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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The innate ability to cope with mathematics : A comparative fMRI study of children's and adults' neural activity during non-symbolic mathematical tasks

Lindberg, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Humans as well as animals are born with a number sense, an innate ability to make approximations (Dehaene, 1997). However, low numeracy is an issue today and have a larger impact on the individuals lives than poor reading abilities (Parsons & Bynner, 2006). To be able to understand the cause of developmental dyscalculia the fully functional brain coping with numbers must be further investigated. The aim of this study is hence to examine how the number sense develop during maturation. Seven children and seven adults (all healthy) have participated in this neuro imaging study. The participants were required to perform a non-symbolic mathematic task and a control task both outside and within the scanner. The results indicate a transition of active areas in the brain during maturation. In the children prefrontal areas were recruited, and for the adults the activation was primarily found in the parietal cortex. These findings, despite low statistical power indicates a shift of neural activity from a more cognitive demanding task into an automated task. Further studies will have to replicate the experiment to validate the findings of this study.

Exploitation et partage de données hétérogènes et dynamiques / Operation and sharing of heterogeneous and dynamic data

Arnaud, Bérenger 11 April 2013 (has links)
Dans un contexte de données industrielles et numériques, le développement d'un outil sur mesure pour une tâche particulière est couteux par de nombreux aspects. À l'inverse, l'adaptation d'outils génériques l'est également en particularisation (personnalisation, adaptation, extension, …), pour les développeurs comme pour les utilisateurs finaux. Nos approches visent à considérer les différents niveaux d'interactions pour améliorer l'exploitation des données fournies ou générées en collaboration.Les définitions et problématiques liées aux données dépendent le plus souvent des domaines dans lesquelles elles sont traitées. Pour ce travail, nous avons opté pour une approche holistique considérant ensemble des perspectives différentes. Le résultat est une synthèse des concepts émergeant montrant les équivalences d'un domaine à l'autre. La première contribution consiste à améliorer le marquage collaboratif de documents. Deux améliorations sont proposées par notre outil Coviz. (1) L'étiquetage des ressources est propre à chaque utilisateur qui organise ses vocables par une poly-hiérarchie nominative. Chacun peut considérer les concepts des autres par une relation de partage. Le système fournit également du contenu connexe via un moissonnage des archives ouvertes. (2) L'outil applique le concept de facette des données à l'interface puis les combine avec une recherche par mot-clé. Ce dernier point est commun à tous les utilisateurs, le système considère chacune des actions individuelles comme celles d'un groupe.La contribution majeure, confidentielle, est un framework baptisé DIP pour Data Interaction and Presentation. Son but est d'augmenter la liberté d'expression de l'utilisateur sur l'interaction et l'accès aux données. Il diminue les contraintes machines et logicielles en adjoignant une nouvelle voix d'accès direct entre l'utilisateur et les données disponibles, ainsi que des points d'« articulation » génériques. D'un point de vue final, l'utilisateur gagne en expression de filtrage, en partage, en maintien de l'état de sa navigation, en automatisation de ses tâches courantes, etc.Il a été testé en condition réelle de stress, de ressources et d'utilisation avec le logiciel KeePlace. Ce dernier a d'ailleurs été l'initiateur de cette thèse. / In the context of numeric data, the software development costs entail a number of cost factors. In contrast, adapting generic tools has its own set of costs, requiring developer's integration and final user's adaptation. The aim of our approach is to consider the different points of interaction with the data to improve the exploitation of data, whether provided or generated from collaboration.The definitions and problems related to data are dependent upon the domain from which the data come and the treatment that have been applied to them. In this work we have opted for a holistic approach where we consider the range of angles. The result is a summary of the emergent concepts and domain equivalences.The first contribution consists of improving collaborative document mark-up. Two improvements are proposed by out tool – Coviz –. 1) Resource tagging which is unique to each user, who organises their own labels according to their personal poly-hierarchy. Each user may take into consideration other users approaches through sharing of tags. The system supplies additional context through a harvesting of documents in open archives. 2) The tool applies the concept of facets to the interface and then combines them to provide a search by keyword or characteristic selection. This point is shared by all users and the actions of an individual user impact the whole group.The major contribution, which is confidential, is a framework christened DIP for Data Interaction and Presentation. Its goal is to increase the freedom of expression of the user over the interaction and access to data. It reduces the hardware and software constrains by adding a new access point between the user and the raw data as well as generic pivots. From a final point of view the user gains in expression of filtering, in sharing, in state persistence of the navigator, in automation of day-to-day tasks, etc.DIP has been stress tested under real-life conditions of users and limited resources with the software KeePlace. Acknowledgement is given to KeePlace who initiated this thesis.

Mining for Frequent Events in Time Series

Stoecker-Sylvia, Zachary 02 September 2004 (has links)
"While much work has been done in mining nominal sequential data much less has been done on mining numeric time series data. This stems primarily from the problems of relating numeric data, which likely contains error or other variations which make directly relating values difficult. To handle this problem, many algorithms first convert data into a sequence of events. In some cases these events are known a priori, but in others they are not. Our work evaluates a set of time series data instances in order to determine likely candidates for unknown underlying events. We use the concept of bounding envelopes to represent the area around a numeric time series in which the unknown noise-free points could exist. We then use an algorithm similar to Apriori to build up sets of envelope intersections. The areas created by these intersections represent common patterns found throughout the data."

L’usage de la figure rythmique dans l’analyse du procédé incitatif (Xing 興) : une méthode de lecture expérimentale pour le Shijing 詩經 / The application of rhythmic figure to the analysis of the incentive process (Xing 興) : an experimental method for reading The Book of Odes (Shijing 詩經)

Liao, Shueh-Ying 11 June 2015 (has links)
La thèse a pour corpus le Canon des Poèmes (Shijing 詩經). S’appuyant sur l’étude de diverses interprétations des Poèmes, elle propose une application numérique pour interpréter le procédé incitatif (Xing 興) qui, jusque-là, n’a pas été clairement défini au plan rythmique. On y considère le sinogramme à la manière d’une note musicale, ou plus précisément d’une sino-syllabe (hanzi -yinjie 漢字-音節). La thèse peut alors se baser sur trois principes d’analyse :1. le contraste d’effectifs des sino-syllabes ;2. le calcul combinatoire des sino-syllabes ;3. l’échelle de perception des sino-syllabes.En suivant ces trois principes d’analyse, la thèse expose une méthode de lecture expérimentale qui distingue deux aspects dans les sino-syllabes aperçues pendant la lecture : les composants fondamentaux (qui créent le rythme dominant) et les idées principales (qui constituent le sujet thématique). La collaboration harmonieuse du rythme dominant avec le sujet thématique, révèle un système de figuration qui transforme les propos en langage poétique sur le plan rythmique. Ce système sert de référence interne au corpus pour objectiver le rapport rythmique entre le motif initial (= premier groupe de vers) et le motif final (= deuxième groupe de vers), dans la strophe créée par le procédé de Xing. On propose de nommer ce système « figure rythmique » (jielü xiuci 節律修辭). / The present thesis has chosen to center its attention on The Book of Odes. After the study of diverse interpretations of these poems, the thesis is brought to suggest using numeric humanities in the analysis of what Xing calls “the incentive process” whose rhythmic figure has not yet been clearly defined. At the condition that a sinogram could be considered a musical note, it would be more accurate to call it a “sino-syllable” (hanzi-yinjie 漢字-音節). The results are relayed by these three principles: 1. The contrast of occurrences between sino-syllables 2. The sino-syllables’ combinatorial calculation 3. The scale of perception in comprehending sino-syllablesApplying these principles of analysis, the thesis then reveals an experimental method of reading which sets forth two aspects: the basic components that create the dominant rhythm and the mean ideas that constitute the thematic subject.The harmonious relationship of the dominant rhythm with the thematic subject reveals a system that rhythmically transforms words to poetic language. This metaphorical system, called “rhythmic figure” (jiulü xiuci 節律修辭) for the purpose of this research, serves as an internal reference to the corpus to manifest the rhythmic relationship between the first and final patterns in verses produced with Xing’s method.

Classificação de rios e sua relação com a comunidade de macroinvertebrados em riachos

Vasconcelos, Márlon de Castro January 2012 (has links)
Nesta tese avaliei a relação entre a classificação de riachos em tipos de rios baseados nas suas características abióticas com a comunidade de macroinvertebrados. Especificamente, avaliei as seguintes questões: 1) Como as escalas de trecho de rio (local) e de bacia hidrográfica (regional) influenciam as comunidades? 2) As classificações de rios baseadas em variáveis abióticas são concordantes com aquelas baseadas em macroinvertebrados? 3) As respostas das comunidades de macroinvertebrados são similares quando diferentes abordagens de classificação são usadas? Por fim, 4) De que forma a resolução taxonômica e o tratamento dos dados influenciam as perguntas 2 e 3? Este estudo foi realizado em 38 riachos, numa área de 282 mil km2 no Rio Grande do Sul. As distâncias entre os riachos variaram entre 15 a 670 km. As variáveis físicas e químicas dos rios foram obtidas em trechos de 50 metros de extensão. A bacia hidrográfica de cada trecho foi delimitada e o uso da terra, tipo de solo e o relevo foram obtidos por meio de SIG. A tese traz uma “Apresentação geral” como Introdução. O capítulo 1 cobre a revisão da literatura e foi publicado na revista Ciência e Ambiente. O capítulo 2 apresenta a relação das variáveis ambientais e do espaço (distância geográfica) com a comunidade de macroinvertebrados. Como principal resultado, observou-se que o ambiente explica a maior parte da variação da distribuição na comunidade de macroinvertebrados, sendo que o efeito do ambiente é dependente da resolução taxonômica utilizada. No capítulo 3 avaliei a concordância entre classificações bióticas e abióticas. Avaliamos concomitantemente o efeito da resolução taxonômica, tipo de dado e da escala (trecho de rio x bacia hidrográfica). Tanto o tipo de dado quanto a resolução taxonômica influenciaram os resultados, sendo a classificação baseada nos dados no nível de família o único concordante com a classificação baseada em dados abióticos (duas escalas juntas). Outro importante resultado obtido foi a observação de que em uso de diferentes escalas, separadamente, verifica-se que a concordância se deu apenas para a escala de bacia hidrográfica, desde que para abundância no nível de gênero e presença/ausência no nível de família. No capítulo 4 verifiquei a relação da comunidade de macroinvertebrados com cinco sistemas de classificações de rios. As duas primeiras são baseadas em hidrorregiões, a terceira, em ecorregiões aquáticas da FEOW, a quarta deriva das ordens dos rios e a quinta é resultado do agrupamento de variáveis ambientais medidas localmente e regionalmente. Os resultados demonstram que a classificação baseada em variáveis ambientais se apresentou como o melhor sistema de classificação dos rios amostrados. Também avaliamos o tipo de dado e resolução taxonômica. Novamente a resolução taxonômica foi importante para os resultados obtidos e os dados de gênero obtiveram os melhores resultados. Por fim, na última parte da tese são apresentadas as considerações finais. / This thesis evaluated the relationships between stream classifications according to their abiotic characteristics and macroinvertebrate stream assemblages. Specifically, I asked the following questions: 1) How the macroinvertebrate communities are related with stream reach and catchment scales ? 2) Are the streams classifications with biotic and abiotic approach congruent? 3) Are there similar responses of macroinvertebrate assemblages when different classification approaches are used? 4) Can the taxonomic resolution and data type (abundance and presence/absence) to influence the results? This study was conducted in 38 streams, with distances among streams ranged from 15 to 670 km at an area of 282.000 km2 in Rio Grande do Sul state. The chemical and physical variables were obtained at a 50 m reach in each stream. The catchment was delimited and land use, soil coverage and relief were obtained using GIS tools. The thesis includes an “overview” as introduction. Chapter 1 covers the literature review and was published on Ciência e Ambiente. The Chapter 2 shows the relationship of environmental variables and space (distance among streams) with macroinvertebrate assemblages. The main result was that the environment accounted for most of the variation on the distribution of macroinvertebrate assemblages and this effect was dependent of the taxonomic resolution. In chapter 3 I evaluated the concordance between the abiotic and biotic classifications as well as the effect of the numerical and taxonomic resolution and the scale (stream reach x catchment). The results are dependent of the taxonomic resolution and dada type. The most important result was the effect of taxonomic resolution on the concordance between biotic and abiotic classifications. The classification based on macroinvertebrate family data was the only biotic classification concordant with the classification based on abiotic data. Another important result is that different scales, when used separately, only catchment classification was concordant with biotic one, and this result was dependent of both taxonomic and dada type. In chapter 4 we assessed the relationship of macroinvertebrate assemblages with five stream classifications. The first two is based on catchments grouped in hydrologic units, the third is based in freshwater ecoregions of FEOW, the fourth is based on stream orders and the fifth is result by cluster of environmental variables get on stream reach and catchment scales. That classification based on environmental variables had the higher scores than others classification by Classification Strength approach. The taxonomic and numeric resolutions were also evaluated. The taxonomic resolution was important to the results obtained, and genera data show the best scores. In the last part of the thesis are presented the conclusion remarks.

The Investigation of Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere / Lower Thermosphere and Their Effect on Sporadic Sodium Layer

Cai, Xuguang 01 December 2017 (has links)
Gravity waves in the atmosphere are the waves with gravity and buoyancy force as the restoring forces. Gravity waves will significantly impact the Mesosphere Lower / Thermosphere (MLT), and the breaking of gravity waves is the key factor to cause the cool summer and warm winter in the Mesopause region. Therefore, it is important for us to investigate gravity waves. In this dissertation, we mainly use USU Na lidar data to explore gravity waves in the MLT. The exploration is made up of two projects. One is the investigation of gravity wave breaking and the associated dynamic instability by USU Na Lidar and Advanced Mesosphere Temperature Mapper (AMTM). Another is the calculation of gravity wave temperature perturbations and potential energy density by least-squares fitting based on the data from the full-diurnal cycle observation of Na lidar. The sporadic sodium layer is the sharp increase of Na density in a small vertical range (several kilometers) above the Na main layer in the MLT. The formation of the sporadic sodium layer above 100 km remains unknown until now. Here we will investigate the mechanism of the generation of sporadic sodium layer using numeric modeling, including the effect of tide and gravity wave on the variation of Na density.

Hemispheric Differences in Numerical Cognition: A Comparative Investigation of how Primates Process Numerosity

Gulledge, Jonathan Paul 26 May 2006 (has links)
Four experiments, using both humans and monkeys as participants, were conducted to investigate the similarities and differences in human and nonhuman primate numerical cognition. In Experiment 1 it was determined that both humans and monkeys display a SNARC effect, with similar symbolic distance effects for both species. In addition, both species were found to respond faster to congruent stimulus pairs. In Experiment 2 both species were found accurately to recognize quantitative stimuli when presented for durations of 150 msec in a divided visual field paradigm. Performance for humans and monkeys for numerals and dot-patterns was almost identical in terms of accuracy and response times. In Experiment 3 participants were required to make relative numerousness judgments in a divided visual field paradigm. Both species responded faster and more accurately to stimuli presented to the right visual field. Species differences appeared, with monkeys performing equally well on both trial types whereas the humans performed better on numeral trials than on dot trials. In Experiment 4 repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) was combined with the divided visual field paradigm. Accuracy was significantly disrupted for both species when compared to a no stimulation condition. A facilitation effect was also evident with both species exhibiting significant decreases in response time for all trials. Right-handed participants took longer to respond to stimuli presented to the left visual field. These findings add to the body of knowledge regarding both the similarities and differences of how quantitative stimuli are processed by humans and monkeys.

An Assessment Of The Architectural Representation Process Within The Computational Design Environment

Ucar, Basak 01 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
With the introduction of a computational design environment, architectural design and representation processes witness a radical transition from the analog to the digital medium, that may be asserted to initiate a paradigm shift affecting both. In this new design environment, extending the instrumentality of computer-aided processes to the generative use of computational tools and procedures, architectural design and representation processes are subject to mutual alterations, challenged with computational design strategies such as parametric design, associative geometry, generative diagrams, scripting and algorithmic procedures. Computational design approaches proceed with the definition of a mathematical model based on the numeric definition of relations and equations, substituting the conventional visual/orthographic representation. This thesis aims to inquire the outcomes of assuming non-visual/numeric representation as a strategy in the therefore redefined process of architectural representation. Through the generative logic embedded in the mathematical model, attention shifts from form to process. This emphasis on process rather than the formal outcome, aids the experimentation of a desired indeterminacy, coming forth in dynamic, non-linear design processes, blurring the boundaries between different phases of design, and of representation. The intentional search for a generative design process liberated from the visual/formal determinism of the conventional design approach, initiates a conscious delay in the definition of form, and thus of visual representation. The thesis discusses the potentials presented by generative mathematical models defined with the aid of computational design tools, and the ways in which they alter and inform architectural design and representation.

Estimação de propriedades petrofísicas de rochas sedimentares a partir de imagens microtomográficas de raíos-x.

PORTO, Adriana Lemos. 24 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Dilene Paulo (dilene.fatima@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-01-24T13:34:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA LEMOS PORTO – TESE PPGEP 2015.pdf: 5478904 bytes, checksum: 538eff3a93037a4df0264df4891930d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-24T13:34:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA LEMOS PORTO – TESE PPGEP 2015.pdf: 5478904 bytes, checksum: 538eff3a93037a4df0264df4891930d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-25 / CNPq / Uma técnica inovadora atualmente em desenvolvimento é a construção de modelos digitais a partir de um conjunto de imagens de tomografia de raios-X de alta resolução adquiridas em amostras de rocha. Essa técnica permite definir a geometria 3D do espaço poroso e dos grãos minerais, bem como o reconhecimento dos minerais presentes na rocha. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estimar as propriedades petrofísicas (distribuição granulométrica, composição mineral, porosidade, permeabilidade e velocidade de propagação da onda P) de rochas sedimentares a partir de imagens de microtomografia de raios-X. Neste trabalho são analisadas cinco amostras de arenito (A4, A7, A9, AM10H e AM14V), uma de folhelho (F9), uma de calcário (carbonato Rosário) e duas de Tufa carbonática (Tufa CR e Tufa FG). Quantificou-se a proporção de finos presentes nas amostras, cuja precisão foi dependente da resolução das imagens analisadas. Neste trabalho propõe-se um novo método para a análise da composição mineral a partir de imagens microtomográficas. Os resultados alcançados para a simulação da composição mineral indicam que as amostras de arenito possuem aproximadamente a mesma composição mineral, a amostra de folhelho apresenta uma composição essencialmente silto-argilosa, e que as amostras carbonáticas são formadas essencialmente por calcita e dolomita. De um modo geral, os resultados de DRX confirmaram a composição mineral indicada pela microtomografia. Verificou-se uma relação aproximadamente linear entre os valores de porosidade medidos nos plugues e aqueles determinados por simulação das imagens microtomográficas. A permeabilidade estimada apresentou valores compatíveis com as permeabilidades medidas em laboratório, exceto para a amostra de folhelho e para a amostra de Tufa CR. Para o caso de amostras que possuem uma composição aproximadamente monominerálica, a simulação da onda acústica apresentou excelentes resultados quando comparados com as velocidades fisicamente medidas. Já para o caso das amostras de rocha que apresentam composição multiminerálica, a geração do modelo não considerou as diferentes fases que compõem a matriz mineral, resultando em velocidades simuladas muito acima das velocidades medidas. / An innovative technique currently under development is the construction of digital templates from a set of X-ray tomography, high-resolution images acquired in rock samples. This technique allows to define the 3D geometry of the pore space and mineral grains, as well as recognition of the minerals present in the rock. The objective of this research is to estimate the petrophysical properties (grain size distribution, mineral composition, porosity, permeability and P wave velocity) of sedimentary rocks from microtomography X-ray images. This work analyzed five samples of sandstone (A4, A7, A9, AM10H and AM14V), one of shale (F9), another of limestone (Carbonato Rosário) and two samples of carbonatic Tufa (Tufa CR and Tufa FG). Regarding the particle size distribution is possible to quantify the proportion of fines present in the samples, but such concentrations may be changed according to the resolution of the images analyzed. In this work we propose a new method for the analysis of mineral composition from microCT images. The results obtained for the simulations indicate that the mineral composition of the sandstone samples have approximately the same mineral composition, with different proportions of quartz and clay. Shale sample has an essentially clay composition and the carbonate samples are essentially formed by calcite and dolomite. DRX analyses have proved the mineral composition indicated by microCT analysis. In general, it is observed an approximately linear relationship between porosity values measured in the plugs and those determined by simulation of microCT images. The numerical simulation resulted in values of permeability compatible with permeabilities measured in the laboratory, except for the shale sample and for the Tufa CR sample. For the case of samples having an approximately monomineralic composition, acoustic velocity simulations showed excellent results compared with the physically measured velocities. But for the case of multimineralic rock samples the model generation not considered the different phases making up the mineral matrix, which resulted in simulated velocities far above the measured velocities.

Estudo numérico dos ensaios de tração simples e flexão de três pontos do aço livre de interstícios (IF) utilizando o modelo de Gurson modificado / Numerical study of the simple tensile test and three point bending test for the interstitial free steel (IF) using a Gurson-type model

Bressan, Caroline Zanini 18 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:25:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline Zanini Bressan.pdf: 4091231 bytes, checksum: 0de27c28e4c845db49e9a2081c0c7b93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Numerical methods have received a substantial attention from Engineering Professionals especially due their capacity to provide solutions for a wide range of problems in many areas. In the last years, numerical simulation has become increasingly common and has turned into a key factor for solving numerous engineering problems in the industry as well in academia. This, however, requires the development of suitable methodological strategies to determinate constitutive law able to best describe the material behavior in the simulation. The present work is inserted within the context of metal forming, aiming to simulate 2D and 3D geometrical models of the simple tensile test and three-point bending test of a notched plate, both using the material properties of an Interstitial Free Steel, IF. For both cases, it was used a modified Gurson model available in the ABAQUS ® software, which is based on the finite elements method. Numerical modelling of the elasto-plastic process used to simulate the three-point bending and simple tensile test was discretised using structured meshes with an appropriate refinement. The experimental results for tensile tests used smooth cylindrical specimens with dimensions defined according to ASTM E 8M-01. The three point bending test was qualitatively compared with the results reported by Mashayeshi, et al (MASHAYEKHI, ZIAEI-RAD, et al., 2005). The strain hardening law used in this work was the Holomon or modified Swift law coupled with the damage evolution of the Gurson s model. The geometrical models for the tensile specimens account for axisymmetry, so that only one-quarter part of the 2D and 3D specimens was modelled. An appropriate mesh refinement in the necking region was also adopted. The numerical simulation was able to predict with success the stress-strain curve behaviour of the IF steel comparing with the experimental results. Both 2D and 3D simulation results of the simple tensile test were very similar. The prediction of porosity evolution with the applied displacement was analysed and the results indicated that the necking region in the central zone of the specimen presented the largest micro-void concentration, as expected. For the three-point bending test of a notched plate, the simulation provided a good qualitative agreement with the Mashayekhi´s numerical results, which have shown that the largest concentration of micro-voids was in the central region of the notch where the crack initiation occurs. / Métodos numéricos tem recebido uma grande atenção dos profissionais da área da engenharia em especial principalmente pelo seu caráter facilitador na solução de problemas em diversas áreas. Nos últimos tempos, a simulação numérica está se tornando cada vez mais comum e se transformando em uma peça chave para a resolução de inúmeros problemas de engenharia encontrados tanto nas indústrias quanto nas linhas de pesquisa científica das universidades. Isso, porém, exige desenvolvimento de estratégias de metodologias científicas adequadas o suficiente para determinar as leis que descrevam melhor o comportamento dos materiais a serem simulados. O presente trabalho está inserido no contexto da conformação de metais, tendo por objetivo simular, com malhas tipo 2D e 3D, os ensaios de tração simples e de flexão de três pontos de uma placa com entalhe de um aço livre de interstícios, aço IF (interstitial free steel), utilizando o modelo de Gurson modificado no programa ABAQUS ®, que utiliza o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Para o modelamento numérico do processo de deformação elasto-plástica dos ensaios de tração simples e flexão foi utilizada a lei de Gurson modificado de materiais porosos e uma malha com refinamento adequado. Os corpos de prova ensaiados experimentalmente em tração simples foram de aço IF cilíndricos preparados de acordo com a norma ASTM E 8M-01. Já o ensaio de flexão de três pontos foi simulado com o intuito de fazer uma comparação qualitativa com o resultado apresentado por Mashayekhi, Ziaei-Rad, et al. (MASHAYEKHI, ZIAEI-RAD, et al., 2005). A lei de encruamento plástico utilizada neste trabalho foi a Lei de Holomon ou Swift modificado acoplado com o modelo de evolução do dano de Gurson modificado. Após a escolha da geometria de somente quarta parte do corpo de prova, devido à simetria axissimétrica e do refinamento adequado da malha na região da estricção local, a simulação numérica foi capaz de prever com sucesso o comportamento da curva de tensãodeformação do aço IF comparando-se com os resultados experimentais. Os resultados da simulação 2D e 3D do ensaio de tração simples foram iguais. Portanto, a simulação 2D do ensaio de tração simples é mais conveniente pois é mais rápida e igualmente precisa que a simulação 3D para o presente caso de material dúctil e isotrópico. A previsão da evolução da porosidade com a deformação e a região de maior concentração de vazios foi analisada: ocorreu na região da estricção local e na zona central do corpo de prova como esperado. No caso do ensaio de flexão da placa com entalhe central, os resultados da simulação numérica mostraram uma boa concordância com os resultados de Mashayekhi, Ziaei-Rad et al. (2005), que apresentaram a maior concentração de vazios na região central do entalhe onde ocorrerá o aparecimento de trincas.

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