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Uticaj biopsihosocijalnih faktora na ishod rehabilitacije pacijenata nakon lumbalne mikrodiskektomije / Influence of biopsychosocial factors on the outcome of rehabilitation in patients after lumbar microdiscectomyPantelinac Slobodan 08 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Mikrodiskektomija je jedan od savremenih hirurških metoda u lečenju osoba sa lumbalnim sindromom, čiji je uzrok hernijacija intervertebralnog diska. Na postoperativni oporavak, ishod rehabilitacije i funkcionalno stanje, veliki uticaj imaju i biopsihosocijalni faktori. Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio procena uticaja biopsihosocijalnih faktora na ishod lečenja i funkcionalni status bolesnika sa lumbalnim sindromom nakon mikrodiskektomije i sprovedenog rehabilitacionog tretmana. Materijal i metode: Sprovedena je prospektivna studija na 200 pacijenata (96 muškaraca i 104 žene), različitih profesija, prosečne životne dobi 50.20 ± 10.26 godina (raspon 29–69 godina). U istraživanje su uključeni pacijenti nakon operativnog lečenja hernijacije diska, putem mikrodiskektomije, premešteni sa Klinike za neurohirurgiju na Kliniku za medicinsku rehabilitaciju, Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Stratifikacija ispitanika je izvršena prema njihovim biološko-demografskim, socio-ekonomskim, psihološkim i funkcionalnim obeležjima, uz korišćenje podataka iz anamneze, kliničkog pregleda, raspoložive medicinske dokumentacije i odgovarajućih upitnika i testova. Korišćeni su sledeći upitnici: za procenu bola-vizuelna analogna skala (VAS), upitnik o bolu (Pain Detect Test), za procenu psiholoških karakteristika Spilbergerovi testovi za trenutnu i opštu anksioznost (Spielberger Anxiety Inventory-State and Trait Test), Bekova skala depresije (BDI), upitnik za procenu prisustva straha od fizičke aktivnosti i posla i njihovog izbegavanja (The Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire - Physical activity and Work), a za procenu funkcionalnog statusa Osvestrijev upitnik o onesposobljenosti (ODI) i Kvebek skala onesposobljenosti osoba sa lumbalnim sindromom. Fleksibilnost i indeks pokretljivosti lumbalnog segmenta kičme su procenjivani pomoću Šoberovog i Tomajerovog testa. Navedena ispitivanja su obavljena postoperativno pre početka sprovođenja rehabilitacionog tretmana (0. mesec), potom posle mesec dana i zatim 3 i 6 meseci posle mikrodiskektomije. Rezultati: Na doživljavanje bola i na funkcionalnu sposobnost imali su signifikantnog uticaja sledeći navedeni činioci. Pol: subjektivno doživljavanje bola je bilo jače kod žena nego kod muškaraca, ali je stepen funkcionalne onesposobljenosti (prema ODI i Kvebek skali) bio signifikantno veći (p<0.01) kod muškaraca. Životna dob: Stepen oporavka pacijenata nakon mikrodiskektomije je tokom vremena u pojedinim starosnim grupama bio promenljiv, ali je u celini bio lošiji kod starijih osoba. Navika pušenja: intenzitet bola (VAS) i stepen funkcionalne onesposobljenosti (prema ODI i Kvebek skali ) su bili veći kod pušača nego kod nepušača (p<0.01). Mehaničko opterećenje kičme: manji stepen oporavka su imali ispitanici čije zanimanje je povezano sa većim dinamičkim i statičkim opterećenjem kičmenog stuba. Socijalni faktori: redovno zaposlenje i novčana primanja su povezani sa boljim funkcionalnim oporavkom. Psihološki status i stepen optimizma: anksioznost i strahovi od fizičke aktivnosti i posla, strah od gubitka posla, depresija, negativni stavovi i pesimizam su signifikantno češće prisutni kod ispitanika koji su imali manji stepen funkcionalnog oporavka tokom praćenog perioda. Zaključci: Na doživljavanje bola i na funkcionalnu sposobnost i oporavak pacijenata nakon mikrodiskektomije imali su signifikantnog uticaja sledeći biopsihosocijalni faktori: pol, životna dob, navika pušenja, mehaničko opterećenje kičme, socijalno-ekonomski faktori, psihološki status i stepen optimizma pacijenta. Primenom odgovarajućih upitnika i registrovanjem ovih faktora, može se kreirati model za predviđanje stepena funkcionalnog oporavka i za primenu dopunskih terapijskih postupaka posle načinjene mikrodiskektomije.</p> / <p>Introduction: Microdiscectomy is one of the modern surgical methods for the treatment of people with low back pain, caused by a herniated intervertebral disc. On postoperative recovery, rehabilitation outcome and functional status, among others, great influence have also biopsychosocial factors. Goal: The main goal of the research was to assess which biopsychosocial factors have a significant impact on treatment outcome and functional status of patients with low back pain after lumbar microdiscectomy and the subsequent physical therapy. Material and methods: The research was conducted as a prospective study on 200 patients (96 men and 104 women), of various professions and mean age 50.20 ± 26.10 years (range 29-69 years). The study involved patients after surgical treatment of disc herniation by microdiscectomy, who were transferred from the Clinic for neurosurgery to the Clinic for medical rehabilitation, in Clinical center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, in order to perform physical therapy and rehabilitation. Stratification of patients was performed according to their biological, demographic, socio-economic, psychological and functional characteristics, using data from the health history, clinical examination, the available medical records and appropriate questionnaires and tests. Among the questionnaires were those that are used for assessment of pain, psychological and psychosocial characteristics and functional status of patients with low back pain, including a visual analogue scale, Pain Detect Test, Spielberger Anxiety Inventory-State and Trait, Beck Depression Inventory, The Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (Physical activity and Work), Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (ODI) and Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale. The flexibility of the lumbar segment of the spine and its movement index were assessed by Schober's and Thomayer's tests. All of these above mentioned assessments were carried out just before the start of the rehabilitation treatment (month 0), at the beginning of physical therapy (month 0), one month later and then 3 and 6 months after microdiscectomy. Results: On the pain and functional ability / disability the significant influences had following listed factors. Gender: subjective perception of pain was stronger among women than among men, but the degree of functional disability (ODI and Quebec Scale) was significant higher in the group of men (p<0.01). Age: The degree of recovery among patients after microdiscectomy over time in different age groups was varying, but in general was worse in the group of older people. Smoking habits: pain intensity and degree of functional disability were higher among smokers than nonsmokers (p<0.01). Mechanical loading of the spine: lower degree of recovery had subjects whose job is associated with a higher dynamic and static loading of the spine. Social factors: regular employment and cash income are associated with better functional recovery. Psychological status and the degree of optimism: anxiety and fear of physical activity and work as well as the possibility of job loss, depression, negative attitudes and pessimism, were significantly more often present in the group of patients who had a lower degree of functional recovery during the studied period. Conclusions: On the experience of pain, on functional ability and recovery of patients after microdisectomy, significant influences have the following biopsychosocial factors: gender, age, smoking habits, the mechanical loading of the spine, socio-economic factors, psychological status and the degree of optimism of the patient. Using the appropriate questionnaires and registering mentioned factors, it is possible to create a model for predicting the degree of functional recovery and for the application of additional therapeutic procedures after microdisectomy.</p>
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Potencijal oporavka akvatičnih vrsta makrofita Lemna minor Linnaeus (Lemnaceae, 1753) i Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vellosco) Verdcourt (Haloragaceae, c. 1880), od toksičnog stresa nakon izlaganja odabranim herbicidima i njihovim smešama / Recovery potential of aquatic macrophyte species Lemna minor Linnaeus (Lemnaceae, 1753) and Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vellosco) Verdcourt (Haloragaceae, c. 1880), from toxic stress after exposure to individual herbicides and their mixturesKnežević Varja 29 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Akvatični ekosistemi su izloženi simultanom delovanju velikog broja potencijalno<br />toksičnih supstanci u vremenski i prostorno promenljivim uslovima u životnoj sredini.<br />U ovoj disertaciji je poređen efekat pojedinačnih herbicida – atrazina, izoproturona i<br />trifluralina – sa efektima njihovih smeša u testu sa <em> Lemna minor</em>. Odabrane su smeše sa sličnim (dvo-komponentna smeša atrazina/izoproturona) i različitim (dvo-komponentna smeša atrazina/trifluralina i izoproturona/trifluralina, kao i tro-komponenta smeša) mehanizmom toksičnog dejstva. Kako se sve češće ističe<br />neophodnost sagledavanja ne samo potencijalnih razlika u toksikološkoj osetljivosti jedinki/populacija, već i razlika u efikasnosti njihovog oporavka, u ovoj disertaciji, je određen potencijal oporavka vrste <em> L. minor </em> nakon izloženosti navedenim pojedinačnim herbicidima/smešama. Ispitano je da li prirodna organska materija (POM), koja je u testovima na akvatičnim makrofitama simulirana preko huminskih materija (HM) u realnim koncentracijama u površinskim vodama, modulira toksičnost atrazina i 2,4 D, i njihove dvo-komponentne smeše, u testu sa <em> L. minor</em>, odnosno izoproturona, dikambe i njihove dvo-komponentne smeše, u testu sa <em>Myriophyllum aquaticum</em>. Utvrđen je stepen odstupanja između empirijske toksičnosti svih navedenih smeša herbicida, sa teorijski očekivanim vrednostima na osnovu modela adicije koncentracija (CA), u testovima na obe vrste akvatičnih makrofita. Ispitano je da li se postojeći CA model može koristiti i za procenu toksičnog dejstva smeša uzimajući u obzir integralno i podatke o oporavku eksponiranih vrsta akvatičnih makrofita. Rezultati u ovoj disertaciju su pokazali da modifikacijom laboratorijskog protokola gde se oporavak akvatičnih makrofita pratio tokom dodatnih pet/sedam dana testa nakon sedmodnevne ekspozicije se mogu dobiti ekološki relevantni podaci o odloženom toksičnom dejstvu pojedinačnih supstanci/smeša. U testu sa atrazinom i izoproturonom, kao pojedinačnim supstancama, je uočen efikasan oporavak vrste <em> L.minor</em>. Sa druge strane, u slučaju trifluralina i 2,4 D u periodu oporavka je zabeleženo odloženo toksično dejstvo. Na primeru trifluralina i 2,4 D se pokazalo da standardnitestovi toksičnosti, zanemarujući podatke o potencijalu oporavka, mogu potceniti realan rizik od pesticida. U slučaju drugog sintetičkog auksina, dikambe, pri izabranoj seriji koncentracija nije zabeleženo toksično dejstvo na vrstu <em> L. minor</em>. Odgovor vrste<em> L. minor</em> na dejstvo dvo-komponentne smeše atrazina i izoproturona je sličan onom zabeleženom u testu sa navedenim herbicidima, kao pojedinačnim supstancama. Zabeležen je efikasan oporavak biljne kulture, nezavisno od primenjene koncentracije herbicida u smeši. Sa druge strane, oporavak vrste <em>L. minor</em> nakon izloženosti dvo- i tro-komponentnim smešma sa trifluralinom zavisi od primenjene koncentracije herbicida u smeši i zabeležen je jedino u tipu smeša gde su koncentracije pojedinačnih herbicida bliske relativno bliske mogućim koncentracijama herbicida u životnoj sredini. Povećanje toksičnosti pojedinačnih supstanci/smeša uslovljeno prisustvom HM je primećena u slučaju atrazina, 2,4 D i njihove dvo-komponentne smeše, u testu na vrsti <em> L. minor,</em> odnosno dikambe u testu sa<em> M. aquaticum</em>. Suprotan efekat HM je primećen u testu sa <em>M. aquaticum</em> u slučaju izoproturona i dvo-komponentne smeše izoproturona i dikambe, jer je zabeležena niža toksičnost u prisustvu HM. Iako određene razlike u toksičnosti između ispitivanih test tretmana u prisustvu i odsustvu HM postoje, one nisu bile statistički značajne. Oporavak akvatičnih makrofita od efekta dvo-komponentnih smeša, u prisustvu/odsustvu HM, zavisi od primenjene koncentracije herbicida u smeši. Izuzetak čini dvo-komponentna smeša atrazina i 2,4 D, u testu sa <em>L. minor,</em> gde nije došlo do oporavka biljne kulture ni u jednom od tipova smeša u prisustvu HM. Generalno, uočena je dobra saglasnost između empirijske i predviđene toksičnosti, na osnovu CA modela, nezavisno od mehanizma toksičnog dejstva supstanci prisutnih u smeši ili prisustva odnosno odsustva HM. Odstupanje od adivnosti je zabeleženo jedino u testu sa <em> L. minor </em> u slučaju dvo-komponentnih smeša sa trifluralinom (atrazin+trifluralin i izoproturon+trifluralin), gde se ispostavilo da CA model u određenoj meri potcenjuje dejstvo navedenih smeša, što upućuje na pojavu sinergističkih interakcija između supstanci. Pokazano je i da se CA model može alternativno koristiti za procenu toksičnosti odabranih smeša, na osnovu integralnih saznanja o osetljivosti i potencijalu oporavka eksponiranih jedinki/populacija, pod uslovom da su dostupni takvi podaci za pojedinačne susptance koje ulaze u sastav smeše.</p> / <p>Aquatic ecosystems are exposed to a simultaneous effect of a large number of potentially toxic substances in a temporally and spatially variable conditions in the environment. In this doctoral thesis, the effect of the individual herbicides atrazine,isoproturon, and trifluralin was compared with the effect of their mixtures, in the test with <em> Lemna minor.</em> Mixtures with a similar (binary mixture of atrazine/isoproturon) and dissimilar (binary mixtures with atrazine/trifluralin, soproturon/trifluralin, and ternary mixture) mode of action were selected. There is a clear need to take into account not only the differences in toxicological sensitivity of the exposed individuals/populations, but also the differences in their recovery efficiency.Therefore, in this thesis, L<em>. minor </em> recovery potential was assessed after the exposure to the individual herbicides/mixtures. It was tested whether a natural organic matter (NOM), which was, in these tests, simulated through the humic matter (HM) used in real concentrations in surface waters, modulated the toxicity of atrazine, 2.4 D, and their binary mixture, in tests with L.<em> minor,</em> and disoproturon, dicamba and their binary mixture, in tests with Myriophyllum aquaticum. The deviation between the empirical toxicity of the herbicidal mixtures and the predicted toxicity based on the concentration addition (CA) model was determined. It was also examined whether the current CA model can be used to predict mixture oxic effects by taking into account the information about the plant recovery potential as well. The results showed that by modifying laboratory protocols, where the recovery of aquatic macrophytes was followed for additional five/seven days after the seven day exposure, environmentally relevant data on delayed toxic effects of the individual substances/mixtures can be obtained. In the tests with atrazine and isoproturon as individual substances, the efficient recovery of L.<em> minor</em> was observed. On the other hand, in the case of trifluralin and 2,4 D, delayed toxic effects were recorded during the recovery period.In the test with trifluralin and 2.4 D, it was shown that standard toxicity tests may underestimate the real risk of pesticides by not considering data on recovery. In the case of another synthetic auxin, dicamba, toxic effect on L.<em> minor</em> was not reported in the selected concentration series. The response of L. <em>minor</em> after the exposure tobinary mixtures of atrazine and isoproturon was similar to the one recorded in the tests with these herbicides as the individual substances. Efficient plant recovery was recorded, regardless of the applied herbicide concentration in the mixture. On the other hand, the recovery of L.<em> minor</em> after exposure to binary and ternary mixtures with trifluralin depended on the applied herbicide concentration in the mixture, and was recorded only in the type of mixtures where the concentrations of the individual herbicides were close to the possible concentration of these herbicides in the environment. The toxicity increase of the individual substances/mixtures, influenced by the presence of HM was observed in the case of atrazine, 2,4 D, and their binary mixture, in the test with L. <em>minor</em>, that is, dicamba, in the test with M.<em> aquaticum</em>. In the test with M.<em> aquaticum</em>, the opposite effect was observed in the case ofisoproturon and binary mixture of isoproturon and dicamba, due to lower toxicity being recorded in the presence of HM. Even though some differences in toxicity between the test treatments in the presence and absence of HM were recorded, the differences were not statistically significant. The recovery of macrophytes after the exposure to the binary mixtures, in the presence/absence of HM, depended on the applied herbicide concentration in the mixture. The exception was noticed in the test with L<em>. minor</em> in the binary mixture with atrazine and 2,4 D, where no recovery was recorded in any type of the mixture in the presence of HM. Generally, there was a good agreement between the empirical toxicity and the predicted one based on the CA model, regardless of the mode of action of the toxic substances present in the mixture, or presence/absence of HM. The deviation from additivity was recorded only in the test with L.<em> minor</em> in the case of the binary mixture with trifluralin (atrazine/trifluralin and isoproturon/trifluralin), which meant that the CA model underestimated the mixture effect to a certain extent, suggesting that synergistic interaction between the substances might have appeared. It was also shown that the CA model may alternatively be used for the assessment of toxicity of the selected mixture, based on the integrated knowledge of both sensitivity and recovery potential of the exposed species/populations, providing that such information about individual substances in the mixture exists.</p>
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Prognostički faktori za povratak na posao kod bolesnika operisanih zbog lumbalne diskus hernije / Prognostic factors for return to work after lumbar discectomyPapić Monika 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Povratak na posao nakon operacije lumbalne diskus hernije determinisan je funkcionalnim stanjem, prisustvom i stepenom tegoba od strane lumbosakralne kičme, zahtevima na radnom mestu bolesnika ali i psihosocijalnim faktorima, koji pri oceni radne sposobnosti zaposlnih zahtevaju individualni pristup. Grupa pacijenata koja se neće vratiti na posao može biti identifikovana putem prognostičkog modela. Cilj ove studije je definisanje prognostičkog modela za povratak na posao bolesnika operisanih zbog lumbalne diskus hernije kao i identifikacija najznačajnijih faktora rizika odgovornih za loš ishod operativnog lečenja, posmatrano kroz prizmu povratka na posao. Istraživanje je prospektivna studija koja je obuhvatila ukupno 200 ispitanika, koji su operisani zbog lumbalne diskus hernije na jednom nivou i praćeni su u vremenskom period do 12 meseci nakon operativnog lečenja. U statističku ananlizu je ušlo 153 bolesnika, koji su ispunili kriterijume selekcije ispitanika studije. Nakon određivanja značaja posmatranih bioloških, profesionalnih i psihosocijalnih faktora rizika za povratak na posao, kreirani su i evaluirani prognostički modeli bazirani na svim i na odabranim atributima desetostrukom kros-validacijom: stablo odlučivanja (DT), model višeslojnih perceptrona (MLP) i model potpornih vektora (SVM). Za predviđanje povratka na posao najveću tačnost, specifičnost i senzitivnost za odabrane atribute postiže model potpornih - podržavajućih vektora (SVM). Najbolju intuitivnu i praktičnu vrednost za predviđanje povratka na posao pruža model stabla odluka (DT). Identifikacijom najznačajnijih faktora rizika za nepovoljan ishod povratka na posao omogućeno je preventivno delovanje na iste, u cilju smanjenja broja pacijenata sa umanjenjem radne sposobnosti i invaliditeta.</p> / <p>Return to work after lumbar discectomy is determinated by functional status, presence and degree of discomfort in the lumbosacral spine, the requirements in the workplace of patients and psychosocial factors that in the assessment of working capabilities require an individual approach. Groups of patients which don’t return to work after surgery could be identified by predictive model. The aim of this study is to define prognostic model to return to work patients after lumbar discectomy, as well as the identification major risk factors responsible for the poor outcome of operative treatment viewed through the prism of returning to work. This prospective study included a total of 200 patients, who underwent surgery for lumbar disc herniation on one level and were followed up in period of 12 months following surgery. The statistical analysis included 153 patients who fulfilled all selection criteria of the study subjects. After determining significance of the observed biological, professional and psychosocial risk factors for return to work, prognostic models were designed and evaluated based on all and selected attributes by tenfold cross-validation: decision tree (DT) model of multilayer perception (MLP) model and support vector (SVM). For the prediction of return to work best accuracy, specificity and sensitivity for selected attributes, is achieved by supporting vector model (SVM). The decision tree model (DT) provides the best intuitive and practical value for predicting return to work. By identifying the most important risk factors for adverse outcome for return to work it is made possible for preventive actions, to reduce the number of patients with reduced work ability and disability.</p>
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Fiziološki aspekti otpornosti hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.), cera (Quercus cerris L.) i crne topole (Populus nigra L.) u uslovima vodnog deficita / Physiological aspects of resistance of common oak (Quercus robur L.), the Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) and black poplar (Populus nigra L.) under conditions of water deficitTopić Mirjana 29 September 2015 (has links)
<p> U radu je ispitan uticaj vodnog deficita na fiziološke osobine klonova crne topole i<br />populacija hrasta lužnjaka i cera, kao i mogućnost oporavka ovih biljaka nakon ponovnog uspostavljanja optimalnog vodnog režima. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ukaže na potencijal ispitivanih genotipova topole i hrastova za opstanak u promenljivim uslovima životne sredine, u skladu sa aktuelnim klimatskim promenama koje uključuju smanjenje količine padavina i ograničenu dostupnost vode. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali specifično variranje ispitivanih morfo-anatomskih, fizioloških i biohemijskih parametara koje je zavisilo od momentalne vlažnosti zemljišta na primenjenom tretmanu (kontrola, suša praćena oporavkom, konstantna suša) i od genotipa biljke.<br /> Negativan uticaj vodnog deficita na tretmanu konstantne suše je u najmanjoj meri bio ispoljen na rastenje klona topole X/32, populaciju hrasta lužnjaka L1 i populaciju hrasta cera C1. Indeks tolerancije na stres izračunat na osnovu visine biljke (PHSI) takodje je potvrdio dobru morfološku prilagodjenost pomenutih genotipova<br />na uslove suše. Dobijene vrednosti indeksa stoma ukazuju da vodni status ispitivanih populacija hrastova nije bio naroĉito pogodjen vodnim deficitom na sušnim tretmanima.<br /> Tretman konstantne suše je u oba ogleda doveo do najvećeg smanjenja vrednosti<br />parametara razmene gasova kod skoro svih genotipova. S druge strane, primenjeni sušni tretmani nisu uslovili smanjenje sadržaja fotosintetiĉkih pigmenata, kao ni parametra Fv/Fm, kod većine ispitivanih biljaka. U odnosu na kontrolu, sadržaj prolina u listovima ispitivanih biljaka na tretmanu konstantne suše bio je znaĉajno povećan, a aktivnost enzima nitrat-reduktaze značajno smanjena, kod većine genotipova.<br /> Genotipovi kod kojih u uslovima jakog vodnog deficita nije došlo do značajne promene većine ispitivanih morfo-anatomskih, fizioloških i biohemijskih parametara mogu biti od velike važnosti kad je u pitanju njihov odabir i upotreba za uspešno pošumljavanje sušnih staništa, kojih će biti sve više usled negativnog uticaja brojnih ekoloških činilaca nastalih kao posledica klimatskih promena.</p> / <p>The impact of water deficit and recovery on physiological features of the black poplar clones, as well as of the oaks populations were analyzed. The aim of this research was to indicate the potential of the studied genotypes for survival under changing environmental conditions, in accordance with current climate changes, which include the reduction in amount of rainfall and limited water availability. Obtained results have shown a specific variation of studied morpho-anatomical, physiological and biochemical parameters which depended on soil humidity on the applied treatment (control, drought followed by recovery and permanent drought), as well as on plant genotype.</p><p>Water deficit on permanent drought treatment had little negative effect on plant growth of poplar clone X/32, as well as oak populations L1 and C1. Plant height stress tolerance index also confirmed good morphological adaptation to drought of these genotypes. Stomatal index was not negatively affected by water deficit in oak plants. In both experiments, a permanent drought treatment led to the largest reduction in the values of gas exchange parameters in almost all genotypes.</p><p>On the other hand, concentration of photosynthetic pigments was not considerably decreased in plants exposed to water deficit, as well as the parameter Fv/Fm, in most examined plants. Compared to the control, the impact of permanent drought treatment on biochemical parameters was expected, in the most cases. Compared to the control, proline content in leaves of most examined genotypes was significantly increased on permanent drought treatment, while nitrate reductase activity was significantly decreased.</p><p>Examined genotypes exhibiting slight or no reduction in values of the most examined parameters during severe drought stress, could be used for afforestation in arid sites. Arid habitats appeared to be more numerous due to the effects of global climate changes.</p>
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