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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participatory communication for social change and stakeholder relationships : challenges faced by social development NPOs and their corporate donors in South Africa / Louise Isabel van Dyk

Van Dyk, Louise Isabel January 2014 (has links)
In recent years the ideas of good governance and the responsibility of corporate South Africa to contribute to the society in which they operate have become an undeniable part of organisational conception. Indeed, South Africa is considered to be a leader in the field of corporate governance internationally. Forming part of governance practices is Corporate Social Investment (CSI) whereby corporate organisations contribute to causes and societal groupings in need of financial and other assistance. Among these societal groupings that receive support from CSI activities are non-profit organisations (NPOs) that rely on funding from their corporate donors for survival. Based on the exchange of funding and a shared attempt at social development, a relationship between the two parties emerges. From the perspective of the stakeholder theory, corporate organisations, through their CSI activities, and NPOs are stakeholders of each other and a positive relationship between them could strengthen their individual and collective goals. This study explored and described the relationship between corporate donors and recipient NPOs in order to understand the state of the relationship and to critically consider the way in which the relationship is defined, described and measured. First, the relationship was explored by means of partially structured interviews based on well-known relationship indicators where it appeared that the relationship is not only fraught with negative perceptions from both sides, but also where the relationship indicators used to explore the relationship were not entirely suited for the specific context of this relationship. The negative perceptions and inappropriate relationship indicators formed the basis of a theoretical inquiry of literature on CSI, stakeholder relationships and participatory development communication. Subsequently, the partially structured interviews and the literature review informed the design of two corresponding survey questionnaires that could test both findings quantitatively. The results of validity and reliability testing confirmed the qualitative finding that a contextualised measurement is suited for this relationship. A mix of existing and newly formulated items grouped in contextual elements and redefined relationship indicators was used to describe the relationship. A combined analysis of qualitative and quantitative results indicated that the relationship is not as negative as the qualitative research might have suggested (possibly a result of contextualised measurement); but that very specific relational challenges are present and it is suggested that these challenges need a realistic approach of which accurate description is a starting point. The research contributes twofold with the first contribution being a clearer understanding of the relationship between corporate donors and recipient NPOs and the second being a set of redefined and contextualised relationship indicators with which to define and measure this relationship. / PhD (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The long-term effects of fluoxetine on stress-related behaviour and acute monoaminergic stress response in stress sensitive rats / Nico Johan Badenhorst

Badenhorst, Nico Johan January 2014 (has links)
Fluoxetine and escitalopram are the only antidepressants approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America (FDA) for treatment of major depression in children and adolescents. Both drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). In recent years there has been a growing concern over the long-term developmental effects of early-life exposure to SSRIs. The current study employed male Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rats, a well described and validated translational model of depression, to investigate the long term effects of pre-pubertal fluoxetine exposure. First we examined the effect of such early-life exposure on the development of depressive-like behaviour, locomotor activity and anxiety-like behaviour as manifested in early adulthood. Next, the current study investigated the effect of pre-pubertal fluoxetine exposure on the acute monoaminergic stress response, as displayed later in life. Animals received either saline (vehicle control), or 10 mg/kg/day fluoxetine from postnatal day (ND+) 21 to ND+34 (pre-puberty). The treatment period was chosen to coincide with a developmental phase where the serotonergic system’s neurodevelopment had been completed, yet the noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems had not, a scenario comparable to neurodevelopment in human adolescents. Both behavioural and in vivo intra-cerebral microdialysis experiments were conducted after ND+60 (early adulthood). On ND+60 rats allocated to behavioural experiments were evaluated for depressive-like behaviour in the forced swim test (FST), locomotor activity in the open field test (OFT), and anxiety-like behaviour in the OFT. Corticosterone concentrations were shown to be significantly higher in male FSL rats exposed to a 10 minute forced swim stress when compared to male FSL rats not exposed to a forced swim stress on ND+60. In the microdialysis experiments the rats were exposed to an acute 10 minute forced swim stress and the concentrations of the monoamines and their metabolites were measured before, during, and after the acute stressor. Relative to saline-treated (control) rats, fluoxetine-treated FSL rats did not show long-term changes in immobility in the FST (i.e. no anti-depressant-like activity) on ND+60. Like-wise anxiety-like behaviour in the OFT did not change. However, a significant decrease in locomotor activity was observed in fluoxetine-treated FSL rats compared to saline-treated (control) rats. These data suggest that a long-lasting anti-depressant-like effect of fluoxetine may be masked by the effect on locomotor activity. With measurements from the microdialysis experiments a significant attenuation of the noradrenergic stress response was observed in fluoxetine-treated rats compared to saline controls. A similar picture was observed for 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA), a metabolite of serotonin (5-HT), although the latter was not statistically significant. At baseline, before the stressor, significant increase in dopamine (DA) levels were observed in fluoxetine treated rats when compared to saline controls, suggesting that enhanced dopamine neurotransmission may comprise a long-term effect of pre-pubertal fluoxetine treatment. There were no discernible differences in homovanilllic acid (HVA) concentrations between fluoxetine-treated rats and saline controls. In conclusion significant developmental effects of pre-pubertal fluoxetine exposure were observed later in life and these findings warrant further investigation. / MPharm (Pharmacology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Commercial development of smaller towns :|ba comparative study of the planning and legislative principles for shopping centres in Bethlehem / Janette Jemima Labuschagne

Labuschagne, Janette Jemima January 2013 (has links)
The general body of academic knowledge on the commercial development of smaller towns is in its infancy. Yet its inherent potential is well perceived from a development and market perspective. Shopping centre development could have an important function in getting products and services to the marketplace in an economical way. Furthermore, it could have a very significant socio-economic impact in the central business district (CBD). Although such a shopping centre will surely create new businesses, employment and production opportunities for local businesses it is of importance to first determine the financial viability and impact of the new development on existing businesses. Developers and researchers often approach the subject of shopping centre development from different perspectives. The research output is often of limited impact as the critical link between demographical analysis and financial viability is not made. Researchers are usually excluded from the physical establishment, rental structures, tenant mix, design, cost of construction, return on investment, funding and future management of the proposed new shopping centre project. Linking demographic assessment and financial viability is a critical output of this study. Bethlehem and its district are quite unique in a number of ways, especially regarding the presence of a large farming community. Bethlehem provides goods and services to residents of Bethlehem, Clarens, Kestell, Harrismith, Heilbron, Paul Roux, Petrus Steyn, Reitz, Senekal and Warden. The main shopping activity occurs in the CBD of Bethlehem and its surrounding areas. Bethlehem only has one major shopping centre (the Metropolitan Centre) that provides goods and services for the people in the surrounding area. This causes an over concentration in the CBD and too much traffic in an already limited space. There is a high need for Bethlehem to provide a bigger shopping centre for the citizens of the town, as well as the surrounding areas. This study investigates the need for a new shopping centre in Bethlehem and will determine whether a new shopping centre will be viable within the area The empirical study revealed that approximately half of the respondents are not satisfied with the current shopping centres in Bethlehem. A greater amount of respondents felt that the shopping centres do not offer enough parking. The study revealed that, from a consumer point of view, there is definitely a need for a new shopping centre in Bethlehem and that there is a gap of approximately 12 892m² GLA (Gross leasable area). However, this was determined before the opening of the new Dihlabeng Mall. The Dihlabeng Mall occupies 24 142m², therefore an oversupply is already taken place. / MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Leerpotensiaal as keuringskriterium vir die opleiding van tellers

Van Schalkwyk, Lourens 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Wanneer psigometriese toetsing op groepe uit verskillende sosio-ekonomiese agtergronde toegepas word, presteer individue uit agtergeblewe omgewings swakker as bulle ewekniee uit meer ontwikkelde omgewings. Hierdie individue se toegang tot hoofstroom loopbaangeleenthede word dikwels bemoeilik as gevolg van die beperking. Die leerpotensiaal benadering word aangebied as belowende alternatief om die probleem, wat 'n sosio-ekonomiese oorsprong het, te oorbrug. Die resultate van die studie bewys die stelling gedeeltelik waar, maar met buitengewone inspanning. In die finale ontleding van die resultate is dit duidelik dat die verbeterde voorspelling eerder toegeskryf kan word aan die optimale vlak van ontwikkeling wat die individu bereik net voor die toetsing, en nie soseer sy/haar leerpotensiaal nie. / Applying psychometric tests to groups from different socio-economical backgrounds, inevitably result in the individuals from deprived backgrounds performing noteably poorer than their counterparts from more developed backgrounds. These individuals also find enterance to the mainstream careers difficult because of this restriction. The learning potential approach to assessment is presented as a promising alternative to overcome the problem that is related to the socio-economic background of the individual. The results of this study partly confirm the value of the learning potential approach, but only with extra-ordinary effort. In the final analysis of the results it is clear that the improved predictive accuracy was rather due to the optimal level of development the individuals reached just before the testing, and not so much their learning potential. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Sielkunde)

Filosofies-opvoedkundige perspektief op omgewingsopvoeding met spesiale verwysing na omgewingsgesonde gedrag en volhoubare ontwikkeling / A philosophical-educational perspective on environmental education with specific reference to environmentally sound behaviour and sustainable development

Du Toit, A. S. (Andries Stephanus) 12 1900 (has links)
Die voorbestaan van die mensdom is nou verweef met die toestand waarin die omgewing verkeer. Menslike aktiwiteite het 'n groot impak op die omgewing, terwyl die omgewing weer die mens se lewensgehalte bepaal. Hierdie studie is dan daarop gemik om deur omgewingsopvoeding, die mens te lei tot omgewingsgesonde gedrag met die oog op volhoubare ontwikkeling. Ten einde hierin te slaag, word die verskillende omgewingsprobleme en die redes daarvoor eers uitgeklaar. Daarna word die faktore wat tot omgewingsagteruitgang kan lei, ondersoek. Hieruit blyk duidelik <lat die wereld en die RSA, in die toekoms digter bevolk, meer besoedel, ekologies minder stabiel en daarom meer gevoelig vir natuurrampe gaan word. Soos uit die proefskrif sal blyk kan omgewingsopvoeding 'n positiewe bydrae tot bierdie omgewingsprobleme lewer. Om daarby uit te kom word daar dus eers 'n kort bistoriese oorsig van omgewingsopvoeding gegee. Die rol en bydrae wat enkele internasionale organisasies tot omgewingsbewustheid gelewer het, word ondersoek. Daar word 'n oorsig gegee van verwikkelinge in die RSA en die invloed van die Aardeberaad op omgewingsopvoeding in die RSA, word ontleed. Ten einde outentieke omgewingsopvoeding te vergestalt word aanvaar <lat die mens met sy geboorte in 'n wereld gewerp word waaraan hy slegs met sy dood kan ontsnap. In hierdie gesitueerdheid in die wereld as leefnrimte, moet hy sin aan sy bestaan gee, terwyl hy ook 'n poging moet aanwend om die omgewing te verbeter, as voorsorg vir die oorlewing van toekomstige geslagte. Met inagneming van die opvoedings- en omgewingsrelasie waarin die mens tot sy omgewing staan, word die essensiele kenmerke van omgewingsopvoeding blootgele, ten einde moontlikheidsvoorwaardes te stel vir outentieke omgewingsopvoeding. Besondere Idem word gele op omgewingsgedrag wat volhoubaarheid nastreef. Dit alles kulmineer in omgewingsgesonde gedrag wat as oorkoepelende doelstelling vir omgewingsopvoeding gestel word. Omdat die mens se gedrag teenoor die omgewing bepaal word deur sy omgewingsetiek, word drie verskillende benaderings tot omgewingsetiek onderskei. Klem word gele op die noodsaak van omgewingsgeletterdheid. Ten einde die mens se optrede teenoor die omgewing te probeer verstaan, word drie omgewingsgedragstyle ontleed. Twee wetenskaplike aardgenese-hipoteses word beskryf vir verdere duidelikheid oor omgewingsgedrag. Aan die einde van die studie, word enkele beginsels gestel wat kan lei tot die ontwikkeling van omgewingsgesonde gedrag met die oog op volhoubare voortbestaan. / Mankind's survival is interwoven with the state of the environment. Human activities have a great impact on the environment, while the environment, again, determines the quality of man's life. This study aims to aid mankind, through environmental education, to environmentally sound behaviour with an eye on sustainable development. To attain this, the different environmental problems and their causes, are sorted out first. Then the factors that can lead to environmental degradation are investigated. From this it is quite clear that in the future, the world and the RSA will be more densely populated, become more polluted, be ecologically less stable and will therefore be more sensitive to natural disasters. Because environmental education can make a positive contribution to this, a short historical survey of environmental education is given. The role and contribution of some international organisations is investigated. Developments in the RSA are surveyed and the influence of the Earth Summit on environmental education in the RSA is analysed. At birth, mankind is thrown into a world from where he can escape only at death. In this world in which he has to stay, he must give meaning to his existence, while also trying to improve the environment to guarantee the survival of coming generations. Bearing in mind the educational and environmental relationship between any human being and his environment, the essential characteristics of environmental education are exposed in order to set possible conditions for authentic environmental education. Special emphasis is placed on environmental behaviour aimed at sustainablility. All this culminates in environmentally sound behaviour that acts as the overall aim for environmental education. Because man's environmental ethic determines his behaviour towards the environment, three different approaches to environmental ethics are distinguished. Emphasis is placed on the necessity for environmental literacy. In order to try to understand man's behaviour towards the environment, three styles of environmental behaviour are analysed. For further clarification of environmental behaviour, two scientific earth genesis hipotheses are also described. In conclusion, this study leads to certain principles that can lead to the development of environmentally sound behaviour aimed at the sustainable survival of mankind. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Die interpersoonlikestylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders

Koortzen, Pieter, 1966- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The goal with the research is firstly is to study and theoretically describe the interpersonal style repertoire of middle level managers according to the interpersonal approach and more specifically the 1982 Interpersonal Circle. Secondly the interpersonal development interventions and the development process for middle level managers were discussed from this approach. The third theoretical goal involved compiling a interpersonal development programme for middle level managers. The empirical goals of the research involved the evaluation of the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers by means of self and fellow manager evaluations in an attempt to get an indication of the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Furthermore the empirical investigation involved an analysis of the influence of the interpersonal development programme in expanding the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers. The results of the self evaluations suggest that the warm-friendly, deferent-trusting, assureddominant and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the primary styles of the 263 middle managers in the sample. Their evaluations by the 82 fellow managers seem to indicate that the warmfriendly, assured-dominant, deferent-trusting, and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Although these results seem to correspond to the teoretically applicable style repertoires of middle level managers the scores were all below average. XIV With the interpersonal development programme an attempt was made to make the group of 32 managers aware of their own interpersonal style repertoires and to provide them with the opportunity to study the way in which these are used in interpersonal transactions during a experiential learning experience. The development interventions, process and the influence of the development programme are also discussed. / Die doel met hierdie navorsmg is eerstens om die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders aan die hand van die interpersoonlike benadering en meer spesifiek 1982 Interpersoonlike Sirkel, te bestudeer en teoreties te beskryf. Tweedens is die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsintervensies en -ontwikkelingsproses vir middelvlakbestuurders vanuit die benadering beskryf. Die derde teoretiese doelstelling het die samestelling van 'n interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram vir middelvlakbestuurders behels. Wat die empiriese doelstellings in die navorsing betref, is die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders deur middel van self- en medebestuurderevaluasies geevalueer om sodoende 'n aanduiding van die mees prominente interpersoonlike style van middelvlakbestuuders te kry. Verder het die empiriese ondersoek ook 'n ontleding van die invloed van die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram op die uitbreiding van middelvlakbestuurders se interpersoonlike style ingesluit. Die resultate van hulle selfevaluasies suggereer <lat die warm-vriendelik, geleidend-vertrouend, versekerd-dominant en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style die primere interpersoonlike style van die steekproef van 263 middelvlakbestuurders is. Wat die resultate van die evaluasies van die 82 medebestuurders betref, blyk dit dat die warm-vriendelik, versekerd-dominant, geleidendvertrouend en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style as die mees prominente style is. XVI Alhoewel hierdie resultate in 'n groot mate met die teoereties-toepaslike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders ooreenstem, was al die tellings ondergemiddeld. Met die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram is daar gepoog om 'n bewustheid by 'n groep van 32 bestuurders van hulle eie interpersoonlike stylrepertoire te kweek, en om hulle die geleentheid te bied om die interpersoonlike transakies waarin die style na vore tree, tydens 'n eksperimentele leerondervinding te bestudeer. Die gedragsontwikkelingsintervensies, die gedragsontwikkelingsproses en die invloed van die ontwikkelingsprogram word ook bespreek / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com (Bedryfsielkunde)

Die hantering van alledaagse bekommernisse deur laerskoolleerders in die Helderberg-kom / Renée Jansen van Vuuren

Van Vuuren, Renée Jansen January 2014 (has links)
Most primary school learners experience everyday worries during their normal development. Children handle worries differently, and if they are not supported, their self-concept and psychosocial development could be influenced negatively. Parents and teachers are not always aware of what primary school learners worry about, or how they handle their worries. It is important that parents and teachers are made aware of this, so that children can be better supported in this regard. The aim of this study was to determine the everyday worries of primary school learners in a specific school in the Helderberg area, as well as how these worries are handled. This aim was addressed through a descriptive, qualitative research design. Thirty learners between the ages of ten and eleven in the specific school were involved through a simple random sample. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews were used to obtain a detailed picture of learners’ everyday worries and how they handle them. Interviews were held through the use of an interview schedule, which was compiled in accordance with a literature study, tested in a pilot study and adjusted where necessary. Interviews were transcribed and themes were identified according to Braun and Clarke’s method of thematic analysis. On intrapersonal level one worry was identified, namely about emotions that are experienced. On this level participants handled worries by preferring to be alone, trying not to think about worries, crying, writing or drawing in diary, through praying, eating or sleeping. On interpersonal level, worries about school, family, friends and loss were identified. On this level worries were handled through spending time with a family member, friends, the media, pets, or by asking for support from the school. Themes were divided into subthemes, supported with appropriate quotes from the interviews and controlled with literature. This study confirms existing literature in terms of the worries that primary school learners experience. With this study a contribution is being made to the identification of worries on inter- and intrapersonal level, as well as the handling of worries on these two levels. In the future this information can be used as a basis for the effective development of ways for parents and teachers to support children in this regard. Suggestions were made for parents and teachers to encourage children to talk about their worries, as well as to help them find effective ways in which to communicate and practice to handle these worries well. It is very important that parents and teachers are made aware of topics children are worried about and how they handle them, so that children can be better supported and assisted in this regard. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Nuclear energy in Africa : a legal framework for sustainable energy access / Michelle Barnard

Barnard, Michelle January 2014 (has links)
The promotion of sustainable development is an objective shared by African Union (AU) member states and the pursuance thereof is expressly mandated by the Constitutive Act of the African Union, 2000 and the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community, 1992. Lack of access to modern energy sources, such as electricity and the heavy reliance on traditional biomass as primary energy source are factors contributing to the non-achievement of the promotion of sustainable development. These factors are collectively referred to as energy poverty. The African Continent as a whole has limited, and in some instances, lack access to modern energy sources while the majority of its population relies heavily on traditional biomass as primary energy source. Africa can accordingly be classified as an energy poor region–a situation which does not bode well for the promotion of sustainable development. Access to reliable, affordable, economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound energy services and resources is fundamental to socio-economic development. Mitigating the impacts of energy poverty and more specifically lack of access to modern energy sources on the sustainable development of Africa depends upon ensuring increased access to modern energy sources. The above-mentioned instruments furthermore contain provisions which link regional cooperation on the formulation of coordinated regional law and policy on areas/matters of common concern with the achievement of the objective of promoting sustainable development in Africa. One of the areas of common concerns listed is that of energy. Regional cooperation must accordingly be geared towards the effective development of the continent‘s energy and natural resources; promoting the development of new and renewable energy in the framework of the policy of diversification of sources of energy; and establishing an adequate mechanism of concerted action and coordination for the collective solution of the energy development problems within the AU. The formulation of coordinated energy law and policy should take place with reference to the specific sources of energy to be regulated. In this regard, the provisions of the Abuja Treaty and other sub-regional energy access initiatives list various sources of energy as forming part of a diversified AU energy mix – one of which is nuclear energy. In this study recommendations are made as to what should be embodied in a coordinated AU regional nuclear legal framework aimed at regulating increased access to nuclear energy capable of contributing towards the promotion of sustainable development. The recommendations are based on an examination of relevant international, regional and sub-regional legal instruments and other initiatives. / PhD (Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Developing a corporate personality measuring instrument based on an established CSR framework / Louis Johannes van Wyk

Van Wyk, Louis Johannes January 2011 (has links)
The increasing amount of power and potentially negative impacts that corporations exert within society has become a growing concern for many people. In response to this and due to the changing role of business in society, more and more members of social groups, who are affected by corporate activities, are claiming their rights to be better informed of and more involved in corporate decision-making. Consequently, the need for companies worldwide to be more accountable for the ways in which they conduct their business has grown at a tremendous rate. Especially during the last decade, companies have globally been placed under increasing pressure from different stakeholder groups to demonstrate and prove their commitments to the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to facilitate and guide these CSR-commitments, society has for many years already begun to implement various standards of behaviour/performance, which corporations need to achieve in order to be accepted as being part of the citizenry. However, despite an abundance of such standards in terms of CSR-related guidelines and codes, a clear need has been identified for the development of better measuring tools of CSR, in order to efficiently assess and monitor companies’ performance. The Bench Marks is one of the most comprehensive sets of social and environmental criteria and business performance indicators available. It offers an ethical standard on which to base decisions about global corporate social responsibility. Consequently, the need arose from the Bench Marks Foundation - in collaboration with the Bench Marks Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at the North-West University – to develop the current Bench Marks CSR Framework into a practical measuring instrument. This need has successfully been fulfilled through this research by means of two methods, namely a literature review and an empirical study. During the literature study, the concepts CSR and Corporate Personality were contextualised - particularly with the investigation of related concepts; as well as critically examined - specifically in terms of their theoretical measurement properties. During the empirical research, quantitative research techniques have been utilised which involved: the application of certain ‘theoretically recognised phases’ of measuring instrument development; as well as a survey in the form of a ‘preliminary measuring instrument’ (in questionnaire format) that was administered on a random sample respondents (n = 350), including the statistical analysis of the results. 189 Questionnaires were completed, which gave a response rate of 54%. The statistical analysis mainly served as an effective guideline for determining the best CSR items (in terms of reliability and validity) to be included in the final version of the instrument. Apart from measuring CSR performance in line with the Bench Marks, the instrument that has been developed by this study, can also be used as a measuring mechanism for Corporate Personality. This is achieved by assessing company behaviour in terms of the theoretical dimensions of CSR (economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic) and Sustainable Development (economic, social and environmental). In doing so, this instrument provides companies with a unique way of identifying their status of being true Corporate Citizens. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Continuing professional development in South Africa : perceptions and attitudes of nurses and midwives

Mnguni, Mmamoroke Agnes 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Tswana / The purpose of this study was to explore and develop understanding of nurses and midwives’ perceptions and attitudes towards the implementation of CPD, aiming to provide them with a platform to make recommendations to enhance the attendance of CPD.The study was conducted in a public regional hospital in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The purposive exploratory descriptive qualitative research method was used. Data was collected through Focus Group Discussions. Participants comprised of three focus group discussions. A semi-structured guide with open –ended questions was used and discussions were recorded with an audio recorder which were transcribed verbatim. Content analysis of the data was done. The study yielded themes, sub-themes and codes during analysis. Participants perceived CPD to have benefits to keep nurses updated with knowledge, skills and improvement of attitudes. It improves quality patient care. However, they identified staff shortage, time constraints and lack of internet connection as the major challenges. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n begrip van die houdings en persepsies teenoor die implementering van voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling (VPO) van verpleegkundiges en vroedvroue te verken, ten einde ‘n platform vir aanbevelings daar te stel om die bywoning van VPO te bevorder. Die studie was in 'n openbare streekshospitaal in die provinsie Limpopo, Suid-Afrika gedoen. ‘n Kwalitatiewe, doelgerigte, verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsmetode was gebruik om data is deur middel van drie fokusgroepbesprekings in te samel. ‘n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudegids met oop vrae was gebruik om klankopnames van gesprekke, verbatim te transkribeer. Data was ontleed deur middel van inhoudsanalise. Temas, subtemas en kodes is tydens die analise geïdentifiseer. Die deelnemers het VPO as voordelig beskou in terme van die opdatering van verpleegkundiges se kennis, vaardighede en houdings. Gehalte pasiëntsorg word sodoende verbeter. Hulle het egter personeeltekort, 'n gebrek aan tyd, en toegang tot die internet as ‘n struikelblok geïdentifiseer. / Maikaelelo a dipatlisiso tse (research), e ne e le go sekaseka le go tlhabolola kutlwisiso ya baoki le babelegisi ka ga tebo le maikutlo a bona mabapi le tshimololo ya go thlabolola dithuto bale tirong “CPD”. Maikaelelo e ne e le go ba neela tšhono ya go dira ditshwaelo go oketsa dipalo tse di tsenang dithuto tsa CPD. Dipatlisiso tse di diretswe kwa dipetleleng tsa kgaolo tsa botlhe, Porofenseng ya Limpopo mo Aforikaborwa. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa dipatlisiso wa ‘purposive exploratory descriptive qualitative research’ mo di patlisisong tse. Dikitso di kgobokantswe go ya ka mokgwa wa lekgotla ‘Focus Group Discussion’. Batsayakarolo ba ne ba arogantswe ka ditlhopha tse tharo tsa ‘focus group discussions’. Kaedi e e rulagantsweng e e nang le dipotso tsa boitlhalosi- ka- botlalo e dirisitswe mme dipuisano tsa gatiswa ka rekhoto ya kgatiso-modumo morago tsa kwalwa fatshe ka mokgwa o di builweng. Tshekatsheko ya diteng tsa dikitso tse e dirilwe ka go latela mokgwa wa ‘content analysis’. Dipatlisiso tse dineetse molaetsa mogolo, melaetsanyana le melao ka nako ya ditshekatsheko. Batsayakarolo ba bone gothlabolola dithuto bale tirong ‘CPD’ go nale mosola mo tsweletsong ya go neela baoki kitso, bokgoni le tokafatso ya maitshwaro. E tokafaditse boleng ba tlhokomelo ya balwetse. Le fa go ntse jalo, ba supile fa tlhaelo ya baoki, dinako tsa go dira le go tlhoka kgokelelo ya enthanete e le dikgwetlho tse kgolo. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

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