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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza mediálního prostředí v Hongkongu v letech 2005 až 2010 / An Analysis of the media environment of Hong Kong in 2005-2010

Flanderová, Linda January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this master thesis is the current development of the Hong Kong's news media in the period of 2005-2010 which is scrutinized through the prism of recent political and social changes of the region. The main object of this master thesis is to create a descriptive analysis of Hong Kong's mass media in the abovementioned period. This master thesis splits into three parts. First part is theoretical and examines the key media theories dealing with the concept of media systems. Furthermore, it uses the media theories to identify the Hong Kong's media system and embed it into the appropriate theoretical context. The second part presents the historical development of Hong Kong's press system and names Hong Kong's main newspapers of the last century. Third part, the main part of this master thesis, scrutinizes the development of the Hong Kong's media system after the political transition from the British to the Chinese "rule". Here, the main attention is paid to the current newspapers, broadcast stations and to the new trends in the Hong Kong's media environment. Finally, this master thesis evaluates whether the political pressure from China affects the Hong Kong's freedom of press and whether local journalists use methods of the self-censorship.

Mediální obraz taneční problematiky v českých médiích na základě obsahu vybraných tištěných a vysílacích médií v roce 2011 / Media image of the dance issue in the czech media based on content analysis of selected print and broadcast media in 2011

Horáčková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma thesis is to create a media image of dancing issues in the selected Czech media in 2011. The research is focused on the selected Czech national dailies and weeklies and public broadcast media. The introductory chapter deals with the dance types which were identified in the content analysis and the development of dance in the country. The space is also dedicated to the Czech dance education, theater facilities, selected dance groups and the summary of existing studies of the dance phenomenon in the field of media studies. The second chapter is devoted to the methodology, the process and outcomes of the research part of the thesis. The quantitative content analysis was determined to be the method of the research part of this Diploma thesis. The third chapter is based on the results of a quantitative content analysis. The chapter is focused on the current dance reviewers, whose texts were identified in the research part of the thesis. Another part of the chapter is dedicated to the publishing of dance topics in the national media and the individual communication with selected personalities of Czech dance critics identified in the results of quantitative content analysis. The final text of the chapter focuses on comparing the identified outputs in the national and professional...

Proměna mediálního obrazu Izraele v českém tisku na přelomu 80. a 90.let / The Change of Media Image of Izrael in Czech Press at the Turn of 80ˇs and 90's

Nevyhoštěný, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Thesis titled "The Change of Media image of Israel in Czech Press at the Turn of 80's and 90's" deals with the construction of the media image of Israel in the Rudé právo and Mladá fronta dailies using examples of news about the Lebanon War in 1982 and the outbreak of the first Intifada in 1987. The findings are then compared with media image of Israel in the Mladá fronta Dnes and Lidové noviny dailies and weekly newspa-per Respekt during the Gulf War in 1991 and the signing of the Israeli- Palestinian peace treaty in Oslo in 1993. Research is focused on vocabulary of the news and on historical and political context of Czech-Israeli relations in the eighties and nineties. There is also description of researched newspapers and Czechoslovak media environment and jour-nalistic production in this period. The research method used is qualitative content analy-sis. Media images comparison is based on the selection of specific excerpts from news-paper articles, with the emphasis on a wide range of thematic coverage in the examined periods. List of all researched articles is attached. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Venkovské zpravodajství listu Bohemia v letech 1856-1876 / Rural section of Bohemia newspaper

Makarová, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Rural section of the Bohemia newspapers in 1856 - 1876" analyses the thematic content and news frequency from the countryside and places that the German written newspapers Bohemia published during the introduced period. In the beginning the thesis describes the historical, cultural and political connection in the Czech countries, it focuses mainly on Czech-German relationship and national problems that grew after the year 1848. It introduces the media area of this period as well. The main titles and newspapers distributed in Prague and German places have been mentioned there. Bohemia played the main role in integration of German population especially till 50s. Consecutively, it grows the number of other titles and periodical, so Bohemia loses its strong position. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the rural section should prove weakening of the rural news and the changes of its structure and content. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Analýza zvukové, obrazové a obsahové složky ve sportovním zpravodajství (na příkladě sportovních relací Branky, body, vteřiny na České televizi a Sportovní noviny na TV Nova) / Analysis of sound, visual and content components in sport broadcasting (on example of sport coverages Branky, body, vteřiny on Czech TV and Sportovní noviny on TV Nova)

Prouza, David January 2016 (has links)
In the beginning of the theoretical part this diploma thesis deals with the history of television broadcasting with emphasis on sport content. It continues with analysis of sport news programs Branky, body, vteřiny and Sportovní noviny and deals with their history and progress. In the theoretical part there are also presented visual and sound elements of TV broadcasting (such as shot composition, axis rule, sound, rush etc.). There is also introduced complete process of making television sport story from redactor's point of view. Practical part of the thesis contains, due to the periodic recording of the two sport programs, the presentation of current structure and shape of shows Branky, body, vteřiny and Sportovní noviny. Both programs are processed from the technical point of view (working with cameras in the studio and outside of the studio, working with sound track, expression and pronunciation of anchormen and redactors etc.) as well as from the content point of view, where there is showed three-week analysis of each broadcast day. The analysis is trying to show technical differences between the shows, as well as to present what is their overall structure and also which sports they present the most.

Analýza zpravodajství českého a amerického tisku na příkladu referování o prezidentských volbách v roce 2008 v USA a americkém prezidentovi / Analysis of the Czech and American News Coverage of the 2008 Presidential Elections in the U.S. and American President

Novotná, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Analysis of the Czech and American News Coverage of the 2008 Presidential Elections in the U.S. and American President" examined if American press, represented by The New Your Times, is influencing the coverage of presidential candidates in Czech press, which is represented by Mladá fronta DNES and Hospodářské noviny. The examination is based on the example of presidential race in 2008 in USA. The aim of the research is if there are signs of international two-step flow in Czech press. The second part of the research is focused on so called honeymoon effect in Czech press on the example of news Coverage of President Barack Obama in his first term in office. The quantitative content analysis showed that there are similar features in the coverage of presidential race in Czech and American press. The investigation also showed that Czech press is more positive in the coverage of Barrack Obama at the beginning of his first term in office and this positivity declined in the second year.

Protektorátní časopisy a přílohy denních listů pro děti a mládež jako nástroj nacistické propagandy / Protectorate magazines and attachments of daily press for children and youth as a tool of Nazi propaganda

Suk, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The work attempts to analyze manifestations and the possible impact of Nazi propaganda in two stages of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. As to daily press the children's annex of Národní politika (National Politics -the most widely read periodical) and Lidové noviny (People's Press - a prestigious and independent newspaper close to the Castle during 1st Republic) have been analyzed. As to periodicals published during the first phase of the protectorate (until the arrest of Prime Minister Alois Eliáš in September 1941) the magazine Mladý hlasatel (Young Announcer) and Dětská neděle (Children's Sunday Magazine) which began to be published in 1935 were chosen and analyzed. The second phase of the protectorate was tightly associated with the establishment and existence of the Curatorium for Education of Bohemian and Moravian Youth and therefore its periodicals Zteč (Charge), Správný kluk (Good Boy) and Dívčí svět (Girl's world) were analyzed together with Knihovna pro mládež (Youth Library) issued by the Curatorium later. The work's objective is to display ways of Nazi propaganda targeted at children and teenagers under 18 years of age. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Novinář a politik Hubert Ripka / Journalist and politician Hubert Ripka

Pavlát, David January 2016 (has links)
During the first republic, Hubert Ripka (1895-1958) was one of the most active democratic orientated journalists and closest colleagues of minister of foreign affairs and later president Edvard Beneš. His political and journalist beginnings are connected with national democratic group Mladá generace. What was crucial for Ripka's career was the split between left and right wings of Mladá generace in 1920, when he - after the victory of the right wing - withdrew. Antonín Pešl brought him to the Národní osvobození, which was associated with Československá obec legionářská and politics of Hrad. In the area of foreign policy he focused above all on monitoring political and cultural life in Jugoslavia, he became a secretary of Československo-jihoslovanská liga, member of Slovanský ústav, he contributed to the Jugoslavian periodicals and to the renovated Slovanský přehled. Ripka's most important lecture activity was associated with prestigious Klub Přítomnost. He worked in Lidové noviny since 1930, yet he still contributed to a lot of other periodicals. With growing threat of Pangermanism he concentrated on all kinds of support of Little Entente. He made informative foreign trips since 1932, from which he brought summary reports to E. Beneš. In 1934 he participated significantly in the programme of...

Depictions of Subcarpathian Ruthenia in the Czech newspapers of the Czechoslovak First Republic, 1919-1922: Developing Public Support for the Refusal of the Rusyn Right to Autonomy?

Brown, Geoffrey January 2012 (has links)
Geoffrey Brown Abstract: In 1919 the Rusyns of Subcarpathian Ruthenia and Rusyn immigrants living in the United States decided that joining the newly-created Czechoslovak Republic offered them the best possible conditions for a stable future. They agreed to the union on the condition that the Rusyns would be granted the widest possible degree of political autonomy, and this autonomy was then guaranteed by the Treaty of Saint Germain signed in September 1919. Once the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia had joined Czechoslovakia, the Government in Prague decided that the Rusyn people were incapable of meeting the responsibilities of governing their own territory, since at the end of World War One they had been among the poorest and least culturally developed of all the nations of Austro-Hungary. The Rusyn leaders, particularly the territory's first Governor, Gregory Zhatkovich, protested to no avail against the Czechoslovak government's refusal to grant the Rusyns their legal right to political autonomy. Prior to the war the Czech public had practically no knowledge of Rusyns or their territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia. During the first three years of the Czechoslovak state, the Czech media published many newspaper articles which highlighted or exaggerated the primitive nature of the Rusyn people,...

Aktuální členění věty v psaných médiích / Topic-focus articulation in newspaper and news server

Pirnerová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on an analysis of the first sentences of newspaper articles namely from an aspect of the topic-focus articulation, which is expressed in Czech primarily by word order. The word order depending on the increasing communicative dynamism of words in the sentence might be changed from an objective word order if new information follows known or before mentioned information into subjective word order resulting in a reverse order. E.g.: The CEZ group showed record profit of 52 milliard CZK last year, a reverse word order: (literal translation) Record profit (Obj) of 52 milliard CZK the CEZ group(Subj) showed last year. In our thesis, we describe the above mentioned changes and we determine sets of cases comprising the modifications and we attempt to specify kinds of rules and principles resulting in different word orders. The sentence in the case of the subjective word order begins with an object, an adverbial of time, place, or condition. Anyway, not always a sentence constituent at the beginning of the sentence indicates the subjective word order. A significant role in the analysis is played by head- lines, which affect considerably the result. We focus ou attention on sentences expressing a placement on the scene. These sentences are assessed in relation with the head-lines...

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