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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Goobi wird Verein: Anwendergemeinschaft von freier Digitalisierungssoftware schafft professionelle Strukturen

Bonte, Achim 08 January 2013 (has links)
Mit der Gründung des Vereins „Goobi. Digitalisieren im Verein“ am 17. September 2012 hat das Wort „Goobi“ eine weitere Bedeutung erhalten. Goobi ist die verbreitetste Open Source-Software zur Produktion und Präsentation von Digitalisaten. Sie ist Markenzeichen für Plattformunabhängigkeit, Modularität, Mandantenfähigkeit, offene Schnittstellen und internationale Standards. Sie steht für umfassende Lösungen zur Boutique- und Massendigitalisierung sowie skalierbare Unterstützungsleistungen durch namhafte Firmen; und seit einigen Wochen ist Goobi nun also auch ein eingetragener Verein mit anerkannter Gemeinnützigkeit. [...]

Projekt finc: Ein Open Source Discovery System für sächsische Hochschulbibliotheken

Lazarus, Jens, Muschall, Björn, Seige, Leander, Weiser, Evelyn 28 June 2012 (has links)
Kein roter Knopf wurde gedrückt, keine große Rede gehalten: einige Klicks, etwas Tastengeklapper und der neue Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig war online. Was am 21. März des Jahres gegen 12 Uhr so unspektakulär und doch nicht ohne Lampenfieber über die Bühne ging, hat inzwischen einige Beachtung gefunden. Es folgten kollegiale Glückwünsche und ein starkes Interesse aus vielen Bibliotheken, von denen die entfernteste sicher die Technical University Sydney ist. Für die Beteiligten aber am wichtigsten war ein weitgehend positives, manchmal geradezu begeistertes Feedback im Chat und im Blog durch die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. Die kritischen Hinweise kommen meist aus dem eigenen Haus: Der Katalog ist uns wichtig, wir wollen ihn noch besser machen!

Managing the Transition Towards Open Source Software Adoption: : Considerations for Large IT Companies / Hanteringen av Övergången mot Open Source Software Adoption: : Överväganden för stora IT-företag

Lagergren, Viktor, Norelius, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary products has convinced organizations worldwide to deploy Open Source Software (OSS) in their production environments and commercial offerings. Therefore, the ability to scale software, seamlessly integrate open source software in products and increase benefits from OSS participation are crucial capabilities. However, the nature of OSS is not entirely compatible with the rigid structures and processes of many large companies and thus successfully managing OSS has proven to be highly difficult. Previous research has shown that many companies have built previous success on ‘closed innovation’ logic and must now move in a highly counterintuitive direction towards an ‘open innovation’ mindset. This creates various strategic and operational challenges which they need to identify and overcome to avoid disruption. Based on the aforementioned, the purpose has been to investigate key patterns in how development and increased use of open source software could affect large IT companies. This is to illustrate the transition between closed innovation to open innovation strategy for software, but also to describe the strategic and operational challenges that come appear thereafter. To create a deeper understanding of this process of change, a single (qualitative) case study by a large Swedish IT company has been carried out. The hope is to be able to contribute to research by presenting general conclusions from the case study where empirical data is linked to contemporary research in the field. In order to be able to generalize based on the empirical data, interviews have been conducted with both doctoral students and professors in the field, but also experts in the business world. Our findings have generated insights concerning the OSS adoption process of Company A. The findings of the study include a 6-step model that describes the adoption process as well as strategic and operational considerations for successful transition towards efficient OSS governance. / Med förhoppningar om reducerade kostnader, ökad flexibilitet och ett minskat beroende av tredjepartsleverantörer har användandet av open source-mjukvara (OSS) eskalerat under det senaste årtiondet och kommit att dominera stora delar av mjukvaruindustrin. Förmågan att skala och integrera open source-mjukvara har således blivit en viktig kompetens för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Dock är nuvarande processer för integrering av open source-mjukvara emellertid inte helt förenligt med många etablerade företags strukturer och processer. Hantering och integrering har istället visat sig vara en stor utmaning då många företag historiskt byggt sina framgångar genom en logik som präglas av sluten innovationsstrategi och immateriella rättigheter (IPR). Företag tvingas idag att röra sig i en kontraintuitiv riktning som präglas av öppen innovation, och i kölvattnet av teknisk och industriell förändring uppenbarar sig strategiska och operativa utmaningar. Dessa utmaningar måste företag identifiera, förstå och övervinna för att undvika att bli utkonkurrerade. Med detta som bakgrund är syftet med denna studie att Identifiera viktiga mönster som beskriver hur utvecklingen och en ökad användning av open source-mjukvara kan påverka stora IT-företag. Detta för att belysa övergången mellan sluten innovationsstrategi och öppen för open source-mjukvara, men även för att skildra vilka strategiska och operativa utmaningar som uppenbarar sig därefter. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för denna förändringsprocess har en enskild (kvalitativ) fallstudie av ett stort svenskt IT-företag genomförts. Förhoppningen är att kunna bidra till forskning genom att presentera generella slutsatser från fallstudien där empirisk data kopplas an till nutida forskning inom området. För att kunna generalisera utifrån empirin har intervjuer genomförts med dels doktorander och professorer inom området, men också experter inom affärsvärlden. Empirin har genererat en 6-stegs modell som beskriver adoptionsprocessen för OSS. Modellen har sedermera jämförts med samtida forskning inom samma område där likheter och skillnader diskuterats och presenterats. Vidare har strategiska och operativa överväganden belysts och diskuterats för att kunna bidra till en ökad förståelse för de utmaningar som många företag står inför.

Designing Common Good - Gemeinwohllogiken als Leitprinzipien für nachhaltige Design- und Produktionskulturen

Fineder, Martina 30 June 2022 (has links)
Um entsprechend des Konferenzanliegens über ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Ressourcen, Umwelt und fair verteiltem Wohlstand nachzudenken, untersucht dieser Vortrag die Logiken der Commons als eine gemeinwohlorientierte Alternative und Ergänzung zu gewinnlogikorientierten Wirtschafts- und Produktionsweisen aus der Perspektive des Designs. Grundlage sind die Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt „Commons als Denkweise und Innovationsstrategie im Design. Von der Avantgarde zum neuen Industrieparadigma?“, welches von einer inter-disziplinären Forscher:innengruppe rund um das Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV)* durchgeführt wurde.

Hydrologic Data Sharing Using Open Source Software and Low-Cost Electronics

Sadler, Jeffrey Michael 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
While it is generally accepted that environmental data are critical to understanding environmental phenomena, there are yet improvements to be made in their consistent collection, curation, and sharing. This thesis describes two research efforts to improve two different aspects of hydrologic data collection and management. First described is a recipe for the design, development, and deployment of a low-cost environmental data logging and transmission system for environmental sensors and its connection to an open source data-sharing network. The hardware is built using several low-cost, open-source, mass-produced components. The system automatically ingests data into HydroServer, a standards-based server in the open source Hydrologic Information System (HIS) created by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences Inc (CUAHSI). A recipe for building the system is provided along with several test deployment results. Second, a connection between HydroServer and HydroShare is described. While the CUAHSI HIS system is intended to empower the hydrologic sciences community with better data storage and distribution, it lacks support for the kind of “Web 2.0” collaboration and social-networking capabilities that are increasing scientific discovery in other fields. The design, development, and testing of a software system that integrates CUAHSI HIS with the HydroShare social hydrology architecture is presented. The resulting system supports efficient archive, discovery, and retrieval of data, extensive creator and science metadata, assignment of a persistent digital identifier such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), scientific discussion and collaboration around the data and other basic social-networking features. In this system, HydroShare provides functionality for social interaction and collaboration while the existing HIS provides the distributed data management and web services framework. The system is expected to enable scientists, for the first time, to access and share both national- and research lab-scale hydrologic time series in a standards-based web services architecture combined with a social network developed specifically for the hydrologic sciences.These two research projects address and provide a solution for significant challenges in the automatic collection, curation, and feature-rich sharing of hydrologic data.

Utvärdering av en befintlig plattform för neurofeedback med hjälp av open-source EEG

Al Kouatli, Hakim, Achmawi, Mohamed January 2022 (has links)
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback in which subjects learn to use the activity of their own electrical brain waves to respond to a visual or auditory feedback from the activity of the brain. This is done by connecting electrodes to the body to get the brain's electrical activity in the form of encephalogram signals (EEG) which are then calculated and converted into useful feedback.The purpose of this work was to evaluate a neurofeedback platform via an OpenBCI open-source EEG technology that could lead to more accessible neurofeedback for society.This study was conducted with different methods where the focus was on testing and data analysis. The study has included a summary of theory used in neurofeedback, a comprehensive pilot study on an 8-channel open-source EEG neurofeedback platform and some of the ethical aspects behind the technology used and neurofeedback in Sweden. During the work, two different experts were interviewed: Gunilla Radu, founder and owner of Nordic Center of Neurofeedback AB and Jan Rutkowski, who is an engineer in medical engineering at the Uppsala Hospital.The tests with 8-channel EEG with an OpenBCI hardware and software show results from three subjects. The answers from a follow-up survey that subjects were allowed to answer are presented in the report. This was used as an evaluation of the tests performed. The aim of the tests was to give Biohackeri an opportunity to see the potential for a neurofeedback platform and to create a basis for further development of such a platform. The result indicates that a measurement of the brain activity at rest with the technology from OpenBCI shows a higher concentration level in the human body with open eyes compared to closed eyes. In addition, a higher level of relaxation is noticed when resting with eyes closed compared to eyes open. Answers from the survey show that what is important to the test subjects is, among other things, the convenience while testing the technology. In terms of requirements and rules that Neurofeedback therapists must meet, it turned out that in Sweden therapists do not need to have a specific background or education. There are ethical perspectives that Neurofeedback therapists may consider in implementing Neurofeedback Therapy.The conclusion of this project is that the tested 8-channel EEG equipment gives a result that agrees with the presented theory. Thus, a Neurofeedback platform could be built on the commercially available open-source technology, such as the technology from OpenBCI. / Neurofeedback är en typ av biofeedback som försökspersoner lär sig att använda sin egen elektriska hjärnvågors aktivitet för att svara på en visuell eller auditiv återkoppling från hjärnans aktivitet. Det görs huvudsakligen genom att ansluta elektroder till huvudet för att få hjärnans elektriska aktivitet i form av encefalogramsignaler (EEG) som sedan beräknas och omvandlas till användbar återkoppling.Syftet med detta arbete var att utvärdera en Neurofeedback-plattform via en OpenBCI open-source EEG-teknologi som skulle kunna leda till mer tillgänglig Neurofeedback för samhället.Denna studie genomfördes med olika metoder där huvudfokus låg på testning och dataanalys. Studien har innefattat en sammanfattning av teori som används inom Neurofeedback, en pilotstudie på en 8-kanals open-source EEG-Neurofeedback plattform och en del av de etiska aspekterna bakom den använda tekniken och Neurofeedback i Sverige. Under arbetets gång intervjuades två olika experter, Gunilla Radu, grundare och ägare av Nordic Center of Neurofeedback AB och Jan Rutkowski som är medicinteknisk ingenjör på Akademiska sjukhuset.Från testerna med 8-kanal EEG med en OpenBCI hårdvara och mjukvara visas resultat från tre försökspersoner. Svaren från en efterundersökningsenkät som försökspersoner fick svara på presenteras i rapporten. Detta användes som en utvärdering på de utförda testerna. Målet med testerna var att ge Biohackeri en möjlighet att se potentialen för en Neurofeedback-plattform samt att skapa en grund för vidareutveckling av en sådan plattform. Resultatet indikerar att en mätning på hjärnaktiviteten vid vilotillstånd med tekniken från OpenBCI kan det märkas högre koncentrationsnivån i människokroppen med öppna ögon jämfört med stängda ögon. Dessutom märks det en högre avslappningsnivå vid vilotillstånd med stängda ögon jämfört med öppna ögon. Svar från enkäten visar att det som är viktigt för testpersonerna är bland annat bekvämligheten under provning av tekniken. När det gäller krav och regler som Neurofeedback-terapeuter ska uppfylla visade det sig att i Sverige behöver terapeuter inte ha en specifik bakgrund eller utbildning. Det finns etiska perspektiv som Neurofeedback-terapeuter kan överväga att implementera vid Neurofeedbackterapi.Slutsatsen av detta projekt blir att den testade 8-kanal EEG utrustningen ger ett resultat som stämmer överens med den presenterade teorin. Därmed skulle en Neurofeedback-plattform kunna byggas på den kommersiellt tillgängliga open-source tekniken såsom tekniken från OpenBCI.

The plant phenology monitoring design for The National Ecological Observatory Network

Elmendorf, Sarah C., Jones, Katherine D., Cook, Benjamin I., Diez, Jeffrey M., Enquist, Carolyn A. F., Hufft, Rebecca A., Jones, Matthew O., Mazer, Susan J., Miller-Rushing, Abraham J., Moore, David J. P., Schwartz, Mark D., Weltzin, Jake F. 04 1900 (has links)
Phenology is an integrative science that comprises the study of recurring biological activities or events. In an era of rapidly changing climate, the relationship between the timing of those events and environmental cues such as temperature, snowmelt, water availability, or day length are of particular interest. This article provides an overview of the observer-based plant phenology sampling conducted by the U.S. National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), the resulting data, and the rationale behind the design. Trained technicians will conduct regular in situ observations of plant phenology at all terrestrial NEON sites for the 30-yr life of the observatory. Standardized and coordinated data across the network of sites can be used to quantify the direction and magnitude of the relationships between phenology and environmental forcings, as well as the degree to which these relationships vary among sites, among species, among phenophases, and through time. Vegetation at NEON sites will also be monitored with tower-based cameras, satellite remote sensing, and annual high-resolution airborne remote sensing. Ground-based measurements can be used to calibrate and improve satellite-derived phenometrics. NEON's phenology monitoring design is complementary to existing phenology research efforts and citizen science initiatives throughout the world and will produce interoperable data. By collocating plant phenology observations with a suite of additional meteorological, biophysical, and ecological measurements (e.g., climate, carbon flux, plant productivity, population dynamics of consumers) at 47 terrestrial sites, the NEON design will enable continental-scale inference about the status, trends, causes, and ecological consequences of phenological change.

A characterisation of open source software adoption decisions in South African organisations

Moolman, Lafras 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / The objective of this research is to characterise the factors influencing Open Source Software (OSS) adoption decisions in South African organisations. OSS is used extensively throughout the world, but there is a large amount of fear, uncertainty and doubt surrounding decisions to adopt OSS. The research improved this situation by determining the adoption factors that are relevant to South African organisations. OSS adoption is influenced by individual and organisational technology adoption factors. An extensive literature revealed the technology adoption factors relevant to OSS adoption. Adoption factors identified in literature were localised to the South African context, taking into account both public and private sector organisations. The research has found that OSS adoption factors identified in literature are relevant in a South African context. Factors investigated include access to source code, adoption costs, software freedom and control, technological factors, support factors, organisational factors and environmental factors. An important factor in OSS adoption decisions is the choice between vendor and community based OSS and the skills and resource requirements. Choosing community based software requires additional training, skills and resources. Organisations should take into account the effect of OSS development methodology on adoption decision factors. Important adoption decision factors include software compatibility (open standards), compatibility different hardware platforms (cross platform capabilities) and software and hardware vendor independence. The research concludes with recommendations approaching OSS adoption decisions when considering the choice between OSS and proprietary software.

The strategy and approach with the use of open-source software in Sanlam Personal Finance (SPF)

Van der Walt, J. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Open-source software (055) refers to software collaboratively developed by developers across the globe, which embraces the philosophy of sharing. The fundamental idea behind open-source is that when programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves. The Internet plays an extremely important role in the distribution of the software and today, many 055 products are downloadable free from the Internet. Despite the inherent challenges, the research organisation Gartner predicts that the majority of mainstream IT organisations will successfully adopt formal open-source management strategies as core IT disciplines. What more, IT organisations and technology vendors who ignore the potential threats and opportunities of 055 will increasingly find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. However, organisations are not always clear on the appropriate strategy, direction, and approach to take when deciding on the role of 055 in their organisations. There is so much hype surrounding the use and the risks of open-source that it can be difficult for organisations to know what is real and what is not. Furthermore, organisations are intrigued but also stymied by the myths of the costs, support, and risks of 055. Also in South Africa, organisations and the South African Government are asking themselves how relevant the benefits and risks of the software are to them. Consequently, the aim of the study is to broaden the existing knowledge of 055 in South Africa by investigating a South African organisation's approach and decisions regarding the use of 055 in the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Open-Source" sagteware (OSS) verwys na sagteware wat gesamentlik ontwikkel word deur programmeerders regoor die wêreld en die filosofie van "deel met mekaar" omvat. Die wesenlike idee agter "open-source" is dat wanneer programmeerders in staat is om die die bronkode van 'n program te kan lees, versprei en wysig, die sagteware verder en beter kan ontwikkel. Die Internet speel 'n belangrike rol in die verspreiding van die sagteware, en baie OSS- produkte is vandag gratis beskikbaar vir aflaai van die Internet af. Ongeag die inherente uitdagings, voorspel die navorsingsorganisasie Gartner, dat die meerderheid hoofstroom IT -organisasies formele "open-source" bestuurstrategieë suksesvol as kern IT-dissiplines sal aanneem. Wat meer is : IT-organisasies en verskaffers van tegnologie (harde en sagteware) wat die potensiële bedreigings en geleenthede van OSS ignoreer, sal hulself toenemend in 'n nadelig-kompeterende situasie bevind. Organisasies is dikwels nuuskierig, maar ook skepties ten opsigte van die mites rondom kostes, ondersteuningstelsels en risiko's verbonde aan OSS. Sommige organisasies het nie altyd helderheid rondom die toepaslike strategie, rigting en aanslag wat gevolg moet word, wanneer 'n besluit rondom die rol van OSS binne hul organisasies geneem moet word nie. Verder is soveel verkeerde persepsies en onsekerheid rondom die gebruik van, en risiko's verbonde aan "open-source", dat dit vir sommige organisasies moeilik raak om te onderskei tussen die feite en fiksie. Ook in Suid-Afrika vra organisasies en die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering hulself die vraag af hoe relevant die voordele en risiko's van die sagteware werklik is, en hoe dit hul raak. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die bestaande kennis rondom OSS in Suid-Afrika te verbreed, deur ondersoek in te stel na 'n Suid-Afrikaanse organisasie se benadering en besluite rondom die gebruik van OSS in hul organisasie.

In-Flight Auto-Tune of an Airborne Synthetic Beamforming Antenna

Lamarra, Norm, Kelkar, Anand, Vaughan, Thomas 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / At ITC 2009, we described the real-world complications of fielding an airborne Synthetic beamforming Telemetry System, which simultaneously supports 20 individual beams (10 at each of 2 polarizations). We described how our layered Open-Source software approach helped us to modify the system rapidly after delivery without disrupting mission operations. Since then, we have further extended the software toolset that we developed to dissect the System behavior via post-mission replay and analysis, and to compare high-resolution in-flight measurements with our detailed physics simulations. This analysis has shown that the most significant factor affecting operational performance of the System was variation in the relative phase of the elements from day to day. These variations were traced to a variety of hardware issues, none of which could be resolved without major cost and effort. As an alternative approach, we developed a dynamic auto-tuning capability that optimizes the phase calibration of the System using each actual signal source as it is being tracked. This results in improved signal-to-noise performance while reducing the need for dedicated in-air calibration flights that we had previously created. We believe that the flexibility of digital beamforming, allied with a modular and easily-extensible software architecture, have again proven capable of quickly and cheaply mitigating real-world operational issues, without (so far) requiring any hardware modification of the delivered System.

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