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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Razvoj sistema za inteligentnu višekriterijumsku procenu opterećenja životne sredine kod ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa / Development of system for intelligent multicriteriaassessment ofenvironmental loading with life cycle assessment of products andprocesses

Agarski Boris 06 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Realizovana istraživanja disertacije mogu se podeliti na tri<br />osnovne celine. Prva celina predstavlja teorijski deo disertacije, u<br />okviru kog su postavljene osnovne podloge za razvoj sistema za<br />inteligentnu vi&scaron;ekriterijumsku analizu kod ocenjivanja životnog<br />ciklusa proizvoda i procesa. Drugu celinu predstavlja razvoj<br />modela i programskog sistema za inteligentnu vi&scaron;ekriterijumsku<br />analizu. U okviru treće celine prikazani su rezultati primene<br />razvijenog modela i programskog re&scaron;enja na primerima<br />ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa i procene opterećenja životne<br />sredine.</p> / <p>Dissertation reserch has been carried out in three main sections.<br />The first section presents the theoretical part of the dissertation,<br />where the base for the development of intelligent multicriteria<br />analysis within life cycle assessment of the products and<br />processes is set up. The second part presents the development of<br />model and software system for intelligent multicriteria<br />analysis.<br />Within the third section the results of applying the developed<br />model and software solution are presented on the case studies of<br />life cycle analysis and assessment of environmental burdens.</p>

Evaluacija znanja programskih jezika C++ i Java primenom računarskih adaptivnih testova / Computer Adaptive Tests in Evaluation of Knowledge of C++ and Java Programming Languages

Maravić-Čisar Sanja 03 October 2012 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija razmatra kori&scaron;ćenje računarskog adaptivnog testa u evaluaciji znanja programskih jezika C++ i Java. Za potrebe istraživanja realizovana je aplikacija koja omogućava adaptivno testiranje i njena funkcionalnost proverena je u praksi. Izvr&scaron;eno je anketiranje studenata radi evaluacije, dobijeni podaci su statistički obraĎeni i protumačeni. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja utvrĎeno je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u korist studenata eksperimentalne grupe, naspram studenata koji su test radili na konvencionalan način (papir i olovka).</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation discusses the application of the computer adaptive test in knowledge evaluation of the programming languages C++ and Java. For the purpose of this research an application was realized which enables adaptive testing. Its functionality was checked in practice. A survey was carried out among students for the purpose of evaluation, the attained data was statistically analyzed and interpreted. Based on the results of the research it was determined that there is a statistically significant difference in favor of the students in the experimental group as opposed to the students who had taken the test in the conventional way (paper-pencil tests).</p>

Model upravljanja uticajima procesa proizvodnje podnih obloga na životnu sredinu primenom metode ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa (LCA) / Model for management of environmental impacts from flooring's production processes by the application of life cycle assessment (LCA)

Vještica Sunčica 15 April 2014 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je predložen opšti model za upravljanje uticajima na životnu sredinu u okviru proizvodnih procesa proizvodnje podnih obloga, zasnovan na metodi ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa. Model je sistematično predstavljen kroz opis osnovnih delova - modela inventara životnog ciklusa i modela za ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa. Disertacija sadrži i detaljan opis podloga na kojima je model razvijen. Verifikacija razvijenog modela je sprovedena kroz tri studije slučaja.</p> / <p>The dissertation proposes a general model for managing environmental impacts within the manufacturing process of flooring coverings, based on the method of life cycle assessment of products and processes. The model is systematically present by describing the main parts - the life cycle inventory model and a model for the life cycle impact assessment. Dissertation contains a detailed description of the background bases on which the model is developed. Verification of the model is carried out through three case studies.</p>

Model za evaluaciju sistema upravljanja komunalnim otpadom primenom metode ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa / Model for evaluating municipal waste management system applying themethod of life cycle assessment

Stepanov Jasna 23 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj disertacije je razvoj fleksibilnog modela za evaluaciju sistema upravljanja<br />komunalnim otpadom baziran na LCA metodi. Model je baziran na bilansu<br />mase i energije. LCA analiza sistema komunalnog otpada omogućava<br />sagledavanje uticaja kako svih faza životnog ciklusa otpada, tako<br />i celokupnog sistema upravljanja otpadom. Model je koncipiran kroz module<br />koji prate osnovne faze LCA metode. Evaluacija i komparacija različitih<br />scenarija upravljanja otpadom sprovedena je kroz pet indikatora. Ostvareni<br />rezultati istraživanja pokazuju jasne razlike između definisanih scenarija<br />upravljanja otpadom po pitanju odabranih indikatoria i daju dobru osnovu u<br />procesu dono&scaron;enja odluka za unapređenje i izbor optimalnog sistema<br />upravljanja čvrstim komunalnim otpadom.</p> / <p>The goal dissertation is to develop a flexible model for the evaluation<br />waste management system based on LCA methods. The model is<br />based on mass and energy balance. LCA analysis of municipal waste<br />system assess environmental impacts to all phases of the life cycle of<br />waste, and the entire system of waste management. The model is<br />based on modules corresponding to the main phases of LCA<br />methods. Evaluation of different scenarios of waste management is<br />carried out through five indicators. The results show clear differences<br />between the scenarios in terms of impact on selected indicators and<br />provides basis for decision-making processes for the selection of the<br />optimal solid waste management system.</p>

Ispitivanje mogućnosti primene Fenton-procesa u tretmanu obojenih otpadnih voda grafičke industrije / Investigation of Fenton-process application in the treatment of dye wastewater in printing industry

Gvoić Vesna 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene homogenog, heterogenog i Fentonsličnog procesa u tretmanu obojenih otpadnih voda grafičke industrije.&nbsp; Kao Fenton katalizatori kori&scaron;ćeni su sintetisani gvožđe(III)-molibdat i nano nula valentno gvožđe, kao i komercijalni gvožđe(II)-sulfat. Istraživanja&nbsp; su sprovedena u četiri faze. U prvoj fazi&nbsp; je izvr&scaron;ena sinteza&nbsp; i karakterizacija&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; katalizatora, pri čemu su ustanovljene njihove osnovne morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike. Nano nula valentno gvožđe je sintetisano iz ekstrakta&nbsp; li&scaron;ća hrasta, dok je&nbsp; gvožđe(III)-molibdat sintetisan putem tzv. vlažnog hemijskog postupka. U drugoj fazi je&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena optimizacija Fenton procesa u tretmanu sintetičkih rastvora grafičkih&nbsp; boja primenom nove statističke&nbsp; metode,&nbsp;<em> definitive screening design</em>.&nbsp; U&nbsp; cilju postizanja&nbsp; maksimalnog stepena obezbojavanja i mineralizacije tretiranog uzorka&nbsp; ispitan&nbsp; je&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; sledećih&nbsp; procesnih parametara: inicijalne koncentracije boje, koncentracije gvožđa, pH vrednosti i koncentracije vodonik-peroksida. Nakon ustanovljenih optimalnih uslova i izvr&scaron;ene verifikacije predloženog optimuma, sproveden je tretman realnog efluenta.&nbsp; Stepen mineralizacije&nbsp; tretiranog&nbsp; efluenta&nbsp; ustanovljen&nbsp; je&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; ukupnog&nbsp; organskog&nbsp; ugljenika&nbsp; i&nbsp; hemijske&nbsp; potro&scaron;nje kiseonika.&nbsp; U cilju razumevanja mehanizma degradacije grafičkih boja u Fenton procesu, kao i identifikacije prirode&nbsp; degradacionih&nbsp; produkata,&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; kvalitativna&nbsp; gasno-hromatografska/maseno&nbsp; spektrometrijska analiza. Kinetika obezbojavanja realnog&nbsp; efluenta&nbsp; najbolje&nbsp; je opisana primenom&nbsp; Behnajady&nbsp; -&nbsp; Modirshahla&nbsp; -Ghanbary&nbsp; modela,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; defini&scaron;e&nbsp; inicijanu&nbsp; brzinu&nbsp; i&nbsp; oksidacioni&nbsp; kapacitet&nbsp; posmatranog&nbsp; procesa.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp; su ukazali&nbsp; na&nbsp; moguću&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; u&nbsp; tretmanu&nbsp; CMYK&nbsp; boja&nbsp; usled&nbsp; postizanja&nbsp; visokih&nbsp; efikasnosti obezbojavanja i mineralizacije tretiranih efluenata. Nedostatak primenjene metode se ogleda u činjenici da je većina&nbsp; uzoraka&nbsp; okarakterisana&nbsp; kao&nbsp; visoko&nbsp; toksična,&nbsp; a&nbsp; ujedno&nbsp; i&nbsp; izrazito&nbsp; kisela,&nbsp; budući&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; ustanovljena optimalna&nbsp; pH&nbsp; vrednost&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp; 2&nbsp; -&nbsp; 3.&nbsp; Stoga&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; treće&nbsp; faze&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; primenjen&nbsp; dodatni tretman&nbsp; realnog&nbsp; efluenta,&nbsp; adsorpcija&nbsp; na&nbsp; aktivnom&nbsp; uglju&nbsp; sintetisanom&nbsp; iz&nbsp; ko&scaron;tica&nbsp; divlje&nbsp; &scaron;ljive.&nbsp; Adsorpcioni tretman&nbsp; je rezultovao smanjenjem&nbsp; toksičnosti&nbsp; kod&nbsp; svih tretiranih uzoraka, koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; karakteri&scaron;u&nbsp; kao nisko do umereno toksični, te je sa tog aspekta moguće njihovo bezbedno ispu&scaron;tanje u recipijent. Ujedno je ustanovljena i povećana mineralizacija uzoraka, kao posledica degradacije jedinjenja koja su inicijalno doprinela povećanoj toksičnosti. U četvrtoj fazi rada primenjena je metoda ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa sinteze Fenton katalizatora. Rezultati LCA su utvrdili da sinteza heterogenog Fenton katalizatora, gvožđe(III)-molibdata, ostvaruje najveće opterećenje&nbsp; životne&nbsp; sredine,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; proces&nbsp; sinteze&nbsp; nano&nbsp; nula&nbsp; valentnog&nbsp; gvožđa&nbsp; mogao&nbsp; unaprediti modifikovanjem ekstrakcione faze uz kori&scaron;ćenje alternativnih materijala i obnovljivih izvora energije. Značaj&nbsp; predstavljenih rezultata se ogleda u činjenici da su uzorci obojenih otpadnih voda grafičke industrije prvi put podvrgnuti Fenton tretmanu koji je rezultovao visokim stepenom efikasnosti.</p> / <p>The subject of this thesis is&nbsp; exploring the possibility of homogeneous, heterogeneous and Fenton-like process application in the treatment of dye wastewater in printing industry. Synthesized iron(III)-molybdate and nano zero valent iron, as well as commercial iron(II)-sulfate were used as a Fenton catalyst. The research was carried out in four&nbsp; phases.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; first&nbsp; phase,&nbsp; the&nbsp; catalyst&nbsp; synthesis&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; characterization&nbsp; were&nbsp; performed,&nbsp; whereby&nbsp; the morphological characteristics were established. Nano zero valent iron was synthesized from&nbsp; oak leaf extract&nbsp; and iron(III)-molybdate was synthesized by wet chemical process. In the second phase, the optimization of Fenton process was performed within the treatment of synthetic printing dye solution using a new statistical method, a definitive screening design. In order to achieve maximum decolorization and mineralization of the treated sample, the influence of&nbsp; following&nbsp; process parameters was conducted: initial dye concentration, iron concentration, pH value&nbsp; and hydrogen peroxide concentration.&nbsp; The treatment of printing effluent was performed&nbsp; after&nbsp; establishing optimal&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; and&nbsp; verifying&nbsp; the&nbsp; proposed&nbsp; optimum&nbsp; values.&nbsp; Mineralization&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of&nbsp; treated&nbsp; effluent&nbsp; was determined based on the results of total organic carbon and chemical oxygen demand. In order to understand the dye&nbsp; degradation&nbsp; mechanism&nbsp; in&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; process,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; to&nbsp; identify&nbsp; degradation&nbsp; products,&nbsp; a&nbsp; qualitative&nbsp; gaschromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis was carried out. The&nbsp; kinetic studies of the printing effluent were best described by using the Behnajady- Modirshahla-Ghanbary model, which defines the initial speed and oxidation capacity of the process. The results indicated the possible application of the Fenton process in the treatment of CMYK dyes due to the high decolorization and mineralization efficiency of treated effluent. Disadvantage of the applied method is reflected in the fact that most of the samples are characterized as highly toxic and,&nbsp; at the same time, extremely acidic since the optimum pH value of Fenton treatment is 2 - 3. Therefore, in the third phase of the study, adsorption process on functionalized biochar prepared from wild plum kernels was applied on real printing effluent.&nbsp; Adsorption&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; resulted&nbsp; in&nbsp; toxicity&nbsp; reduction&nbsp; in&nbsp; all&nbsp; treated&nbsp; samples,&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; as&nbsp; low&nbsp; to moderately toxic. Therefore, from this aspect, treated effluent can be safely released into the recipient. At the same time, increased mineralization of the samples was established as a result of the compounds degradation that initially contributed to high toxicity. In the fourth phase, a life cycle assessment method of Fenton catalyst was applied. The results of the LCA indicated that the synthesis of the heterogeneous Fenton catalyst, iron(III) molybdate, achieved the highest environmental burden, while the synthesis of nano zero valent iron could be improved by modifying the extraction phase using alternative materials and renewable energy sources.&nbsp; The significance of the obtained results is high decolorization efficiency achieved by Fenton treatment of printing dye wastewater,&nbsp; which was used for the first time.</p>

Razvoj hibridnog modela za ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa / Development of the hybrid model for life cycle assessment of products and processes

Milanović Branislav 11 July 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru doktorske disertacije predstavljen je<br />razvoj hibridnog modela za ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa<br />proizvoda i procesa. Razvoj hibridnog modela se ogleda<br />kroz unapređenje postojećeg metodskog okvira LCA, te je<br />stoga uključio razvoj svih faza LCA, a koje obuhvataju<br />definisanje cilja i predmeta, inventar životnog ciklusa,<br />ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa i interpretaciju<br />rezultata. Najznačajnija unapređenja su sprovedena u<br />okviru faza inventara životnog ciklusa i ocenjivanja uticaja<br />životnog ciklusa. Izmene koje se odnose na način<br />prikupljanja podataka, su razvijene zbog uključivanja<br />parametara potrebnih za izračunavanje vrednosti sadržaja<br />eksergije tokova. Unapređenje faze ocenjivanja uticaja<br />životnog ciklusa se ogleda kroz razvoj originalnog pristupa<br />za izračunavanje ukupne potro&scaron;nje eksergije, kroz<br />uključivanje dodatne kategorije uticaja, razvijanje<br />indikatora kategorije uticaja i razvijanje pristupa za<br />izračunavanje karakterizacionih faktora. Sprovedena je i<br />analiza postojećih LCIA metoda, radi izbora adekvatnog<br />metoda u koji će biti uključena dodatna kategorija uticaja,<br />kao i indikator kategorije uticaja, koji zajedno opisuju<br />ukupnu potro&scaron;nju eksergije tokom čitavog životnog<br />ciklusa. Takođe, prilikom razvoja kategorije uticaja su<br />po&scaron;tovani određeni kriterijumi, koje ona mora da zadovolji<br />da bi mogla biti adekvatno uključena u odabrani LCIA<br />metod. Pored toga, bitan deo unapređenja ocenjivanja<br />uticaja životnog ciklusa, leži u razvoju proračuna<br />karakterizacionih faktora. Razvijena dodatna kategorija<br />uticaja nazvana je Ukupna potro&scaron;nja eksergije - UPE, a<br />izražava se preko indikatora MJex. LCIA metod koji je<br />odabran na osnovu SWOT analize u koji je ova dodatna<br />kategorija uticaja uključena je CML metod. Postavljeni<br />hibridni metodski okvir posmatra kompletan životni ciklus,<br />ali i svaki od jediničnih procesa koji uključuju elementarne<br />tokove, odnosno tokove uzete iz prirodnog sistema bez<br />dodatne obrade, kao i tokove proizvoda, odnosno tokovekoji su na neki način izmenjeni od strane pojedinih<br />antropogenih sistema. Izračunavanje sadržaja eksergije i<br />karakterizacionih faktora je sprovedeno kako za<br />elementarne tokove tako i za tokove proizvoda.<br />Funkcionalnost i praktična primenljivost razvijenog<br />hibridnog modela je verifikovana na dva primera, koji su<br />obuvatili proizvodnju laminatnog parketa i međusobnu<br />komparaciju hibridnih baznih predajničkih stanica i<br />konvencionalnih baznih predajničkih stanica. Dobijeni<br />rezultati daju jednu zaista detaljniju i &scaron;iru sliku mehanizma<br />nastanka i izvora negativnih uticaja tokom životnog ciklusa<br />posmatranih industrijskih sistema. Time je potvrđena<br />njegovu praktična primenljivost, kao i ukupni cilj<br />istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja realizovani u okviru<br />doktorske disertacije, u op&scaron;tem smislu, daju doprinos<br />stvaranju osnove za izdradnju puta ka razvoju i proizvodnji<br />održivih proizvoda i procesa. Razvijeni hibridni model za<br />ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa proizvoda i procesa pruža<br />dodatne informacije, koje mogu biti korisne u procesu<br />dono&scaron;enja odluka na svim nivoima, kako u industriji tako i<br />u državnim institucijama.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis presented the development of a<br />hybrid model for life cycle assessment of products and<br />processes. The development of a hybrid model includes the<br />improvement of the existing methodological LCA<br />framework, and therefore of all phases of the LCA:<br />definition of goal and scope, inventory analysis, life cycle<br />impact assessment and interpretation. The most significant<br />improvements have been made within the inventory<br />analysis and life cycle impact assessment phases.<br />Improvement have been made in relation to the method of<br />data collection, due to the inclusion of parameters for<br />calculation of the exergy content of in- and output flows.<br />Improvement of the life cycle impact assessment phase is<br />reflected through the development of original approach for<br />calculating the total consumption of exergy, through the<br />inclusion of additional impact category, development of<br />indicator for impact category and development of method<br />for calculation of characterization factors. The analysis of<br />existing LCIA methods was performed, in order to choose<br />the appropriate method that will incorporate this additional<br />impact category, as well as an impact category indicator,<br />which together should describe the total consumption of<br />exergy throughout the entire life cycle. Further,<br />development of this impact category have been complied<br />with certain criteria which it must meet in order to be<br />properly incorporated in the chosen LCIA method. Besides<br />this, an important part of improvement of the life cycle<br />impact assessment is the development of method for<br />calculation of characterization factors. Developed<br />additional impact category is named Total exergy<br />consumption, and it&#39;s expressed through indicator of MJex.<br />LCIA method that is chosen based on the performed<br />SWOT analysis and which incorporated this additional<br />impact category is CML method. Developed hybrid<br />methodological framework takes into account the entire life<br />cycle, and each of the unit processes that involves<br />elementary flows (flows taken from the natural system<br />without any further processing), as well as product flows(flows that are in some way altered by certain<br />anthropogenic system). Calculation of exergy and<br />characterization factors was performed for both elementary<br />and product flows.<br />Functionality and practical applicability of the<br />developed hybrid model was verified through two case<br />studies, which are the production of laminate parquet<br />flooring and comparison of hybrid base transceiver stations<br />and conventional base transceiver stations. The obtained<br />results provided more detailed and more broader insight of<br />the mechanism of the generation and source of negative<br />impacts throughout the life cycle of observed industrial<br />systems. Thus, the practical applicability of the developed<br />hybrid model and goal of the research have been<br />confirmed. The results of the research contribute to<br />creation of the foundation for designing a path towards<br />development and manufacturing of sustainable products<br />and processes. The developed hybrid model for the life<br />cycle assessment of products and processes provides<br />additional information that may be useful in decisionmaking<br />process at all levels, within both industry and<br />government institutions.</p>

Upravljanje procesom eko marketinga pomoću PLM alata / Ecological marketing process management by means of PLM tools

Mladenović Valentina 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je predložen model za upravljanje procesom eko<br />marketinga, delovanjem na 4S kriterijume uspešnosti (održivost, bezbednost, društvena prihvatljivost i zadovoljstvo proizvodom).<br />Razvijeni model je zasnovan na primeni alata LCA i Ekološki Ruksak<br />i ima formu upravljačkog algoritma. Model je sistematično predstavljen, integralno i kroz analizu mogućih scenarija primene.<br />Disertacija sadrži detaljan opis podloga na kojima je model razvijen. Verifikacija razvijenog modela je sprovedena kroz simulaciju izvršavanja algoritma na osnovu rezultata dobijenih primenom alata<br />na dva plastična materijala: PLA i PET.</p> / <p>The dissertation proposed a model for managing ecological marketing process by influencing on the 4S criteria of ecological marketing successfulness: Safety, Sustainability, Social acceptability and Satisfaction.<br />The developed model is based on the application of two tools: LCA and Ecological Rucksack and has a control algorithm form. Model is presented in a systematically way, integrally and through an analysis of possible scenarios of application. The dissertation includes a detailed description of the backgrounds on which the model was developed. Verification of the model is carried out through simulation of execution of algoritam based on the results obtained by applying selected tools on two plastics materials: PLA and PET.</p>

Медел одрживог управљања отпадним материјалима као грађевинским ресурсом у Северо-источној Босни / Medel održivog upravljanja otpadnim materijalima kao građevinskim resursom u Severo-istočnoj Bosni / Sustainable waste management model as resources for constructionin Northeast Bosnia

Jevtić Dragan 01 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Прeдмeт истрaживaњa je кoришћeњe oтпaдa у Рeгиoну Сeвeрo- Истoчнe БиХ зa пoтрeбe грaђeвинaрствa. Циљ истраживања је био рaзвoj мoдeлa зa eфeктивнo упрaвљaњe oтпaдoм сa eкoнoмскoг и eкoлoшкoг aспeктa.<br />Прикaзaни рeзултaти тeoриjских и aпликaтивних истрaживaњa укaзуjу дa се и у услoвимa ограничења eкoнoмскe, тeхнoлoшкe, тржишнe и инфрaструктурнe прирoдe, oствaруjе пoзитивни утицaj система менаџмента отпадом нa нивo oдрживости и нивo рaзвoja пoсмaтрaнoг рeгиoнa.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja je korišćenje otpada u Regionu Severo- Istočne BiH za potrebe građevinarstva. Cilj istraživanja je bio razvoj modela za efektivno upravljanje otpadom sa ekonomskog i ekološkog aspekta.<br />Prikazani rezultati teorijskih i aplikativnih istraživanja ukazuju da se i u uslovima ograničenja ekonomske, tehnološke, tržišne i infrastrukturne prirode, ostvaruje pozitivni uticaj sistema menadžmenta otpadom na nivo održivosti i nivo razvoja posmatranog regiona.</p> / <p><strong>The research subject is related to using of waste in region of northeast<br />Bosnia and Hercegovina for purpose of construction. Research<br />and goal was development of model for effective waste management<br />from economic and ecological aspect.<br />Presented theoretical and empirical research results pointed that even<br />condition of constraints of economic, technological, market, and<br />infrastructure nature, using proposed new model are possible to<br />achieve positive impacts of waste management system on level of<br />sustainability and level of development of analyses region.</strong></p>

Концепције развоја универзалних зупчастих редуктора / Koncepcije razvoja univerzalnih zupčastih reduktora / Conceptions of Development of Universal Gear Reducers

Rackov Milan 03 July 2013 (has links)
<p>Дат је детаљан преглед садашњих концепцијских решења и начина<br />монтаже савремених универзалних зупчастих редуктора.<br />Карактеристике ових решења анализиране су посредством јединичних и<br />комплексних показатеља квалитета. Резултати те анализе приказани су<br />на систематичан и јасан начин, коришћењем табела, дијаграма и схема.<br />Тумачење резултата је јасно и адекватно, с нагласком на значајне<br />делове који су од посебне важности. Предложено решење зупчастог<br />редуктора за усвојену осну висину је коректно дефинисано и<br />постављено на основу претходно извршених анализа. Начин усвајања<br />зупчастих парова, као и појединих конструкционих решења извршен је<br />на јасно образложен начин. Такође, дат је предлог за увођење зубаца са<br />повећаном теменом висином.</p> / <p>Dat je detaljan pregled sadašnjih koncepcijskih rešenja i načina<br />montaže savremenih univerzalnih zupčastih reduktora.<br />Karakteristike ovih rešenja analizirane su posredstvom jediničnih i<br />kompleksnih pokazatelja kvaliteta. Rezultati te analize prikazani su<br />na sistematičan i jasan način, korišćenjem tabela, dijagrama i shema.<br />Tumačenje rezultata je jasno i adekvatno, s naglaskom na značajne<br />delove koji su od posebne važnosti. Predloženo rešenje zupčastog<br />reduktora za usvojenu osnu visinu je korektno definisano i<br />postavljeno na osnovu prethodno izvršenih analiza. Način usvajanja<br />zupčastih parova, kao i pojedinih konstrukcionih rešenja izvršen je<br />na jasno obrazložen način. Takođe, dat je predlog za uvođenje zubaca sa<br />povećanom temenom visinom.</p> / <p>Detailed overview of current solutions and conceptual mounting ways of<br />modern universal helical gear reducer is presented. The characteristics of<br />these solutions are analyzed by means of the unit and complex quality<br />indicators. The results of this analysis are presented in a systematic and<br />clear way, using tables, charts and diagrams. Interpretation of the results is<br />clear and appropriate, with an emphasis on the important parts of which are<br />of particular importance. The proposed solution of gear reducer for adopted<br />shaft height is correctly defined and set to the previously performed analysis.<br />The way the adoption of gear pairs, as well as some innovative designs are<br />executed on clearly reasoned manner. Also, a proposal for the introduction of<br />high contact ratio is given.</p>

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