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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regional realignment? Sub-national trends in partisan identification in the United States

Goolsby, Delia Nichole 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Stratigraphical Analysis of Triassic and Lower Jurassic Rocks in Northeastern Arizona

Ashouri, Ali-Reza January 1980 (has links)
A review of all available surface and subsurface data on Triassic and Lower Jurassic rocks in northeastern Arizona has revealed the following information. The Moenkopi Formation, the Chinle Formation, and the Glen Canyon Group of Triassic and Early Jurassic age are present throughout most of the study area. These units form a sequence of continental and transitional marine origin that shows notable vertical and lateral facies changes. The Moenkopi Formation thickening west and northwestward with a maximum thickness of 134 meters. The unit comprises sandstone and shale, and shows more shaley facies westward. The Chinle Formation shows minimum thickness to the north and thickens toward east and south with a maximum thickness toward west. This unit dominantly consists of sandy shale, but contains more sandstone westward and north westward. The unit contains some limestone in north and northern region. The Chinle Formation is overlain by the Glen Canyon Group, which in ascending order comprises the Wingate Sandstone, the Moenave Formation, the Kayenta Formation, and the Navajo Sandstone. The Wingate Sandstone shows its maximum thickness in the central and southcentral region of the study area and thins west and eastward. This unit mainly comprises sandstone, particularly in its upper part. The Moenave Formation displays its zero thickness, in the eastern region and shows its maximum thickness, 198 meters, in the west-central part. The unit mainly consist of sandstone. The Kayenta Formation attains its greatest thickness, 204 meters, in the southwestern part of the region and thins east and northward. This formation contains high percentages of sandstone. Within the area of this study, the Navajo Sandstone is the thickest formation in the Glen Canyon Group. This unit almost entirely consist of sandstone pinches out toward the south and east, and displays its maximum thickness, 300 meters, northward.

Estilos estruturais relacionados à tectônica formadora e deformadora da bacia de Jaibaras, Nordeste do Brasil / not available

Garcia, Laura Catalina Roman 29 September 2016 (has links)
A Bacia de Jaibaras, localizada no nordeste do Brasil, faz parte de um sistema de rifts ediacarano a cambriano desenvolvido, em grande parte, sob a Bacia do Parnaíba, como demostram os dados geofísicos. Esta bacia teve o seu desenvolvimento estreitamente ligado ao sistema de falhas do Lineamento Transbrasiliano, representado nas suas bordas. No presente trabalho foi realizada a análise estrutural do preenchimento vulcano-sedimentar da bacia visando à reconstituição da evolução dos campos de paleotensões atuantes durante a sua instalação e deformação. O estudo foi sustentando essencialmente em observações feitas em campo e complementado com o exame de dados de sísmica de reflexão, gravimetria e magnetometría. Deste modo procurou-se contribuir na discussão sobre a classificação da bacia, tópico amplamente discutido mas até então não abordado sob a perspectiva do tectonismo gerador e deformador da Bacia de Jaibaras. A instalação da bacia esteve marcada provavelmente pelo mesmo campo de esforços distensivos de direção NNW-SSE responsável pela intrusão do enxame de diques Coreaú. Em seguida, esta direção regionalmente sofreu rotações que determinaram a continuidade da instalação, deformação e inversão do rift. As estruturas na Formação Pacujá, de idade EdiacaranoCambriano, mecanicamente coerentes com este estágio, compreendem falhas de direção NE-SW reativadas com sentido transcorrente dextral, com componente normal; falhas de direção ENE-WSW sin- e pós-sedimentares e falhas de transferência de direção NW-SE. Associadas à propagação das falhas de direção ENE-WSE sin-sedimentares formaram-se dobras. Dobras também ocorrem em posição transversal a estas falhas relacionadas com deslocamento diferenciais nas rampas de revezamento. Estas estruturas ensejaram a criação de um sistema de drenagem axial, um sistema deltaico associado às rampas de revezamento e cones de talude transversais. Na Formação Parapuí, coetânea, ocorrem múltiplas famílias de veios de calcita. A mais antiga apresenta direção N-S e foi preenchida sob a ação de campo de esforços distensivo na direção ENE-WSW. Posteriormente formaram-se veios de calcita de direção E-W, tentativamente correlacionados com as falhas sin-sedimentares da Formação Pacujá, originadas por uma distensão de direção aproximada N-S. Na Formação Aprazível se registram diques clásticos de idade ordoviciana que seriam coerentes com uma direção distensiva NW-SE. Um campo de esforços compressivo E-W a ENE-WSW atuante a partir do Ordoviciano tardio gerou estruturas transpressivas ao longo de certos segmentos de direção ENE-WSW, ocasionando uma fraca inversão da bacia. Este evento está representado por dobras cônicas de arrastro geradas durante a inversão de falhas normais para reversas, com componente transcorrente. Na Formação Parapuí este evento pode ter determinado a formação de veios de calcita de direção ENE-WSW com componente dextral e veios sigmoidais en échelon com a mesma orientação. Tanto na Formação Pacujá como na Formação Parapuí está registrado um evento final representado por fraturas abertas de orientação aproximada E-W (distensão de direção N-S), que encontrariam correlação com o campo de esforços obtido pela orientação de diques clásticos na Formação Ipu (Siluriano) da Bacia do Parnaíba, assim como o arranjo de juntas híbridas medidas na mesma formação. A importância da atividade de falhas transversais produto das movimentações transcorrentes ao longo do sistema de falhas do Lineamento Transbrasiliano leva a considerar que a cinemática transcorrente foi desencadeadora da subsidência no rift e posteriormente da deformação durante a inversão. Por estes motivos, com relação à classificação da Bacia de Jaibaras considera-se que esta estaria mais próxima de uma bacia de pull-apart do que um rift puro. / The Jaibaras Basin, in northeastern Brasil, is a part of an Ediacaran to Cambrian rift system that branches under the Parnaiba sag basin, as evidenced by geophysical data. The basin is closely related to the Trasnbrasiliano Lineament fault system, represented in both its boundaries. The present study comprises a structural analysis of the volcano-sedimentary infill of the basin, aiming to the reconstruction of the paleostress field evolution responsible for the installation, deformation and inversion of the basin. This analysis was supported by sedimentological observations in the field and complemented with revision of seismic lines, gravimetric and magnetometric maps. The study aims to contribute to the discussion of the classification of the basin, a widely reviewed topic but few times from a sedimentary infill deformation perspective. The Jaibaras Basin initiation was probably related to the samestress field responsible for the intrusion of the Coreaú dyke swarm under a NNW-SSEoriented paleostress field. Subsequently the paleostress field rotated causing both the deformation and inversion of the rift. In the Ediacaran to Cambrian Pacujá Formation were identified several mechanically consistent structures with the NNW-SSE-oriented paleostress field: longitudinal NE-SW-oriented faults with right-lateral strike-slip reactivation with a normal component; transverse ENE-WSW-oriented faults with both syn- and- post- sedimentary activity and transfer NW-SE-oriented faults. Associated with the ENE-WSW-oriented syn-sedimentary faults normal fault-propagation-folds formed. Additionally transverse folds were formed related to the differential slip along the normal faults. The above-described structures determined the installation of an axial drainage system, a deltaic setting associated to rely ramps and transversal talus cones. In the contemporary Parapuí Formation, locally occurred the formation N-S-oriented calcite veins caused by an ENE-WSW-oriented extensional paleostress field. Then followed the formation of the E-W-oriented calcite veins tentatively correlatable to the syn-sedimentary faults in the Pacujá Formation, formed under an approximately N-S-oriented extension. In the Ordovician Aprazível Formation were identified clastic dykes, coherent with a NW-SEoriented extension. An E-W- to ENE-WSW-oriented paleostress field acting from the Late Ordovician generated transpressive structures along certain ENE-WSW-fault segments, related with the mild inversion of the basin. This event is represented by conic drag folds in the Pacujá Formation related to the inversion of normal faults, with a strike-slip component. In the Parapuí Formation, this event might have determined the formation of ENE-WSWoriented veins with right-lateral strike-slip component and sigmoidal en échelon veins with the same orientation. Both in the Pacujá and Parapuí formations were identified a final event represented by E-W-oriented open fractures (N-S-oriented extension). These are correlatable to the paleostress field obtained for the NE-SW-oriented clastic dikes registered in the Ipú Formation of the Serra Grande Group (Silurian) of the Parnaiba Basin, as well as the conjugate hybrid joint arrangements measured in the same formation. The importance of the activity of the transverse faults, caused by the strike-slip kinematics along de Transbrasiliano fault system leads to consider that were these kinematics the trigger of the subsidence in the rift and subsequently the deformation during the inversionprocess. Therefore, in relation to the classification of the basin it is here considered that the Jaibaras is more closely related to a pull-apart basin than a pure rift.

O território de trabalho dos carregadores piauienses no terminal da CEAGESP: modernização, mobilização e a migração / A study about the labor mobility in its different forms within the modernization process in São Paulo (Brazil)

Gomes, Sueli de Castro 20 August 2007 (has links)
O objeto da pesquisa é o estudo da mobilidade do trabalho em suas diferentes formas no processo de modernização, no qual a rede social aparece como um produto e suporte de desencadeamento. Para tal, estudamos a migração de nordestinos para a metrópole de São Paulo e em especial uma grande rede social de piauienses. Esse último grupo de migrantes nordestinos vai se inserir no mundo do trabalho na condição de carregadores no terminal de abastecimento da Grande São Paulo. Assim, esses nordestinos demarcam a sua territorialidade, expressa na relação de trabalho, na sua origem e na sua residência. A Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais do Estado de São Paulo - CEAGESP - possui entre outros equipamentos um entreposto terminal de produtos hortifrutigranjeiros e pescado. Este entreposto está instalado desde 1966 na Vila Leopoldina, localizado na Zona Oeste da cidade de São Paulo. Ele é um grande mercado de trabalho, em que a mobilidade do trabalho está materializada sob diversas formas ocupação tanto na área interna, como no seu entorno. As formas de trabalho desse Mercado estão inseridos nos dois circuitos da economia urbana. / This research aims at studying the labor mobility in its different forms within the modernization process, in which the social network appears as its product and also as a ground for its development. Thus, we exam the migration of Brazilian Northeastern people to the city of São Paulo, more specifically those from the State of Piauí. Members of this group tend to introduce themselves in the labor market in the condition of carriers in the São Paulo metropolitan supplying terminal, known as CEAGESP. By that, these migrants define their territoriality, expressed in the labor relationships they establish in their origin places as well as in their local residences. The State of São Paulo General Mart and Warehouse Company - CEAGESP - has among other equipments a commercialization terminal of vegetables, fruits, and fish and poultry products. This mart has been installed at Vila Leopoldina since 1966, located in the West Zone of the city of São Paulo. Also, it constitutes an immense \"labor market\", where the labor mobility is materialized under various occupation forms, be it in its internal area or in its surroundings. The labor forms of this market are inserted in both the urban economy circuits.

Reprodução, alimentação, idade e crescimento de Dasyatis guttata (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Elasmobranchii; Dasyatidae) na região de Caiçara do Norte - RN / Reproduction, diet, age and growth of Dasyatis guttata (Bloch & Scnider, 1801) (Elasmobranchi; Dasyatidae) from Caiçara do Norte, RN

Gianeti, Michel Donato 29 July 2011 (has links)
A costa do município Caiçara do Norte - RN, na região Nordeste do Brasil, é uma reconhecida área de berçário para a raia Dasyatis guttata, onde são capturados indivíduos de ambos os sexos e de diferentes tamanhos. Como as informações biológicas sobre a espécie são escassas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a biologia reprodutiva, a dieta, e os padrões de crescimento e idade de D. guttata nesta área. Indivíduos jovens, incluindo neonatos, foram mais freqüentes nas capturas. Dasyatis guttata se reproduz durante o ano todo, mas com maior atividade reprodutiva na época mais seca. As fêmeas apresentam LD50 = 51,3 cm e os machos LD50= 43,5 cm. Com relação à dieta, os resultados caracterizam D. guttata como uma predadora generalista, que se alimenta de presas com maior disponibilidade no ambiente, e indicam que não houve diferença significativa na composição da dieta entre machos e fêmeas e nem entre épocas do ano. Porém, foi encontrada variação ontogenética, com jovens alimentando-se preferencialmente de crustáceos carídeos e os adultos preferencialmente de moluscos bivalves. A espécie também apresenta taxas de crescimento lento e sugere-se que deposição das marcas periódicas de crescimento ocorrem uma vez ao ano. Foi construída a curva de crescimento e os parâmetros estimados foram: para machos L? = 100,76 cm; k = 0,07; t0 = -2,18; e para fêmeas L? = 137,57 cm; k = 0,06; t0 = -1,86. Machos e fêmeas atingem a maturidade com cerca de cinco anos de idade. / The coast of Caiçara do Norte - RN is a known elasmobranchs nursery area, where the stingray Dasyatis guttata females and males of different sizes are captured. Since the species biological informations are scarce, the present study aimed to investigate the reproductive biology, the diet and the age and growth patterns of D. guttata in this area. Juvenile stingrays, including newborns, were more frequent in the catches. Dasyatis guttata reproduces throughout the year, but showed higher reproductive activity in the dry season. The LD50 estimated for females was 51.3 cm and for males was 43.5 cm. Regarding the diet, results characterized D. guttata as a generalist predator, that feeds upon the prey more available in the environment, and indicated that there are no significant differences between the diet composition of males and females, and between seasons of the year. However, an ontogenetic change was found, with the young feeding preferentially on crustaceans and the adults on bivalve molluscs. The species presented also a slow growth rate for both genders and it is suggested that the deposition of periodic growth marks occur once a year. The growth curve was fitted and the estimated growth parameters were: L? = 100.76 cm; k = 0.07; t0 = -2.18 for males; and L? = 137.57 cm; k = 0.06; t0 = -1.86 for females. Males and females achieve the maturity at about five years old.

Os desafios para a democratização do acesso a água no semiárido da caatinga do sertão central cearense

Valdivia, Antonia Marcia Araujo Guerra Urquizo 21 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonia Marcia Araujo Guerra Urquizo Valdivia.pdf: 5791170 bytes, checksum: 78b76ac202a331996c399504a566732c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-21 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This dissertation presents in itself important components of critical analysis about the challenge of democratization of the access to potable (drinkable) water at the seminar of the central wild drought and arid region of caatinga, in the state of Ceará, when defending with grate enthusiasm that the fact of northeastern drought (lack of water) is not a simple environmental phenomenon but it is, in truth, one of the most complete expressions (utterances) of the social question. To this, the social Marxist theory, takes as base the structure of development of this research the way that put the conflicts for water as part of the capitalist system. It is based on the exploration and domination, either, from the employees and of the natural richness. The theorethical methodological argumentation about the present study is supported by various pillars indispensable for the construction of this dissertation developed (divided) into four chapters: 1) POLITICAL CONJUNTURE OF THE WATER It deals with the historic and distribution of water on the earth (ground), and also, the political management of the water, starting from the commitees of hydrographical basins, the world forum of the water and of the counsels of hydric resources, beside of problemize the current role of the world council of water in the commercialization of the water. 2) THE WATER AS MARCHANDISE (COMODITY) IN THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM It discusses aspects of the capitalist system in the expropriation of the water to transform it into merchandise and yet exposes the capitalist democracy of the water, mainly the offensive of the neo-liberal project in Latin America. The war for water and for the life . 3) THE BRAZILIAN NORTHEAST INVENTION It brings elements to analyse the socio-historical formation of the brazilian space in special the north-eastern Region, resultant of a national pact in intrinsical resistence-domination relation, country-city, and development-subdevelopment.; time space. It discusses yet the agreements and divergencies, respecting the North-eastern drought (seca) a critical vision about the heterogeneous condition of DNOCS. 4) THE WAY OF LOOKING FOR WATER It shows the ethics as the structural part of the socio-historical dynamics emerged from the dispute to power, configured by the conflicting interests of the social classes, besides socialize antihegemonical, iniciatives, having as perspective the democratization of the water. Jet this reseach is regarded, of importance, not, only for the municipality of Itatira/CE (birth-place of the author) but, when taking in account the national hydrographical scenary making part of the discussions inherent to the social-service contribution, in the effort for the democratization of the access to water / Esta dissertação traz importantes elementos constitutivos de análise crítica sobre os desafios para a democratização do acesso à água potável no semiárido da caatinga do sertão central cearense, ao defender veementemente que a seca nordestina (falta d‟água) não é um fenômeno meramente ambiental, e sim uma das expressões cabais da Questão Social. Para isso, a Teoria Social Marxista embasa a estrutura do desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, na medida em que coloca os conflitos pela água como inerentes ao sistema capitalista. Tem em sua base a exploração e a dominação, tanto dos trabalhadores como também de toda a riqueza natural. A argumentação teórico-metodológica sobre o estudo em questão é sustentada por diversos pilares, imprescindíveis para a construção desta dissertação desenvolvida por meio de quatro capítulos: 1) CONJUNTURA POLÍTICA DA ÁGUA trata do histórico e distribuição da água na Terra, bem como da gestão política da água, a partir dos comitês de bacias hidrográficas, Fórum Mundial da Água e dos conselhos de recursos hídricos, além de problematizar o papel atual do Conselho Mundial da Água na comercialização da água. 2) A ÁGUA ENQUANTO MERCADORIA NO SISTEMA CAPITALISTA aborda as facetas do sistema capitalista na expropriação da água para torná-la mercadoria e traz ainda a democracia capitalista da água, sobretudo a ofensiva do projeto neoliberal na América Latina A guerra pela água e pela vida . 3) A INVENÇÃO DO NORDESTE BRASILEIRO traz elementos para se analisar a formação sócio-histórica do espaço brasileiro, especialmente a Região Nordeste, resultado de pacto nacional numa intrínseca relação resistência-dominação; campo-cidade e desenvolvimento-subdesenvolvimento; tempo-espaço. Discute ainda os encontros e desencontros na seca nordestina, uma visão crítica sobre a heterogeneidade do DNOCS. 4) O CAMINHO EM BUSCA DAS ÁGUAS apresenta a ética como parte estrutural da dinâmica sócio-histórica, construída numa disputa de poder, configurada pelos contraditórios interesses das classes sociais, além de socializar iniciativas contra-hegemônicas tendo como perspectiva a democratização do acesso à água. Considera-se ainda a importância desta pesquisa, não somente para o município de Itatira/CE (terra natal da autora), ao colocá-lo como importante no cenário da hidrografia nacional, mas para compor as discussões inerentes à contribuição do Serviço Social na luta pela democratização do acesso à água

Canudenses na cidade de São Paulo: memórias e expreriências (1950-2000)

Sales, Telma Bessa 04 April 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Te l m a B e s s a S a l e s.pdf: 2758309 bytes, checksum: 972b3739dd4e6a42ccf37fdcb6c0b68e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis is set in the Social History Field, on the research line of Culture and City from the History Postgraduate Studies Program, from Pontifical Catholic University São Paulo. It includes an investigation about Canudos migrants life and experiences, from São Paulo, from 1950 to 2000, their marks, memories and ancestors life stories, who lived the Canudos War, and how this history is present on the imaginary of the ones living in São Paulo. The objective is to discuss the Canudos people experiences, not as a homogeneous unit, but as proper action subjects; to comprehend and to portray the city living ways, on an determined field of forces and competition for spaces, territory, world views and symbols. The São Paulo city social history study allows the Canudos migrants incorporation as a new social subject, valuing this group s cultural aspects, its constitution in the city, social relations and lifestyles. It is supposed that this work analyses how the Canudos people see and tell their experiences, (re)elaborate life ways, combining them with the memory work that follows every movement and transformation, looking for the overcoming of a homogening view of the northeast being and living. This thesis methodological procedure was theoretical-analytical, the Oral History, with the Social History field. This thesis is set in three parts. Part I Northeasterns-Paulistans; Part II ; São Paulo and Canudos; Part III There are lots of histories and memories. It was concluded that the Canudos people experiences allowed us to see them in their different ways of being and living and not as a homogeneous unit. Specifically, the objectives permitted us to comprehend and portray the different Canudos people lifestyles, in their trajectory, in the process of the lived dislocation / Esta Tese está situada na área de História Social, na linha de pesquisa Cultura e Cidade do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Compreende uma investigação sobre a vida e experiências de migrantes canudenses, de São Paulo, no período de 1950 a 2000; suas marcas, memórias, desejos, embalados pelas histórias de vida dos antepassados, que viveram a guerra de Canudos e como esta história está presente no imaginário dos que vivem em São Paulo. Objetiva-se discutir as experiências de canudenses, não como unidade homogênea, mas sujeitos da própria ação; retratar as maneiras de viver na cidade, em determinado campo de forças e disputa por espaços, territórios, visões de mundo e símbolos. O estudo da história social da cidade de São Paulo permite a incorporação dos migrantes canudenses como um novo sujeito social, valorizando os aspectos culturais deste grupo, sua constituição na cidade, relações sociais e modos de vida. Pressupõe-se que este estudo analisa como os canudenses vêem e narram suas experiências, reelaboram formas de viver, articulando-as com o trabalho da memória, que acompanha todos os movimentos e transformações, buscando a superação de uma visão homogeneizadora do ser e do viver nordestinos. O procedimento metodológico desta tese foi teóricoanalítico, a História Oral, com vertente da História Social. Esta Tese se configura por três partes. Parte I - Nordestinos-Paulistanos; Parte II - São Paulo e Canudos: Múltiplas Experiências; Parte III - São muitas memórias e outras histórias. Concluiu-se que as experiências dos canudenses permitiram vêlos em suas diferentes formas de ser e viver e não como uma unidade homogênea. Especificamente, os objetivos permitiram compreender e retratar os diferentes modos de viver dos migrantes canudenses em suas trajetórias no processo de deslocamento vivido

Reprodução, alimentação, idade e crescimento de Dasyatis guttata (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Elasmobranchii; Dasyatidae) na região de Caiçara do Norte - RN / Reproduction, diet, age and growth of Dasyatis guttata (Bloch & Scnider, 1801) (Elasmobranchi; Dasyatidae) from Caiçara do Norte, RN

Michel Donato Gianeti 29 July 2011 (has links)
A costa do município Caiçara do Norte - RN, na região Nordeste do Brasil, é uma reconhecida área de berçário para a raia Dasyatis guttata, onde são capturados indivíduos de ambos os sexos e de diferentes tamanhos. Como as informações biológicas sobre a espécie são escassas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a biologia reprodutiva, a dieta, e os padrões de crescimento e idade de D. guttata nesta área. Indivíduos jovens, incluindo neonatos, foram mais freqüentes nas capturas. Dasyatis guttata se reproduz durante o ano todo, mas com maior atividade reprodutiva na época mais seca. As fêmeas apresentam LD50 = 51,3 cm e os machos LD50= 43,5 cm. Com relação à dieta, os resultados caracterizam D. guttata como uma predadora generalista, que se alimenta de presas com maior disponibilidade no ambiente, e indicam que não houve diferença significativa na composição da dieta entre machos e fêmeas e nem entre épocas do ano. Porém, foi encontrada variação ontogenética, com jovens alimentando-se preferencialmente de crustáceos carídeos e os adultos preferencialmente de moluscos bivalves. A espécie também apresenta taxas de crescimento lento e sugere-se que deposição das marcas periódicas de crescimento ocorrem uma vez ao ano. Foi construída a curva de crescimento e os parâmetros estimados foram: para machos L? = 100,76 cm; k = 0,07; t0 = -2,18; e para fêmeas L? = 137,57 cm; k = 0,06; t0 = -1,86. Machos e fêmeas atingem a maturidade com cerca de cinco anos de idade. / The coast of Caiçara do Norte - RN is a known elasmobranchs nursery area, where the stingray Dasyatis guttata females and males of different sizes are captured. Since the species biological informations are scarce, the present study aimed to investigate the reproductive biology, the diet and the age and growth patterns of D. guttata in this area. Juvenile stingrays, including newborns, were more frequent in the catches. Dasyatis guttata reproduces throughout the year, but showed higher reproductive activity in the dry season. The LD50 estimated for females was 51.3 cm and for males was 43.5 cm. Regarding the diet, results characterized D. guttata as a generalist predator, that feeds upon the prey more available in the environment, and indicated that there are no significant differences between the diet composition of males and females, and between seasons of the year. However, an ontogenetic change was found, with the young feeding preferentially on crustaceans and the adults on bivalve molluscs. The species presented also a slow growth rate for both genders and it is suggested that the deposition of periodic growth marks occur once a year. The growth curve was fitted and the estimated growth parameters were: L? = 100.76 cm; k = 0.07; t0 = -2.18 for males; and L? = 137.57 cm; k = 0.06; t0 = -1.86 for females. Males and females achieve the maturity at about five years old.

Remote Sensing Methods and Applications for Detecting Change in Forest Ecosystems

Gudex-Cross, David James 01 January 2018 (has links)
Forest ecosystems are being altered by climate change, invasive species, and additional stressors. Our ability to detect these changes and quantify their impacts relies on detailed data across spatial and temporal scales. This dissertation expands the ecological utility of long-term satellite imagery by developing high quality forest mapping products and examining spatiotemporal changes in tree species abundance and phenology across the northeastern United States (US; the ‘Northeast’). Species/genus-level forest composition maps were developed by integrating field data and Landsat images to model abundance at a sub-pixel scale. These abundance maps were then used to 1) produce a more detailed, accurate forest classification compared to similar products and 2) construct a 30-year time-series of abundance for eight common species/genera. Analyzing the time-series data revealed significant abundance trends in notable species, including increases in American beech (Fagus grandifolia) at the expense of sugar maple (Acer saccharum). Climate was the dominant predictor of abundance trends, indicating climate change may be altering competitive relationships. Spatiotemporal trends in deciduous forest phenology – start and end of the growing season (SOS/EOS) – were examined based on MODIS imagery from 2001-2015. SOS exhibited a slight advancing trend across the Northeast, but with a distinct spatial pattern: eastern ecoregions showed advance and western ecoregions delay. EOS trended substantially later almost everywhere. SOS trends were linked to winter-spring temperature and precipitation trends; areas with higher elevation and fall precipitation anomalies had negative associations with EOS trends. Together, this work demonstrates the value of remote sensing in furthering our understanding of long-term forest responses to changing environmental conditions. By highlighting potential changes in forest composition and function, the research presented here can be used to develop forest conservation and management strategies in the Northeast.

Evaluation Of The Demersal Fish Assemblages Of The Northeastern Levant Sea

Ok, Meltem 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ecosystem-level changes have taken place in the Mediterranean Sea over the last decades due to both anthropogenic interferences and natural perturbations. Compared to the western Mediterranean Sea, influences of these factors especially on flora and fauna characteristics are much more dramatic and intense in the eastern part, particularly in the northeastern Levant Sea where the study area is located. In this study, life history traits of some core species (both native and immigrant) occupying the continental shelf of the northeastern Levant Sea were studied in this changing ecosystem to improve limited ecological understanding of the demersal fish assemblages of the northeastern Levant Sea. For this purpose, the annual patterns in allocation and utilization of energy in demersal fish species, temporal and bathymetrical trends in fish distribution with respect to biological requirements of the species and strategies adapted by the species in growth, reproduction and energy storage were investigated by examining growth parameters, biological indices and abundance and biomass variations. Influences of environmental variables on spatiotemporal distribution and biological characteristic of Mullus barbatus were also explored by generalized additive models. Biological data were collected at monthly intervals between May 2007 and May 2010 by trawl sampling while sample collection of environmental variables (temperature and salinity) was performed from December 2008 to May 2010. Results of this study reveal that the components of the demersal fish assemblage in the region fulfill their biological activities within a short period of time when the highest productivity is reached in the area. Moreover, results indicate that within this short period of time, some native components of the demersal fish assemblages studied (Mullus barbatus and Pagellus erythrinus) exhibit strategies such as fast growth, early maturation, short reproduction season, secondary spawners to cope with the environmental peculiarities. On the other hand, the successful exotic colonizers develop strategies as well but these successful immigrants also use time (Lagocephalus suezensis) and space (depth) (Upeneus pori) slot that the native species avoid. In some of the species examined (Mullus barbatus and Lagocephalus suezensis), growth is fast, sexual maturity is early, reproduction period is short, and reproduction potential is high. With the peculiar environmental condition, these life history traits are attributed to the &ldquo / r-strategy&rdquo / of the species. In this study, generalized additive models of Mullus barbatus explain 81.5 % variations in Gonadosomatic Index (GSI), 55.2 % in Hepatosomatic Index (HSI) and 43.9 % in Condition Factor (K). The time component in the GAM model captures the same cyclic pattern observed in GSI of Mullus barbatus. Besides, The GAM results suggest that the highest GSI values associated with the bottom water temperature are between 18 &ndash / 19 &deg / C while the partial effect of bottom salinity is at 38.7 psu. A positive effect of depth on GSI of the species starts after 60 meters depth and increasing trend continues until 125 meters depth and then decreases. The HSI results are almost identical to GSI outputs indicating that the effects of the parameters concerned act in a similar manner. The results of the GAM models failed to explain influence of environmental parameters on vertical and seasonal distribution of adult Mullus barbatus. However 83.5 % variances were explained in distribution of juveniles. The salinity and temperature have the highest impact on the distribution of juveniles among the parameters evaluated. The results indicate that the occurrence of Atlantic Water in the area has a positive influence on M. barbatus, particularly on the recruits through either by its low salinity or by another factor associated with this water mass. The vertical distribution range are set by the high temperatures (&gt / 27 &deg / C) at the shallow depths during summer and the low temperatures on the shelf break zone (&lt / 16 &deg / C). A comparison of vertical abundance distribution of Mullus barbatus and the vertical temperature variations indicate that the species may tolerate up to 27 &deg / C and then individuals move to the deeper depths so that to the cooler waters when the temperature exceeds their tolerance limit. As well as the life history traits adopted by the species, there are some other factors providing advantages to the species. The fisheries regulations, particularly the time limits applied in the area are in favor of the species especially of pre-recruits. In the study area the pre-recruitment phase and summer YOY aggregations in shallow waters of most species studied in this thesis take place during a time when the fishing season is closed.

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