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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Earl a jeho králové: vyobrazení rodu Godwiovců v dobových pramenech / Earl and his kings: representation of Godwinsons in primal sources

Laučíková, Rebeka January 2018 (has links)
We can find many records concerning the Godwine family in primary sources of the period in between the reign of Knut the Great (1066) and William the Conqueror's famous conquest of British Isles (1066). Even though autors of the primal sources mention this noble house in conection with key political and war events of 11th. century, significance of Godwinson's is usualy suppressed at the expense of contemporary "pro-norman" theories, which are defending William the Concueror's rights to anglo-saxon throne. Main purpose of submited diploma thesis is to introduce reader to complex and truthfull image of how and why did Godwinson's bacame as powerfull as they were, and to show their influence and importance in history of "pre- norman" England.

Sharpening the Sabre: Canadian Infantry Combat Training during the Second World War

Pellerin, R. Daniel January 2016 (has links)
During the Second World War, training was the Canadian Army’s longest sustained activity. Aside from isolated engagements at Hong Kong and Dieppe, the Canadians did not fight in a protracted campaign until the invasion of Sicily in July 1943. The years that Canadian infantry units spent training in the United Kingdom were formative in the history of the Canadian Army. Despite what much of the historical literature has suggested, training succeeded in making the Canadian infantry capable of succeeding in battle against German forces. Canadian infantry training showed a definite progression towards professionalism and away from a pervasive prewar mentality that the infantry was a largely unskilled arm and that training infantrymen did not require special expertise. From 1939 to 1941, Canadian infantry training suffered from problems ranging from equipment shortages to poor senior leadership. In late 1941, the Canadians were introduced to a new method of training called “battle drill,” which broke tactical manoeuvres into simple movements, encouraged initiative among junior leaders, and greatly boosted the men’s morale. The Canadians participated in numerous military exercises of varying sizes that exposed problems with their senior leadership. The replacement of unsuitable officers greatly enhanced the fighting potential of Canadian units and formations. As time went on, infantry training became more rigorous and realistic, and tactical concepts became increasingly sophisticated. By the time of the invasion of Normandy in June 1944, infantry training was intense, suited to units’ assigned tasks, and highly technical, which belied the false prewar assumption that the infantry was an unskilled arm. By the time Canadian divisions entered battle, they were as prepared as they would ever be. The exception to this was the training of the overseas reinforcement units, which reached an acceptable standard only in the last months of the war. This study ultimately represents a substantial contribution to understanding the history of the Canadian Army and its role in the Second World War.

La noblesse de Normandie au XIXème siècle. : Du comportement socio-politique des membres de l'ancien Ordre et de son intégration au sein de la Nation. / Nobility in Normandy during 19th century : Sociological and political character of the old regime Order's members and their integration in French Nation.

Paisnel, Etienne 15 November 2018 (has links)
L’histoire de la noblesse au cours du XIXeme siècle est un champ historiographique peu exploité par les historiens français. La première grande étude étant celle de David Higgs. Auparavant, l’histoire de la noblesse post-révolutionnaire a toujours été envisagée comme partie de l’histoire des élites telles qu’établie par Louis Bergeron et Guy Chaussinand-Nogaret. Pour envisager la noblesse du XIXeme sujet spécifique, il faut dépasser le bilan dressé par Karl Marx et Jean Jaures qui ont voulu voir dans la noblesse l’expression d’une société sclérosée disparue au cours des événements révolutionnaires.Le premier point à résoudre est de trouver une définition de la noblesse qui permette d’établir une base de travail non équivoque. Ainsi, la noblesse du XIXeme siècle n’est plus celle de l’Ancien Régime. Elle n’est plus protégée par des statuts et des privilèges qu’elle a souhaité elle-même supprimer. Par conséquent la noblesse est composée d’hommes et de femmes qui ont une conscience ethnologique d’appartenir à un groupe ayant des valeurs et des comportements similaires.Le cadre géographique de la recherche est élargi à l’ensemble des cinq départements normands afin de mieux repérer et suivre les particularismes de la noblesse ainsi que l’influence de Paris limitrophe avec la région.La période s’étend de 1789 à 1910 afin de saisir l’ensemble des variations de l’influence politique de la noblesse normande. L’impact de chacune des révolutions ainsi que le rôle de la noblesse dans l’émergence des mouvements révolutionnaires entrent ainsi dans le champ de l’étude.De manière connexes seront envisagés les influences économiques et intellectuelles de la noblesse, notamment son rôle sur les tracés de chemins de fer ou sur la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie. / The history of the nobility during the 19th century is a historiographical field less strudied by historians. The first of them were the one of David Higgs. Previously, the history of the post-revolutionary nobility was always envisaged as part of elites hystory, such as established by Louis Bergeron and Guy Chaussinand-Nogaret. To envisage the nobility of the specific subject 19th, it is necessary to exceed the balance assessment raisedby Karl Marx and Jean Jaures who wanted to see in the nobility the expression of a calcified society, which has disappeared during the revolutionary events.The first point to be solved is to find a definition of the nobility which allows to establish basis of not ambiguous work. So, the nobility of the 19th century is not any more the one of the Ancien Régime.It is not any more protected by statutes and privileges which she wished herself to rease. Consequently the nobility consists of men and women who have an ethnological consciousness to belong to a group having values and similar behavior.The geographical frame of the search is widened to the set of five Norman departments in order to find and follow the senses of identity of the nobility as well as the influence of bordering Paris.The period extends from 1789 till 1910 to seize all the variations of the political influence of the Norman nobility. The impact of each of the revolutions as well as the role of the nobility in the emergence of the revolutionary movements so enter the field of the study.In a related way will be envisaged the economic and intellectual influences of the nobility, in particular its role on the plans of railroads or on the Société des Antiquaires de Normandie.

Une société littorale en Cotentin au XVIIIe siècle : Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue et ses gens de mer / An 18th-century coastal society in Normandy : Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and its sea folk

Perrot, Annick 01 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se présente sous la forme d’une enquête menée dans une société littorale de Normandie, au XVIIIe siècle, afin d’appréhender les liens qui unissent les gens de mer aux autres habitants du rivage, mais aussi de déterminer ce qui peut les séparer, dans un monde a priori tourné vers la mer. L’étude a pour cadre la rade de la Hougue, sur la côte est du Cotentin, qui abrite la population de Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, objet de nos investigations.Un chapitre liminaire présente les conditions d’ouverture vers le large de ce bourg côtier sous la tutelle d’un maillage institutionnel prégnant, de la paroisse au quartier maritime. Puis, une première partie est consacrée à une étude de démographie historique, au moyen d’une analyse comparative entre le groupe socio-professionnel des gens de mer, qui représente plus de la moitié de la population, et les autres habitants. La reconstitution de plusieurs centaines de destinées a permis de dégager un comportement spécifique de la population maritime, quand il s’agit de convoler ou lorsqu’est venu le temps de rendre l’âme. Une deuxième partie est réservée à l’exploitation des ressources halieutiques et riveraines et à leur évolution, en analysant la façon dont les habitants tirent parti de cet espace convoité. En suivant le notaire lors des prisées, des indices du niveau et du mode de vie sont apparus après avoir ouvert les coffres et les armoires. Enfin, la dernière partie tend à souligner les particularités et les contraintes d’un environnement frontalier qui détermine la vie de tous les Saint-Vaastais, alors que les contours identitaires du groupe des gens de mer se dessinent au moyen de signifiants, dont le principal marqueur est constitué par un service obligatoire sur les vaisseaux de l’État royal, ce qui les différencie profondément du reste de la population. / This thesis is presented in the form of an investigation carried out in an 18th-century coastal society of Normandy, in order to apprehend the ties linking seafarers, people living by and of the sea, with the other inhabitants of the shore, as well as what may separate them, in a world that is, at first glance, turned towards the sea. The framework of the study is the natural harbour of La Hougue, on the east coast of the Cotentin, which shelters the population of Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, the object of our investigations.An introductory chapter presents the conditions of opening onto the high sea off this coastal settlement under the supervision of a vivid institutional meshing, from the parish to the maritime district. Next, a first part is devoted to an historical study of demography, by means of a comparative analysis between the socio-professional group of seafarers, those living by and owing their livelihood to the sea and representing more than half the population, and the other inhabitants. The reconstruction of several hundred destinies has allowed for bringing out the specific behaviour of the maritime population when it comes to marriage or death. A second part is reserved for the exploitation of riparian and halieutic resources and their evolution, analysing the way in which the inhabitants put this coveted area to good use. By following the notary doing estimates, clues to living standards and the way of life came to light after safes and armoires were opened. Finally, the last part tends to emphasise the particularities and constraints of a border environment that determines the life of all the residents of Saint-Vaast, whereas the identity outlines of the sea folk become apparent by means of signifiers, of which the principal marker consisted of mandatory service on the vessels of the royal State, which differentiated them profoundly from the rest of the population.

Administrer les forêts du roi au Moyen Âge : le negocium forestarum en Normandie capétienne (1204-1328)

Lake-Giguère, Danny 02 1900 (has links)
Thèse en cotutelle avec l'Université de Rouen / En 1346, Philippe VI de Valois promulgua l’ordonnance de Brunoy. Ce long document visait à réorganiser l’administration forestière du royaume afin de tirer des forêts un meilleur profit et d’en assurer une gestion durable et rationnelle. Pendant longtemps, les historiens y ont vu la première expression d’une politique forestière de la part des souverains français, les véritables fondements de la foresterie française. En réalité, les politiques de Philippe VI sont tributaires de près d’un siècle et demi de règlementations progressivement développées sous les derniers Capétiens directs. C’est à partir du règne de Philippe Auguste, et plus spécifiquement avec la conquête de la Normandie en 1204, que les souverains français s’intéressèrent de plus près aux ressources forestières de leur domaine. Dès le début du XIIIe siècle, les riches forêts royales de Normandie furent administrées selon un régime toujours plus strict visant à limiter l’accès aux usagers et à garantir un rendement fiscal optimal. La forêt servait alors un rôle complexe. Outre son apport fiscal, elle jouait un rôle essentiel dans l’économie rurale, tout en constituant un espace sur lequel s’exerçait la justice, le pouvoir et la générosité des princes médiévaux. L’étude des sources administratives du long XIIIe siècle, s’étendant du règne de Philippe Auguste à celui de Charles IV, permet de brosser un portrait plus complet de la formation d’une première politique forestière française. Celle-ci s’articule autour de la création d’une administration dirigée par un corps d’officiers spécialisés, les maîtres des Eaux et Forêts, et de l’élaboration d’un corpus de règlementations visant, sous l’auspice d’une politique du « bien commun », à maintenir un équilibre entre conservation, utilisation et exploitation. Loin d’être le lieu de solitude dépeint dans la littérature médiévale, la forêt normande, siège des tractations entre l’ancienne coutume et le droit royal naissant, était plutôt un espace borné, délimité et rationalisé selon cet ensemble de règlementations et de limitations, et constituait un lieu de contact, voire de conflit, entre les usagers et le pouvoir royal. / In 1346, Philip VI of Valois enacted the Ordinance of Brunoy. This lengthy document aimed at reorganizing the kingdom’s forest administration in order to ensure that royal forests remained sufficiently profitables and adequately managed. For most of the past century, historians have believed the Ordinance of Brunoy to be the first true expression of the forest policies of the French crown. In reality, Philip VI benefited from a wealth of regulations already in place which had been developped by his predecessors since the beginning of the XIIIth century. It can be argued that the reign of Philip Augustus, and especially his conquest of Normandy in 1204, truly marks the inception of the first forest policies by the French royal government. From that time on, royal forests in Normandy were managed according to a set of strict regulations aiming at limiting usage rights and guaranteeing a steady contribution to the kingdom’s finances. Forests during the Middle Ages served multiple purposes : beside their input in royal finances, they were vital to rural economy, and formed a space over which medieval princes exercised their justice, authority, power and generosity. The study of administrative sources from XIIIth and XIVth Normandy gives a better understanding of the development of these early policies, which revolved around the creation of a new administration headed by the masters of « Eaux et Forêts » and the formulation, under the auspices of common good, of a set of rules and regulations aiming at maintaining a balance between conservation, exploitation and usages. In truth, the forests of medieval Normandy were far from the archetypal woodlands of medieval litterature : they appear as a well delimited and rationalized space, managed and monitered by the king’s officers, and formed an area of contact and conflict between the royal government and the forests’ users.

L’architecture à Caen du règne de Charles VIII au début du règne de Louis XIII / Architecture in Caen from the reign of Charles VIII to the beginning of the reign of Louis XIII

Faisant, Étienne 30 November 2013 (has links)
Principale ville de basse Normandie, Caen a connu à la Renaissance une intense activité sur le plan architectural. Pourtant, après avoir bénéficié au XIXe siècle du travail d’importantes sociétés savantes, elle est restée en marge du mouvement qui a vu, dans ces dernières années, un intérêt renouvelé pour les études urbaines : de grands monuments attendent encore leur première étude, souvent compliquée, il est vrai, par les destructions considérables causées par les bombardements de 1944. Portant aussi bien sur l’architecture religieuse, civile que militaire, cette thèse propose une étude de la création architecturale à Caen entre la fin du XVe siècle et le début du XVIIe, organisée autour de trois axes de réflexion. Le recensement des chantiers, attestés par les sources, l’analyse archéologique ou les travaux d’érudits, permet de mettre en évidence les phases de construction et celles de moindre activité, et donc de préciser l’histoire de la ville et son influence sur les constructions. Pour appréhender les conditions matérielles de la création architecturale, sont ensuite étudiés les rôles et statuts des maîtres d’ouvrage, maîtres d’œuvre et ouvriers, ainsi que la provenance, les usages et les conditions de mise en œuvre des matériaux. L’analyse des œuvres est enfin développée sur deux plans, typologique et stylistique, et, tout en soulignant leur caractère original, replace les réalisations caennaises au sein des réseaux d’échange entre les provinces, les villes et leurs environs. Cette synthèse est complétée par un catalogue présentant, sous la forme de notices et de fiches moins développées, les édifices construits à Caen entre le règne de Charles VIII et le début de celui de Louis XIII. / The main town of Lower Normandy, Caen, developed an intense architectural activity during the Renaissance period. However, after having benefited from the work of important learned societies in the 19th century, the city has remained on the sidelines of the renewed interest in urban studies of recent years. Some great monuments have not yet been considered, their study being, admittedly, often complicated by the extensive destructions caused by 1944 bombing. Examining religious, civil and military architecture, this thesis proposes a study of the architectural creation in Caen from the late 15th century to the early 17th century and discusses three key factors. The inventory of the works known through the archival records, the archaeological analysis or the scholarly publications highlights phases of high or low activity, and therefore makes clear the history of the town and its influence on constructions. To understand the material conditions of architectural creation, the role and status of owners, architects and workers, together with the origin, custom and conditions of implementation of the materials must be considered. The analysis of the buildings is separated into two parts: it focuses on the typological and stylistic aspects of the works. In this way, it highlights their original character and assesses their implication in exchange networks between the provinces, towns and neighborhoods. This synthesis is completed by a collection of files and of smaller records dedicated to the buildings erected in Caen from the reign of Charles VIII to the beginning of the reign of Louis XIII.

The information front: the Canadian Army, public relations, and war news during the Second World War

Balzer, Timothy John 02 March 2009 (has links)
War news and public relations (PR) was a critical consideration for the Canadian Army during the Second World War. The Canadian Army developed its PR apparatus from nothing to an efficient publicity machine by war’s end, despite a series of growing pains. Canadian Military Headquarters in London appointed the first PR Officer, William Abel, in January 1940. PR services overseas grew along with the size of the army. The early days were marked by lack of coordination and often jurisdictional and personality conflicts between Abel and the other PR Officers and organizations. The 19 August 1942 Dieppe raid was the low point for both the accuracy of war news and Canadian PR involvement because Lord Mountbatten’s Combined Operations Headquarters minimized Canadian PR’s involvement in planning. This resulted in early portrayals of the raid as successful and the British censored a more honest explanation by the Canadian Army. The Sicilian and Italian campaigns provided a learning experience for the PR units. In Sicily, the news coverage of the Canadians was a public success, but PR had trouble with their allies in gaining national recognition and representation. Additionally, the question of correspondents’ priorities and delays getting to the front and transportation difficulties angered the press. Many of these problems continued in Italy until the appointment of Richard Malone, who enjoyed support from the politicians, press, and military. Applying the Mediterranean experience and participating in Allied publicity planning contributed to the excellence of Canadian PR during the Northwest Europe Campaign. PR maintained the confidence of the press while still controlling the correspondents. The army also largely overcame the temptation to censor bad news although this sometimes embarrassed Ottawa. Allied regulations sanitized war news preventing the reporting of the more disturbing aspects of war. Through censorship, the army exercised a great deal of control over the news media, yet this hegemony was incomplete because of need to keep the press friendly. Although a large sceptical minority remained, most Canadians considered their war news to be accurate. In sum, Canadian Army PR was generally successful, portraying the army positively and attracting media coverage.

Rouen en 1650 : carrefour des conflits / Rouen 1650 : crossroads of conflict

Etienne, Baptiste 17 December 2018 (has links)
Dans une société urbaine en ébullition, la capitale normande forme un observatoire privilégié des jeux de pouvoirs et avec l’autorité centrale. Cette thèse interroge fondamentalement le rapport entre l’État et la province, alors que le royaume de France est en proie à la dernière grande révolte d’Ancien Régime. Ainsi, la Fronde bouleverse les équilibres et agit comme un révélateur de la tension quotidienne. Économie, religion, politique et culture citadine se conjuguent pour dévoiler une société du conflit. Rouen catalyse les rivalités qui se rencontrent et éclatent au grand jour au cœur du théâtre urbain. Deuxième ville du royaume de France, la cité normande intègre le monde qui y exporte ses tensions. Rouen est aussi et sûrement une ville en crise au milieu du XVIIe siècle, traversée par une conflictualité qui s’enchevêtre dans le carrefour urbain. / In an exciting society that has become mostly urban, taking a look at Rouen makes it possible to witness power relationships involving the central authority. This thesis looks at the relationship between the State and the regional areas at a time when the Kingdom of France is going through its last major revolt of the Ancien Régime. The Fronde shakes balances and reveals the daily tensions. Economy, religion, politics and urban culture come together and revel and conflictual society. Rouen exacerbates the rivalries at stake. Rouen at the time is the second biggest city of the Kingdom of France, it is a world city and exports its tensions. In the middle of the 17th Century Rouen is also without a doubt a city going through a crisis that is entangled in this urban hub.

Du plateau au fond de vallée : apport de l'étude de trois sites archéologiques à la compréhension des dynamiques géomorphologiques holocènes en Normandie / From the plateau to the valley : contribution of three geoarchaeological studies to the comprehension of geomorphological dynamics during the Holocene in Normandy

Gonnet, Adrien 27 October 2017 (has links)
Depuis la fin du Pléistocène, l’évolution des conditions environnementales et les pratiques anthropiques ont influencé les dynamiques morpho-sédimentaires des bassins versants du Nord-Ouest européen. Les petits hydrosystèmes sont particulièrement sensibles à ces évolutions qui s’expriment dans les archives sédimentaires. La démarche adoptée confronte les données des géosciences, de l’archéologie et de la géomorphologie, pour appréhender les interrelations Homme/climat/environnement durant l’Holocène en Normandie. En étudiant les archives pédo-sédimentaires de trois sites archéologiques des plateaux aux fonds de vallée, l’objectif est de discriminer les forçages climato-anthropiques pour chaque épisode d’érosion/sédimentation. L’étude des plateaux normands à Villers-Ecalles dévoile une intense troncature érosive des luvisols holocènes à la fin de La Tène. Les colluvions stockées en fond de vallon soulignent la continuité des dépôts et l’intensification de l’érosion à l’époque moderne. Les archives sédimentaires de Brionne, en pied de versant, ont révélé la séquence Tardiglaciaire et la diagenèse tufacée du début de l’Holocène. La séquence holocène d’une vallée littorale, la Scie, permet de reconstituer son évolution diachronique, les dynamiques morpho-sédimentaires et l’évolution du couvert végétal. L’étude des sites met en évidence la synchronicité de certains événements, malgré des épisodes parfois locaux. Les schémas d’évolution s’inscrivent dans le contexte bien documenté du Bassin parisien. La comparaison des séquences témoigne de la complexité des réponses aux interactions Homme/milieu et d’une mosaïque de pression anthropique différentielle pendant l’Holocène. / Since the end of the Pleistocene, the variations of environmental and anthropic conditions influenced the morpho-sedimentary dynamics of North-Western european catchments. The small hydrosystem are very sensitive to these evolutions, recorded in sedimentary archives. Our approach confronts geoscience, archaeology and geomorphological data, in order to apprehend the interrelationships between Human activity, climate and environment during the Holocene in Normandy. By studying the sedimentary archives from three settlements, from the plateau to the valleys, our aim is to discriminate climato-anthropic forcing for each episode of erosion and sedimentation. The three sites, located in small catchments, give pedo-sedimentary references for each geosystemic unit. The study a loessic plateau shows an intense erosion of Holocene luvisol since the end of La Tene period. The colluvial deposits, accumulated in a dry valley show the continuity of detrital sedimentation, and the intensification of erosional processes during modern times. At the bottom of a slope, the study of Brionne’s sedimentary archives reveals the Late Glacial sequence and the tufa diagenesis at the early Holocene. The Holocene sequence on a small coastal valley, la Scie, allows to reconstruct its diachronical evolution, the morphosedimentary dynamics and the landcape evolution. The diachronical evolution of these three sites shows the synchronicity of events, even if some ones appear to be local. These data enter in the well-documented context of the Paris Basin. Comparing those sequences has revealed the spatial and chronological complexity of the landscape responses to the human and climate forcing.

Memories of a Conquest: The Norman Conquest in Twelfth-Century Memory

Comshaw-Arnold, Benjamin W. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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