jean de Léry / The European jungle and the Tupinambá Paradise: topical about worlds in History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, by Jean de Léry

Andreoti, Maria Elaine 21 March 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de mestrado discute a construção simbólica do índio a partir da obra História de uma viagem feita à terra do Brasil, do calvinista francês Jean de Léry, participante da primeira expedição francesa ao território sul-americano no século XVI. Propõe-se aqui uma análise em duas etapas: na primeira, busca-se reunir parte da fortuna crítica francesa e brasileira do século XX dedicada à obra e recompor como ela fixa o livro num conjunto de textos que ajudaram a construir a figura do bom selvagem do século XVIII e, no XIX, o herói do romance indianista brasileiro; na segunda, tendo em conta a importância da instituição retórica na época em que Léry compõe sua obra, o foco se volta para os critérios de invenção do discurso, baseados na imitação e emulação de textos considerados modelares e, no caso, na fixação de tópicas retóricas que definem a alteridade dos autóctones segundo os objetivos almejados. Desse modo, procura-se discutir como o texto foi lido em momentos diversos da história e como as diferentes leituras, acumuladas através do tempo, tornaram possível a fixação de uma alteridade indígena que padroniza inumeráveis etnias na ideia unificada de um ser índio. / This Master thesis discusses the symbolic representation of the Brazilian indians of the book History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, written by the French Calvinist Jean de Léry, who was member of the first French expedition to the South American territory in the sixteenth century. We propose an analysis with two stages: in the first one, we seek to gather a critical part of the XXth century French and Brazilian interpretations of the work and recover the ways they inserted it into a set of texts that concurred to build the figure of the XVIIIth century bon sauvage and the XIXth century romantic hero of the Indianist Brazilian novel ; in the second, taking in account the importance of the rhetorical institution at the moment Léry composed his work, we analyze the constructive criteria of the text based on imitation and emulation of texts considered exemplar, and we fix the rhetorical common places that compose the otherness of Brazilian Indians according to some desired goals. Thus, we try to discuss how the text was read at different historical times and how the different readings, accumulated through these times, made possible the fixation of an otherness that standardizes numerous indigenous ethnic groups with an unified idea of a being, \"The Indian\".

Pedagogias da noite : experiências de aprendizagem em lugares noturnos de Porto Alegre/RS

Silva, Eloenes Lima da January 2018 (has links)
Como distintas pedagogias entram em funcionamento nos espaços-tempos noturnos da metrópole? Para responder tal questão, o objetivo principal desta tese consistiu em dar visibilidade às pedagogias que se configuram e operam na noite da cidade de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Para tanto, a pesquisa tratou de investigar como determinados lugares públicos noturnos proporcionam condições que ensejam experiências de aprendizagem implicadas com o que denomino pedagogias da noite. Posicionada no campo dos Estudos Culturais em Educação e partindo de pressupostos teóricos acerca das transformações culturais destacadas por S. Hall, T. Eagleton, Z. Bauman e R. Williams, a pesquisa se insere nas discussões levantadas por autores como H. Giroux, S. Steinberg, E. Ellsworth, M. V. Costa. V. C. Camozzato e P. D. Andrade em torno da pluralização do conceito de pedagogia e de seus espaços de atuação. O primeiro movimento da pesquisa procurou mapear representações da noite no campo das Artes, bem como nas produções das Ciências Humanas e Sociais em que o tema tem sido objeto de estudo. Tal levantamento evidenciou diferentes olhares, tanto para a formação de imaginários noturnos quanto para a diversidade de experiências vividas na noite, sugerindo distintos modos de condução em seus espaços-tempos. O segundo movimento consistiu nas saídas de campo em que o pesquisador-flâneur traçou rotas noturnas na região central de Porto Alegre. Os lugares noturnos selecionados foram três viadutos, duas ruas de um bairro boêmio e um grande parque da cidade. A pesquisa fez uso de uma metodologia de investigação híbrida, utilizando procedimentos inspirados na “etnografia pós-moderna” praticada por S. Gottshalk, na técnica da “observação casual” descrita por Lorite García e na “metodologia polifônica” adotada por M. Canevacci. O corpus de análise foi composto a partir das observações e registros das práticas sociais noturnas e dos relatos de sujeitos abordados nos lugares investigados. Viver na solidão, apegar-se aos pertences pessoais e protegê-los, assim como a desconfiança, resultam de aprendizagens daqueles que habitam nos viadutos à noite. Nas ruas boêmias, a adoção de formas estéticas, os encontros e a busca de relacionamentos afetivos são comportamentos aprendidos nas pedagogias da noite. Aprender a conhecer as intenções do outro pelo uso de “táticas” e “habilidades” realçaram-se como experiências no convívio laboral noturno. Comum a todos os lugares e relatos, evidenciaram-se experiências em que o medo e a insegurança promovem aprendizagens para a proteção na vida urbana noturna. Autores como R. Sennett, M. Canevacci, M. Maffesoli, Yi Fu-Tuan, M. Certeau, J. Larrosa e D. W. Winnicott embasaram as discussões analíticas. A relação do “eu” com o outro e com o lugar foi identificada como linha mestra das experiências de aprendizagem desenvolvidas por meio das condições exteriores e de como são interiorizadas pelos sujeitos. Intrínsecos aos modos de viver e aprender, esses movimentos de “exteriorização” e “interiorização” permitiram visualizar como as pedagogias se configuram e operam na noite. Funcionando como movimentos de articulação, as pedagogias da noite ensejam experiências em que os sujeitos aprendem tanto a conduzir quanto a conduzir-se e serem conduzidos nas situações e condições que determinados lugares noturnos da metrópole proporcionam. / How different pedagogies work in the metropolis nocturnal time space? In order to answer this question, the main objective of this thesis consists of give visibility to the pedagogies that are configured and operate in the night of Porto Alegre city, RS, Brazil. Therefore, the research sought to investigate how certain nocturnal public places provide conditions that entice learning experiences implied with what I call pedagogies of the night. Inscribed in the field of Cultural Studies in Education and based on theoretical assumptions about the cultural transformations highlighted by S. Hall, T. Eagleton, Z. Bauman and R. Williams, the research is inserted in the discussions raised by authors such as H. Giroux, S Steinberg, E. Ellsworth, MV Costa. V. C. Camozzato and P. D. Andrade around the pluralization of pedagogy concept and its spaces of acting. The first research movement pursued to map the representations of the night in the Arts field, as well as in the productions of Social and Human Sciences in which the subject has been object of study. This collection evidenced the different views, both for the nocturnal imaginaries formation and for the diversity of experiences lived at night, suggesting different modes of conduction in their time-spaces. The second movement consisted of field outing in which the researcher-flâneur traced nocturnal routes in the central region of Porto Alegre. The selected night spots were three viaducts, two streets of a bohemian neighborhood and a large city park. The research used a hybrid research methodology, utilizing procedures inspired by the "postmodern ethnography" practiced by S. Gottschalk, by the "casual observation" technique described by Lorite García and by "polyphonic methodology" adopted by M. Canevacci (2005). The corpus of analysis was composed from the observations and records of the nocturnal social practices and the subject’s reports approached in the investigated places. Living in solitude, clinging to personal belongings and protecting them, as well as the distrust, result as learnings of those who inhabit viaducts at night. In the bohemian streets, the adoption of aesthetic forms, the encounters and the search for affective relationships are behaviors learned in the pedagogies of the night. Learning to know each other's intentions through the use of "tactics" and "abilities" have been emphasized as experiences in the life at night. Common to all places and reports, there have been experiences in which fear and insecurity promote learning for protection in the urban night life. Authors like R. Sennett, M. Canevacci, M. Maffesoli, Yi Fu-Tuan, M. Certeau, J. Larrosa and D. W. Winnicott supported the analytical discussions. The relation of the "self" to the other and with the place was identified as the main line of learning experiences developed through external conditions and how they are internalized by the subjects. Intrinsic to the ways of living and learning, these movements of "exteriorization" and "interiorization" allowed to visualize how the pedagogies are configured and operate at night. Functioning as articulation movements, the pedagogies of the night provide experiences in which the subjects learn to drive and conduct themselves as well as to be conducted in the situations and conditions that certain metropolis nocturnal places provide.

A selva europeia e o paraíso tupinambá: tópicas sobre mundos na História de uma viagem feita à terra do Brasil, de Jean de Léry / The European jungle and the Tupinambá Paradise: topical about worlds in History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, by Jean de Léry

Maria Elaine Andreoti 21 March 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de mestrado discute a construção simbólica do índio a partir da obra História de uma viagem feita à terra do Brasil, do calvinista francês Jean de Léry, participante da primeira expedição francesa ao território sul-americano no século XVI. Propõe-se aqui uma análise em duas etapas: na primeira, busca-se reunir parte da fortuna crítica francesa e brasileira do século XX dedicada à obra e recompor como ela fixa o livro num conjunto de textos que ajudaram a construir a figura do bom selvagem do século XVIII e, no XIX, o herói do romance indianista brasileiro; na segunda, tendo em conta a importância da instituição retórica na época em que Léry compõe sua obra, o foco se volta para os critérios de invenção do discurso, baseados na imitação e emulação de textos considerados modelares e, no caso, na fixação de tópicas retóricas que definem a alteridade dos autóctones segundo os objetivos almejados. Desse modo, procura-se discutir como o texto foi lido em momentos diversos da história e como as diferentes leituras, acumuladas através do tempo, tornaram possível a fixação de uma alteridade indígena que padroniza inumeráveis etnias na ideia unificada de um ser índio. / This Master thesis discusses the symbolic representation of the Brazilian indians of the book History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, written by the French Calvinist Jean de Léry, who was member of the first French expedition to the South American territory in the sixteenth century. We propose an analysis with two stages: in the first one, we seek to gather a critical part of the XXth century French and Brazilian interpretations of the work and recover the ways they inserted it into a set of texts that concurred to build the figure of the XVIIIth century bon sauvage and the XIXth century romantic hero of the Indianist Brazilian novel ; in the second, taking in account the importance of the rhetorical institution at the moment Léry composed his work, we analyze the constructive criteria of the text based on imitation and emulation of texts considered exemplar, and we fix the rhetorical common places that compose the otherness of Brazilian Indians according to some desired goals. Thus, we try to discuss how the text was read at different historical times and how the different readings, accumulated through these times, made possible the fixation of an otherness that standardizes numerous indigenous ethnic groups with an unified idea of a being, \"The Indian\".

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