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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace obráběcího procesu zvolené rotační součásti / On the optimization of machining process of the rotary part

Benda, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysing component manufacture of valve lines. Firstly evaluating current condition of production including determinated manufacture times and costs. Secondly carrying out inmprovement proposals for manufacture and optimalisation of cutting conditions while considering the minimal costs given for operation sections. The final provision summarizes results which were achieved and overall benefits of the thesis.

Pojistná ochrana vybraného podnikatelského subjektu / Insurance Protection of a Selected Business Entity

Pavlík, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the master‘s thesis is to design the optimal insurance protection of a business entity. The work is divided into several parts. In the first part I deal with the methodology of work, theories and legal regulation of insurance of business entities in the Slovak Republic. In the second part, I analyze the current form of insurance protection of a business entity, I solve the risk analysis of the company and I look for the main risks of the entity with respect to its economic activity. I also analyze the current form of insurance protection and look for shortcomings or unnecessarily insured risks that the company does not need. In addition, I verify the accuracy and timeliness of all data on insurance contracts. In the design part, I will recommend the company's management to modify existing contracts and propose a new optimized insurance coverage. Taking into account the price and quality of current contracts, the possibility of modifications, extensions and newly offered products, I will recommend the continuation of existing contracts with possible modifications or entering into new contracts.

Optimalizace tvaru mazací mezery hydrodynamického ložiska s využitím umělých neuronových sítí / Lubricant gap shape optimization of the hydrodynamic thrust bearing using artificial neural networks

Kukla, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the description of the main parts of the turbocharger and explains the concept of optimization. Furthermore, the work deals with the description of the flow of real fluids and lubrication of the hydrodynamic bearing. The work deals with the creation of a computational model, metamodel and subsequent search for a global extreme. In particular, the neural network metamodel technique is used in metamodel formation.

Informace o architektuře pro optimalizace v překladači LLVM / Architecture Information for LLVM Compiler Optimizations

Svoboda, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá automatickou extrakcí informací o architektuře procesoru z jazyka CodAL. Získané informace jsou využity jako základ pro cenový model optimalizátoru překladače LLVM. V rámci práce vznikl nový systém, který vytváří cenový model, převádí jej do C++ kódu a sestavuje do dynamické knihovny. Tato knihovna je za běhu načtena překladačem a využita pro přesnější rozhodování o přínosech jednotlivých optimalizací. Výsledkem práce je průměrné 14% snížení velikosti strojového kódu programů a až 68% zlepšení výkonu generovaného kódu.

Výroba dílů s odlehčenou strukturou a topologickou optimalizací / Manufacturing of parts with lattice structure and topological optimization

Pospíšil, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals vith the design of welding torch holder using topology optimization and lattice structure. The objective of this thesis is gaining knowledge about topology optimization in different software and aplication of methods to that part. Conclusion of this thesis is about production design and economic evaluation.

Zážehový spalovací motor pro malé autonomní prostředky / Spark-ignition engine for small autonomous devices

Horák, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a small-volume four-stroke internal combustion engine with a maximum displacement of 10 cc and a power of 1 kW for autonomous devices of smaller dimensions. In addition to the analysis of individual propulsions for small aircraft, there is also a chapter with the comparison of an internal combustion engine and an electric motor with similar power. Another part of the work is the creation of a thermodynamic model in the GT Power program and its subsequent optimization to increase the overall efficiency of the engine.

Optimalizace nosiče satelitů / Small satellite dispenser structural optimization

Zíka, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá tuhostní optimalizací nosiče satelitů, tzv. Dispenseru. První kapitola uvádí přehled evropských vesmírných aktivit a poskytuje nezbytné technické pozadí týkající se nosných raket. Druhá kapitola se věnuje popisu tvorby výpočetního modelu, neboť veškeré výpočty, včetně optimalizace popsané v kapitole třetí, jsou založeny na metodě konečných prvků. Pro optimalizovanou variantu je ve čtvrté kapitole provedena základní pevnostní kontrola.

Návrh a testování nového vrtacího nástroje s vnitřními kanálky / Design and testing of a new drilling tool with inner channels

Havlíková, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Tento projekt se zabývá optimalizací chladicích kanálků nového vrtáku navrženého společností SECO Tools pro obrábění titanové slitiny Ti-6Al-4V. Cílem tohoto projektu je optimalizovat průměr a polohu chladicích kanálků na hřbetu tak, aby se snížila teplota vrtáku a tím i životnost nástroje. Nový vrták je použit pro provedení vrtacích zkoušek s použitím konvenční řezné kapaliny (emulze s 7% koncentrací) při tlaku 40 barů. Získané výsledky jsou porovnány s výsledky získanými pomocí dostupného standardního vrtáku od společnosti SECO Tools pro vrtání obrobku Ti-6Al-4V. Teplotní CFD model je vytvořen pro různé hodnoty vstupních tlaků kapaliny pomocí turbulentího modelu k- SST a tepelného zatížení vypočítaného na základě vrtacích zkoušek. Výsledky pro standardní a prototypové vrtáky jsou navzájem porovnávány, s ohledem na průtok, teplotu vrtáku, rychlost kapaliny a přenos tepla do MWF. Následně je model použit k ověření optimalizovaných návrhů.

Optimalizace výrobního procesu s cílem zvýšení produktivity / Optimizing the Production Process to Increase Productivity

Fonseca de Novak, Ingrid Zulay January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the optimization of the layout of the production line of the pre-assembly head in order to optimize the existing production process and its productivity. The theoretical part presents the theoretical knowledge gained by studying the literature focused on optimization of the workplace, lean manufacturing and project management. These findings are the basis for the analytical part, which describes the current state of the production line, including the analysis of the production process. In the following project part, a project for the optimization of the production line is developed.

Optimalizace energetických toků při provozu ČOV - Smart Area Net / Optimization of Energy Flow During WWTP Operation - Smart Area Net

Pěcha, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation work deals with the issue of water treatment and possibilities of energy savings during the operation of sewage treatment plants. The aim of the work is to find the potential of alternative energy use, economical consumption, improvement of the facility system management and quality improvement of the wastewater treatment process. In the first part of the work, operating processes, energy flows and energy savings are discussed. To analyze the problematics, larger sewage treatment plants were chosen. Thanks to their size, it was easier to find critical points and test the usage of renewable sources in operation. After the energy audit, the individual processes were assessed and real operation pitfalls were determined. Further steps led to focusing on smaller facilities up to 2 000 PE. This step was carried out with the intention of preparing these plants for the planned legislative change and helping to create or modernize more energy-efficient solutions. Thanks to the establishment of consortium of Brno University of Technology, the Department of Electric Power Engineering and a company dealing with water treatment and automation control, a solution was created that modernize the electrical, automation and water treatment part of the plant operation. This innovative application was installed in the sewage treatment plant, where the issues were debugged, control algorithms were tested and the entire operation was launched in automatic mode. At the end of the wastewater treatment plant modernization, PV panels were installed on the roof, thus partially suppling the object with renewable energy.

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