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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The 'dark continent' : A translation study focusing on lexical gaps and style and tone in a text about the South African bush

Pellén, Angelica January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The aim of this study was twofold. On the one hand, the aim was to discuss how lexical gaps can be solved or dealt with when a text about wildlife and nature different from that of the target culture is translated. On the other hand, the aim was also to discuss how the style and tone of such a text can be preserved and transferred into the target text. The study was qualitative and based on a translation into Swedish of short chapters of the book <em>Spirit of the Bush</em> by Peter Borchert, describing the South African wildlife and nature. The intended target reader of the translation is anyone with an interest in nature, wildlife and animals, as well as anyone with an interest in the history and culture of South Africa. Despite the fact that the terminology used in both the source text and the target text may require some previous knowledge on behalf of the reader, both texts could, nevertheless, very well be appreciated by a complete “wildlife-novice”. In order to create a theoretical base and a framework for the analysis, relevant research made in translation theory and stylistics was presented and discussed. Regarding lexical gaps, all the different strategies, apart from omission, proved to be of great help when the source text was translated into Swedish. Several examples of metaphors were discussed, such as how the wilderness is described as a <em>stage</em>, the animals as <em>actors</em>, and the visitors as making a <em>pilgrimage</em>. The metaphors in combination with the similes and the personifications in the source text, such as <em>bold</em> clouds and <em>confident</em> rivulets, fire the readers’ imagination and create a very vivid and capturing text. This is also something that supports the claim made that <em>Spirit of the Bush</em> is more than an ordinary informative text.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: translation, lexical gaps, style, tone, stylistics, wildlife, bush.</p><p> </p>

La distinción entre préstamo y cambio de código en un discurso electrónico

Bergman, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>En el presente estudio se pretende investigar la posibilidad de distinguir los préstamos de los elementos de cambio de código en un discurso electrónico entre jovenes bilingües de sueco-español, a través de un modelo de frecuencia elaborado por Myers-Scotton. También la posible co-existencia de las palabras analizadas en ambas lenguas será averiguada. El material bajo estudio consiste en conversaciones entre bilingües jóvenes de sueco/español en el foro <em>facebook</em>. En dichas conversaciones la alternancia entre las dos lenguas es muy frecuente, con el uso de cambio de código y préstamos. La hipotesis consiste en la convicción de que sí será posible encontrar préstamos a través de la aplicación del modelo, dado que el discurso electrónico probablemente no se distinguirá tanto de un discurso oral o escrito. Además, creemos que los préstamos encontrados con alta probabilidad serán co-existentes con las palabras en la lengua original. El análisis muestra que existe una cantidad de préstamos en el discurso investigado, y además que son co-existentes en todos los casos estudiados menos uno. El estudio también da indicios de que el modelo no es completamente fiable; el límite mínimo de frecuencia debería ser aumentado.</p>

"Det ingår liksom att anstränga sig lite" : En studie om pedagogers förhållningssätt och tankar om språkstimulerande arbetssätt för flerspråkiga barn i förskolan.

Cleve, Linn January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den här studien syftade till att belysa hur några pedagoger med olika typ av bakgrund, verksamma i ett homogent svensktalande respektive ett mer mångkulturellt område, tänker om och arbetar med flerspråkiga barn i förskolan. Frågeställningarna rörde pedagogernas syn på hur en språkstimulerande miljö bör utformas, positiva samt negativa aspekter i arbetet med flerspråkiga förskolebarn, samt om skillnader i uttalanden hos de olika yrkesrollerna kunde utrönas. Jag ville också ta reda på om barnens modersmål talades i verksamheten eller om dess ursprung lyftes fram på något annat vis. Jag använde mig av intervjuer som forskningsmetod.</p><p>Min resultatanalys visade att samtliga pedagoger betonar användandet av ett nyanserat, rikt och benämnande språk i det vardagliga talet, under alla situationer i verksamheten. För barn med annat modersmål än svenska blir det extra viktigt med stöd i form av bilder och konkret material, enligt pedagogerna. Problematiska aspekter med att tala flera olika språk i verksamheten, som lyftes fram var dels organisatoriska - att erhålla pedagoger med en viss flerspråkig kompetens - och dels att hålla en sund balans där också det svenska språket ska betonas. På två av förskolorna talar pedagogerna andra språk än svenska i den dagliga verksamheten. De gör detta med hänvisning till de positiva kognitiva effekter barnet får. Tvärtemot detta har en förskollärare på en annan förskola valt att inte tala flera olika språk i verksamheten. Hon menar att detta sänder ut negativa signaler till de barn vars modersmål inte talas av någon av pedagogerna. Generellt sett framkom en ståndpunkt hos pedagogerna om att problem och svårigheter ingår i yrket, det ingår att anstränga sig, varför exempelvis språkförbistringar egentligen inte anses vara jobbigt.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to shed light on how some teachers with different backgrounds, in a homogenous Swedish-speaking and a more multicultural area, think about and work with multilingual children in preschool. My research questions concerned the teachers’ vision of how a language stimulating environment should be designed. If multilingual children need a particular design - plus positive and negative aspects of the work with multilingual preschool children, as well as if there’s differences between the statements of the various professional roles. I also wanted to find out whether children's mother tongue was spoken in the everyday praxis or not - or if the child’s origins were highlighted in other ways. Interviews were used as my reasearch metod.</p><p>My results showed that all teachers stress the use of a nuanced, rich and naming language in everyday praxis. For children with a mother tongue other than Swedish, it becomes more important with language aid, like pictures and concrete materials, according to teachers. Problematic aspects of speaking several languages in preschool were partly organizational - to obtain staff with multilingual skills - and partly to keep a balance in also emphasizing Swedish. In two of the preschools’ everyday activity, teachers speak languages other than Swedish. They do this referring to the positive cognitive effects on the child. Contrary to this, a preschool teacher at another preschool chose not to speak other languages in everyday activity. She feels that this sends out negative signals to the children whose first language is not spoken by any of the teachers. In general, there was a position with the teachers that problems and difficulties are in the profession, making an effort forms a part of the occupation.</p>

Interrogative Clauses and Verb Morphology in L2 Swedish : Theoretical Interpretations of Grammatical Development and Effects of Different Elicitation Techniques

Philipsson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines direct and subordinate questions, as well as verb morphology in L2 Swedish, from a developmental perspective. The study is cross-sectional, containing data from Iraqi Arabic, Persian and Somali adolescent learners representing three different levels of proficiency. The data are analysed on the basis of two theories: The Markedness Differential Hypothesis and Processability Theory. Data elicited through four different techniques are examined with the aim of examining the possible impact of different data types on the results. The different elicitation techniques used in the study are: oral production, written production, grammaticality judgement and a receptive skills task. Two of the elicitation techniques, written production and grammaticality judgement, include all three structures in focus in the study, whilst the oral production and the receptive task is centred on direct questions.</p><p>The results suggest that there are implicational relationships regarding the order in which the grammatical structures are acquired. On the whole, predictions based on the two theories used as a basis for the analyses find support in the material. Having a wide scope for predictions at the morpho-syntactical level, the results meet the claims in particular of Processability Theory. The predictions and the results do not contrast the two theories with each other. A comparison of the different data types clearly indicates that the grammaticality judgement task substantially diverges from the other data types providing less consistent data and exhibiting trends that are in conflict with the data obtained through the three other elicitation techniques.</p>

Against the Odds : The challenges of bilingualism in a monolingual environment

Keresztes, Réka January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study has been to describe the reasoning of five immigrant parents with Swedish partners who raise their child to become bilingual. Having interviewed the informants, three central themes became apparent: bilingualism, identity and the environment. All five families reason that they raise their child with the mother tongue of the mother and the mother tongue of the father and that it is natural. Discussions about identity and culture are made in specific reference to the surrounding monolingual environment, which is often perceived as an obstacle to bilingualism.</p> / <p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att beskriva fem individers resonemang kring tvåspråkig barnuppfostran. Efter att ha intervjuat informanterna blev det tydligt att uppsatsen hade tre centrala teman: tvåspråkighet, identitet och miljön. Alla fem familjer anser att deras barn blir uppfostrad med moderns och faderns modersmål och att det är naturligt. Diskussioner om identitet och kultur är direkt knutna till den omgivande enspråkiga miljön, som ofta upplevs som ett hinder för tvåspråkighet.</p>

Interrogative Clauses and Verb Morphology in L2 Swedish : Theoretical Interpretations of Grammatical Development and Effects of Different Elicitation Techniques

Philipsson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation examines direct and subordinate questions, as well as verb morphology in L2 Swedish, from a developmental perspective. The study is cross-sectional, containing data from Iraqi Arabic, Persian and Somali adolescent learners representing three different levels of proficiency. The data are analysed on the basis of two theories: The Markedness Differential Hypothesis and Processability Theory. Data elicited through four different techniques are examined with the aim of examining the possible impact of different data types on the results. The different elicitation techniques used in the study are: oral production, written production, grammaticality judgement and a receptive skills task. Two of the elicitation techniques, written production and grammaticality judgement, include all three structures in focus in the study, whilst the oral production and the receptive task is centred on direct questions. The results suggest that there are implicational relationships regarding the order in which the grammatical structures are acquired. On the whole, predictions based on the two theories used as a basis for the analyses find support in the material. Having a wide scope for predictions at the morpho-syntactical level, the results meet the claims in particular of Processability Theory. The predictions and the results do not contrast the two theories with each other. A comparison of the different data types clearly indicates that the grammaticality judgement task substantially diverges from the other data types providing less consistent data and exhibiting trends that are in conflict with the data obtained through the three other elicitation techniques.

Against the Odds : The challenges of bilingualism in a monolingual environment

Keresztes, Réka January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to describe the reasoning of five immigrant parents with Swedish partners who raise their child to become bilingual. Having interviewed the informants, three central themes became apparent: bilingualism, identity and the environment. All five families reason that they raise their child with the mother tongue of the mother and the mother tongue of the father and that it is natural. Discussions about identity and culture are made in specific reference to the surrounding monolingual environment, which is often perceived as an obstacle to bilingualism. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att beskriva fem individers resonemang kring tvåspråkig barnuppfostran. Efter att ha intervjuat informanterna blev det tydligt att uppsatsen hade tre centrala teman: tvåspråkighet, identitet och miljön. Alla fem familjer anser att deras barn blir uppfostrad med moderns och faderns modersmål och att det är naturligt. Diskussioner om identitet och kultur är direkt knutna till den omgivande enspråkiga miljön, som ofta upplevs som ett hinder för tvåspråkighet.

Narrativ förmåga på franska och svenska : En komparativ studie om enspråkiga och simultant flerspråkiga barn

Haessig, Anne, Tuvås, Linda January 2013 (has links)
Idag växer var femte barn i Sverige upp med fler än ett språk i sin vardag. Flerspråkiga barn följer samma steg i sin språkutveckling som barn som växer upp med endast ett språk. Deras språkutveckling har dock några särskilda egenskaper, som kan te sig som avvikelser när man bedömer barnets språk med de aktuella tester i grammatik, ordförråd, fonologi, som oftast är normerade för enspråkiga barn. Det är mycket svårt att urskilja en typisk flerspråkig utveckling från en språkstörning med dagens kunskap och material. Denna studie har för syfte att undersöka barnets narrativa förmåga, med fokus på makrostrukturen i berättelsen, och undersöka om det föreligger en skillnad mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barn, samt hur de flerspråkiga barnen presterar på sitt starkaste respektive svagaste språk. För detta ändamål har vi samlat in och jämfört berättelser hos 21 enspråkiga och 21 tvåspråkiga barn födda 2005 och 2006 (medelålder 6 år och 9 månader), med franska och/eller svenska som modersmål, både i Sverige och i Frankrike. Barnen har fått i uppgift att berätta två olika sagor, utifrån två bildserier med tydlig och identisk makrostruktur. Både bildsekvenserna och bedömningsmaterialet har utvecklats inom projektet Bi-SLI (Cost Action IS0804). Berättelserna har sedan analyserats och poängsatts utifrån makrostrukturen. Huvudresultatet visar att det inte finns någon signifikant skillnad mellan enspråkiga och flerspråkiga barns prestationer i vår studie (medelvärde 9,24p för de enspråkiga och 9,40p för de flerspråkiga, av 17p möjliga). Vårt resultat visar också att de flerspråkiga barnen presterar lika bra på båda sina språk, oavsett om ena språket är starkare än det andra (identiska medelvärden på 9,40p för både det svagaste och det starkaste språket). Dessa resultat tyder på att berättelsens makrostruktur kan vara en pålitlig markör för avvikande språkutveckling, oavsett om barnet har ett eller flera språk. Det innebär också att det kan räcka med att testa barnet enbart på ett av sina språk för att få en pålitlig uppfattning av hens narrativa förmåga. / In Sweden today one in five children grow up with more than one language in their environment. Multilingual children follow the same stages of language development as children who grow up speaking just one language. This language development of multilingual children however, has a set of distinctive characteristics that could be misinterpreted as anomalies when the available grammar, vocabulary and phonology tests created for monolingual children are used. It is very difficult to distinguish a typical multilingual development from a speech impairment, given today’s knowledge and material. The present study aims to look at children’s narrative abilities using a story’s macrostructure, and examine the possible differences between monolingual and multilingual children, as well as how the multilingual children perform in both their stronger and their weaker languages. To this end we have collated and compared narratives from 21 monolingual and 21 multilingual children born 2005 and 2006 (average age 6yrs 9months), with French and/or Swedish as their mother tongue, both in Sweden and France. The children were given the task of telling two different stories from two separate picture cards with clear and identical macrostructures. Both picture stories and assessment forms were developed within the Bi-SLI project (Cost Action IS0804). The stories were then analysed and scored based on their macrostructure.The main results showed that no significant difference was found between monolingual and multilingual children’s performance in our study (an average of 9,24p for the monolingual and9.40p for the multilingual children, out of 17 possible points). Our results also showed that the multilingual children performed equally well in either of their languages, even if one language was stronger than the other (identical average marks of 9,40 for both the weaker and the stronger language). These results indicate that a narrative’s macrostructure can be a reliable indicator for an anomalous language development, regardless whether the child has one or several languages. The results also show that it may be enough to test a child solely on one of his or her languages to obtain a reliable indication of their narrative abilities.

Litteracitet och visuella texter : Studier om lärare och kortutbildade deltagare i sfi / Literacies and Visual Texts : Studies on Teachers and Low Educated Learners in the Basic Swedish Language Programme for Adult Immigrants

Franker, Qarin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge concerning the adult basic literacy education in the Nordic countries and broaden research on literacy from its traditional focus on verbal texts to include images and visual texts. The thesis comprises a research survey concerning adult literacy and two empirical, exploratory studies focusing on the use of visual texts in the basic Swedish language programme for adult immigrants, Svenskundervisning för invandrare (sfi). The first study presents international and Nordic research on literacy with a focus on current sociocultural, and critical perspectives. Together with the three concepts of mutual respect, meaningfulness and participation, an ‘expansive’ model for adult literacy instruction is also presented. The second study deals with the teachers´ views on appropriate visual materials for second language and literacy teaching. The results show an extensive but diversified usage of visual material but also that literacy teachers pay very close attention to participants´ sociocultural background in their image selection but tend to underestimate their cognitive ability. From a critical perspective the teachers´ statements can be regarded as part of a discursive practice in which they unintentionally contribute to a discourse construction of an identity of deficiency of the learners. The third study examines and compares, how adult second language learners interact with and understand a number of Swedish election posters. The analyses identify processes and variations in the learners´ interaction. The results show that the reconstructions of the visual texts are influenced by the participants´ linguistic, educational and cultural ‘repertoires’, as well as the posters´ graphic, visual and textual design. A certain level of linguistic proficiency as well as formal schooling and knowledge of the current discourse seem to be indispensable for making the intended interpretations.

Referentiell kohesion och temporal förankring i barns narrativer : Jämförelse mellan enspråkiga svensktalande och flerspråkiga engelsk-svensktalande barn

Finnstedt, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
Andelen flerspråkiga barn i Sverige ökar och följdaktligen så även behovet av kunskap om deras språkutveckling. Flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling har visat sig skilja sig i viss mån från den hos enspråkiga barn och då normer för flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling saknas i logopedisk verksamhet idag finns en osäkerhet kring hur deras språkutveckling bör bedömas. Föreliggande studie ingår i det internationella forskningsnätverket COST Action IS0804 och ämnar utgöra ett litet bidrag till en växande databank om flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling, i detta fall i jämförelse med enspråkiga barns språkutveckling. Studien utgår från 100 narrativer berättade av sex- och sjuåriga enspråkiga svensktalande och flerspråkiga engelsk-svensktalande barn. Narrativerna eliciterades med hjälp av två bildsekvenser från bedömningsmaterialet MAIN och samlades in inom ramen för tre tidigare magisteruppsatser i logopedi från Uppsala universitet. Resultaten visar att de flesta deltagare förankrade sina narrativer i dåtiden, att de enspråkiga deltagarna förankrade sina narrativer mer konsekvent i ett tempussystem än de flerspråkiga deltagarna, samt att de flerspråkiga deltagarna oftare skiftade tempussystem i sina engelska narrativer. Vidare gjorde alla grupper av deltagare 75-78% av sina referentintroduktioner och 80-82% av sina referentupprätthållanden på samma sätt som förväntas av vuxna. Behärskning av temporal förankring visade sig således variera beroende på språkval och en-/flerspråkighet, medan behärskning av referentiell kohesion visade sig vara mindre beroende av språkval eller en-/flerspråkighet hos svensk- och engelsk-svensktalande barn i tidig skolålder. / The number of bilingual children in Sweden is ever-increasing, and consequently the need for research into their language development is also growing. The language development of bilingual children differs to some extent from that of monolingual children, and as no norms have yet been established within speech and language pathology for bilingual children’s language development, assessment of their language skills is problematic. This study is part of the international research network COST Action IS0804 and aims to make a small contribution to its growing stock of studies on bilingual children’s language development, in this case in comparison with that of monolingual children. The study is based on 100 narratives told by six and seven-year-old monolingual Swedish-speaking children and bilingual English-Swedish-speaking children. The narratives were elicited using two sets of pictures from the assessment material MAIN and were transcribed by the authors of three earlier Master’s theses in Speech and Language Pathology from Uppsala University. The results of this study show that most of the participants anchored their narratives in the past tense, that the monolingual participants anchored their narratives more consistently in one tense than the bilingual participants, and that the bilingual participants mixed tenses more often in their English narratives. Furthermore, all the groups of participants produced 75-78% adequate referent introductions and 80-82% adequate referent maintenance. Thus, temporal anchoring varied according to the choice of language and monolingualism/bilingualism, while referential cohesion was less dependent on the choice of language or monolingualism/bilingualism among Swedish-speaking and English-Swedish-speaking children of six to seven years of age.

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