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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Provozní a environmentální problémy skládek odpadů

Netrestová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Krajské zřízení

Cogan, Rudolf January 2007 (has links)
Práce nejprve vymezuje podstatu územní samosprávy a popisuje vývoj krajů na území českého státu od jeho vzniku. Podrobně je zkoumána působnost krajů, a to zejména s ohledem na způsob jejího přiřknutí krajům a rozdělení celkové působnosti kraje mezi jeho orgány. Práce dále sumarizuje teoretické koncepce použitelné pro vnitřní organizační výstavbu kraje. Těžištěm práce je rozbor vztahů mezi orgány kraje (kreace, odpovědnost, řízení, kontrola apod.) a zkoumání vnitřního uspořádání jednotlivých orgánů kraje, tedy právní postavení členů těchto orgánů a vztahy mezi členy orgánů kraje. Práce také navrhuje principy jednání orgánů kraje.

Statutární orgány obchodních společností a jejich odpovědnost / Corporate Governance

Sirotková, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Předkládaná práce si klade za cíl analyzovat současnou právní úpravu obchodních společností v oblasti statutárních orgánů. Kromě analýzy české právní úpravy, je rovněž podán stručný přehled právních nástrojů používaných Evropským společenstvím k aproximaci právních řádů členských států a v současnosti existujících nástrojů v oblasti práva společností a vývoj evropské legislativy a Kodexy správy a řízení společností. Ze srovnávacích důvodů je na závěr práce zařazen stručný přehled práva společností a organizační struktury společností v irském právním řádu.

Shared financial management of Community programs and its implementation in the EU area / SDÍLENÉ FINANČNÍ ŘÍZENÍ KOMUNITÁRNÍCH PROGRAMŮ A JEHO REALIZACE V PROSTORU EVROPSKÉ UNIE

Jedličková, Vladislava January 2008 (has links)
The issue of migration within the European Union has grown in member countries to considerable size. Management representatives of EU institutions have decided to address this situation. They established community program Solidarity and management of migration flows. The European Commission has decided that for the financial management of this program will be used the principle of shared management. The principle of shared financial management is the delegation of powers and responsibilities for funding and implementing the program from the institutions of the European Commission to the Member State. This decision creates an obligation for a Member State to establish a system of financial management programs in accordance with financial rules of the European Union (not by the financial rules of the Member State). So the general program "Solidarity and management of migration flows" became the first community program in the CR, which is being implemented on the principle of shared financial management. Member states are obliged to create their own theoretical and methodological basis of a new financial management. This method of financial management has three pillars - Responsible Authority, Audit Authority and Certification Authority. The recipient of funds may be non-profit organizations or state or public nonprofit organization. The financial management of the Responsible Authority is responsible for program implementation in the Member State through projects of final beneficiaries. The Audit Authority is the control body. The Certification Authority is the authority for confirmation. It is the last link between the European Commission and Member States. The task of the Certification Authority and at the same time of this dissertation was to develop new theoretical and methodological system of internationally recognized certification of public expenditures for services that are financed from the EU budget. In the past, the issue of certification of the expenditures financed by community programs in the CR was not addressed. The goal set in my work was met. New theoretical and methodological certification system was created. Functionality and effectiveness of the system was checked before being put into practice through expert assessment by experts of the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance. Also theoretical and methodological approach was developed, which was approved by the Minister of the Interior, and which became a mandatory certification standard for all involved organizations in the CR. The system was put into practice and has been used since 2009.

Právní ochrana před nezákonnou nečinností ve veřejné správě / Protection against unlawful failure to act in public administration

Hansel, Nona January 2011 (has links)
A purpose of my thesis was an analysis of problems with legal regulation of protection against unlawful failure to act in public administration. Firstly I described institutes which should prevent illegal inactivity so I focused on regulations of time for taking a decision and other institutes, especially regulation presented by the Administrative Procedure Rules. The regulation in Administrative Procedure Rules caused a lot of questions which are nowadays answered thanks to the Highest Court of Administration and procedure according the Administrative Procedure Rules is connected with protection given by an administrative justice. In this system there is also included regulation of liability for damages caused by unlawful official procedure. The purpose of this institute is not to prevent inactivity but to compensate consequences it caused. The legislature completed this topic with a result that injured party can require (since 2006) compensation for suffering moral damage independently of property damage. We can find some positive elements of recent regulation, such as specific regulation of time for taking a decision, formulation of fundamental principles of action of administrative bodies or possibility to provide compensation of moral damages. But the regulation has imperfections too. Since basic...

Zastoupení obchodní korporace statutárním orgánem / Representation of a business corporation by its governing body

Lemberger, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with issues of representation of business corporation by its governing body. The thesis is composed of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. Every chapter consists of four parts. The last part of each chapter contains brief summary of the most important issues of the particular chapter. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze most important issues concerning with representation of business corporation by its governing body and to compare recent legislation with the legislation effective till the 31st December 2013. The aim of this thesis is also to evaluate the changes which occurred in accordance to the new legislation and to examine if it is possible to use former jurisprudence recently. The first chapter is considered as introductory and contains the explanation of basic terms which are important for the other parts of the thesis. The first chapter is focused on definition of business corporation and evaluation if the business corporation is capable of acquiring rights and incurring obligations or not. In the first chapter it is also described the issue of corporation's representatives and scope of their powers. The second chapter is concerned with the representation of business corporation by members of its governing body. At the beginning of this chapter...

Řešení mezinárodních investičních sporů / Settlement of International Investment Disputes

Truxová, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
Settlement of International Investment Disputes The purpose of my thesis is to introduce the basic types of settlement of international investment disputes while focusing especially on arbitration proceedings conducted by tribunals of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, hereinafter referred to as ICSID. The main purpose of the thesis in this respect is to critically evaluate the situation that currently exists in international investment arbitration due to the absence of an appellate review mechanism in ICSID system and to suggest solutions to this problem. The evaluation includes both a description of current possibilities of review and a proposal of an appellate body along with alternatives thereto. The thesis is composed of three chapters. The first chapter is introductory and concerns the basic terminology of international investment law. It focuses on defining the terms investment and investor, i.e. terms that are essential for comprehension of the nature of international investment disputes. It defines the terms using mainly the ICSID case law. The second chapter deals with the individual methods of settlement of investment disputes. First it mentions diplomatic protection as a method used especially in past. It also mentions conciliation proceedings and describes the role...

Obchodní vedení / Business management

Chvalová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the concept of business management. It is a concept that falls within the scope of the statutory body, one of the main and obligatory organs of business corporations. Since this is a concept which is not defined anywhere in the legislation, the thesis focuses on what the concept itself involves, and what on the other hand cannot be considered as a business management. The thesis also explains how it is seen in terms of professional literature and case law. The concept is also distinguished from other kinds of decision-making process that takes places inside (within) business corporations. This thesis compares particularly the former legislation which was replaced, with the effect from 1 January 2014, by the two main private codes, the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code and the Act No. 90/2012 Coll., the Act on Business Corporations. Those two codes are being a huge step for the Czech law in general and are bringing definitely some changes and news to the concept of business management. There is also mentioned the progress of business management in time in the final thesis. One of the diploma chapter deals with couple of changes brought to the Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code by the amendment No. 351/2011 Coll. The business management is a concept which is...

Postavení věřitele v insolvenčním řízení / Position of the creditors in the insolvency proceedings

Bridová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The subject of thesis is "The position of the creditors in the insolvency proceedings". The purpose of my thesis is not only to bring the position of creditors as individuals or as part of the creditor body, but also notice the significant changes which the bankruptcy law was amended. These changes especially strengthened the status of creditors in exercise of claim in insolvency proceedings and in the control of procedure. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them are divided to parts, which attend to particular theme. The first chapter is the introduction of its own rules of insolvency law. The second chapter examines the participation of creditors in insolvency proceedings, especially in view of the statutory condition - multiplicity of creditors in the part 2.1. Following the part 2.2 approximates the beginning of the insolvency proceedings then the notice of insolvency proposal. In this chapter also made an excursion to the provisions about the moratorium, which ensures the protection of the debtor. Part 2.3 is concerned with exercise of claims and on the grounds of that with their dividing. Part 2.4 deals with the problem deliberation and negation of claims. The last part 2.5 is address to incidental disputes and incidental action. The third chapter is divided into two parts that...

Vývoj regulace v pojišťovnictví / The development of the insurance regulation

Krulová, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is a discussion of the development of the the insurance regulation. The thesis consists of 5 main parts. The first part of this work documents the insurance regulation, the second the relugation of the subjekts on the market,the third the development of insurance, next the supervision in the insurance, Solvency II.

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