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Rezistence škůdců řepky k vybraným účinným látkám insekticidůHajda, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Resistence population of pollen beattle on selected locations of Moravia and Silesia were observed during the 2017. Beattles were taked off in the field during spring and their sensitivity to insecticides active substances indoxacarb, chlorpyrifos, thiacloprid, tau-fluvalinate, cypermethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin were tested in laboratory. Tested using methods of IRAC – 11, 21, 25 and 27. Mortality of beattles at various concentrations of active substances was evaluated after 24 hours. Levels of resistance were changed for individual location.
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Působení aplikace hnojiv na bázi síranu amonného na výnos a olejnatost semen řepky oziméVrtěl, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis follow up influence of fertilization on yield and oil content of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). There were used fertilizers based on ammonium sulfate in the regeneration (BBCH 26, spring) and production fertilization (BBCH 31) during vegetation phase of oilseed rape. The issue was solved as a two-year small-plot field experiment carried out in the vegetation seasons 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 at the Field Experimental Station in Žabčice. The following variants were included in the experiment: Control (CAN), Ammonium sulfate (AS), Ammonium sulfate with boron (AS + B), Ammonium sulfate with nitrification inhibitor (AS + IN). Each fertilization variant was applied either as regenerative fertilization (BBCH 26) or first production fertilization (BBCH 31). The yield of seeds and also their oil content was significantly influenced by the vegetation season. Yield in the vegetation season 2017/2018 were higher by 41 % than in the vegetation season 2016/2017 because of weather conditions. The oil content was higher by 4 % in the vegetation season 2017/2018. The yield of seeds and also their oil content were not significantly influenced by the fertilization variant or by the vegetation phase of application. The highest average yield 4,23 t/ha was variant Control. The Control also was the highest average oil content of 40,2 %. High temperatures during both years reduced the efficiency of nitrification inhibitor. Fertilization with a boron-containing fertilizer had no effect because of drought and pH. Read more
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Analýza genů indukovaných abiotickým stresem u řepky / Analysis of abiotic stress induced genes in rapeHOŠTIČKOVÁ, Irena January 2019 (has links)
Breeding for abiotic stress tolerance is one of main topics in plant breeding. Oilseed rape breeding programs were for a long time focused on morphological and physiological parameters. In this thesis few experiments focused on identification of genes involved in abiotic stress reaction were performed using RT-qPCR (quantitative reverse transcription PCR). Simultaneously SPR (surface plasmon resonance) method were used as modern optical method facilitating very low native protein concentration even in presence of other substances. This method facilitates quantification of concrete proteins by binding them to specific antigen and in oilseed rape research it was not used by now. ERD10 protein was identified by SPR as protein involved in cold stress reaction (or acclimation). The results show ERD10 accumulation in standard conditions affects dynamics of its accumulation change during cold stress. In case we are searching for genotypes great in acclimation ability even during short and warm autumn SPR method should be suitable method for fast, easy and relatively cheap screening of large number of genotypes in breeding collections. Also genes LTI78, RCI2A, NRP1 and two genes for hypothetical proteins were analysed. Their relative expression during cold stress was markedly increased too. Very little is known about these genes and proteins nowadays therefor it will be interesting topic of our oncoming experiment. Relative expression of genes picked according to MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis results was also tested in microspore embryo regenerants stressed by simulated drought. Genes for lactoylglutathione lyase I, phospholipase D 1 and peroxiredoxin antioxidase were tested. In tolerant cultivar was markedly decreased gene expression of peroxiredoxin antioxidase in standard conditions and early stress. These gene will be subject for next research as potential marker for more tolerant genotypes selection. Read more
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Studium vlivu stresových faktorů na fotosyntézu, vodivost průduchů a transpiraci brukve řepky olejky (Brassica napus L. var. napus) / Investigation of the impact of stress factors on photosynthesis and transpiration of rape (/Brassica napus /L. var./napus/)BICANOVÁ, Laura January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of cold plasma treatment of seeds such as stress factor to the photosynthesis rate, transpiration and stomatal conductance of brassica oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. napus). The theoretical part is focused on the cold plasma, its application and effects on plant physiology, photosynthetic process and description of examined oilseed rape crops. The literature review is followed by the experiment which studies the influence of cold plasma on the physiological processes of plants. The seeds of oilseed rape have been treated with cold plasma in various intervals and cultivated plants were subjected to measuring device Licor Li 6400 XT. The results show that cold plasma treatment of brassica oilseed rape influences the physiological processes depending on the length of exposure and the plant age.
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Optimalizace ochrany řepky vůči škůdcůmVykydalová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with rape and the possibilities of its protection against pests. The most important pests of this crop include rape stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus napi, Gyllenhal 1837), rape beetle (Brassicogethes aeneus Fabricius, 1775 Meligethes aeneus) and brassica pod midge (Dasineura napi, Loew 1850). In the practical part of the dissertation, 26 variants of application sequences of insecticides were evaluated. The first and last variant was taken as a control and therefore not treated with any insecticide. Insecticides were applied on the basis of pest control. In each variant, an insecticide was first applied, which was primarily intended for rape stem weevil (Ceutonhynchus napi, Gyllenhal 1837). The second insecticide was focused on rape beetles (Brassicogethes aeneus Fabricius, 1775, Meligethes aeneus). The third application of the insecticide was determined for the brassica pod midge (Dasineura napi Loew, 1850). The results were evaluated and entered into tables and subsequently statistically processed using Statistica 12. The aim of this work was to evaluate the most effective sequence of three insecticides against the main rapeseed pests. The view was also taken on an anti-resilient strategy in which insecticides having the same active substance should not be applied. Read more
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Hodnocení zátěže životního prostředí v ČR pomocí indikátoru Vodní stopa / Environmental assessment of the Czech Republic based on Water FootprintŽlábková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation sets its goal in application of the water footprint indicator, which is a practical and multi-layered indicator of water sources consumption. Of human activities, agriculture presents the most significant demands on water sources consumption. Therefore I have turned my focus to the widely-discussed issue of biofuels production, because the input materials for production of this kind of energy are agricultural crops (in the Czech republic those are: oilseed rape, sugar beet, Indian corn and winter wheat). The calculated results of water footprints of the selected industrial crops (m3 /t) and of water footprints of the heating value units of that crops (m3 /GJ) offer us a concrete notion of energy requirements of water of that chosen industrial crops in the conditions of the Czech republic. Keywords: water footprint indicator, biofuels, oilseed rape, water consumption, biodiesel, bioethanol, evapotranspiration.
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Fyzikální a biologické ošetření osiva jako alternativa za chemické mořeníSTREJČKOVÁ, Monika January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation is focused on the findings, whether it is combination of physical and biological seed treatment for selected field crops (oilseed rape, spring barley) comparable with chemical treatment. Evaluated the effectiveness of the physical seed treatment, low temperature plasma (Gliding Arc, microwave), a biological treatment culture mycoparasitic of the fungus Trichoderma virens and culture entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. In the context of experiments in laboratory conditions, was evaluated the effect of treatment on the evolution grains (the seeds), the percentage of germination grains (the seeds) and the percentage of healthy grains (the seeds). Individual plasma treatment in combination with biological treatment had a significant positive effect on the germination rate of grains (the seeds).There was no negative effect of physical and biological treatments on the grains (seeds). Involved the evaluation of emergence of the treated seed in laboratory and field conditions. In the field conditions for the selected crops in different localities and in different years, was assessed the effect of treatment on the development of the crop health and yield parameters. Plasma and plasma with T. virens treatments positively affected by the model of the plant better integration of crops, the length of the cob, (shell) and yield. The combined adjustment should in oilseed rape positive effect on the faster development of the spring, the length and strength of the root, earlier flowering and ripening. In contrast, the combined adjustment for barley spring positively influenced the emergence and tillering. According to the obtained results it seems that the combined physical and biological seed treatment is an effective alternative to the chemical treatment of seeds. Read more
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Efekt podzimní a jarní aplikace azolových regulátorů na formování výnosu semen ozimé řepky olejky / Effect of autumn and spring terms of azole regulators application on seed yield formation in winter oilseed rapeKRÁL, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issues of the plant-growth regulators in winter rapeseed. The main part of the thesis is publishing a 2-years-old results of the year 2013/14 and 2014/15, which have been obtained from the small-plot experiments realized on the experimental land of the Faculty of Agriculture of The University of South Bohemia. Three kinds of varieties in a reduced and optimal seed quantity were included in these experiments: line (Remmy), hybrid (H906699) and variety PX 104. The optimal seed quantity was 50 seeds per square meter for a hybrid and PX 104 varieties and 60 seeds per square meter for a line variety. Reduced seed quantity was 33 seeds per square meter for the hybrid and PX 104 varieties and 40 seeds per square meter for the line variety. Three types of applications of the azole preparations were tested for each variety and seed quantity: the first control, the second - treatment in the autumn, the third option - treatments in the autumn and spring. All variants were realized in four repetitions. During the experiments it was observed the influence on the yield of seeds, weight of thousand seeds, percentage of oil, number of plants per square meter and content of the nitrogen compounds in the rapeseed meal. The highest increase of the yield (amounting to 0,94 t/ha) was recorded in 2014 in the variant of a hybrid variety with a density of 33 plants per square meter with autumn and spring application of growth regulators (control 6,82 t/ha, autumn + spring treatment by plant growth regulators - 7,76 t/ha). Similar results were achieved in 2015. In conclusion, it may be said that azole preparations achieve the best results in sparse stands of winter rapeseed. Read more
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