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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj regionálního tisku na Mladoboleslavsku od roku 1945 do počátku normalizace / Development of regional newspapers in Mlada Boleslav from 1945 to the beginning of normalization

Skála, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis describes the development of regional periodicals in Mladá Boleslav from 1945 to the beginning of normalization in 1969 in terms of the historical, political and social background. The main objective is to describe how the most important regional newspapers looked and what they wrote. At the time of the Third Republic there were weekly political magazines: Social Democratic Hlas lidu and Communistic Naše Pojizeří (later called Naše noviny). During the fifties there was a rural newspapers called Nová vesnice within the central regional press, which at the end of the fifties, transformed into the district newspaper Mladoboleslavsko, later renamed Zář Mladoboleslavska. Other significant titles in the district were also racing magazine Ventil cultural monthly magazine Život mladoboleslavské kultury in the sixties. The thesis provides a historical overview and a formal content analysis of each regional periodicals. To complement the broader context of the main theme the author summarizes the development of regional print media before 1945, as well as briefly describes the political history of Czechoslovakia during the periods 1945 to 1969 including media management techniques and providing social, demographic and economic characteristics of the district of Mladá Boleslav. The thesis also...

Fotografie jako součást komplexního komunikátu ve zpravodajství českých deníků / Photography as a part of complex communicate in the news of czech dailies

Jarošincová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with respecting the journalism ethics by two most read general- interest newspapers in the Czech Republic - Mlada fronta DNES and Hospodarske noviny, when using complex communicate including a news photo. My research sample contained just breaking news (home and world) published nationwide in March, 2014. A relationship between meanings of particular parts in complex communicates (the headline, the caption, the photo and the article) and has been my variable that I was searching for within the sample. As all the parts work together in building one sense, which should represent a reality, I suppose, that meanings of these parts should show a relationship of harmony and substitution within one complex communicate. I used semiotic analysis to analyse meanings within a communicate, both denotation and connotation level. I applied my knowledge of social and visual semiotics, semantics and pragmatics to explain the meanings of individual signs. At the end of my research I compared results of my analysis to outcomes of Magda Polmanova's research - a former Charles University student that dealt with almost the same topic as me in her bachelor thesis, analysing the same dailies however from 2011. The findings of: How many times have these dailies published complex communicates that...

Aktivity holdingu Agrofert perspektivou Mladé fronty Dnes a Lidových novin před a po jejich převzetí Andrejem Babišem / Activities of Agrofert holding covered by Mladá fronta Dnes and Lidové noviny before and after their takeover by Andrej Babiš

Havlová, Laura January 2017 (has links)
Exploration of the influences that an owner can have on his own media is an important topic nowadays. This master thesis focuses on the possible owner influences on his newspaper in the example of buying of the publishing house Mafra by Agrofert's owner Andrej Babis. It covers articles concerning Agrofert in two of Mafra's dailies - Mlada fronta Dnes and Lidove noviny. The reporting period covers two years before and two years after the purchase of Mafra by the owner of Agrofert and the current Czech Minister of Finance Andrej Babis. This covers the dates 5. 6. 2011 - 24. 6. 2013 and 25. 6. 2013 - 24. 6. 2015. This thesis uses the processes of quantitative content analysis and focuses on the comparison of texts about Agrofert in these two periods. In the sample of 631 articles it examines two dozen categories, such as topic, placement on the page as well as in the daily itself or quotation of Andrej Babis, and it tracks the changes that occurred in both halves of the reporting period. The shift in content of the Mafra's media, after the change of its owner has not been largely examined yet. This means that this thesis brings a first complex insight into the topic. This thesis aims to cover the changes that occurred in the reporting period and paves the way for more specific following researches....

Překlápění obsahů (shovelware) mezi tištěnými médii a zpravodajskými servery v České republice / Czech Shovelware: from Czech Print Media to News Servers or Conversely

Némethová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the trend of reusing the content of printed media in their on-line counterparts, based on several selected Czech national newspapers (Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Právo) and their corresponding news servers (idnes.cz, lidovky.cz, novinky.cz) over the course of one constructed week in 2015. The theoretical section examines the interrelatedness of printed and on-line media, the impact of digitization on the transformation of the journalistic profession, and its influence on the content and recipients of media communications. The fundamental questions posed by this research are as follows: What percentage of the printed content is reused in the newspaper's corresponding on-line version and vice versa, and which of the selected media reuse the most content? The research operates with three initial hypotheses regarding the quantity and frequency of content conversion: printed journals reuse their content in on-line news servers at a rate of up to 5%, news servers reuse their content in printed journals at a rate of up to 10%, and the practice of shovelware is most frequently employed by the periodicals Mladá fronta DNES and Právo. The aim of the research is to reveal and interpret shovelware trends in the selected media and evaluate how this practice is perceived. The...

Mediální obraz Číny v českých denících v roce pořádání letních olympijských her 2008 / Media image of China in Czech daily newspapers in the year of holding the 2008 Summer Olympic Games

Janecká, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media image of China in Czech daily newspapers in the year of holding the 2008 Summer Olympic Games" tries to capture a media image of China in Czech daily newspapers represented by MF Dnes, Pravo and Hospodarske noviny. The analysed time period is the whole year 2008, the year of the Summer Olympic Games in Peking, when China got even into the biggest interest of media. The method of the diploma thesis is to examine chosen articles with quantitative content analysis which tries to answer the questions regarding the thematic agenda of the newspapers connected to China, originality of the stories or the positive or negative character of the articles in general. Last but not least the analysis takes into account the phenomenon of Olympic Games and the tense events around them which also brought its part of articles and topics. As the analysis deals with a trio of newspapers with various reader's profiles, it focuses on differences among them too.

Babiš vs. Bakala. Komparace mediálního obrazu Zdeňka Bakaly v denících MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny a Právo / Babiš vs. Bakala. Comparison of the Media Image of Zdeněk Bakala in the MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny and Právo Dailies

Trojanová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the media image of the influential Czech businessman Zdenek Bakala who is also the owner of the company Economia, publisher of Hospodarske noviny. Bakala is a member of a small group of Czech billionaires who have completely taken control over the most important media groups and thus all national dailies over the last decade. Politician Andrej Babis is also concidered as one of them. His entry into the media market after the acquisition of the Mafra was the most significant moment for the rise of the so-called oligarchization of domestic media. Czech media ownership changes have raised suspicions that these modern media magnates have acquired the media in order to defend their economic and political interests. There are concerns mainly because they could influence the content of the media and thus disrupt editorial freedom and jeopardize the functioning of the entire media system. They can also use their media power to influence public opinion, which is largely shaped by the media. This thesis will therefore want to verify whether the owners use their influence in their media. This assumption will be demonstrated on the analysis of Zdenek Bakala's media image. Firstly, the research examines the way his own Hospodarske noviny informed about him and finds...

Mediální obraz zahrádkářských kolonií ve vybraných českých denících / Media Analysis of the Allotment Gardens and Gardening in Czech Daily Press

Pěkná, Ester January 2015 (has links)
Mediální obraz zahrádkářských kolonií ve vybraných českých denících Abstract Abstract The aim of this thesis is the media presentation of gardening allotments phenomena in Czech Republic. The work is in a connection with a series of thesis published during previous years on Social and Cultural Ecology department of Faculty of Humanities, Charles Univerisity. These thesis were focused on qualitatative case studies research of garden allotments. Aim of this theis is a revelation of garden allotments image, based on processing of czech daily press articles mentioning allotment gardening. First, theoretical, part of the thesis is organized into four chapters: hermeneutics, allotment gardening, media and sustainable development. Each of the chapters provides a context of the main purpose of the work. Methodological anchor and the research and its results itself follow on at the third part of this thesis.

Srovnání obrazu propouštění a nezaměstnaných v Lidových novinách v 1. pololetí roku 1930 a v Mladé frontě DNES ve 2. pololetí roku 2008 / Media covering of laying-off and unemployed in Lidové noviny during 1.half-year 1930 and in Mlada Fronta DNES during 2.half-year 2008

Lysoněk, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media covering of laying-off and unemployed in Lidove noviny during 1. half-year 1930 and in Mlada Fronta DNES during 2. half-year 2008 - Comparison of two approaches" compares reactions of forenamed newspapers to expansion of economic depression which forces employers to reduce cost of production and cost of labour force. Diploma thesis compares the influence of the rate of unemployement in various regions to their representation in medias and also compares the influence of the rate of unemployment in various sectors of economy to their representation in medias. Diploma thesis also analyses subjects of business news which concerned the problem of unemployment.

Přístup českých deníků Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes a Právo k přímé volbě prezidenta České republiky / Attitude of czech daily press Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes a Právo to direct election of the president of the Czech republic

Kottová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
My thesis named "Attitude of Czech dailies Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes and Právo to the first direct Czech presidential election" should confirm or disprove the bias of the three Czech newspapers in the period between the first and the second round of the direct presidential election. The first part of thesis focuses on selected chapters of media, linguistic and semiotic theories regarding bias. It also discusses the process of direct elections and CVs of Karel Schwarzenberg and Miloš Zeman. At first, I used quantitative analysis to determine if the newspapers were balanced and provide comparable space to the both candidates. Then I applied the qualitative analysis to find out what language and semiotic components used the authors from newspapers to inform the public about the candidates of the second round of direct elections. Depending on the findings, I divide the articles into positive, neutral, negative categories for Karel Schwarzenberg and positive, neutral, negative for Miloš Zeman. After the victory of Miloš Zeman the bias was discussed. This thesis should answer the question of whether the three Czech newspapers were biased in favour of Karel Schwarzenberg or Miloš Zeman between the first and the second round of the first direct Czech presidential election.

Žert Milana Kundery pod dohledem: kritický ohlas díla v dobovém kontextu a v současnosti. / Milan Kundera's The Joke supervised. Critical reception of the novel in the context of its release and today

Baumová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Milan Kundera's 'The Joke' supervised. Critical reception of the novel in the context of its release and today" deals with critical reflection of the novel 'The Joke' in the period from the end of the 1960's up to current reviews. The author dedicates first chapters to the cultural and political background of the release. The core of the thesis focuses mostly on critical reception of the novel, which is divided into three historical periods. In the first part of the critical historical analysis and qualitative analysis, the author examines critical acceptance of the novel in the aftermath of its release (1967- 1969), in the Czechoslovakian and exiled journals and literary magazines in particular. The second part considers critical reaction to the novel throughout 1970's and 80's, and stresses outcomes of the reception in the sixties, official normalized critical reviews and the acceptance in the exile and samizdat literature as well. Finally, the last part of the thesis offers contemporary critical response to 'The Joke', analyzed on the basis of journals, literary magazines and newly emergent Kundera's monographs. Summarizing critical reception in each period, historical context is of primary importance to a profound understanding of the topic. The aim of the thesis is to find out...

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