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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation of land-based marine pollution in South Africa and France [electronic resource] / by Marie Parramon

Parramon, Marie January 2010 (has links)
The South African coastal and marine environment is an essential ecologic and economic asset. Its associated services and products are substantially contributing to economic growth and sustainable development of the country. However, it is internationally and nationally recognised that land-based marine pollution (LBMP) is the most important single risk to the health and sustainability of coastal and marine waters and the associated ecosystems. The regulation of LBMP at the national level is still difficult and challenging. The issue of LBMP management has only recently been introduced in South Africa with the development of the National Programme of Action to Protect Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, 2008. South Africa is only starting to consider the question of LBMP regulation. This thesis aims to conduct a critical analysis of the South African regulatory framework pertaining to LBMP in comparison to international best practice and the French regulatory framework, in order to identify the key South African challenges in this regard and to make recommendations to address them. In order to do so, this research commences by providing an analysis of LBMP and the theoretical foundations associated with LBMP regulation, as promoted by international best practice. The study identifies and assesses the main regulatory features to be considered in the development, implementation and/or assessment of a regulatory framework pertaining to LBMP. These features will form the methodological framework to conduct the comparative legal assessment between the French and South African regulatory frameworks pertaining to LBMP. This thesis then provides a detailed and thorough legal analysis of the French and South African regulatory frameworks pertaining to LBMP using the methodological framework developed using guidance from international best practice. Finally, based on lessons learnt from the comparative legal study, this study concludes with a set of recommendations for the South African context. / Thesis (LL.D.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Invloed van organisasieklimaat op werkmotivering / The influence of organisational climate on work motivation

Gerber, Frans Jacobus 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing het ten doel om die verband tussen organisasieklimaat en werksmotivering te bepaaL Organisasieklimaat is met die Organisasiediagnosevraelys (ODV) gemeet en werksmolivering is met die Verwagtingsmotiveringsvraelys (VMV) gemeet, 'n skaal wat gefundeer is in die teoretiese model van Edward E Lawler, III, en deur die navorser aangepas is vir die steekproef en deur faktorontleding valideer is. Die interalcsie deur biografiese en organisatoriese veranderlikes (ras, geslag, hierargiese posvlak, werkspan, ouderdom en diensjare) is dear ontleding van variansie en korrelasieontleding ondersoek. AI die korrelasies tussen die hoofdimensies van organisasieklimaat en werksmotivering, met die uitsondering van valensie, ondersteun die navorsingshipoteses met totale organisasieklimaat en totale werlcsmotivering (volgens die Lawler-formule) se korrelasie gelyk aan 0,549 teen die 0,01 peil. Deur stapsgewyse regressie-ontleding is twee dimensies van organisasieklimaat, naamlik taakeienskappe asook bestuur en leierskap, gebruik om totale werksmotivering volgens Lawler se formule te voorspel. Ongeveer 30% van die variansie van werksmotivering is hierdeur voorspel. / The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between organisational climate and work motivation. Organisational climate was measured by the Organisational Diagnostic Questionnaire (ODQ), and work motivation was measured by the Expectancy Motivation Questionnaire (EMQ), a scale based on the model of Edward E. Lawler, III, and validated by means of factor analysis for the population. The interaction of the biographical and organisational variables on the main variables was studied by means of ANOVA as well as correlations. The correlation between total organisational climate and total work motivation (calculated according to the Lawler formula) was 0,549 at the 0,01 level, thus supporting the research hypothesis. By following the stepwise regression analytical procedures, the two dimensions of organisational climate (task characteristics and manager/leadership) used to forecast work motivation (as calculated by the Lawler formula), explained 30% of the variance of work motivation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Die herskepping van lewensdrome na `n verlies: `n Gestalt perspektief

Von Wielligh, Belinda 30 June 2006 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Any loss in an adolescent's life may lead to shattered dreams. Therapists, who work with adolescents who have experienced a loss must support and guide them to develop an awareness of their needs, impulses and dreams. Therapists must furthermore be aware of the factors that contributed to a turning point for the adolescents who managed to recreate their dreams. Adolescents' dreams are influenced by the current circumstances in South Africa, as well as their parents' perceptions and parenting styles. The loss of what could have been, after a loss, must also be addressed. The gestalt therapist establishes the process of awareness in the here-and-now. Furthermore, the adolescent must be guided to accept responsibility for his own choices and to purposeful create a new life dream. / Enige verlies in adolessente se lewens kan lei tot verbrokkelde lewensdrome. Terapeute wat werk met adolessente wat 'n verlies ervaar het, moet hul ondersteun en begelei sodat hulle bewustheid kan ontwikkel van hul behoeftes, drange en drome. Terapeute moet verder bewus wees van die faktore wat 'n keerpunt meegebring het by die adolessente wat wei hul drome kon herskep. Adolessente se lewensdrome word beinvloed deur die huidige omstandighede in Suid-Afrika, sowel as deur hul ouers se persepsies en ouerskapstyl. Die verlies aan dit wat kon wees, na afloop van 'n verlies moet dus ook aangespreek word. Die gestaltterapeut bewerkstellig die bewusmakingsproses in die hier-en-nou. Verder moet die adolessent gelei word om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir sy eie keuses en om doelbewus 'n nuwe lewensdroom te skep. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Riglyne vir pleegouers by die bekendmaking van pediatriese MIV

Davin, Reda J. (Reda Johanna) 05 October 2011 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die studie ondersoek die leemte aan teoreties gefundeerde riglyne om pleegouers in die bekendmakingsproses van hulle kind se MIV-positiewe status te ondersteun Die studie geskied binne die teoretiese raamwerk van ʼn intervensienavorsingsmodel. In die empiriese navorsing is die vrese en probleme van pleegouers by die bekendmakingsproses ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat hierdie vrese en probleme in ag geneem moet word in die beoogde riglyne. Die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van die kind is deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie ondersoek om vas te stel watter kennis, denke en inligting die kind op verskillende ouderdomme begryp. Daar is bevind dat kinders wat MIV-positief is, moontlike agterstande ondervind en dat die riglyne gevolglik gebaseer moet word op die toenemende ontwikkeling van die kind, met begrip vir individuele ontwikkelingsverskille. Voorts is bevind dat pleegouers se eie gereedheid ʼn belangrike rol speel. Alhoewel die pleegouer die bekendmakingsproses self moet aanvoer en hanteer is dit belangrik dat die pleegouers deur ʼn interdissiplinêre span ondersteun en begelei sal word. / This study investigates the absence of theoretical grounded guidelines to support foster parents when disclosing paediatric HIV. The study was done within the theoretical framework of an intervention research model. The empirical research investigated the fears and problems experienced by foster parents during the disclosure process. It was found that these fears and problems should be taken into account when compiling guidelines. The child‟s cognitive development was researched by way of a literary study in order to determine what knowledge, thoughts and information the child is able to grasp at different ages. It was found that children who are HIV positive could possibly lag behind and that the guidelines should therefore be based on the accumulative development of the child, with consideration given to individual developmental differences. Furthermore, it was established that foster parents‟ own readiness plays an important role. For this reason the foster parents should be supported and guided by an interdisciplinary team, but that they themselves should take care and execute the process of disclosure. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Validering van 'n gerekenariseerde simulasietegniek vir die meting van kliëntediensvaardighede / The validation of a computerized simulation technique for the measurement of customer services skills

Botha, Mathilda Martha Maria 12 1900 (has links)
Gehaltediens lei tot effektiwiteit in enige organisasie. Die meting hiervan behoort 'n prioriteit te wees, maar geskikte, gevalideerde, wetenskaplike meetinstrumente hiervoor bestaan nie. Die algemene doel van die navorsing was die validering van 'n gerekenariseerde simulasietegniek ("Business Principles Orientation") vir die meting van klientediensvaardighede. In die literatuuroorsig is klientediens gedefinieer en vyf dimensies van gehaltediens gei:dentifiseer. Deur empiriese navorsing is die gerekenariseerde simulasietegniek ("Business Principles Orientation") se meting van klientediensvaardighede bepaal, deur dit afte neem op 'n steekproef van 28 kassiere in 'n supermark. Hierdie instrument is gekorreleer met die Servqual-vraelys. Die resultate dui op 'n swak verband tussen die veranderlikes van die Servqual-vraelys en gerekenariseerde simulasietegniek. Hiervolgens is die gerekenariseerde simulasietegniek en die ontwikkelingsverslag wat dit verskaf, nie geldig in die meting van klientdiensvaardighede nie. Aanbevelings ten opsigte van die instrument se verdere verfyning en navorsing word geformuleer. / Quality service leads to effectiveness in any organisation. The measurement of effectiveness should be a priority, but suitable, valid and scientific measurement instruments for this purpose does not exist. The general aim of the research was the validation of a computerized simulation technique ("Business Principles Orientation") for the measurement of client service skills. In the literature survey, quality service was defined and five dimensions of quality service identified. In the empirical research the measurement of client service skills through the use of the computerized technique ("Business Priciples Orientation"), was determined by testing it on a sample of 28 cashiers from a supermarket. This instrument was correlated with the Servqual-questionaire. The results show little correlation between the variables of the Servqual questionaire and computerized simulation technique. In terms hereof the computerized simulation technique and development report that it provides, is not valid in the measurement of client care skills. Recommendations for further refinement and research pertaining to this instrument is formulated. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Bedryfsielkunde)

Bevordering van selfaktualisering by milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem / The promotion of selfactualisation of milieu disadvantaged learners with a multi-cultural education system

De Bruyn, Carina Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The promotion of multi-cultural education and the upliftment of milieu disadvantaged children are closely related to each other, and is presently an important issue in the South African educational system. Poor knowledge of milieu disadvantaged children and multi-cultural education result in the loss of valuable learner potential and the non-fulfilment of the education policy. In this study, the promotion of self-actualisation of milieu disadvantaged children within a multi-cultural education system is discussed from a psychological-educational perspective. Attention is given to the problems and issues that play a defining role in the implementation of such an educational system. The influence of the environment en the development and functioning of milieu disadvantaged learners is investigated further. Qualitative research is done to identify the developmental areas where most problems occur. Finally, recommendations are made to the government, teachers and parents that ~an serve as guidelines to promote the selfactualisation of these learners. / Die bevordering van multikulturele onderwys en die opheffing van die milieu-geremde leerder hou nou verband met mekaar, en is tans 'n belangrike vraagstuk in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem. Gebrekkige kennis van milieu-geremdheid en multikulturele onderwys veroorsaak dat leerderpotensiaal verlore gaan en die onderwysbeleid nie uitgevoer word nie .. In hierdie studie word die bevordering van selfaktualisering van milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige perspektief bespreek. Aandag word geskenk aan die problema en faktore wat 'n bepalende rol by die suksesvolle implementering van 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem speel. Die invloed van die omgewing op die ontwikkeling en funksionering van milieu-geremde leerders word verder ondersoek. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om die ontwikkelingsareas waar die meeste problema ervaar word, te identifiseer. Laastens word aanbevelings aan die regering, onderwysers en ouers gemaak wat as riglyne kan dien om die selfaktualisering van hierdie leerders te bevorder. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Selfaktualisering as voorspeller van bestuursukses

Geldenhuys, Diederik Joachim 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing handel oor selfaktualisering as voorspeller van bestuursukses. In die literatuuroorsig is bestuursukses as afhanklike veranderlike en selfaktualisering as onafhanklike veranderlike binne die humanistiese paradigma gekonseptualiseer en geoperasionaliseer. Die persoonlikheidskenmerke verwant aan die veranderlikes is bepaal en geintegreer. Die empiriese ondersoek is binne die funksionalistiese paradigma aangebied. Die gekose meetinstrumente, naamlik die Bestuursvaardigheidsinventaris vir die meet van bestuursukses en die Persoonlike Orientasie-inventaris vir die meet van selfaktualisering is op 'n ewekansige steekproef van 51 middelvlakbestuurders afgeneem. Die betroubaarheid van die Bestuursvaardigheids- inventaris is met behulp van die "Cronbach Alpha Coeffisient"- metode bepaal. Om te bepaal of selfaktualisering 'n voorspeller van bestuursukses is, is stapsgewyse regressieontledings gedoen. Die resultate dui daarop dat die ondersteuningsratio (innerlike orientasie) bestuursukses beduidend voorspel, sowel as 12 van die 18 kenmerke eie aan bestuursukses onderskeidelik. / This research deals with self-actualization as predictor of management success. In the literature review, management success as the dependent variable and self-actualization as independent variable, is conceptualized and operationalized within the humanistic paradigm. The personality chracteristics inhirent in the variables were determined and integrated. The empirical investigation is presented within the functionalistic paradigm. The chosen measuring instruments, namely the Management Skills Inventory for the measurement of management success and the Personal Orientation Inventory for the measurement of self-actualization were administrated by means of random sampling to 51 middle level managers. The reliability qf the Management Skills Inventory was determined by means of the "Cronbach Alpha CoEHfisient"- method. To determine if selfactualization is a predictor of Management Success, stepwise regression analysis was done. The results indicate that the support ratio (inner directedness) predicts management success significantly, as well as 12 of the 18 personality characteristics inherent in management success, respectively. / Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Die impak van die finansiële beleid vir ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike welsyn (1999) op maatskaplike dienslewering in Atteridgeville (Afrikaans)

Venter, Maryke Elisabet 16 April 2004 (has links)
The White Paper for Social Services (1997) is the foundation upon which the transformation of social services is built. In order to assist organizations in the paradigm shift which has to be made from the remedial approach to a developmental approach in the rendering of social services, the Financing Policy for Developmental Social Welfare Services was implemented in 1999. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of the Financing Policy (1999) on the social services of a particular community, Atteridgeville in the Gauteng Province. In order to research the impact of the Financing Policy (1999) on the social services in the above mentioned community this study used both social workers and members of the community as respondents. Eight social workers of Non- governmental Organisations (NGOs) as well as twenty four members of the community participated in the study. Data was collected both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings of the research showed that, although social workers in Atteridgeville endorse the principles of the Financing Policy (1999) the principles are not clearly discernible in the services rendered in the community. Although social workers are very positive about implementation of the Financing Policy (1999), research showed quite clearly that social services rendered in the community focus primarily on statutory services and not on prevention or early intervention. The primary recommendation of this study is that the Department of Social Development take cognicance of the limitations in the implementation of the Financing Policy (1999) as indicated by this study. This knowledge can be implemented in processes being used to reformulate the Financing Policy (1999) as is currently being done. / Dissertation (MSD (Social Development and Policy))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Emosionele en spirituele intelligensie in huweliksaanpassing : jong volwassenes met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)

Smith, Anna Magrietha 16 May 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika aan die begin van die een-en-twintigste eeu ondersoek. Hierdie huweliksfase, met sy vele uitdagings en huwelikstake, word beskou as die fase met die laagste huweliksaanpassing en die hoogste voorkoms van egskeiding. Die sin en betekenis van hierdie uitdagings (spirituele intelligensie of SQ), sowel as die emosionele belewenis, verstaan en hantering hiervan (emosionele intelligensie of EQ), asook die rol wat dit in huweliksaanpassing speel, is ondersoek. Eerstens is ’n vraelys ontwikkel wat SQ-eienskappe kan meet (MMV-SQ-vraelys), naamlik: (i) die vind van sin en betekenis in ’n gegewe situasie, (ii) motiveringsbronne van gedrag, en (iii) die waardes wat uitgeleef word. Data van 198 respondente het gedui op betroubaarheid van subskale wat wissel van 0.47 tot 0.80. Bevredigende konstrukgeldigheid is verkry deur die verhouding tussen die subskale van die SQ-vraelys en waardeskaal te ondersoek (r het gevarieer van 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 tot 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Sowel kwantitatiewe as kwalitatiewe navorsing is vervolgens gebruik. In die kwantitatiewe navorsing is die MMV-SQ-vraelys, die huweliks-aanpassingsvraelys van Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), asook die SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) op 84 deelnemers toegepas. Die deelnemers het 84 getroude persone, waaronder 34 egpare ingesluit. Die verband tussen huweliksaanpassing en EQ is ondersoek deur korrelasies te bereken tussen die subskale van die DAS en SSRI. Dit het geblyk dat ʼn optimistiese gemoedstemming ʼn verband toon met al die subskale van huweliksaanpassing. Die herkenning van die eie en die huweliksmaat se gevoelens, sosiale vaardighede, en die toepassing van emosies blyk verband te hou met hoër huwelikstevredenheid asook huwelikskonsensus. Sosiale vaardighede het ook ʼn verband getoon met affeksionele uitdrukking. EQ het egter nie ’n sterk verband met huwelikskohesie getoon nie. Die verband tussen die subskale van die DAS is vervolgens vergelyk met dié van die MMV-SQ-vraelys. Betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen enkele skale van huweliksaanpassing en SQ het voorgekom, veral wat die motiveringskaal betref: egpaarlede wie se gedrag deur die motiveringsbron bemeestering gemotiveer word, blyk ʼn hoër mate van huweliksaanpassing te hê, terwyl die negatiewe motiveringsbronne, waaronder selfgesentreerdheid, drange en vrees, ’n negatiewe verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. Min verbande is egter gevind tussen huweliksaanpassing, en sin en betekenis (wel tussen meditatiewe bewustheid en huwelikskonsensus, asook tussen empatiese aanvaarding en openheid, en affeksionele ekspressie). Geen verbande is ten opsigte van waardes gevind nie. Verskille tussen mans en vroue se EQ en SQ is ook ondersoek, maar geen groot verskille is verkry nie. Deur ’n meervoudige regressie is enkele verdere biografiese veranderlikes geïdentifiseer wat ʼn verband met huweliksaanpassing toon. In die kwalitatiewe navorsing is verskeie aspekte ondersoek en bespreek: die rolverdeling ten opsigte van kinderopvoeding en huistake, die balans tussen beroep en gesin, persoonlike tevredenheid (SQ) in die huwelik, asook die begrip en hantering van gevoelens (EQ). Die waarde van hierdie navorsing lê veral in die grondleggingswerk van die SQ-vraelys, asook bruikbare inligting ten opsigte van die huwelik met voorskoolse kinders in Suid-Afrika. Leiding aan egpare in die hantering van gevoelens (EQ), asook insig in hulle motiveringsbronne (SQ) behoort dus hulle huweliksaanpassing te verhoog. ENGLISH: In this research, the South-African marriage with preschool children was investigated. This phase of marriage, full of challenges and marital tasks, is regarded showing the lowest degree of marital adjustment and the highest incidence of divorce. The meaning, (spiritual intelligence or SQ), emotional experience, understanding and dealing with these challenges (emotional intelligence or EQ), as well as the relation to marital adjustment, were investigated. Firstly, a questionnaire was developed that could measure the characteristics of SQ, namely: (i) finding purpose and meaning in a given situation, (ii) motivations of behaviour, and (iii) values. Data from 198 respondents indicated the reliability of the subscales, which vary from 0.47 to 0.80. Satisfactory construct validity was obtained by researching the relation between the subscales of the SQ questionnaire and the value scale (r varied from 0.15; p ≤ 0.05 to 0.54; p ≤ 0.01). Next, both qualitative and quantitative research were utilised. In the quantitative research, the MMV SQ questionnaire, the marital adjustment questionnaire of Spanier (Dyadic Adjustment Scale), as well as the SSRI (Schutte Self-Report Inventory) were completed by the respondents. The respondents were 84 married individuals, including 34 couples. The relationship between marital adjustment and EQ was investigated by calculating correlations between the subscales of the DAS and SSRI. It transpired that an optimistic frame of mind showed a correlation with all the subscales of marital adjustment. It also appeared that the recognition of the own and the spouse’s feelings, social skills, and the application of emotions were related to increased marital satisfaction as well as marital consensus. Social skills also displayed a correlation with affectional expression. EQ, however, did not show a strong correlation with marital cohesion. Next, the relation between the subscales of the DAS was compared to that of the MMV-SQ questionnaire. Meaningful correlations between some scales of marital adjustment and SQ occurred, in particular with regard to the motivational scale: couples whose behaviour are motivated by mastering, appear to display a higher degree of marital adjustment, while the negative sources of motivation like self-centredness, craving and fears, display a negative correlation with marital adjustment. Few correlations were found between marital adjustment and purpose and meaning (between meditative awareness and marital consensus; between empathetic acceptance and openness, and affectional expression). No correlation was found with regard to values. Differences between the EQ and SQ of men and women were also investigated, but no major differences were observed. By means of multiple regressions it was indicated that some biographic variables did show a correlation with marital adjustment. Valuable information was obtained in the qualitative research regarding the couple’s roles in child-raising and domestic chores, the balance between career and family, personal satisfaction (SQ) in the marriage, as well as the understanding and handling of feelings (EQ). The value of this research lies in the foundational work of the SQ questionnaire in particular, as well as useful information with regard to South African marriages with preschool children. Guiding couples in their dealing with feelings (EQ), as well as providing an insight into the sources of motivation (SQ), should therefore enhance their marital adjustment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

Affirmative action regarding women in education management in Mpumalanga

Sibiya, Bernadette Ntombizodwa 13 December 2005 (has links)
The Mpumalanga Education Department has put in place various mechanisms aimed at promoting equity and equality between male and female educators and learners within the education system. Such initiatives were established from a position of strength that sociocultural stereotypes such as patriarchy, lack of access to resources and the sexual division of labour have been internalised and reinforced as acts of discrimination within the school system, community, home and workplace. Within the school system, gender stereotypes are used to determine and perpetuate the educational provisioning for learners as separate groups (boys - girls) through the school curriculum and the educators' classroom practices of "masculine" and "feminine" activities. Equally so, senior management positions are mostly occupied by males whilst females are relegated to lower positions of the management echelon. The focus of this study was to identify the root causes of inequalities in senior management positions between male and female managers. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method using a case study and a literature review were used as data collection techniques. Affirmative Action policies and programmes are recommended as strategies for empowering women and girls with an aim of preparing them to be competent in the labour market. There are diverse interpretations of the affirmative action concept and different people attach different meanings to its definition. It (Affirmative Action) impacts differently on different groups under different conditions. The study also suggests that education, training and development (ETD) are dependent variables of affirmative action in the sense that they create an environment where individuals who were (under)privileged can learn to accept and understand one another as partners. AFRIKAANS : Die Mpumalanga Onderwysdepartement het verskeie meganismes daargestel om billikheid en gelykheid tussen manlike en vroulike opvoeders en leerders binne die onderwysstelsel te bevorder. Sodanige inisiatiewe is gevestig vanuit 'n aanname dat sosio-kulturele stereotipes soos patriargie, gebrek aan toegang tot hulpbronne en verdeling van werk op geslagsgrondslag gei'nternaliseer en versterk is as diskriminerende handelinge binne die skoolstelsel, gemeenskap, huis en werkplek. Binne die onderwysstelsel word geslagstereotipes gebruik om onderwysvoorsiening vir leerders as afsonderlike groepe (seuns dogters) te bepaal en te laat voortbestaan deur die skoolkurrikulum en die klaskamerpraktyk van die opvoeders wat "manlike" en "vroulike" aktiwiteite gebruik. Insgelyks word senior bestuursposisies gewoonlik deur mans beklee terwyl vroue gerelegeer word na laer posisies in die bestuurskader. Die doe I van hierdie studie was om die hoofoorsake van ongelykhede in senior bestuursposisies tussen manlike en vroulike bestuurders te identifiseer. Die PAR-metode wat van 'n gevallestudie gebruik maak en 'n literatuurstudie is aangewend as data-insamelingstegniek. Die beleid van regstellende aksie, asook programme met betrekking daarop, word aanbeveel as strategiee om vroue en dogters te bemagtig met die doel om hulle voor te berei om bevoeg te wees in die arbeidsmark. Daar is 'n verskeidenheid vertolkings van die begrip regstellende aksie en verskillende mense koppel verskillende betekenisse aan die definisie. Regstellende aksie het verskillende invloede op verskillende groepe onder verskillende omstandighede. Die studie dui ook aan dat Onderwys, Opleiding en Ontwikkeling (000) afhanklike veranderlikes van regstellende aksie is in die sin dat hulle 'n omgewing skep waar individue wat (minder)bevoorreg was kan leer om mekaar te aanvaar en te begryp as vennote. / Dissertation (MEd (Education Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

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